Monday Afternoon Cryptid All Star Links

by | Apr 29, 2024 | Cryptids, Daily Links | 132 comments


CHEESE PERSON VERY BUSY. HIM DAD MOVE FROM ONE PART OLD HOOMAN FACILITY TO ANOTHER. HIM ALSO SAY “I have some real @#$% deadlines and have to work with people in Canada and India on them. This sucks.”



















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Glib Staff


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    The More You Know…..

  2. Common Tater

    “A family restaurant is at odds with the City of Snohomish over its COVID-era outdoor seating area, which the city says requires a permit.”

    Did it require a permit when they were forced to add it?

    “He said the restaurant is willing to pay for a permit, but they believe that process would involve tearing the current structure down and starting over, reducing their current seating capacity of about 60 seats to just 16.”


    • J. Frank Parnell

      Did it require a permit when they were forced to add it?

      Of course not, that was a health emergency!

  3. Common Tater

    Anyone else notice Humza Yousaf doesn’t sound Scottish?

    • Drake

      From the Highland clan Yousaf?

      I was wondering if he drives a Kia?

    • Rat on a train

      It’s pre-white colonization Scottish.

  4. Common Tater

    So we’re basically funding both sides of the same war?

    • R.J.

      We always do that.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Tax the people and collect all the kickbacks that just rain in.

        Government 101

    • R C Dean

      A third of a billion dollars to build a fucking temporary pier? JFC.

      • Suthenboy

        As govt grifters go this bunch are pikers.
        This is what happens when one has far too much of other people’s money.

  5. Gender Traitor

    Please tell Cheese Person best wishes to him and him dad.

    • Common Tater


      • DEG


    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Indeed. Best thoughts go out.

  6. DEG

    “This dangerous effort with marginal benefit will now cost the American taxpayers at least $320 million to operate the pier for only 90 days.”

    $320 Million? That’s penny ante grifting. Do better.

    • Bobarian LMD

      But it won’t be covered in the bill they just passed, it will definitely require a supplemental.


    • Tonio

      The tell is the 90 days part. Nothing is as permanent as a “temporary” government program.

    • hayeksplosives

      Just have Ilhan Omar and Tlaib paraglide into Gaza with supplies.

      • Tonio

        I like the way you think!

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Who said you could do that?

    • Common Tater

      Do what?

      • The Gunslinger

        That. Was he not clear?

  8. Fatty Bolger

    That map is wrong, for Florida it should be “skunk ape.”

    • Rat on a train

      Where are the ROUS?

      • Fatty Bolger

        NYC, usually.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    First thing we do, let’s kill all the “web designers”.

    • Rat on a train

      You can’t find artisanal web pages any more.

      • Nephilium

        You don’t find authentic early internet madness like this anymore.

      • Rat on a train
      • kinnath

        This site can’t be reached

      • Rat on a train
      • mikey

        We had a bottle of soap that had a label very like that. To Date!


        Is that Agile Cyborg’s geocities site?

    • Beau Knott

      I’m torn between them or the UX designers. Is anyone happy with the user experience on recent/recently updated web sites, or relatively recent software?

      • Nephilium

        I blame the push to make everything run inside a web browser. I loathe that so very, very much.

      • kinnath

        write once

        debug everywhere

  10. Shpip

    “The cost has not just risen. It has exploded,” Senator Roger Wicker, the top Republican on the Democratic-led Senate Armed Services Committee, told Reuters, when asked about the costs.

    “This dangerous effort with marginal benefit will now cost the American taxpayers at least $320 million to operate the pier for only 90 days.”

    Now I’m just a simple suburban lad, but the phrase that comes to mind when spending a bunch of taxpayer dollars to ostensibly help folks who would gladly kill all those soldiers (and the rest of us too) is “cui bono?” (Other than the Big Guy, natch.)

  11. The Late P Brooks

    So we’re basically funding both sides of the same war?

    It takes money to make money.

  12. J. Frank Parnell

    Cheese Person????

    It’s “Person of Cheese”, racist!

    *literally shakes and can’t even*

  13. Common Tater

    Today, in everything is racist

    “Wealthy white Baton Rouge residents have won a decade-long court battle to split from poorer neighborhoods and form their own city with plans for better schools and less crime.

