Thursday Afternoon Links – Webathon Week Edition

by | May 16, 2024 | Daily Links | 162 comments

I had the biggest crush on this guy back in the day. But his song is about a female dancer in a perhaps less-than-respectable establishment.



FEED OUR KITTEH (AND SQUIRRELS): Via Zelle at, via PayPal, or by buying merch from our store. We don’t make much off the merch, but something is always better than nothing and you get merch. Some of you asked about donating via postal mail but we regret we aren’t set up for that.

YET ANOTHER ‘CONSPIRACY THEORY’ REVEALED AS ACTUALLY TRUE: “NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials.” Arrest Fauci now.

ANTI-ISRAEL PROTESTERS TARGET HOMES OF MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY REGENTS: This shit will continue until there are consequences. Some of the quotes from the regents are wonderful examples of cluelessness and impotence.

EU POLITICAL VIOLENCE: Malachy Steenson, Republic of Ireland politician and candidate to represent Ireland in the European Parliament, was the subject of a assassination attempt. (CW: Irishman trying to speak English.) Steenson is anti-immigration. This comes on the heels of the shooting of Slovakian PM Robert Fico, who is also not keen on EU immigration quotas.

WEBSITE NEWS: We’re experiencing a fuckton of bot registrations which are causing speed and stability issues. Webdom recently nuked 10k accounts. We may have to turn off registration without notice. Sorry, absolutely no accounts from domain .ru will be registered. If you really want to register and are having trouble email me at my handle (at) this domain. Please put “registration” in the subject line.

THE MOTHER OF ALL TWITTER FILES: Talking Points Memo are shitting themselves about this (link to archive because TPM are walled). Good.

FIRST CREWED LAUNCH OF BOEING STARLINER POSTPONED YET AGAIN: I’ve lost track of the number of delays and reschedules of this launch. Meanwhile, SpaceX is working on its second generation crew-carrying vehicle.

TREASURES OF LESBIAN EXPLOITATION CINEMA: Last week I linked to two articles about the decline of lesbian bars in the US. One of you asked if there were any documentaries about this “for serious research purposes and all.” Yeah, right. But, it’s webathon week, so I’ll give you something better than tedious, overlong, talking-head documentaries. Over at Sapphic Nation, one Maia R has a retrospective on Lesploitation Cinema, and name checks the original lesbian vampire story. IndieWire has a useful slide show of “12 Classic Lesbian Vampire Movies to Steam Up Your Halloween.” Finally, a very serious article by a very serious writer in a very serious journal.

FORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONS: Glibs editors, authors, and squirrels have been working extra hard because it’s webathon week. I have a story which will run later this month. We have some really solid pieces both recently published, and in the works. Four Score has a somber, contemplative piece. Pope Jimbo has a destination piece with wonderful illustrations. There’s this new kid named Fighting Amish who’s trying to make a big splash with a scurrile, trenchant piece about LP politics. I’m trying to wheedle another Dick Slashballs story out of DB.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going!

    • Tonio

      [golf clap]

    • SDF-7

      If this were an ocean liner, I’d really be thinking “Sunk cost fallacy” about now…. but I suppose they’ve already paid the cost of re-entry to the market and are trying not to burn through cash.

      • Tonio

        Look at this Shpip wannabe.

  2. SDF-7

    But his song is about a female dancer in a perhaps less-than-respectable establishment.

    Dammit — I thought you had a crush on Barry Manilow and it would be Copacabana…..

    • Tonio

      Eeeeewww. So not a bear.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Music and passion being always in fashion does sound like better subject matter than some old skanky ‘70s stripper doesn’t it?

    • rhywun

      I think my (straight) older brother had a little crush on Barry. I can’t think of any other explanation why I had to hear so much of it growing up

  3. Drake

    It is the sweetest stripper-stalking song ever recorded.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        did not disappoint

      • Tonio

        Wow, you’re still here. One of my favorite commenters ever.

        And a super compact, and referential spoken-word rap from one of my faves.

  4. SDF-7

    Sorry, absolutely no accounts from domain .ru will be registered.

    Cuddly Bear! Elektion Interferenz! $10k in Facebook ads!

    (As if Putin bots would actually change minds ’round these parts anyway… 😉 )

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Charge them to register.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Don’t be so hasty, these could be hot libertarian Russian women intent on escaping the ravages of war. We certainly don’t want to exclude them.

      • bacon-magic

        Your newsletter I want to subscribe to.

