¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | May 21, 2024 | Daily Links | 92 comments

Fun from the inbox:

All things considered, this school year was pretty great. There were some high highs mixed in with some lows, but here we are getting ready for another end of a school year. I’ll be pointing out many highlights of the senior class during graduation on Thursday, but here are a few things you should know about our class:

 • Our graduates have been accepted to dozens of universities, including Vanderbilt, Embry-Riddle, Amherst, Brown, Georgia Tech, and NYU

 • 4 students accepted to Cornell

 • 1 student accepted to Stanford

 • 3.65 median GPA (higher than last year’s seniors)

 • Over 600 students took about 1100 AP exams

 • 3 AP Capstone Awardees, plus 8 additional candidates (these students have 4 passing AP scores, plus AP Research and AP Seminar)

 • 15 Seals of Personal Finance

 • 32 Seals of Fine Arts (more than last year’s seniors)

 • 30 Seals of Biliteracy (more than last year’s seniors)

 • 2 Perfect ACT Scores

 • 9 students with a perfect 5.0 academic GPA

 • 9 National Merit Finalists

 • 1 National Merit Scholarship winner

 • 1 Flinn Scholar (very big deal)

 • 1 US Presidential Scholar (also a very big deal) 

These are statistics that any other high school in the valley would be hard-pressed to beat, including many of those charter schools that frequently “rank” at the top.

Scare quotes not mine. I didn’t think I can hate my high school (son attends the same school) more than when I attended, but they managed to make sure to further sully my opinion of them.


The candidates for the Mexican El Presidenté election square off in the final debate. The hot topic: violence, security, and whatnot.

I totally forgot just how off-putting Rick Scott’s skinsuit looks.

Did it ever occur to the Spanish Prime Minister his wife might actually be corrupt?

Remember the 80’s? Good news! FARC is still a thing!

You’ll love the news from Cuba.

Is Foreigner cringe? You decide.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s



    RE: Cuba Sugar industry.


  2. kinnath

    No, Foreigner is not cringe. I love that tune.

    Of course, my taste in music is totally untrustworthy.

    • rhywun

      Maybe cringe but yeah, great tune.

  3. Mojeaux

    Is Foreigner cringe?


    • R.J.

      Agreed. Beat me to it.

  4. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Foreigner is both Cringe and Cope.

    • The Other Kevin

      No need to get hot blooded about it.

      • Mojeaux

        Forget it. He’s just a dirty white boy.

      • The Other Kevin

        It feels like the first time he’s said something like this.

      • juris imprudent

        These puns will give Swiss double vision.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Much like Boston, Foreigner has one song that they managed to spread out over multiple albums.

      If you like that song, that’s fine, but don’t pretend any of their songs sound different from the rest of them.


      • Mojeaux

        I’ll give you Boston, but Foreigner isn’t nearly as bad as Boston.

      • Ted S.

        Vivaldi only wrote one s9ng, but he wrote it 400 times.

      • Mojeaux

        Vivaldi only wrote one song, but he wrote it 400 times.

        You beat me to it.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Actually 452 variations of one piece,

      • Not Adahn

        I can see why you might make that mistake, since Aerosmith is from Boston.

      • Spudalicious

        Well, we are talking about Massholes.

      • slumbrew

        Hey! That’s our word!

  5. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Is Foreigner cringe?

    Not cringe. What kind of question is that?

    They are touring this summer: https://www.foreigneronline.com/tour

    • Evan from Evansville

      WTF is this subthread? I’m a youngin’ born in ’87. I vaguely knew ‘Boston’ was also a band name and after a few tries, I think I knew Foreigner was too. I’m 100% positive I would recognize their sounds from pop culture background noise swarming in.

      *Homer disappears backwards through hedges; constant gaze on y’all maintained*

  6. Mojeaux

    Dude, you’re asking a predominantly GenX audience if the music of their adolescence is cringe. 🙄

    • Shpip

      It’s like he’s playing head games with us.

      • The Gunslinger

        Perchance he just wants to know what love is. And he wants you to show him.

      • Necron 99

        He’s cold as ice.

      • Shpip

        (Sweats profusely, tugs at collar, gets double vision) Sorry… gotta go. It’s urgent.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s bad particularly when you are a long, long way from home.

      • R.J.

        Feels like the first time he found an old rock group cringe. He hasn’t done that before.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      “predominantly GenX audience”
      Your kidding right?

      • B.P.

        Why do you think this site has a bigger font now?

