Friday Morning Links

by | Feb 9, 2024 | Daily Links | 407 comments


It’s Super Bowl weekend. Enjoy it. Now let’s get to…the links!

Good Lord, this man has no idea what’s going on. Even a Mexican sitting in his capital of Cairo could see that.

Wow, you mean active deterrence works? Who could have seen that coming?

What response did you expect? His wife whored herself out to Harvey Weinstein…twice. So of course he doesn’t care.

Oh this is just great. Now we gotta send some teenage dork in there to get bit by a spider so he can fight them off.

The shirt is a lie.

Oh, now you take it seriously? You dumbasses sat on the sidelines for years. You don’t get to jump on the bandwagon now.

I assume this will be painted as ageist and politically motivated. Unlike the brave Dems who did the same thing 4-5 years ago.

So are they just letting him go? If so, hide your gibbons.

I’ve got 1-2-3-4-5 reasons to love this song. It’s such a good one. As is this. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Friday and weekend, dear friends!

About The Author




  1. UnCivilServant

    It’s Super Bowl weekend

    Is that why all the plastic-crack related content was suddenly Blood Bowl themed?

    • LCDR_Fish

      Pretty sure. I’m waiting to see if they offer thr special back library reprints this weekend. I’ll probably pick up a few more omnibus collections.

      • UnCivilServant

        If I assemble four more, I’ll have 35 new-scale Terminators (I have the four, they’re just still on sprue. I ran out of steam during the assembly-a-thon). I need to get them primed and painted.

      • SDF-7

        If they all look like Summer Glau, I expect you’ll be gluing them in your bunk.

  2. juris imprudent

    The real kicker in the Biden docs is what he disclosed to an unauthorized person. That is so open and shut and frankly worse than Trump.

    • Nephilium

      /looks at the Hilary case

      Disclosed, like opened?

      • LCDR_Fish

        Reading them aloud to his ghostwriter…

      • SDF-7

        He wiped his memory — like, with a cloth!

    • Rat on a train

      No reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against a prominent Democrat.

      • juris imprudent

        Yes, that does appear to be the logical conclusion. Pity poor Bob Menendez – he got an unreasonable prosecutor.

      • Not Adahn

        There’s still a chance he’ll get a reasonable jury. Again.

      • SDF-7

        “No reasonable prosecutor would expect a conviction given DC juries and courts.”

        Which one has to admit has more than a little truth apparently. (Hence the stupid dead Senate immigration bill mandating all cases be tried in DC.)

        If there was ever a reason to disperse DC functionality across the country to stop having a super-mass of government dependent, government empire-building, all in for government power folks — that’s a good one, imho.

      • R C Dean

        I think his report was a a long winded roundabout way of saying exactly that – no DC court or jury will convict Biden, so what’s the point?

        I’m torn on dispersing government offices around the country. It also creates a dispersed constituency for never downsizing anything, kinda like the military base problem. And, of course, it spreads the lefty virus like outmigration from the big leftist cities does

      • sloopyinca

        You guys are all thinking about this in a 20th century manner.
        We don’t need to disperse them around the country. We own the moon. We control space. We need to disperse them beyond earth’s atmosphere. Build space stations. Build a moon base. And then send them all there. With enough air to last exactly as long as their term of service is…for 80% of the people sent there. Because moon thunderdome would be awesome.

      • Not Adahn

        Think about how much longer Feinstein/Reid et. al could have “served” if they didn’t have to worry about that pesky gravity breaking them!

      • SDF-7

        Oh hell no — I’ve read enough sci-fi featuring lunar bomardment of Earth that there’s no way I’m putting those twisted weasels up there.

        How about Antarctica?

      • juris imprudent

        Antarctica is protected by international treaty from the dumping of garbage.

      • sloopyinca

        We’re talking about government bureaucrats. They can barely tie their own shoes. I doubt they can master a targeting and launch sequence for aerial bombardment.

      • Not Adahn

        Too bad this can’t be used as evidence for “A DC jury will convict Trump no matter what the charge/evidence, so the trial needs to be moved.”

      • Pine_Tree

        I’d stick them all in Manhattan. The one in Kansas.

        And limit department and department staffs to whatever matches the proportion of population in 1791.

      • Not Adahn

        Why do you the the Wildcats that much?

      • Pine_Tree

        I know a few Kansasians. And a co-worker described Manhattan KS as the worst place she’d ever been (blazing hot and freezing cold and flat and ugly). So it’s my go-to for proposed exiles now.

      • Swiss Servator

        Manhattan, KS was the get away destination when you were stuck at Fort Riley…make of that what you will.

      • Not Adahn

        There were not that many Big 8 away games we were interested in attending. Actually just two: Colorado and TX.

      • AlexinCT

        Trump making the SCOTUS too conservative to be pushed around by the left now seems even more important and critical when you can clearly see team blue would have no shackles and restraints on them at all (See Brazil and the current persecution of anyone in the opposition party of the collectivists for an example).

      • Suthenboy

        Is that a thing? I did not know they put that in there. No surprise, that is just the kind of this they would do…transparently corrupt to the bone and fuck you if you dont like it.
        Can they really do that?
        Why not just mandate judges and jury members, or better yet, just save the trouble and mandate verdicts?

      • DEG

        Congress does have some ability to set courts’ jurisdiction through legislation. I think just for the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction, but I think it might apply elsewhere. It’s been awhile since I read those parts of the Constitution. I’m not going to look it up as I’m a bit busy with work.

    • Suthenboy

      What is wrong with Trump? He was president. What he did was legal.

  3. Not Adahn

    Pimps are unnecessary parasites. Much like politicians.

    CA should give each street ho a phone and develop an an app for them to advertise/schedule customers. I’d say pay for their skipthegames or tryst account, but that would be a moral hazard.

    • UnCivilServant

      Shows how disconnected I am, I thought they were supposed to act as agents sending clients and retribution against clients who got out of hand, thus deterring bad behavior.

      Then again, I can see how one might shirk those responsibilities.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s a lot easier to smack around a woman than a client. Though they can be extra muscle if the “plan is rob the dude.”

      • AlexinCT

        You see, the love of a pimp is different than the love of a square…

    • Nephilium

      Ehhh… I could see a pimp working as a middleman, to coordinate schedules, and to match up clients to escorts. That is not the current paradigm however.

      • Not Adahn

        That’s an escort agency.

      • DrOtto

        That’s a manager and he/she takes 20%. Pimps take 100% and give the hoes crumbs when they need them.

    • SDF-7

      I’m sure Sacramento’s main concern is that they file their taxes properly. Because a governor’s love is unlike that of a square.

      • juris imprudent

        Not like they can’t take a peak over the Sierras and see how Nevada does it.

      • SDF-7

        Have you seen Reno lately? Pretty clearly Sacramento’s playground these days (Tahoe to Reno section). I’m sure they’re paying attention as they cavort.

      • Tres Cool

        Cavorting vs. Gamboling ?

      • juris imprudent

        Politicians expect their blow-jobs gratis, so no, they’re not paying attention.

      • Not Adahn

        Fun fact: the IRS does not GAF about the source of your income, just as long as you report it.

      • slumbrew

        Was it somebody here who knew a drug dealer who scrupulously paid taxes on his earnings? He had his accountant file as a ‘general contractor’ or something.

        The reasoning was that the tax evasion charges are what really screw you.

  4. Not Adahn

    It’s not surprising that wolves developed radiation resistance — their whole schtik is having genomic plasticity that lets you breed them into bizarre forms.

    • cavalier973

      They develop the power of speech and the ability to exhale hurricane-force winds.

      • Not Adahn

        When I was a child in OK, it surprised me that there was anyone who didn’t have a house made of bricks.

      • Not Adahn

        Not there — clay was the primary natural resource. Lumber OTOH was pricey. I’m a little surprised that there’s not so much stone construction here, since digging basements (which was NOT common in OK) would yield lots of rocks.

      • UnCivilServant

        The stone that gets dug up isn’t all that suited for building though. When they had to dig around my house, what came up was really weathered (read – seriously crumbling) shale that was already almost down to gravel-sized chips.

      • Not Adahn

        I didn’t watch my basement being dug. I do notice/keep finding really pretty small (1′-2′) granite boulders and another type of mostly green igneous rock appearing in my lawn/club berms. No sandstone.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was going to argue about rocks that small being classed as ‘boulders’ but I went and looked up the scale geologists use, and cobble ends at around 10 inches on the most generous of the scales. Only boulders above that.

      • Not Adahn

        Thank you for that.

      • Nephilium

        Here sandstone was used quite a bit, as there were multiple quarries for it. Plenty of clay and trees around, but most houses are timber (I’d say about 70/30 wood/brick). We also have the fun of large amounts of slate (and shale), which means you need to be careful about what types of rocks you use to build a fire pit.

        And know you can learn about the Cleveland Member.

      • R.J.

        “ And know you can learn about the Cleveland Member.”
        Is that your pick up line?

      • Not Adahn

        It was interesting how much woodsy lore turned out to be bullshit. We were always told never to use sandstone for fire rings, because the moisture inside would turn into steam and explode the rock. That never actually happened when we attempted to blow up rocks. However, the preferred fire rock (chert) absolutely would explode when used for that purpose because of differential expansion between the fire- and -outside facing areas.

      • Nephilium

        Not Adahn:

        Here it was slate (more than anything else) we were warned about, as well as pine.

      • Not Adahn

        Pine was the “don’t cook on it, it’ll give you cancer!” wood. However, if you’re cooking on actual coals, that invisible flame you’re not seeing is completely converting all those carcinogens to CO2.

      • Nephilium


        No cancer reasons here, more that the knots and concentrations of pine resin could go “pop” and spread flaming debris.

      • Not Adahn

        Interesting. The pine cancer thing is still being taught by the BSA as recently as my nieces/nephews.

      • DEG

        I know some folks in New England that think all American houses are built with wood. I told them that isn’t true. They asked where. I started talking about the South, the Mid-Atlantic. They started rolling their eyes.

