Friday Morning Not With a Whimper, But A Bang Links

by | May 3, 2024 | Daily Links | 259 comments

Tomb Raider had the We Need To Talk talk with me. She has been more than discomfited by my work habits and obsessions, my inability to devote more time to her, my reluctance to travel to southern places to “enjoy” The Rainforest (NPR-speak for “jungle”), the contempt I have for liberalism (as it is currently defined); and the inevitable ghost that hangs over our relationship which I will never be able to shake. So bottom line, I’m a single guy again, with all the appurtenances thereunto and all that. As with the original NPR Lady, this was mutual and amicable, but does result in fewer stories to use as intros, alas. Maybe tomorrow’s will be more entertaining.

And speaking of stories, birthdays of the day comprise the guy who outlined modern politics;  a guy who kept me alive in my flying days; a do-gooder with a camera; the (((pride))) of Milwaukee- and one tough lady; a guy who always had his hands on his organ; one more great musician who was a fucking moron and made sure we all knew it; the godfather of chamber jazz; a Nobel laureate who probably wrote the best science book for laymen I’ve ever seen; a guy who had a very full life… but wait, there’s more!; a guy who was clearly inspired by Vivaldi; a do-gooder who actually IS a do-gooder; and finally, Spud’s man-crush.

From that to Links, a natural progression.




I love the smell of trolling in the morning.


This seems like the hard way to build a sexbot.


I was wondering when he’d try to grab the spotlight. 


As usual, the people who will be naked shouldn’t be.


Well, here’s shocking and surprising news. 




Way to lean into the stereotype!


I’m going long-form on Old Guy Music today, a solid hour of great live performance. Before Chuck Mangione became a pop star, he did some serious and excellent jazz. Here’s a set, featuring Epstein on drums and Larry David on bass. Not really, but holy shit, I wouldn’t have recognized Tony (the greatest living bass player).

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Vida Hobo

    The Rev. Al Sharpton on Thursday compared the pro-Palestinian protests currently taking place on college campuses to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection, accusing Democrats of having a double standard when it comes to the demonstrations.

    Grabbing the spotlight, sure, but broken clock is right twice a day and all that.

    • SDF-7

      The Summer of Love and most especially the Trump Inauguration antics put paid to it already…but sure.

      • AlexinCT

        And have no doubt the plan is more of that this election year..

      • Nephilium

        I’ve already seen a CNN headline talking about how Biden can’t afford another summer of love.

    • Not Adahn

      These things are totally different! Protesting for Trump is an icky cause, but protesting for Hamas is awesome and righteous!

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Pumpkin Spice Hamas!

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m stealing that name for my Clash cover band.

    • Drake

      Yeah – I was wondering if he was making sense for once or if I hadn’t had enough coffee.

  2. SDF-7

    Sorry to hear it OMWC, but glad it was amicable and that it sounds like you’re taking it as well as you probably can (and doubtless better than I would — but since I haven’t had a breakup since the Whiny Bitch Emo Poetry Teen years (hey, it was Gen-X.. it was a thing or something…), I can’t say for sure).

    At least you can enjoy the springtime and the sundresses without even a twinge of guilt now.

    • Ownbestenemy

      See that is why I found a lady who enjoys a good pair of legs as well as any man…she points them out for me!

      • slumbrew

        Yep, that’s a keeper.

        Well done.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      “a fucking moron and made sure we all knew it”

      There’s your contempt for liberalism again.

      • Old Man With Candy

        I think some of my comments in an old Jewsday I sent her may have been triggering.

      • AlexinCT

        Yeah, the last thing you want is that she keeps quiet until after the can take half…

      • Not Adahn

        People who can’t laugh at themselves are to be avoided.

      • Nephilium

        That’s not funny!

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Well, we all need to get drunk and pick up the phone one last time.

      Yeah, don’t miss those days either.

    • Grumbletarian

      I went for my dental cleaning earlier this week and the hygienist working on me is also from New England but living in TX. Sing mom, maybe 40 at most, not unattractive. A bit of an annoying laugh, but I was considering asking her out until I started hearing remarks about climate change and defying gender norms. I mentally ran back into my hermit’s cabin and slammed the door.

  3. Ownbestenemy

    Nearly half arrested in Columbia, CCNY Gaza protests were outsiders, but unclear if they were ‘agitators’

    *Narrator: They are agitators

    • Ownbestenemy

      From the sidebar

      The officers with the NYPD’s Emergency Service Unit had just entered Hamilton Hall and were on the first floor of the building when a cop using his firearm’s flashlight to navigate the room accidentally pulled the trigger, police said.

      Needed to be highlighted for actually explaining how the firearm went off.

      • cavalier973

        He should’ve been thinking about his dad mowing the lawn.

    • cavalier973

      What’s more, some of them were agitators alligators.

  4. ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

    (sorry about your breakup, they are never fun)

    • juris imprudent

      The Rainforest

      You aren’t talking the Louisiana bayou or the Everglades, are you? What have you got against Costa Rica (or given her politics was she pulling for Nicaragua)?

      • AlexinCT


        And she wanted OMWC to then carry stuff back for her in his luggage?

      • The Last American Hero

        She probably didn’t realize the protesters were at the university, not the country.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Just swallow these balloons for me.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        my reluctance to travel to southern places to “enjoy” The Rainforest (NPR-speak for “jungle”)

        I thought it was a euphemism for her bush, but knowing Old Man…

        /Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games

      • DrOtto

        I assume he meant, her Virginia and they he’s not a cunning linguist.

      • DrOtto

        that he’s, not they he’s

  5. cavalier973

    In August 1992, Otter was pulled over on Interstate 84 near Meridian for suspicion of driving under the influence. He said the arresting officer observed him swerving as he was reaching for his cowboy hat, which had been blown off by the wind in his open car. Otter offered several explanations for failing the field sobriety test including: his stocking feet were stung by weeds and gravel, he had run eight miles (13 km) and his knee hurt, he was hungry, and that he had soaked his chewing tobacco in Jack Daniel’s. A jury convicted Otter in March 1993, and he was sentenced to 72 hours of community service and 16 hours at an alcohol treatment program, fined $700, and had his license revoked.