  5. Lord Humungus

    >>“NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials.”

    Disinformation!!! /2020 through 2022 flashback.

    • SDF-7

      At the very very minimum (and believe me, I lean much more towards prison time), Fauci should have to publicly apologize to Rand for all the times he crocodile wept about his impugned honor and how Rand was just so out of line to be asking about this and all.

      • Lord Humungus

        My very seriously Democrat neighbors believed that even more “disinformation” should be blocked on websites. The old “fire in a movie theater” defense.

        When I said that was a very Nazi-like, I got blank looks. Also when I said a strong democracy depends on open debate, not shutting people up. So, being the ass that I am, I called her Hitler or Stalin several times during the night of euchre playing, And I wonder why I have so few friends.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s why I don’t even try – I know how it will go, whether left or right. I am always a little amused at how they can’t figure it out.

      • Fourscore

        Being a Glib isn’t necessarily an asset either but we’re here for you.

      • Nephilium

        I like to point out that decision was in relation to anti-draft protests, so we should definitely shut down the %flavor% protest at the colleges for the same reason.

      • Drake

        The headgear may not help either.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I don’t lean towards prison time. I lean towards a lamppost.

      • Pope Jimbo

        At the very least Fauci should lose his pension and free bodyguards.

  6. PutridMeat

    Webathon Week Edition

    Will there be tote-bags?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Nah, she and OMWC broke up.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You take the blond, I’ll take the one in the turban.

    • Tonio

      Glad you mentioned that. State-affiliated media sells you an overpriced totebag and pockets the “donation.” We sell you merch at barely over cost and leave actual donation to your discretion.

      • juris imprudent

        Accounts payable has processed my request.

  7. R.J.

    “Some of you asked about donating via postal mail but we regret we aren’t set up for that.”

    Tonio indicated he could receive gold bars and coins at the Glib office in the back table of Gourmelts. No receipts will be provided, but he will give you his thanks.

    • Nephilium

      I will also volunteer my service to take bearer bonds, specie, precious metals, rare collectables and the like. There will be no receipts, but you can feel good knowing that they’ll be used for a good purpose (restocking my bar, getting new glassware, etc).

    • Swiss Servator

      I can arrange for a dead-drop of CHF.

  8. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    I think the TPM link is the busted.

    But, thanks for the reminder to get back on the piece I am writing re Jury Doody.

    • Tonio

      Looking forward to it. Thanks.

  9. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Arrest Fauci now.”

    Ah, the naivete is adorable.

  10. The Other Kevin

    “One of you asked if there were any documentaries about this “for serious research purposes and all.” ”

    I wonder who that could have been? Whoever it was, he sounds handsome.

    • Tundra

      Sounds like someone who got checked by a chick if you ask me.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Checked out by a chick? Or hip-checked?

        (Not mutually exclusive.)

      • Tundra

        He’s quite striking, so it could be both.

  11. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Donation made. Lobster Girl, you can come on over now.

  12. EvilSheldon

    I mean no, it isn’t peaceful protest. But I would have some trouble feeling intimidated by someone who looks like I’d normally be fucking them in prison…

    • R.J.


    • slumbrew

      “Do you want to be the husband or the wife?”

  13. R.J.

    ” Sorry, absolutely no accounts from domain .ru will be registered.”

    RU kidding?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      (he is just putin us on.)

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Ural going to make Swissy angry with these puns.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, he needs to quit Stalin, and get right too it!

      • The Other Kevin

        He’s going to be very hot to Trotsky.

      • bacon-magic

        Marx this date down.

      • Pope Jimbo

        He doesn’t really care. He’s going through the motions just to kulak a check.

      • Fourscore

        You had to did that out of the ruble.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        If Ukraine your neck you might catch a glimpse of his narrow gaze.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      That pun! You should just go to a cliff andropov

  14. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    “Classic lesploitation films include Chained Girls (1965), Just The Two Of Us (1970), and Daughters of Darkness (1971)- the last of which actually kickstarted the recurring ‘lesbian vampire’ trope that continues even to this day.”

    RJ! You are needed!

    • R.J.

      Don’t forget “Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter.” Lesbian vampires abounded.

    • Tonio

      I looked up a couple of titles on TubiTV, the official Glibs movie streaming provider, and they don’t seem to have much.

