The sad part about all of this is the likelihood one of these ends up in my house.

This is my review of Abnormal Darth Pivo Dark Czech Lager:

Once upon a time I got my hands on a copy of Car and Driver, and they famously published an article on the dangers of texting and driving.  It wasn’t exactly scientific, but they did account for a lot of factors like the age of the driver, it was hard to question their methodology.  Except for the part where they compared their reaction time after sharing a fifth of vodka.  TL/DR:  They drove better drunk.

Its okay, because soon the car will drive itself, right?  We won’t need to worry about people doing stupid things in cars anymore!

Then Apple released this ….thing.  I don’t know what to make of it.  Its a set of goggles that allows the user to enter the brave new world of “spatial computing”.  At first glance I can happily say get off my lawn, but on the second thought I might do some research and find a “pick and shovel” type of investment related to it.  Its an Apple product:  its clean, the software is thoroughly integrated with other Apple products, its proprietary, and its really goddamn expensive.

Naturally, Tesla drivers are wearing them while driving—but its cool because its a prank.  Except it isn’t because this is triggered the nannies (TW:  The Gruniad):

“Reminder – ALL advanced driver assistance systems available today require the hum

an driver to be in control and fully engaged in the driving task at all times,” Buttigieg said.

Apple’s Vision Pro was released last week and blends three-dimensional digital content with a view of the outside world. Apple, which says people should never use it while operating a moving vehicle, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Apple already integrates into many modern cars through Apple Car Play.  So they can probably disable the Vision Pro in the car without us having to go through draconian measures approved by Mayor Pete in order to drive without fear of some Zoomer checking in on his OnlyFans harem behind the wheel.

What am I saying?  They’re already doing that.


Its not a Vienna Lager.  Its not a Bock.  Its a dark Pilsner.  WTF you ask?  To be honest it actually does work pretty well.  Its not as thick and sweet as the former but on the nose a lovely note of Czech Saaz hops remind of the time you left your keys in the tackle box. Now where did you leave the tackle box?  No matter.  There are some toasty, chocolate undertones but they keep it muted enough it doesn’t overwhelm.  You will like this, even if you piss and moan about beer flavored beer. Abnormal Darth Pivo Dark Czech Lager:  3.8/5  4.9% ABV

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. Common Tater

    “and its really goddamn expensive”

    Apple expensive? The hell you say!

  2. Common Tater

    Does it taste like stout?

    • mexican sharpshooter


      • R C Dean

        Sounds good. I like a dark lager.

        Of course the only beer I don’t like is light beer.

  3. Common Tater

    I’ve never seen Driving Miss Daisy. Is it any good?

    • The Other Kevin

      Been a long time but I remember it being good.

    • Chafed

      Yes, it is.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Its a touching film about a white southern lady and her black chauffeur. The sex scene was a bit tame by today’s standards.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Fourth it. Morgan Freeman as the young guy in the buddy movie.

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s the slowest paced racing movie I’ve ever watched.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    Reminder – ALL advanced driver assistance systems available today require the human driver to be in control and fully engaged in the driving task at all times,” Buttigieg said.

    Yass, bwana Petey.

    • R C Dean

      Does running a cabinet department also require the Secretary to be in control and fully engaged in the task at all times?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Ask Lloyd Austin.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Austin to Buttglug “I learned it by watching you!”

  5. Shpip

    One Tesla driver seemingly overestimated the car’s abilities by taking it on a snowmobile trail through the Adirondacks, according to investigators in New York. The car made it four miles before getting stuck on the Elm Lake Road Snowmobile Trail, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation said in a Feb. 6 Facebook post.

    “Siri, show me a shortcut.”

  6. DEG

    Its not a Vienna Lager. Its not a Bock. Its a dark Pilsner. WTF you ask? To be honest it actually does work pretty well. Its not as thick and sweet as the former but on the nose a lovely note of Czech Saaz hops remind of the time you left your keys in the tackle box. Now where did you leave the tackle box? No matter. There are some toasty, chocolate undertones but they keep it muted enough it doesn’t overwhelm. You will like this, even if you piss and moan about beer flavored beer. Abnormal Darth Pivo Dark Czech Lager: 3.8/5 4.9% ABV

    I had a lot of good dark lagers in Prague. I wouldn’t call them dark Pilsners.

    Anyways… this beer looks good.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      They said it not me.