    The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the new City of St George could move forward with incorporation, splitting off from the rest of Baton Rouge.

    St George will have 86,000 residents across a 60-square-mile area in the southeast of East Baton Rouge Parish and will have its own Mayor and city council.

    Supporters of the new city say that the existing city-parish government is poorly run, with high crime rates and bad schools.

    Opponents say the movement is ‘racist’ and will create a ‘white enclave’ as it separates a wealthy area of the city from the majority Black city and school district.”

    • kinnath

      will create a ‘white enclave’

      Wasn’t that the point.

      • Common Tater

        Only if money can change a person’s race.

      • Shpip

        Leader of an anti-St George campaign group, M.E. Cormier, told the New York Times: ‘There is no basis in fact that the existence of St. George is positive or will bring positivity or have a positive impact on any areas of the cities or the parish.

        Something would tell me that the citizens of the new St. George have thought this through, and beg to differ.

      • creech

        Looks like Cormier is an opponent of Democracy and self- determination.

    • Rat on a train

      I read that Virginia cities are oppressed because they can’t annex territory.

      • Tonio

        There was apparently a 10-year moratorium on annexation that is about to expire. I’ve heard the moratorium described as racist.

        Annexation requires approval from the state legislature, but IIRC not from the county or citizens who are being annexed.

        I live uncomfortably close to the City of Richmond, in an area the city would probably seek to annex.

      • Suthenboy

        Cant capture tax payers without their consent?

    • Tonio

      Sounds like the opponents hate democracy.

    • Rat on a train

      60 sqmi? That’s about the size of DC. It should be a state.

      • R C Dean

        Probably smaller than San Angelo, TX, which has about that many people.

    • Suthenboy

      So, the people paying the majority of the taxes are tired of seeing their tax money stolen and squandered and the parasites are loath to let them escape?
      Imagine that.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      So St. George thought the rest of the town was dragon them down?

  14. Fatty Bolger

    $320 million so we can send supplies to Hamas, while we also give Israel money to fight them.

    • Sean

      Frankly, it’s brilliant (at laundering money).

    • Drake

      War is our business and business is good.

    • Grummun

      No, not supplies for Hamas, supplies for the innocent, suffering Palestinian people who are blameless in this tragic conflict.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Oh, of course, for the people. *wink*

      • Sean

        And Hamas will ultimately take those supplies.

  15. Shpip

    Heather Thomas, the city administrator for Snohomish, told KING 5 by phone that without a permit, the restaurant is not in compliance with city requirements and international building code.

    I was wondering what Thomas did after she aged out of show biz.

    Jeez… just do the “inspection” retroactively, charge the restaurant fifty bucks for it, and carry on with life.

    • Fatty Bolger

      If they did that, then they would have to do it for every restaurant that built an outdoor seating area during the pandemic. Madness! Chaos!

      • Bobarian LMD

        $50? Jesus Christ, how is the inspector supposed to wet his beak if you only set the fee to $50.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve heard horror stories from businesses that had to deal with local inspectors.

      • hayeksplosives

        I learned that from Bob’s Burgers

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Stupid hooman tricks

    A 52-year-old woman is dead and another was seriously injured after the two-person team fell 1,000 feet while ascending a mountain in Alaska’s Denali National Park on Thursday.

    Robbi Mecus, of Keene Valley, New York, died of injuries sustained in the fall, according to park officials. Her climbing partner, a 30-year-old woman from California, was rescued by National Park Service mountaineering rangers on Friday morning and air lifted to an Anchorage hospital with serious injuries, the park said in a news release.

    The headline from the paywalled NYT article refers to her QUILTBAG pioneer status. Like no other lesbian ever climbed fell off a mountain.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Jeez… just do the “inspection” retroactively, charge the restaurant fifty bucks for it, and carry on with life.

    You slay me.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    I was looking at a cool little flat pack panelized house earlier. It would suit my needs quite well, I suspect, except It probably costs as much or more for site prep and to have the stupid thing assembled as it does to buy the “kit”. Making it stupidly expensive.