      • AlexinCT

        And an appetite for grandma meat?

      • Not Adahn

        So we should track the people who search for “gilf?”

      • AlexinCT

        Put Certified Public Assahat on the list even though he linked us an article about someone that doesn’t want to be a grandma cause her daughter is slutty.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I was searching for miserable cunts.

      • AlexinCT

        So non-Glifs?

    • Animal

      Ackshually… Wolves didn’t exactly “develop” radiation resistance. That’s not how evolution works.

      Evolution, in biology, is a change in allele frequencies in a population over time. In this wolf population, there must be a gene or a suite of genes that somehow confers this resistance to radiation. The wolves that had these alleles survived longer and had more pups, more of which had those alleles, who were in turn more successful in having more pups, while the wolves who did not have those alleles were less successful and became less and less relevant to the reproductive success of the population.

      So, the frequency of these alleles changed in the population over a span of generations.

      New alleles can appear by random mutation, which (while radiation can increase the likelihood) is very rare; most random mutations are not beneficial. It’s far more likely that these alleles already existed but faced no selective pressure before radiation became a factor.

      • Animal

        Correction: In this wolf population, there must be certain alleles for a gene or a suite of genes that somehow confers this resistance to radiation.

  5. SDF-7

    Good Lord, this man has no idea what’s going on. Even a Mexican sitting in his capital of Cairo could see that.

    One would think having it “on the record” (and the evidence of everyone’s eyes) would suffice for the 25th to actually kick in (I know several Congresscritters have raised the point).

    Probably only President Cackles (oh there’s a fun thought… she then nominates Cankles for her Veep slot… Cackles & Cankles — 2024! When just one wasn’t bad enough!) and his usefulness as a muppet is going to keep him in.

    I’d say “I don’t know how anyone could vote for the bowl of tapioca…” — but obviously 1) This is going to literally prove “Blue, no matter who” and 2) Reading comments on articles makes it abundantly clear there’s a large section of the country I completely disagree with on even the fundamentals and of course 3) 2022 showed sacrifice to Moloch apparently outweighs everything, even the economy. Plus fortification, of course….

    My black pill this morning was thinking earlier “They can be so brazen because they’re firmly convinced it doesn’t matter — the system is fixed.” Hope I’m wrong.

    • Not Adahn

      I’m sticking with the “don’t ditch him until all the primaries are over and the convention can be controlled” explanation.

      • sloopyinca

        That’s where I am as well. They’ll get through the primaries (where they’re limiting opposition) and then they install Newsom at the convention after Biden says he will not run again because he wants to spend time with Hunter and Beau visiting his close friends Mitterrand, Kohl, and Queen Elizabeth.

      • juris imprudent

        Hunter may end up like Keith Richards and live forever.

      • Not Adahn

        Human pickling FTW!

      • Tres Cool

        I’ve been trying my best.

      • Not Adahn

        Alcohol doesn’t seem to work.

        Alkaloids do.

      • R C Dean

        The primaries are so controlled and farcical I’m not sure why they would wait for the convention.

        I think it’s because the various factions are still slugging it out on who gets to replace him. Cackles isn’t go to go easy. Newsom has steaming pile of negatives all his own. I don’t know who the Obama cartel really wants – I doubt Big Mike wants the job since they’ve already cashed in. There’s still some Clinton bitter-enders hanging around, but I doubt they have the stroke to get Hillary on the ticket.

      • Not Adahn

        My assumption would be they’d like to have the “Biden” delegates already selected to make the convention go more smoothly. Presumably people committed to FJB will do what they’re told.

      • juris imprudent

        Just when you think the Republicans are a flaming bag of dogshit as a party – you get reminded of the Democratic ‘coalition’.

      • AlexinCT

        The primaries are so controlled and farcical I’m not sure why they would wait for the convention.

        The funny thing is that even when shit like this is obvious so many people belie e they get to choose a president that represents them instead of one beholden to the machine that screens them first…

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        This is where I am. There are too many factions in the D coalition, and not of them have a good candidate. Hilary is a two time loser, Kamalamadingdong is an idiot, Newsome has the CA albatross around his neck, and the Wookie has zero political experience or capital. And when you add that it just stinks of “selected not elected”, too use their own term, and there is really no good path forward. Sure, they will black box the election as much as they can, which could carry Pudin’ Head Biden over the line, and that gets you Kamalamadingdong. Which is what one faction wants.

      • The Last American Hero

        Newsome would win in a landslide. I can’t believe people think that empty suit wouldn’t dominate Trump.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Dude, Trump has a record of actually having a good economy, no new wars, etc. Newsome has SF going to shit, Oaklands crime waves, people fleeing the state so much they are losing a representative and so on. I am not saying Trump is guaranteed a win, not with the D black box, but he would be more than competitive. If Newsome was polling even remotely higher, then Biden would already be out, and the convention would be locked down at this point. He isn’t, and they know it.

      • The Last American Hero

        What negatives? The ability to completely crush Trump and drag the country closer to socialist utopia?

        The guy looks good on camera, and doesn’t come off as a nutter when he speaks. He would be like running 2012 Romney vs. 2024 Biden – with a compliant media cheerleading him on the whole way.

      • B.P.

        I’ll definitely stick around for the part where the plan is in place, they’re wheeling the corpse of Biden off stage right, and there are endless encomia in the press and elsewhere about his great service to the nation during a time of peril, how he righted the economic ship, how he brought peace and prosperity, his great moral character, etc.

      • mrfamous

        A claim of Biden bringing “peace” would be hysterical. We’re fighting how many proxy wars right now?

    • ron73440

      The AP accidentally told the truth, but not in the way they meant:

      Despite abundant differences between the cases, Trump immediately seized on the special counsel report to portray himself as a victim of a “two-tiered system of justice.”

      Emphasis mine

      • AlexinCT

        You mean Trump was the president and had the power to declassify and Biden did not?

        What galls me is how they have neither shame nor any fear of just saying “Meh, there was a crime, but we are letting em off because team blue.” I remind people that that crook Comey admitted Hillary had broken the law but they decided not to recommend prosecution to the DOJ because despite the fact she ran a crime syndicate she didn’t mean anything bad.

        Basically, team blue is let off because even though they are evil as fuck, they are our guys…

    • creech

      Cackles could nominate Cankles but the VP then has to be approved, per the Constitution, by a majority of both House and Senate. Even the GOP House majority shouldn’t have enough rogues who would go for her would they??

  6. SDF-7

    You don’t get to jump on the bandwagon now.

    Why not? They’re trying with the border… (Not a problem… not a problem.. not a problem… REPUBLICANS FAULT!)

    • AlexinCT


      It’s what you get from that cabal of criminals whenever they need to shift blame or attention from from their criminal activities.

  7. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh

    • sloopyinca

      Oh, you know. Shit and shit.

      • Tres Cool

        Yes, I think I will have Skyline for lunch. Or maybe even a late breakfast.
        You’re an inspiration.

      • AlexinCT

        Get some stank on your hang lo…

  8. cavalier973

    I suspect that Jill Biden is wanting to replace Joe on the ticket after he sucks down a pillow (or whatever), a la Jean Carnahan, so he needs to be alive through the convention.

    The Obama faction wants Michelle in there, instead, so they want Joe to put on a redshirt prior to the convention.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Pudin’ Head Biden dies, DOKTOR Jill loses her meal ticket. No way she wants that gas bag out of there. Plus it really opens her up to elder abuse claims if she isn’t the one who blows the whistle.

  9. Fourscore

    No one on the staff wants to be the first one to stop clapping. That’s a career ending position. 25th is just for show.

    • juris imprudent

      All American politicians think they’re as tough as Stalin, when the truth is Stalin would’ve been scraping them off the sole of his boot.

      • Aloysious

        “Beat, beat, beat, then beat again!”

        I don’t remember which book about Stalin that quote comes from but it has always stuck with me.

  10. Sensei

    Biden’s Age Back in Spotlight After Special Counsel Report, Verbal Flubs
    Report says he presented himself as an ‘elderly man with a poor memory’; Biden fires back: ‘My memory is fine’

    But his appearance included an additional flub when discussing the potential for a hostage deal in Gaza, in which he referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi as “the president of Mexico.”

    Easy mistake to make.

    • Tonio

      Ah, thanks. I was wondering where the Egypt/Mexico thing came from.

      • cyto

        Also, he did it more than once.

    • UnCivilServant

      Mexico, Egypt, they both have Pyramids.

      • SDF-7

        Quick Jack — send them $10000! I’ll spin the wheel and get no whammies after Matlock….

      • R C Dean

        Brown people. They all look alike.

      • juris imprudent

        And talk English with accents – can barely understand ’em.

      • Pine_Tree

        “I just mixed up my invasions.”

    • DrOtto

      Bonus point because the article has a “Republicans pounce…” beginning one of the paragraphs.

  11. Drake

    That crazy useful idiot went and did it. Tucker’s interview with Putin is up now. I’ll watch later.

    • trshmnstr

      It’s interesting. Obviously Putin colored everything to make
      Russia a patient victim and reluctant actor trying to save the ethnic Russians in Ukraine from genocide and fight off the encroaching NATO forces establishing themselves right next to Russia’s border. However, if half of what he said was true, we’ve really been pouring gas on this particular fire since the 90s.

      • trshmnstr

        He dodged a few interesting questions like “who really makes the decisions in the US” and “does zelensky have the latitude to negotiate a deal”

      • AlexinCT

        Putin is a fucking evil monster. But the fact remains that he was forced to invade because the evil fucks on our side kept denying him the reach around.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, that seems about right.

        Both of those things can be true at the same time.

      • R C Dean

        Putin’s a very canny operator, no question. I think a lot of what he has said (haven’t seen the interview) mostly is a pretext for re-establishing as much of the Soviet empire as he can, couched in terms that will appeal to native Russian paranoia. Everybody seems to have forgotten that Ukraine, even the parts with ethnic Russians (whatever that means in the context of Ukraine), voted to be independent. Even Crimea. We can stroke our chins all day about the borders being in the wrong place, but that’s not what the Ukrainians thought when it counted.