      I’m particularly interested in “Vampyros Lesbos” (1971). “Prolific Spanish filmmaker Jesús Franco was known for stylish exploitation films… Franco transposed Bram Stoker’s short story “Dracula’s Guest” to 1970s Istanbul, where Dracula’s heir sets her sights on American lawyer Linda (Ewa Strömberg).”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Jesus Franco? I thought they were against the lesbos…

      • Tonio

        And Lorca, the faggot poet, they left for last
        Blew his brains out with a pistol
        Up his ass.

        “Lorca’s Novena” (Shane MacGowan) from the album Hell’s Ditch.

        Totalitarian regimes have been arguably more brutal on male homosexuals. We get tortured and murdered; lesbians get raped and have to live with it.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Somebody better tell Queers for Palestine.

      • R.J.

        A new strong contender is Plex. We are watching a film from there tonight. Their search capabilities are not so great in comparison to Tubi, that is my main complaint.

      • R.J.

        ….Aaaaand it’s a vampire film! No lesbians though.

      • Tonio

        Thanks, RJ.

      • slumbrew

        One can also allow other Plex users to access their Plex libraries of 100% legal content that they’ve digitized.

      • Nephilium

        Yep. I’ve offered to share my library with some friends and family, and none have taken me up on it. Which makes less than zero sense to me.

  15. Fourscore

    “Masked men harass Michigan University regents at their homes in middle of night”

    This is the sort of thing that gets people killed. 30 masked people is threatening in itself.

    Harass/threaten may not be too far apart.

    • Lord Humungus

      Some people are just asking to be shot.

      • Fourscore

        What would Joe B. do? Rack that old Model 870 and see what happens? On instructions from the White House guy

      • Contrarian P

        Shit his pants, I’m guessing.

      • EvilSheldon

        Thirty masked assailants, thirty rounds in a standard AR magazine. This can’t be a coincidence…

  16. Tonio

    Okay, some comments seem to have been eaten.

    Here is the link to the archived TPM story.

    • juris imprudent

      The underwhelming exposé merely highlighted conversations…

      Lying sacks of shit.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Bob? You rang?

  17. Yusef drives a Kia

    I kicked in some cash last week, as for my latest article, that will have wait.

  18. Gender Traitor

    We don’t make much off the merch, but something is always better than nothing and you get merch.

    My latte mug was just delivered today! 😃

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I’m on my second STEVE SMITH sticker for the Kia, they last about 3 years.

  19. bacon-magic

    I did it for Lobster Girl!

  20. Lord Humungus

    I had two recent examples of why I’m glad I never had a daughter:

    – waiting for EF outside the local party store, I’m checking my phone when I see movement in front of my car. I look up and see two teenage (aged 13-15?) girls entering. Both of them were wearing shorts that were cut so high you could see the bottom of their buttocks flapping in the breeze. One guy (dad? I don’t know), at the next door pizza place. was tracking their every movement.

    – yesterday I was coming back from my 2 mile run. My next door neighbor, who is a single mom, apparently has a niece (?) or other relative over. Two teenage girls lying out in their bathing suits on the concrete driveway. Both of them had thong / high cut bikinis on. Why not sunbathe in the backyard which still had plenty of sun and a lot more privacy? I made sure not to make eye contact and just scuttled inside my own front door.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      They don’t want privacy, they want drool.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      It’s tough with a good looking daughter, as for young ladies? I don’t stare at little girls under daughters age(36)

    • Mojeaux

      Coworker: I’mma keep my girl fat and ugly.

      Me: Don’t do that. My dad did that to me and here I am 34 and just getting married.

      Coworker: Yep, that’s the goal.

      • The Other Kevin

        ** Looks at phone location of 19 year old married daughter on way to Seattle **

        Yep, checks out.

      • Pope Jimbo

        *throws hat on the ground and stomps on it*
        *gnashes teeth*

        I can’t believe your daughter managed to get by my house. I was sure my cunning plan was going to work!

      • The Other Kevin

        We tried, Jimbo. Currently they’re mostly through Montana and approaching Idaho. Her husband got into their apartment, and everything is clean and seems to work.

        I’ve decided if he’s out on his ship I could take my laptop out there and work from her home if necessary.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I don’t think they give ships to E-1’s (although given recent performances by officers who can’t seem to avoid colliding with other ships, maybe that isn’t a bad idea).

        My guess is he’ll have quite a few crew mates that he has to share the ship with. There will be one really uppity one (probably insists on being called skipper) who will insist that it is his ship, but your son-in-law shouldn’t listen to him. That is him just trying to haze the new guy.

