An Update, and Random Thoughts

by | May 16, 2024 | Energy, Entertainment, LifeSkills | 149 comments


Tactical Medicine Update

I wanted to pass along a couple of updates to my post on the Tactical Medicine class I took.

The official military training curriculum for combat medics and the like is on Deployed Medicine.  You don’t need to be in the military to use it – you’ll have to create an account, but hey, what’s one more list?  They also have an app (you need to set up an account on the website to log into the app).  The module I will be using is Combat Life Saver, which seems to track my class pretty closely.  The app isn’t the most intuitive, but if you make the right clicks, they have didactic presentations and videos.  Good stuff.

If you need to gear up, I was able to build my trauma bag almost entirely at Chinook Medical.  I didn’t do a lot of price comparisons, but they seem to have good pricing.  There were a couple of things I couldn’t get there, which I got from Amazon (which I try to avoid, but sometimes, waddayagonnado?).

Whycome No Mini-Nukes?

No, not that kind.

I see activity around renewing the construction of nuclear power plants, which is a Good Thing.  There’s also R&D going on, apparently, for plants smaller than the behemoths of the days of yore.  My question:  aren’t we already building small nuclear plants?  The Navy has nearly 100 nuclear ships and subs.  Why can’t the nuclear plants they use also be built (with some modification, I’m sure) for land-based civilian facilities?  You would get the added bonus of a pool of technicians, etc. who are trained on and have experience with them.


If you haven’t looked at SubStack yet, you really should.  There is some very fine content there.  Some of the ones I’m currently following:

Of course, our very own juris imprudent needs no introduction.  Posts as Rather Curmudgeonly.

Neither does Gord, who posts at Autonomous Truck(er)s, along with several others.  They have a focus on the Canadian government’s persecution of the trucker Covid protestors.

Handwaving Freakoutery – Does good work looking at actual data, especially on guns, but also other topics.

el gato malo – Funny guy, although his allergy to capital letters can get a little annoying.  Some quality memes.  Pretty smart, too, especially on social/political stuff.  He has a surprisingly optimistic angle, and some interesting ideas for what needs to be done.

T.L. Davis – Kind of a black pill guy, but interesting takes.  Current post as of this submission is “Time to Disband the Republican Party”, on account of its uniparty uselessness.  Would fit right in around here.

Postcards from Barsoom – I forget exactly what his background is, but he’s a refugee from academia.  Kinda likes the sound of his own, umm, writing, but he’s got interesting things to say.  He does go on, though.

One question on SubStack is, do you want to pick up a paid subscription to any given author?  There’s variation – some have it all available for free, some have it all behind their paywall, and some have a mix.  I’ve decided to invest in some paid subscriptions, just to support this alternative outlet to the monolithic Dominant Culture media.

I’m sure there will be plenty of recommendations in the comments.  Right?


I’ve recently finished the first season of The Sandman on Netflix (the second season isn’t out yet, but is reportedly on its way).  I’ve never read the graphic novels, so I am unburdened by canon and have no views whatsoever on that front.  I enjoyed it; early Neil Gaiman told some fine stories.  The casting was somewhat annoying, as it had the overrepresentation of black actrons that is characteristic of British entertainment lately, but I rated it as a minor annoyance.  It also had a drag queen character which I’m not sure was part of the original graphic novels (see above re: canon) and felt a little gratuitous, but actually made some sense in a story about dreams – in one dream he peels off his drag face, and then peels off his real face, and then wants to keep going.  Anti-wokism can be just a mirror image of anti-racism, and I would rather not fall into that trap, so the whatever wokery was present didn’t stop me from enjoying and looking forward to the next season.

