About The Author



[riv-uhn] noun 1. a gaming, lifting, shooting, intoxicated, ravenous, and happily-taken nerd. 2. often aims to misbehave. 3. and though she be but little, she is fierce.* And rumor has it that she (and her husband) are also delightful dinner companions. You didn't hear it from me, though.


  1. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Just get the printers going.”

    Between this video and the interview he had with Cavuto about inflation, I get the feeling that Jared Bernstein doesn’t know much about finance and economics.

    • Sensei

      I’m sure he fucking loves modern atonal music, however.

    • kinnath

      Bernstein stated he grew up in a “musical family” and aspired to be a professional musician as a young person.[9] Bernstein graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music from the Manhattan School of Music where he studied double bass with Orin O’Brien. Throughout the ’80s, Bernstein was a mainstay on the jazz scene in NYC.[citation needed] He is of Jewish descent.[10]

      He also earned a Master of Social Work from Hunter College as well as a Doctor of Social Work in social welfare from Columbia University’s school of social work in 1994.[11][12] At Columbia, his dissertation advisor was Irwin Garfinkel.[13]

      • Sensei

        I’m careful about credentialism. I’ve met plenty of people on Wall St with quite eclectic backgrounds that were quite skilled and that I learned from.

        OTH, it’s definitely a sign to pay attention before giving he or she any credibility.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Fair point. I mean, Jeffrey Epstein didn’t even finish college.

      • Sensei

        I worked with a banking analyst that had BA in English from Brown and was amazingly bright.

        He had to pass all the same fucking financial exams that I did and he did so with no issues and completely by self study. I also self studied for them as well, but had previously studied lots of the material both undergraduate and graduate. I had quite a bit of respect for him.

      • Sensei

        Also – Evan Greenberg.

        He got the job 100% by nepotism, but he 100% understands the industry.

      • Brett L

        What, exactly, did this “doctor” of social work add to the human canon of knowledge?

      • Sensei

        Something similar to Dr. Jill?

  2. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “I have no caption for this.”

    Looks like 4 play.

  3. Yusef drives a Kia

    Berenstein thinks the same way,

  4. The Other Kevin

    That TikTok girl reminds me of an in-law I have. Early 20’s, went to art school, is working at an animal shelter. Loved that her student loans were forgiven. Recently she was on Facebook lamenting that you can’t afford to go out to dinner anymore. Mrs. TOK is not a big follower of politics, but she did respond with something like, “Then vote for someone different.”

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      In my early 20’s I was making $20k and splurging on the $10 early bird 3-course special with my two roommates.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Pity we can’t import Javier Milei and run him for president. I’d happily settle for Thomas Sowell, if he weren’t retired, or Don Boudreaux.On the other hand, why would they want the aggravation of dealing with Congress and the alphabet agencies?

      • Fourscore

        Vivek was about the closest this last time around. Rand Paul learned quickly a while back

      • mindyourbusiness

        Rand seems to have settled for the role of gadfly. doG knows we need more of that sort in Congress.

    • rhywun

      Yeah when even normies (who should not be thinking about politics) are noticing something’s up, something’s up.

  5. Brett L

    I wish whoever owns the IP would just admit that Reed Richards’ power is stupid, doesn’t film well, and retcon a new set.

    • Nephilium


      At least they only have the one guy who can stretch. DC seems to use that as a B-list power set. Off the top of my head: Plastic Man, Martian Manhunter, Elongating Man (and his wife), Metemorpho, AMAZO, and I’m sure I’m missing a couple.

      • Nephilium

        *clears throat*


      • SDF-7

        To be fair — AMAZO has (or can have) every power of everyone in the DCU, after all. I think Justice League Animated was probably the one people who actually thought about that…. typically the writers nerf him by making him use only one at a time with the weakness of the source hero at the same time.

      • Nephilium

        True, but I was going for quantity here. Funnily enough, I was rewatching the DCAU Justice League when the realization of how many shapeshifters DC has with that power set. The Marvel shapeshifters are usually able to change into objects/people.

        And as for it not working on film, Mr. Impossible worked quite well in Venture Bros. But that was animated instead of live action.

      • Brochettaward

        How many Firsters are there in Marvel or DC canon?

        That’s what I thought.

    • kinnath

      Elastigirl for the win!

      • SDF-7

        What an incredible thing to say!

    • Fourscore

      Mentally handicapped? Then he may an ‘economist’. DC qualified.

    • The Other Kevin

      Said by a teammate: Not all disabilities are visible.

    • DrOtto

      One of my favorite sight gags in a movie is in the original Road House when the owner of the bar sees “for a good fuck call 555-5555” He changes the F to a B and then adds an i between the u and c so it now says “for a good Buick call 555-5555”

      • KSuellington

        Great flick that.

        Did you know that 555 prefix is often used in movies for phone numbers? They were reserved for phone company use when they switched over from letters and numbers. They’ve been used in tv and movies since the 60’s so some random person doesn’t have to deal with thousands of idiots calling them up.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


      • Fourscore

        Fool me once…

      • KSuellington

        If you ever need a phone number to get a discount in some store just use your local area code and those digits and you will be guaranteed that someone has registered with that number.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    “USA is in debt. Everybody’s in debt. Why don’t we just print more money?” she asked. “Just get the printers going.”

    Janet Yellin, is that you?

    • Fourscore

      I wish she was in transit or transitory.