    If *I* were in the jury, I’d vote “not guilty”.

    • SDF-7

      Are we going to have another illuminating dissertation on Bears versus Otters now?

      • cavalier973

        We probably otter, but I don’t think I could bear it.

  6. SDF-7

    This seems like the hard way to build a sexbot.

    What… you think the goal is an exotic dancer?

    • SDF-7

      More seriously — the article confuses/puzzles me a little bit… I was pondering if this had practical applications in transistor lithography… but then I remembered that current processes are touted as 5nm — and these folks are making a big deal about 50nm. So either the processes aren’t really 5nm (or aren’t reliably) or whatnot… (NotAdahn? Isn’t this your expertise?) and the key here is the reliable structure construction versus just layer gap that “hopes for the best” or this isn’t as big of a deal.

      Still an interesting read — so thanks.

    • Fourscore

      Too early, Jimbo, now I’ll feel bad all day,

      That kid is good! At 14 I was still shooting underhand free throws.

    • The Other Kevin

      I really hope he’s successful, it would be cool to see this as chapter 1 of his story.

  7. slumbrew

    Sorry about the breakup, Old Man.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Thanks, but seriously, not a worry at all. All joking aside, after losing SP, I truly can’t be hurt by a relationship ending.

      • AlexinCT

        Relationships are like chocolate…

        You never know what you are gonna get.

        And you are better off not sacrificing anything you believe in than going sally just to have a relationship.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Mine come with a little cheat sheet (chocs, not relationships).

  8. Not Adahn

    Sorry to hear about the breakup OMWC.

    My newish gf and I have stepped up our relationship: She’s keeping a supply of Shabbos candles at my place.

    • SDF-7

      I think she’s trying to tell you she wants you to exorcise more. But maybe that’s more of a Catholic girlfriend thing…

      • Not Adahn

        I’m down eight pounds since the beginning of the “first to lose 20lbs gets to choose the parameters of the 3-way” contest.

  9. Evan from Evansville

    OT: “Man Nabbed For Fried Chicken Battery On Sister: APRIL 30–A 20-year-old man is behind bars, charged with launching a fried chicken fusillade at his sister during a domestic clash in the Florida residence they share, police allege.

    I was once nearly in a fight after a man accused me of “Disrespecting [his] chicken.” Didn’t then, nor now, know what the hell he was talking about. Though Chicken was apparently part of his nickname. “Steak Man (and his brother Fred)” were both mentioned as well.

    I don’t remember the whole story, but I do remember those college details.

    • AlexinCT

      Florida man!

  10. SDF-7

    As usual, the people who will be naked shouldn’t be.

    I’d say I can relate — but I’m well aware no one wants to see it and (more importantly for this story) I have no desire to show it. I’m grateful for every day that goes by where my wife doesn’t break into hysterical laughter.

  11. R.J.

    Sorry OMWC. We are here for you at least. I imagine somebody here would give you a handy.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I’m holding out for Riven, but so far, the best offer has been from SugarFree.

      • trshmnstr

        STEVE SMITH made an offer, but a handy certainly wasn’t part of it.

      • WTF

        That must be an interesting definition of “best”.

    • Not Adahn

      NOT IT!

      • AlexinCT


      • dbleagle

        I’ll just quietly back out of the room without making eye contact with OMWC.

  12. Fourscore

    I’m not too surprised about the NPR lady’s reactions but we’ll all miss her.

    Not too worry though, you still have the Glibs.

  13. SDF-7

    Way to lean into the stereotype!

    After skimming the article — I’m left wondering who exactly called in the police for such poultry in motion. I can only assume they even bothered because of the prior charge — because I don’t believe it really is “battery” (by the letter of the law, okay… but that’s vergine on absurd). Throwing frozen turkeys, sure — even if as God is your witness, you believed they could fly.

    • juris imprudent

      Trying to goose Swiss into an early appearance?

      • trshmnstr

        The guy’s fowl behavior was enough.

      • Fourscore

        You won’t hear a peep out of me

      • The Last American Hero

        Florida has the death penalty. He’s gonna fry for this.

      • R.J.

        They were being proactive. Trying to stay abreast of any crimes.

      • UnCivilServant

        Don’t be silly, they’re not proactive, they just wing it.

      • The Other Kevin

        This story sure has legs.

  14. SDF-7

    Well, here’s shocking and surprising news.

    Actually, I am a bit surprised — I thought most of this would be hidden in the “Retire at XX year Fund” type things in the bowels of 401ks where it would be grouped and hidden to hide poor performance. More of a soft siphoning of wealth into cronies pockets, don’t worry about the investors — the SEC is full of fellow travelers type situation.

    If folks are managing to get their money away from these funds, that does surprise and please me.

  15. juris imprudent

    Before he was an advocate of the Big Bang theory, Weinberg stated: “The steady-state theory is philosophically the most attractive theory because it least resembles the account given in Genesis.”

    Does that qualify as (((self-hating)))?

    • SDF-7

      Huh… my religious nature is actually amused that Genesis is about the best way I can think of to try to explain cosmology, the Big Bang, evolution and whatnot to a bunch of sheepherders in the middle of the scrub brush and desert.

      (I mean seriously — do you think if God just whipped open Freshman Physics 101 they wouldn’t have all dropped the religion faster than a management major who mistakenly signed up for E-Mag (Re-Mag, D-Mag) at the North Avenue Trade School? Genesis is God using the crayons, avoiding big words and talking really slowly to us toddlers…)

      • AlexinCT

        It is funny how accurate Genesis is on the details, even though their are not many, if you think about the thing. And I remind people that say there are things that are off, that we are now having a revolt in the world of physics because some researches have pointed out the universe isn’t 13.8 but over 27 billion years old (something that immediately would make dark matter/energy not necessary to explain what we see) and that the issue is we are measuring light incorrectly.

        And based on what I see today from our top students, I think man of 4000 year ago knew more about physics, the laws of economics, math, and human nature, but especially the stupidity of cultish collectivism, than these morons do.

      • The Last American Hero

        I don’t know about ancient man knowing all that, but I’m pretty sure they knew the difference between men and women.

      • Pine_Tree

        Aw, you left out “3-mag”. And “D is for ‘done'”.

