Saturday evening bowl game weekend links!

by | Dec 30, 2023 | Daily Links | 122 comments

And then tonight, we can all watch the Lions beat the Cowboys at home.

With the college playoff series, bowl games have pretty much become irrelevant. But it is fun to see two good teams who otherwise wouldn’t face each other. And the Cowboys just need to lose. That’s all there is to it.

Btw, did anyone see Ohio State get it’s ass beat last night? Wasn’t that great?!?

*lights sloopy signal*




Not even the porn industry is safe from conflict.


Remember when the people of Australia were considered rugged individualists? Yeah, it appears they’re now New Zealand.


Prepare for nothing to happen.


It truly is the end of  an era.


A little cheesecake for FourScore.


You know how you avoid coastal flooding?




Okay, time to prepare for more football. And by prepare mean, pour a drink. Peace out, Glibbies!

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. creech

    Jeez, Florida State must have said “Here, hold my beer” to the Penn State squad. Looks like a good decision not to have them in Final Four.

    • slumbrew

      they’re missing about a dozen players due to the NFL or transfer portal, so it’s hard to judge this team vs. the team that played during the regular season.

      • creech

        NCAA. ≤houldn’t open portal until after all bowl games are complete.

      • hayeksplosives

        It does seem to be an unnecessary distraction.

  2. rhywun

    Prepare for nothing to happen.

    Well, that is the point.

  3. UnCivilServant

    Off Topic – I figured I could get some more out of my cheap assed breadboard by shifting everything to the end that I hadn’t been using. I got better connections and wired up the last project that I’d left off on. This was the first one using an Integrated Circuit to control a seven-segment display.

    When I powered it all up, the display was wonky. My connections felt solid, and after a while I realized that I’d installed the IC backwards! Shutting down and turning it around I found one of the segments was now very dim. They all lit, but one only lit half-bright. Because this was the only IC with a spare in the kit, I swapped it out for the other one and all the segments are back to full brightness.

    Have I broken the first IC?

    (If it matters, it’s a Texas Instruments 74HC595 8-Bit Shift Register)

    • UnCivilServant

      Hell, even retail, these things are cheap as dirt. I’ll assume I broke it by sending current in the wrong pins like a dumbass.

      • UnCivilServant

        These tutorials suck. The don’t explain the code beyond what I’d expect from the laziest comment. They don’t explain how the components behave, let alone how they work. If not for my insistance that I make it do something other than simply run the provided code, I wouldn’t be learning anything.

        Searching for the means to change the output tells me that they did some annoying things. Rather than handle clear and output enable in code, they shorted OE to ground and plugged clear directly to 3.3V, locking them in active and disabled states. I’m going to have to rewire those and update the code to make use of them. I care about the clear because it’s an easy way to set the whole display to off – which the current code doesn’t do when interrupted.

      • UnCivilServant

        Gee, move one jumper pin and add two lines of code and now the display clears when you end the program.

      • UnCivilServant

        I had a whole rant written up because I mixed up bit math.

        I’m still convinced whoever wrote the code for this tutorial was on crack. Even though I’ve reverse-engineered their thought processes and can tell you that they wanted the byte stored in the shift register (it can hold only one) to match the byte in the python code, so they read the most significant digit and left shifted, but it just feels counterintuitive.

        A few more words in the “This is what this code does” section to expound on that would have saved me from way too much “what the fuck is he doing?” ranting.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Read Forrest Mims then get back to us,
        You will learn

      • UnCivilServant

        No, no I won’t.

        I don’t learn that way

      • UnCivilServant

        I appreciate the advice, and should not have snapped at you.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have two conditions under which I appologise – I feel I’ve done something wrong, and the other person is willing to accept it.

      • UnCivilServant

        My visualization of the byte inside the register was opposite what order it actually went through the bits, but I’ve adjusted my logic and now I have a spinner.

        Ripping apart the code an doing bitwise review of the data really helped my understand how the IC worked. The seven segment display was dead simple, it was eight LEDs with a commond ground pin.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Electronics first then code,
        Good luck!

      • UnCivilServant

        I wouldn’t have figured out the electronics without the code to drive them.

