Thursday Morning Links

by | May 30, 2024 | Daily Links | 251 comments

Both the Wales and Campbell Conference finals are living up to what conference finals are supposed to be. The NBA conference finals are not, although one of them at least won’t be a sweep. The Astros suck. The Mets might be worse, at least according to one of their (now-former) players. Bayern made a shocking managerial move as their league rivals prepare to take on Madrid in the UCL final in a couple days. And that’s it for sports.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. I’m completely convinced this guy is a scummy piece of shit. But I’m not convinced these things weren’t some professional tit for tat where his alleged victims knew what they were doing. Like Gavin Newsom’s wife did when she slept with the cretin.

“Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?” What a maroon.

This guy might want to just let it go. But he’s a cop, so he probably won’t.

What could possibly go wrong? Also, “allows?” If that doesn’t show that this is a proxy war, I don’t know what would.

This guy gets better and better every day. Has the lump has completely taken over?

As if this company wasn’t dealing with enough bad press already. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. I do feel bad for their customers though.

Good thing they have strict gun control. Otherwise this could have been…wait, it didn’t do shit and the entire place is controlled by criminals. Nevermind then.

Let’s wait and see. I’ve heard this before and enough of them chickened out to keep it from passing.

Here we go. I don’t think I’ve played that one before. I’ve probably played this one. Which is fine, because it’s awesome. Enjoy them both.\And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.

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  1. SDF-7

    So in this crazy mixed up world… Alito was flying the flag properly? 😉

    Morning, Sloopy! Morning, all… off to actually read the links….

  2. Not Adahn

    Re: the Messican election, for the last couple of days NPR has had a reporter there pushing the GRRRL POWAH! story. He (and the local newsreaderr) are audibly dismayed and disappointed at the backward palurdos not recognizing this historic moment. Why, they aren’t even saying on the mic that a woman will be less corrupt and better at ending rape than a man!

    • SDF-7

      “How do you say…. ‘Karen’ in Espanol?”

    • EvilSheldon

      NA, what the hell did you do to my Shadow 2? I was practicing last night and the gun started failing to fire from DA, exactly like you described.

      • SDF-7

        …. only the Shadow (2) knows….

      • Not Adahn

        Is it a disconnector problem? ~20k rounds? I bought a disco from CGW. I won’t have it installed before A8, but I’ll swap frames with my OR and bring my M9 as a backup.

        After A8, I’ll be switching to CO until Nats is done.

        I also am wondering whether it’s worth rejiggering springs and basepads to get 15 round PROD mags. How much difference will it make considering I’ll be shooting all 14 stages in one day.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s gotta be the disconnector. The failure went away after a few hundred rounds in SAO, but I’ll call up Cajun and get them to send me a new one. It’s also probably time to blow out the trigger group with gun spray.

        Thankfully it’s not an emergency, as this was my practice gun and I’ll be shooting my match gun (identical except for the color of the stocks.) In fact, this is a good life lesson – have two identical copies of your important guns.

        I’m not sure how much difference it’ll make, but if you’d like some vetted functional 17-rounders I have six on them lying around – same magazines I used at NY State. If you’d like to borrow them, I’d be happy to send them up to the match hotel. I’m shooting full day Sunday, so you can just pass them back to me when we come through.

      • Not Adahn

        I appreciate the offer, and will take you up on it! Do you still have my contact info?

        That match hotel is Weirton Comfort Inn – 167 Amerihost Dr, Weirton, WV 26062

      • EvilSheldon

        *embarrassed face*

        Uh, nope. Not really. If you hit me with a DM in the forum, I’ll give you my email/Signal info.

      • Not Adahn

        I can’t seem to figure out how to send a DM in the forums. The announcement of the feature doesn’t seem to describe the current state of thing.

      • Sean

        DMs have been broken for sometime, I believe.

      • EvilSheldon

        Hmm. Okay, stand by…

  3. SDF-7

    But I’m not convinced these things weren’t some professional tit for tat where his alleged victims knew what they were doing

    Maybe… I’ll certainly grant that they should have, Hollywood having operated this way for as long as it has existed as far as I can tell.

    But (having done zero research, because I’m on the internet and I have a keyboard after all!) assuming most of the starlets in question were on the young side, they may have just literally not realized what they were getting into until it was too late rather than going into it like a fully transactional OnlyFans “model”. On the gripping hand (wink wink nudge nudge), I’m probably being way to naive myself on the savvy nature of women in their prime years of getting all they can from men (for sound evolutionary reasons — it is just the way our species works… there’s no like or dislike to it any more than gravity).

    Apparently today will be a very parenthetical day as well…. my apologies in advance.

    • sloopyinca

      Start from this premise: Hollywood is a cesspool filled of bad people.

      Then go from there.

      • juris imprudent

        Corollary: DC is filled with the people that couldn’t make it in Hollywood.

      • sloopyinca

        There’s a lot of overlap in those two communities.

      • Not Adahn

        Fame is just a particular flavor of power.

      • EvilSheldon

        DC is Hollywood for ugly people. That’s been the joke for most of forever…

      • Suthenboy

        Saw an interview once with Billy Bob Thornton. They asked him why he was not at the top of the A list. He could have been but said he didn’t want to go all in in that business.
        He said there comes a time in that career when you suddenly look around and notice you are in bizarro land and dont know how you got there. Like “sitting in a hot tub with some dude trying to suck your dick.” – I believe that is the example he used.
        Whadya know….straight actor. They are on the shelf next to the hen’s teeth.

    • The Last American Hero

      Please. Crazy charmed girl went to a meeting at his house to discuss her career opportunities, no agents present, wound up naked in his hot tub, and got upset when he expected sex. This from the gal who first got on our radar when she showed up naked at the VMA’s as Marilyn Manson’s date. Such an innocent little thing, no clues about the dirty old men.

  4. SDF-7

    “Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?” What a maroon.

    Queue the various statements over the decades that most criminals are, frankly, pretty dumb. He does seem to exemplify the idea, yes.

    • Sensei

      You mean the “doctor visit” acceptation doesn’t exist?

  5. SDF-7

    This guy might want to just let it go. But he’s a cop, so he probably won’t.

