Sunday Morning Academic Links

by | Oct 15, 2023 | Daily Links | 164 comments

Congratulate me, I signed the papers and am now officially an academic. “Adjunct faculty,” at a pay rate about equal to the baristas at our café. But think of the prestige! In addition to the research and project management work I’ve been doing, I’ve started to teach classes, with more to come. Imagine the surprise of a proud parent who has just written a $52,000 tuition check and finds out that the professor shaping their precious child’s mind is… me.

Anyway, let’s do the usual birthday thing, including a guy who operated best under pressure; the nihilistic ‘stache; a guy who has a museum right down the road from us; the inspiration for Mahatma Kane Jeeves; a guy who was of two minds; a moray eel latched onto the Kennedys; a guy who made a fortune inflicting shitty cars on the American public; a guy who has been so easy to parody that he’s actually taken seriously; the nemesis of Earl Weaver; and a larger-than-life chef who can’t actually cook.

And with that, students, I shall go to Links. These will be on the test.


How about pay your fucking bills, you leech?


Hey, Joe, where exactly are they going to go? “Corridor” to where, exactly? Egypt won’t take them, Jordan won’t take them, Abbas’s kleptocracy won’t take them, so the Jews are supposed to stop everything and take care of a million hostile people?


Stay. The. Fuck. Out. Of. This.


In other news, they’re opening a heatstroke clinic.


But he’s a scholar! Loves his momma! A great life ahead of him! Why does she want to ruin that? She must be racist.


A start. Now get rid of those stupid laws altogether.


Great news! A corrupt statist wearing a Blue tie was replaced with a corrupt statist wearing a Red tie! Woo0hoo, victory!


This song came up on Tomb Raider’s playlist last night. We both loved it. So it’s Old Guy and Old Lady Music, all at once.


About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. SDF-7

    Congrats, OMWC… apparently it is all smurfy for you. (And morning to the rest of ya)

    • Fourscore

      Good show, OM, Big paycheck bump? Time off? A TA to do the teaching so you can do research?

  2. SDF-7

    Imagine the surprise of a proud parent who has just written a $52,000 tuition check and finds out that the professor shaping their precious child’s mind is… me.

    Well at least they don’t have to worry about hanky-panky for grades… those coeds are just too old for you.

  3. SDF-7

    a guy who made a fortune inflicting shitty cars on the American public

    Ha! That one crossed my mind — but there were so many possibilities I wasn’t going to commit before hovering…

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Iacocca is responsible for the original Mustang, one of the greatest American cars. So, a wash.

      • SDF-7

        Can’t fool me… I watched Ford vs. Ferrarri! Yeah the cheap Mustang… but Shelby’s mods made it take off! (wink)

  4. SDF-7

    Hey, Joe, where exactly are they going to go? “Corridor” to where, exactly? Egypt won’t take them, Jordan won’t take them, Abbas’s kleptocracy won’t take them, so the Jews are supposed to stop everything and take care of a million hostile people?

    Ackshually (sorry)…. that’s an idea. We still send a lot of aid to Egypt (bribes to keep them from attacking Israel), right? Seems to me the obvious time to call that marker due.

    Egypt — either you open a corridor, and take Palestinians in and acclimate them over time so we get rid of this problem — or we cut you off. You’re not going to be much worse of an antagonist anyway frankly (don’t have to say that out loud) especially since your internal politics have been a mess since Arab Spring (thanks Obama admin)… so do what we want or that’s it.

    If they take it, great. If not… one less country we’re shoveling money at that we shouldn’t.

    • Not Adahn

      Send them through Egypt, boat them over to the EU.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        But they could get lost in the desert for 40 years!

      • SDF-7

        This sounds like a setup for a “Don’t ask God’s Chosen People for directions….” joke.

  5. SDF-7

    Stay. The. Fuck. Out. Of. This.

    The only way this should be a legitimate use would be if the carriers are there to airlift out any US citizens caught there (since PPP seems to have no other plans to get them out) and to make it clear that if things get rowdy across the area, US flagged (are there any actually left? Are they all Panama with a loose “US” affiliation… the loss of everything else over the last 70 years including the merchant marine is pathetic) vessels are off limits at pain of air-to-surface missile retaliation.

