1. WTF

    Where the hell is everybody? Still partying with Winston’s mom?

    • UnCivilServant


      I had to get my change approved.

  2. WTF

    Under the RICO Act, if prosecutors show that there is an organization of people committing crimes together on a recurring basis

    So are we to assume she has been able to demonstrate this with regard to the Trump campaign?

    • DrOtto

      He got away with it in 2016, and if he’s running in 2024, that constitutes the recurring basis they’re looking for. That’s how you progressive lawfare.

  3. Drake

    For political witch-hunts, shopping for the right judge is key.

  4. WTF

    Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

    This seems like a case where RICO could plausibly apply.

    • Suthenboy

      Trump seems the least plausible of the lot. All of the top govt. officials and government actions qualify in spades.

  5. Suthenboy

    I regret missing Raven Nation’s late night article. First comment – 7:04 pm. My bedtime – 7:00 pm.
    A lot of food for thought there. I may have to write a lengthy response.

  6. Grumbletarian

    Off-Grid Housing Gaining in Popularity in Quest for More Affordable Living

    I was looking at buying a house out in rural Montana. Seems many homes there come with its own massive propane tank and generator (and sometimes even a backup), and no connection to the grid.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      But can you grow your own propane?

      • Grummun

        Kind of: https://www.allpowerlabs.com/products/product-overview. Although even their smallest unit seems like overkill for a single family home.

        I find wood gassification interesting as a concept, but beyond my technical capabilities. An all-in-one generator makes it more convenient, but what I’d really like to see is a way to capture and store the gas so you don’t have to consume it as it is created.

      • UnCivilServant

        The capture and storage is more difficult and prohibitive on a small scale. Not that it can’t be done, but it won’t be fun.

    • The Other Kevin

      The problem we can’t get over when we see those on TV, is that often you have to shit in a bucket.

  7. Nephilium

    At least the Portland article talked about actual revenue lost.

    I don’t think it’s going to get better for the big cities as the return to office isn’t really taking, and (at least around here) the cities were dependent on the office workers’ local taxes to keep the coffers full.

    • R C Dean

      I’m actually really tired of every single frickin’ economic story being mostly about tax revenue. Why, you’d almost think the entire economy exists for the sole purpose of generating revenue for the government.

      • dbleagle

        In the eyes of way too many THAT is the only reason to permit economic activity.

      • kinnath

        It’s an important part of the death spiral of big cities.

        The population increases, so the physical infrastructure expands to meet the needs of the population.

        After a few generations, the infrastructure begins to decay. Maintaining the infrastructure, or even worse replacing the infrastructure, becomes more costly than building it to start with.

        The population flees the decaying infrastructure, and the tax base collapses.

        Then the infrastructure collapses from neglect.

        So, the loss of tax revenue is an important bit of news. But is is only part of the larger story that gets ignored.

  8. Mojeaux

    I’m up. I didn’t know there was a 7:00 A.m. Have to get my happy ass halfway across town for fingerprinting for a 1099 gig, then go another halfway across town for my therapy appointment. I’m tahred, waiting for all the stimulants to kick in.

    Me: Yes, I know I have high blood pressure. I’m in pain, stressed, and almost always angry.

    Him: You’re also on a carload of stimulants.

    Me: … Oh. Yeah. That too.

  9. John Nerfherder

    6 COVID Booster Shots a Year

    What the fuck? That’s a death sentence.

    • Sean

      Shhhh! Don’t tell them that! Darwinism shall prevail.

      • Suthenboy

        An entire field full of red flags popped up for me right off the bat. Yeah, let Darwinism prevail. I never had anything to do with that stuff and still won’t.
        6X per year? Death sentence indeed, but then that was the goal all along, wasn’t it?

    • John Nerfherder

      To wit:


      Researchers followed a group of 40 patients aged 12 to 18 for up to one year after the children were diagnosed with myocarditis, or heart inflammation, following vaccination with one of the messenger RNA shots from Pfizer or Moderna. They performed a series of tests, including echocardiograms.

      Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, or cardiac MRIs, was performed on 39 of the 40 patients. Abnormal results came in for 26 of those who were imaged, including 19 who had late gadolinium enhancement, or signs of scarring.

      The patients with abnormal results returned for follow-up cardiac MRIs at least five months after the initial tests and 15, or 58 percent, had residual late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). The one patient without an initial scan also had mild late gadolinium enhancement when scanned during a follow-up visit.

      “Persistence of LGE in a significant subset of patients with up to 1 year of follow-up was observed,” Dr. Yiu-fai Cheung, with Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, and the other researchers wrote.

      They said that the implications of the persistence remain unclear, but that given it is an indicator of subclinical heart dysfunction and scarring, “there exists a potential long-term effect on exercise capacity and cardiac functional reserve during stress.”

      When I hear people use the term “mild myocarditis,” I want to beat the living shit out of them.