        Ackshually, E-mag was my favorite of the 3 Physics cores. Probably because I had Stanford.

      • Pine_Tree

        And without getting into all the detail, the theological term that approximates your last sentence that’s popular among Reformed types is “types and shadows”.

  16. Evan from Evansville

    I just got my first paycheck in a couple months! It was only for a week’s work, as I start getting paid every Friday for the first time! Once a month in Asia was a fun bounty to spread out. I rather enjoy the immediacy of the new system. Were I to keep this up, it’d be a shade under $30k/year. I’m still living with my parents, in a quite lovely situation, which greatly benefits finances. (Not so much, romantically, but that’s 95+% my fault.) I also have a UCS plan of purposefully going out for non-work. I accomplish that, but would prefer a real-life social network. Since returning to the States in 2021, I haven’t even approached a peak into such a realm. I’m quite sure they’re out there.

    One issue WAS not having money. Another is I live in Carmel, IN now, which is outrageously expensive for someone in my strata. This is scheduled security is a great start. Necessary though not sufficient for further advance.

    • AlexinCT

      Put away as much of that money as you can in investments that holds value. And avoid the old tempataions.

      • The Last American Hero

        I heard you can get a good deal on Sustainable Mutual Funds.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Affluent areas have the nicest thrift stores.

      • Evan from Evansville

        @Toxeth: Damn, you right. The shit ’round here in Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, etc are SWANK. Got a perfectly sized desk for $20 and nice office chair for $40. They had fucking mahogany dinner tables and fancy fuckin’ shit there. Shit way out of my Harry Potter-sized life and league, thankfully.

        But it’s all out there. Always has been. I still have a pea-coat I got from Goodwill for $5 like 10 years ago.

    • Evan from Evansville

      YEP. I’ve been quite good not drinking. Kinda tempting but I ‘know’ not to. I don’t know what folk *do* with strangers in America to chill. In Old Life I always had an immediate ‘In’ with everyone. I have to remember that I still do. I’m an American in America. I’m also quite cute and certainly interesting once people know me. I rather like the *idea* that I frighten people away, but I’m also insanely paranoid at all times. The WoD burned that into me as a kid, and obv fear of Dad, which I never really lit.

      • Nephilium

        I don’t know what folk *do* with strangers in America to chill.

        About the only time I’m going to be out with strangers is when I’m out shopping or at a bar/restaurant. Small talk, chatting about local sportsball teams, and the like. But I also don’t feel the need to chill with strangers around me in public situations. Now, if I’m at a party/gathering surrounded by people I don’t know at all, then it’s a matter of finding someone that has at least some kind of connection into a subculture that I have connections to and chatting with them.

  17. Mojeaux

    Well, that’s disappointing. I was hoping you could at least have gotten her to *think* about some things a little more critically.

    OTOH, I’m not sure how you put up with that milieu so long no matter how good the *ahem* was. Patience of a saint, I say.

    • AlexinCT

      When you are in a cult that demands compliance or you are labeled a heretic and expulsed, thinking is a detriment. Dealt with these ladies (and just in case it is not obvious, the gents in the cult have the same issue) enough to understand that.

  18. trshmnstr

    Hello from foggy southwest Missouri. Evidently we had a small tornado come through last evening. Wife showed me a video from the community Facebook of the tornado going through a neighbor’s field. It was just a little landspout, so the only damage done was to the self esteem of the cows it couldnt lift up.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Out of all natural phenomenon that I have been in, tornados scare me the most, with earthquakes being a close second.

      • AlexinCT

        Never been on a ship and seen a rogue wave coming at ya, I guess…

      • Not Adahn

        You can completely protect yourself from tornadoes. Earthquakes… not so much. I guess volcanoes are higher up on the “you’re screwed” ladder though.

      • AlexinCT

        Which is why you should lose your virginity early to avoid the people throwing you into one, right?

      • Not Adahn

        True, but they usually throw the tribe’s biggest slut into the viper-pit to ward off the God of Famine, so you’ve got to keep things under control.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        “And a Witch Shall Be Born…”

      • trshmnstr

        You can completely protect yourself from tornadoes.

        Some of the stories I’ve heard about damage caused by ef-5 tornadoes calls this into question. When they’re digging up concrete foundations, emptying the contents of basements basements and leaving a foot-deep trench in the ground, I’m not feeling 100% safe, even in safe room in the basement.

      • Mojeaux


      • UnCivilServant

        With regards to volcanos are we talking Mauna Loa or Krakatoa here?

      • AlexinCT


      • UnCivilServant

        Is not indicative of the average volcano.

        I also find the presumption that the crust will hold back the pressures these predictions assume for an eruption to be somewhat odd. Would it not be more likely to see multiple smaller ventings like pimples erupting across the zone as weak spots fail and release the build-up? Or are we sure the crust there is so strong that it’s guaranteed a “whole thing go boom!” catastrophe?

      • bacon-magic

        I wonder if setting up a geothermal energy plant would alleviate the pressure.

      • UnCivilServant

        I doubt it, unless it causes a thermal gradient that cracks the rocks – but then your power plant becomes the weak point and the venting wipes out your investment.

      • The Last American Hero

        Volcanoes tend to be quite a bit more predictable when they blow up, so there is time to get out of the area.

      • Not Adahn

        Counterpoint: Cars move faster than tornadoes do. Source: I used to drive meteorology students around western OK stormchasing.

      • AlexinCT

        According to historical/geographical research, the last time Yellowstone went off some 630K years ago (which is the cycle time they believe that volcano has), North America was depopulated. Forget cars: you need airplanes that can cross the oacean.

      • The Last American Hero

        Not if you put down a deposit on a nice vault…

      • Raven Nation

        Yeah, not always fun being in part of tornado alley. Although, from my youth, the most terrifying for me are bush fires. Although, as N.A. notes for tornadoes, you can, to some extent, protect yourself from them.

      • Not Adahn

        We would watch them when I was a kid. (Broken Arrow, OK!)

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Growing up on the San Andres Fault (right next to a nuclear power plant even), EQ’s are a bit meh.

        Tornados? Get The Fuck Out Of Here!

      • juris imprudent

        Yep. Earthquakes are not fickle, which tornados specialize in.