    Otherwise, damned straight — not our circus.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      One legitimate use of our military I’d like to see is for overwhelming military force to recover American hostages (not this one specific but in in almost any conflict). If the hostages were taken by a State actor, then allow one opportunity to for their safe return and then to bring about destruction on a magnitude and scale that makes anyone else think twice about taking American citizens captive again.

      This of course only applies to real hostages, not WNBA players arrested for drug trafficking or people who think North Korea or Iran would be a swell holiday destination.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        This is the absolute correct answer.

      • SDF-7

        As I think I alluded to earlier in the week at one point — ole Thomas Jefferson certainly proved this the correct solution. Funny how we keep forgetting.

  6. Gender Traitor

    So…..”survey” classes for nonmajors’ science requirement? Or advanced level courses for majors who might be able to think and not just “feel”? Inquiring minds want to know the “funny woke snowflake story” potential arising from this development. And, of course, mazel tov! (Or is there another expression for acknowledging a “mixed blessing”?)

    • Ted S.

      Rocks for Jocks.

      • Gender Traitor

        I took such a class first semester my freshman year called “Modern Physics and Reality,” which turned out to have a fair amount to wrap my brain around. Happily, I ended up with a better grade than the classmate who “tutored” me. I remember very little of the content, but I recall that one day the prof wore a button that said “Heisenberg might have been here.”

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Physics for Poets here. Mostly as I find the math part exquisitely* boring, but the theories behind it quite interesting.

        I know 3-4 math PhD’s, and holy fuck can they suck the life out of a room.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Danica McKellar runs out sobbing.

      • RBS

        Geology was probably my favorite class outside of my major. Get high and look at rocks. Also, SC has a pretty cool geologic history and the state is small enough that it’s pretty quick to travel for field trips.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Graduate and senior undergraduate, thank Yahweh.

      • Gender Traitor


  7. SDF-7

    In other news, they’re opening a heatstroke clinic.

    Ooooh… a whopping 36, highly self-selecting people say they like it.

    Well, I’m sure that means you can inflict it across the country regardless of age and means and it will go well…. if a whopping 36 out of 400 million or so like it!

    • R C Dean

      This falls under my “let a thousand flowers bloom” rule.

      Go for it. For people who like it, good. Just don’t try to nudge (or bludgeon) me into living there.

      • SDF-7

        No argument with you on that… just heckling the pitch of the article that it is “the future” or “a trend” or whatnot.

        I’m sure it would work great for just-out-of-college proto-yuppies working from home that just need a coffee shop, a convenience store level grocery (bodega? Isn’t that what bodegas basically are? Not a city person…) and Amazon delivery. Once they get families or for folks that don’t find e-bikes convenient to get around with, I expect their tune would change (or they’d move elsewhere, clearing the fields for a fresh yuppie crop…)

      • rhywun

        Yuppies need somewhere to live too.

        Yes, a bodega is a convenience store. Nobody in NYC even calls them that anymore except on TV shows. Most of my circle calls that a “deli”.

        I tapped out of the article but I didn’t see any means of getting to a real grocery store.

      • Fourscore

        These boots ain’t made for walking


      • milo

        Nudgeon. I like that.

    • Timeloose

      BTW no mention of the price tag for residents.

      Also can a grocery store business case be maintained with only 35 residents ? The local corner stores that used to exist everywhere were of very limited selection, required near free labor of family members, and usually had a 3-4 block radius of customers. I guess the residents can use a food shopping delivery service that employs dirty autos to shlep them their Whole Foods.

      • SDF-7

        Out of sight – out of mind does seem to be the ethos of the Green Generation.

        Pushing further out of sight over time, of course (e-trucks [see California insanity] with batteries and power that only take 3 times as much coal in China to produce!)

      • rhywun

        will eventually house around 1,000 people

        But yes, with (apparently) no access to a real supermarket, those food bills are going to suck.