      • WTF

        Well, it’s a good thing nobody can ever be held responsible for any of that.

      • PutridMeat

        “mild myocarditis”

        Or “short lived, and patient recovers/issue resolves”. No it doesn’t. The main diagnostic of myocarditis is elevated troponin levels. Troponins are internal to heart cells; if levels are elevated in the bloodstream, that means heart muscle cells have been damaged and destroyed. So what ‘resolves’ is the ongoing release of troponins – i.e. heart muscle cells have *stopped* being damaged or destroyed. The ones that already were do not fix themselves and do not get replaced. If you have clinical myocarditis IT DOES NOT RESOLVE. The damage is permanent, it doesn’t resolve even when the causitive initial insult stops.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      And they will still say effective.

      • WTF

        It is effective in advancing their agenda. Which has nothing to do with people being healthy and free.

      • The Other Kevin

        Extremely effective at bringing in a ton of cash to certain companies, who then make big donations to almost all politicians.

    • rhywun

      At what point could a seismic devaluation prove disastrous for Baltimore’s real estate tax collections that fund a sizable share of schools, public safety, public works and other vital government functions?

      +1 nothing left to cut

      • R C Dean

        And there it is – Baltimore real estate is imploding, but what really matters is how much money the government will be able to extract. Screw the property owners and the other little people who are being crushed – they obviously don’t count.

      • rhywun

        And never a thought given to the idea that maybe it can be a good thing for the too-damn high rent to go down a little already.

      • WTF

        With far fewer people coming in to the city every day, there is much less demand for city services, so why do they need the same amount of revenue for fewer people?
        Unless of course commuters are being forced to subsidize vote-buying schemes that simply benefit the cohort that votes for a living.

      • SDF-7

        Look, those cronies aren’t going to funnel money to themselves! And all of those pensions must be paid for those sweetheart deals that got the unions to vote for us back in the day. Priorities, man! You think we fleece the rest of the countryside around us to pay for things like roads or sewers or something? Ha!

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Pensions. It’s always pensions.

  10. Rebel Scum

    U.S. Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, denied the Justice Department’s request to keep fillings sealed in the case and she removed two from the record.

    She also asked for prosecutors to provide additional information about the continuing use of an out-of-state jury in the case.

    The system is rigged for Trump! Recuse! Recuse! ///Dems

    • Mojeaux

      keep fillings sealed

      I like keeping my fillings sealed, too. Sugar starts getting under there and wow.

  11. Rebel Scum

    Georgia DA expected to charge Trump under anti-mafia RICO law

    The perfect strategy to get The Don.

    • The Gunslinger

      Well, we don’t want him to be Fredo we?

    • John Nerfherder

      His unpopularity—for his effectiveness and being willing to compromise—is a grim sign of the times.

      Compromise = Support Big Government, Big Business, Big War, Fuck The Little Guy, etc…

      • Sensei

        Everything the left wants, just slower please.

      • Suthenboy

        I saw a couple of interviews yesterday with top R’s. Nothing but Mickey Mouse, Chickenshit excuses for their spinelessness. Where is my goddamned Obumblecare repeal? The R’s are worse than useless.

      • R C Dean

        Effectiveness – getting leftist bills and appointments over the finish line.

      • Rebel Scum

        I agree he has long been compromised.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Except Kentucky votes unfortunately.

    • DrOtto

      Started to read that. Apparently, we hate him because he’s just so good, and we don’t deserve him even though he’s been there for us.

  12. Rebel Scum

    3,000+ U.S. Sailors, Marines Reach Red Sea as Biden’s Middle East Build-Up Continues

    The cuntes that claim authority over us are going to start WWIII in order to cover up their failures.

    • DrOtto

      World War III would probably at least pre-emt Mr. Burns, er, I mean, Bill Gates plans to block the sun.

    • Nephilium

      Looks like AB-InBev is getting out of the craft segment (or at least reducing their exposure to it). From memory, I believe both Shock Top and HiBall were developed in house.

      • Sensei

        I figured that would light the Nephilium signal.

        I don’t know how many other small US brands they hold.

      • Nephilium

        Quite a few, but they shuttered several of them earlier this year and spun a couple of them off.

      • Drake

        Still own Kona Big Wave which I used to like but haven’t had in a while.

      • robc

        I know Shock Top was. It was to compete with Blue Moon.

        Of course, since they own Hoegaarden, they already have a superior product.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Shock Top, bleh. Do they make a beer that isn’t overly sweet?

      I do like Breckenridge though, the Christmas Ale in particular.

  13. UnCivilServant

    Only 22 comments in an hour for a lynx post?

    has there been some sort of Glibtastrophe, or are we all pulling a Rufus?

    • WTF

      There are some areas that have lost power due to storms coming through last night. Maybe that’s it.

    • SDF-7

      For myself, I’m just lurking because I’m worn out on the news and don’t feel I have much more to say on all the shit in the world. No idea what the rest of the Glibertariat is thinking.