I’m still at this point fairly early on in the Fallout series on Amazon.  I’ve played a couple of the games (New Vegas and Fallout 3), but it’s been awhile.  I’m not blown away, but I’ll likely finish it up in fairly short order for me (I rarely even “binge” to the point of watching two episodes back to back).  It’s based on a video game, so I’m not expecting deep insights or anything more than entertainment.  The tone and approach is a little odd – a pastiche of ‘50s culture in places, oddly un-something (satisfying doesn’t seem quite the right word) ultraviolence, with a gloss of comedy.  Walton Goggins’ ghoul is working for me.  I’ve decided to go with the heroine’s wide-eyed (literally) naïveté as part of her character arc.  If the Brotherhood of Steel “squire” catches a deathclaw to the face, I won’t mind a bit.  Regardless, I’m entertained.

Mrs. Dean and I are watching Shogun when we can both sit down for an hour.  Holy crap, what an excellent show.  Cannot recommend enough; easily the best of the three shows – excellent production and acting, good character presentation/development, engaging plot, its got it all.  Again, I read the book but it was literally decades ago, so I am unburdened by canon.

That’s probably enough red meat for the commentariat.

A White Pill

Bitch about Elon sucking up the tax subsidies on offer for Tesla.  Moan about his lack of free speech absolutism at Twitter.  But I think SpaceX matters more than both of those added together.  From our backyard in Tucson:

About The Author

R C Dean

R C Dean

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    Great picture!
    Elon is the good guy in this episode of

  2. Nephilium

    I still subscribe to Astral Codex Ten (formerly SlateStarCodex before the NYT was going to dox the author).

    I’ve made my opinions on the Fallout show clear, and I didn’t mind Sandman, even with the massive changes to the comics. Still haven’t watched the Dead Boys Detectives spin off yet. I thought they botched the Despair design, and would have been better served by having multiple different actors play Desire (in the comics he routinely changes appearance and gender to reflect the person he’s talking to).

  3. SDF-7

    I’m pretty sure most of the current crop of utility Pressurized Water Reactors are derivants of nuke sub plants in origin. Almost all of the ’50s and ’60s designs spun directly out of those programs, after all. So what is being R&D’d is even smaller than a boomer plant, I would think.

    Clippy is the spawn of MS Bob and Satan. No more needs to be said.

  4. SDF-7

    I’ve never read the graphic novels,

    That’s why I’m staying away from it — I did enjoy the comics back when they came out, and honestly Gaiman hasn’t recaptured the magic even in later stories. I can’t imagine a TV show doing it justice and would rather stay away and let those who can and do enjoy it do so than be bitchy about things. I can re-read my copies when I want the story… it is perfectly fine there.

    • SDF-7

      It also had a drag queen character which I’m not sure was part of the original graphic novels

      It may well have been — I probably need to re-read to figure out who it might be assuming you’re not talking about Desire (who was pretty explicitly sexually ambiguous/whatever it wanted to be in the moment… but given the Endless are Aspects more than biological beings — all of them are really shaped by the perception of mortals anyway). Gaiman was more than a little representative back in the day — and that was fine. Dream was drawn more to the artistic / dreamy folks, after all… and all of them were actual characters, not check boxes.

      • Nephilium

        There was, the burlesque performer from the Dream House.

    • Nephilium

      The first season barely gets into the books, they pull forward some character introductions, drop the ties to other DC characters (no vintage Sandman super hero, and no DC heroes getting impacted by Dr. Destiny), and expand on the role of the Corinthian, with it wrapping up at the Cereal Convention.

      • SDF-7

        Tell me they didn’t drop the 24 hours at a diner.

        That’s the breakout issue of the first arc, imho. Dark as hell, granted.

      • Not Adahn

        There are a very dark few episodes in a diner.

  5. Lord Humungus

    I was reading Shogun – but recurring – and very long – dreams about feudal (?) Japan made me quit. Also it takes _forever_ for the war to begin. I still hadn’t gotten to the point of a large scale battle – yet.

    I’ll pick it up again once I finish “A Bridge Too Far” book, which I’m really enjoying.

    • Sensei

      I’m still unsure if I really want to do Shōgun.