      • AlexinCT

        You are correct. He spent a lot of time telling some shady history and making other points for the legitimacy of Russia capturing territory it once held. It was all smoke and mirrors to hide his ambition. But he is correct that he got his excuse to do that because the west kept fucking him over.

        He again talked about how he asked Clinton if Russia could join NATO, and then, after Clinton had told him that was intriguing and needed consideration, Clinton came back and told him the people that pulled Clinton strings would not have any of that.

        The deep state needed Russia to stay a bad guy…

      • rhywun

        The deep state needed Russia to stay a bad guy…


        We should have welcomed them with open arms after the Cold War.
        There is no other explanation I can think of for why we didn’t.

      • AlexinCT

        You have to remember that a shitton of people that made careers of being “Soviet experts” and knowing how to advice our government to navigate that critical and dangerous monster. These people would all be having to learn to code if Russia no longer was a threat….

      • Drake

        Given the shit-show that the Ukraine became, particularly after we staged a coup there against the moderately pro-Russia elected government, not surprising that many of them changed their minds.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        When voting for Ukrainian independence, I wonder what the actual question was. Was it “Do you want independence from the USSR?” If so, I can see how people who would otherwise prefer to stay with Russia would vote yes just to be rid of the commies. If the question was, “Do you want independence from a non-communist Russia?” I wonder what the result would have been in places like Crimea.

      • cyto

        It was an impressive interview in many ways.

        Tucker asked Putin if he really thought the u s was about to attack.

        Putin responded with a 20 minute long dissertation about Russian history from its foundations over a 1000 years ago until today. It was very much a dictator kind of answer, but it wasn’t crazy. It was basically the nineteen nineties intelligence service analysis that putin seeks to restore russia to its former glory. Not the soviet union, which he seems to have quite a bit of disdain for, but her glory as a russian state that spanned from the baltic up to poland and all the way east.

        He took the long route to say that they were justified in retaking their own territory. It sounded very much like palestinians and israelis arguing over Jerusalem.

        He did not seem crazy at all, but he also does not have much of a sense of humor.

        I found his side of our history of negotiations very interesting. From his point of view , he had reached out to the united states for rapprochement several times and been rebuffed by the deep state each time. Of course , he did not use our terms. he talked about having handshake deals with several us presidents that then immediately fell apart once their advisers got involved.

        It was a strange interview , but one that definitely did not serve as pro russia propaganda.

        At the end , tucker stared him in the eyes and asked him to release that thirty year old journalist to go home with him.

        He repeatedly pressed putin on this. Asking several times to the point where it got awkward.
        Putin kept telling him that negotiations were underway quietly behind the scenes. Finally , he basically acknowledged that they want an assassin of theirs back in exchange for this guy.

        On the peace front camera, he made it clear that they had a deal on the table with ukraine and the west is the only reason it didn’t happen. Surprisingly he is is much more circumspect than western politicians carr when talking about things.

        He also talked at length about nazis in ukraine and offered a very different point of view. When I first heard this near the beginning of the warit sounded insane. But events since then have made it clear that ukraine does indeed having nazi problem. And the russian perspective on nazis is a little closer to the jewish perspective than the general american perspective.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        he also does not have much of a sense of humor.

        I laughed hard when he roasted Tucker for wanting to be in the CIA when he was younger.

      • R C Dean

        Unlike Putin, who never had any interest in being a spy.

      • cyto

        He very much gave the impression that he would order your death without a second thought.

      • Drake

        Putin had a pro-western outlook on politics for a long time. He speaks German and English.

        I think it took him and his political allies a long time to digest that whole negotiations debacle – where Merkel and others freely admitted that they never had any intention of honoring the Minsk Agreements or negotiating any other deal in good faith. One of those events that most Americans didn’t even notice, but historians probably will. Without the ability to conduct diplomacy, what is left besides separation and probably war?

      • cyto

        He made a very interesting comparison to WWII. He had a beginning to the war that I had never heard. Russian history apparently focuses on Polish collaboration with Germany and with a WWI agreement to return an important corridor of land to German control. An agreement that Poland refused to honor when Hitler asked… thereby forcing him to invade.

        Never heard of that before. We always learned “pretext”. Putin clearly sees these things differently. He sees the expansion of Nato as an extreme provocation not just for the encroachment, but for the broken promises..

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, just ignore the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Typical politician.

      • trshmnstr

        I didn’t realize that the soviets were engaged in sporadic battle with the Japanese leading up to their invasion of Poland. I knew of the earlier Russo-Japanese war, but had assumed that there was a tense peace in the intervening years. The R-M Pact seems to have interacted in some way with the Japanese efforts to conquer Mongolia, but I can’t quite connect all the dots aside from the Soviets being freed up to invade Poland alongside Hitler due to a decisive victory against the Japanese.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        He also ignored the Holodomor in Ukraine, which just maybe is a reason why so many Ukrainians cooperated with the Germans.

      • Drake

        The Poland did some crazy stupid things in the late 30’s.

      • Cunctator

        —“he basically acknowledged that they want an assassin of theirs back in exchange for this guy.”—

        Too bad we aren’t holding an international arms dealer we could trade for the reporter.

      • Nephilium

        Maybe we can offer Russia a WNBA expansion team?

      • rhywun

        When I first heard this near the beginning of the warit sounded insane. But events since then have made it clear that ukraine does indeed having nazi problem.

        It was widely discussed at the very beginning by sources that seemed reliable to me. But the MSM wasn’t having any of it, for obvious reasons.

      • B.P.

        “It sounded very much like palestinians and israelis arguing over Jerusalem.”

        Or bin Laden prattling on about the Nightmare of al Andalus. When you’re bitching about something that went wrong in the 1490s (or Putin’s case, the 9th century), it might be time to take the L and move on. Americans get a lot of shit from the international smart set for being ignorant of world affairs, but at least we let stuff go after a reasonable period of time.

    • R.J.

      I hope he interviews Snowden on the way out of town.

  12. Tonio

    OLD BUSINESS: Remember that ‘Spirit of Aloha’ nonsense I linked to yesterday afternoon? Well, the Hawaii Supreme Court has ruled that that feel-good blather supersedes the US Constitution, and that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to Hawaii. We all know this will make it to SCOTUS, and get overturned, but we also know that every other state and municipality will try the same type of nonsense. RKBA will become a giant game of whack-a-mole with no government employees suffering any personal consequences, yet peaceful citizens will get criminal records, guns confiscated, etc, and have to spend their own time and money exonerating themselves.

    • WTF

      Qualified Immunity doesn’t apply for civil rights violations. The SAF or GOA should finance personal lawsuits against the officials doing this shit.

      • R C Dean

        “Qualified Immunity doesn’t apply for civil rights violations.”

        In theory. In practice, unless the violation was a crystal clear violation of a pre-existing court ruling, then it’s not in the exception.

        Which is an excellent way to not only immunize civil rights violations, but also to freeze the law in the courts so there aren’t any new rulings that say, yeah, ya fuckin’ morons, you’re not allowed to do that.

      • AlexinCT

        Unfortunately solving the criminality of the left will not happen through the court system they have rigged in their favor…

      • WTF

        Of course this is in fact a crystal clear violation of a pre-existing court ruling, specifically Bruen, so in theory at least it should be a slam-dunk.

      • juris imprudent

        Judges don’t have qualified immunity. They have absolute immunity. They can be impeached but not sued.

      • UnCivilServant

        When judges become lawless, people stop listening to them.

        Then their immunity and gavel-banging counts for nothing.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, well that’s not exactly a good time for everyone.

    • Fourscore

      “Do you now or have ever had a hunting license?”

      Minnesoda Nice wants those hunting/fishing license fees in spite of fewer opportunities to hunt and fewer fish to catch.

      • R.J.

        I hope Hawaii takes all the guns, gets overrun by feral hogs that then eat all the politicians.
        I know, it’s very specific. But I can dream.

      • Not Adahn

        I heard something yesterday on NPR that implied that the permits to remove debris in Lahaina were just approved three weeks ago. And that rebuilding a house is expected to take five years.

      • rhywun

        +1 Sandy

      • SDF-7

        “… and then the feral dragon-pigs arrived.” ?

      • R.J.

        Haha, yes. And that would happen. The big island would be overrun.

      • Pope Jimbo

        In Florida, you don’t even need a license to shoot Florida Bear.

        A Florida lawmaker seeking looser regulations on the killing of wildlife has claimed that black bears high on crack are breaking into people’s homes and “tearing them apart”.

        The allegation from Republican state congressman Jason Shoaf, whose biography reveals a passion for hunting, is bizarre even by the already unorthodox standards of Florida, which in recent times has boasted cocaine sharks and marauding herpes-ridden monkeys.

        “We’re talking about the ones that are on crack, and they break your door down, and they’re standing in your living room growling and tearing your house apart,” Shoaf told a meeting of the Florida legislature’s house infrastructure strategies committee discussing his House Bill 87, which would remove most penalties for killing bears without authorization.

        “When you run into one of these crack bears, you should be able to shoot it, period. And you shouldn’t have to pause or be afraid you’re gonna get arrested or harassed or pay fines. That’s just crazy.”

      • Nephilium

        How are the crack bears able to get the crack without fentanyl?

    • Nephilium

      There are four boxes…

      • Not Adahn

        There are were four boxes.

    • Pine_Tree

      Pine-topia: “OK, cool. You’re not a state any more. You’re a territory and here’s your military governor. No voting. Bye.”

    • Drake

      They are going to do everything in their power to steal land after that suspicious fire. The last thing they want is property owners armed.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Hawaiian history is pretty interesting. It was a lot different on the islands that the Native tribes back on the continent. Today, the Natives on Hawaii* like to ride the coat tails of the other tribes, but if you know their history they are stretching things.