      • R.J.

        Same. I want to wash up on a deserted beach free of news.

      • R.J.

        Same. I want to wash up on a deserted beach free of news.

      • Ted S.

        So do the squirrels.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    I watched this last night. Very good movie.

    unfortunately, it was on freevee, which I had never tried before. Apparently, their target viewership is promiscuous homosexuals, since it seemed as if half the ads were for some sort of HIV drugs.

    • Nephilium

      Freevee is the old IMDB.tv which is now owned by Amazon.

    • rhywun

      Step up, prep up!

    • Rat on a train

      Just move to a state where knowingly exposing people to HIV isn’t a crime.

    • Suthenboy

      Promiscuous homosexuals…some bs survey recently claimed that for that crowd the average is 8x per day? Huh? What the hell, that seems like it would produce a lower life expectancy than being a pro hitman or a suicide bomber. Besides, who have the time or opportunity for that kind of foolishness?

    • Sean

      And the other half were for Diabetes drugs?

      • Seguin


        All butt stuff, all the time.

    • Seguin

      Was it that one ad with Trannysaurus?

  15. DrOtto

    I see we’re up to 9 1/2 minutes for how long Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck. Didn’t we start at six or seven. Even Wikipedia references “almost nine” and that quote oddly redirected from “8 minutes, 46 seconds”. So the number is definitely growing.

    • Common Tater

      The question no one can answer though is how was it racist?

      • DrOtto

        If George Floyd was white, Derek Chauvin would only have knelt on his neck for 8 minutes? Seriously though, if George Floyd was white, and everything else happened exactly as it had, the video would have never even made the news.

    • juris imprudent

      Kinda like fisherman with the one they caught but you never saw.

    • Drake

      I’ll wager that a toxicology report was not mentioned during the trial.

      • WTF

        The judge most likely disallowed it. Can’t have any doubt cast on the culpability of the murdering white supremacist.

      • Rebel Scum

        It was and was framed in the “If you have found someone dead with the level of fentanyl that Floyd had would fentanyl be considered the cause of death?” way. The answer was, of course, “yes”.

      • Drake

        Still looks to me like he swallowed his whole stash when the cops showed up.

        He went from coherent and cooperative to combative and out of his mind while they were talking to him. I think the cops understood what was happening. They probably should have treating him for the OD, but that’s not their job and not easy with a guy that size who isn’t cooperating.

      • Common Tater

        Jabbing someone with narcan isn’t that difficult.

      • R C Dean

        Did they have any with them?

        Would it have worked on the level of fentanyl he was carrying?

        Would it be a good idea to jab a needle into somebody who is resisting the middle of a budding race riot?

      • Common Tater

        “Did they have any with them?”

        I don’t know, but EMS would.

        “Would it have worked on the level of fentanyl he was carrying?”


        “Would it be a good idea to jab a needle into somebody who is resisting the middle of a budding race riot?”

        It sounds like there were enough responders to restrain him.

      • Sean

        I thought Narcan was an inhalant. Or is it both?

      • Common Tater

        It’s both. They make nose things that go on the end of a syringe. You can also put it up someone’s ass, which is useful for babies.

  16. Rebel Scum

    Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

    Listen, Jack. You need to look at Trump. He’s violating every norm of a – uh – you know the thing.

    • WTF

      “Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.”

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        It’s good to have hobbies.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    I hope Tilray doesn’t fuck up ten Barrel when they take it over.

  18. Rebel Scum

    Last ex-Minneapolis officer convicted in George Floyd killing gets sentence of 4 years, 9 months

    For doing nothing wrong.

    Thao had testified that he merely served as a “human traffic cone” when he held back concerned bystanders who gathered as former Officer Derek Chauvin, who is White, knelt on Floyd’s neck for 9 1/2 minutes while the Black man called out that he could not breathe on May 25, 2020.

    Since when does FNC write like an unfuckable, purple-haired dyke from the Columbia school of journalism?

    • John Nerfherder

      Vax-compromised immune systems have nothing to do with it.

    • SDF-7

      Actually, I’d expect them to go down as they drive agriculture out of the Valley entirely. If no one is disturbing the soil, those spores aren’t going to do shit.

  19. Rebel Scum

    Off-Grid Housing Gaining in Popularity in Quest for More Affordable Living

    Sounds like some domestic terrorist behavior trying to avoid the camps smart cities.

  20. Certified Public Asshat

    The Megan Myth: what critics and fans get wrong about Rapinoe

    But that doesn’t matter to the LGBTQ fans who consider Rapinoe a hero for showing you can have a loving relationship, a brilliant career and still be yourself. Or to the girls – and boys – who have taken up soccer after watching her exploits on television. Or to the fans who celebrate her set-piece expertise, and quite rightly remember that her otherworldly assist to Wambach in the 2011 World Cup was no fluke.