    Just ignore your lying eyes and those videos, everyone…. MY AUTHORITAH is in effect!

    I know a soulmate up in Michigan for this guy….. (alternate: “It isn’t just the criminals….”)

    • Drake

      Seriously, the guy should take the loss and keep a low profile a while. Other cameras and a bunch of witnesses saw the whole thing.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        There might be legal liability on the line so yes he should scurry into the shadows but changing his story before a jury tells him he’s full of crap is a bad play.

        I need a shower after typing that.

  6. Shpip

    In the statement, Detective Bryan Gillis stuck to his story.

    “To be clear, I was drug by the car, I went to the ground, and I received visible injuries to my knees and wrist,” the statement, via WAVE News, read. “I’m going to recover from it, and it will be OK.

    Nevermind what credible eyewitnesses backed up by video had to say. This guy beclowned himself in front of the whole country. He should just take the L and keep his head down — maybe he’ll even keep his employment that way.

    • juris imprudent

      Knees and wrist huh – maybe try sitting down while you jerk off, ya jerk.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I love the “ow I am hurt” when the victim is on tape saying the officer swung his flashlight at him while operating a vehicle. Police, we can beat you and you must comply!

      • SDF-7

        “GO ‘WAY! TEE TIME!”

      • juris imprudent

        [very enthusiastic golf claps]

    • Gustave Lytton

      “I was drugged by the car!”

      He got roofied?

  7. Ownbestenemy

    Det. Bryan Gillis said ‘I was drug by the car’ and ‘received visible injuries to my knees and wrist’

    My union representative demanded I stick to the story so I get my medical /officer Dewey

  8. Not Adahn

    Good thing they have strict gun control.

    All educated people know any guns used in Mexican crimes are from the US, primarily Indiana and Texas. Why, the FBI traces 99.999% of all Mexican guns back to red states!

    • UnCivilServant

      In Particular, the ATF offices in those states.

      • SDF-7

        They’ve got to know when to folder and know when to Holder….

    • DrOtto

      This makes me furious, and fast.

  9. SDF-7

    If that doesn’t show that this is a proxy war, I don’t know what would.

    Sigh. 1) Didn’t Europe (Britain and Germany, I think?) say something similar at some point over the last year about what Ukraine would and wouldn’t be allowed to do? I guess we’re just late being that obvious.

    2) Said it before — but every idiotic time we have a spokeshole trot out something like this it leaps back to mind…. I’m not wanting it, but I think Russia would be fully in their rights to regard all of this as a formal state of war and act accordingly. Our “leaders” have really screwed the pooch and we’re incredibly lucky no one has launched a real strike yet. Queue the “They told me if I voted for Donald Trump there would be WWIII…” memes.

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s obvious that Ukraine is a puppet state, but expanding the war isn’t in Putin’s best interests, and he knows it. He’s not stupid, but having already stuck his foot in the quagmire, he’s looking for the best among bad options.

    • rhywun

      I’m really stuck trying to understand why we’re launching WWIII.

      It can’t just be the Russia “collusion” hoax.

      • SDF-7

        My best guess —

        1) Nuland and crew with extreme hard ons for anti-Russia moves. Combined with Cold War relics who still see Russia as the USSR.
        2) Wanting to redirect attention from Asia so Xinnie the Pooh has a freer hand. Cracky needs friends after all!
        3) MIC wanting faster inventory turnover, jealous of the mega-windfall Pfizer and Pfriends got.
        4) A feeling akin to “Connected economies never go to war!” (again… someone point these idiots to 1910s Europe please? “Germany is too economically linked for war to break out!”) and “Putin would never risk Russia” so they think they can push it. As JI notes, there’s an element of truth to that… but I think there’s also a limit and they sure seem to want to push said limits.

        I will not be at all surprised if the CCP doesn’t move on Taiwan right after the election. Not before, because why risk the chance you’ll have your Puppet Pals in office for another 4 years – but after you’ll either only be dealing with PPP and his band of incompetents or you can hopefully get in and have things settled down before an OMB admin. I don’t know how much of the rumbling of their economic woes is real versus propaganda — but they have real economic and demographic issues (and I’d love to have them have more because I despise their regime and want them to overthrow it), so this may well be a good way to redirect domestic turbulence and strike before they weaken. We’ll see…. I’m obviously a highly paid prognosticator and analyst, not some random schmuck talking out of my posterior on the internet after all….

      • Suthenboy

        Money. It’s always the money.
        How many billions have been laundered through The Ukraine so far?

    • Drake

      It’s a proxy war and NATO is losing badly. The lust for an escalated war is insane. The Baltic States seem even crazier than our own neo-cons. Even if they were to get into a hot war with Russia and somehow win, their countries would be smoking ruins.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The Baltics are Europe’s chihuahuas and are all bark and little bite but they won’t shit the fuck up. Their owner, meaning us, needs to yank their chains.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      They never claimed WW III would happen in his term so they’re just fulfilling their promises.

  10. PieInTheSky

    The NBA conference finals are not, although one of them at least won’t be a sweep – Dallas should end this quick if they want a shot at the celtics… which will be rested and probably full strength

    • Pope Jimbo

      Bring Ya Ass to Minnesoda!

  11. SDF-7

    Has the lump has completely taken over?

    If so — can the lump spawn? Can we get it to spread through the Capitol?

      • SDF-7

        That made them more hardline and stupider, though. (And yes, I knew about that show — watched it when it came out and actually “own” it [given it is fully digital only hosted on Amazon servers, how much I ‘own’ is controlled by their arbitrary nature… yay….])

        I’ll grant they were bipartisan in their service to the hive, true. The lump seems more of a secondary brain mass than the “we’ll eat half your brain and control the rest” is all.

      • juris imprudent

        So the remake does a slight twist – spoors instead of bugs.

  12. Shpip

    As if this company wasn’t dealing with enough bad press already. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. I do feel bad for their customers though.

    When I read this, I thought it was going to be another Boeing article.

    Is there still room on the “Fuck Ticketmaster” bandwagon?

    • SDF-7

      You’ll have to wait for the bandwagon tickets to go on sale at midnight and fight the scalper bots for them.