      Their culture was way less egalitarian than the tribes back on the main land. Everyone was born into their caste and they pretty much stayed there. It was a lot like Europe. A royal class and a lot of serfs. Even a bit of slavery.

      The other 99 percent were called the maka’ainana. These were the common people who farmed, fished, payed taxes to the mo’i, and served in his army. They were allowed to keep only a third of their goods and pay. The rest went to the ali’i. At the very bottom of the ladder were the kauwa, or “outcasts.” Sadly, the kauwa were often prisoners of war. After their capture, they were either enslaved, given the most thankless and difficult of the farm labor, or used in human sacrifice.

      I wonder if the Spirit of Aloha includes the prohibition (kapu) against touching the chief’s fingernail clippings? (A death sentence by the way).

      * Given the amount of mixing in Hawaii it is hard to say if anyone is really “Native” (in my opinion). Even those who have pure bloodlines live in a culture that has adopted all sorts of things from all over the globe.

      • Pope Jimbo

        It would be interesting to see someone challenge the Native Hawaiians on the fact that there were two waves of colonization. I’m guessing that today’s descendants of the second wave Tahitian colonizers are the majority of the activists pushing for concessions. I don’t believe that they have offered any formal apologies to that first wave or offered reparations.

        Hawaii’s first known inhabitants were Polynesians, who discovered the volcanic chain sometime before 600 AD, and over the course of generations, began colonizing the place. 

        The second wave of colonizers arrived around 1000 AD, and they hailed from Tahiti, 2,400 miles from Hawaii as the crow flies. The Tahitians reportedly subdued the already settled populace and conquered the islands for themselves, giving rise to what would become a rigid class system and a relatively sophisticated form of government in which the ali’i, or chief class, reigned supreme, and the mokupuni, or regular people, had to do their bidding.

      • Not Adahn

        The CIA would have given him twins!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How many divisions does SCOTUS have when it all comes down to it? Without having an executive branch that’s willing to enforce decisions and I doubt the Biden admin will vis a vis guns can they really do anything?

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      The house really needs to drag these assholes up before them. I know, I know, and then nothing happened, but at least make them squirm a bit and pay for the fights out and back.

    • rhywun

      Wow. Noble savages AND the kitchen sink.

      Never change, Hawaii. And no, I am not inserting the squiggle that makes me pat myself on the back.

    • SDF-7

      Nice… cute kids are always good for a smile. (No, OMWC… not that way!)

      • R C Dean


        Lord do I hate that computerized narration, though.

  13. cyto

    In today’s propaganda news, NBC is back on the reservation with the administration.

    Last night at the press conference , they were sounding the alarm with the rest of the press

    This morning, they ran a story with a stand up reporter outside the White House.

    She said that The special council report focused primarily on the president’s memory and exonerated him from any wrongdoing.

    Then cut to their political analyst , who said that the document seem to be more of a political document than a legal document. They then focus on the White House defense, that the president’s memory is fine. they play a clip of him talking about his son dying and how it is none of their business. then they cut out the awkward bit in between and play the part where he says he wears a rosary every day, but they cut off the end of that sentence where he cannot remember where he got it from.

    Straight propaganda

    Then immediately launched into a defense of biden , saying that he immediately turned over the documents even though in the indictment , he is on audiotape in 2017 , talking about having the classified documents in his basement.

    They then spend an equal amount of time time if not more time talking about Trump being under indictment for hiding documents and destroying evidence.

    I really don’t think the pravda years were anywhere close to this.

    • SDF-7

      They didn’t spend all the time since COVID building government “relationships” to combat “misinformation” for nothing. I expect some wagons were circled last night and some marching orders issued.

    • Ownbestenemy

      RC Dean posted a report that the ghostwriter deleted the interviews, the minute the special counsel was appointed.

      I know the whole saying “most important election” is cliche, but this is some really dangerous ground we are wading in. A candidate under fire with potential jailing of opposition and a CIC that clearly, that anyone who ever had someone slipping into dementia, is or has lost their marbles.

      I am not sure what type of country we will be the day after election day.

      • juris imprudent

        Oh I’m quite sure. We will be the same country as the day before the election – one ripe with corruption where the insiders are immune and the outsiders are entirely subject to their whims. Even Trump returning to the White House isn’t going to change that, it will just throw it into sharper relief.

      • Ownbestenemy

        For sure, I am just not sure how subset A and subset B of the population will react while the subset C population suffers the most.

      • Drake

        That kind of Banana Republic shit is hardly unique. The unique part is that system on top of a crumbing superpower with nuclear weapons and a well armed populace.

      • trshmnstr

        The electoral system is so broken that it’s likely the least important election in 100 years. You’ll have more certainty of fairness pulling the lever of a slot machine in a seedy basement “casino” than pulling the lever in this election.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Russian propaganda is supposed to scare us, but could the Russians get Joe Biden elected?

    • Nephilium


      he says he wears a rosary every day

      He wears or prays/says a rosary every day? Catholics don’t wear the Rosary around their neck like a necklace (it’s a wide spread misconception).

      • Not Adahn

        He wears it through his belt, so it’s available if he needs to teach Corn Pop another lesson.

      • SDF-7

        Apologies if you were just joking — but in the presser, it looked to me like he pulled out the cross on his wrist… so somehow he’s wearing it as a bracelet.

        Which, as a lapsed Catholic myself immediately made me think: “That’s the shortest Rosary I’ve ever heard of!” I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that wouldn’t be much more “necklace” than bracelet. And yeah — I think some of the monastic orders make larger ones as belts.

      • Nephilium

        Ok, the wearing it as a bracelet isn’t uncommon (in general, the long part is wrapped around the wrist several times).

      • Not Adahn

        Yep, it was a joke hearkening back to the pool chain and the monks with rosaries of appropriate weapon length. I was trying to come up with a joke also incorporating its holy properties in dispelling demons , undead or the like but couldn’t come up with a funny one.

      • juris imprudent

        So you are saying we should be watching for the smoke coming from his sleeve?

      • cyto

        It is probably from when he was a kid and got confirmed, or whatever catholics do.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        He’s a devout Irish Catholic who also happens to be pro-abortion, so this is not surprising either.

      • juris imprudent

        We’ve come a long way from Kennedy taking orders from the Pope, haven’t we?

      • Pope Jimbo

        And he hangs out at black churches. Just like all the other Irish Catholics.

      • SDF-7

        That’s certainly why Boston is known for its wonderful race relations, after all!

      • cyto

        He wears it as a bracelet.

        The moment was a disaster for Biden. The “special prosecutor” said Biden had a failing memory, and as an example said he repeatedly could not remember when his son died, not even to within a few years. In defending his memory Biden angrily talked about being offended by the question and then said he wears his son’s rosary “that he got from….. “Our Lady of……. ……. …..”

        It was a kill shot. He brought forward a defense of his faculties that included these super important beads from….. uh…. I forgot.

        As of last night, the press was in panic mode and speculation was rampant that his staff shoved him out there at night (which he doesn’t do) for a press conference so he could fail and be swept away for another candidate. In fact, speculation was rampant about whether it was Herself, or Michelle or Gavin.

        CNN was on board, which I took to mean that Herself was behind it.

        But wagons have apparently been circled. At least, to a degree.

      • sloopyinca

        That’s what I thought. But I went digging and the church has sent some mixed signals on it. If it’s worn modestly for devotional purposes (as a reminder of God), some people in the church say it can be ok. If it’s worn as jewelry (as a reminder of a person), they say it is not.

        Canon 1171 is open to interpretation. I guess it depends on what the meaning of “profane or inappropriate” is.

      • SDF-7

        We were brought up to just carry one in a velvet pouch in our pocket. Simple and discreet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do the bracelet thing (not denying it, just haven’t seen it), though I think I’ve seen bracelets with just the decade beads used by some women, I assume they count the intervening prayers in their heads or something.

        Ok, this is interesting — I hadn’t seen a single decade variant before, that would be easy to be a bracelet, sure.

      • Nephilium

        The Rosary as bracelet was more common (but still relatively uncommon) among the nuns than the laity.

    • R C Dean

      “exonerated him from any wrongdoing”

      He actually did pretty much the opposite. He ticked every box on the statute, and then said “What’s the point? No (DC) jury will convict him anyway.” Other than the shift from “no reasonable prosecutor” to “no (DC) jury”, exactly the same schtick as they used with Hillary.

    • juris imprudent

      and exonerated him from any wrongdoing.

      No it said he conclusively broke the law, no question about that. It just said “he’s an important Democrat, and therefore not subject to the rule of law”.

      • DEG

        Get with the program JI.

        In Clown World, that means “fully exonerated”.

        Report to Room 101 for reeducation.

    • AlexinCT

      She said that The special council report focused primarily on the president’s memory and exonerated him from any wrongdoing.

      Did anyone take pictures of that pretzel they contorted themselves into to give us this doozy?

      • RBS

        The comments on Instagram are basically “he’s not guilty but if he was the prosecutor is a Trump stooge anyway”

      • AlexinCT

        The left doesn’t care about justice. Especially the ability for it to be meted out justly. It cares about power and the ability to wield it.

      • cyto

        This is an important point. They carefully chose a “republican” prosecutor who would protect Biden as ordered. This gives them an added shield for anything that is damaging.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Yep. They know Newsome is unelectable, Kamalamadingdong is unelectable, Hilary is a two time loser, etc.

      They have no bench, so they have to work with Pudin’ Head.

  14. PieInTheSky

    BREAKING: Bell is cutting 9% of its workforce — a total of 4,800 jobs — including journalists and other workers at its Bell Media subsidiary as it sells off 45 of its 103 regional radio stations.

    “It’s not a viable business anymore.”

    I should not feel satisfaction when people lose jobs, but for journalists i sometimes do.

    • Not Adahn

      A Canadian media company that has 50k employees? Who is left to play hockey and make maple syrup?

      • sloopyinca

        The people on the TimBits assembly line are gonna have to take second jobs, I guess.