      I’ve read the book several times and enjoyed it. However, the more I learn and read the more I realize how much of it is pure fiction

      My favorite enjoyment was reading all the reviews. They made sure to properly spell it Shōgun so as to demonstrate their cultural sensitivity. Problem is 90% of people still won’t pronounce it right. The “ō” means that long “o” sound is simply elongated. The is the “u” sound is also long – sounds like “goon”. The way you’d normally Romanize it is “shougun”.

      Naturally, Slate did not disappoint!

      Shōgun Improves On a Notorious Orientalist Blockbuster

  6. PutridMeat

    Mini nuke plants Not a great discussion, seemed a bit short on technical, regulatory, and real world instantiation, but some interesting stuff there.

  7. Not Adahn

    I only played FO1 and 2, so I didn’t notice any lore problems, but I DID notice easter eggs like the “water chip malfunction.” I liked the season overall, though I had some issues with the decisions being forced by current day goodthinking. So as not to spoil anything, I’ll use an analogous scene from that terrible Rebel Moon thingy: the grifffn murders the dude who owned the team member’s indenture, and we’re supposed to be happy about that for some reason. We haven’t seen the guy do anything bad, he’s not abusing anyone, he releases the contract according to the terms, I guess he a fat white guy so that’s sufficient?

    I never finished Sandman, but I thought “The Sound of Her Wings” was an excellent standalone episode.

    Astral Codex Ten is the obvious substack recommendation, but Scott really has gone downhill in a hurry. I have noticed a common trend of writers as they age (especially if they start off with an earnest attempt to be “good people”) of them becoming more conventional/respectable thinkers, and then if/when they have a kid they go full-on mass-media normie. This is in addition to the “become a full-time writer, start caring less about your writing” think that also afflicts Scott.

    • Nephilium

      I agree about the drop off. I cared much more about the fringe thoughts/mindstate things than the election betting markets.

      • Not Adahn

        He’s had a couple of recent posts where he goes off on something without actually understanding what he’s disagreeing with. The pre-professional Scott would never have done that.

  8. juris imprudent

    [kicks pebble and mumbles “aw shucks”]

    I do write a bit differently for that venue from this one and that is deliberate. I’m very comfortable with the audience (and tastes) here and I’m still finding my audience there. But you all are welcome to drop by anytime. I’m free there too though part of my motivation for writing there is to see if I can build a small income stream eventually. Naturally you always get what you pay for here.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      …a small income stream eventually

      Why not OnlyFans?

      • juris imprudent

        This is exactly what I love about this place.

        Why not OnlyFans?

        I don’t need an income stream that small.

      • SDF-7

        The garter belt pinches him.

  9. SDF-7

    Re: Fallout — as a fan of the games, and more of the New Vegas / FO1 / FO2 side of things… it was okay for what it was. I appreciate the effort put into the sets — and yes, the Ghoul was the best character. (Lucy started out okay but seemed to get dumber each episode…) And yes, Maximus is a psycho shitheel, imho. But the whole Brotherhood was terrible (personal fan theory is that the NCR fell apart (not saying why if you’re not that far — it is fucking stupid, but we have to assume it happened) and the Brotherhood absorbed remnants to try to keep order, diluting the actual Brotherhood to where the original Codex is forgotten and only power hungry pseudo-religious politicians remain in the higher ranks with idiot cannon fodder below), so it isn’t surprising.

    I don’t care what Todd Howard says — it doesn’t make sense in many ways to the existing story (or to itself really), so I’m just viewing it as an alternate universe. No Gods, No Masters assholes….

  10. robc is Bryan Caplan’s substack.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I borrowed his Open Borders book from the library but have not read it yet. My 12 year old son picked it up and read it in one night before bed.

      Based on what I have seen him write about open borders before I feel like it is going to upset me.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Based on a news story this morning, Florida is going to start looking at nuclear power. There wasn’t much detail. The article was, of course, focused on Ron Desantis’ evil rejection of offshore wind power.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    my motivation for writing there is to see if I can build a small income stream eventually

    Get ’em hooked, and then…

  13. kinnath

    I enjoyed Sandman, and look forward to a new season.

