Cougars, Cows, but no Kittens

by | May 18, 2024 | Beer, Food & Drink, Markets, Standard Libertarian Disclaimer | 94 comments

I am at the point in alcoholism where I can’t for the life of me recall if I had this one—except in my case its “did I review it?”

If I’m going to get called out, I just had it coming.  This is my review of Blackstack Brewing Morning Routine:

A bar in Ohio is apparently confused:

GROVEPORT, Ohio — A bar in central Ohio has raised its age minimum to 30 and older on weekends.

Donerick’s Pub in Groveport instituted its policy beginning on May 1, according to a Facebook post by the bar.

Fridays and Saturdays will also have cover charges, WSYX-TV reported. Patrons will have to pay a $5 cover between 10 p.m. and midnight, and the cost doubles to $10 from midnight until just after 1 a.m., the bar wrote on Facebook. Also, the cover charge is cash-only, with “no exceptions.”

SLD:  This is a private establishment and there is nothing wrong with making rules as to who can and who cannot patronize their business.  Those damn kids can get blasted somewhere else!

That said I might be too old to go looking for loose women at a bar, but my understanding was that was the point of a bar:  for young people to meet in a place get drunk and get loose.  Perhaps I am too old to know if younger people even do that anymore.  There are horror stories out there suggesting this is the case.  In which case why even exclude people that weren’t going to patronize the bar anyways?  I am having trouble seeing the business case here.

Maybe its like TGI Fridays in the 90’s when they realized their customer base just got older and just added a kids menu.  Then went out of business because their customers decided they no longer go out on Friday night.  I dunno.*


Granola stout, is this supposed to be a play on one of those breakfast stouts?  Do people really drink this in lieu of eating breakfast?  I can’t do that anymore.  I eat 2 eggs and some sort of pork product every morning and still have my cholesterol under 200. While a beer might be nice, I have too much going to to be drunk before noon.  This one is above average in alcohol content so it might get you there if you’re a before noon type.  Its not crunchy. Blackstack Brewing Morning Routine:  3.8/5


*Correction:  TGI Fridays did not go out of business.  They just closed their locations where I live.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    Day drinking is fine if your not doing much, including driving,
    Stock up early!

  2. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    That reminds me – I gotta arrange for accommodations next weekend for a party in SC. Hopefully a designated driver will come with the accommodations!

  3. R.J.

    Heh. A fight with a butt-naked woman out front of the bar. WTF, young people?

  4. Fourscore

    Internal server error, WTF?

  5. Gustave Lytton

    TGI Fridays is still around.

    • mexican sharpshooter


      • Fatty Bolger

        Plus hundreds more around the world.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Okay. They just closed down…where I live.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Correction added

  6. Fatty Bolger

    Maybe its like TGI Fridays in the 90’s when they realized their customer base just got older and just added a kids menu. Then went out of business because their customers decided they no longer go out on Friday night. I dunno.

    ? TGI Friday’s is far from going out of business

    • cavalier973

      Maybe he was thinking of Ruby Tuesdays

      • Fatty Bolger

        They’re still around too, though I think they were hit really hard by COVID.

      • Gender Traitor

        My favorite Ruby Tuesday memory was going there to avoid trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Ordered a burger, which came in a basket-ish thing. Went to pick it up and discovered it was missing the bottom bun. I started eating my fries, and when the waitress came by, I (good-naturedly) pointed out the missing element, and the waitress burst out laughing. She said, “Well, that explains the extra half-bun in the kitchen.”

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Is it? I haven’t seen one in years.

      • Nephilium

        There’s still a couple around here, I have no idea who goes there though. There’s a couple in the off-strip Vegas properties as well. Then there’s all the garbage in the frozen aisle with the TGIFriday’s branding on it.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        That might be it. I tend to avoid the frozen bar food section.

      • Nephilium

        Hell, that and the chip aisle are the last remnants of Chi-Chi’s (that I know of).

        The girlfriend and I laugh each year in Vegas, because downtown there’s a Tony Roma’s that’s got giant signs and the like. I don’t think there’s been a Tony Roma’s around here in nearly 30 years.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Me neither

  7. The Late P Brooks

    A bar in central Ohio has raised its age minimum to 30 and older on weekends.

    This looks like a job for the ACLU.

  8. Timeloose

    Come on rain, Fuck Off!!

    I need to dry my deck before people come over.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Well whaddaya know?