  8. SDF-7

    Great news! A corrupt statist wearing a Blue tie was replaced with a corrupt statist wearing a Red tie! Woo0hoo, victory!

    Louisiana? Political corruption? Well… I do declare just the notion will give me the vapors, sir! Heaven forfend!

  9. SDF-7

    Gorrammit… apparently I scared everyone away. Come back villagers! Um….. fire bad? I will hug you and squeeze you and name you George?

    • Gender Traitor

      I ain’t a-skeered o’ the likes o’ you!

  10. prolefeed

    The writer of the article acting surprised that a teacher beaten up by a student wants the student to get the maximum sentence … what the fuck did they expect?

    • SDF-7

      Well, given Antifa, Antifa’s lawyers, the people threatening Supreme Court justices, BLM and the “lets force people to bow to us through intimidation and threats of force”, free-for-alls regarding theft and car breakins, etc… my gut is “If they aren’t icky MAGA people, we shouldn’t do anything to them!” was the expectation.

      But that’s the cynical side of me this morning, I suppose.

      • prolefeed

        If getting beaten unconscious by an assailant doesn’t cause a progressive to have an epiphany about justice versus “social justice”, what would it take? 🤔

      • RBS

        Usually they have to get beaten themselves.

    • Ted S.

      Not a teacher, a “paraprofessional”. That was my mom’s title too, although the union insisted on using the Newspeak clarity-reducing term “school-related personnel” or worse, the acronym SRP.

      I never could get anyone to explain the difference between a paraprofessional and a para-amateur.

      • Fourscore

        Well, a pseudo professional gets paid while a professional amateur gets room/board.

        Certification is required

    • rhywun

      The article reads neutral to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️
      Surprising, for Breitbart.

      But yes, in current year, I suppose the racial angle was supposed to lead to a different outcome.

      You’re probably not cynical enough.

    • Shpip

      Breitbart got it all wrong. The lad (did you know he’s autistic) is blameless. The system, from Governor DeSantis on down, has failed him.

      • RBS

        “in a state whose governor lynches school board members and state attorneys who don’t toe his line. ”


      • R.J.

        Oh, that story is a flaming pile of verbal diarreah.

  11. juris imprudent

    Poor Friedrich – everything he argued against has been ascribed to him. In this case, he abhorred nihilism (the province of his Last Man).

    • SDF-7

      At least he can be happy that he helped make psychology much less of a nietzsche field.

  12. juris imprudent

    the nemesis of Earl Weaver

    Happy birthday Ron Luciano!

    • Old Man With Candy

      Palmer once observed, “The only thing Earl knows about major league pitching is that he couldn’t hit it.”

  13. SDF-7

    I played 10/15:
    *24/24 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 23% by accuracy

    I played 10/15:
    70/70 words (+12 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 19% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 21

    I fully expect 20 or 30 bonus words from you overachievers now. And no way I’m touching that gemstone one. Dear Lord, talk about masochism.

    • Sean

      I played 10/15:
      70/70 words (+16 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 29% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 2

      • Ghostpatzer

        I played 10/15:
        70/70 words (+24 bonus words)
        📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
        🔥 Solve streak: 4

    • rhywun

      They have some way crazier ones that I haven’t attempted yet. Like 800 words and shit.

      • Sean

        I’m working on one. 390/499 so far. It’s a project.

    • rhywun

      BTW the trick for bonus words is just keep picking stuff that looks like it could be an English word. You have to not care about accuracy, though.

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, that was my assumption. I lean towards accuracy myself, so I’ll stick to that side of the scoring and lightly tease you high bonus words folks. Now pull a huge bonus words and perfect accuracy and we’ll all give a we’re not worthy.

    • rhywun

      Ugh still at it and I have to take off, hosers.

    • rhywun

      I played 10/15:
      70/70 words (+15 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 35% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 21

  14. Ted S.

    a guy who operated best under pressure;

    Happy birthday David Bowie!