      • Gustave Lytton

        My reading glasses thank you.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Foreigner is a good band that didn’t translate well to the video era.

      Sure they are good musicians and have good songs, but they are a bunch of weird looking dudes. They needed to go so Duran Duran could rise to the top.

      • Necron 99

        /Billy Squire shakes fist at video era./

        I like the song before I saw the video. The hottest girl at the Discotheque Lounge in Augusta danced to that when I was in AIT.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How about Loverboy?

      • Mojeaux

        Not cringe.

        Get Lucky was the first album I ever owned.

      • Evan from Evansville

        1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, Green Days first two EPs put on CD were my first album purchase of any kind (w my own money). I’m sure I was just buying shit Older Bro didn’t already have. Outside radio, he got into the ska scene as a drummer in a few bands.

        Get Up Kids and similar were also his veins, therefore my youths.

  7. Shpip

    For hundreds of years, sugar was the mainstay of the Cuban economy. It was not just the island’s main export but also the cornerstone of another national industry, rum.

    Close, but no cigar.

    • SDF-7

      Now I feel like firing up Tropico 4….

      • mindyourbusiness

        No Joya de Nicaragua.

  8. B.P.

    On the Cuba story, the guy on the left in the first picture ate all of the sugar.

    “Miguel is one of the fastest cutters in his team – or pelotón – recognised by his bosses as among the most efficient in the country. Yet he says he receives no financial incentive for greater production beyond his love of the trade.

    “My wages barely buy anything any more,” he says with no hint of exaggeration over the worsening inflation in the country. “But what can we do? Cuba needs the sugar.””

    I guess I’m going to have some Cuban neighbors soon.

    • The Other Kevin

      At first glance I thought it said “Miguel is one of the fattest cutter on his team”.

      • Bobarian LMD

        He’s putting his weight behind it.

    • rhywun

      On the Cuba story, the guy on the left in the first picture ate all of the sugar.

      lol my first thought.

      the decades-long US economic embargo have made for a dire economic outlook

      I was under the impression that every other country in the world still doing biz in Cuba dulled any of the impact from the US embargo. *shrug*

      • kinnath

        The most valuable market in the world is in your back yard, but you are cut off from it. Not good for you.

        The rest of the world keeps Cuba afloat, but not prosperous.

      • Aloysious

        That’s the power of magical thinking.

  9. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Wind turbine hit by tornado. ZOMGZ TEH CLIMATE CHANGEZ


      • Evan from Evansville

        Boom, OBJ. *doffs cap* Well-played. Will steal in future.

    • SDF-7

      If only we had a compact, energy dense power generation system that we tend to put in thick concrete anyway…..

      If only….

    • Vida Hobo

      Tell me you understand restricting supply raises the price without telling me…

  10. Mojeaux

    Lovely thunderstorm just rolled through, but I HATE HAAAAAATE when it’s sunny and raining at the same time. HAAAAAAAAATE.

    • Gender Traitor

      But that’s when you get rainbows! 😃🌈

    • Bobarian LMD

      A sunshower.

      The Devil is kissing his wife.

      • Pine_Tree

        I thought it was “the devil is beating his wife”. Or is that just (seriously) the Alabama version?

      • Gender Traitor

        The Alabama version is the devil kissing his sister.

      • Bobarian LMD

        That’s how I remember it as a kid in Southern Illinois, but according to Wiki, kissing is the regional variation from Tennessee?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The Devil is whipping his wife.

      • bacon-magic

        The Devil is skeeting on her face.

      • Not Adahn

        You’d think the Devil would beat his wife more often.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I always heard that that was “the devil is beating his wife behind the barn” Never made sense, but that is what the geezers all said.

      • Vida Hobo

        Mississippi version was always the Devil beating his wife.

    • Mojeaux

      And there’s the tornado siren.

  11. Pine_Tree

    *(struggles with whether to do the “ackshually” thing to the first bullet in your inbox note…)

  12. Sensei

    If it saves one whale…

    Major freight railroads are using or plan to use battery locomotives in some of their port-unloading and rail-yard operations. Some short-line railroads are testing them, too. But with energy capacity of around 2.4 to 2.7 megawatt-hours, these locomotives have far less range than a 5,000-gallon diesel locomotive, which has roughly 76 megawatt-hours of energy.


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Effeciency decreases and consumer prices increase but at least the right slimeballs are getting rich(er). What a crock.

  13. Pope Jimbo

    Everyone is fixated on Trump’s trial, which means no one is paying attention to the Feeding Our Future trial here in Minneapolis. $250M swindled from the guvt by NGO’s swearing that they were distributing food during the pandemic.