      • Not Adahn

        NBC Universal has 35k employes. I can only assume Bell was getting CanCon tax loonies.

  15. CPRM

    C’mon man! Biden is as young and spry as his good friend Jack Lalanne, who he just saw at Lloyd Bridges birthday party!

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Heh. I used to see Jack LaLanne at the Great American Fish Company* just drunk as a skunk. Apparently every night he was like that.

      *A restaurant in Morro Bay that a guy I knew let us drink while underage at.

  16. Suthenboy

    I keep hoping deus ex machina will appear but it seems evil is going to win the day. The creepy Joe dilemma (competent or not), the Stein verdict, failure to impeach Minorca….the list goes on. In the minds of many our govt as a whole and particularly the courts have zero credibility. This govt has decided they dont need credibility because like all leftist turds they believe that power comes from the barrel of a gun, that they can rule with a fist and fuck consent of the governed.
    I thinks we are experiencing a moral collapse.

    • AlexinCT

      Why won’t the serfs understand and know their place, and just submit already?

  17. Not Adahn

    NPR had a story about Zelenskyy yoinking his general. They had two talking points — this is Trump’s fault for not giving the Ukes enough ammo for the current general to be successful, and 2) This makes Zelenskiy just like Abram Lincoln who also switched generals a lot.

    • cyto

      The propaganda is so thick.

      Jingoism was apparent during Bush/Iraq, but it didn’t feel like press based propaganda at the time. I know a lot of anti war activists were angry at the press for repeating what the white house said and called it propaganda…. but it sure didn’t feel anything like this.

  18. Suthenboy

    Who could have seen that coming? Arizone might get clued in and follow Texas’ example. California will not. That ‘wall around California’ may not be a joke very soon.

    • Ownbestenemy

      *California says terms are acceptable* Proceeds to build its 15-minute cities/districts.

    • R.J.

      Not with their current governor. Might turn the vote back to republican though.

      • SDF-7

        Didn’t the current gov (former Sec of State in charge of elections) make sure to place her hand picked successor as Sec of State (now in charge of elections)?

        “vote… how quaint!”

      • Fourscore

        I thought all the repubs went to Texas/AZ/Idaho

        Or are the remnants switch hitters?

      • R C Dean

        Weirdly, the more Californians moved to AZ, the better the Dems did at the polls.

      • The Last American Hero

        Same as Colorado – but I’ve been assured repeatedly that it’s only the sane people jumping ship and not the commie virus spreading.

  19. Certified Public Asshat

    Bust out the violins: My fury at becoming a granny at 52 while still having to parent a teenager… and juggle babysitting and door-slamming tantrums while my friends go on cruises!

    I suspect that what properly prepares you for becoming a grandmother is a decade, all children having flown the nest, of joyfully wandering the empty corridors of your silent home thinking: ‘Isn’t this lovely? I haven’t tripped over any wet towels or dirty laundry in days.’

    Then you get a bit bored and join a golf club or online ancestry site and have enough time on your hands — hurrah! — to convert one of their now spotlessly tidy bedrooms into a gym or hobby room to explore that creative outlet you kissed goodbye to years ago along with your waistline and sanity.

    Then, and only then, might you start musing about a little extra branch on your family tree and the patter of tiny feet, but only at the weekends.

    • Not Adahn

      Chavs gonna chav.

    • R C Dean

      A shame you raised your daughter to bang dudes until she caught a baby without bothering to line up a good father or even husband.

    • RBS

      She sounds lovely.

    • Nephilium

      Look at it this way, you have a second chance to be a good mother.

    • Pine_Tree

      Being a granny at 52 while still having a teenager was 100% normal, and good for everyone involved, for nearly all of human history up ’til the wheels fell off 2-3 generations ago.

      • cyto


        This point was brought home to me for the first time when a secretary at work announced that she was about to be a grandmother.

        She was on of the “hot secretaries”. I was about 30 and she was way over on the right side of the would/wouldn’t line. On hearing the grandmother thing I did the unthinkable…. I asked her how old she was. (I would have said early 30s). She said she was 40.

        Not even a teen mom. Got married out of high school and after a couple of years had a kid at 20. Her kid also got married young and had a kid at 20.

        My whole world pivoted as I realized I was closer to the grandparents cohort than I was to the college cohort.

      • trshmnstr

        I feel like it was still fairly normal for the past couple generations. My mom was a grandmother at 55 and my dad at 52. My grandparents were in their late 40s when I was born. The whole “wait until your thirties to have kids” thing didn’t really take off until the late 90s early 2000s.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        trshy’s right. And I still make fun of my friend who had his first kid at 45. Call him Grandpa dad every chance I get (I also call the mother Stripper Name, ’cause she has one even though she is a college professor.)

    • Cunctator

      —“the limiting shackles of motherhood”—

      I just don’t know what to say to this.

      • trshmnstr

        I do. “Get over yourself, you ungrateful bint.”

        She’s 52 and has the maturity of a 13 year old. Great job, feminism.

      • trshmnstr

        I’m downright surprised that she’s still married. I expected her to be a single mom given her emotional maturity.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I wouldn’t say it was feminism that did it, that is just the excuse. She is the type who would have cheated on her husband if she was married at 22 and stayed at home raising the nippers.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I knew the byline just by the headline. That woman is not only ugly but an awful person.

  20. Suthenboy

    Human Trafficking in a state run by completely amoral sociopaths? Said sociopaths dont give a shit about the citizenry or any other human beings?
    I lost my shocked face. I thought it was right here somewhere….

  21. Suthenboy

    I like sloops take but I would have chosen the big green guy.

    Makes sense actually…subject a species to an environmental hazard that the species will develop resistance if it is resilient and adaptable. perhaps this could be of use to us? We spend decades trying to beat cancer and nature does it for us and lays it at our feet. I have no doubt any such knowledge will be hidden and any discussion of it classified as ‘misinformation’.

    • sloopyinca

      You mean Mark Ruffalo?

      That retarded commie would only make the situation worse.

  22. Suthenboy

    Oh, C’mon, that’s not fair. They did not sit on the sidelines. They actively created the incentives and fostered crime. It’s what commies do.
    They only reason they are making these noises now is to stave off the pitchforks. I doubt their solutions will do anything but make the problem worse.

  23. Suthenboy

    Jesus, we are going to need a new metaphor. This is beyond kabuki theater. This is the same GOP that faked an attempt to impeach a clear traitor? The same cabinet of leftist radicals that probably hand-picked that doddering dunce Creepy Joe?
    I will hold my breath…not.

  24. Suthenboy

    Monkey thief: Ook, He didn’t plan to sell them, he just likes critters. My senses are tingling….something amiss with the guy but I would not drop the hammer on the guy.
    Follow up story: Dude found not competent to stand trial. Yep, that is what I suspected. He needs help, not jail.

    • sloopyinca

      Well, the government closed all the looney bins, so he’ll just be set free apparently.

    • AlexinCT

      Kind of like Hillary, according to Comey..

      You know why Biden was never going to get charged? Because as Ginger WH bitch used that to say “I will circle back” a trial would circle back to Obama…

    • trshmnstr

      Yeah, I got a bit of an “Of Mice and Men” vibe.

  25. Suthenboy

    ‘Phenomenal Woman’ photo: I have no idea who that is or what that means. Not a clue.

  26. SDF-7

    It’s Friday… Friday… got to suck at accuracy on Friday….

    I played 02/09:
    *17/17 words
    🎯 In the top 10% by accuracy

    I played 02/09:
    71/71 words (+22 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 11% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 235

    I actually thought that one might give me more of a “X% by bonus words” result, but now the rest of y’all are going to throw 50 or so in my face, aren’t you?

    • Sean

      I played 02/09:
      *17/17 words (+2 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

      I played 02/09:
      71/71 words (+33 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 8% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 138

  27. PieInTheSky

    The Putin interview divided people in the strange way. I don’t see why anyone would have a problem with it or why anyone would find it particularly interesting. Some bullshit that would not come out unless it only says what Vlad wants it to say. I doubt anything useful can be gleamed from it.

    • juris imprudent

      It serves to reinforce that you can’t trust a foreign politician because they are liars, but you must trust your own politicians because they only tell the truth.

      • R.J.

        I plan on listening to it later today. I actually took the day off to run errands. I know, amazing. RJ’s not at work.

      • PieInTheSky

        i do not watch interviews with any EU presidents or prime ministers either. but if it is live at least an unscripted question may be asked once in a while.

      • cyto

        His answers were so long that Tucker only asked about a half dozen questions, or so it seemed.

        It was super long…. but I thought it gave insight into his mindset. Definitely burst the caricature that he is just a crazy person who wants to conquer the world. Maybe a sociopath, like most leaders. But definitely highly rational and analytic in his thinking. And definitely much smarter than many of our leaders.

      • PieInTheSky

        no one with any brain seriously though he was crazy or wanted to conquer the world. At most Ukraine,Moldova and the Baltics. But he did want to be a conqueror.

      • cyto

        He also announced that Russia has no interest in rhe baltics.

        The way he said it was unusual. Not that he would never invade a sovereign nation, or that it was wrong or anything…. just that Russia has no interest in that land and never had a close connection, so makes no claim.

      • R.J.

        Really long answers….
        Like really long editorial columns.
        The speaker is trying to justify their own beliefs to themselves.
        Not surprised. Proggie=Commie.

    • cyto

      It isn’t easy… the guy gives dissertations as answers like Castro. But there was a lot of news.

      *Putin regards Ukraine as a fake country made up by Stalin. He recalls that Kiev was one of the 2 original capitals of Russia.

      *Putin regards this war to have begun in 2014 with the coup.

      *Putin has never been reluctant to talk peace, and confirms that they had a signed peace deal before Britain told Zelinski to keep fighting.