    Mercedes-Benz workers in Alabama have voted against union representation by the United Auto Workers, the National Labor Relations Board said Friday.

    The results are a blow to the UAW’s organizing efforts a month after the Detroit union won an organizing drive of roughly 4,330 Volkswagen plant workers in Tennessee. Voting started Monday and ended Friday.

    Union organizing failed with 56% of the vote, or 2,642 workers, casting ballots against the UAW, according to the NLRB, which oversaw the election. More than 90% of the 5,075 eligible Mercedes-Benz workers voted in the election, according to the results.

    I’m a little surprised. I’m sure the union will cry foul.

    • cavalier973

      The Union lost because of racism

    • Gustave Lytton

      Oh well. Try again later.

      • cavalier973

        Yep. The Slogan of the South.

        “If at first you don’t secede, try, try again.”

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I read somewhere (probably TOS or its rag) that union workers generally get paid less than their non-union counterparts. The unions put the workers in a less powerful bargaining position vis a vis management.

      • Nephilium

        You mean unions don’t represent a quality workforce anymore? I wonder what happened to cause that…

        /looks at UAW (UA FUCKING W) representing college employees. Apparently colleges are just like assembly lines.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Eh, they may be working less or under more favorable conditions that aren’t readily turned into dollars and cents.

    • cavalier973

      Also, “Neanderthal Herpes” is the name of my new death-metal band. We are looking for a basist.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Do you need to know how to play bass to get the job?

      • cavalier973

        Since it’s a death-metal band, no.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Que up Zombie Sid Vicious

        Yes, he wasn’t in a death-metal band…but he is dead…and was terrible.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I play Fender bass, call me,

      • cavalier973

        Unfortunately, I have been informed that our first tour has been postponed indefinitely. Our vocalist just revealed he has herpes

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Neanderthal Throat Herpes should not be a detriment to being a singer in a death metal band.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Hell, I thought it was a prerequisite.

  10. DEG

    A bar in central Ohio has raised its age minimum to 30 and older on weekends.

    Donerick’s Pub in Groveport instituted its policy beginning on May 1, according to a Facebook post by the bar.

    Fridays and Saturdays will also have cover charges, WSYX-TV reported. Patrons will have to pay a $5 cover between 10 p.m. and midnight, and the cost doubles to $10 from midnight until just after 1 a.m., the bar wrote on Facebook. Also, the cover charge is cash-only, with “no exceptions.”

    I’d patronize that bar. Keeps the riff-raff and amateur drinkers out.

    Granola stout, is this supposed to be a play on one of those breakfast stouts? Do people really drink this in lieu of eating breakfast? I can’t do that anymore. I eat 2 eggs and some sort of pork product every morning and still have my cholesterol under 200. While a beer might be nice, I have too much going to to be drunk before noon. This one is above average in alcohol content so it might get you there if you’re a before noon type. Its not crunchy. Blackstack Brewing Morning Routine: 3.8/5

    I’d give it a try. Maybe for breakfast, maybe not for breakfast.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve seen a couple of beers labeled as granola brown ales around me. The few I’ve had are basically nut browns, but that style is nearly dead anymore.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I’d patronize that bar. Keeps the riff-raff and amateur drinkers out

      Those damn kids need to stay off my lawn!

      • DEG

        That too!

    • R C Dean

      I figured a play on oatmeal and breakfast stouts.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Maybe I’m getting too old…but I have no interest in staying out that late. Not just because I’m normally walking. Even the New Years Eve special at my local brewery. I paid for the full event, but I’m pretty sure I left by 9:30. I suppose it might be different going with other people (and some events have been like that), but when I’m by myself, I hit 3 or 4 beers in less than 2 hours…then I may as well head home so I can sober up before I lie down.

  11. hayeksplosives

    A surprisingly high rating from Sharpy. Might have to try one.

    Regarding the relatively low levels of Gen Z sexual activity, II offer another couple of possible causes:
    1) Gen Z has been fed so many black pills about the environment, the death of society, prevalence of evil corporations and MAGA, they’ll never be able to afford a house, they don’t want to grow up and certainly don’t want kids.

    2) to paraphrase Mark Steyn, woke society has created a bunch of men that women don’t want and women that men don’t want.

    I wonder if Gen Z sexual activity is different for urban young people than for rural or exurb young people.

