1. SDF-7

    “Jefferson would likely rake those high-debt states over the coals for their fiscal recklessness.”

    They claim political lineage from Jefferson, but note that they celebrate Hamilton. (Granted, I think Hamilton would be aghast as well actually….). Old, dead white slave owner who doesn’t have a cool Broadway musical…

    Plus I can just imagine the UN / Canada / USSR style “Constitution” that would come out of a modern convention given the quality of our political class. Lots of “Individual rights… except when the government needs to do something” would ensue.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend, folks. Side question — did we lose alt-text in the update? I haven’t noticed any on any articles since then…

    And when it comes to Batman — this is frequently said in my house whenever even vaguely appropriate.

    • Tonio

      “Alt Text” (actually called Image Title Attribute) is still there. I was too busy to do that this week.

  2. Tonio

    Thanks for the links to FEE articles. I probably wouldn’t read them otherwise.

    • The Other Kevin

      Me too. I keep forgetting that site exists, but they do have some good writing.

      • SDF-7

        They should change their name to the Foundation Recommending Economic Education and I bet they’d get more web traffic.


        Business Oriented Operational Benefit Solutions would likely get even more traffic.

  3. SDF-7

    “Meet the Characters of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice: New, Old, and Very Old”

    I’m afraid I’m sequelled out… my default thought is “It is going to suck”. They’ve tried to squeeze the juice out of the ‘Member Berries too often. But hope it is good and anyone who cares watches it… at least Burton typically puts his heart into his work.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s going to be terrible and the sequel thing has been so played out that even the panels of witty guys shitting on the sequels is played out.

    • cyto

      I thought the trailer looked good….. but there were like a half dozen or more “memberberries” in the clips…. which is way too much.

      I suspect it will disappoint. But it does look very competently made.

    • rhywun

      The original is only worth an occasional watch anyway – there is much I dislike about it. Ending with “Day-O”.

  4. PutridMeat

    Sorry for OT so soon… To submit a pots, do we now hit ‘publish’? I think that used to break things, but I don’t see a submit for review button/option anywhere.

    OK, now I’ll go read the links, HONEST!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’ve been asking that for a few days 🤷

    • Tonio

      I’ve always consider site questions to always be on topic for links posts. Old Business, as it were.

      Here’s a screenshot. First click on the Settings control (red circle), then check the Pending Review box (green circle). The Save as Draft control changes to Save as Pending (blue circle). Click that.

      The Publish control should also do that for people with Contributor level access. I can’t test that because I’ve got Editor level access and can schedule and publish things.

      • PutridMeat

        OK, thanks. FYI, I don’t see your screen shot under ‘settings’ – no “Publish” field, no “stick” or “pending” check boxes. But if I hit publish, I get the option to submit for review and it shows up in the ‘pending’ bucket now, so there ya go. I was about 5 seconds from clicking ‘publish’ several times, figuring there was something hidden behind that, but didn’t want to create work for you if there wasn’t!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Same PM – O didn’t want to pull the trigger on that, as ot were

      • Tonio

        Putrid and KK, thanks for the info. My UI is different than yours, obviously, but I’m never sure what controls I have that you guys don’t.

  5. SDF-7

    “Imagine each screen is a collection of flat paper pieces and that your job is to make origami out of them.”

    Might be interesting… I would have expected Paper Trail to be a Law & Order game… L&O: Corporate Accounting!

    • The Other Kevin

      I forgot which show had this joke about Law & Order: “I think this is the episode where Law’s parents visit and Order has to pretend he’s gay.”

  6. Shpip

    For any LEGO newcomer—any adult who’s looking for an entry point into this incredible hobby—you can’t go wrong with one of the car replicas.

    I had to click through to see that they were discussing LEGO cars. This is my idea of a replica car.

      • SDF-7

        Even better. I love the ones where folks throw a modern engine into a classic chassis. Very stylish.

      • Shpip

        I was at Sebring a couple of years ago when a fellow showed up in something like this. His was (according to him) built by retired Ferrari engineers and factory hands. Thing probably cost more than my house.

        Gorgeous car, but he couldn’t drive it and wouldn’t point people by. Imagine a Ferrari tooling down the Gurney Bend with thirty Porsches, Mustangs, and Miatas breathing down his neck.

        He got black-flagged and asked not to return for that bit of jackassery.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Lying eyes

    That so many Americans think that things are worse than they are is driving Democrats crazy. They know that the economy is the top issue for most voters, and that Biden is given extremely low marks for it. They are frantic to set the record straight; so far, their messaging has come up short.

    Why are people so mixed up about the economy?

    First, because so many are struggling to pay their bills, which they probably associate with a recession. Second, because real incomes are stagnant. People’s living standards have deteriorated, which doesn’t lead them to view things with rose-colored glasses.