    • SDF-7

      Oh great… now I’ll have to check out the beat while the DJ revolves it…

      • DrOtto

        The whole reason I hate Vanilla Ice right there. The song would start and I would get my hopes up that it was a good song, only to have the rug pulled out from under me…

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Bid Audio Dynamite earned my hatred for the same reason; getting me to thing a Clash song is starting, only to pull the rug out from under me.

    • DrOtto

      Or Freddy Mercury.

  15. Ted S.

    a moray eel latched onto the Kennedys;

    Happy birthday Peter Lawford!

  16. Ted S.

    a guy who made a fortune inflicting shitty cars on the American public

    Happy birthday Elon Musk!

    • R C Dean

      “these fears are unfounded and should now be labelled as misinformation”

      Oh, fuck off.

      Unless the strategy here is completely nullifying the term.

    • Beau Knott

      And can we please stop calling things that are false “misinformation”? The term deserves neither credence nor respect.

      • Ghostpatzer

        “Bullshit” is the right word, it conveys the proper level of approbation, and needs to be removed from the naughty list. “New Studies Are Debunking Bullshit About Youth Vaping” is far superior to the original.

      • Beau Knott


    • Homple

      Forget the politics, why voluntarily put anything other than clean air in your lungs? So vaping stops young people from smoking. Well, who the hell smokes anymore?

  17. Timeloose

    Old Man congratulations on the expanded gig. I hope you are teaching something interesting.

    • juris imprudent

      Yeah, it’s nice to think he’s now secured his future… retirement?

    • Lachowsky

      How to black out the windows in your van 101

    • Old Man With Candy

      Chem engineering and materials science. Some advance topics. Fun stuff and it’s forcing me to knock the rust off my math.

    • R.J.

      How to make a sweet cheese board from an old wine bottle?

    • SDF-7

      I’ve been replaying Fallout: New Vegas just for the hell of it lately. All of that soundtrack is “related”. 😉

  18. rhywun

    A start. Now get rid of those stupid laws altogether.

    Liquor in grocery stores or GTFO.

    Weirdly, the Wegmans website advertises liquors with a note saying “sold by such-and-such” liquor store nearby. I have no idea how that works. I went looking in the store for it, nothing there. If that’s only for pickup or delivery they should say so.

    • R C Dean

      You can buy liquor in convenience stores and grocery stores in AZ.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Something to get used to in KY exiting the store to go right next door for liquor, but first world problems and all. Funnily Walmart doesn’t need to separate its liquor…

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        There is a grocery store here in Oregon that has the separate liquor store INSIDE the grocery store. How lame is that?

      • rhywun

        It’s better than the liquor store and grocery store being in opposite directions. ☹️

      • rhywun

        And NJ and CA, in my experience.

    • Brawndo

      I think in some states, the Wegmans liquor store is still right there, but it’s “owned” by a different family member for legal reasons.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, there’s nothing preventing that in NY. Except here the liquor store owner has to live within a certain radius.

        If Kathy’s gonna “reform” our liquor laws, she could start with BS like that. Extra hours on Sunday? Oh, I’m rejoicing. 🙄

  19. Ghostpatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates.

    Love today’s Old Man/Lady Music. Think I’ll lay off the black pills for a little while. Tomb Raider is OK with “Old Lady”?

    a pay rate about equal to the baristas at our café

    But the tips are great, right?

    Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a Saturday statement he is deploying the USS Eisenhower strike team to the region to join the first group headed by the USS Ford.

    I expect they will be carrying picket signs in the spirit of the modern American military.

    • Fourscore

      “What’s the sense of having a great military if you aren’t going to use it?”

      I recall words to that affect. Albright/Austin or Austin/Albright. They’re beginning to look alike

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Food for thought

    Watch the whole thing, if you can. Some of what he says is (I think intentionally) “triggering” and some of it he walks back. But on the whole, I thought it was pretty good. And his basic premise is sound.

    • juris imprudent

      YT is now stopping play when it detects my adblocker, so fuck ’em.

  21. DrOtto

    36 people on 17.5 acres, of course they like it now. When they get to the hoped for 1,000 on 17.5 acres? That’s when the fun will start.