      • Plinker762

        So the tutorial worked. Maybe the crappy code was intentional.

  4. rhywun


    Mostly streaming BS, so no opinion.

  5. hayeksplosives

    I hadn’t realized there was a Nuffle game tonight! Yay!

    Gotta scarf down some dinner and pop a can of Coke Zero—livin on the edge.

    • rhywun

      And it’s on ABC. 🤪

      • hayeksplosives

        And they’re calling it a “Monday Night Football” game.

  6. The Gunslinger

    I’ve long been a fan of lighthouses. I would not have guessed there were any active keepers still in service. That’s an impressive run by Sally in Boston.

    Here’s the story of the lighthouse in my town. Known as Big Red.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      MI rules for lighthouses,

    • Chafed

      You know what else is called Big Red?

      • rhywun

        Cornell sportsball participants?

  7. hayeksplosives

    LOL. Babylon Bee gets it (regarding traffic-blocking protests):

    “This is truly a brilliant tactic,” he said. “I never would have considered their viewpoint before, but now that they have completely ruined my plans and made my life more difficult, I’m far more inclined to agree with them.”

      • Chafed

        Time to build a bulldozer with firm rubber blade. Think of it as a snow plow for people.

      • UnCivilServant

        But that won’t mulch the protesters.

      • Chafed

        Baby steps.

  8. Shpip

    The largest blowout in Orange Bowl history was in 1953, when Alabama bested Syracuse to the tune of 61-6.

    Seventy-one years is a helluva run, but Georgia‘s looking to best that — currently up 63-3 with ten minutes to play.

    • rhywun

      I chuckled and flipped over to Pluto.

      ST:VOY finale.

      • Chafed

        Don’t spoil the ending for the rest of us.

    • juris imprudent

      FSU should withdraw their lawsuit against the ACC and beg forgiveness. This is after all the team that Alabama beat.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    I just watched Blood Diamond. Good movie.

    • The Gunslinger


    • Trials and Trippelations

      Fuckkkk! Please don’t let that madness spread. We only stopped doing masks last April

  10. R C Dean


    What? Paywalls?

    • The Hyperbole

      Best Sci-fi films, I don’t get a paywall but I haven’t watched any of the movies listed so I can’t discuss it either, I’ll say that “Small Town Sins” was the best novel I read this year.

      • The Hyperbole

        Ah, the paywall kicks in after you scroll for a minute. Seems dumb, I could see all the nominees but didn’t have time to read what the idiots at the Blaze thought, no big loss.

      • rhywun

        My “reader view” gave me the whole thing (I think) but all the movies but one are pay streaming which I don’t do so oh well.

      • R.J.

        I have to try that trick.

      • R.J.

        The Godzilla movie is still on my watch list.
        I am avoiding M3ghan like the plague.

      • DEG

        “Godzilla Minus One” is good.

  11. The Gunslinger

    WOW. Our long Motown nightmare is over. After a record setting 28 consecutive defeats, the Detroit Pistons have won an NBA basketball game.

    Pistons 129
    Raptors 127

    • rhywun

      Now the Lions need to get it done.

      • hayeksplosives

        Despite the shock of the announcement, WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert welcomed the new addition to the league. “We’re thrilled to add such a storied basketball franchise,” she said. “Fostering disinterest in the fanbase and showcasing lackluster play in front of mostly empty arenas are hallmarks of our league, so we’re confident the Pistons will feel right at home here.”

        So, so mean.

      • The Gunslinger

        That’s good stuff right there.

    • slumbrew

      RIP, Lenny

      “There’s no school like the old school and I’m the fuckin’ headmaster.”

      • Chafed

        WTF! For a moment I thought you said Lemmy died.

      • slumbrew

        You should sit down, I have something to tell you…

      • Chafed

        Wait a minute…. I don’t like where this is going.

      • Tres Cool

        Just think about Lou.
        We still have Lou Reed.

        /I do love how people and the media act like heroin is something new

  12. Fourscore

    I’m lusting in my heart. I’ll subscribe to Sports Illustrated if Martha is going to a regular feature. Does SI have a centerfold? Asking for a friend.