      And there’s a $75 “service charge”….

    • Nephilium

      What isn’t intuitive about having tickets spread across at least three different apps, all of which will try to sell additional services (such as a parking spot at the event, well, near the event, well, sure there’s free parking around the same area, but this is the CLOSEST, well not the closest, and in fact, not a real parking spot), and crash whenever there’s a load on the network (such as around a stadium which thousands of fans trying to get in)?

  13. PieInTheSky

    This guy gets better and better every day. – Malice keep saying the guy aint all bad

    • Ownbestenemy

      Really looks like the wife was pulling the strings when he was nearly incapacitated doesn’t?

      • juris imprudent

        No. He was a standard proggie asshole in his PA political career up until the stroke.

      • UnCivilServant

        A brush with death made him re-evaluate his principles?

      • cavalier973

        Different strokes make different folks

      • Drake

        Looks like he was swapped out for a replacement. I’ve never seen actual brain damage heal like that.

      • rhywun

        But “Biden is still his guy”.

        He needs more recovery time.

    • Not Adahn

      He does seem to have an excellent sense of the theatrical.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Especially in comparison to Oz.

      • The Last American Hero

        Well that dude wasn’t out in public giving speeches, but always behind the curtain, pushing the buttons and pulling the levers.

  14. juris imprudent

    tit for tat

    Women using their sex appeal to gain what they want? OUTRAGEOUS that you would even think such a thing!!!

    • Fourscore

      “I’ll be ready to go to the beauty shop, as soon as I get my make up on”

      I see the widow ladies (my age) at the post office, they want to look their best, just in case.

  15. PieInTheSky

    From wikipedia

    “Mexico has restrictive laws regarding gun possession. There are only two stores in the entire country, DCAM near the capital, and OTCA, in Apodaca, Nuevo León. It also takes months of paperwork to have a chance at purchasing one legally. That said, there is a common misconception that firearms are illegal in Mexico and that no person may possess them.[2] This belief originates from the general perception that only members of law enforcement, the armed forces, or those in armed security protection are authorized to have them. While it is true that Mexico possesses strict gun laws,[3] where most types and calibers are reserved to military and law enforcement, the acquisition and ownership of certain firearms and ammunition remains a constitutional right to all Mexican citizens and foreign legal residents;[4] given the requirements and conditions to exercise such right are fulfilled in accordance to the law.[5]

    The right to keep and bear arms was first recognized as a constitutional right under Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution of 1857.[6] However, as part of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, Article 10 was changed[7] where-by the right to keep and bear arms was given two separate definitions: the right to keep (derecho a poseer in Spanish) and the right to bear (derecho a portar in Spanish).[8] The new version of Article 10 specified that citizens were entitled to keep arms (own them) but may only bear them (carry them) among the population in accordance to police regulation.[9] This modification to Article 10 also introduced the so-called …[arms] for exclusive use of the [military]… (in Spanish: …de uso exclusivo del Ejército…), dictating that the law would stipulate which weapons were reserved for the armed forces, including law enforcement agencies, for being considered weapons of war.

    In 1971, Article 10 of the present Constitution was changed[10] to limit the right to keep arms within the home only (in Spanish: …derecho a poseer armas en su domicilio…) and reserved the right to bear arms outside the home only to those explicitly authorized by law (i.e. police, military, armed security officers). The following year, the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives came into force[11] and gave the federal government complete jurisdiction and control to the legal proliferation of firearms in the country; at the same time, heavily limiting and restricting the legal access to firearms by civilians.

    As a result of the changes to Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution and the enactment of the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives, openly carrying a firearm or carrying a concealed weapon in public is virtually forbidden to private citizens, unless explicitly authorized by the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA). For purposes of personal protection, firearms are only permitted within the place of residence and of the type and caliber permitted by law. ”

    So guns are totes legal in Mehico

    • juris imprudent

      Much as the USSR constitution was more generous with rights than the American version. On paper.

    • Not Adahn

      the acquisition and ownership of certain firearms and ammunition remains a constitutional right to all Mexican citizens and foreign legal residents;[4] given the requirements and conditions to exercise such right are fulfilled in accordance to the law.

      Step 1: Write a biiiig check. No, bigger. You aren’t taking this process seriously, are you?

      • juris imprudent

        Check? La mordita is cash only senor.

      • UnCivilServant

        Nobody carries that much cash! It’ll get stolen!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Plata o Plomba Silver or lead

        Take the money, or take the bullet.

    • R C Dean

      “a constitutional right to all Mexican citizens and foreign legal residents;[4] given the requirements and conditions to exercise such right are fulfilled in accordance to the law.[5]”

      So, not a right at all.

  16. rhywun

    Comment *

    Bayern made a shocking managerial move

    Just saw that as I was checking out hawkey scores. I am speechless.

    • juris imprudent

      All of soccer suffers from a problem of structure – the manager is the only one easily changed. The players, particularly those brought in on expensive transfers can’t be dumped; the hit from Financial Fair Play, and simple profit and loss mean you are stuck with an expensive underperformer. As ownership you can only hope to change management in order to get better team performance.

      Of course, this is on the presumption that management isn’t a huge part of the overall dysfunction. [Stares at Chelsea and ManU]

      • rhywun

        I don’t know if it’s any better or worse than the ridiculous musical chairs that characterizes American sports.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, in the NFL you have to get rid of good players because you can’t afford them and the superstars, and you hope to replace with young and cheap (for 3 or 4 years).

        Chelsea have gone totally bonkers with the long term contracts. It’s almost as bad as baseball (which somehow still has a bottomless wallet – that one really mystifies me).

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Bundesliga is barely a step up from the Championship.

      *runs away*

      • juris imprudent

        Notes that two BL sides were in UCL semi-finals, and no PL.

    • juris imprudent

      Don’t think I’ve heard that one though.

      • PieInTheSky

        strange it is posted all the time here

      • SDF-7

        Oh, son of a biscuit! I mangled the link, didn’t I? I’d say Sorry, but now that seems extra redundant.

      • slumbrew

        “We keep it on there for profiling purposes. We also got the Pet Shop Boys and Seal.”