  7. The Other Kevin

    I haven’t tried any of those goggle things lately but in the past any VR type thing gave me really bad motion sickness.

    • Chafed

      *Zuckerberg storms out of the room*

    • R C Dean

      These are more augmented reality than virtual reality. You can see out, with digital overlays.

  8. Nephilium

    We’ve got a couple places here that do a Pivo, more just call it a Schwarzbier or dark lager though.

  9. The Gunslinger

    “Now, when I was pregnant, I forgot words all the time. I threw the dogs’ leashes in the garbage and put my phone in the fridge. I forgot I wasn’t allowed to cry when the grocery store ran out of the cereal I like. But I was not president. And I’m afraid Joe Biden is not pregnant.”

    From The Free Press, unfortunately paywalled but I thought that was pretty good.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Get your filthy thumb off the scales of justice!

    The order raised concerns among legal experts who have long worried that Cannon may be tilting the case in favor of Trump.

    “Judge Aileen Cannon continues to make rulings that are disturbing,” former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance wrote on Substack. “Perhaps we’d view any one of them, on their own, as a judicial aberration. But the pattern of ruling upon ruling that is out of the legal mainstream and results in delay well past the point where this case should have been ready for trial is something that shouldn’t be ignored. Judges should not put their fingers on the scales of justice either for or against a defendant or any other party. Here, it’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that the scales are being tipped.”

    The E Jean Carroll and Trump Organization judges were unavailable for comment.

    • Gender Traitor

      They plopped their butts right down on those scales with their bowling bags in their laps.

    • Chafed

      Where is my Salon trigger warning? More seriously, I love how the writer skips right by The Press Coalition supporting disclosure.

      • juris imprudent

        Those are bad press people, not the good, obedient and subservient kind.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Thinking about Bwana Petey as a classic example of undeserved elevation, I cannot help wondering if he gazes adoringly at himself in the bathroom mirror and seriously considers himself to be a potential replacement for Biden if the Geezer-in-Chief should suddenly wheeze his last.

    • R C Dean

      He was being positioned as the Historic First Gay President/VP. Then everyone got a good look at him.

      • rhywun

        Acceptably gay. Articulate, even. It’s not like he was Mr. Slave or something.

      • Nephilium

        Jethuth Christ.

  12. LCDR_Fish

    Headed to Port Hueneme tomorrow. Only brewery I can find in a quick search is Red Tandem – may try an uber from base to check that place out sometime later in the week.

    Just got my January preorder box from Vinegar Syndrome. This place is knocking it out of the park – ordering 2-4 new releases every month at this point.

    In this order: “The Horrible Dr Hichcock”, “Southern Comfort”, “The Great Silence”, “Hana-Bi”.

    This past week preordered for Feb: “Phase IV”, “Bubble Bath”, “Red Rock West”.

    • dbleagle

      Not much near Port Hueneme. If you go up to the Santa Barbara area there are some good beer places. Ventura had one that failed shortly before Da VID hit.

  13. Shpip

    Man who overwhelmingly won re-election is a threat to democracy (archived to get around NYT paywall).

    While votes are still being counted, President Nayib Bukele claims he won re-election by a landslide, with more than 85 percent of the vote.

    The crackdown Mr. Bukele has led on organized crime has all but dismantled the infamous street gangs that terrorized the population for decades. It also exacted a tremendous price on Salvadorans’ human rights, civil liberties and democracy.

    Other leaders in the neighborhood are taking notice, and have debated adopting many of the same drastic measures to fight their own criminal violence. But even if they wanted to make the trade-off that Mr. Bukele’s government has — making streets safer through methods that are blatantly at odds with democracy — they aren’t likely to succeed.

    Evidently it isn’t real democracy if the proles vote the wrong way.

    • Chafed

      Even funnier is those election results appear to be real. I can’t imagine how bad it must have been for this policy to be so popular.

    • rhywun

      The conditions that enabled Mr. Bukele’s success and political stardom are unique to El Salvador, and can’t be exported.

      Don’t be getting any fancy ideas about practicin’ law ‘n’ order, the rest of Central America.

      Not to say that Dudebro is beyond reproach – fuck do I know? But to just throw up your hands and cede your country to narcoterrorists is probably going to prove unacceptable to normal people, sooner or later.

    • R C Dean

      How arresting gangbangers is a threat to democracy is an exercise for the reader.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        They were just going out for tea and skittles!