      • The Other Kevin

        From what I hear, he practically has the run of the place. He was the new guy so he’s the only one who sleeps there, everyone else goes home. So he just sleeps in the lounge. But when they are underway, he’ll have about 5000 roommates.

      • The Other Kevin

        And his job so far has been a lot of fixing pipes and toilets.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Even mechanically declined folx like myself learned a lot of basic skills in the service. It was one of the things that I liked about my time in The Suck.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Yeah, I should have remembered that before. For Navy – since ship is barracks, junior enlisted don’t necessarily get off-ship housing privileges- outside of being married (like soldiers with barracks). He’ll get BAH since he is officially married – assuming he does the paperwork properly – but he’ll still be bottom of the totem pole in terms of privileges until he gets his qualifications done. As I posted about in the Bonhomme Richard fire article a while back – the damage control quals will be a huge issue going forward.

      • Fourscore

        My 33 year old grand daughter got married a couple weeks ago. I’m surprised she waited so long, the tatts looked rather attractive. Her husband is a rather large man so they are a matched pair. Orange hair is in these days, right? At least they both have good jobs. Easier to find someone when your college loans are paid off.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      When you have a boy, you only have to worry about one penis. When you have a girl, you have to worry about all of them.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I’m not sure, but I think you can tell your kids “no.”

      • trshmnstr

        *notifies CPS*

    • Fourscore

      Teenage girls are just as agile at crawling out bedroom windows as their brothers.

      I don’t miss those days…

    • Tundra

      Nah. I am blessed with a gorgeous and smart daughter. It’s not as bad as it seems.

      It is possible for girls to have agency and parents to parent.

      • Certified Public Asshat


        A day late but for the record, wishing to have fat, unattractive daughters is not the way to fix *gestures around the culture*

    • trshmnstr

      Eh, teenaged girls dressing skanky isn’t a new phenomenon. Modesty has been out of style for 60 years.

    • Evan from Evansville

      No kids myself, but I don’t think male teachers should be teaching high school girls. It’s semi-baffling it’s still allowed. Obvious problem, as MANY technically underage girls are absolutely, biologically sexually developed. Add in the glaring mental/experiential deficiencies, and Nope. I’m too fucking sane to go beyond it, but I can tell when younger folk WILL be attractive. So can producers and monarchs bidding their daughters off into marriage/alliance.

      Female teachers on boys? Uh. The adult women are certainly fucked. Far fewer underage male ‘victims,’ on the other side, but to me more in the Let Social Primates manage themselves. (See also: Ballplayers plunkin’ certain folk at certain times.)

  21. slumbrew

    My bank shows my Zelle transfer cleared.

    I gotta look into re-occurring payments vs. just when-I-remember.

  22. Tonio

    Thanks to everyone who donated.

    Just so you know, TPTB donate, too. This is very much a “lives, fortunes, and sacred honors” deal.

    And for those of you that don’t/can’t we appreciate you, too. We are a community, here.

    • bacon-magic

      Community sounds a lot like commie stuff…how ’bout “Voluntary Commitment”?

      • bacon-magic

        Or Bang Fest?
        Burning Ham?
        Village Idiots United?
        Don’t tase me bro town?
        Detained Debutantes?
        Give us Liberty or give you death?
        Lobster Girl Onlyfans?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Don’t tell me what to call it.

    • R.J.

      I donated, will now donate monthly. I write here. And I love you all, no matter how you participate.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I figured you guys were setting up a Tontine.

    • Spudalicious


      • UnCivilServant

        You didn’t notice the autodebit set up against your bank account?

  23. The Late P Brooks

    I went to a big amusement park with my brother and his two sons, twenty years ago or more. He and I were sitting on a bench while the boys rode something we didn’t care about. We were sitting there, watching a steady parade of teenagers going past, and all of a sudden he said, “Holy shit, I’m glad I have sons.”

  24. Pope Jimbo

    This article is an exceptional example of environmental nonsense.

    The author is against Wisconsin utilities trying to get funding to build natgas power plants to replace some of the capacity that is going away as coal plants are retired. The natgas plants would be used to help out when renewables aren’t performing. The author sneers about how rate payers are still paying for those coal plants, so why should they be swindled a second time to pay for natgas that will be just as obsolete as coal soon.

    Critics counter that gas is not the way to increase reliability, especially since natural gas supplies have been disrupted during extreme weather in the MISO region, including with winter storms Uri in 2021 and Elliott in 2022.