    So one day a young player who cites Rapinoe as inspiration may deliver one of those legendary moments as Rapinoe did in 2011 and 2019. That player may succeed in following all that Rapinoe has done and more, perhaps in a World Cup hosted in the United States, perhaps as soon as 2027.

    And the soccer ignorati will need to find some other reason to complain.

    What do the fans get wrong? They don’t love her enough.

    • R C Dean

      “Or to the girls – and boys – who have taken up soccer after watching her exploits”

      Both boys?

      • WTF

        Her exploits mostly consist of self-aggrandizing proggie signaling.

    • DrOtto

      What the fans get wrong is not actually tuning in to her performance. They only catch the highlight reels.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        quite rightly remember that her otherworldly assist to Wambach in the 2011 World Cup was no fluke.

        The article links to this clip. It’s a good cross, but also hard to ignore the Brazilian goalie’s complete fuck up.

      • R C Dean

        Coasting on a play from 12 years ago? Sad.

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

      She’s a loser. After the other days complete fuck up, she and the rest of them deserve to be laughed at. And due to them not singing the anthem, they should have been tossed from the tournament. You had one job, to represent the USA. If you lost well, while doing that one job, we could respect the attempt. But, no. You had to be as stupid as that woman who tried to smuggle pot into Russia.

  21. Common Tater

    “A car launched into the air and landed in a second-floor bedroom of a Pennsylvania home, where it remained dangling on Sunday afternoon in a scene straight out of an action movie…

    The fire company told WHTM that the car likely hit a small culvert next to the home’s driveway which launched it through the air.

    Pennsylvania State Police said its investigators believe the crash was not an accident.”



    • Sean

      Them Duke boys…

    • Tres Cool

      “The driver had gotten out of the vehicle and was taken to the hospital, local ABC affiliate station WHTM reported.”

      How? Through the house?

  22. The Late P Brooks


    President Biden is designating a new national monument near the Grand Canyon on Tuesday. The move protects lands that are sacred to indigenous peoples and permanently bans new uranium mining claims in the area. It covers nearly 1 million acres.

    We’ll let the Africans and Chinese mine where we can’t see it.

    • WTF

      Using slave labor and with no environmental controls on any of it to mitigate pollution.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Hey, slavery is the ultimate in green power solutions!

    • R C Dean

      I’m curious – how is the federal government “protecting sacred lands” not an establishment of religion?

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        You are a laywer in AZ, maybe you should do some filing? Get that ball rolling, make some of that fat cash.

      • Rebel Scum

        There’s that. And I’m curious why the federal government is prohibiting the utilization of a strategic resource.

  23. Sensei

    No kidding. The difference between owning an iPhone and a Motorola. Also unlike Tesla which designed from the start for all the systems to be updated OTA none of Ford’s legacy systems was ever designed to be exposed from a security perspective to OTA updates.

    Ford—like many other automakers—outsources a lot of its small electronic components. We’re talking about engine control units, infotainment units, and other specialty bits that require not just building hardware, but also building machine-level code and complex software to interact with a vehicle.

    “We farmed out all the modules that control the vehicles to our suppliers because we could bid them against each other,” said Farley. “So Bosch should do the body control module, someone else to do the seat control module, someone else to do the engine control module. We have about 150 of these modules with semiconductors all through the car.”


    • SDF-7

      Hmmm… car not doing OTA updates? Wait… that’s supposed to be a bad thing?!? I don’t want critical systems, much less one ton+ heavy machinery pulling updates wirelessly and whenever it feels like — especially not given the quality record of the software industry for the last twenty years.

      (Of course — I say this hypothetically… because I remain dedicated to driving my ’03 until I can’t anymore (for whatever reason that is… gas finally banned… engine craps out… I just keel over and die… who knows….)

      • R C Dean

        Same here, SDF-7 (if that’s even your real name).

      • Sensei

        Given the amount of software recalls – 9 out of 10 times for mandated emissions, mileage and safety systems it is painful for both the manufacturer and the customer.

        The only person happy is the dealer getting paid for the warranty work.

    • John Nerfherder

      JFC, what a shitshow of engineering

      • Sensei

        The automakers assemble systems. I worked on Wall St. when GM spun out Delphi.

        When they all did that everybody was happy. Now upstart manufacturers in the US and China have changed the dynamic.

        It’s ridiculous. They don’t innovate on anything other than packaging and assembly.

      • John Nerfherder

        Just put it on the CAN bus. It’ll be fine.

      • Sensei

        Precisely. A network that was never designed for security.

      • John Nerfherder

        I remember when Siemens started using CAN for cell towers. They would specify CAN modules on passive components.

        Ponder that for a second.

      • Sensei

        +1 PoE

      • Suthenboy

        China…and coming soon here, if it isn’t already, the hive mind is not capable of innovative thinking or creating. See: USSR’s poverty of creativeness. Most of China’s tech, if not all, is stolen from us.