    Third, and maybe most importantly, Joe Biden and his surrogates have lied so frequently to Americans about the state of the economy (and the country) that people are no longer paying much attention to spin from the White House. Being told repeatedly that everything is great, when you can’t make ends meet, is deeply unsettling. It’s also insulting — the corollary implication is that you just don’t understand your own situation.

    If you work for the government things are humming along nicely.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Uh, if people are struggling to pay their bills, and real income is stagnant, maybe the economy isn’t doing so well and it’s not a messaging problem.

      • Sensei

        Read the article. It’s not defending Biden it’s suggesting that people no longer trust him.

        On many measures the economy isn’t in the shitter, but on an absolute basis many people’s standard of living has declined. People aren’t unaware of the fact that they need to eat and put gas on their now 12.6 year old average car. They also look at the price for that new car and go WTF?

      • The Other Kevin

        It’s the ultimate disconnect between the elites and the rest of us. I once heard Scott Adams say he has no idea how much milk costs, because he has enough money that he doesn’t need to pay attention to the cost of food. The ruling class is that way. But to the rest of us it’s a pretty big deal.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        How much can one banana possibly cost? $10?

    • The Last American Hero

      Bush the elder lost because he appeared tone deaf on the economy.

      • The Other Kevin

        After Gulf War I he seemed unstoppable. But then “the economy stupid”. The crazy part is Biden has that issue around his neck, plus FIVE OR SIX MORE that are just as bad… yet he’s still competitive with Trump. For now.

      • Fatty Bolger

        That and he broke his primary campaign promise of “Read my lips: no new taxes.” That was a killer.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Kit cars- youtube coughed up a thing from some guy doing a test of a Cobra replica with one of them flat crank high rev Mustang motors. He’s talking to his buddy, and he says something like, “Yeah you think you’re just putting around, and you look down and you’re doing 70mph in first gear.”

    • Sensei

      I’d be perfectly happy with a small block 302 Ford in Cobra replica. I just want the “experience”. It will go faster than any reasonable person could want on a public road.

      Heck a Ford “crate” version has 340HP gross.


      • kinnath

        It will go faster than any reasonable person could want on a public road.

        Someone once asked me how fast my 350Z could go. I said I chickened out before I found the top of 5th gear. He gave me a puzzle looked. Then I said “it’s a six speed”.

      • Sensei

        When you drive an EV straight line speed below 60 mph is not a unique experience any more.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Back country VA roads – speed limit is 55 but I’m hurting if I’m under 60 – and they’re anything but smooth and straight. Rav4 loves em.

      • Gustave Lytton

        My pickup with the low end motor have 400hp. It still blows me away.


        @kinnath I found myself accidentally going 135 mph on the Indiana stretch of I-70 in my Z. Momentarily terrifying. Luckily, no road pirates were about.

      • kinnath


        You foot slipped perhaps?


        More like spaced out in 4th gear. The hint was when I realized trucks that I thought were standing still were actually traveling the speed limit.

  9. cyto

    Karen Read murder trial is bonkers.

    I avoided it until a video from one of the lawtube guys popped up in my feed. He was going over the cross and it was fascinating. Attorney for defense masterfully discredited every bit of testimony.

    2 weeks of trial and prosecution had nothing.


    They introduce a witness who is one of a group of friends who are police officers and family who have been testifying.

    He wrecks all of that.

    He testifies that the defendant was trying to hook up with him for weeks and has a bunch of text records to back it up.


    Looks like we are back on.



    Defense attorney defenestrates this guy.

    The evidence of a conspiracy to cover up the actual crime and pin it on her is now overwhelming.

    This is going to make one hell of a movie of the week. It is way stranger than anything you would dare write in a script.

    • Gender Traitor

      Got a link that includes that latest tidbit?

      • cyto

        I got hooked and watched the live stream this afternoon.

        It was completely bananas.

        Uncivil Law has been doing summaries…. didnt see one yesterday though.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Here’s a good primer on the case from six months ago, before the trial.


        And this is who I have been mostly using to follow the case, he’s a practicing lawyer who recaps and replays interesting parts of the testimony in the trial, with commentary. He doesn’t take sides and follows the case from just the trial itself, because he wants to see exactly what the jurors are seeing.


    • Fatty Bolger

      I’ve been following this since shortly after the trial started, mostly through Lawyer You Know on YouTube. You’re right, it’s crazy. I started out figuring she was probably guilty, but then I saw an objective breakdown of all the pre-trial evidence and thought “huh, that’s interesting.” And then watching the state witnesses testify, I’m convinced that not only should she not be convicted because the “investigation” was ridiculous, and there is tons of reasonable doubt, but that it looks more and more like he was probably killed by somebody in the house and they covered it up with help from their cop buddies. The number of obvious and dumb lies by the families and friends is just astounding, and almost all of the evidence points in that direction.