    • juris imprudent

      I’d bet your latter postulation is very likely, and since urban dominates the laptop-class mentality – all is to be discovered there. Beyond that there be monsters.

    • Gustave Lytton

      2) to paraphrase Mark Steyn, woke society has created a bunch of men that women don’t want and women that men don’t want.

      I wonder if Gen Z sexual activity is different for urban young people than for rural or exurb young people.

      For the first spring that I remember, I thought to myself the other day “wow, these women are just not attractive”. Meanwhile, the Mennonite women… maybe I’m just getting older.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      Re point 1: all those are valid. My wife has done a lot of research into Gen Z, and this sound like the same thing said about every generation, but they have a strong self centeredness they are special snowflakes no one should infringe on their truth or them living their best live or best self. That is born out in Gen Z having low numbers of romantic relationships (nothing like a SO to kill your vibe and how you want to live). Supposedly there is a trend of Gen Z that do get married that look for houses with two master bedrooms
      I have met 2 Gen Z couples that refuse to have kids and point to the environment and overpopulation.

      2. Camille Paglia says the same thing. She points to universities especially as contributing to that.

      • Fatty Bolger

        I have met 2 Gen Z couples that refuse to have kids and point to the environment and overpopulation.

        I wonder what happens when these people hit middle age and find out that they were lied to, and that their fears were unfounded? Of course they’re young, so maybe they reverse course before then.

      • DEG

        One thing they won’t do is realize that it takes two to tango. In other words, they won’t realize that they chose to believe a lie instead of figuring out what was really going on. So, someone else’s fault.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        A friend says he read an open letter to some newspaper stating that the writer was a good environmentalist and taught his children the ideal of putting Earth first etc, and now as the writer is old he realizes the lie that was and has this hole in his heart where he can never experience the joy of having grandchildren

      • Fourscore

        I have 3 g’children but 2 seem to be unproductive. I do have a great grandson, lad looks like he’s gonna be a big guy. Good parents so there’s that

      • dbleagle

        I think HE is on to something on both points, especially number 2. As to the question about urban versus rural. When I visit small towns in the West, there are more kids than I see in the urban areas. Not as many families outside of the “Morman Belt” arev needing full on MAVs (Mormon Assault Vehicles aka old-style Suburbans) but the rural areas seem to be still having some kids.

        Out here in northern Polynesia the hip youngers are having no kids most often with the more “local” families still having multiple kids. The rural substitute, the military, still exhibit many kids but seem to top out at 2, sometimes 3, spawn.

      • Nephilium

        There also seems to be a correlation between being a devout believer in a faith and having more kids. My friends who are religious average 3+ kids, the ones who are not religious average 1- kids.

      • robc

        That is what I see at my church. 3+ seems the norm, although we arent an outlier with just 1.

      • Homple

        Probably some box-wine-and-cats women have similar thoughts.

    • R C Dean

      Throw in the relentless gender nonsense, which even without medical intervention seems designed to squash the sex drive, too.

  12. CPRM

    Made the decision to plant my pepper plants (Scorpions, Ghosts and Reapers) today. Hopefully I don’t get punished by the frost giants for my hubris.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve still got several pepper plants starting indoors. I want them to get to at least flowering before I put them outside for the deer and chipmunks to destroy them.

    • juris imprudent

      I have a reprieve from the garden today, but tomorrow will be dry enough for me to do some work. I have a bumper crop of blueberries coming.

    • Fourscore

      I am going to start planting, finished the second tilling. Looks like the 23rd (full moon) will be the coolest and after that should be no problem. Cool weather stuff can go in now.
      Mrs F says no hot peppers since she has a megaplant growing inside with a lot of peppers hanging on.

      Rain in the forecast for next week, should help.

  13. DrOtto

    We had both a TGI Friday’s in our neighborhood and a neighbor who was a big wig with TGIF Co or whatever their corporate owner was. We went there once and I had the worst hamburger I’ve ever had (asked for mid-rare, was told no-can-do, had to be mid-well but they’d skew it towards medium and then proceeded to show me how special orders get treated, it was an inedible carbon disc). Soon, the TGI Friday’s (and the others in the region) was gone and the for sale sign went up on the neighbor’s house shortly after that. I also never had a reason to go back. If for $12 (2008 prices), you can’t make an edible hamburger, do you really deserve to be in business.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Never had an experience like that, but they always seemed overpriced for what you got.