    • PieInTheSky

      All I can say is on the Romanian programming forums there is a very bad opinion on the quality of embedded automotive software done at Continental and similar

      • Sensei

        I’m not surprised. During the diesel scandal at VW – VW had to request the firmware with the emissions defeat from Bosch. VW either lacked the ability or lacked access to program its own ECU software.

        I find that amazing.

      • slumbrew

        Speaking of Romanians, I assume you all look like this? https://youtu.be/JEWH0hPArgk

        (Ozzyman review of some ridiculous dancers/acrobats – maybe not entirely work appropriate? I dunno)

      • PieInTheSky

        I am taller and more muscular myself, but overall yes.

  24. Rebel Scum

    Ironic given that you are suiciding your company.

    Meanwhile, Harry’s Razor brags that it gives “to organizations that promote better mental health care for men.”

    “We set aside 1% of our sales to support nonprofits providing mental health care services to men in need,” the company states on its website. “We do this because, actually, it’s nothing short of an epidemic: Men are disproportionately affected by suicide.”

    One of those nonprofit partnerships is with the Trevor Project, whose stated mission is to “end suicide among LGBTQ young people.” …

    Harry’s Razors partnered with a “trans man” (female) to promote their razor set

    100% of the profits from this set go to the Trevor Project, which promotes gender surgeries for minors

    • R C Dean

      Isn’t the Trevor Project one of the pedo groomer outfits?

      • Common Tater


      • rhywun

        whose stated mission is to “end suicide among LGBTQ young people.”

        By advocating the snip-snip which has nothing to do with “ending suicide” despite several years of relentless propaganda.

    • PieInTheSky

      providing mental health care services to men in need – scotch and hookers?

      • Ownbestenemy

        True mental health help is no lie, but for vast majority Pie, you are correct. Build a boat, tinker in the garage, get some scotch, bang a hooker.

      • PieInTheSky

        I am well aware it is not an universal cure for anything (hell you might get new stuff from the experience) but eh snark and whatnot

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        You forgot Go to a bar, watch a game, talk to other people.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        How does watching the Bears help my mental health?

      • Ted S.

        It’s fun to watch them lose.

      • Nephilium

        Commiserating with your fellow fans? Being sure that you could do better than that no good bum of a coach? Being glad you’re not cheering for the Browns?

      • slumbrew

        Being glad you’re not cheering for the Browns?

        Finally, something we can all agree on.

      • Nephilium

        /lifts small brown and orange flag

        Still pulling for the Lions/Browns Superbowl.

    • UnCivilServant

      That title is long enough to be a Manga series.

  25. Brawndo

    Not gonna lie, I kind of like the idea of using RICO laws to go after government bureaucrats

    • R C Dean

      Me, too. Shame it will never actually happen.

    • Ted S.


  26. The Late P Brooks

    Biden has created four other national monuments during his presidency — one honors Emmett Till, and the others protect land in Nevada, Texas and Colorado.

    But the politics of Biden’s Western swing are broader than preservation. It is about emphasizing what the administration has already done to invest in the economy and the climate — because many Americans just don’t know about it.

    Those traitorous racists at FOX refuse to tell America how wonderful their President is.

    • The Other Kevin

      The Indiana Dunes became a national park under Trump. People had been trying to get that done for decades.

      • UnCivilServant

        Wee have too many national parks and reserves covering too much land.

      • The Other Kevin

        I don’t have a problem with that one, it was land already set aside but was never officially a national park.

    • Rebel Scum

      Nevada, Texas and Colorado.

      States need to reclaim their land. Anything not occupied by a federal facility is not legitimately a federal land.

  27. PieInTheSky

    HSINCHU, Taiwan & STUTTGART, Germany & MUNICH & EINDHOVEN, Netherlands–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TSMC (TWSE: 2330, NYSE: TSM), Robert Bosch GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY), and NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) today announced a plan to jointly invest in European Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (ESMC) GmbH, in Dresden, Germany to provide advanced semiconductor manufacturing services. ESMC marks a significant step towards construction of a 300mm fab to support the future capacity needs of the fast-growing automotive and industrial sectors, with the final investment decision pending confirmation of the level of public funding for this project. The project is planned under the framework of the European Chips Act.

    The planned fab is expected to have a monthly production capacity of 40,000 300mm (12-inch) wafers on TSMC’s 28/22 nanometer planar CMOS and 16/12 nanometer FinFET process technology, further strengthening Europe’s semiconductor manufacturing ecosystem with advanced FinFET transistor technology and creating about 2,000 direct high-tech professional jobs. ESMC aims to begin construction of the fab in the second half of 2024 with production targeted to begin by the end of 2027.