      Even those texts from today just show, finally, that there was a good reason for the altercation. It actually filled some holes that I was wondering about, such as why the fight would have happened. He knew about the kiss, maybe knew about the texts, and went over there to confront Higgins. The situation got out of hand and he was killed. And also, it might explain why Jen McCabe tried to get Karen to come to the house earlier, and said she had a “surprise” for her. The surprise could have been that Brian Higgins would be there.

      • cyto

        Today’s bombshells included the guy who the defense is pointing at (saying he hit him with his plow on front of his jeep) claiming he stopped at the police station for a few minutes and then went home….. only to have the defense provide key card access records that showed he was there from early in the morning until after 6 pm

        Importantly, they show him in the garage when the defendants car shows up…. but magically the surveillance video from that camera was deleted.

      • Fatty Bolger

        The plow thing is new to me, interested to see what that’s about. This is the same guy who Brian Albert called in the middle of that night, claiming he accidentally butt-dialed him (twice!) because he keeps his phone in bed with him, but with the ringer off, because his grown kids might call, even though he wouldn’t know they called because the ringer is off, because THAT makes sense.

      • cyto

        The big reveal on that butt dial was the tie-in to Google search records.

        One of the women went with defendant to find her boyfriend in the morning. Found him at 630 am. Said defendant told her to Google “how long to die in cold”.

        Did it 3 times. First two typos.

        No biggie, right?


        There was a deleted search at like 2:27 am.

        “Hos long to die in cold”

        Matched second typo.

        Defense asked a bunch about that. Looked kinda bad.


        The butt dial is a 26 second callback to the guy who lives there… 1 minute before that deleted Google search.


        The middle typo search in the morning was identical to that one.

        Clearly to cover for the other one.

        Dead to rights.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Go do that voodoo that you do so well

    And of course Ford, being Ford, went to great lengths and expense to make it NOT sound like a flat crank motor.

    *no longer available

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Joe Biden, class warrior

    Almost 90 years ago, just before the 1936 election, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke to a packed house in New York’s Madison Square Garden about the accomplishments of his first term. Those four years had brought the country a revolution in both public works and regulation and brought Roosevelt the hatred of many business and finance leaders. “Never before have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today,” he told the audience. “They are unanimous in their hate for me — and I welcome their hatred.” Roosevelt won an even bigger landslide that year than he had in 1932.

    Now it is Biden’s turn to welcome that hatred — and show voters that the same people who’ve been skimming Americans’ pocketbooks for years want Donald Trump back in the White House.

    Trust Buster Joe, we calls him.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “the same people who’ve been skimming Americans’ pocketbooks for years”

      Wouldn’t that be the government?

  12. Pope Jimbo

    Bear meat leads to brain worms

    Explains so much about some Glibsters.

    A number of family members who shared a meal of bear meat that one of the family members had harvested earlier were subsequently infected with brain worms, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    In July 2022, the Minnesota Department of Health was flagged that a 29-year-old man had been hospitalized multiple times over a two-and-a-half-week period with symptoms including fever, severe muscle soreness, swelling around the eyes, and other various maladies.

    Following his second hospitalization, the man told doctors that he had days earlier attended a family gathering in South Dakota, and that one of the meals they shared included kabobs made from black bear meat that “had been harvested by one of the family members in northern Saskatchewan.”

    Doctors ultimately diagnosed the 29-year-old man with trichinellosis, a roundworm which is rare in humans and usually acquired through the consumption of wild game. Once in a human host, the larvae can then move through the body to muscle tissue and organs, including the brain.

    Five other family members were diagnosed with these freeze-resistant worms, including a 12-year-old girl and two other family members who had only eaten the vegetables at the meal.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Cook your damn meat.

      • Fatty Bolger

        I remember this case, it was cross-contamination that caused the problem, not undercooking.

      • Pope Jimbo

        What about otter meat?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That should settle the bear or man question.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Be careful with those tasty, tasty wild hogs too.

      • Spudalicious

        Wild boar needs to be frozen below zero for three weeks before consumption.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Ah, the best postZep Page song, complete with discordant notes and all.

    • creech

      What the heck was RFK Jr. eating?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I don’t think you’ll find that in caviar, he must have had a wayward tapeworm (which can also actually happen).

      • Spudalicious

        Legitimate earworm.

    • Suthenboy

      I vaguely remember being scolded ’round here about my love for well done meat.

  13. Pope Jimbo

    I don’t get these lego kits. Seems like they are more like Revell models than legos.

    I remember building a lot of square houses with the knockoff legos we had as a kid. You could build whatever thing your imagination could think up (as long as it was a lot of right angles). There were no kits to build something specific.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I used to love to build things different ways with Legos when I was a kid and see what was the hardest to knock down, same with Lincoln Logs. In the preinternet and precable days you had to be creative to pass the time.

    • Ted S.

      What thing? :-p

    • R C Dean

      Whoever is running their claims management also needs his/her dick punched, as well.

      • Sensei

        Are you suggesting contrary to American Airlines’ spin that this was the brainchild of counsel obtained by their insurer that AA may have also been informed?

        No way…