1. Common Tater

    I don’t put much in polls.

    • Not Adahn

      Just the tip?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Red wave this time?

      • R C Dean

        “But, muh ‘bortions!”

      • Rat on a train

        We aren’t truly free until we are free to kill the inconvenient and the poor.

      • SDF-7

        And they find around 90% of us inconvenient….

    • Animal

      I don’t put too much stock in individual polls. But polling averages, like RealClearPolitics put out, can be indicative, especially if you follow them for a while to observe trends. Now I’m not a professional political analyst – oh, wait, I actually am a professional political analyst – but I’ve been watching the RCP average since around the beginning of the year. The battleground state averages have been creeping Trump’s way for a while now, until now when he maintains a narrow – in some cases razor-thin – lead in those states, which is where the Electoral College vote will be decided.

      What happens after yesterday, though? There are, to judge from what I’ve been reading, plenty of people in a white-hot rage over Trump’s conviction, and if that lasts until November, those people will happily crawl through a half-mile of scrap iron and busted glass to vote for Trump.

      Will there be enough of them? That remains to be seen. We’re in an undiscovered country now. But the RCP averages a week from now, or two weeks from now, might be very interesting indeed.

      • Urthona

        And how many casually informed voters will see he’s been gotten felony charges and choose not to?

      • Animal

        That’s kind of my main point – we don’t know.

      • UnCivilServant

        An aggregate poll agregating bad data is still bad data.

      • Animal

        I’m not looking at individual data points. I’m looking at trends. The various polling org’s biases do, to some extent, cancel each other out in the aggregate.

        And until the actual election, that’s what we have to work with. I suspect the polling is undercounting Trump’s support, but I have no way of knowing that, again, until the election.

  2. cavalier973

    That was the campaign song for Homer Stokes.

    Anyway, I suppose if the FBI was dissolved some of its duties would go to the US Marshals?

    • Nephilium

      And here I was expecting this song.

    • Fatty Bolger

      That would probably be an improvement, considering how hard it is now to get the FBI interested in a “mundane” cases that need interstate coordination.

  3. UnCivilServant

    :/ server errors are stopping my comments.

  4. AlexinCT

    As a kid, with my dead stationed overseas, I got to experience banana republic shit first hand. Last night I saw the US basically become a banana republic for real.

    • AlexinCT

      That’s one heck of a typo… My dad is dead, but still…. dead = dad.

    • Suthenboy

      Same here, both as a child and as an adult. Back then things were so different that I was confident it would never happen here…yet here we are. Once the populace got the idea of voting themselves other people’s money it was inevitable.
      Socialism really is a cancer.

      • AlexinCT

        I had a very religious fella – a great guy – tell me he was certain socialism was the devil’s religion. It was based on the greed & lust of the few (the new feudal lords), the envy, sloth, and gluttony of the masses, and the pride and wrath of the unaccountable. It was the great lie that government could replace God and give people heaven on earth. Of course to do so, it would take mountains of corpses to deliver equality of misery. The great winner would be evil.

        I personally believe socialism is just new feudal lords looking for support to overthrow the current ones, by fooling the masses with temporary/false promises of free shit.

      • juris imprudent

        I can argue just as convincingly that socialism is a perfectly logic outcome of the Enlightenment.

      • Suthenboy

        Not being a religious guy my explanation would be a bit different but that does sum it up well from their point of view.
        Of the Xians I have said more than once ” Our morals line up very well. I dont care how they got here, to me it only matters that they are here.”

      • AlexinCT

        I can argue just as convincingly that socialism is a perfectly logic outcome of the Enlightenment.

        I find no cause or qualm with this. as far as I am concerned the belief that the enlightenment was something rand and without flaw is absolutely idiotic. In the end, it all elevated man above all else and basically created the road to hell.

      • juris imprudent

        Funny you say hell, since the whole modern notion of equality is rooted in Protestant theology.

  5. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.
    Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.
    By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.
    Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.
    I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.
    I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.


    • AlexinCT

      While I agree with Shaun that he was wrong on Trump, his claims to be a Russia expert, and yet, his belief that Russia was supporting Trump instead of absolutely not wanting Hillary in 2016, throws me off. He might want to go back and see how Obama and Hillary Clinton fucked over the Russians once their Skolkovo “reset” project backfired because the Russians stole a whole lot of top level military tech IP and made them look like the idiots they are (see the Iran deal, interactions with the Norks, how NATO played them, and so forth for more of the same stupid). Vlad has personal beef with Obama, H. Clinton, and the democrats in general because. Well,… see Ukraine.

      • R C Dean

        What sort of thing would count as the shove, for you?