    • Lachowsky

      There are four lachowskys living on 20 acres and it is starting to seem a bit crowded.

      • Fourscore

        2/70 and still not enough space to hide

  22. Tundra

    Good morning, Old Man!

    Congrats on the gig and thanks for the lynx.

    Lots of black pills. Anyone got a ray of sunshine?

    • SDF-7

      It made the rounds before — but I’ll go back to a classic. Especially since he found homes for the ones he and his farm didn’t keep.

      Scout is a great kitten.

  23. Lachowsky

    “Today’s election says that our state is united,” Landry said during his victory speech Saturday night. “It’s a wake up call and it’s a message that everyone should hear loud and clear, that we the people in this state are going to expect more out of our government from here on out.”

    Great. More government. Just what the R voters of LA wanted im sure

    • SDF-7

      That’s how I felt about the DiFi picture yesterday. Full on Cryptkeeper.

  24. DrOtto

    One of the requirements of taking on student loan debt should be a financing class where they teach about compound interest and the such. That article and every other article I read on student debt is so retarded, they only ever talk about payment amounts, never interest or if they don’t pay more or continue deferring, the principal continues to grow. No offense to your new gig OMWC, but they really aren’t getting much for their $.

    • SDF-7

      That’s why they should bring back HomeEc in high schools. Call it “Life Hacks 101” or something hip to avoid scaring off the kids — but teach basic budget, compound interest and its effects, basic cooking. (Yes, the Glib answer is doubtless that its the parent’s job… but as long as they’re stuck in classes anyway and since the rest of the state tries to exploit their ignorance — at least give them a shot. Also of course — I’m sure “How to choose the Greenest Washer!” “How to set up a smart house (sponsored by Echo and Amazon!)” would ensue…. just saying the idea is sound even if the implementations will likely be problematic… sigh).

      • Fourscore

        How to screw in a light bulb versus back seat of an SUV

        Shop classes and Ag have been a helper over the years

      • juris imprudent

        just saying the idea is sound even if the implementations will likely be problematic

        Reminds me of literacy tests prior to voting.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    See something, say something

    Speaking from prepared remarks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in San Diego, Wray acknowledged an increase in domestic threats due to the “heightened environment”, calling for increased vigilance and requesting that police continue to share intelligence.

    “History has been witness to antisemitic and other forms of violent extremism for far too long,” he said. “Whether that be from foreign terrorist organizations, or those inspired by them, or domestic violent extremists motivated by their own racial animus, the targeting of a community because of their faith is completely unacceptable.”


    He added that the FBI is “committed to continue confronting those threats – both here in the United States and overseas”. The FBI director’s remarks were first reported by Politico.

    In a post on the FBI’s website last week, the agency said that while it did not have “specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat”, it was “closely monitoring unfolding events” and would “not hesitate to adjust our security posture, as appropriate”.

    They’re trying to stir something up. Give them time.

    • R C Dean

      Umm, why is the FBI operating overseas?

      • Fourscore

        Competing with the CIA

      • juris imprudent

        America respects no sovereignty but it’s own?

      • SDF-7

        Honestly, I don’t think any nation does if they can get away with it. They only do when they know they can’t.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    YT is now stopping play when it detects my adblocker, so fuck ’em.

    The ads definitely seem to be getting more aggressive and obnoxious.

    • Homple

      “The ads definitely seem to be getting more aggressive and obnoxious.

      At the same time, the ads have gotten outside the universe of anything I’d buy.

      • juris imprudent

        outside the universe of anything I’d buy

        Must be Google AI feeding you those ads.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I get a lot of ads in Spanish, which I don’t even speak.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Today, in self-fulfilling prophesies

    Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet Xi Jinping in China this week in a bid to deepen a partnership forged between the United States’ two biggest strategic competitors.

    Putin will attend the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing on Oct. 17-18, his first trip outside the former Soviet Union since the Hague-based International Criminal Court issued a warrant for him in March over the deportation of children from Ukraine.