  14. Mojeaux

    Re “write-offs.” I ordered my family’s financial life around writing shit off. No, it’s not a 1:1 spend, but if I can get what I like at a discount, why not? We go on a trip, I do work that relates to both my business and the trip. I buy ebooks or cross-stitch patterns, I’m analyzing their back-end creation, making myself better at my work. I buy craft supplies, I’m working on my pattern-making and marketing skills. I buy music, I’m writing to it for inspiration. I buy office supplies—well, it just so happens the IRS approves of my addiction. I’m always doing SOMETHING with the things I like/buy that will assuage the gods.

    • Chafed

      That’s smart and quite a bit different than a studio deleting a film. Unless there is some wrinkle in the tax law I missed, they are taking a huge loss on that movie.

    • R C Dean

      That’s not writing off a loss. That’s deducting business expenses.

      • Mojeaux

        You’re right. I’m in the habit of saying “I can write this off.”

        Bad debt is a write-off. Had some of that last year.

      • creech

        I know a few consultants who don’t book the revenue until they are paid. Never have to book bad debt if you haven’t booked the revenue.

      • Mojeaux

        If I hit Dec 31 11:59p and they’ve refused to pay all year, it’s bad debt.

    • Ted S.

      You write romance novels. This is your music for inspiration.

      • Mojeaux

        Why do you even know about that?

        I was watching Hoarders, and a dude was talking about how he’s the friend of the hoarder and he’s the one who called the show to help her. I thought, “That unfortunate man looks just like Ron Jeremy.” Turns out, it was Ron Jeremy.

      • R C Dean

        Now I’m wondering how you know what Ron Jeremy looks like.

        I mean, I don’t have a clue. But you could pick him out as a side character on a TV show decades after his prime? Concerning.

      • rhywun

        So could I.

        I thought everybody knew what he looks like?

      • Nephilium

        You should watch the Boondock Saints. It is almost the season for it.

      • Tres Cool

        Good comments.

        8 years ago
        I played this with my stereo at the max power of the volume, now all the girls of my neighbourhood are pregnant

      • Mojeaux

        Well, now, come to think of it, I don’t know. I’ve not seen any of his movies.

        Just one of those bits you learn along life’s path, I guess.

      • Ted S.

        I simply went to YouTube and did a search on 1970s porn music. That was one of the top hits.

    • Mojeaux

      Did you notice the jet was named “The Football Era”?

      New album incoming.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Yeah not sure what that’s about because it’s a charter

    • kinnath

      She sold one of her two private jets — the one that was being tracked and was the subject of the cease and desist letter.

      • Chafed

        That’s a short term solution. All these flights are public information. Once she gets linked to her new jet, it’s going to be the same as it was.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Evidently it isn’t real democracy if the proles vote the wrong way.

    What’s a few dead civilians compared to our lofty principles?

    • juris imprudent

      It isn’t some butthurt about principles. It’s that people don’t know their place – that they aren’t obeying their betters.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Too bad she can’t charter a Concorde

    Will she make it in time?

    Taylor Swift’s last song was still ringing in the ears of thousands of fans at the Tokyo Dome on Saturday night when the singer rushed to a private jet at Haneda airport, presumably embarking on an intensely scrutinized journey to see her boyfriend, NFL star Travis Kelce, play in the Super Bowl in Las Vegas.

    “We’re all gonna go on a great adventure,” Swift earlier told the crowd. She was speaking of the music, but it might also describe her prospective race against time, which was to cross nine time zones and the international date line.

    With a final bow at the end of her sold-out show, clad in a blue sequined outfit, the crowd screaming, strobe lights pulsing, confetti falling, Swift disappeared beneath the stage — and her journey to the other side of the world began.

    Fingers crossed.

    • Ted S.

      I don’t see how there could be an issue. I just looked up commercial flights, and on March 10 there was one leaving Haneda at 0410 UTC, a 10-hour flight to LAX so arriving at about 1400 UTC. Then a 3-hour layover and another just over one-hour flight to Las Vegas, which means the plane would land in Las Vegas around 1800 UTC. The SB begins a little after 2300 UTC.

      And Swift wouldn’t be flying commercial, so she wouldn’t have to worry about the layover.

      • Chafed

        She’s so brave and in charge Ted’S! How dare you undermine a strong successful woman by using patriarchal math and time zones.