  17. cavalier973

    I see the Ticketmaster story, and think, “I wonder what the company management did to upset their secret government overlords? Nah, that’s crazy-talk. It isn’t reasonable to think that Ticketmaster was taken over by some intelligence operation.”

    The timing of the leak is quite curious, given the recent relaunch of BreachForums, one of the most popular underground hacking forums in the world, just weeks after it was seized by the FBI, and one of its key administrators, alias Baphomet, allegedly arrested.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Raid a hacker forum
      Gut it, replace with your hackers

  18. PieInTheSky

    So I got my Pixel 8 and I have a feeling I will miss my 5a. Can’t beat the battery on that thing. Also 6.2 inches is too small.

    • cavalier973

      That’s what she said!

      • UnCivilServant

        Five minutes.

        Took you lot longer than I expected to make that joke.

      • cavalier973

        That’s what she said!

      • juris imprudent

        Well, you see, if you can last longer, the shortness matters less.

      • PieInTheSky

        but the ex was bigger and longer

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      The small size is the only thing I like about my iPhone.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      In other words you like it but are finding reasons to bitch anyway.

    • juris imprudent

      When it gets serious, it’s gonna make some people cold and stiff.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nobody wants that garbage.

      Give the man a helicopter ride and put him out of our misery.

      • Ownbestenemy

        We are nearly in the minority for not wanting it UnCiv…

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, but I see a handful of loud agitators looking for this nonsense and a lot of people not buying it.

    • Not Adahn

      Well, if you slaughter 1/3 of your population, you will cut carbon emissions by roughly the same amount. Then you can convert the surplus farmland to forest, sequestering more CO2.

    • ron73440

      The degrowth movement has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles.

      Of course it’s popular with the ones that think it won’t affect them.

      I tried to read the whole thing, but I didn’t want to expose myself to that much pain this early.

    • rhywun

      Kohei Saito’s theory of how to solve climate change is economically dubious and politically impossible. Why is it so popular?

      Because the communists have completed the run through the institutions?

  19. PieInTheSky

    Michael Ostrovsky
    At a talk by @JMilei at Stanford. He is discussing price equilibrium in general and Brouwer’s and Kakutani’s theorems in particular. I look forward to the discussion of fixed-point theorems at the upcoming @JoeBiden – @realDonaldTrump debate.

    • SDF-7

      Le sigh.

      • juris imprudent

        If you ever watched Question Time in the British Parliament you know what stumbling baboons we have in all public office in DC.

      • WTF

        Biden facing question time would be hilarious.
        Trump would be entertaining too, but in a different way.

      • juris imprudent

        Oh, I’m not just talking about maximum leader. Can you imagine our Congress-critters trying to be as articulate as a fucking opposition back-bencher?

    • juris imprudent

      Someone has a truly dizzying intellect.

    • rhywun

      The jockeying to fill the power vacuum we’re leaving open is epic.

    • Suthenboy

      Prior to his taking office I thought “He is gonna fuck up everything he touches”
      As he began doing so I said “Holy shit, I knew he was gonna fuck things up but I never dreamt he would manage to do this bad. I didn’t think that was even possible.”

      • The Other Kevin

        I keep explaining that to Mrs.TOK. She’s freaking out about our finances and our business. But when we stated we had no idea interest rates would spike and the price of everything would go up 30%. This is so much worse than we expected. And that’s just the economy, there’s a half other things just as disastrous.

  20. Shpip

    Familiarity breeds contempt

    Unequal and Unsupportive: Exposure to Poor People Weakens Support for Redistribution among the Rich

    Seems like the poors are romantic in the abstract, yet icky in real life.

    • UnCivilServant

      Having grown up around them…

      I have no sympathy for those welfare queens.

      • rhywun

        I have sympathy to the extent that the Dems use them and abuse them for their own enrichment. It’s not easy to break out of that cycle.

      • UnCivilServant

        Given how odious they were on an individual level, I have no collective sympathy for them.

      • rhywun

        Fair enough. I couldn’t wait to get away from that environment myself.

    • Ownbestenemy

      There needed to be a study for that?

    • juris imprudent

      See also Russian peasants (to the dismay first of Kropotkin and friends, and subsequently the Bolsheviks).

    • Suthenboy

      My experience is that most poor people are poor as a result of breathtakingly poor life decisions. Decisions they make over and over and never seem to learn. Poor impulse control, fucked up personality disorders, addictions both chemical and behavioral. Anger, envy…the whole poison stew.

      I never hear about someone who is hard working, responsible, disciplined etc who died poor. I do remember stories of that guy that rode his bicycle to work as a dishwasher every day for 40 years and after he died everyone was stunned that he was a millionaire. They just cant figure it out. That, and no one wants to say that poverty is often the fault of the impoverished and crime the result of culture.

      Kind like ‘guns are a problem’. No, guns are inanimate objects, guns dont do anything as they have no agency. People have agency. People are the problem and the culture they grew up in is largely responsible for that. But then I am the raciest racist that every drew breath so what do I know.

      • Suthenboy

        Raciest? No that is what Diane called me. Must be racistest? Racistester?
        Never mind, you get the idea.

  21. Sensei

    How soon can I get one of these spun up?

    Why I Need My Own Chatbot to Deal With Customer-Service Chatbots

    Companies use often-annoying chatbots to interact with customers. So here is what’s on my tech wish list: my own chatbot whose job is to deal with those annoying company bots.

    All the reasons companies use bots are reasons why I want one, too—to save time, deliver the relevant information at the right moment, and conserve my attention for the work and interactions I really care about.

    • Nephilium

      Pretty easily. Google has had a feature for a while called “Hold for me” when calling into IVR’s. Now if you wanted something to represent you in a more conversational manner, you’d need to train the chatbot, and then figure out what kind of chat handling you would want to use.

      • Sensei

        Yes. I use the Google version.

        But I want the one mentioned in the article that answers the chatbot, “Yes, I reset the power and tried all the usual things required on modern crappy half baked electronics. It’s still doesn’t do what it says it is supposed to do on the shipped crappy alpha quality firmware”.