    The planned joint venture will be 70% owned by TSMC, with Bosch, Infineon, and NXP each holding 10% equity stake, subject to regulatory approvals and other conditions. Total investments are expected to exceed 10 billion euros consisting of equity injection, debt borrowing, and strong support from the European Union and German government. The fab will be operated by TSMC.


  28. Stinky Wizzleteats

    RICO? So it’s racketeering to contest elections that stink to high heaven now? This is bullshit and dangerous bullshit at that.

    • Grumbletarian

      It’s against the law to protest an election a Democrat wins.

    • The Gunslinger

      As a Michigander, I was eager to vote in the last election in order to send Big Gretch packing over her COVID-19 policies. I was convinced that the vast majority of Michiganders were upset as well and couldn’t believe how easily she was re-elected. The fact that nothing has been done to tighten the voting process means I’m probably not going to bother anymore.

      • Nephilium

        The MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVAR! is happening in Ohio today. If the lines at the polls aren’t long, I may vote.

    • WTF

      Cleanest most secure election EVAR!!!11!!!
      Only a criminal would say otherwise.

    • slumbrew


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If the eyes have unbroken white all the way around best to steer clear.

  29. John Nerfherder

    Victoria the Hutt

    I like it


    So … the inimitable Victoria the Hutt paid a visit to Niger.

    Bear in mind that an unknown number of PMC Wagner forces are already there, and are at least “advising” the leaders of the military coup.

    Russia is unquestionably deeply involved in what is happening at this moment in the western Sahel.

    Significantly — and no doubt to her great outrage and humiliation — Nuland was denied an audience with the junta leader, General Abd al-Rahman Tianyi.

    Nevertheless, Nuland solemnly adjured the Nigeriens to not ally themselves with the Russians.

    Indeed, this appears to have been her primary message.

    The Nigeriens acknowledged her transparent threats, then showed her the door and advised her to not let it hit her in the ass on the way out.

    • Drake

      She has rightly become the symbol of the most evil impulses of the U.S. and the West. When she shows up, sanctions, a color coup, and war often follow.

      • John Nerfherder

        I saw here visit to Niger described as “Globalist Karen demanded to speak to the manager and was shown the door instead.”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Pretty good vid on the subject:

      Good that they told Nuland to get fucked but France hardest hit.

      • John Nerfherder

        I feel so badly for France.


  30. The Late P Brooks

    That tin drum won’t beat itself, little wind-up monkey army

    Global air and ocean temperatures soared to a record high in July, according to the EU’s climate change service Copernicus, deepening concern among climate scientists at a time when a spate of heat records suggest the planet has entered uncharted territory.

    The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said Tuesday that the global average surface air temperature in July was confirmed to be the highest on record for any month.

    July was found to be a whopping 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the average for the 1850-1900 period and 0.33 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous warmest month of July 2019.


    The data, which is collated from the measurement of satellites, ships, aircraft and weather stations around the world, follows a flurry of record-breaking heat waves across multiple regions.

    Vast parts of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia have suffered from scorching heat in recent weeks, while South American countries have been gripped by record-breaking temperatures in the middle of winter.

    Baby it’s hot outside.

    • Rebel Scum

      global average surface air temperature

      This is not a thing.

      a whopping 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the average for the 1850-1900

      Meaningless and incomparable data is meaningless and incomparable.

    • John Nerfherder

      The code that commies communicate in is almost indecipherable to me.

      • R.J.

        As soon as you stop believing 1+1=2, your communications become illogical gibberish.

  31. John Nerfherder

    The National Review proves once again whose side it’s on.


    On July 28 Kirk again showcased his conspiratorial tendencies:

    Welcome back. Did January 6 make the left more powerful? Yes. . . . Do you think they want another January 6? Yes. They have been preempting us and preconditioning us with domestic violent extremism and right-wing violence.

    He went on to describe how if he “were a very evil person,” he would go about orchestrating another January 6, as if the Left were responsible for what happened that day or would want it to happen again. Neither of these things are true. If January 6 made the Left more powerful (and there’s a case that it did), it did so only because Donald Trump summoned a mob — one that Kirk’s own organization assisted in assembling — and then set it on the U.S. Capitol. It was not a false-flag operation, as friends of the Charlie Kirk Show have claimed. January 6 was a crime. Charlie Kirk has spent the last two and a half years running cover for the man responsible for that crime.

    • PieInTheSky

      is it the right side of history?

    • Common Tater

      NR won’t let me read their site anymore.

    • rhywun

      The establishment GOP needs a home, too.

    • Rebel Scum

      Donald Trump summoned a mob

      Did not.

      It was not a false-flag operation

      Yes it was.

      They have been preempting us and preconditioning us with domestic violent extremism and right-wing violence.

      Which is true. DHS insists, even though it has not materialized. And when it does materialize it will glow in the dark.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking at the U.N. headquarters in New York City late last month, Secretary-General António Guterres warned that “the era of global boiling” has arrived.