    • The Hyperbole

      Washington, Quinn, and The Vandells, Stewart? your gonna need to be more specific here.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Does SI have a centerfold?

      Sorry 4×20, 400lb minimum for that spot.

    • Grumbletarian

      Guessed the song, just not the live version.

      • Chafed

        You’re the man Grumbletarian.

  13. Trigger Hippie

    I already miss Brandon Staley(Chiefs fan)… .Dan Campbell and Staley often arrive at the same conclusion for entirely different reasons with similar results…

    Point being: fuck analytics, fuck your pride, take the fucking field goal.

    • Trigger Hippie

      Hey, reason took hold. How about that? The Lions could have forced a touchdown or two field goals for a tie or victory for the Cowboys but hey, pride.

    • Trigger Hippie

      Ha! Beautiful.

      As I said, swallow your pride and kick the ball. Fuck you, Dan Staley. Reap what you sow.

  14. Gender Traitor

    Just back from belated Christmas dinner with my sisters and BIL at a nice small town historic restaurant. Good food that someone else cooked and cleaned up after, and a quick and relatively painless gift exchange. THAT’S the way to do a family holiday gathering!

    • Tres Cool

      Jugsy was away so I ordered DoorDash
      And I still need to drop off your gift….

    • Chafed


    • Sean


  15. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    We were in Pismo Beach for a couple days. The waves were awesome. Nature is one hell of a mother.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Woo Hoo. My old stomping grounds, a lot of my friends used to surf there, among many other beaches in the area.

      Me? I used to sink there…

  16. Sensei

    After he was pulled out of a mangled stolen box truck and looked over the damaged cars and carnage he is accused of causing by leading cops in a five-mile chase though Staten Island, Michael Rompa had a question for the arresting officers:

    “What the f— did I do?”

    N.J. man who stole W.B. Mason truck and led cops on 5-mile chase perplexed by arrest

    Seems like the same guy here.

  17. Trigger Hippie

    ‘Btw, did anyone see Ohio State get it’s ass beat last night? Wasn’t that great?!?’


    Look, like I said to Sloopy before the game began in an earlier post: I get that OSU is without their starting QB and Harrison Jr/transfer portal/draft eligible/blarg…

    The early loss of the 2nd string QB pretty much sealed the deal because Mizzou’s defense is no joke. At full strength Ohio State probably wins this game by at least ten but I’ll happily take the on paper win because no matter how much OSU fans want to downplay the loss, Mizzou won by eleven while being around three point underdogs in the Cotton Bowl against a perennial top ten school. Smoke and mirrors not withstanding, it doesn’t hurt the program…

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      I’ve not watched much of the bowl season, but the number of times I’ve heard “transfer portal”, “shorthanded” and “sat out” hasnt really made me want to turn it on. Why do I want to watch Georgia demolish Florida State’s 3rd string team?

      • Don escaped Texas

        I don’t want to watch pro ball at all. I’m probably going to give up on college ball since they’ve given up on the illusion of the student athlete.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I’ll not reproduce my rant that ive posted a few times before, but I’ll merely state that you have to have a hook to keep an audience long term. At this point, the hook for college football is the logo. Nothing else seems to matter or last more than a season or two.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I’ve been run off after four decades

  18. Sensei

    Oh, NOW our public health poohbahs tell us our COVID approach was narrow-minded

    Francis Collins, again: “So you attach infinite value to stopping the disease and saving a life. You attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recover from.”

    What’s the quote about hell and road paving? JFC.

  19. Don escaped Texas



    I like decision nouns that are descriptively fair; I dislike exaggeration. Beat means beating, or it did three or four decades ago; I prefer edged or outlasted if they are more apt.

  20. hayeksplosives

    Can the Lions pull a rabbit out of a hat?

    • hayeksplosives

      Holy cow. TD made, and Lions are going for 2 and the win, or 0 and the loss.

      • hayeksplosives


      • Chafed

        Yup. Now it’s time for John Wick 3.