    “There are reliability claims dotted throughout these applications,” said Gallagher. “There’s the expectation that MISO is going to devalue or lower accreditation of gas plants because they are increasingly not showing up during these winter [weather] events. Continuing to build out the dispatchable gas plants in WEC’s portfolio is leading us to a potentially more precarious position during these winter storms, as opposed to investing in wind and storage and solar.”

    If natgas is spotty during winter weather events, are we to believe that wind and solar would be more reliable?

    • Pope Jimbo

      A doctor is quoted with the obligatory “what about the children?” take:

      As a primary care doctor in Milwaukee, Victoria Gillet says she constantly sees patients in respiratory distress. She says she feels the pollution herself, with aching lungs when she bikes to work.

      “It really impacts people’s lives,” she said. “I know for sure when the air quality gets worse, my patients end up hospitalized.”

      “When health is your number one focus, it has to be about just getting pollutants gone, not making them less,” Gillet said. “There is no safe number of kids having asthma attacks. The community around the Oak Creek plant fought so, so, so hard to be less impacted by the coal they’re exposed to. We shouldn’t be replacing that with something a little less worse. We should give that entire neighborhood a reprieve from being exposed to polluting industries.”

      She added that her patients include “the kind, wonderful people who want to mow their neighbors’ lawns,” or do healthy outdoor exercise, but air pollution can make such activities dangerous.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        wonderful people who want to mow their neighbors’ lawns

        But only with underpowered electric mowers, comrade. We mustn’t use those stinky gas mowers.

    • rhywun

      “Reliability” ain’t got nothin’ to do with it.

    • Fourscore

      “The key to the renewable energy transition is to have quick start gas plants available for those times when zero carbon generation cannot meet customers energy needs,”

      Zero carbon energy generation defies some law about getting more output than input. 25 years from now folks will be wondering what we had before candles. We just finished a week of smoke from Canadian forest fires, I think they may not have zero carbon emissions. Didn’t produce much usable energy either.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Too big for their britches

    White House National Economic Adviser Lael Brainard said on Thursday China’s industrial capacity and exports in certain sectors are so large, they can undermine the viability of investments in the United States.
    “China is now simply too big to play by its own rules,” Brainard said during remarks at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank.
    “China’s industrial capacity and exports in certain sectors are now so large, they can undermine the viability of investments in the U.S. and other countries,” she said.

    We’re the only country allowed to do that.

  26. Raven Nation

    Missed the 11am thread, so I’ll throw this in here: Doc Anarchy on substack.

    If you want a contrarian take on Christianity, try Nadia Bolz-Weber. When she drifts into politics she’s pretty much boilerplate Progressive. And I’m not sure I agree with everything in her theology but, she makes me think which is always valuable.

    • Tundra

      Excellent suggestion. A few others:

      Martyr Made
      Peter St Onge
      Michael Wolf (Deep Squats, Shallow Thoughts)

  27. DEG

    That Bob Seger song is excellent. The club in question is on Ann Street, not Main Street. Main Street fit the song better.

    There’s this new kid named Fighting Amish who’s trying to make a big splash with a scurrile, trenchant piece about LP politics.

    Fighting Amish. I’m intrigued.

    • DEG

      The club in question is on Ann Street,

      I guess I should have read the video description as that tidbit is in the description.

      I’ll show myself out……

    • Tonio

      I’m intrigued.

      Inorite? Me, too. I has new little squeaky toy.

      I’m going to work him up all proper like.

    • Nephilium

      If he’s fighting, he’s may be a Hostile Omish.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Brainard also warned a new cycle of Chinese policy-driven overcapacity and export surges could have adverse consequences for American workers, undermine market-based innovation and competition and America’s supply chain resilience.

    “undermine market-based innovation and competition”

    What does that even mean?

    • Fourscore

      The Chinese are selling stuff too cheap!

      • LCDR_Fish

        Still concerns if the prices are too low because they’re being subsidized by the CCP to kill the competition. Also allowing in imports that feature stolen IP and/or lacking legit safety features (ie Chinese EVs, etc).

        All those are very different concerns than cheap Chinese steel.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Although…I think I have seen something somewhere about cheap (inferior) Chinese steel on some contexts too…

    • Urthona

      She’d have been a lot more happy and fulfilled as a homemaker who left the sniping to the men.

  29. LCDR_Fish

    Tonio – you got the article I posted this weekend right?