    I enjoyed Fallout, and look forward to another season.

    I would love to watch Shogun. But Hulu is a Disney company, and I am horrified by the thought of giving them any money in any way. I still need to figure out how to get their content.

  14. rhywun

    “Anti-wokism can be just a mirror image of anti-racism, and I would rather not fall into that trap”

    Oof so hard sometimes. Out and about I just passed a HS where the American flag was sharing the pole with the tranny flag. Seriously? Enough already.

    • kinnath

      Was the tranny on top?

      • rhywun


      • The Last American Hero

        But it identifies as being on top.

      • R.J.

        *Golf clap

    • creech

      Ask to run up a “Don’t Tread on Me” or a Playboy Bunny flag.

      • whiz

        Good idea. Our county has been asked to fly all kinds of flags, but they adopted a policy to only fly the U.S., state, and MIA flags (the latter is a slight concession to the general rule on the assumption that nobody is going to object to that).

  15. Drake

    Wife and I are watching Season 3 of Clarkson’s Farm. It’s fun while continuing to show how much government makes farming next to impossible.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      on Amazon Prime. Its good.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Carryover from dead thread: Jeep clutch fiasco

    A typically useless Autopian article, but they finally lurch into a piece of pertinent info:

    Others have thrown their hands up and sought external help. Many in the group have had aftermarket clutch kits installed as a solution to the issue. Some have had success getting Jeep to reimburse them for replacements handled by outside workshops, others have not been so lucky. Given that a clutch replacement can typically cost from $2500 to $4000 on these vehicles, it’s easy to see why some customers are eager to have Jeep pay to solve the problem.

    I spoke to Todd Spencer, the proud owner of a Jeep Wrangler with a manual transmission. He went the aftermarket route, rather than waiting for Jeep to supply parts. “I installed a Centerforce 2 Performance clutch and flywheel kit with all the upgraded hydraulic cylinders… It’s the fix for the Jeeps,” he explained, noting he received a $3,100 reimbursement from Jeep for the swap.

    “It’s like a night and day difference,” Todd says. “It engages as a clutch should now, and holds!” He’s running a 3.5-inch lift and 35-inch tires, and he’s had no fault codes.

    It took them long enough to get to it. You don’t smoke your clutch pulling away from stop signs. There has to be a serious lack of clamping force and/or “traction” in the components. Sounds like the stock clutch is weak. Also- $2500 or more for a “clutch job”?

    And, of course, there is the inevitable question of whether the clutch is really slipping, or if it’s just a software error.

    • Mojeaux

      I miss manual transmissions.

      • CatchTheCarp

        I will always chose a manual over an auto when given the option. I learned to drive on a manual and most of the cars I’ve owned have been manuals, including my current daily driver. I like to drive and having a manual is part of the driving experience I enjoy, I love rowing through the gears and prefer the control of a manual. My wife likes telling people the only reason I keep getting cars with a manual is because she can’t drive one. I’ve offered to teach her every time she brings it up, the answer is always no. 🙂

      • ron73440

        My wife has a Japanese Driver license that says she is certified on a manual transmission.

        She can drive my car, but hates it, her Corolla is an auto.

        She can barely reach the clutch in my truck and the one time she tried to drive it, she scared both of us.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Heh. I used to have a kickstart only motorcycle. No one but me could start it, let alone shift it.

      • Mojeaux

        I too had a kickstart motorcycle. Kawasaki KZ650. I can’t remember the year. Late 70s, early 80s. Whatever.

      • Fourscore

        At a certain point in life an auto becomes a necessity. I would have a lot of trouble driving a manual, certainly in traffic it would be a serious problem. I also enjoy power brakes and steering.

      • kinnath

        I still have my 350Z with a manual.

        I truly hate the fucking CVTs that replaced manuals in economy vehicles. Everyone should learn to drive with a stick in a beat up old econobox.