    “For scientists, it is unequivocal — humans are to blame,” Guterres said on July 27. “All this is entirely consistent with predictions and repeated warnings. The only surprise is the speed of the change. Climate change is here. It is terrifying, and it is just the beginning.”

    Get a grip, Chicken Little.

    • The Other Kevin

      Global temperatures ON THE RISE!

      • Rebel Scum

        We are still supposedly coming out of the last ice age. I wonder if that factors into climate alarmism…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      We’re dooooooooooooooomed!!!! The only way to address it is a ruinous scheme that only benefits supranational elites I bet.

      • slumbrew

        However did you guess?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      So what are the Chinese and Indians going to do about it?

      • rhywun

        Continue to build as many coal plants as rapidly as they can?

    • one true athena

      Does he have a plan to stop volcanoes?

      • UnCivilServant

        Throw virgin fetuses into the caldera.

    • John Nerfherder

      No, just no…

    • Sean

      I used to print my CDR labels. Like a boss.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I’ve seen a worse collection, there are three non terrible songs there.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    CNN wants to set you straight

    Gaslighting is so commonly discussed that Merriam-Webster deemed the expression its word of the year in 2022, after experiencing a 1,740% increase in searches for the term. But experts say there are a lot of misconceptions around what gaslighting is and isn’t.


    Gaslighting is actually “a highly calculating form of manipulation — which involves the destabilization — of one individual by another over a protracted period of time,” Vermani said.

    “Most commonly, gaslighting — also referred to as coercive control — is carried out by someone in a position of trust who is in close contact with the target,” she added. “It is a complex and usually deliberate means of intentionally controlling an individual, which is carried out over an extended period of time.”

    People are misusing this term. It has nothing to do with politics.

  34. Rat on a train

    DC’s Democratic Party sues over ballot measure that would allow ranked choice voting, open primaries

    “The most fundamental problem with the Make All Votes Count Initiative is that the open primary provision violates the D.C. Democratic Party members’ and voters’ right to freedom of association guaranteed by the First and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution,” the lawsuit stated.

    In its filing, the party said if the measure was approved by voters, independents would “very easily dominate” primaries.

    • Common Tater


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      That’s a man baby!

    • Grummun

      You’ve got to turn basically decent people, that have gone through their entire lives thinking “killing is bad,” into military troops that will kill as commanded without hesitation. Demonizing your enemy is an important tool in that effort.

    • Tres Cool

      Is that a dude?
      And the american accent?

    • UnCivilServant

      They’re really trying to recapture that lightning in a bottle again with another disease scare.

    • Ted S.

      I’ve never been close enough to Brian Setzer to get bitten.

      • Tres Cool

        Sound like cat scratch fever to me.

        Alert Ted.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    “The most fundamental problem with the Make All Votes Count Initiative is that the open primary provision violates the D.C. Democratic Party members’ and voters’ right to freedom of association guaranteed by the First and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution,” the lawsuit stated.

    Arguing on freedom of association grounds? Coming from them, that’s spectacularly bold.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Oh, bonus points for her.

  36. R.J.

    Trapped in school ipad hell. Multiple login issues for daughter’s ipad. Resolving one at a time.

    • PieInTheSky

      I though kids these days were all tech whizzes

    • John Nerfherder

      I hate that crap

    • Gender Traitor

      Kids should not be in school in August! They should be out playing in the sun…errr…I mean toiling in the fields!

      • rhywun

        They shouldn’t need an iPad for school, either.

      • PieInTheSky

        Wax tablet man?

      • Gender Traitor

        Slate and chalk.

      • Suthenboy

        I got my chem by making a 4×8 blackboard and going through about 100 buckets of colored sidewalk chalk.
        My apt had a 24×16 living room and it soon filled up with kids needing tutoring. I made some serious bank with that.

      • Gender Traitor


      • R.J.

        1. Yes, it’s stupid starting school this early.
        2. No more physical textbooks. Everything is on the iPad. It’s good, in that she won;t be schlepping 20 pounds of books back and forth every day. It’s bad in that it is less physical interaction with the world. To me that means an inferior/limited education.
        3. It was a VPN problem, the whole thing needed a cleanup and restart. Problem solved after 1 1/2 hours. What kid is going to solve that?

      • UnCivilServant


        We weren’t even allowed to take the textbooks out of the classroom. Our homework came off a ditto or mimeograph machine… *remembers the odor of the blue inked pages…*

      • Gender Traitor

        No textbooks out of the classroom? Dude, that’s rough! 😕

      • UnCivilServant

        That would mean the school district might have to actually replace some.

        Can’t trust the students. So they were stored in the shelves by the windows and passed out when the class used them.

      • Gender Traitor

        2. No more physical textbooks.

        The school district can rewrite the History textbooks at will! 😃

      • R.J.