    China and Russia declared a “no limits” partnership in February 2022 when Putin visited Beijing just days before he sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine, triggering the deadliest land war in Europe since World War Two.

    The United States casts China as its biggest competitor and Russia as its biggest nation-state threat while U.S. President Joe Biden argues that this century will be defined by an existential contest with between democracies and autocracies.

    “Over the past decade, Xi has built with Putin’s Russia the most consequential undeclared alliance in the world,” Graham Allison, professor at Harvard University and a former assistant secretary of defense under Bill Clinton, told Reuters.

    “The U.S. will have to come to grips with the inconvenient fact that a rapidly rising systemic rival and a revanchist one-dimensional superpower with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world are tightly aligned in opposing the USA.”

    We should just nuke them now, before it’s too late.

    • juris imprudent

      Who takes the blame for losing China this time? Or will it be losing Russia?

      Whatever would we do with the menace of communism? Oh, turns out that’s no problem at all – neither of them are very communist anymore but they’re still great threats to our national security (or is it our hegemony over the rest of the world).

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Baseless hate speech

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Saturday that the U.S. should not accept refugees from Gaza as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee from the north to the south, following Israeli government warnings to evacuate before an anticipated ground invasion.

    “I don’t know what Biden’s going to do, but we cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees,” DeSantis told an audience of caucusgoers at an event here sponsored by the super PAC Never Back Down.

    Onstage before the crowd of about 50 people in this rural town southwest of Des Moines, DeSantis said other Arab states should absorb the refugees. But delving deeper into his reasoning, he offered up a sweeping characterization of the fleeing Palestinians.

    “If you look at how they behave, not all of them are Hamas, but they are all antisemitic. None of them believe in Israel’s right to exist,” he baselessly claimed.

    There are good people on both sides.

  29. UnCivilServant

    I’m down fifteen pounds over 75 days. Not yet below my first milestone weight, but still going in the right direction.


    • Tundra

      Nice job!

      How are you approaching it?

      • SDF-7

        Benching his 3D printer to clean the resin nozzles?

      • UnCivilServant

        Resin printers don’t work that way.

        @Tundra: portion control and carb reduction.

    • Gender Traitor


    • Sean


  30. The Late P Brooks

    Johnson has the mien of a tech founder, with his company logo T-shirt and fashionable glasses, and was part of the founding team of OpenDoor, an online real estate business. But his enthusiasm for car-free living was born, he said, from living and traveling in countries such as Hungary, Japan and South Africa. Originally from the “classically sprawly” part of Phoenix, Johnson once had an SUV but has been car-free for 13 years. Instead, he has a collection of more than 60 ebikes, although he said he has stopped acquiring them as he is running out of storage space.

    Just the guy to plan my existence. I love the way the originators of these meticulously planned communities claim European cities which grew organically (before planning and zoning had ever been imagined) over the course of centuries as their inspiration.

    • R.J.

      Just imagine when one of those ebikes has a catastrophic battery failure…

      • Homple

        A conflagration devoutly to be wished?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I’ve lived in Europe without a car. Getting a car was liberating.

      • SDF-7

        You just hadn’t been properly trained is what we typically hear.

      • Homple

        I lived in Europe with a car, and the problem was trying to find a place to park it that did not already have a car in it. Europe is full of cars. Which Europe is this clown talking about?

    • Homple

      Georges-Eugène Haussmann says, “Hey! Take a look at Paris.”

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Such a place is an oddity, Speck points out, because of a car-centric ethos that permeates US culture and city planning. Over the past century, huge highways have been plowed through the heart of US cities, obliterating and dislocating communities – disproportionately those of color – leaving behind a stew of air pollution.

    *checks appropriate boxes*

  32. KK, Non-Man

    Drinking acid-free coffee today. Gonna try it for the next week and see what it does for my tum. I may need to also nix the half & half and go with the unsweetened oat creamer.

    My delicate tummy is turning me into a hipster!

      • Gender Traitor

        Yeah, I was wondering if the half & half was really part of the problem.

        Whatever you use, I hope it works…and doesn’t taste icky!