      • AlexinCT

        I so far have insulated myself from the bullshit, and moving will come at a hefty cost (financially) I currently feel no need to absorb.

        I have taken all the precautions and actions to set me up to move, but I just don’t want to take the high loss, yet. I am just stuck that I make enough money not to be bothered by finances, but not enough to not care about losing a couple of hundred thousand dollars to make the move.

    • WTF

      I heard on the radio this morning some man in the street interviews with New Yorkers. They were bleating about how this great verdict is a vindication of our system of justice and that’s how the justice system is supposed to work, because nobody is above the law.
      I almost vomited in my car.

      • Suthenboy

        ‘Man in the street interviews with New Yorkers’

        I think I see the problem. A divorce really would be preferable but they will never let that happen, will they.

        *Our own NYC Glibs have either left or are pining to.

      • Suthenboy

        I am fairly certain that the results would be about the same for those interviews done on the left coast but for reasons I am unaware of the left coast progs are really their own kind of special stupid.

      • R C Dean

        I think what it showed is nobody is beyond the reach of the regime.

    • juris imprudent

      Hell, I may be coming around to this myself. Not fully convinced because to be honest, I really can’t stand Trump – his pattern of speech, his ego-centricity, and most of all his lack of balls that when he is right, he doesn’t stick to it.

      • WTF

        I wasn’t going to vote or donate at all. But now I’m coming to the idea that the Democrats need to be punished for this bullshit so I should do everything I can to support their opponents.

      • Suthenboy

        That’s how it works JI. As the divide gets wider and the difference more stark even the most reasonable and thoughtful recognize that we really are in the fight of our lives with the devil. The subtle tactics of the past wont work this time. Toss in with the ones best able to defeat the evil. No matter their flaws, and they will have some, they are better than the alternative.

      • Rat on a train

        I may reregister just to cast a fuck-you vote.

      • juris imprudent

        No matter their flaws

        Nope. I won’t overlook flaws, especially major ones. And voting for Trump is still a futile gesture, even if I do it, and even if he wins.

        Because you still have the rest of the whole fucking Republican party to deal with.

      • WTF

        Nope. I won’t overlook flaws, especially major ones. And voting for Trump is still a futile gesture, even if I do it, and even if he wins.

        Because you still have the rest of the whole fucking Republican party to deal with.

        So, what’s your solution, JI? Just lie back and think of England?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        You have done it before, JI. You will do it again.

      • trshmnstr

        So, what’s your solution, JI? Just lie back and think of England?

        Just as a thought experiment, what if there was literally no solution that could be enacted on election day? What if the reality was that sum total of all participants and lurkers here at glibs across all time could choose to universally go vote Trump, vote Biden, vote Kennedy, vote Daffy Duck, or sit at home and the result would change not one iota?

      • Not Adahn

        I have not voted for a Big 2 party candidate for decades, but I did recklessly pre-commit to voting for OMB were he convicted in a bogus trial.

        I will keep my word.

      • juris imprudent

        So, what’s your solution, JI? Just lie back and think of England?

        Nope. Just stop participating in the delusion. We may all still get fucked – but when it does come down to that point, I won’t die without taking some with me.

      • WTF

        Nope. Just stop participating in the delusion. We may all still get fucked – but when it does come down to that point, I won’t die without taking some with me.

        You’re probably right. I guess I still have a bit of a hard time letting go of all hope, but it may finally be time.

  6. AlexinCT

    Trump found guilty in Soviet style show trial

    So now everyone should know that our legal system now reserves the right to find you guilty of whatever they want to in places controlled by democrats if you will not allow them to do whatever the hell they want to do. That’s their democracy for ya..

    • Banjos

      One of many reasons I moved to a red part of a red state.

      • Drake


        If it was not for this pre Break-up / Civil War 2 self-selection mass migration taking place between red and blue states, I think the real estate market would be totally stagnant.

      • R C Dean

        You know who else moved to a red part of a red state?

      • AlexinCT

        I am trying hard to leave myself, but at my age I do not want to switch employer and have to reestablish myself all over, and for some reason my current employer has doubled down on keeping people stuck in this crappy state I live in. The fact that our government at every level is pushing employers to force employees to come into the office so they spend money in urban areas that are now dead, after the Kung Flu scandemic changed the need to go into the office 5 days a week, seems to also affect them letting you move away it seems.

        I guess when push comes to shove, I will take the loss and leave.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I’m so glad I told my employer in April 2021 that if they were so keen on keeping us out of the office for no reason, I was never coming back. At that point we had already been working for a year at home, so what difference, at that point, does it make? To quote a famous person.