      • Mojeaux

        I had a 1986 Honda CRX Hatchback. I absolutely adored that car.

      • Sensei

        Blame the environmentalists.

        Row your own boxes are harder to emissions certify and usually now lower MPGs.

      • kinnath


        CVTs exist only to hit CAFE standards. They are horrendous transmissions.

      • juris imprudent

        usually now lower MPGs

        I don’t know what kind of idiot driver you have to be to get lower MPG with a manual. The Subaru CT I drive way outperforms the claimed MPG on their automatic.

      • kinnath

        Real life doesn’t matter.

        Controlled tests to produce data to submit to FedGov are the only thing that matter.

        CVTs put into Eco mode and driven as carefully as possible will give better results by enough of a margin that the OEM meets the CAFE target. Thus manual transmissions are removed from the market.

      • juris imprudent

        Controlled tests to produce data to submit to FedGov are the only thing that matter.

        [Recalls Pentagon Wars, shakes and nods head vigorously].

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The last manual I had was a six speed, and the gear ratio’s were clearly set up to beat emissions standards, and had very little real world application. Changing tire size would help, but then you have another set of issues. And costs.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I miss being able to drive stick.

        /kicks pebble…

      • Fourscore

        Me too but I prefer the auto.

      • CatchTheCarp

        There were days when I got stuck in stop and go rush hour traffic and I wished I had an auto. I had a 2006 Cobalt SS Supercharged, fun car to drive but it had the shortest 1st gear of any car I’ve ever driven. It would hit the rev limiter after 15 feet, it was almost useless. Drove that car for 11 years, beat on it regularly and never had any problems with it. It was one of the most reliable, problem free vehicles I’ve ever owned. The only reason I got rid of it was I developed an itch for a V8. With a manual…. 🙂

    • Sensei

      It’s interesting because the prior generation JK had a Mercedes transmission. I had zero issues with it other than reverse being notchy. Sometimes I had to double clutch it to engage reverse.

      Keep in mind lots of people put aftermarket oversize wheels and tires adding a good bit of mass in the process. When they changed suppliers I wonder if the safety margin went down.

    • Lord Humungus

      VW still makes some cars – the VW Jetta base, VW Jetta GLI, and the GTI with a manual.

      My last car with a manual was a 2014 Mustang V6. The manual was horrible – often locking out 3rd gear when you were shifting fast. Once I replaced the stock 2.73 gears with 3.55s it only got worse since you were doing well more shifting.

      Our departed 2003 Mini Cooper S had a clutch like an on-off button; so quick once you got used to it but also easy to stall out, or, sadly, start off in Reverse instead of First.

      My -now- departed 2001 BMW 325i had a much longer clutch travel and was so easy to shift. That was, much like the Mini, a real driver’s car. Sure the 174hp wasn’t all that but boy did that straight 6 like to rev. So easy to hit the RPM limiter!

      To be honest the DSG in EF’s Audi A3 is a miracle of speed shifting. The 8-speed in my Jetta is well non-intrusive even though it is geared for economy. 5th gear at 25mph? Sure, why not?

      • Sean

        Oh, and the fog lights on the MK8 look gay AF.

      • Lord Humungus

        Agreed – the MK8 is an ugly duckling versus the MK7. Also haptic – or whatever they are called – buttons? No thanks.

      • Not Adahn

        My bimmers’ clutches were freaking telepathic.

      • Not Adahn

        The WRX-STI’s otoh is about as contrarian as some Glibs.

      • Sean


  17. Drake

    TL Davis seems like a good guy. Points out the nonsense of the ‘democracy’ nonsense.

    Colorado is such a weird place – ultra liberal cities, ultra traditional/conservative country. If there is ever a civil war, places like that will go very sideways.

    • Nephilium

      Colorado is such a weird place – ultra liberal cities, ultra traditional/conservative country. If there is ever a civil war, places like that will go very sideways.

      Sound like Ohio (and probably most flyover states).