      • Cunctator

        I once told myself that it would be interesting to see a tornado (from the SW looking NE) as long as it was one of those that touched down in an uninhabited area. Then, while working in Tuscaloosa AL, a bunch of tornados come through. The racket was incredible and it sounded like a freight train going down the outdoor walkway to my room. My only thought was “Fuck This” and rather than opening the door to see, I climbed in the bathtub (apparently somebody at some time told me this was the thing to do) at sat there until it was over. No real damage to the hotel, but I think that cured me of wanting to see a tornado. Well, maybe from a LONG way off.

    • Evan from Evansville

      It has best be a Foggy Mornin’ out there.

      Damn. Been a LONG while since I’ve listened to Flatt and Skruggs. I also need to rekindle Old Crow Medicine Show. Damn they’re good at what they do. DAMN DAMN good.

      Aight. Back to work for a bit! Hopefully Rufus is there! (*frump*)

  19. UnCivilServant

    I’m going to repeat a tale I told in the overnight thread, because I so rarely have sportsball stories, and even fewer where I was an actual participant.

    Last night was the championship game for my bowling league this year. Normally this sort of thing would go by without me giving it much notice, but by some fluke, my team managed to qualify.*

    Now, I say without hyperbole that I am the worst bowler in my league, so I am unaccustomed to making any sort of championship or tournament (except the high-low, where I get teamed up with the best bowler in the league since that is the format). The anchor players on each team (nominally the best of each from a statistical perspective) had a miserable night, scoring below average every game. The rest of us really pushed it though. Scoring was simplified to total points all players after three games. The first game, I had a decent showing for me, landing eleven above average, but my teammates crushed it, netting us a ninety point lead going into game two.

    Game two, the other team rallied and not only erased that lead but overtook us, despite me managing to set a new personal best single game score for myself. At the time, I did not believe people when they said I’d managed to keep my team in the game with that, but fifty-six over agerage is nothing to scoff at. Even if my personal best is a bad game for anyone else on those lanes that night.

    Third game was a real nail-biter. I ran out of steam and bowled five points under average while one of my teammates turned into a strike machine and practically carried us with his two sixty four. (One unfortunate early open frame is the only thing preventing him from having a perfect three hundred for that game). The other team, however, did not let up, and we traded a single digit lead throughout the game. It literally could have gone either way up to and including on the last frame. Our anchor player (who had been out with injuries most of the season) managed to find his groove and landed a solid last frame while theirs had an open frame, losing the chance to retake the lead.

    Final score 2116 – 2081.

    A thirty-five point margin is laughable. We barely squeaked by.

    Anyway, I wanted to share, mostly because I’ve been trying to argue my emotional side into accepting some of the credit for the win. Mostly because “worst bowler in the league” and “meaningful contributer to league championship win” just don’t mesh. (No one could be said to have won us the game on their own, with such a narrow margin, it really was a team effort).

    * We were the leader in the first half of the season, as determined by a scoring system that would take another wall of text to detail. The other team was the leader for the second half of the season.

    • Fourscore

      Losers picked up the refreshment tab?

      • UnCivilServant

        No, everyone paid their own.

    • AlexinCT

      Congrats man.

      A well won nail biter victory is something to savor…

      Are you going to Disneyland to celebrate it? Just kidding.

      • UnCivilServant


        At most I’ll be wearing my team shirt to the ligh-low tournament monday (teams made by pairing up the highest and lowest scoring players, then the second highest and second lowest, and so on) That’s the last-last game of the season. Or our only postseason game, if you want to look at it that way.

      • AlexinCT

        Let me then wish you all the best and hope you score the win. And remember Stiffler’s words of wisdom: “You don’t score until you score!”…

    • rhywun

      I miss bowling – haven’t played since college in Buffalo.

      The only one around here is on campus and I haven’t figured out if townies can use it or not.

  20. Beau Knott

    I’ve actually met and spent a bit of time with one of the birthday boys. Virgil Fox was intense, deeply into his (**his**) approach to music and the classical organ, more than a little weird, and, IMNSHO, a raging queen.
    But then, I’m a Biggs fan 😉

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I have one CD from each.

    • Old Man With Candy

      You’ve got the Power.

  21. Pope Jimbo

    I wonder what percentage of those “sustainable” investments were woke govt drones. Minneapolis is trying to shake $millions from the FedGov so it can implement its climate equity goals.

    The Minneapolis City Council is hoping for an influx of millions of dollars that the city would use to help achieve its climate equity goals after approving applications to two federal grant programs.

    City officials, residents and businesses alike see the availability and potential influx of funding as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to go all-in on the implementation of climate initiatives that have only been discussed for years.

    I am sure all that money is going to companies that have super high ESG scores.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t forget those companies are also connected closely to the people handing out your money.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. Alex, I was sure you were going to pick this quote out of that story:

        Matt Kazinka, senior strategic initiatives manager with Lake Street Council, a coalition of businesses along the south Minneapolis corridor, has been helping small businesses explore more ways to save energy since 2015. As of late, he said, he has been impressed in how the city has been ramping up investments toward implementing more robust climate initiatives.

        As the city considers which residents and small businesses would benefit most from these programs, Kazinka said the city needs to prioritize business owners and residents who have, in the past, been unaware or explicitly excluded from these types of opportunities.

        Him admitting the govt was picking the winners, would have been like catnip to you.

      • AlexinCT

        They don’t have to admit it when we have so many examples of this shit that the odds it is not is lower than my chance to hit the Powerball jackpot in the next drawing, your holiness…

    • rhywun

      My town is doubling down on this crap, too. And the plotlines are exactly the same as outlined here, esp. the picking of “winners” (“marginalized” etc.).

      I laugh inside at folks who complain how expensive it is here. I need to start telling them to maybe stop voting for socialists.

      The bright side is that the fantasy is obviously going to come crashing down sooner rather than later. The money simply isn’t there.

      • AlexinCT

        I laugh inside at folks who complain how expensive it is here. I need to start telling them to maybe stop voting for socialists.

