Out Of Gear

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Literature | 139 comments

Up on the left, the lighted gate

Its top red globe forced you to wait

You sit and idle out of gear

Glancing right to see me there

Motorcycle thick and low

Caught again by traffic’s flow

To your right my truck’s left door

Did you not pass me before?

Here we are, my two-wheeled friend

I looks like we do meet again

A thoughtful path and steady pace

Somehow was even to your race

In and out and left and right

Splitting lanes and pass and spite

You knew the way and were so cool

And suffered cars and suffered fools

Helmet free and wind in hair

Chromed horse you ride without a care

In our traffic played your game

But now we sit again the same

Here you wait, here you’re caught

What little that your struggle bought

All I think as I arrive

Is I’m so happy you’re alive

A sweet and tender, thoughtful girl

Inhaled the whole entire world

Grateful I saw and turned the wheel

She sits beside me shaking still

You never knew and still don’t know

How rearview mirror caught your show

You leapt beside and took a place

And then jumpt where there wasn’t space

So soft your flesh without a plan

Heaven help you’re just a man

You steered ‘to a neighbor today

And I made sure you got away

Lucky that I saw in time

Had the room and could be kind

You survived your fatal flaw

And squirmed right past Murphy’s Law

Is he out there driving ‘round

Who saw the younger me a clown

And is the only one to know

How he had saved me years ago.

PS: I have no idea how to use the new editor……obviously.

About The Author

Don escaped Texas

Don escaped Texas

all my exes live in Texas


  1. UnCivilServant

    If you find a rhyming plant, is it a poet tree?

    • juris imprudent

      Held aloft a lighter and said I am bic.

      • UnCivilServant

        Thought I had a pressure issue, but it was just a pent up meter.

    • ron73440

      Inigo Montoya:That Vizzini, he can fuss.

      Fezzik:Fuss, fuss… I think he like to scream at us.

      Inigo Montoya:Probably he means no harm.

      Fezzik:He’s really very short on charm. 

      Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme. 

      Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time. 

      Vizzini: Enough of that. 

      Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead? 

      Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead. 

      Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it. 

      Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut? 

      Vizzini: DYEEAAHHHHHH.”

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Out of gear? That’s when you get on the limiter before your braking point.

    Well done.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    I was never brave/dumb enough to split lanes. My faith in the predictability of other people’s behavior is not sufficient.

    • Gustave Lytton

      It’s totally safer for everyone! And decreases traffic congestion!

      • Sensei

        Do you have a newsletter?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Lane splitting is safer, it just scares teh piss out of people who don’t expect it. The biggest issue with it comes down to the US isn’t a motorcycle heavy culture, unlike much of Europe.

        Also, if you have an air cooled bike, it will keep it cooler and prevent the engine seizing

    • KSuellington

      Lane splitting is safer for the motorcyclist when done correctly and in the right situation. That would generally be when traffic has come to a complete stop or is almost at a stop. When I come to a line of cars stopped for a red light I am splitting every single time and getting to the front of that line.

      • UnCivilServant

        That makes me want to run you over – NO CUTTING IN LINE!

      • Tundra

        I suppose you block people to prevent a zipper merge, too?

      • UnCivilServant

        you’re supposed to alternate lanes in the suicide merge zone to avoid that problem.

        Better yet, city planners need to stop using the suicide merge.

      • Suthenboy

        Safe until someone opens thier door to stand up and see what is holding up traffic.

      • KSuellington

        I’m doing it almost exclusively when traffic is completely stopped or 5 miles or under being hyper aware that at any second a car could switch lanes (or even stupider) open their door for some reason. To me that risk is safer than being a sitting duck at the end of the line waiting for someone to plow into my back cause they were not paying attention to the stopped traffic.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Once lane splitting becomes normalized, it doesn’t stop in a few cases, bikers do it whenever they feel like. Who cares about the unpredictability of a fast moving vehicle in a space where a lane does not exist? Cars never change lanes. Then it’s I feel like passing on city streets on the dividing line. Just like allowing bicycles to do Idaho stops, it’s about getting rid of traffic rules in favor of keeping everyone guessing like CommieTowns and their idiotic Top.Men traffic plannin.