      *putin is holding a journalist as a bargaining chip to get back an assassin. (Requires a tiny bit of reading between the lines… but only a tiny bit). He also gave a pretty good defense for why they would have ordered an assassination (which they wouldnt… he was probably just a patriot)

      We also learned that he is just as beholding to Russian politics as our leaders are to their own home politics. Tucker noted that he referred to his Christian faith several times and asked how that faith impacted him. He immediately backed away and said “Russia is a nation of many faiths, and we respect all faiths”. Definitely scared of missing off the Muslims.

      • PieInTheSky

        Putin regards Ukraine as a fake country made up by Stalin – this is not news and it is not relevant. You could argue about many current day countries that they did not exist in this form in the past. and this anyway Putin said many times before.

        Putin regards this war to have begun in 2014 with the coup. – again not new and the word coup is not necessarily accurate.

      • cyto

        But that was clearly his position… and he gave clear reasons for believing it.

        So… not “restoring the former soviet union”, as has been repeatedly put forward.

        Explains aggression towards Georgia as well.

        He reminded me of Israel and Palestine arguing over Jerusalem on this point. I think “Russian Nationalist” would be a fair label.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If you live next door to a much more powerful nation with a head of state who thinks that it is relevant it’s relevant and should be treated as such.

      • PieInTheSky

        from that POV obviously, I was never pro antagonizing Russia though I hate the fuckers with every fiber of my being. Bu I was talking about my POV and about something to be learned from the interview and that is not necessarily something new.

      • Not Adahn

        So, how does the existence of a Ukranian language fit with that?

      • UnCivilServant

        About as much as Cantonese and Mandarin. Or French and Occitan.

      • Not Adahn

        Yeah, but “Chinese” being one language with five dialects is an obvious lie told for political purposes. Much like “China” being a country with a multi-thousand year history.

      • PieInTheSky

        the Ukrainians can be an ethnically different group without Ukraine in the current form having been a country. It is like the Austrians saying Slovenia is an artificial country or Slovakia…

      • Not Adahn

        So the difference between Nation and State?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        It’s the Hungarians who say that about Slovakia. Well at least one or two of them somewhere.

      • cyto

        He talked at length on the topic.

        His view is much longer. I didn’t understand all of it (it was like being confronted with a wall of text), but basically he said “Ukraine” means “edge of the country, or border guards. He says they were never a distinct people or culture.. Kiev was on of the original power centers of Russia (before the year 1000).

        He talked with clear disdain for the Stalin decision to carve out Ukraine as a country.

        He talked about other nationalities within Ukrain, besides Russians… Turks and others. Tucker pushed him on this, asking if it would be OK for Turkey to invade and take back their land.

        But on the topic of Ukranians, I think he views them as a subset of Russians who diverged due to the distances back in time.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That’s the impression I got as well, especially the people in eastern Ukraine. A very similar but much more peaceful parallel can be found in the way Belorussia is viewed and treated by the Russians.

      • AlexinCT

        To me it sounded like the usual bullshit argument of “We were there first, so ours” which basically leads us back to having to give everything to the dinosaurs cause they had bad luck but were there first too…

      • PieInTheSky

        “Ukraine” means “edge of the country, or border guards – so does Denmark 🙂

      • Not Adahn

        Somewhat relatedly, I never understood how Austria could consider itself an independent country when they named themselves “Österreich.” They were defining themselves in relation to something as opposed to what they were in and of themselves.

      • Pine_Tree

        It’s not news but that’s WHY it’s relevant.

        And (related to your second sentence) it’s not wholly unreasonable either. And there are millions and millions of other Russians who think the same thing and think it’s obviously uncontroversial. Politics is local. This is not a cartoon. And he’s clearly more capable of thought and in control than puddin’-head.

      • PieInTheSky

        nd he’s clearly more capable of thought and in control than puddin’-head. – again, did anyone honestly doubt this?

      • cyto

        Yes. The US press narrative has been “he is crazy” for some time.

        The wife is my barometer,because she mostly gets her news from the mainstream press (until recently). She is 100% in the “he is crazy” camp. No reason, that is just how she feels.

        This is how the propaganda works. Just keep repeating that Bob Dole is “dark”. George Bush is a wimp. Trump is a racist dictator. A big chunk of people will believe whatever the people around them believe. This is the effect they are exploiting.

        Remember the psychology experiment where the subject is asked to compare two lines, and 3 actors pretending to be test subjects pick the wrong one? Most people will go along with the crowd… and actually perceive that the shorter line is longer.

        We are that maleable.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        No one on this website but you’d be surprised at the nonsense image that’s been built up here in the US-everything from a monster with blood dripping from his fangs to a Parkinson’s addled half dead dementia patient. Americans for the most part don’t do nuance very well.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Wasn’t he supposed to be dead by now?

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      It was obviously a deepfake, as all the righthink people told me he was dying from cancer.

  28. PieInTheSky


    We’ve been blocked from receiving significant music funding because a Tory Minister doesn’t like our art.

    F*ck the Tories

    why the fuck do taxpayers pay for a music export growth scheme?

    • Seguin

      Hiphop band whines about not getting free gov’t money. Christ what pussies.

  29. Pope Jimbo

    This is why there is war in the Middle East. How can any poor Hamas/Israeli fighter know which ceasefire to obey and which to ignore?

    The Minneapolis City Council voted to overturn Mayor Jacob Frey’s veto of a Gaza ceasefire resolution in a high-stakes meeting Thursday morning.

    A joint statement from Council President Elliot Payne and Vice President Aisha Chughtai said they were “proud” of the nine council members who voted to override the mayor.

    “This morning the Minneapolis City Council voted to override Mayor Frey’s veto of the resolution passed at our Jan. 25 meeting calling for a permanent ceasefire and preventing loss of life in the Middle East. We are proud of the 9 Council Members who stood by what most Minneapolis residents believe: the defense of humanity is a shared project,” the statement read.

    When issuing his veto, Frey said he believed the resolution was too “one-sided” and “failed to recognize the history of Israeli Jews.” However, in a Thursday morning press conference following the vote, the mayor reiterated his stance that he has “continuously supported a ceasefire,” and issued his own ceasefire proclamation.

    So dueling ceasefire resolutions? I guess I should be thankful that the idiots are spending all their time on this stuff instead of getting up to other hijinks.

    • ron73440

      high-stakes meeting

      If you say so.

      • cyto


        Odd that this is viewed as a “counterpoint”. Did someone actually claim that the Minneapolis city council is responsible for the British mandate?

      • Nephilium

        I just had to laugh that they literally are saying, “Look what those Jews made us do!”

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        To be fair, that is the whole European take on the last 100 years.

    • Not Adahn


    • Sean

      Why are they using the white man’s hand gestures?

    • kinnath

      Sore Losers.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Neanderthals and Australopithecus rejoice!

      • PieInTheSky

        I don’t believe any non homo sapiens hominid reached the Americas.

      • Not Adahn

        But rats did!

      • cyto

        I don’t think there were ever any hominids other that Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the new world.

      • UnCivilServant

        Look, we Neanderthals are not extinct

      • R C Dean

        STEVE SMITH HAZ A SAD . . .

    • sloopyinca

      I can only assume that guy was drunk-tweeting.

    • Suthenboy

      I love that people envious of the success of other cultures refuse to emulate those cultures or assimilate into them. It is parallel to the ‘oppressed people dont want to end oppression, they want to trade places with their oppressors’ rule.

      The Sioux had their land stolen from them from….oh, there it is: “The Cree and Ojibwa tribes, who themselves were displaced in the East, pushed the Sioux west in the 17th century. Some Cree and Ojibwa warriors had firearms that they obtained in the French fur trade, so the odds were stacked against the Oceti Sakowin.”
      Oceti Sakowin – precursor tribe of the Lakota, Dakota and Dakota tribes.

      My advice? Get. your fucking head out of the Stone Age and get a job. Get an education, dont drink, get married and raise a family. Dont beat, rape, abuse your wife…cherish them and your children. Live a happy life instead of wallowing in hatred and resentment.

      • AlexinCT

        I love that people envious of the success of other cultures refuse to emulate those cultures or assimilate into them.

        We used to admire and aspire to grander heights…

        Then the dumb fucks started talking about self esteem for kids that had not yet accomplished shit to give them self esteem, and giving out participation trophies, and we wonder why suddenly the losers (which always are the majority) have demanded systems of success be punished and done away with.

  30. PieInTheSky

    This is disgusting.

    A whole @CadburyUK
    cream egg in a @Dominos_UK

    These are serious corporate food companies. What are they thinking?

    The executive team, the board and the shareholders should be ashamed of themselves.

    I believe they are thinking the fatties will pay good money for that

      • ron73440

        My wife uses their pizza flour and cooking it on a pizza steel, it comes out amazing.

    • sloopyinca

      You know what’s more ridiculous than that cookie?

      Hereditary titles.

      • AlexinCT

        What about some British queen talking to people about his royal scepter and where he wants to stick it?

      • PieInTheSky

        I will let you know I am the Duke of Buftea

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        What’s even more ridiculous is Americans worrying about another countries hereditary titles.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Blood pudding, haggis, kidney pies-I’ll take one of those diabetes cookies anyday over that stuff.

      • PieInTheSky

        I am the opposite

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Just bullshitting, I like organ meats too.

      • Mojeaux


  31. Not Adahn

    *puts on stripey pants*

    Hamas frees all the hostages.
    All Hamas members turn themselves over to Israel for trial.
    Israel withdraws completely from Gaza
    Egypt opens their border with Gaza

    *looks around for tailcoat*

  32. PieInTheSky

    Casey Mattox
    If you’re concerned about the potential of us electing 1 of 2 people unqualified for the Presidency, consider the possibility that this might be a really good time to reduce the extraconstitutional power of the federal executive branch.

    how would that work?

  33. PieInTheSky

    A Michigan woman is accusing International House of Prayer founder Mike Bickle of sexually abusing her 43 years ago, when she was 14 and Bickle was pastoring a church in St. Louis, the Kansas City Star reported.

    I do have sympathy for abuse victims but all these 40 years later accusations… what evidence is left in most cases?