        They will accuse you of being the insensitive and bad one for forcing them to even contemplate this connection and reality they have so far completely ignored…

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        🎶 Words are violence

      • AlexinCT

        I usually tell people that tell me that stupid shit that we should take turns proving our point. They can get 10 minutes to say mean words to me. Then I get 10 to kick their ass to kingdom come. Afterwards we can discuss.

  22. Pope Jimbo

    Minor Update on Minnesoda Burglar/Senator case: There were no drugs involved!

    There had been some local speculation that there might be a drug angle to the case because of some wording in the charging docs. However, local DA comes clean and says he simply used their felony charge template which has boilerplate drug charge stuff in there.

    Brian McDonald, an attorney from Becker County told NBC affiliate, KARE 11, “In my effort to promptly provide the disclosure materials to the defense, I utilized a “template” form that we commonly use for felony cases, including controlled substance type cases. In hindsight, I should have reviewed the form closer and removed the paragraphs mentioning any controlled substances and the BCA lab. I am not aware of any controlled substances recovered in this case, the Complaint does not reference any facts related to controlled substances, and Ms. Mitchell is not charged with any controlled substance offenses.”

    I still wonder if McDonald is falling on his sword in order to avoid having to admit that the cop’s vaunted field drug testing kit had a positive return for some sort of drug when they used it on the ashes of the deceased dad.

    It would be better to pretend that you are just an idiot than to admit that the drug testing kits are bogus and any case that used on for probable cause should be re-examined.

    • AlexinCT

      Yeah, considering the George Floyd coroner report debacle, I am gonna bet they are making shit up after the fact to protect the criminals (i.e the government types).

    • trshmnstr

      Given the poor state of some templates I have received, I could totally see this happening if the DA was being lazy.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Could be. I’m waiting now for the local DFL to seize on that mistake and call for all the charges to be dropped. After all if you can’t trust the charging docs, you have to suspect the entire process. amirite?

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        A lazy DA? What? No?

        (just was on a jury were the DA way overcharged someone)

    • B.P.

      We usually just charge everyone with an add-on drug felony. My bad!

  23. Common Tater

    “The CEO of male hair loss company HIMS has sparked furious backlash and threats of a boycott after he offered jobs to university students protesting in support of Palestine.

    Andrew Dudum, who identifies as Palestinian-American, voiced support for the student protesters across US campuses on X.

    ‘Moral courage > College degree,’ the CEO wrote on Wednesday.

    ‘If you’re currently protesting against the genocide of the Palestinian people & for your university’s divestment from Israel, keep going. It’s working. There are plenty of companies & CEOs eager to hire you, regardless of university discipline.

    Dudum then shared a link to apply for a job at HIMS, an online pharmacy that also includes the HERS brand and offers products for erectile dysfunction, anxiety and skin treatments.”


    • AlexinCT

      I ask all the idiots that tell me the Palestinian people are being “genocided” that all the Palestinians need to do to end this is turn over all their leadership and the hostages they took to have a legit claim. But they are not doing this because they are fine with their leaders committing real genocide and then using them as human shields, and more importantly, not going to be able to turn any of the hostages not dead by now, because these hostages would destroy them with the abuse they would then be able to tell the world the noble oppressed Palestinians inflicted on them. Fuck the lot of them.

    • Not Adahn

      Well there’s one graymarket online boner pill site I won’t be using!

      • Nephilium

        But Kristen Bell hawks the female pills!

    • Fourscore

      I’ll be boycotting all of HIMS/HERS products as a matter of principle. At least that’s going to be my explanation/excuse.

    • AlexinCT

      BTW, how many of you are looking at these young trust fund spoiled women – and the majority of these people from what I hear & see are these young women – all LARPing and protesting in the name of marxism, and asking WTF?

      Do you have to wonder what makes someone that has never had a though day in their life think the way to add meaning is to be a destructive entity instead of trying to figure out how to contribute value?

      • trshmnstr

        If there is no difficulty in your life, your mind makes the difficulty up. Since there is no true external source of the difficulty, your mind points your hatred toward something good. Rather than contributing toward the progress of that good thing, you become aligned with destruction.

        Decadence breeds destruction.

      • rhywun

        It is no coincidence that the biggest parties are at urban campuses with easy transportation options and the most potential to draw media attention.

        The larger campus here’s party is tiny in comparison and draws little to no media attention – despite being Ivy League.

      • Nephilium

        Haven’t heard much about the local smaller schools. Case Western had protests, arrests, relented for a bit, and then yesterday said they aren’t allowing any pro-Palestinian protests on campus (the organization had already been banned at the campus for previous bad behavior). OSU had arrests from what was reported locally.

        So far there was only two times they tried to block access to the freeway. I think they may have succeeded for an hour one of the times.

    • AlexinCT

      Da Fuq?

      Puts a different spin on cradle robbing…

    • Not Adahn

      To be fair, look at her fiancé. The fifth grader might have been more manly.

      • UnCivilServant

        I suspect it’s more likely that she has a type – and it’s people who look like ten-year olds.

      • Not Adahn

        Although, it might have been a girl-child. Serious pronoun-obscuration going on in the article.

      • Not Adahn

        The child’s mother initially overheard the student and Bergmann talking on the phone before she informed the child’s father, according to KARE 11.

        During her interview with police, she told authorities that the victim’s mother allegedly gave her the student’s phone number after the family invited her to Afton Alps, a skiing resort, over winter break.

        Who invites their kid’s teacher along for a ski weekend? I am suspicious.

      • Fatty Bolger

        That is weird.

      • Not Adahn

        The parents were going for the teacher, who was using the Humbert Humbert strategy?

      • Drake

        Look at her chin – She could play Thanos.

      • AlexinCT

        Now that is a fucking backhanded insult…

      • SDF-7

        Ooooooh, SNAP!

      • rhywun

        LOL my immediate thought was Lance Bass.

    • The Other Kevin

      I wonder how much of this is media attention, or if it’s actually a problem specific to teachers. I never see how much this happens when the woman isn’t a teacher.

      • Not Adahn

        Pedos go where the kiddies are. See also: Youth pastors, scoutmasters, etc.

      • Nephilium

        Youth sports, child actor’s agents…

      • trshmnstr

        Most other places with large concentrations of children have rules in place to avoid a single adult being alone with a single child. It’s much harder to be a pedo at a church or a YMCA these days than at a government school.