      • DrOtto

        Having been rear-ended by a Lincoln Town Car back in Houston in the ’90s on my bike (and being yelled at by the driver like I had done something wrong) and having been forced to either lane split at the last second or get rear-ended several other times, I agree. I quit riding when my first child was born. I have borrowed a ride here and there in the interim, but don’t know if I trust my life to my fellow motorists anymore to get another bike. People have only gotten worse at driving.

    • Mojeaux

      I split lanes all the time, although, kinda like KSue, I would generally leave it for slowing traffic and stoplight conditions.

      Unless I was late for work. And then, it was on like Donkey Kong.

  4. Tundra

    Nice job, Don. I have had so many “oh shit” moments with lunatic bikers.

    • UnCivilServant

      I still wonder if being on two wheels makes people insane. Just from the behavior I witness.

      • Fourscore

        Folks see me limping think I’m an ex-motorcyclist. Not me but seems to go with the territory.

      • The Gunslinger

        I don’t think it’s limited to 2 wheels. Most drivers on 4 wheels turn insane the instant they start moving.

    • The Other Kevin

      I can’t count how many times I was driving home from practice in Chicago at 11pm, going 70mph, and as I went to change lanes I heard a crotch rocket come out of nowhere and blow right past me in the lane I was just turning into. Scares the hell out of me every time.

      • Nephilium

        Just last week I saw someone riding one of the electric motorcycles (I didn’t catch the branding as it went by). No sound at all, which seems even MORE dangerous when it’s on a motorcycle than a car.

    • ron73440

      I always appreciate it when a motorcyclist shows me that they are willing to die to get through slower cars.

      Let’s me know to keep an eye on them.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    People, man…

    “I thought, ‘what can I do to honor the truth? What can I possibly do?’” Neglia said. “And then I saw the bandage and I thought, I can do that. So, I put it on simply to honor Trump and to express sympathy with him and unity with him.”

    Neglia also told CBS News on Tuesday that the fake bandages were fast becoming “the newest fashion trend” at the RNC. “Everybody in the world’s going to be wearing these pretty soon,” he said. “I’m setting new fashion ground here.”

    Does this mean the Democrats will dust off their masks, to honor Biden?

    • The Other Kevin

      A lot of them have been talking gibberish and drooling for some time now.

      • slumbrew
      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.
      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.
    • slumbrew

      WTF is wrong with people?

      (Not you people. Not most of you people, anyway.)

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Just last week I saw someone riding one of the electric motorcycles (I didn’t catch the branding as it went by). No sound at all, which seems even MORE dangerous when it’s on a motorcycle than a car.


    • R.J.

      Oh, OK.
      Pull my finger. I’ll show you loud pipes.

  7. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Here we are, my two-wheeled friend

    I looks like we do meet again”

    I started reading this to the tune of Sound of Silence after this line.

    • Don escaped Texas

      hmmm….maybe a better meter: I’ll try it some time

  8. KSuellington

    Makes me want to ride. I just got a new machine. I’m starting my adventure of off road motorcycling, although really it is a dual sport so I’ll be riding on city streets as well. The goal is the Continental Divide Trail, traveling by motorcycle almost completely off road from Canada to Mexico. Think I can work up to that in a few years time. There is also a series of trails from coast to coast, the Trans America Trail that would be incredible. There is so much good riding out there. Stay safe on two wheels or four!


    • Tundra

      Dual sports are cool. Neighbor rides a BMW and his wife has a Royal Enfield. They are out on adventures every weekend.

      I don’t think bikes are for me, though – I feel better with four wheels and more steel!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Not happy with the four wheel soda can.

      • slumbrew

        The Urals are pretty cool – be a nice way to bring the pup along.

      • Tundra

        The Urals are awesome looking. I saw one in Leadville the other day in that batteship gray. Very badass.

      • KSuellington

        I really want one of the Huskys or KTMs, but I think the Honda 300 is a good mellow start point. I have a fair bit of street riding experience as I’ve had a Honda 70’s cafe racer for a long time, but like bikes, I’m now more into doing stuff off road than on.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The Continental Divide Trail looks like an awesome adventure. I’ve watched a lot of videos of people doing the cycling equivalent, the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, by bicycle. More than I’d want to do, but still pretty cool.