    • rhywun

      I can’t decide if she’s ruining the NFL or bringing it to dizzying heights of unheard-of ratings. I guess we’ll see.

      • R C Dean


      • Urthona

        very obviously.

        they barely even show her.

        there should no controversy here.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        If the NFL is doing this for ratings, a lot more people had to stop watching over kneeling than I thought previously.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    It wasn’t immediately clear late Saturday if Swift’s plane had left. About an hour after the end of the concert, Associated Press journalists were near Haneda’s private jet area when minivans drove up and someone went inside the gate area as four to five people carrying large black umbrellas obstructed the view of the person.

    Maybe it was Carlos Ghosn.

    • creech

      You know who else snuck out of Tokyo?

    • Gender Traitor

      Add writing and then you’ll really have something! 😜 (Maybe “I will not crochet in class” as many times as it will fit?)

    • rhywun

      lol nice.

      I just bought this for the Lazy-Boy. The classics endure.

      • Mojeaux

        HAAAAAAAAAAATE granny squares.

    • cavalier973

      I’ll make a note of that one.

      Hopefully, my wife and I will be on the same page with this project.

      • Mojeaux

        Yarn acquired.

    • rhywun

      lol Shouldn’t you be getting away from nut-punch inducing political madness?

      • Gender Traitor

        Just my little contribution to his legal defense fund. (“Dude! Get yourself a real attorney for the appeal!”) Only plan to read if the light’s too dim to crochet.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Not to say that Dudebro is beyond reproach – fuck do I know? But to just throw up your hands and cede your country to narcoterrorists is probably going to prove unacceptable to normal people, sooner or later.

    I was skimming through an article earlier about the new tsunami of drugs in Montana. At one point they say it’s getting so bad on the reservations people have formed vigilante groups.

    I have to ask myself, should the vigilantes go after the criminals, or the government officials who are apparently unable or unwilling to get control of the situation?

  19. The Late P Brooks

    “And” is acceptable.

    Further: before the unionized professionals took over and squelched the community’s tendency to “take the law into their own hands” I suspect there was a lot of ad hoc justice dealt out, and not just by white racist lynch mobs.

  20. Raven Nation

    Wonder how long before people start thinking Harry Kane is jinxed?

    • juris imprudent

      Not half as jinxed as Darryl Dike (injured again).

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I can’t decide if she’s ruining the NFL or bringing it to dizzying heights of unheard-of ratings. I guess we’ll see.


    I love those stories about how Taylor Swift is bringing the NFL to a new audience, heretofore utterly unaware of the existence of the game of football. How many high schools in this country don’t have a football team? More now than twenty or thirty years ago, I’d guess, but football is not exactly unheard of out there.

    • rhywun

      They probably mean that she has people watching who ordinarily wouldn’t be. Of course everyone is aware of the existence of football. Lots of people don’t watch after high school.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why would anyone? For the occassional shot of someone sitting in the audience?

      • Spudalicious

        Travis Kelce is her boyfriend. It’s cool to watch him play just because of that. And the occasional Tay Tay shot.

    • R C Dean

      It’s a crossover marketing dream. Two huge audiences that probably don’t have a lot of overlap. Not many will stick, but it’s pure pickup on both ends. And you don’t need a big percentage of “huge audience” to make it a decent pickup.

      Unless this really is twoo wuv, I’ll be mildly disappointed if Swift didn’t charge the NFL a sizable fee for going along.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    It’s a crossover marketing dream.

    Kansas City Chiefs team gear at the concert in Tokyo, according to article.

  23. Tres Cool

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Marta.
    And the newest addition, Archie.

    • rhywun

      Are you hoarding dogs?

      • Sean


      • Tres Cool

        We’re holding at 3.

      • Tres Cool

        Other than my Tres Ver 2.0, no kids.
        While expensive, in the long run dogs are much cheaper. Thankfully Jugsy doesnt want to breed.
        At least not with me, which is sound decision.

    • Beau Knott


  24. Suthenboy

    Serious question: The apple googly things…see reality with digital overlays? To what end?

    • R C Dean

      There’s actually a lot of good uses for augmented reality once they get it squared away. Training and quality control leap to mind immediately, but I’m sure there’s others.

      Walking around in public like a dork, not so much.

      • Urthona

        But hey. I’m gonna be walking around in public like a dork already so…..

      • Nephilium

        One that could identify the flora and fauna around you when you look at it could be useful/interesting. You know at some point someone’s going to have one that’s tied into social media that’ll identify people when you look at them.