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Oregon also. I mean, Portland yo.

      • Fourscore

        7 county metro controls the other 80 in MN

      • juris imprudent

        I mean, Portland yo.

        What’s Eugene, chopped liver?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


      • juris imprudent

        The in-state weirdness shifted from Eugene to Portland, which then attracted the out-of-state. Portland wasn’t all that weird when I lived there.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        When we were there 20+ years ago, it was a bit weird, but not Santa Cruz weird. Now, Portland takes the cake. Eugene just seems like a place you need to have the right (strident) opinion when around the uni but it gets cool on the outskirts.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, Santa Cruz is where the Berserkeley refugees all landed.

    • creech

      Which side will have the strips for the F-15s to sortie from? There’s some history of sieges in U.S. history; Vicksburg, Atlanta, Richmond in Civil War. Once all supply lines to the city are shut off, (and assuming the besiegers have adequate supply lines of their own) the surrender of the city is nigh.

      • juris imprudent

        “What do you mean you can’t get my Prime shipment here”? /cries of a thousand Karens

      • Drake

        Kharkiv soon if the Russians decide to go around it.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I will second you on Taibbi’s Racket. Good first amendment type coverage, hold no bar for the left of which he clearly is.

      Meh comments section though.

  18. CatchTheCarp

    Well you got me interested in exploring Substack – especially the el gato malo meme’s. The Mother’s Days meme’s are excellent!

  19. The Late P Brooks

    I’m waffling on Fallout. Since I have no background familiarity with the material, it might be fine.

    Or, I might think it sucks on its own merits.

    • Nephilium

      It probably works better if you don’t have the background of FO1/FO2/FONV.

      • SDF-7

        I had a whole list of inconsistencies that will likely bug you after you watch all written out — but you know what? That’s just potentially going to ruin things for those watching. So TL;DR — be prepared to turn your brain off and treat it as the fluff it is. If you start thinking about what’s going on even within the show (setting all the lore of the games completely aside) you probably won’t enjoy it as much. Popcorn movie equivalent (like Independence Day…)

    • ron73440

      I’ve never played the games and my wife and I have watched 3 or 4 episodes.

      The first episode was good, but it’s gone downhill since.

      She still likes it, I think it’s kind of boring with dumb characters. I do like the Ghoul.

      We’ll probably finish once playoff hockey is over.

    • Drake

      I had only a passing familiarity with the games. The series is okay, entertaining enough for me to watch all the episodes. Given the crappy alternatives right now, I recommend if you have the time.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Colorado is such a weird place – ultra liberal cities, ultra traditional/conservative country. If there is ever a civil war, places like that will go very sideways.

    Bring back walled cities.

  21. Mojeaux

    I liked Sandman (TV).

    My only Neil Gaiman read was American Gods, and I never entirely understood the point and I can’t say I enjoyed it. It was more of a slog, with me wondering when the hype was going to happen.

    That said, the rest of my Gaiman exposure has been through TV and movies, and I’ve enjoyed them. I think Coraline was fucking brilliant.

    • kinnath

      Gaiman has some great novels, and some less than great.

      • kinnath

        good omens
        anansi boys
        fragile things

      • Nephilium

        Good Omens I’m always entertained because I feel like I have a good idea which author was responsible for which parts and concepts.

        Neverwhere is unique in that it was a BBC miniseries before a novel (the miniseries suffers from limited BBC budget).

        I didn’t really care for Anansi Boys myself, but it’s relatively popular.

      • kinnath

        I liked both American Gods and Anansi Boys.

        I read a lot of his books, but all 2 decades ago. I have not kept track of any of his work beyond the middle 2000s.

      • Nephilium

        I really liked American Gods (and my copy is a hard cover autographed by Gaiman), did not care for the changes that the series did to it. The other book I brought to the signing for him was my old paperback version of Don’t Panic which was shortly after Adams had passed. The cover page has the Don’t scribbled out and an exclamation point after the Panic now.