      Even her voice is cringhatory

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.
  7. The Late P Brooks

    It’s shocking that Bernstein couldn’t simply explain that printing money doesn’t solve the reality of scarcity, the economic idea that there is never enough stuff — commodities, products, services, etc. — to satisfy our infinite desires.

    When do e get to artificial scarcity, intentionally created by the government? Is that Econ 201? 301?

  8. Trials and Trippelations


    Saved this for today. Ubisoft finally makes an assassin creed game in Japan only to make the playable male protagonist an African. While the character, Yasuke, is based on a real person that was bought to Japan by a Jesuit, he was not a samurai and was a court novelty of the samurai Nobunaga

    The female protagonist, Naoe, likewise is based on a real person, the daughter of famous shinobi, Fujibayashi Nagato, but she like Yasuke was not a ninja

    A noble wiki editor also edited Yasuke’s wiki entry to remove the statement that there is no proof that he was a samurai

    I am actually finishing AC Odyssey and was certain before all this came out that it would be the last entry in the series that I would play.

    • Nephilium

      But I’m sure they’ll have their little DIE notice come up before the game.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        Maybe they can have it written in Japanese to really rub salt in the wound

      • Sensei


    • Sensei

      A noble wiki editor also edited Yasuke’s wiki entry to remove the statement that there is no proof that he was a samurai

      Wait until tomorrow!

      Shogun, err I mean Shōgun is hot historical mess with lots of modern PC shit, but people love it.

    • UnCivilServant

      How many ingame Ads will it feature?

  9. The Late P Brooks

    But the fact that Bernstein has a degree in music instead of economics isn’t the problem.

    You can never run out of notes. They learned him that in music school.

  10. Fourscore

    “When do we get to artificial scarcity, intentionally created by the government?”

    Can you say import duties?

    • Not Adahn

      Why should we import duties? The duty to pay taxes and the duty to obey the government are all that any red-blooded American needs!

      /RNC Spox

    • Suthenboy

      I think that is called ‘Price Controls’.

    • KSuellington

      The dinner is too damn high! We need price controls on food ASAP.

  11. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I just got my tickets for a White House tour next month. I hope we get to see the Presidential Shitter.

    • Not Adahn

      Remebmer that the password for the tunnels is “wannafud?”

    • Fourscore

      LBJ’s ghost will welcome you

    • Homple

      Be careful where you walk when you’re there.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Keeping them happy down on the plantation

    President Biden is engaged in a flurry of events this week centered around the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case that ended racial segregation in public schools, part of an intensified push to court Black voters crucial to his reelection bid.

    On Sunday, he will give a closely watched commencement speech to Morehouse College, a historically Black university in Georgia.

    Biden held a private meeting with plaintiffs and family members of plaintiffs from the Brown case on Thursday at the White House, and on Friday, he gave remarks at an NAACP event marking the Brown anniversary at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. On the weekend, he heads to the swing state of Michigan, where he’ll address an NAACP dinner in Detroit.

    I hope he tells them some good stories about when he and Uncle Remus were growing up.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I hope he tries to show them his hairy legs.

    • rhywun

      It is always 1955 1954 with the left.

    • Pine_Tree

      I hope they accidentally let too much slack in his chain and gets on a roll and makes another remark around “if you don’t support me, you ain’t black”, or makes up some wild-ass story or drops the n-word or something.

      • Brochettaward

        The you aint black thing didn’t hurt him last time. Why would it matter if he did it again?

      • KSuellington

        That was, by far, the most racist thing I’ve heard a politician say in my lifetime. And it pretty much didn’t matter. Of course the upper class media helped that by not pushing it.

      • Brochettaward

        It was far more offensive on every level than grab them by the pussy.

        I am firmly in the camp that Biden stole that election and will do it again. I guess I’m black pilled. But a whole lot of people take their marching orders from the media and the media shrugged and said no big deal. So went the left leaning public.

      • KSuellington

        While I can easily believe that Dems were able to mess with votes in some key locations in some key states, I’m not sure how much more they were able to do than usual. Maybe a bit, with the Vid hysteria and changed rules. But Biden still may have won as people somehow though he represented a return to normal that Trump didnt, especially after the Summer of Floyd and the year of tumult. Trump was down considerably in every poll taken in the months before. Unless they manage to toss him in jail or get their weak ass feliny charges to stick, I think he manages to get well beyond the margin of cheat. What happens after that will be interesting to say the least.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    The Biden campaign said the engagement was a signal of how the administration has prioritized issues important to Black voters — and how it is working to earn their support.

    They’re all the same.

    • Sean

      Listen Jack, you ain’t black!

    • Fourscore

      Wait a minute, why are they important only to black people? Why do black people get favors? I want favors, too.

      How about something for old left handed people in Flyover Country? As Reagan said, “I’m paying for that shit”

  14. DEG

    Rifts launch players into gameplay scenarios with twists to keep you on your toes. Each Rift has Nodes that range from a standard battle to a mini-game challenge. One example of the many shown in the trailer sees Bugs Bunny attacking targets while collecting stars. Nodes also have unique mutators, which can add additional challenge or even story elements into the mix.

    This sounds like it isn’t based on Rifts.

  15. DEG

    It’s probably been posted here, I haven’t been around much.

    Dave Smith and Tucker Carlson. I’m about 40 minutes in. It’s a good interview.

  16. DEG

    Amoskeag Auction posted their timed auction catalog today. I browsed it, and saw this. I said, “Huh.” Then I read the description. I still say, “Huh.”

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s a lot of extra weight to add to al already heavy ‘pistol’

    • Sean

      Keymod. Gay.