      • The Last American Hero

        When the Catholic Church abuse scandal broke, the government of a Euro country (I believe the Netherlands) commissioned a study to see if there were similar abuses in their country. There were. The study also noted that the rate of abusers was similar with just about all other groups that deal with children – sports coaches, teachers, youth organization leaders, etc. They seek out these groups because of access to kids.

      • The Other Kevin

        Thanks for the good answers.

      • kinnath

        The Boy Scouts of America were driven into bankruptcy court due to settlements resulting from child abuse by scout leaders.

  24. Raven Nation

    “who probably wrote the best science book for laymen I’ve ever seen”

    Foundation of Modern Physics?

    Also, Freakonomics did a series on Feynman starting in January. Haven’t listened yet, but I know you’re a fan.

    • Old Man With Candy

      The First Three Minutes.

      • Raven Nation


    • The Last American Hero

      I would strongly recommend Bryson’s “A Short History of Nearly Everything”.

  25. Gender Traitor

    I echo others’ sympathy, Old Man, but I suspect it’s for the best.

    I hope you’ll be open to finding yourself a nice shikse. 😉

    • R.J.

      I’ve told him before – Move to Texas, get a cowboy hat, he’ll have women all over him.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m skeptical about the quality of woman who’d jump at a Yankee in a cowboy hat.

      • Nephilium

        It’s Texas, most of them would be Californian.

      • UnCivilServant

        Those are movies.

        Most people don’t have classic movie star looks.

        And most mvoies leave out the crazies unless that is the plot.

      • Gender Traitor

        He can join Kinky Friedman’s band! 🤠

  26. Pope Jimbo

    I can no longer trust what Minnesoda guv types call genocide. THEY WON’T EVEN ALLOW A TRUE EXPERT ON GENOCIDE TO BE ON THE PANEL!!!!

    The Minnesota Department of Education says it is “pausing next steps” on a genocide education working group after pushback over the removal of a Muslim activist.

    In a statement to Sahan Journal, the agency said it had received feedback on the process to develop the Education on the Holocaust, Genocide of Indigenous Peoples, and Other Genocides Working Group, including the processes to select and notify members. The agency said it is “working with the co-chairs to determine a course of action that will set this group up for success and ensure it can fulfill the important work entrusted to it by the legislature.”

    Asma Mohammed, the activist who was appointed to and subsequently removed from the working group, expressed cautious optimism about the pause.

    Sometimes I wonder where our $17B surplus went, then I see a story where instead of focusing on the controversy I wonder “why do we have a working group called ‘Education on the Holocaust, Genocide of Indigenous Peoples, and Other Genocides Working Group’? And how much are we paying for it?”

    • Pope Jimbo

      Anyone want to bet on how much $guv the Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment gets?

      The working group, a bureaucratic behind-the-scenes process mandated by a 2023 state law to define “genocide” and create education resources, went viral on social media on April 17. Mohammed, the advocacy director for Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment, who led Minnesota’s effort to vote “uncommitted” in the presidential primary, tweeted that she had been accepted into, and then removed from, the working group. She provided documentation of her communication with the Minnesota Department of Education and two different lists of working group members — one that included her name and one did not.

      “I was the ONLY Muslim woman,” she wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

      • juris imprudent

        The Muslim conquest of India was close to genocidal, and of course the Turkish genocide in Armenia – yeah, how could they turn down her point of view?

      • R C Dean

        Whoa, hang on. X was formerly Twitter? Why hasn’t this earthshattering event gotten more coverage?

    • rhywun

      “why do we have a working group etc. etc.”

      You know why.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Between the lines: When interest rates rise, that makes the future less valuable compared to the present. That’s bad news for ESG investments, which broadly seek to bet on a brighter, greener future rather than on next quarter’s cash flows.

    Keep telling yourself that.

    • rhywun

      Interesting. I’ve seen that phenomenon but didn’t know it was deliberate.

      (I was expecting something to do with the RoC….)

      • AlexinCT

        Spoofing GPS to make it harder for GPS guided weapons to be used…

      • UnCivilServant

        So… nuke the site from orbit? I mean you just need to hit the city then.

      • AlexinCT

        When it comes to CCP China, yes.

    • The Last American Hero

      So glad the NSA, CIA and FBI have time to investigate dudes in Hawaiian shirts and Catholics attending Latin Mass, but don’t have time to cracking the Chinese map thing.

      • AlexinCT

        They are probably behind helping the CCP get it so when they want to do it here at home, it will be easier.

  28. DrOtto

    I bet there were way more feds at Jan 6 than are attending the current thing.

    • The Last American Hero

      Who do you think is delivering the signs and the tents?

  29. rhywun

    Image of the day.

    You could imagine a colossal mommy breast with three hundred nipples descending from the sky over upper Manhattan to nourish them back to action. “Feed me. . . “

    • Drake

      Communists ran out of food? Again?

    • R C Dean

      “The group psychology on display has more occult angles than any movie by the Wachowski sisters.”

      But even he plays along with the trans delusion.

      • rhywun

        I don’t think he does, based on other readings. I think that is tongue in cheek.

  30. The Other Kevin

    Sorry to hear about the breakup, but as hard as that can be, you’d be more miserable sticking with someone you shouldn’t and pretending things were fine. Take some time to pursue all those inconvenient hobbies and work things.

    • Old Man With Candy

      That really was one of the drivers- I have a LOT of work and time-intensive avocations. Now that classes have ended, I have a 12 week break to get enough research done to have sufficient preliminary results for grant applications, so the stuff she (reasonably) wants to do, like 10 day trips and week-long music festivals, are just out of the question.

      Keeping intellectually occupied has been my best medicine for the inevitable dark cloud following SP’s departure.

  31. AlexinCT

    I am often flustered that reaction to things like like this is that Facebook needs to be controlled instead of the realization our government, weaponized and “fundamentally changed” by Obama and his agenda, has not just lost its way, but gone full evil as fuck. It angers me how many people immediately respond with “we need more government control” for shit that clear was already being caused by MOAR government…

    The evil IS government..

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Just as long as you can say, “it was fun while it lasted.”