    • Tres Cool

      No more setting off the CO alarm?

      I have an H2S monitor if you want to borrow it. Seems more appropriate for the type of emission….

      • cyto

        Do you really?

        My BIL got seriously injured from a hydrogen sulfide leak at a refinery. Walked into a cloud of gas and went out like a light switch. Head injury. Would have been dead in a couple of minutes if someone hadn’t seen.

        A home H2S monitor would be a great Christmas gift. Put it on a baseball cap for him.

      • Tres Cool

        I do. Working in refineries, a personal H2S alarm is part of the required PPE.
        H2S is some nasty shit. It blanks your nose rapidly and you experience “olfactory fatigue”. A quick whiff of rotten egg then all seems well.
        And at high concentrations, like you said- Boom Boom- Out Go The Lights

  33. The Late P Brooks

    they’re still great threats to our national security (or is it our hegemony over the rest of the world).

    I believe the approved term is “leadership”.

    Without us, democracy would wither and die. The world would descend into a maelstrom of competing authoritarian dictatorships.

    • juris imprudent

      Never mind that the Vietnamese kicked the shit out of the PLA when China thought they would just waltz across the border. And how is that mighty Russian military machine doing on their own border-based conflict?

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        That mighty Russian machine is holding it own against the entire financials of the west being dumped into the HexenKessel.

  34. Suthenboy

    No one, and I mean no one, wants the Palestinians. This is not a coincidence.

    • cyto

      Not a coincidence.

      A strategy. In place for our entire lifetimes. Keep the Palestinians in refugee camps… forever. Blame Israel. Cheap cannon fodder.

      Iran is using this model to perfection now. Prop up Hamas and Hezbollah with a few bucks, cry crocodile tears when Isreal fights back…

      All pushing for an end to Israel. All without any consequence to Iran. Not a single troop on the line.

      (That part sounds familiar)

      • juris imprudent

        So you are saying the Iranian government is smarter than our government?

      • Homple

        “So you are saying the Iranian government is smarter than our government?

        Well, they have a singleness of purpose and a sort of low animal cunning.

    • The Other Kevin

      Politically they are a great tool. But besides that, a point made on a few podcasts is that they are brainwashed. You’ve seen the videos of the kids who want to grow up to kill Jews and be a martyr. And there’s a decent number of them who not only cheer on raping and killing babies but will actually do it. Nobody wants that in their country.

  35. cyto

    The bit about alcohol laws in NY got my libertarian haeckels up.

    All of the protectionism of distributorships needs to go.

    But not just alcohol… I was just at the shop getting warranty repairs on my car, so that model is fresh. Many states have laws protecting teired sales structures for cars.

    Tesla goes with direct sales… and you don’t get the haggle nonsense. The price is the price… so you can get a popular model for actual sticker, instead of paying a dealer premium, or getting stuck with unwanted accessories.

    We just bought an SUV at the big regional dealership with the best advertised prices. I had to do the public theater thing when they changed the price after I drove over an hour one way to come pick up my vehicle.

    They tried the “we added locking lug nuts and window tinting” for $1,000. Nope. Not gonna pay it. Not a penny over what we agreed.

    So I went to the center of the sales floor and got loud. “You lied to me” echoed through a full sales floor many times before they corralled me back into an office. They crossed out the charges and tossed in a free set of all weather floor mats to boot.

    This is how they have to survive in the regulated, teired distribution model.

    Or…. we could cut out the distributor and the dealer profit slices, cut costs to the consumer by maybe 20% and give me equal support across the country.

    But…. that would mean less high paying political donors….

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Johnson, who said he is planning to bring the Culdesac concept to other cities, is upbeat about this. “This is something that the majority of the US wants, so they can work all over the country,” he said. “We have heard from cities and residents all over the country that they want more of this, and this is something that we want to build more.”

    The majority of the people I know think this is a terrific idea.

    • cyto

      We have a lot of these sorts of developments in South Florida. Not so small, and not so free of parking though. It seems unsustainable the way they are trying it. No parking means no outside customers for stores.