      • Urthona

        I would freaking love that actually

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Creep shots.

  25. R C Dean

    Another Daily Ray. A little long, but just a great story. It manages to combine low-budget hot rods and terminal brain cancer, in a positive way?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Don’t worry, we have plenty of checks

    The cost of the Inflation Reduction Act’s energy and climate provisions is now expected to be significantly higher than previously projected, at least partially because of greater-than-anticipated investment in climate-friendly technology.

    The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revised its projections this week, greatly increasing how much it believes the law’s energy tax credit-related provisions will cost.

    “The costs of energy-related tax provisions are much higher than the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation originally projected,” CBO Director Phillip Swagel said.

    One of the factors the agency cited is a greater number of people expected to claim tax credits for electric vehicles, as proposed environmental regulations push the market in that direction and the Treasury Department issues flexible guidance for the credits.

    A trillion here, a trillion there…

  27. UnCivilServant

    Can any Glibs recommend a decent entry-level oscilliscope? While trying to figure out what was wrong with my circuit build, there were a number of steps which would have been easier if I could see the signals on the line to narrow down where I’d made my mistake. But I didn’t have anything to interrogate that information. I want something with its own display that doesn’t rely on having a computer nearby for output, and I would rather not shell out a few thousand dollars on something I use once in a while. (I did find This fellow but approaching $500 is in my hesitance zone).

    • Sensei

      Rigol. Seems to also be quite hackable depending on the model.

      Lots of guides. So find the current available models and what is hackable.

      • UnCivilServant

        This guy appears to be their current bottom of the line option. I was going to link to the Rygol site itself, but their website is terrible (didn’t have a product page dedicated to just that model, but the whole family)

      • Tres Cool

        Asking out of ignorance……why would you want to hack a test instrument ?

      • Sensei

        They software lock features among models.

        I wouldn’t use it on anything production.

      • Tres Cool


      • UnCivilServant

        How much do you trust “”?

      • Sensei

        it’s going to generate a key.

        Are you planning on networking your scope?

      • UnCivilServant

        I question what they might do with the collected serial numbers.

      • Sensei

        My bet is the serial number is on the outside of the box.

        But it’s a legitimate concern. Advantage outweighs the disadvantage on my risk calculus.

  28. Suthenboy

    Ugh. This Swift hysteria seems to be out of hand. What is it with humans (most of them) and their deep need to worship?
    I asked my son about her not long ago and he reminded me – She is friends with some family around here he was friends with also. They had a reception at a local restaurant and he invited me along. Some very pretty little 16/17/18 yo girl was there singing and my son said “That’s Taylor Swift”.
    “Oh, Ok”
    I guess she had just begun being in the public eye but there was no hysteria. It was just a family gathering and had the feel of a wedding reception. I dont really remember what it was.
    Pretty girl, good voice…ok. She is a person. This whole foam at the mouth god-like worship frenzy is ridiculous.
    Honestly I feel kinda sorry for her. That has to drive a person nuts.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      My daughter is a fan, its just non-threatening pop music. Fame wears into people but I have a feeling crying into a giant pile of money every night helps.

      • Suthenboy

        Money comes, money goes. Things are just things, they can be replaced. A person cannot be replaced. Your soul is not worth all of the riches in the world.
        I feel sorry for the girl.

    • juris imprudent

      “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.”

    • Urthona

      I think many people just enjoy her music.

      I really would like Republicans to shut the fuck up about Taylor Swift most of all.

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah, I got that…as in dont get it. She’s a whut now? Some nebulous bullshit about being a something something something for Creepy Joe?
        I am not sure what she is supposed to do or how she is supposed to do it, but its sneaky and bad. Or something.
        Yeah, they should shut the fuck up. You cant really run around in circles with your hair on fire, kaleidoscope eyes while foaming at the mouth screaming gibberish and accusing your opposition of being nuts.

      • R C Dean

        I’m with U. The fixation of Always-Online partisans on her is disturbing. On the bright side, I don’t think they are representative of the genpop.

      • Ted S.

        And of course the media is using it to propagandize how stupid Team Red is. Hell, I heard such a report from ORF in Austria this morning.

  29. rhywun

    Ugh, 02/10 played me:
    24/24 words (+4 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 10% by bonus words

    So did:
    31/31 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 33% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 165