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Joint custody

    Russian and US troops have been operating out of the same military base in Niger for at least several weeks, a US defense official and another source familiar with the matter told CNN, putting the two militaries in close proximity to each other at a time of heightened tensions over the war in Ukraine and as the country’s ruling junta has made clear it wants US forces to leave.

    The Russians have been using a separate hangar on the base, known as Air Base 101, the sources said, and are not operating in the same space as the Americans. But “it is not that big of an area,” one of the sources said.

    The Russian presence at the basehas been a major point of contention between the US and Niger’s military junta, which seized power in a July 2023 coup. And it further underscores US officials’ concerns that Niger, which has served as a crucial foothold for US counterterrorism operations in the region for nearly a decade, is turning toward Russia.

    No fighting in front of the children.

  34. SDF-7

    I played 05/03:
    *19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 05/03:
    53/53 words (+15 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 11% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 357

    • Sean

      I played 05/03:
      *19/19 words (+3 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 23% by bonus words

      I played 05/03:
      *53/53 words (+33 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 295

    • rhywun


      I played 05/03:
      19/19 words
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played 05/03:
      53/53 words (+12 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 18% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 247

  35. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    We need to find you a nice farmer’s widow

  36. PieInTheSky

    Looking for a Wyoming Ranch For Sale? Nestled against the foothills of the Teton Mountain Range, the 80± acre Elk Range Ranch punches way above its weight as a truly unique, turnkey, end-of-the-road offering on what is known as the “quiet side of the Tetons”. What makes it so unique is that, even though it is only eight miles from downtown Driggs, Idaho, it is actually located in the sought-after community of Alta, Wyoming. Wyoming is widely known for its favorable tax status. AND, while it is only minutes from the Grand Targhee Ski Area which boasts amongst the highest snowfall totals of any ski area in the U.S., it lies only 45 miles from Jackson Hole and all it has to offer from skiing to resort amenities. The Elk Range Ranch is one of the few remaining large, intact land holdings in Alta. It is further protected by its one half mile of shared boundary with Targhee National Forest and the BLM, which makes it essentially an extension of the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park systems. The wildlife that “leaks” onto the property from this reservoir of wild lands is prolific and includes elk, mule deer, moose, bear, wolves, and many other smaller native species.


    • UnCivilServant

      $14 million and you’re going to get hassled by government and tourists leaking in from next door?

      • PieInTheSky

        i would not think the good people of the BLM would harass people

    • Not Adahn


      The population was 1,660 at the 2010 census, up from 1,100 in 2000.[5]

      According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total land area of 2.76 square miles (7.15 km2).[8]

      A ranch should be bigger than that town.

      • UnCivilServant

        A ranch should be bigger than that town.

        Naturally, you need space to graze cattle.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, the US military has already withdrawn troops from a French military base in Chad after the country demanded they leave last month, a Pentagon spokesperson and other sources familiar with the matter told CNN on Wednesday. More than half of the US troops stationed at the French military base in Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, have now left the country and relocated to Germany.

    Kicked out of Africa. How could this have happened?

    • rhywun

      We’re losing the scramble for Africa again.

  38. PieInTheSky

    How a 3 Michelin Star Italian Chef Runs a Restaurant with Just Mountain Ingredients – Niederkofler

    sounds like treehugging hippie crap to me, would try

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      M&S sell kefir?

      • PieInTheSky

        they probably sell all usual stuff

      • Nephilium

        Link to the actual article. Just a bunch of rationalization as to why it’s not bad when she does it.

      • rhywun

        Adulting is hard Pt. XVIII.

      • R.J.

        I can’t even read it. I hope she decides to go play in traffic next.

      • Nephilium

        It is easy to dismiss me as another privileged member of Gen Z who should stop with the self-righteousness and do some work. Maybe, but there is no denying the mass youth disenfranchisement going on. We are constantly told that the UK is on its knees, that life is only getting harder and that we’re more likely to be struck by lightning thrice than get a mortgage. The generations before me have stolen my future. All I am stealing is some fancy muesli.
        So the next time you see a doe-eyed twentysomething in a sundress mincing around the cheese aisle, look a bit closer. Where you see theft, others may see a rational act of rebellion.

        This is the closing argument. Stealing isn’t rebellion you little bitch.

      • trshmnstr

        Where you see theft, others may see a rational act of rebellion.

        Society hurt me, so I get to hurt you.

        /completely rational person

      • AlexinCT

        The problem we as a society now have is that people with mental disorders are allowed to not just create policy, but vote on it.

      • EvilSheldon

        The moral rationalization generally used by serial killers.

      • Pine_Tree

        She’s not totally wrong about the “The generations before me have stolen my future” part. Besides her stealing part, her bigger problem is that she (and the rest of them) don’t really get that the solution writ large is to first stop stealing (and not just cheese, but all the stuff she’s never thought about, like confiscatory taxes and fiat currency, etc.).

      • Nephilium

        Exactly. Continuing on with hurting others because you got hurt is very human, very natural, and very dumb. There comes a time when you have to accept the harms that have been done to you, and roll with them, and be better than those who hurt you.

      • kinnath

        Husband beats wife, so wife beats children.

        Perfectly rational.

      • Gender Traitor

        It’s just like when the generation that came of age during the Great Depression spent the rest of their lives whining about the Roaring ’20s generation having stolen their future.

        Wait – what do you mean that didn’t happen?

    • AlexinCT

      Leftists are sour and stupid people… Wish they would just off themselves and spare us the crap.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Dark shadow of authoritarianism

    Andre Damon, writer and editor for the World Socialist Web Site, wrote on X (formerly Twitter), that “Biden’s statement that ‘dissent must never lead to disorder’ is a fundamentally authoritarian statement.”

    “The banning of protest in the guise of preventing ‘disruption’ of ‘public order’ is the stock in trade of every dictatorship,” Damon wrote.

    Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah also took exception with the same line from Biden’s speech, writing on X that “Biden has the audacity to give that speech that protest shouldn’t lead to disorder—while planning to speak at Morehouse’s commencement—Martin Luther King Jr.’s alma mater.” [Ed. Note: Biden is scheduled to deliver the commencement speech at Morehouse College, where King is an alumnus.]