    • Tonio

      Tonio – you got the article I posted this weekend right?

      Swiss has already snatched it up and scheduled it for Jun 11, at 7:00 PM server (Central) time.

      You are established writer. Once you put something in pending, Swiss just gives it a read-through and touch-up before scheduling.

      It’s only new boys and punks what has to jump through hoops, and all.

      • LCDR_Fish

        June? I guess you guys aren’t as hard up for content at the moment.

  30. LCDR_Fish

    As far as the earlier substack discussion – there are some good podcasts with bonus episodes if you subscribe through substack (blocked & reported, etc). I also follow No Jesuit Tricks, Anarcho Cat-Girl Kulak and some other writers. Also added John Ringo and some other guys who post new material online first. I think Larry Correia may have one too.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      That alligator wrangler’s week was just made, though!

      • Tundra

        What a weird job. But yeah, he’s gonna get some mileage out of that one.

  31. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    My propane fire pit arrived today! I want to try not to be too hungover on Saturday so I can set it up.

  32. Evan from Evansville

    Re lesbian bar decline: The recent Trans-Fad is certainly a main driver. If you’re a true-blue lesbian, where’d you go? The gay bars are gonna be full of trans, both the (rare) real and fashion statement sort.

    Hilariously, they seem just as out-in-the-woods as single, straight men. ‘Tis a goofy intersection! *twiddles thumbs in delight*

    • Urthona

      As someone who was a part time musician playing in bars and clubs for many years, I think the crossdressing thing has always been a pretty common thing in the gay bars. But they didn’t call it the same or try to insist you refer to them as a particular gender.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Agreed. I’m pretty sure ‘most’ folk simply don’t give a shit. Just don’t make ’em memorize all sorts of different names/pronouns etc that are, by their nature, subject to frequent, emotional change.

        The culture of ‘constant celebration’ is just overwhelming. I purposefully want to be as anonymous as possible. Uh. No thanks! I’ll Window Shop elsewhere. (Anon unless I WANT to perform. Then the shows on, baby.)

    • Urthona

      Has to be a fluke.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’s sorta balanced out by the fact that the “star witness” being destroyed by his current lawyer is his former lawyer.

  33. Q Continuum

    “This shit will continue until there are consequences.”

    Positively identified students should immediately be expelled (the only thing that really scares them), but this just points to a larger issue. All of this disorder, not just on campus but everywhere, will not stop unless and until there is a Federal RICO investigation of the Prog dark money webs funding them and people are prosecuted mafia style.

    • UnCivilServant

      A RICO investigation by members of the corrupt organization of the corrupt organization?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’d be more likely that someone takes out the dark money people Mafia-style

    • Urthona

      I’m rooting for the protests and hope they both continue and get worse.

      • R.J.

        Major property damage at the lax schools would be nice. Only problem is our tax dollars pay to fix it.

      • Urthona

        Well I’m gonna stop earning income or buying things. That’ll teach them.

      • R.J.

        I have considered that.

      • Gender Traitor

        Apparently Biden’s set to give the commencement address at Morehouse on Sunday. (Trying to decide how sorry I feel for the grads.) The Morehouse pres says he’ll cancel the ceremony immediately if protestors disrupt the speech. I just want to know what will happen if Biden disrupts his own speech.

      • Tundra

        Or shits his pants.

        My daughter graduated college last Friday. No protests, 10/10 commencement address and an overall perfect day.

      • Ted S.

        Embrace the power of “and”.

      • hayeksplosives

        Congratulations on your spawn’s accomplishment! A major milestone.

      • Tundra

        Thanks. Two kids successfully though a really tough engineering school feels pretty damn good.

        How’s the leg? Any better?

      • Fourscore

        Congrats to your daughter and to the Tundras. A big milestone

      • Tundra

        Thanks, Fourscore!

      • Pine_Tree

        Yeah just heard today that the fly-in we were going to Saturday in Locust Grove (just South of ATL) got cancelled since Brandon’s coming.

        There may well be protestors, and not of the kind everyone expects. Remember that Trump-loving CFA crowd? That’s the neighborhood, believe it or not. The Morehouse leadership is surely dedicated progs, but a lot of local black folks are not fond of PPP.

  34. Tundra

    I’ve now listened to the song three times. Since I don’t listen to corporate radio, I haven’t heard it for years.

    I need to create a 10-13 YO Tundra playlist. I had an AM radio that I brought every morning when I delivered papers. Such a great time for music!