      • Nephilium

        My sister worked there as a bartender back in the early 00’s. She kept one of their drink recipe books, and has it behind her bar. I don’t believe she references it frequently though.

    • creech

      A shame; TGIF was great in 1980s with their burgers of the day that were unique (and quickly replicated by other chains.)

  14. R C Dean

    Oh, and mexi, no, I don’t recall you reviewing this one before, for what that’s worth.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Once again the WP keyword search saves my ass.

  15. LCDR_Fish

    Enjoying my beer tour of Newport – even if a number of these drinks are cans and/or imports.

    Hit a local ramen joint last night – never heard of the Japanese imports they had but they were surprisingly tasty – although the red ale turned out to be an IPA (admittedly lower IBU). The Lucky Cat White Ale was very smooth.

    Also…I love Jasmine tea – and a Japanese themed Jasmine Pilsner- from Brazil – was pretty cool.

    May try this place again next Fri night.

  16. Tres Cool

    15 years ago if someone had told me that someday Id spend over $500 on a push lawn mower, Id check my stash to see if they’d been in my drugs.

    But here we are in 2024. My grass looks nice tho.

    • Tres Cool

      *to be fair, its self-propelled. But still…

      • Fourscore

        So a pull lawn mower…

      • Trigger Hippie

        I’m currently bitching about the fact that I need to spend three hundred dollars on a self-propelled walk-behind myself…and that I’ll spend thirty dollars on a carton of smokes this week… Missouri is cheap.

    • juris imprudent

      We replaced the zero-turn, the old one having a hydraulic failure. The upside is it is the only consumer-debt payment on the books (not counting mortgage), and it takes a shade over two hours to mow 3 acres.

    • Sean

      Black poly and some rocks is much cheaper.

  17. robc

    I saw the lamest possible DJ today. It was in the merch tent of the PGA championship. Yes, they had a DJ instead of recorded music. Why? No clue.

    • juris imprudent

      Scheffler seems to be suffering today even though he didn’t yesterday.

    • R.J.

      Did he have on a proper collared golf shirt, and some plaid pants? Or was he rocking a sideways hat?

      • robc

        The former. And he might have been older than me.

    • Tres Cool

      Are you in Louisville? Ill be down that way next month for a project.

      • robc

        I came in for the tourney this weekend and visiting my Mom next week. I will be back in CO before Memorial Day.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    15 years ago if someone had told me that someday Id spend over $500 on a push lawn mower, Id check my stash to see if they’d been in my drugs.

    But here we are in 2024. My grass looks nice tho.

    I spent $400-plus on a “walk-behind” string mower last summer. My yard is so uneven and rutted weedy a real mower wouldn’t stand a chance. The “lawn” looks like crap, but at least part of the knee high tangle has been flailed into submission.

    • Trigger Hippie

      My rented yard is infested with wild green onions, crab grass, and dandelions… Ever since my old mower crapped out my yard now looks like a White Trash Prairie.

      • R C Dean

        Two of those are edible, so you don’t have a lawn, you have a garden. Yay you!

    • Tres Cool

      I went with Honda. I read that they’re getting out of the mower business, and have always heard how reliable they are.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Fire pit assembled and tested! Woot! Tonight’s Zoom gon be 🔥🔥

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of kids these days… on my way home from errand-running I ended up behind something like a Ford Focus (a young people car, whatever it was) with “Just Married” and a Venmo address in the back window.

    • Trigger Hippie

      So…they want you to pay to watch them fuck?

  21. The Late P Brooks

    So…they want you to pay to watch them fuck?

    That never even occurred to me. I just figured it was a straight up begging bowl gambit. Now, if it had been onlyfans…

  22. Sean

    Porterhouses were $7.99/lb. today.


    • juris imprudent

      I don’t seem to find any prices like that in my end of the commonwealth.

      • Sean

        Weis Markets.

        Wasn’t on the weekly flyer, so it was a pleasant surprise in store.

    • The Hyperbole

      Biden’s America rocks!

      • R C Dean


        If you don’t want Joe groping and sniffing your tween, well, just what kind of American are you?

  23. Tres Cool

    So the Tracker Testarossa (the big 2.0) that I got from my Dad has been my daily drive up to the (216) for the past couple of weeks.
    Today, she got an oil change with Royal Purple and a WIX filter. At 112K, Im not sure if I wasted my money, but I figure its a reasonable gamble.