    • Suthenboy

      Well she can pony up the evidence and witnesses.
      Ever notice that the only people accused of this are people with money? I wonder….

      • AlexinCT

        The amount of people claiming someone famous is doing or did something to them, when it is blatantly obvious there was none of it, would freak most others. Mental disorders run rampant through our societies these days, and we are forced to play along with the crazies because it is mean to lock them the fuck up.

      • cyto

        Just shut up and acknowledge her prowess as a strong female athlete who used to play tight end for the Western Michigan Broncos.

      • cyto

        I can’t believe our country supports this sort of thing. It is impossible to defend…. and even if you have fairly ironclad proof against an evidence free accusation, you still won’t convince a huge percentage of your innocence.

        (See Kavanaugh, Brett)

      • Not Adahn

        Never, ever sue poor people.

    • Pine_Tree

      Once went there as a kid actually ordered the chocolate chip pancakes and now I can’t imagine how anybody could do that. Shifted to the pecan-banana ones when I was a teena…

      Oh wait. Wrong IHOP.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Well, the Jesus steward will bring you a flight of Blood of Christ tasters, but I always go for the Manischewitz.

  34. PieInTheSky

    I will re post this long thing that wants to make a cultural and genetic analysis of Russians and Ukrainians. I posted it in the links a few days back but maybe some who did not click want to in light of the Putin interview. It is fairly long. I am not sure it is fully right. Still.

    Getting a sense of the Russian soul
    Looking into Russian genetics and history (not through Putin’s eyes)

    • Not Adahn

      The soul is connected to genetics? I thought that was midichlorians?

  35. cyto

    The talk about tribal grievances above reminded me of a new phenomenon. Some TV show is doing ancestry reveals on celebrities. There have been a handful of noted black “the white man is evil” types who have learned that they are part white.

    Just yesterday X had a clip of the View’s Sunny Hosin learning that she is actually the descendent of Spanish slave holders.

    So miss “inherited guilt” is actually not an opressed victim, but an oppressor.

    Pretty hilarious.

    Learn Burton had a really hard time. Said he normally would have punched someone in the face for suggesting that he was part white.

    • UnCivilServant

      I saw clips from Burton’s episode. If I recall correctly, the tester said that they had not found a single African American who was not partially white.

      • Pine_Tree

        For the 99.999%, I thought everybody knew this already. I would actually suspect that there are some rapidly-dying populations (Geechee-Gullah being perhaps the best known) in the Low Country that still have a few members who are 100% African in origin.

    • cyto

      Levar. Levar Burton is the actor’s name. But thanks for the help, autocorrect.

      • robc

        Considering Reading Rainbow, Learn isn’t entirely wrong.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Headly Lavar?

    • kinnath

      There was a case a couple of years ago where a black journalist in Britain traced her history back to a black man in Jamaica that owned a couple dozen black slaves. She fell apart on camera.

    • creech

      Beyond that, virtually everyone of African descent is likely descended from African slave catchers who captured and sold other members of their race to white slavers. Does anyone think a handful of white sailors from a slave ship were roaming around the West African jungles capturing folks too stupid, cowardly or intimidated enough not to fight back and destroy the handful of white guys?

  36. Suthenboy

    “He abused me in a former life.”
    Prosecutor: “When, where, how, and do you have any witnesses?”
    “I dont know, I have blocked it out of my memory.”
    Prosecutor: “Guilty! String him up and take all of his money. She can split it with the state!”

    This bullshit really is a witch hunt. Remember, most witches burned had their property seized and divided with the state and aggrieved parties.

    • Drake

      May as well have psychic mediums testifying in the case. I was abused in the Middle Ages by somebody who was reincarnated as a rich guy,

      • Suthenboy

        That sums it up nicely.

    • Suthenboy

      Also notice, this doesnt happen to regular Joes. The accused are always people with money or power.

      • Mojeaux

        The accused *who make the news* are always people with power and money. Or female teachers and their teenage boytoys.

      • R.J.

        I noticed that. Didn’t it alway used to be male teachers? That problem didn’t vanish.

      • UnCivilServant

        There are male teachers left? I thought they were driven out of the industry.

      • trshmnstr

        ^^ this. The average joes get ruined without much fanfare. One of our band teachers got got for supposedly banging a student. The girl’s story was quite sketchy, the teacher’s wife worked down the hall, and the girl was known for making shit up. He was done and gone before the end of the day, but I don’t think charges were ever filed. Last I heard, he was doing e-commerce stuff to earn a paycheck.

      • Not Adahn

        I had a teacher quietly fired for banging a student.

        Three years later they were still together.

  37. The Late P Brooks


    Overall, Biden left an impression of a president who feels he’s been deeply wronged, is bitter about the way he is covered by the media and treated by Republicans and still believes deeply he is the best option to beat Trump in November — an opponent that he views as an anti-democratic anathema to everything America stands for. The president’s defenders often get frustrated when the political conversation is dominated by Biden’s age – rather than Trump’s repeated challenges to the rule of law.

    But at the same time, his age and acuity really do matter to voters and he is under increasing pressure to address this and demonstrate his capacity as the general election approaches. Sure, Biden’s likely Republican opponent is a twice-impeached 77-year-old with a volcanic temperament who is facing 91 charges and tried to thwart US democracy three years ago. But Biden is the president now, and despite the preferred framing of his campaign that 2024 is a direct comparison between him and Trump, he will be judged on his own record and capability to serve as commander-in-chief for a full four years, especially as Vice President Kamala Harris has her own questions to answer about her experience, popularity and suitability to serve in the Oval Office.

    Bitter about the way he has been treated by the media, is he? They have done everything possible to cover for him.

    When you’ve lost Collinson…

    • cyto

      A CNN commentor went on at length about how Biden has faced much more scrutiny NY the press than Trump, and that Trump makes just as many gaffes as Biden, but they just don’t cover it.

      They really will say anything.

    • Suthenboy

      I am certain that one of the core problems we face as a species is that stupidity, corruption and projection is no longer physically painful.
      You get more of what you reward, less of what you punish…side note – You get more of something if there is no accountability attached.

      Press covers his ass.
      Making the welfare of America and Americans a priority is an anathema to everything America stands for (?)
      Trump, not legal machinations against Trump are not a challenge to the rule of law (?)
      Biden is too confused to be held accountable for breaking the law with impunity but not too far into dementia to hold office (?)
      No mention of the endless, pointless war with Eastasia. D platform consists entirely of ‘He’s not Trump’.

      We are living in upsy-downsy bizarro world.

    • creech

      Yeah, media mistreatment. Today’s Assoc. Press story in the local rag DOESN’T EVEN MENTION the memory issues in their article about the Hur report and the conclusion not to press criminal charges.

      • kinnath

        Salon says the report proves Biden did not commit any crimes.

  38. Dr. Fronkensteen

    It’s Super Bowl weekend. Enjoy it. –Fat chance. My squares are 9 and 9. Hoping for a defensive battle I guess.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Hate speech is not free speech

    After a day of deliberations, the jury ruled that Simberg and Steyn defamed Mann through some of their statements. The compensatory damages were just $1 for each writer. But the punitive damages were larger. The jury ordered Simberg to pay Mann $1000 in punitive damages; it ordered Steyn to pay $1 million in punitive damages.

    Mann did not respond to requests for comment. But in a statement posted to the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, he said: “I hope this verdict sends a message that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech.”

    Heresy will not be tolerated.

    • kinnath

      This verdict really crushed my spirit yesterday.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I have it on good authority that Mann likes to rape puppies. Whoops, allegedly I mean…

    • UnCivilServant

      What was the venue? Did they have any chance of getting a fair juror pool?

      Because Mann is a fraud.

      • AlexinCT

        Washington D.C.

        That should tell you everything…

    • Urthona

      Just an atrocious ruling. Mann got destroyed in trial too.

      • AlexinCT

        Those 6 jurors and that entire court were not climate deniers, so no amount of facts, data, or logic that would challenge them was going to change that verdict…

        Note that they all covered their ears when testimony was given that Mann DID manipulate data, hid it, refused to share it, got caught in a yuge scandal when they data was leaked, and that the hockey stick was all fucking made up shit, and yet, they agreed that it was unfair so then they punished Stein especially for reminding people Mann had done this shit.

    • cyto

      I don’t get the joke.

      Is it because Alaska is the biggest state?

      • PieInTheSky

        I had assumed it is not a joke but a real thing

      • PieInTheSky

        The Alaskan king mattress is a square oversized mattress that measures a staggering 108 inches by 108 inches for a total surface area of 81 square feet. As the largest state in the USA, it’s only fitting that the second-largest mattress available on the market is named after Alaska.

      • PieInTheSky

        Why would someone want an Alaskan king bed? Here are a few benefits of an Alaskan king bed that explain why some families opt for such a grandiose mattress:

        Room for the whole family: The Alaskan king can easily fit multiple adults, making it easy to accommodate couples with more than one child.
        Extra space at the foot of the bed for pets: A 2022 study showed that 43% of pet dogs in the United States and 49% of pet cats sleep on their owner’s beds. The Alaskan king is extra long and has plenty of room for your furry friends to sleep at your feet.
        Appropriate for large rooms: If a king bed looks proportionately inadequate in your bedroom, an Alaskan king may feel more size-appropriate.

        lotsa cats fit on that bed

      • Mojeaux

        I have a California king. Getting linens for that fucker is expensive and hard to do. But that’s what the husband came with to the marriage and that’s what size we got the captain’s bed made to, so that’s what size mattress we keep.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why someone would want a longer bed? Because they’re made for short people and my feet hang off the standard (Twin-King) sizes. I just haven’t gotten around to trying to find one of the appropriate length.

      • Mojeaux

        Twin XL

        Had these in my dorm room at BYU.

      • Not Adahn


      • UnCivilServant

        only 80 inches? I’d still hang over the edge once the pillow offset is factored in (my head won’t be flush with the upper edge of the mattress in any realistic scenario) With the shorter rectangles, I can try diagonally.