      • Nephilium


        All that would do is add a step to the troubleshooting process that would request a change that requires a reboot. Far too many end users lie about trying such simple things too frequently.

      • Sensei


        Years ago I went through one of those asinine flowcharts with Verizon Fios. The poor CSR had to not only document that I had cycled the power, but I was required to “test” the outlet and report what device (i.e. a lamp) I used to confirm that power was available for Verizon’s hardware.

      • Nephilium


        I’m dealing with that kind of asinine shit internally at the company I work for, and it’s a major pain point for our whole department.

        Us: “We found this issue, here’s how we can reproduce it, here’s the impact, and here’s the customers it’s effecting that we’re aware of.”

        Them: “We don’t support that part of the product, you have to go to this other team.”/”Sorry, that’s a known issue that we don’t have documented anywhere, but will be fixed some day.”/”You left out one piece of information, ask us again with everything.”

    • juris imprudent

      I’ve used the phrase “that’s against my policy” when someone tells me they can’t do what I want because of company policy. It’s part of my escalation to get over the limited role they have.


      I saw some studies that concluded that black and Hispanic Americans (on average) spend something on the order of 50-60% more on “outwardly visible” or vanity goods.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        It’s how they show their wealth. Not unlike an Indian woman who wears a ton of gold jewelry, or a WASP driving a brand new Mercedes to the country club. In fact, if you go to any trailer park, you will see many of the same displays of wealth: gold chains, rims, etc.

      • Suthenboy

        There is a very noticeable cultural difference on the two ends of the spectrum. On one end there is the strong tendency for one to make a spectacle of themselves, to draw attention. On the other end ‘understated’ rules the day, it is considered boorish to draw attention to oneself.
        It is not a ‘black’ or ‘hispanic’ thing, race of course has nothing to do with it. It is culture.
        Want to know why so many third world shitholes have been inhabited for thousands of years and are still shitholes while we have only been here in NA a few hundred and are what we are? It aint magic dirt or skin color, it is culture pure and simple.

      • Nephilium


        I have much more fun when people underestimate me.

  22. juris imprudent

    Tell me again this isn’t political.

    Instead, the jury in the Manhattan criminal trial may be the only one he faces in 2024, leaving what was seen by some as the biggest long shot of four criminal cases against him as the only chance of a jury’s convicting Trump before Election Day.

    [emphasis added]

    • PieInTheSky

      everything is political.

    • rhywun

      Lawrence answers Rachel Maddow’s biggest Trump trial question

      Jesus. *stabs fork in eye*

  23. juris imprudent

    Normally I say fuck cancer – in this case, it ain’t doing its job.

    Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) suggested that the Department of Justice should force Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from the Jan. 6-related cases they will soon consider.

    Of course the DOJ has no such power. I really can’t hate this person more intensely.

    • rhywun

      I don’t know who that is but I think he’s just stating the basic Dem position on this. They are all on board for destroying the foundations of this country.

      • R C Dean

        What did people think “fundamental transformation” meant, anyway?

      • rhywun


        Many of them are on record stating exactly what they want to do to us, and people act surprised when it happens.

      • juris imprudent

        They’ve been at it since the days of Wilson. We’re a more resistant bunch than they anticipated, but it does seem they are getting closer to their nirvana.

      • Suthenboy

        RC: The big lie.
        That is beyond the pale. Too absurd. Ridiculous. They cant really mean that.

      • Suthenboy

        Never underestimate the power of incredulity.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Separation of powers is just a red herring.

    • Suthenboy

      And how, exactly, is the DOJ supposed to ‘force’ that?

  24. R C Dean

    “I’ve heard this before and enough of them chickened out to keep it from passing.”

    From what I’ve seen, Speaker Phelan (who fucked over Republicans on school choice) barely survived his primary, and most of his turncoat supporters lost theirs. I suspect that the fear is on the other side now, but as you say, we’ll see.

  25. PieInTheSky

    Updated preprint on the co-occurrence & causality among #ADHD, #dyslexia, & #dyscalculia! Inspired by your votes, we revised the terminology. Same conclusion: these conditions co-occur due to correlated genetic risks, not causality.

  26. PieInTheSky

    Christian British leaders to Muslim Ottoman Sultans in the mid 1800s:

    “The enslavement and castration of people is going to have to stop. Don’t make us ask you twice.”

    • Shpip

      That was right about the same time that Napier was giving the locals what-for over the practice of suttee.

      Probably not a coincidence — those dour, moralizing Anglicans.

    • Sean

      I played 05/30:
      *24/24 words (+1 bonus word)
      ⏱️ In the top 13% by speed

      I played 05/30:
      *51/51 words (+16 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 5% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 342

  27. Shpip

    Mo Money, No Accountability

    The Nonprofit Industrial Complex and the Corruption of the American City

    Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy meets the NGO. Interesting read.

    • slumbrew

      This ploy worked so well that today nobody has ever heard of the Patagonian toothfish

      I hate that sort of rhetorical formulation – “nobody”; any regular consumer of fish has heard the real name of Chilean seabass at some point.

      • rhywun

        Not me, but I’ve never had that particular fish.

    • slumbrew


      In spite of sharing a common name, however, today’s “progressivism” has nothing in common with the Progressive movements of the last century, is not socialist in any real sense, and is, if anything, an extremist libertarian movement that destroys the ability of the government to function, rather than using state power for the betterment of the poor.

      Emphasis mine.

      You write something like that, I’m going to find it hard to take anything else you write seriously.

      (time passes)

      Oh, it gets dumber from there.

      shorter version: too many shady non-profits wasting taxpayer money. The solution: moar government! Never considered: should the State be doing any of this?

      • Nephilium

        JFC… are they trying to say “the ideologies switched!”? How in the sweet mother fucking world is modern progressivism even slightly libertarian?

      • slumbrew

        Because taxpayer-funded NGOs exist and overwhelmingly lean to the left, it means the modern left hates government, Neph. Just like libertarians.

        (that’s the best I can do. I am dumber for having had to make that argument)

      • Nephilium


        Sorry for doing that to you. Of course, make that argument enough, and you may start believing in progressive policies. And here I was thinking they may be trying to ditch the progressive label due to the blatant racism from the original progressives, but that may be putting to much confidence in their ability to learn from history.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I think it has become a dirty word and the people who are die-hards will play their game again and rebrand; like always.