  19. Common Tater

    “Boston school Supt urged to RESIGN as second whistleblower slams her for letting a trans student with a ‘kill list’ return to class, and files expose her as tax-dodger

    The mother of a child at Watertown Middle School, in the west Boston suburbs, said Supt. Deanne Galdston put trans rights over classroom safety and should be forced from her job.

    ‘I am horrified by the actions not taken by school administrators, who allowed this student to enter back into school days’ after naming 45 students and teachers on a kill list, said the worried mom.

    ‘No psych evaluation, no real suspension. Any other school would have immediately expelled the student, but not Watertown. Because someone is trans, they can’t afford to look bad, but instead risk the lives of innocent students and staff.’

    The student is female and identifies as male. They have been described as ‘attention seeking’ and ‘physically large for a 7th grader.’ They alternate between male and female clothes, and use the boys’ locker room.”

    How do incentives work?

    • Sean

      They found that they did not have access to weapons, and there was ‘no credible threat’ to safety

      Did they have access to Stanley drinkware?

      • R C Dean

        “they did not have access to weapons”

        How could they possibly know whether she had access to weapons?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    The thumbnail pic from the google nooza bout the “lost load” looks suspiciously like a wind generator tower.

    • R C Dean

      Pretty sure it’s a cracking tower for a refinery.

    • Shpip

      Three or four thermonators should do the trick.

    • Suthenboy

      That should be ‘expulsion’.

      • DrOtto

        If they were really students, that might work, but they’re bussed in, outside agitators.

      • Suthenboy

        Good point.
        Now the question is who are these outside agitators and where do they come from?

  21. Common Tater

    “OnlyFans creator Farha Khalidi claims she was paid to spread ‘political propaganda’ for Biden admin

    “I was doing full-on political propaganda,” the social media personality said during a recent podcast interview with commentator Richard Hanania…

    “The funny thing is they’re, like, ‘Do not disclose this as an ad’ because they [were], like, ‘Technically, it’s not a product, so you don’t have to disclose it’s an ad.’ Because I think they just wanted, like, some edgy girl of color to just tell people — like when they nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re, like, ‘Can you say “as a person of color,” you know, that you feel “reflected”?’”

    When probed about the Biden admin, Khalidi, who boasts more than 119,000 Instagram followers, clarified that she was dealing with a “conduit” third-party media company at the time.

    “It’s not Biden, but it’s, like, a third party. You know what I mean? It’s, like, a media company that’s doing it on his behalf. I’m not blaming him for this,” Khalidi said.

    She went on to say that she ultimately pushed back against the “script” because it was a white woman from the media company telling her what to say…

    “I was taking ads by the time I graduated college from, like, the Biden administration, Planned Parenthood and, like, dating apps and stuff. So it was, like, fully financially sustaining me,” Khalidi said.”

    Believable but not credible.

    • B.P.

      Like, interesting.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Same company that pays Harry Sisson, Brooklyn Dad, JoJo from Jerz, et al. It actually has a name…let me see if I can find it.

      • slumbrew

        Act Blue?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        No it’s a management company, not a PAC or other overtly political org

  22. The Late P Brooks

    The dreaded “he didn’t completely suck, unlike Biden” vote

    President Joe Biden is casting the 2024 election partly as a referendum on Donald Trump, but it’s a harder card to play now that he’s in office and some voters have warming memories of the former president’s chaotic term.

    The presumptive GOP nominee is showing progress in gathering the Republican Party around him, as his criminal trial underway in New York fuels his claims he’s a victim of political persecution. Even former Attorney General William Barr, who once said Trump shouldn’t be near the Oval Office, told CNN he’d back him. And the former president met with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, his former GOP primary rival, for several hours on Sunday. At the same time, Biden is still experiencing problems with key sectors of his own coalition, including younger voters, a new CNN poll shows.


    The CNN poll released Sunday suggests Biden is facing extreme pressure to do more to remind voters of the turmoil of Trump’s single term, which ended amid his erratic leadership in a once-in-a-century pandemic but that now appears to some voters to have largely been a time of economic stability.

    More than half, 55%, of all Americans say they see Trump’s presidency as a success, while 44% see it as a failure. That contrasts with a survey taken just before Trump left office and days after the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, when 55% of voters considered his presidency a failure. Regarding Biden’s presidency so far, 61% say it’s a failure, while 39% see it as successful.