      A retirement idea I’ve been batting around is getting a place in Montana where the north-south route intersects with the east-west bike route and opening up a place for riders to stay, but Montana winters aren’t appealing to me.

      • KSuellington

        This plan has grown out of a plan with myself and a friend to do the Great Divide on bikes in 2030. I have come to the realization that I’m never going to have 7-8 weeks to do that anytime soon. 2 weeks or so to do it on a motorcycle I can see happening before I’m retired.

        I frigging love that retirement plan. Where is the nearest towns that intersect? You can close it down for winter as there won’t be any riders anyway. Spend a couple months a year in warmer climes.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I think the trails intersect somewhere near Butte.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      My brother had a R1200GS for a while. He liked it, but really liked his KTM 660.

      Me? Never was a dirty rider, but I did like busting out an SX500 from time to time.

  9. DEG

    Is he out there driving ‘round

    Who saw the younger me a clown

    And is the only one to know

    How he had saved me years ago.

    A recent encounter reminded you of your younger self?

    • Don escaped Texas

      I’m too busy trying to forget the stupid things I did yesterday to worry about last year

      but that bit was more stolen from Wilde: turn things on their head…and: what beats self-deprecation!

  10. The Late P Brooks

    If those Trumpistas were really devoted, they’d take a hole punch to their ears.

    • Gender Traitor

      They don’t want to look like Starbucks baristas.

    • Urthona

      Man that is creepy.

      I hope Biden supporters don’t start shuffling around muttering to themselves to emulate Biden.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Start that rumor on 4chan and see how long it takes for the media to report it as news.

      • KSuellington

        Awesome, the one great thing about that area is it has not been as overrun by those damn Californians as Missoula, Kalispell and Bozeman. I’m highly in favor of your plan!

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Pierced ears are a sign of white supremacy, just like the “OK” hand gesture. Pass it on.

      • Gender Traitor

        ::puts hair up in high ponytail, the better to display triple-pierced lobes (NO holes in cartilage!)::

      • UnCivilServant

        NO holes in cartilage!

        If it’s not through solid bone, you’re a poser. 😛

      • Gender Traitor

        ::strikes a pose::

  11. The Late P Brooks

    They don’t want to look like Starbucks baristas.




  12. Sensei

    Every major MSM outlet is now running some variation of “Biden is more receptive to stepping aside”.

    • Tundra

      The dems sure have a terrific ground game, don’t they? Really amazing.

      • Sensei

        Just photoshop a N95 mask on that video and pretend it’s Biden.

    • DEG

      Last Friday (before the Trump assassination attempt) I was at FreedomFest at a luncheon with Steve Forbes. He had an update on his education initiative and took questions. One of the questions was asking him about his thoughts on the presidential election.

      On Biden, he said: Jill Biden is running the show. The Biden camp is digging in its heels. But… Biden is out. The question is when and who replaces him.

      Forbes thinks Kamala Harris will replace him. Forbes said that if you see news stories along the lines of “Kamala Harris is better than we thought!” then you know the fix is in.

      • KSuellington

        I’ve been calling a Kamalamadingdong entry for the past month or so. I thought the Trump assassination attempt might cool that idea down, but it looks like it is only a matter of time now. I expect it to be announced in the coming weeks. It’s going to be a better thing for her to lose to Trump than Biden as it is going to really hammer the Dems and their DEI religion.

      • Nephilium

        Forbes thinks Kamala Harris will replace him. Forbes said that if you see news stories along the lines of “Kamala Harris is better than we thought!” then you know the fix is in.

        I’ve seen several stories talking about how Harris is polling better against Trump than Biden, and how she can win.

      • DEG

        Sensei, this was last Friday. For last Friday, that graph you link had the chance at 51% Biden drops out and on a downward trend. The upward trend starts yesterday.

      • Fatty Bolger

        “On Biden, he said: Jill Biden is running the show. The Biden camp is digging in its heels.”