    • rhywun


      • rhywun

        Never considered: should the State be doing any of this?

        I didn’t get to the cringey parts, I bailed early.

      • slumbrew

        The “not socialist enough!” part starts in the ‘The Progressive Doom Loop’ section.

  28. DrOtto

    Gavin Newsom’s wife fucked Alvin Bragg? Oh, you mean the other fucking scumbag in the article.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Gavin Newsom’s wife fucked Alvin Bragg? Oh, you mean the other fucking scumbag in the article.

    If she’ll fuck that greasy weasel Newsom she’ll fuck anybody.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    I watched Trading Places last night. I don’t think I had ever seen it from beginning to end before. Good movie. Jamie Lee Curtis had lovely breasts back then.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      My cousin and I managed to trick my prim and proper grandmother into taking us to that movie when it was in theaters back in the day. We lost her at the guy in the gorilla costume getting penetrated scene but she let us stay and finish it.

      • Nephilium

        Many, many years ago… when I was a pre-teen youth, me and a friend walked up to the close second run movie theater. They had only two screens, so choices were limited. We wanted to see Coming to America, which was rated R, and the person selling tickets wouldn’t sell us tickets to that movie. Since we had walked up, they kindly offered to sell us tickets to the other rated R movie that was playing… A Fish Called Wanda.

  31. Sensei

    This is my train line. I’ve read several other articles and none really describe the “freak accident”. However, I can give daily examples of people with their head down, earphones on and completely obvious walking well into the yellow caution area right up to the edge of the train tracks. I’ve never understood it.

    Funny how all the local press seem quite interested in GoFundMe and her admittedly amazing efforts to save herself, but have little interest in examining in more detail the accident.

    New Jersey woman loses leg in train accident, then pulls herself off tracks: ‘She’s unbelievable’

    • Ted S.

      This is my train line.

      Are you in the line to pitch, or are you catching?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    You’re just not narrativing hard enough

    Prominent Black officials are warning the Biden campaign that the president’s efforts to keep Black voters firmly and enthusiastically in his electoral coalition aren’t working — and that time is running out to get his message across.

    The publicly voiced concern from these Black Democrats isn’t that the White House lacks policy achievements — it’s that Black voters aren’t hearing about them. Worse, they fear that the Biden campaign has not fully grasped the severity of the information gap at hand, particularly in key battleground states.

    “I’m in a battleground state. I know what has and hasn’t been done. I felt a level of disconnection earlier on the message, on the messengers and on mobilization,” said Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.), the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. He said he has brought this issue directly to the campaign.

    I wonder if it has ever occurred to these people that the things which are most important to them (as race obsessed hard left politicians) don’t mean anything to actual human beings.

    • rhywun

      This is one of the stupidest narratives I’ve ever heard. But it fits with the way Dems treat blacks like children.

      • Ownbestenemy

        But it fits with the way Dems treat blacks like children.

        You are very kind to use the word children here.

    • Pine_Tree

      “They’re need to stop paying so much attention to reality and how it’s touching their everyday lives, and instead listen to us!”

    • juris imprudent

      Ya’ll get yo asses back on this plantation before real trouble starts, ya’hear?

  33. The Late P Brooks

    According to the google nooz, the “groups” Biden needs most desperately, black and young voters, are deserting him in droves. Experts are baffled.

    • kinnath

      Not to worry. Tens of millions of middle-aged white men will register to vote (day of election) and will vote for Biden (and no one else on the ticket). Thus, Joe will be saved.

      Just like the last election.

      • juris imprudent

        middle-aged white men

        Sir, I will have you know that the dead come from ALL demographic groups.

      • kinnath

        I actually read a “serious” election analysis after the 2020 election that said middle-aged white men who were voting for the first time in their lives pushed Biden over the top to victory.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Black Democratic operatives in the field say their research shows that the information gap problem Biden faces is severe, and that it’s causing a dip in enthusiasm. In a recent North Carolina focus group of Black voters conducted by BlackPAC, those who backed Biden in 2020 said they felt the promises he made to their community hadn’t come to fruition.


    “It is that distinction between the MSNBC crowd and getting their political information from social media sources,” said Cornell Belcher, who has conducted the focus groups for BlackPAC and was President Barack Obama’s pollster. “That’s really the big difference. If they are watching Joy Reid, they know Biden’s accomplishments. If they are spending time in the Shade Room or a dozen other social media news sites, [they] never hear that Biden used an executive order to ban chokeholds in federal office.”

    This should be of real importance to a group of people who are congenital criminals.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Like white folks they also need jobs and money. How else are they going to be able to buy their grape Fanta and Newports?

      • slumbrew

        (Don’t mention the menthol cigarette ban)

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        (or the soda ban)

    • rhywun

      If they are watching Joy Reid, they know Biden’s accomplishments.


      • slumbrew

        JFC, I missed that.

        *narrator* they are not, in fact, watching Joy Reid.

      • juris imprudent

        Joy Reid, the black women for AWFLs.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    For some reason, “an electric car in every driveway” doesn’t seem to be a winning strategy among black voters. Who could have foreseen that?

    • Ted S.

      But is it a winning strategy among Black voters?

  36. Muzzled Woodchipper

    The MLB has pulled the ultimate Woke move, and OFFICIALLY combined stats with the MLB and Negro Leagues, along with resetting the record books.

    After 150 years of meticulous stat keeping, Ty Cobb is no longer the lifetime BA leader, but Josh Gibson is. Babe Ruth is no longer the lifetime OPS and slugging leader, but Josh Gibson is.

    Of course Josh Gibson unjustly never played in the MLB for any length of time, and had fewer At Bats than Ty Cobb had hits (by more than 2000), but MLB decided to smoosh 2 sets of stats together as one. Of course one of those sets has been meticulously kept and standardized over 150 years, while the other set…wasn’t. Negro Leagues had no standardization of stats. They’re spotty, unverified, and riddled with inconsistencies, even when other concurrent leagues like the Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Japanese leagues kept verified stats.