        I think the newest of his books that I have is The Cemetery Boy.

      • Beau Knott

        The Ocean at the End of the Lane is fairly light, but good.
        I’m with Mojeaux on American Gods.
        Big fan of Neverwhere, both the BBCserial and the subsequent novel.
        Sandman, the comic, was great. Books of Magic was until he stepped away. Sigh.

      • kinnath

        Ocean at the End of the Lane

        I may need to look that one up.

      • Gender Traitor

        Love Good Omens! To me it’s like Lennon/McCartney songs* – I much prefer what they did together to anything either did on their own.

        *Cue barrage of Beatles hate. 😉

      • Nephilium

        I will defend PTerry’s honour (he is British after all) that Night Watch and Hogfather are heads and shoulders above Good Omens.

      • EvilSheldon

        Man, Night Watch and Hogfather are head and shoulders above almost everything.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks! Have not read either of those, so I’ll take that under advisement.

      • kinnath

        Good Omens is brilliant in its own way.

        But Discworld is far better.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They ain’t no The Monkees but they have some solid songs.

      • Gender Traitor

        Inorite?? Davy was WAY dreamier than Paul!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yes, exactly like the (spits) Beatles.

        Only book I would have thrown in the trash (a chick loaned to me, said I just had to read it. Ended all contact with her.)

      • Gender Traitor

        Aw, c’mon! The footnote breaking down the old British monetary system is a handy reference!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        (I have said it here before, but I generally dislike Post-War British SF&F. Far too Sniggering Schoolboy for me.)

      • Drake

        I like Stardust and the movie was good / didn’t deviate much. Middle school at the time kids liked it too.

    • Nephilium

      The book for that one is a light read, and better than the movie (IMO). There’s no Whybe, and a lot more internal thoughts/dialog.

      If you liked that, I highly recommend MirrorMask and Stardust.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Keep in mind lots of people put aftermarket oversize wheels and tires adding a good bit of mass in the process. When they changed suppliers I wonder if the safety margin went down.

    Taller tires will make the gearing taller, but that “shouldn’t” be a major issue.

    The article did mention the potential for non stock tires to throw the wheel speed calculation off, potentially causing the engine to go into limp mode despite there being no actual slippage.

    • Sensei

      If this random comment is to be believed…

      The old NSG370 was rated to 272lbft. The Aisin d478 is rated at 352

      I can’t find a spec sheet for the Aisin from Jeep or Aisin. Jeep rates the Pentastar V6 at @260.

  23. Mojeaux

    Remember, kiddies. If you put more than 2 links in your comment, you will go to moderation where somebody has to fish you out.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      *eyes dart around*

      yeah you guys

  24. Certified Public Asshat

    I’ll do a substack rec for

    He does a lot of logical fallacy posts that overlap, but I probably need to reread them all again because I continuously screw up.

  25. trshmnstr

    But I think SpaceX matters more than both of those added together.

    Single biggest thing that enabled my move to the boonies.

    • Sensei

      I thought FedGov had us covered with its rural internet initiatives.

      You know, where they run 50 miles of fiber to serve six houses and explain what a good thing they did for America.

      • kinnath

        I feel called out

      • Sensei

        Don’t. You subsidized my EV.

        OTH, let’s discuss ethanol…

      • kinnath

        I don’t care much for spirits, but I am deeply into mead, wine, and sour ales.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Don’t worry, he is just trying to gin up support.

        Not a very rum move.

      • The Other Kevin

        Where’s your proof?

      • juris imprudent

        Let’s not rush anything, a little age will mellow things out.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Sloe down people! You don’t want Swiss to go French 75 on you.

      • CatchTheCarp

        I’m in. My car loves running on corn juice. I will run it during summer if premium gets too expensive. Gas mileage drops by 40% but the smiles per mile goes way up.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    The old NSG370 was rated to 272lbft. The Aisin d478 is rated at 352

    It doesn’t sound as if there is a transmission issue. The clutches slip. And they have to slip A LOT to generate the sort of heat talked about in that story.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Forget it Brooks, it’s Mopartown.