        I was just explaining that to my wife the other day. The plan was always to replace him at some point, even Joe suggested he’d only be a one term president, but they didn’t count on Dr. President Jill not wanting to relinquish power.

      • Compelled Speechless

        “Forbes thinks Kamala Harris will replace him. Forbes said that if you see news stories along the lines of “Kamala Harris is better than we thought!” then you know the fix is in.”

        I assume there’s going to be emergency primaries and caucuses setup in every state to allow for all registered members of the democratic party to select who the replacement will be. I’ve been repeatedly assured that nothing is more important than the people being able to express themselves and choose their leaderships through the sacred right to vote.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Dear Lord I hope she is the candidate…more of this please!

      • R C Dean

        “I’ve seen several stories talking about how Harris is polling better against Trump than Biden”

        I’ve seen polls going the other way.

        Kamala’s biggest problem is her personality. And her lack of intelligence. And that cackle. And . . .

        Alright, I’ll come in again . . . .

      • Sean

        @ OBE

        O M G

    • Drake

      They have to swap him out for a candidate who polls within the margin of fraud.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        President Cackles it is then.

    • Gender Traitor

      The question to me is whether Joe just drops out of the race or resigns outright.

      I have money riding on this.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hmm, I would think it would benefit Harris more if he resigns rather than stay in and she takes the helm of the campaign. Resigning will give a treasure trove of weekly ‘visits’ to the former brave president who for the love of Democracy, like Washington himself, handed the reigns freely.

        Money for me is on he completes the term…unless this weekend says otherwise with news he has dementia.

      • Drake

        Depends on how many Biden family members would get pardons.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Every major MSM outlet is now running some variation of “Biden is more receptive to stepping aside”.

    For the good of the country. He’s a tragic hero.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Makes me want to ride.

    Those days are long gone. I bought a dead two cylinder Yamaha XS 650 (kind of a Brit bike knockoff), and made a mild cafe racer out of it. When I started riding it, I found I just wasn’t into it anymore. It was great fun to go for a blast down the Paradise Valley, but there was one particular spot, where you turned left off the main road… if I had to stop for oncoming traffic all I could think about was somebody in a big pickup pulling a horse trailer running right over me.

    • Mojeaux

      Makes me want to ride.

      Those days are long gone.


      • KSuellington

        If you ever want to check it out this chick has some great riding videos. She has travelled solo on a CRF300 Rally literally across the planet. Mad props to her. Here is her getting to the top of Alaska from a ride that started in Patagonia.

      • slumbrew

        Wow, 3 years from Patagonia to Alaska.

  15. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    +1 ‘watch for bikers’ bumper sticker

  16. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    I thought this was going to be about body building.

    • Mojeaux

      When I was 19, my dream daily driver was a Honda Prelude. They looked so slick then and they look so dated now.

      I ended up with a Honda eventually, but it was a CRX (flat-butt hatchback).

      • Sean

        I had an 86 and an 87 Z24. Both in blue. So they hold a soft spot in my heart for that boxy styling.

        The ’86 was the cliche little old lady driven. The thing was mint, until someone stole it. 🙁

      • Drake

        I had an ’88 Prelude Si with a manual trans. I loved that car.

    • Sensei

      Not a chance.

    • DrOtto

      That price is within spitting distance of the ZR-1 I bought 2 years ago in my avatar.

  17. The Late P Brooks



    It’s not even a Vega.

  18. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Its top red globe forced you to wait

    You sit and idle out of gear

    NEVER out of gear at a stop light. I want to have a means of escape when the clueless cager comes screaming behind me.

    Riding a motorcycle has made me a better driver in general.

    /looks at the three motorcycles in the shed that haven’t been ridden yet this year

    • Sensei

      Yes. I also recommend the basic rider MSF course.

      I don’t ride anymore, but when turning left at a traffic light still use the car on my right as a shield.

    • DrOtto

      Yep, I argue that everyone should have to ride a cycle for a year. If they survive that year, they then have to pull a trailer for a year. Everyone left after that will be a better driver.

      • kinnath

        I spent a decade riding a bicycle in traffic. That should be good enough.