    Like calling a man a woman, the MLB is telling a massive lie, and expecting everyone to swallow and repeat it.

    • kinnath

      magical negroes taking all the top spots.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s become amusing to see the various sports leagues shoot themselves in the fucking foot. That’s not going to get new people to watch the dying game of baseball, it’ll just drive away current fans.

      • juris imprudent

        The game that was literally the most tradition-oriented of all sports in this country.

    • slumbrew

      That’ll turn around MLB’s declining fortunes!

      • juris imprudent

        So explain to me how the player salaries just keep going up? Even the average (or median) hasn’t dipped yet.

      • slumbrew


        Not like their books are open but I suspect they still do just fine on ticket sales and merch.

        But declining viewership will eventually catch up. For now they may just be the best damn buggy whip manufacturers you’ve ever seen.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Just asterisk every record now.

    • Ted S.

      Whites only have gaudy stats because they had limited competition what with no blacks.

      Blacks, on the other hand….

  37. The Late P Brooks

    But time is running low in order to earn those votes. And there are a lot of votes to earn. An April Wall Street Journal poll of seven swing states found that 30 percent of Black men were either “definitely or probably going to vote” for former President Donald Trump — a jump from the 12 percent of Black men who supported Trump nationwide in 2020. Those numbers haven’t just alarmed party officials, they’ve confounded them.

    “This is blasphemy for me, as an Obama guy, I would argue, he’s got a better story to tell,” said Belcher. “[But], they are running out of time? If you say to me, Cornell, what worries you most? They have a shorter runway than they think.”

    Stupid voters. Just check the box you’re told to check. Let us do the thinking.

    • ron73440

      On his radio show today, Steve Harvey challenged any black Trump supporter to leave a voicemail telling him how Trump helped blacks and Harvey would refute it using facts and logic.

      He said he would play at least 4 sometime next week.

      Why do I think he’ll choose the dumbest possible ones to “refute using facts and logic”?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I’d imagine it’ll be the dregs: if Clarance Thomas, Ben Carson, and L’il Wayne were to take the bait you just know which message he’d pick.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Confounded; usually used to express anger or annoyance. Nice choice of word use there. How dare you step out on us!

  38. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I’m continually surprised by The Lump

  39. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    They/them has been here for a few days. I feel like shim needs a name

  40. Ownbestenemy

    I wonder how much seething is happening that deliberations are still ongoing.

    • UnCivilServant

      “How dare they not just declare him guilty already!”

      The longer it goes, the more I’m betting “Hung Jury”

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If we don’t get a verdict by 1330 tomorrow a hung jury is a very good bet.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Eh, that all depends on how strong/weak the foreman is IMO. Strong and willing to bully, they will sway people that don’t want to turn out to be the bad guy/girl.

    • cavalier973

      I heard the judge is planning to kick the Trump guy off the jury and stick one of the alternates in there

      • Sean

        I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

      • kinnath

        Hung jury means another trial to keep Trump locked down in NY through the summer.

        Best case scenario is a guilty verdict around Labor Day. Any appeals would drag out after the election.

    • cavalier973

      WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the National Rifle Association can pursue a claim that a New York state official’s efforts to encourage companies to end ties with the gun rights group constituted unlawful coercion.

      The justices unanimously found that the NRA can move forward with arguments that its free speech rights under the Constitution’s First Amendment were violated by the actions of Maria Vullo, the then-superintendent of the New York state Department of Financial Services.

    • Sensei

      Enjoy as your DMV does its best to deny registration! Although there are at least a few states that decided not to play.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It makes me see red. Especially since WA has zero issues.

        Our DMV administrator has a personal grudge for some reason and has been colluding with other states to enact kei bans. RI or one of the other seaboard states is yanking previously issues registrations now.

        Meanwhile TX did a 180 and is allowing them now.

  41. Ownbestenemy

    MSM finally realizes that the United States has a Congress who make laws and wants you all to know it isn’t Biden or Trump who screwed up immigration, its them! /sweeps thousands of EOs under rugs and selective enforcement of said laws tossed into the circular filing cabinet.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Might could

    Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have already predicted that this hurricane season could see between 17 to 25 named storms. And eight to 13 of these could turn into hurricanes, while four to seven could be major cyclones, NOAA reports. This means it could be a record-breaking year.

    In a statement, forecasters said this record-breaking year is down to a “perfect storm” of La Niña conditions and extremely warm ocean temperatures. Less wind shear and less trade winds in the Atlantic will also contribute to this.

    Ben Kirtman, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, said in a statement that it could be “the most active of all time.”

    According to our model, the end is nigh.

    • Grumbletarian

      The sea level could rise by as much as ten trillion miles, some experts say.

  43. Sensei

    Paywalled NYT

    Home Insurance Is Clobbering Consumers. Yet It’s Barely Counted in Inflation.

    The Consumer Price Index, which is the first of the two major inflation indexes released each month, uses only renter’s insurance when it calculates housing insurance costs. Structure insurance is excluded. That’s because government economists treat homes partly as financial investments, and count much of the spending related to them as further investment rather than consumption.

    The Personal Consumption Expenditures index, which is the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge, does measure property insurance but gives it only a tiny weight in the basket of goods and services that people consume.

    • kinnath

      My insurance bill (combined home and vehicles) is up 50% over 4 years ago.

      There have been multiple stories in the local papers about insurance companies bailing out of Iowa. It is scary.

    • Nephilium

      Looks like there’s some push going on about home insurance, saw quite a few articles pop up in my feed about home insurance over the past week.

  44. Pope Jimbo

    Bee people are weird (and could probably mix in a few salads).

  45. Pope Jimbo

    TOK got your email about this weekend’s tourney. I have to get a few things figured out, then I’ll let you know what my schedule will be. Looking forward to seeing you. Don’t believe the hype, it is not snowing

    During the broadcast, Barkley said Mavs head coach Jason Kidd should show his team a picture of the conditions in Minnesota and say: “Y’all don’t want to go back to this, do ya?”