  21. Don escaped Texas

    I caught the last few seconds of DET@DAL

    it looks like that guard tried to check in but was not heard/taken seriously

    some say illegal formation, that he was covered, but no: wide out was in the backfield; there were four in the back and seven on the line, standard stuff

    you gotta make sure you’re super duper checked in, so it’s on the Lions, but it’s hard not to sympathize with them

    • slumbrew

      That’s a tough outcome. I could see the rules committee adding a requirement for the official to verbally acknowledge when a player reports as eligible. Then it’d be fair to put it on the player.

      • Don escaped Texas

        of course there’s nothing wrong with running in a proper tight end: solves all problems

    • Chafed

      I got the sense Aikman was delicately trying to say it looked like he had checked in.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I’ve got the sound off

        the world is so stupid I have constant anxiety that someone is going to be normal and I’ll hear it and it will ruin my day

        Rhywun will say he checked out of an article after reading X; I basically can’t stand anything any more, checked out all the time

    • R C Dean

      From what I could tell, Detroit sent in two linemen who needed to check in. One did, and the other didn’t. Didn’t even go close to an official after coming off the bench. The officials announce it when a linemen checks in as an eligible receiver, and they only announced the one.

      Which helps explain why nobody tried to cover the guy they threw the ball to.

      • R C Dean

        Watched it again. Looks like both linemen went up to the ref at the same time, who only acknowledged and announced one of them as an eligible receiver.

        Who knows what happened, but if the ref doesn’t announce you, you aren’t eligible.

  22. J. Frank Parnell

    Not even the porn industry is safe from conflict.

    The backlash was swift.

    Michael Lucas, 51, owner of porn production shop Lucas Entertainment

    (blah blah blah) Iranian-American porn star Shahrokh Mosavinejad told his more than 800,000 followers(blah blah blah)

    (blah blah blah) Kyle Overton, who goes by the porn name Sean Xavier(blah blah blah)

    You know what? In the spirit of neutrality and muh both sides, I’m not going to jack off to videos of any of these guys.

  23. J. Frank Parnell

    You know how you avoid coastal flooding?

    Eating bugs?

    • Sean

      Electric car fires.

    • The Gunslinger

      Learning to fly?

  24. Festus

    Was asked to attend a family gathering. Too many steps up and down plus does my walker even slide down your hallway? They don’t get it. They just don’t get it. Do ya want me to piss myself on your sofa?

    • CPRM

      Quit making excuses and make like a polite Canadian, you stubborn bastard. Make them carry you a Peloquin! Hail Rufus! (Seriously, don’t miss out on life because you’re too proud to be seen as weak)

      • CPRM

        Luv U Festus. Don’t Puss out.

    • Sean

      Make them come to you. And bring you presents. And food. And liquor. And maybe some holiday cocaine.

  25. Brochettaward

    I really can’t stay
    Baby, it’s First outside
    I’ve got to go away
    Baby, it’s First outside
    This evening has been
    Hoping that you’d drop in
    So, very nice
    I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like Firsts

    • Ted S.

      I really can’t stay

      Baby feel free to leave.

  26. Sean

    Happy New Years Eve! 🎉🎆🍻

    If you go out tonight, be safe. I’m not going out.

    Excellent song and the video aged fairly well. 🎶🎶

  27. Beau Knott

    Happy New Year’s Eve to all!

    • Gender Traitor

      Happy New Year’s Eve, Beau and Sean! I have no intention of leaving the house after 6 p.m. today, if at all.

      • Beau Knott

        Amen to that!

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, I think the last time I went out for New Year’s was probably in the late ‘80s. I think for NYE 1999/2000 we went over to friends for dinner, but were home well before midnight.

      • Ownbestenemy

        We will be this year to mark our move and hang out with cousins. Not really looking forward to it, but it is what it is. Making guac for the crowd since they use no damn spices in this town.

  28. Fourscore

    Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone!

    I too will be staying home tonight, it’s been a long year.

    • Ted S.

      2024 is going to be even longer.

      • R C Dean

        Technically correct, since 2024 will be a leap year.

    • Gender Traitor

      Happy New Year’s Eve, 4(20)! I trust your year ended better than it started, and I hope next year is even better!