    Even if you think a trial with real victims and real crimes isn’t as important as railroading OMB, you should pay attention because this is a master class in how to do business. The Defense is saying that sure, these guys all spent millions on homes and cars but that isn’t a crime. You see they are just such darn good businessmen that they were able to make a profit delivering those meals!

    Defense attorneys in the first Feeding Our Future trial argued in federal court Monday that their clients, accused of defrauding the government in a massive meal fraud scheme, actually followed rules and served “real food” to Minnesota children in need.

    The defendants navigated a complex federal program that was upended in the pandemic, their attorneys said in opening statements, publicly making their case for the first time to rebut the government’s accusations that they stole millions of dollars and spent it on themselves. They noted that the government approved thousands of waivers loosening rules and oversight to get food to low-income kids when schools were shuttered, including allowing for-profit restaurants to participate.

    While nonprofits like Feeding Our Future oversaw the food sites and vendors, the defendants were part of businesses that could make money, the attorneys argued.

    “It’s called profit. That’s how we do things in America,” defense attorney Andrew Birrell said on behalf of his client, Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, who started the Shakopee restaurant at the center of the trial, Empire Cuisine & Market. “He made a fair profit margin. He provided a lot of meals.”

  14. The Late P Brooks

    The Biden administration is releasing about 1 million barrels of reserve gasoline supplies, framing the move as part of an effort to bring down prices at the pump in the Northeastern U.S.

    Haha, suck it, California. Your governor wants prices to go up, not down.

    • Spudalicious

      He needs to keep the prices down in Pennsylvania.

      • Sensei


    • R.J.

      That should have been part of the settlement.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He should get a threefer: Andrew Cuomo, Hochul, and just throw in Chris Cuomo who slandered the piss out of him for good measure.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        And shit, they’re New York. Nevermind.

      • R.J.

        “Chris Cuomo”

    • pan fried wylie

      “Suck his duck”? Keeping livestock as pets is a fineable offense in NJ. And referencing those livestock in the commission of a hatecrime is a federal felony. Summary execution, or PMITA prison at least.

      • Evan from Evansville

        From the top ropes, wylie. Damn.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    At the risk if jinxing myself, I finally broke down and re-did my temporary emergency plumbing repair. This, of course, involved an emergency trip to Home Depot for a different pex crimp tool, since the one I originally got takes three or more hands to operate. I can’t say I’m a fan of pex, but it’s pretty much the only thing out there anymore.

    • Spudalicious

      Mojeaux got an alert as well.

      • Timeloose

        Man I hope they are all safe.

      • Mojeaux

        Everything’s copacetic here.

    • kinnath

      the storm is just arriving here in eastern Iowa. The radar show the worst cell sliding by to the north of my house.

    • kinnath

      Wiz is in central Iowa I believe (near Iowa State).

      • whiz

        Yes, Nevada (in the link) is the next town over. In Ames we only had a brief thunderstorm.

    • slumbrew

      I would have been disappointed by any other link.

  16. Brochettaward

    Words of wisdom from Uncle Joe.

    If you’re going to marry, find a women with four daughters. One of them will always love you.

    Not creepy at all.

  17. Evan from Evansville

    My phone stopped charging a while back. Damn port. But it wasn’t my fault and Google replaced the bitch. Told ’em over the weekend and it was delivered to a T-Mobile right away. Just had to exchange my old one. I bitch about the CONSTANT inter-connectedness of our Skynet, Meta’d and Googled world, but fuck it is convenient. (I am at least aware that that is how they getcha.)

    Odd news twicefold: Cutely, my drivers license expired on April 28, but says it’s valid on the BMV. I had to get my Passport for the phone-folk to Verify Myself. The passport is expiring in a couple years and FUCK. I’m damn glad I don’t look like I did in ’16. Damn I was fat. It was a month after my return from my two-years in Singapore. I remember getting up to 160, honestly mostly steroids cuz the weather fucked my skin up somethin’ hard. Booze is WAY too expensive in SG to fuck about w. Normally I sit around 135-140, right about where I powerlifted in high school.

    Second: Work again went shockingly well. I’m not yet used to this. I hope it lasts. (You shoulda done that in Gene Wilder’s voice. I did.) No idea about ‘next’ contract. Puttin’ in offered OT to show my value. I’m good at it. We have as many stats on ourselves/group as a broadsheet of baseball box scores. It’s pleasing to wait for the latest to come out.