    “It’s snowing in Minnesota,” he added, referencing something he’d seen on social media.
    What? While Tuesday wasn’t exactly the nicest of days – low-60s with rain showers throughout the day – we can’t recall seeing snow.
    Ah, that would be the cottonwood fluff blowing in across Target Field during the Twins-Royals game, something which fellow TNT analyst Kenny Smith pointed out during the postgame segment.

  46. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. I can’t even…

    Our so-called sportzball expert Sloopy missed the biggest sports news of the century! Because he’s a knuckle dragging misogynist. (probably racist and climate denier too).

    Minnesota’s Professional Women’s Hockey League team made history last night, winning the first-ever PWHL championship. They beat Boston 3-0 to win the league’s championship trophy: the Walter Cup.
    By the start of the game at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Minneapolis women’s sports bar A Bar of Their Own was packed to capacity. Fans were being turned away at the door, as patrons inside, wearing purple hockey jerseys and sweatshirts, waited for the puck to drop in Game 5 of the five-game championship series between Minnesota and Boston.
    Emily Pauly from Eagan cheered on Minnesota, wearing a PWHL jacket. Pauly grew up a hockey fan.
    “My dad brought me up going to Wild games and like, loved watching games. And then like, this started and I was like, oh my god, this is amazing. And yeah, it was just been so great to see so many girls finally get the opportunity to like, see their dreams come true,” Pauly said.
    Pauly, who never played the sport, says this team changed their life.
    “I went to their pride game and Twin Cities Queer Hockey Association was sponsoring it. And I was like, ‘Oh, my God, I could play hockey, like, all my friends had.’ I never thought about playing and I’m gonna be starting with their league in June because of this team,” Pauly said.

    • cavalier973

      “The WalterCup”?

      Why a guy’s name?

    • slumbrew

      I’m confused – she didn’t realize until this league was formed that woman can play ice hockey too?

      I still haven’t decided if forgoing team names in favor of just their location is brilliant or stupid.

      Although Minnesota is the only state name – the rest are cities.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    Purple prose

    On Wednesday, Justice Samuel Alito released a letter dismissing concerns over the New York Times’ reports of insurrectionist flags flying outside his homes. Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse had sought to have Alito recused from any Jan 6.–related cases because of these flags, but the justice has now spurned their requests. His statement, filed on Supreme Court letterhead and overflowing with Alito’s trademark aggrievement, is best interpreted as either an unreconstructed piece of lawless trolling or a meditation on the nature of female autonomy. It will at least clear up one thing: The justice has not been chastened by recent events and will carry forward his nihilistic attitude into the explosive final weeks of this term.

    Alito stands accused of flying two controversial flags. The first was an upside-down American flag at the justice’s Virginia house, flown in the days after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, as the court was considering major election-related cases. The second was an “Appeal to Heaven” flag seen last summer over his New Jersey beach house. Both symbols are connected to movements that supported the insurrection, along with authoritarianism and religious extremism. Durbin and Whitehouse, along with a group of Democratic representatives, believe that this apparent support for insurrectionist-flavored ideas requires him to step aside from the term’s Jan. 6 cases.


    Then, the feminism. This is the stuff only the fan of a 17th-century witch-sentencing, marital rape–condoning jurist could conjure up. “My Wife Is Fond of Flying Flags” is the new Helen Reddy, the new bra burning, the new pink pussy hat. As Alito tells it, because Mrs. Alito jointly owns the marital home, she has the “legal right to use the property as she sees fit.” Alito, indeed no pushover on the bench, insists: “I asked my wife to take it down, but for several days, she refused.” So, in fact, the inverted flag was really just the result of women claiming a right to own property with their husbands. As Sir Matthew Hale might have said—once he took a break from the witch burning and the marital-rape justifying—the minute we let women own property, we were doomed to see them perform political bias for all the world to see. Nothing a husband can do about it but complain when people take notice!

    But there’s more. So very, very much more. Enough to merit a stamp of approval from Donald Trump himself. The justice’s wife “possesses the same First Amendment rights as every other American.” Plus, she is an “independently minded” person who “makes her own decisions,” Alito writes, “and I have always respected her right to do so.” He hits that point again later, elaborating that Martha-Ann “makes her own decisions, and I honor her right to do so.”

    Oh, such lurid outrage. The man is a fiend in human form. He “permits” his wife to think for herself?

    • kinnath

      If the wife had be flying a rainbow flag, the left would be celebrating her spunk and independence.

      • slumbrew

        100% true.

    • cavalier973

      “Marital rape”.

      I guess that’s a real thing, but it seems to me both partners have given a permanent “yes” to the other, in front of God and everyone.

      • kinnath

        Shocking as is seems, the marriage vow to forsake all others is not an actual commitment to have sex on demand for the rest of your life.

      • cavalier973

        Well, yeah; she has to have time to make me a sandwich every now and then.

        I get it.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I’m waiting for the Democrats to say that if Alito can’t control his woman then he has no place on the Supreme Court.

  48. cavalier973

    The senator texted his then-girlfriend, Nadine Arslanian, who is now his wife, information on how many Americans and Egyptians worked at the embassy the morning after the Senate staffer requested it. She later texted that information to Wael “Will” Hana, a New Jersey businessperson with ties to the Egyptian government and a co-defendant accused of offering bribes to Menendez. Hana then sent it to Ahmed Essam, an employee for the Egyptian government.


    Is that, like, the petty, cantankerous version of Lewis’s Aslan?

  49. Sensei

    Ruby quickly found the leak and noted two ranking features that stuck out to her: “isElectionAuthority” and “isCovidLocalAuthority.” These features seem to be Google’s way of ranking a web page’s credibility for providing proper information about elections and COVID-19, respectively.

    Leaked Documents Reveal How Google Search Gatekeeps the Internet

    TW –

    • Ownbestenemy

      PRIVATE COMPANY!!!!! /pay no attention to how those ranks were determined

    • juris imprudent

      I see no mention of a dissent, just two concurrences. Was it really 9-0?

      • Sensei

        It wasn’t clear. But you’ve got both wings each writing a concurrence.

      • Sensei

        It doesn’t say 9-0, but does say “unanimous”.

      • juris imprudent

        I missed the “unanimous” because I was looking for the split count.