        Yes. There’s that too. I used fifteen-year-old textbooks in the early 1980s, with a giant list of prior owners written in the inside cover. Our job on day one was to document every damage on every page, so we would not be liable for it at the end of the year. No history could be changed on those. What would you do, add a xerox flier?

      • UnCivilServant

        Why is it that girls’ handwriting is almost always more rounded than boys’?

      • Common Tater

        That sounds worse for their eyes.

    • UnCivilServant

      Worst tech crisis we had was when the pencil sharpener slipped off its gears.

      Give her a composition book with the TV static-pattern cover and a #2 pencil.

      • R.J.

        Yes. Using an iPad does not teach important skills, like organizing your test papers and keeping all your shit in one place where you can find it. The iPad does that for you, so you ever develop the ability to understand organizing a hot mess. There are so many other negatives too, but that is a big one.

      • Gender Traitor

        +1 Trapper Keeper

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Heinous crimes

    The latest charges leveled against former President Donald Trump were brought under Reconstruction-era laws. And though those laws were written to combat the Ku Klux Klan, they are precisely applicable to his brazen attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

    The law Trump is charged under, also known as Section 241, is part of a series of statutes known as the Enforcement Acts (also known as the KKK Acts) that were enacted in 1870-1871 to protect newly freed Black Americans and their allies from “conspiracies against civil rights.”

    That broad term is meant to capture the various, creative mechanisms that can be used to suppress fundamental rights, from going “in disguise on the highway” with hoods and guns — the statute’s explicit reference to the KKK’s terror tactics — to more sophisticated, non-violent forms of oppression.

    The stakes are impossibly high, for the defendant as well as the country. The most serious charge carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, even as Trump remains the Republican front-runner.


    “If this prosecutor can prove the facts as alleged, I can’t see how there would not be a conviction” unless Trump is exonerated for purely political reasons, he said.


    Finally, any argument that Trump lacked the specific intent to interfere with voting rights — perhaps because he truly believed he was the rightful winner of the election — must contend with the Justice Department’s descriptions of multiple instances when Trump was “notified repeatedly that his claims were untrue,” but “deliberately disregarded the truth.”

    Trump’s unprecedented actions in 2020 have again taken us into uncharted territory: a current front-runner for the presidency is facing charges of undermining our democracy, and with the DOJ’s case, there is a plausible chance of conviction.

    Blah blah blah presumption of guilt. The writer never even gets around to saying, but presumably this is a federal law we’re talking about.

    • rhywun

      Trump is like totally KKK anyway so it makes perfect sense.

    • The Other Kevin

      Ah, the tried and true assertion that the seriousness of the charges are what’s important, not that it’s at best a massive stretch to say this law applies.

  38. kinnath

    Daily Quordle 561

    Shit results today

    • Sean

      Daily Quordle 561


      Blossom Puzzle, August 8
      Letters: A E M S N O W
      My score: 275 points
      My longest word: 11 letters
      🌼 🌷 💐 🏵 🌻 🌸 💮 🌹 🌺 🌼 🌷

      Play Blossom:

    • kinnath

      #waffle564 4/5


      🔥 streak: 180
      🏆 #wafflemaster

    • R.J.

      The solution is for men to start wearing low-slung pants and “showing some neck.”

    • Animal

      That’s an unalloyed Good Thing.

  39. Animal

    If anyone’s interested, Nova Roma II releases today.

    • Mojeaux

      I tweeted you (not @ you bc I couldn’t remember your moniker).

      • Animal


  40. The Late P Brooks


    And Trump hasn’t stopped attempting to obstruct justice.

    On Sunday he called Jack Smith “deranged”, and in another all-caps message he accused Smith of waiting to bring the case until “right in the middle” of his election campaign.

    In another post he asserted that he would never get a “fair trial” with Chutkan and jurors from Washington DC.

    These statements directly violate the conditions of Trump’s release pending trial.


    Trump is now under the supervision of the court, as would be any criminal defendant after an arraignment.

    But he will continue to test the willingness and ability of the court to treat him like any other criminal defendant unless he’s reined in.

    The court must fully assert the rule of law during these proceedings, even if that requires threatening Trump with jail pending his trial. And if he continues to refuse to abide by the conditions of his release, it might be time to actually jail him.

    The prosecution is free to make accusations against him. The press is free to call him names and accuse him of all manners of crimes and transgressions. But he must be gagged and locked up if necessary to prevent him from undermining the case against him.

    • Suthenboy

      How furiously can these banana republic monkeys shovel thier
      Shit before people are fed up?

  41. "Tulsi Gabbard Apologist"

    They’ve “Bolsanaro”d Trump. Anyone who paid attention to Brazil’s presidential election (where the US government was directly helping Lula, which was admitted after the fact) knows that was the opposite of legitimate. Bolsanaro could not legally advertise his own campaign because his campaign “lied” according to a make believe judge interpreting fictitious law to arrive at a preordained conclusion.

    There is precedent for the current behavior of our banana republic