      City Place in West Palm Beach is a good example.

      Restaurants, night clubs, shops, apartments, condos. It is nice. But they have a huge parking garage alongside and it is all relatively upscale.

      Great place to live if you are a young professional before starting a family.

      I got “attacked” by a racist 20 something, 6’4″ black kid there back in my single days. Shouted racist stuff and wanted to fight. Luckily, a roided up black cop I had been talking to was within 10 feet. He shut him down quick.

      Those communities have their place. In no way could they ever be the bulk of society.

      • SDF-7

        Yeah — I can definitely see that style working in midtowns of urban areas. I would think — basement levels are parking garages (so people don’t have to lose their cars, easier to secure, no foot traffic that doesn’t belong), street level are walk-in favoring shops (grocery, convenience, flavored milkshake coffee shop, maybe high end goods if they’re trying to catch an eye), next up would be shops catering more to the “local” traffic within the building — maybe a dentist / medical clinic every 4 or 5 buildings, then lots of living areas on the floors above to fill things out and give customers to the businesses. Especially for WfH folks – where an elevator hop down to a diner / cafe is a great way to start the day, even with families (car if you need it – otherwise, kids can use school bus or transit) if and only if the crime rate is kept low (because no one will live there or put a business there otherwise), you could get the equivalent of a suburb or a village packed into a small footprint. Need a park every few buildings, probably for the kids / for sanity…. but I could see folks wanting that.

        In fact — as I came of age in the 80s/90s and biased by Law & Order and all — I thought that was the plan for a lot of the bigger cities, honestly. So it must have all fallen apart (maybe because WfH wasn’t a thing, people had to ride mass transit (which sucked) and the crime rate wasn’t kept down (so it sucked more)? City Glibs feel free to add wisdom….

    • prolefeed

      Maybe when y’all get over 36 people living without cars year round, in a place that has summer temperatures of 110 or more, you can try claiming that this is popular.

    • SDF-7

      Person who would financially gain from you buying into an idea says all the cool kids are doing it…

    • Fourscore

      Podunkville was ahead of its time. Can walk anywhere in way less than 15 minutes. Not a lot of places to spend your money either.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe when y’all get over 36 people living without cars year round, in a place that has summer temperatures of 110 or more, you can try claiming that this is popular.

    It’s a perfect fit for Cleveland, or Buffalo.

  38. DEG

    Imagine the surprise of a proud parent who has just written a $52,000 tuition check and finds out that the professor shaping their precious child’s mind is… me.

    That parent could do worse.

    Neighborhoods of this ilk can be found in cities such as New York City and San Francisco

    “Ilk”. Interesting word choice.

    However the Republican has also repeatedly put Louisiana in national fights, including over President Joe Biden’s policies that limit oil and gas production and COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

    Landry was pretty good on pushing back on the Lil Rona Panic bullshit from what I remember.

  39. SDF-7

    Oh, fuck me.

    Sure… the person who has broken laws to enter the country, who could be (not under PPP but could) deported at any time and who can’t legally be employed under current law (which is ignored, wink wink)… should have none of that taken into account when it comes to likelihood of default?

    Fucking zealot idiots trying to remake reality because they think they’re gods…. aka morons.

  40. juris imprudent

    If the Republican party had any balls at all, they would expel from the caucus anyone even contemplating this. So you know, the Liz Cheney/Adam Kinzinger types – or the equivalents still with Congressional seats.

    House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that there are “informal conversations” taking place for a bipartisan solution to the House Speakership, which has been vacant for nearly two weeks.

  41. juris imprudent

    I’m going to say I’m skeptical about this as a FARA case. It is no substitute for just nailing him on straight up corruption.

  42. DEG

    Music selection is good.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that there are “informal conversations” taking place for a bipartisan solution to the House Speakership, which has been vacant for nearly two weeks.

    A bipartisan agreement to bring back Nancy Pelosi?

    • KK, Non-Man

      That would be fucking hilarious

      • SDF-7

        I can’t help but think this is exactly what the Minority Leader would say just to stir the pot.