      • PieInTheSky

        TIL Not Adahn went to BYU

      • UnCivilServant

        @Pie – the Long Twin size is common to a lot of university dorms. I did not go to BYU, and my university had them.

      • R.J.

        Texas demands a larger mattress named after Texas.

      • cyto

        I think a Texas mattress is a bedroll on the dirt by a campfire.

      • CPRM

        It’s a mattress on the banks of the Rio Grand with two Mexican families living on it.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Mann’s trial comes at a time of increasing attacks on climate scientists, says Lauren Kurtz, executive director of the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund, who notes that her fund helps more scientists each year than the year before.

    “I don’t think there’s been anything like it. There’s never been a case like this,” says Kert Davies, director of special investigations at the Center for Climate Integrity, a climate accountability nonprofit, “No one has ever taken the climate deniers to court like this.”

    Davies says while this ruling may not impact anonymous attackers online, the liability verdict and the dollar figure of this judgment may deter more public figures from attacks on climate scientists. “It may keep them in check,” Davies says.

    “Shut up,” he explained.

    • PieInTheSky

      Narrator : [24:45] Was it ticking?

      Airport Security Officer : Actually throwers don’t worry about ticking ’cause modern bombs don’t tick.

      Narrator : Sorry, throwers?

      Airport Security Officer : Baggage handlers. But, when a suitcase vibrates, then the throwers gotta call the police.

      Narrator : My suitcase was vibrating?

      Airport Security Officer : Nine times out of ten it’s an electric razor, but every once in a while…


      Airport Security Officer : it’s a dildo. Of course it’s company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo… always use the indefinite article a dildo, never your dildo.

      Narrator : I don’t own…

      • Not Adahn

        Actually throwers don’t worry about ticking ’cause modern bombs don’t tick.

        Note to self.

      • UnCivilServant

        Modern bombs have been solid-state devices for a while now. There’s no reason for them to tick or vibrate.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      So embarrassing she planned it. 12.5 million views is a good payoff though so well done?

  41. Common Tater

    “The world’s first glow-in-the-dark levitating coin made from seven ounces of silver has been created by the Mint of Poland for use in Cameroon.

    Named the UFO MP-1766, the coin – which will qualify as legal tender – has a hidden motor which generates a magnetic field with the specially designed base which then enables it to float.

    According to Lukasz Karda, Director of the Technical and Production Planning Department at the Mint of Poland, the glow is the result of fluorescent paint hardened with UV light.

    Created on order from the Bank of Cameroon, the incredible coin is set to be worth 1,766 Cameroonian francs (around £2.30).”

    For three bucks, I’d buy one.

  42. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Holy shit the media are shitting themselves with jealousy about Tucker/Vlad

    • AlexinCT

      To be honest, they should. Vlad came across as the scumbag we know he is, and because most people measured him against senile Biden as semi-articulate. He even was correct to point out US policy is why he decided to start invading his neighbors to bring them back into the Soviet sphere he pines for. But in general he looked old, rambling, and evil to me…

      The D.C. cabal might have preferred he not point out they are evil to, but Putin didn’t do himself any favors…

  43. Mojeaux

    Here in KC, we have “red Friday” where everybody wears red to work before the Chiefs game on Saturday/Sunday/Monday/whateverday. My husband’s so hyped last night he asked me, “Do you know what today is?”

    “Um, Thursday?”

    “It’s Red Friday Eve!”

    He so silly.

    • cyto

      This is how you know it is true love.

      • Mojeaux

        Over the years, my husband’s done a lot of things I would classify as demonstrations of true love, especially that time he attempted DIY surgery on me at my insistence because I couldn’t stand it anymore and no doctor would operate.

        I can’t say I remember doing anything as spectacular for him, but he might disagree. I hardly think carting him to physical therapy counts.

      • ron73440

        he attempted DIY surgery on me

        What the what?

      • Sean

        When playing doctor goes too far…

      • Mojeaux

        I’m not expounding further, just that I was in a lot of pain and I was desperate.

      • ron73440

        That doesn’t sound like a choice that would be lightly made.

        I have trouble even cutting a splinter out of my wife’s fingers.

    • KSuellington

      I’m so sorry you guys are going to be so disappointed on Sunday. I am not going to be sorry to see Taylor and Travis consoling each other after the game.

  44. cyto


    Tucker video at 121 million views.

    Rachel Maddow is so jealous she is shaking. Fox News gives the forehead slap… doh!!

  45. KSuellington

    How can you be competent enough to be President but not competent enough to be trusted with classified materials? That’s it for Dementia Joe. The only questions now is when and by whom will he be replaced? Likely a three way race between three terrible choices (Kamala, Newsom, Obama) but the Dems may just pull out a surprise “compromise” choice. No way is Biden the nominee after that report.

    I voted for Prop 47 a decade ago, even though at the time I disagreed with lowering theft penalties. At this point I also disagree with decriminalization of hard drugs. I have lived in two places that have gone down that route, Amsterdam and SF, and both had similar results with junkies taking over. You cannot reduce the incarcerated population by decriminalizing or legalizing hard drugs, unless you want to learn to live with a massively degraded society, with junkies taking over a la Portland or SF. It’s a myth that there are large numbers of people in prisons due to solely drug possession, the vast majority of the prison population are not there because they had a couple grams of whatever. Decriminalizing/legalization could only work if you want to put just as many if not more people behind lock and key or deal with the huge increases in hard drug consumption, and the resultant criminal and anti social behavior.

    • DEG

      I’ll let him know you lit the signal.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Needs more iron-fisted socialist dictatorship

    I’m not sad about Williamson suspending her campaign. I do wish Biden had some serious competition from the left, and I think it’s a tragedy that he faces no organized pressure, for example, to adopt Medicare for All. But Williamson was not a trustworthy or effective messenger of the progressive policies she embraced, either this time or in 2020. Her woo-woo calls for a spiritual revolution were a distraction from a proper working-class-focused political movement.

    Williamson’s background as a New Age spiritual guru was always in tension with her progressive political views. She has no background in electoral politics; she’s a self-help author who writes books about topics like healing and love and developed a wide audience as a spiritual adviser to Oprah Winfrey. And she has long been an evangelist of the kind of anti-establishment health views and manifest-the-world-you-want spiritualism that grate against progressive norms — and have genuinely dangerous implications.

    For example, Williamson has written that “sickness is an illusion and does not exist,” and that “cancer and AIDS and other physical illnesses are physical manifestations of a psychic scream.” She has recklessly maligned antidepressants. She has called vaccine mandates “Orwellian” and “draconian.” (She apologized for those comments, but she has also used vague language when asked to clarify her views on vaccines, which she has a history of criticizing.) Williamson has implied that people can steer hurricanes through “the power of mind.”

    Some of her stuff sounds suspiciously like belief in individualism and self-ownership. Unacceptable poppycock in Democratic circles.

    • Common Tater

      Also, new age hippy crap.

    • trshmnstr

      Williamson’s background as a New Age spiritual guru was always in tension with her progressive political views.

      Wut? New age and progressivism goes together like arsenic and cyanide.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    “It’s Red Friday Eve!”

    Was he wearing pink?

  48. Common Tater

    “An Australian woman who bedded 22 men during a recent 10-day holiday has shared her horror after being horrifically “slut-shamed” online.

    Taila Maddison is a sex worker from Newcastle who has amassed a following detailing her life as an adult content creator….

    The young entrepreneur, who previously went viral when she discovered her stepdad subscribed to her online business”

    Top notch parenting.

    • Not Adahn

      2.2 dudes a day for fun? When you’re already sex worker?

      I’m not seeing why this is newsworthy.

      • AlexinCT

        Did she space them? Cause I wondered if it was all at once… Choo-choo!

    • Suthenboy

      In another lifetime I had a years long run of that. So what? I cant judge. If some cutie figures out she is sitting on a gold mine and likes kicking up her heels, who are we to judge? Her mind, her body, her conscience are exclusively her own property.
      The step-dad thing…I can see how that might be a bit creepy to some, for some its a thing. Again, not my call or my business.
      Fuckin’ herd animals.

      • Ownbestenemy

        ^^^ A-yup, but uh..maybe keep it to yourself (her, not you).

      • Suthenboy

        Agreed. I dont mind. At one point in my young life my ambition was to blow through the world like a hurricane and leave every woman I met on her back, smiling, all flushed and breathless. I think at some point II did or nearly did accomplished that. I eventually figured out what was missing.
        I was born for women but I needed to live for just one. I have been doing that for the majority of my life and I am happier than a pig in shit.
        Her? Dont whine and pretend it is not what it is. Own it.

      • trshmnstr

        This. You don’t get to broadcast it to the world for affirmation and then act the victim when you get shamed instead. Sorry, some people dont think that racking up a massive body count is empowering. Deal with it.

      • PieInTheSky

        you banged 800 chicks in one year? nice

    • Suthenboy

      Oh, and I am not buying it. If she is genuinely horrified by the attention, she would withdraw, not publicize it. She walks into a crowd in her birthday suit screaming at everyone “Stop staring at me!” gym girl style.
      Yeah, whatever you do dont throw me in the briar patch.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      “Sex is just a part of life. I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed about. My loved ones know me and know what kind of person I am in real life, my online content is just there to build my business,” she explained.

      I feel no shame, but I was slut shamed.

    • mrfamous

      If only there was some way she could have avoided this predicament.

    • ron73440

      When they do turn it over, the data will have been “mysteriously erased”.

    • AlexinCT

      Bet money they will have some accident that makes the laptop no longer usable…

      After all, it is not as if they have destroyed evidence they have been told to turn over before, and got away with it…

    • Suthenboy

      Disband it, bar former agents from public service, burn the facilities. Piss on the ashes then toss them in the sea. Salt the grounds.

    • Seguin

      HTF have they not wiped it already? Or duped the drive and scrubbed it? Why the refusal? Are they incompetent?