    “MLK spoke about white moderates more devoted to order than to justice,” Attiah, who has written in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza, said.

    Joshua P. Hill, a nonprofit worker and writer who frequently posts messages in support of pro-Palestinian protests, called the president’s speech “one-sided, dishonest” in a X post, while journalist Wajahat Ali called the speech “tone deaf.”

    I know you are, but what am I?

    • rhywun

      I am loving the far left catching shit from the even farther left. The media isn’t doing them any favors by giving them so much attention but of course they can’t help themselves being an integral part of that world.

    • B.P.

      “Biden is scheduled to deliver the commencement speech at Morehouse College, where King is an alumnus.”

      Martin and I roomed together for a year here at Morehouse. The time he and I snuck a cow into the dean’s office…. oh the memories!

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Free money

    Dozens of cities and counties around the U.S. have been trying to tackle poverty by giving people no-strings cash aid, an idea that gained traction after the success of stimulus checks and other federal relief during the pandemic. But advocates say over the past year, a backlash fueled by a conservative think tank has gained steam.

    Iowa is the latest Republican-led state to prohibit the use of public money for so-called guaranteed income. The final vote last month wasn’t close, but the debate was heated. Senators who support such programs said it was undemocratic to undermine local governments. One suggested colleagues were being hypocritical, since their own families have received federal farm subsidies for generations.


    Basic income pilots have exploded since the pandemic. In part, that’s because cities are using federal pandemic relief money to fund them, along with philanthropy, other private donors and tax dollars. They usually pay low-income people $500 or $1,000 a month, for a year or so.

    These pilots are “helpful and effective for the families who need them” says Aditi Shrivastava, deputy director for Income Security at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Research finds participants are more financially secure and less stressed out and that the monthly payments have no impact on employment.

    Stealing from Peter to give to Paul. If that’s not democracy, what is?

    • Drake

      Voting for or against things? But that isn’t really democracy since people might vote the wrong way.

  41. Mojeaux

    For some reason I thought scrambled eggs would treat me better than sunny-side-up eggs. I was wrong.

    • AlexinCT

      OK, you peaked my curiosity lady…

      What gives?

      • Mojeaux

        Ulcer surgery a few years ago messed me up.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    All of this is part of a coordinated push, says Harish Patel, a vice president with the Economic Security Project, which advocates for guaranteed income. He says the backlash is spearheaded by the lobbying arm of a conservative think tank, the Foundation for Government Accountability.

    “They helicopter in, hire lobbyists in a bunch of states, and then they provide these copycat bills to undo this very popular program,” Patel says.

    The FGA did not make someone available for an interview, but — among other issues – it promotes work requirements for federal safety net programs and opposes expanding Medicaid. During last year’s congressional debt-ceiling negotiations, its CEO suggested that new work requirements would ease worker shortages and decrease federal spending.

    The FGA is also among the many conservative groups that have contributed to Project 2025, which aims to set the agenda for a second Trump presidential term.

    Radical MAGA robber barons want to destroy these very popular programs. Why do they hate poor people?

  43. The Other Kevin

    Looks my drama earlier in the week wasn’t the end of it. The kid that got married is telling people she doesn’t trust moving companies and she wants to move herself across the country. As if she has that much valuable stuff at age 19. And just now the cousin that lives with us walked in the door and said she got fired.

    At least I get to watch the wife play two games of roller derby this weekend. Anyone around Indianapolis want to check it out?

  44. Nephilium

    A friendly reminder to any and all out there that have young ones, or enjoy comics that tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day. I’m very happy that my nephews still want to go to it with me.

    • UnCivilServant

      The pus is still draining from the abcesses that are the comic book companies. Until they’ve been cleansed of the … [expletive deleted] that has plagued them for years now, I’m only going to angry at the loss of what was.

      • Nephilium

        I get to spend some time with two teenage nephews, that they have the option to say they don’t want to do. I’ll keep taking them until they don’t answer “YES!” when I ask them if they still want to do it. We make a day of it, stopping at the largest candy store in North America, hitting up some place for food, and potentially going to an arcade where I am still shocked that they have no interest in all the free video games.

      • UnCivilServant

        Don’t mind me. I’m just in the “I want this day to be over already.” stage of a friday.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Good news, everyone!

    The U.S. economy added fewer jobs than expected in April while the unemployment rate rose, lifting hopes that the Federal Reserve will be able to cut interest rates in the coming months.

    Nonfarm payrolls increased by 175,000 on the month, below the 240,000 estimate from the Dow Jones consensus, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. The unemployment rate ticked higher to 3.9% against expectations it would hold steady at 3.8%.


    The jobless rate tied for the highest level since January 2022. A more encompassing rate that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons also edged up, to 7.4%, its highest level since November 2021. The labor force participation rate, or those actively looking for work, was unchanged at 62.7%.

    Bring back zero interest rate policy. Make America Bubble Again.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    The generations before me have stolen my future.

    Please drown yourself.

  47. The Other Kevin

    GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! Paul Krugman says we are all CLEARLY better off under Biden! So ignore those Trump lies about your empty bank account, inability to afford a mortgage, and higher prices at the grocery store. Enjoy the nice warm rain on your leg!

    • Not Adahn

      Who are you gonna believe? A Nobel Prize winning economist, or your lying eyes?

  48. The Late P Brooks

    Consistent with recent trends, health care led job creation, with a 56,000 increase.

    Other sectors showing significant rises included social assistance (31,000), transportation and warehousing (22,000), and retail (20,000). Construction added 9,000 positions while government, which had shown solid gains in recent months, was up just 8,000 after averaging 55,000 over the previous 12 months.

    Government is the driver of wealth creation. Where would we be without it?

  49. PutridMeat

    Good jounalisiming there. Let’s frame a group lobbying for a given policy as some sort of shadowy cabal – they won’t even talk to us for crying out loud, as even handed and fair as we are! – by…. quoting uncritically another group behaving in an identical fashion but on the opposite side of the issue (the side we support, even though we are totally fair!).

    • PutridMeat

      Which of course was supposed to be a reply to Brooks at 9:42. I guess it’s appropriate that I misinformationed, I mean threaded, a reply to The Late P Brooks.