    The findings underscored the reversed dynamic that the president must deal with as he seeks a second term. Four years ago, he was able to assail Trump’s time in office from his position as a challenger. Biden vowed the country would “overcome this season of darkness” and choose “hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege.” Now, however, Trump is able to exploit Biden’s travails in office as he seeks to make the election a classic referendum on the incumbent despite his own liabilities. The former president paints a picture of a failing nation, adrift in a world spinning into disorder, almost every day during breaks from his trial in Manhattan.

    You mean people are going to judge Joe by his performance on the job? That doesn’t seem fair.

    • Timeloose

      “You mean people are going to judge Joe by his performance on the job?”

      There’s a first time for everything.

      • R C Dean

        I expect a large majority of the people who voted for him will do no such thing.

      • prolefeed

        Oh, they’ll judge him: “Is he still a Democrat, and the nominee? Then that’s good enough for me.”

        You and I would use different, more rigorous, criteria, obviously.

  23. Shpip

    Hey Florida Man! Your pathetic attempts at drag don’t hold water.

    • R.J.

      Supposed to tie to Shpip’s comment. But, it does well on its own.

  24. Evan from Evansville

    Well, eight hours of this gig is FAR easier, less stressful and taxing than 4.5 hours of mass-babysitting. I’m shocked how much faster each day goes. It means little that my office is in the closet of my bedroom.

    I’m getting paid much more, as well. All in all, I’m making the same as I did with my first teaching gig, also with ‘free’ room/board. For a single guy, no kids/wife/pets, I’ll be doing SHOCKINGLY well (for me) once I get my first check this Friday. This is my first Mon-Fri, regularly-scheduled job since March 1, 2022, the last day of my Korean contract before returning to the States. (The Paper doesn’t count. That was…in no way “scheduled” or “regular.” My bowel movements kinda are, but yuck, that job had no schedule. Tough for a solo rookie.

    Time to get out for a walk before the rain comes a pouring.

  25. Shpip

    It’s a gol-darn mystery, that one.

    Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has multiple major accomplishments on her resume. She’s been a U.S. Representative for nearly 37 years. She’s the first female Speaker of the House and the first woman to lead either chamber of Congress. Is she also a market-beating investor?

    The former House Speaker nearly tripled the S&P 500’s returns in 2023, giving her the ninth-best returns among members of Congress, according to options trading platform operator Unusual Whales. However, all of Pelosi’s disclosures of trades listed her husband, Paul Pelosi, as the owner.

    • Timeloose

      She should start an investment fund 3X the S&P is better than any one I’ve seen. It would likely be shut down for insider trading within a month.

    • Timeloose

      Hammer Head funds.

      • Not Adahn

        *Kermit applause”

    • R C Dean

      “giving her the ninth-best returns among members of Congress”

      Pure as the driven snow, they are. Their investing acumen is off the charts. With that kind of financial smarts, no wonder the government is running a surplus.

      “all of Pelosi’s disclosures of trades listed her husband, Paul Pelosi, as the owner”

      The insider trading rules also apply to spouses. I wonder if the exemption Congress gave itself does, too? Actually, no, I don’t wonder that at all.

    • slumbrew

      Sign up on behalf of the mayor and city councilors. Dooo ittt…

      • rhywun

        I like the cut of your newsletter.

    • The Hyperbole

      If they can finish drywall I’ll take ’em.

  26. Grumbletarian

    Commenting here since I missed Animal’s story earlier.

    “Plot your jump to put us north of the planet”

    How can one be north of something in space? Was the intent to sort of position the ship stably above the north pole of the gas giant without putting it into an orbit over both poles?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Biden’s troubles are more remarkable given that he’s running against the first ex-president to be indicted, who incited a riot that almost broke American democracy, and who left office in disgrace after a single, tumultuous term. “Saturday Night Live” comedian Colin Jost made this point in his roast of Biden at the correspondents’ dinner Saturday. “The Republican candidate for president owes half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days … (in) a porn star hush money trial and the race is tied? Nothing makes sense anymore,” Jost said.

    The joke went down well in the cavernous ballroom of the Washington Hilton. But outside of the cities where the political elites and media congregate, Trump enjoys a deep well of support from tens of millions of Americans waiting for a chance to try to send him back to the White House.