      • Sensei

        Mostly Old Parts And Rust!

  27. The Late P Brooks

    “Your resignation would do nothing to improve the culture of the FDIC but it would give Republicans a veto over bank policy,” Warren said at a Senate Banking Committee hearing featuring Gruenberg.

    He may be a pussy-grabbing asshole, but he’s OUR pussy-grabbing asshole.

  28. Ownbestenemy

    Enjoyed FO enough. Perfect? Far for it. Entertaining? For me and Mrs OBE for sure. Lucy’s aw-shucks view of the world fits. Ghoul was by far the best character with some minor issues with the magical thinking they shoved in about ghoulification but I get it in terms of writing it for TV. Maximus just…doesn’t do it. If you view it from he has Idiot Savant trait, then sure it works. BOS is just…I am guessing they wanted to show maybe a splinter faction of them? Not enough to know about the Enclave or what they have in store. Video game adaptation score: 7/10

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The last manual I had was a six speed, and the gear ratio’s were clearly set up to beat emissions standards, and had very little real world application. Changing tire size would help, but then you have another set of issues. And costs.

    Three overdrives aren’t the optimal performance package?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      First and second were the problem. Neither fish nor fowl.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The grift is drawing to a close. He should just turn it over to one of the Azov commanders and retire to the French Riviera on his aid skim.

    • The Other Kevin

      They shouldn’t have gotten him into this mess in the first place, or they should have factored in all that grift and given him twice as much?

    • creech

      A nation of 40 million, armed to the teeth, could have stood off the Russian military. Israel wins against overwhelming numbers all the time. Porcupines don’t go around begging the wolves and coyotes to protect them from the bears.

      • Drake

        They did hold them off initially. But us and the Brits prevented any negotiated end to the conflict. Now their forces are too ground down.

  30. Sensei

    Best NPR headline

    Justice Department says Garland can’t be held in contempt by Congress
    2 hours ago
    Carrie Johnson

    • The Other Kevin

      Not under Joe Biden, he can’t.

    • Not Adahn

      A man hears Daily Beast writer sees what he wants to hear see and disregards the rest.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      We shall see but it’s far more likely Robinette goes into some kind of boot loop when they get his Adderall and Aricept cocktail wrong. Trump should seed the audience with 12 year old girls, they’d have to chain Biden to his podium to prevent an uncontrollable sniffing spree.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Or faces the wrong side of the stage when he starts the mock break-dance throwdown.

      • Sean

        Trump should seed the audience with 12 year old girls, they’d have to chain Biden to his podium to prevent an uncontrollable sniffing spree.

        L O L !

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Too many of Trumps camp will be there videoing the whole thing for that to work.

  31. Not Adahn

    Speaking of TV series, I see that there will be a final season of The Umbrella Academy. I like that they’ve pre-decided that it will be an ending — hopefully they’ll use that opportunity to writer a good ending for the series.

    • Nephilium

      The final season of Evil (as described by our own SugarFree as “Catholic X-Files”) has a final season starting up next week. I think the first season was the strongest (it was on network television then) where they kept it up in the air about if the supernatural things were true or not. The second and third season have started to make it harder to argue that the supernatural doesn’t exist in the world.

      It even gets less things wrong about Catholicism than most shows that include the Church as a primary focus.

    • kinnath

      I thought it mostly ended in the last season.

      • R.J.

        It’s not over until each character describes a previously undiscussed and undying love to the others and they make out in a circle while rainbow colors fly. Oh, and at least one person has to change sex. Which did happen in real life.

      • kinnath

        That was addressed in the 3rd season.

      • R.J.

        The former? I know the latter happened. It’s not over until the fat (lady?) sings you know.

      • Not Adahn

        Nono, you’re thinking about Sense8.

      • Not Adahn

        That’s the one thing that’s amused me — the world keeps ending, and it’s always the same person’s fault.