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re out of your mind. Aside from the semi-truck drivers, the people doing either of those ar ethe worst actors on the road.

      • kinnath

        I tow a trailer on a semi-regular basis.

      • trshmnstr

        I spent a decade riding a bicycle in traffic.

        I lasted a few months. I stopped after coming within inches of becoming a bumper decoration for a Suburban. 3.5 miles of my 5 mile commute were awesome, 1.25 miles were me annoying the drivers on a side road, and the last quarter mile was adrenaline filled chaos. My office had a toll road that curved around it, so there was no getting to work without encountering one of its interchanges.

    • Don escaped Texas

      pure license, not tactical: it rhymed

      in traffic I’m all Be Prepared: I know how I will escape from any situation, moving or still

  19. pistoffnick (370HSSV)


    The company is expanding the parking lot. They hired a company to excavate and install drainage. The excavator tore up the fiber optic connection to the mothership across the runway. Two hundred engineers and technicians are twiddling their thumbs.

    • kinnath

      Call one call before you dig . . . .

    • Gender Traitor


    • Sensei

      Somebody didn’t call (your state’s version) of Dig Safe!

      Although if this is all private that’s not going to apply.

    • UnCivilServant

      Construction vehicles are the natural predators of fiber optic cables.

    • Grummun

      Good thing you’ve got your redundant fiber run through an alternate path.

      • slumbrew

        Entering from the opposite of the property, of course.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Redundant fiber and diverse path? What sorcery is this?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Most fiber loops should be self restoring if a path is cut….that is of its a loop

      • UnCivilServant

        We thought it was a loop, but it turned out to only be a token ring.

      • Nephilium

        One place I worked paid money to get redundancy by having two connections run. Parallel to each other… less than a foot apart.


      • UnCivilServant

        “But it’s an infinity in electon-widths!”

  20. R C Dean

    Sorry, but I just can’t leave this alone – the timeline of the assassination attempt:


    “According to the sources, the timeline presented in the briefing was as follows:

    5:10 p.m. Crooks was first identified as a person of interest
    5:30 p.m. Crooks was spotted with a rangefinder
    5:52 p.m. Crooks was spotted on the roof by Secret Service
    6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage
    6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots

    From the time Crooks fired his first shot to the gunman being killed was just 26 seconds, according to law enforcement officials. Eleven seconds after the first shot, Secret Service counter snipers acquired their target — and 15 seconds after that, Crooks was shot dead.”

    So he was spotted on the roof by the SS 10 minutes before Trump took the stage.

    And it was 26 seconds after he started shooting before the SS snipers got him. 15 seconds of that was . . . what, exactly? I think calling it “just” 26 seconds is pure PR BS. That’s a freaking eternity. 11 seconds to acquire the target seems awfully generous, and then waiting 15 seconds more to perforate him? He could easily have taken a full mag’s worth of aimed shots in 26 seconds. WTF? I thought the snipers were supposed to be pros.

    • Drake

      Mistakes were made, committees will meet.

      I’d like to know:

      1. Who pulled Trump’s regular team?

      2. Who was in charge that day?

      3. Who did the planning and site assessment – and left this gapping hole open?

    • kinnath

      I seem to recall the range qualification test included at least on test where you fired 5 or 10 rounds in 10 seconds.

      There were a couple of tests with mandatory magazine changes in 20 to 30 seconds.

      • kinnath

        That would be the MN non-resident permit to carry.

      • kinnath

        As I recall, you get 30 seconds for 10 rounds with a mandatory mag change. You have to consciously slow down to not waste shots, and you still get down with 10+ seconds left over.

        26 seconds is enormous.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m going to have to file that tactic for later.

    • Fatty Bolger

      That old dog! 🤣

      (It doesn’t look like he was actually about to kiss her, but it’s still funny.)

  21. The Other Kevin

    Russell Brand is still killing it at the RNC. He’s got Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk, and Nigel Farage on at the same time.

    • UnCivilServant

      I thought that was days ago? Shouldn’t they have sent everone home already?

    • Fatty Bolger

      Gosh, who could have foreseen this strange and unexpected development when it was decided there would be a debate in June, well before the convention, instead of the usual late September date?!!