    It’s all so confusing.

    • hayeksplosives

      who incited a riot that almost broke American democracy


      • B.P.

        You see, the U.S. form of government is like a game of capture the flag. If one of your team manages to sneak a podium out of the Capitol, you claim the executive.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah, what a mendacious (there’s no way they really believe what they’re saying) crock of shit.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “bank fraud”

    • mikey

      I missed /sarc tag on “cheer us all up..”

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      The future belongs to those who show up.

  28. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Hey Animal – Big Jet TV was in Anchorage last week. Magnificent, as usual. They had a couple of moose encounters and a wolf encounter too! Stupid retard Brits were calling to the wolf. 🙄

    • B.P.

      Interior Alaskan wolves can weigh north of 130 lbs. Do not pet.

  29. Derpetologist

    Another fine teaching day. The time flew, so that’s a good sign. I had 7th and 8th graders today. I don’t think much learning happens in schools these days now that all the students have smartphones. Even so, I was pleasantly surprised a few times. A student recognized the Einstein quote I wrote on the board, and another showed me a card trick. I do what I can. At least I know teaching is the right job for me. It’s easy money.

    I tempted to say that if you want the vast majority of students to read, you have to lock them in a building with nothing but books. I’m not anti-technology, but it is overused in schools.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    You cannot refuse to pay for “treatment” of an imaginary disease

    In oral arguments, the judges asked about mastectomies, as an example. Those are covered for patients with breast cancer, but they were not covered by the health insurance plans for transgender patients.

    In an 8-6 decision, the majority of the 4th circuit decided that these patients were entitled to health insurance coverage for their care. Judge Roger Gregory, writing the majority opinion, called the denial of coverage “obviously discriminatory.”

    Everything for everybody all the time. That’s what democracy means.

    • rhywun


      Those are covered for patients with breast cancer, but they were not covered by the health insurance plans for transgender patients.

      How to say transism is a disease without saying it is a disease.

      • Grumbletarian

        Seems more like what they’re saying is that being cisgender is a disease, which makes lopping off healthy bits a medical treatment rather than a cosmetic one.

    • R.J.

      ….And there goes our insurance rates through the roof.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        That’s just because insurance companies are greedy. It has nothing to do with things they are required to cover.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How is it obviously discriminatory to not monetarily coddle mental illness by lopping off body parts? The 4th circuit are a bunch of Goddamn retards.

      • Mojeaux

        What they CAN do is require rigorous mental health assessment before approving mastectomy for “gender dysphoria.”

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        That’s what the 15 minute appointment is for.

      • Mojeaux

        I said RIGOROUS. Harrumph.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        OK. Make it 20.

      • Ted S.

        I think Mojeaux needs a more rigorous sarcasm detector. 😉

      • Suthenboy

        Snippet from a recent conversation I had:

        Esq: “Did you go to law school?”
        Me: “No. I wanted to keep my wits about me.”
        Esq: “Very funny. Save it. I’ve heard ’em all.”

        Another snippet:
        *While inquiring about partition sales at the sheriff’s office*
        Me: “May I speak to someone who knows about partition sales?”
        Deputy: “You should probably talk to a lawyer.”
        Me: “I will get around to that but first I want to talk to someone who knows what they are talking about.”
        Deputy: *Snort* “Sure, I will get the deputy sheriff that has done one.”

        Mind you, the lawyers I know have saved me more money than they have cost me and I have become friends with some of them.

      • Suthenboy

        Sorry. My point is that the courts in general are hemorrhaging their credibility at an alarming rate and for good reason.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, on Friday the Biden administration issued a regulation strengthening protections against discrimination for transgender patients across the country. That regulation applies to any health care — not just care related to their gender — so a trans person with a broken arm can’t be mistreated in the E.R., for example.

    Denial of basic care happens millions of times a day in emergency rooms all across the country.

  32. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “His leadership was quickly plunged into turmoil when Sturgeon was arrested with her husband, Peter Murrell, over claims of mismanagement of SNP finances.

    Murrell was charged in the case earlier this month. Sturgeon has not been charged.”

    I see the real reason she resigned has come out.