    • juris imprudent

      I think the NY proceeding was an insult to Soviet show trials.

    • The Last American Hero

      In the New York criminal justice system, the people are represented by two groups. Those that prosecute actual crimes, and those that prosecute political opponents. These are their stories.

      • SDF-7

        Law & Disorder: Political Intent

  7. SDF-7

    Honestly the one thing I’m surprised about at this point is that for Dem controlled swing states (or even vaguely contested states) like Michigan especially there wasn’t an immediate legislation push that “No convicted felons can be placed on a federal election ballot” or some such. And then let it be dragged out in the courts.

    Morning all.

    • SDF-7

      Oh sure…. that one goes through AFTER I try again without it apparently succeeding. Thanks for making me look like a dummy there, ya tree rats with good PR in the server room!

    • Banjos

      It would get swatted down lighting fast as there is already a supreme court ruling allowing felons to run.

      • SDF-7

        There was also a Supreme Court ruling that juries needed to be unanimous on underlying crimes as I recall reading. Didn’t stop them.

      • R C Dean

        In a justice system, rather than a legal system, this conviction would be expunged on an sua sponte order from SCOTUS enforcing its previous decisions, and Judge Merchan would be required to pay all of Trumpo’s defense costs.

      • AlexinCT

        Any system that allows this level of corruption should be DOA. The fact that you have to be subjected to more of this evil process – at insane costs – to finally get justice, is not a good thing.

        When immoral people are in charge of a system and use government’s ability to plunder money they can then piss away without accountability, nobody without massive wealth will ever have justice.

      • cavalier973

        Eugene Debs, right?

      • Suthenboy

        “When immoral people are in charge…”
        The assumption of the founders is that this will inevitably be the case so the constitution was designed to minimize what is happening now. Due to the envy, greed and sloth of the public being sold on ‘get something done’ and ‘other people’s ‘ money the safeguards have been cast aside.
        Here we are. Yay!

      • WTF

        The assumption of the founders is that this will inevitably be the case so the constitution was designed to minimize what is happening now.

        This is the shit the second amendment was actually intended to address.

      • trshmnstr

        @Suthen – I’m more and more convinced that you’re proceeding from a well meaning but false premise here.

        The constitution may or may not have been designed to slow this stuff down, but we have been in a post-constitutional era for a century. The constitution hasn’t had teeth since Filburn planted some extra crops.

    • Sean

      Wait for all the talking points to be disseminated for the weekend talk shows.

    • SDF-7

      Also a good candidate.

  8. Strange Brew

    “US’ Economic Growth In First Quarter Was Even Worse Than Previously Thought”

    Anyone else noticing a pattern where damn near every major economic indicator is revised downward a few months after being reported? The system is doing everything it can to hold off the “official” recession until after November, but that will also be revised in the future to show it began 1st or 2nd quarter of 2024. When the yield curve finally un-inverts this shit is going to get really ugly.

    • SDF-7

      I think we’ve noticed (and probably commented on it), yeah. And given how many times we’ve gotten “Jackass got us out of Recession!” vs “Useless Party Pres responsible for recession already in effect when they took office!” over the last few decades, I wouldn’t be the least surprise if they do just that.

      But most certainly in the near term and over the last few years — trumpet your “Good news!” on the front page… issue the correction to the numbers on page 32 under Ziggy that no one reads anymore 2 months later, yeah.

      • AlexinCT

        That people still think the government created stats around crime or economics, especially in an election year, won’t be “fortified” to make criminal and stupid team blue look good when things are terrible (the perception of the Obama years was all bullshit because that was by far the worst president of my time, including in this, his third term, hiding behind that old crook FJB), are to be trusted baffles me.

        Look at the trends. It is always high and then lowered – drastically – for team blue WH stooges, and the other way around for team red.

        If the government was not printing and pissing away trillions, we would be in a recession right now.

        And I bristle at people that say this is Joe Biden’s fault. That’s bullshit. Obama’s people are calling the shot for one. And the more important thing is that the problems are caused by team blue (well, uniparty) bullshit politics. Claiming it is Biden’s fault gives the crooks an out.

    • R C Dean

      I think its more like “Is it remotely possible any sentient being hasn’t notice a pattern, etc.”

      • juris imprudent

        Well, you are asking the appropriate question about the vast majority of voters – are they actually sentient?

    • Tonio

      I have been repeatedly assured by the media and the regime that we have the best, strongest economy ever, and that high prices are entirely due to corporate greed.

      • AlexinCT

        The biggest problem we have as a society is that the people in charge have made it verboten to diagnose things correctly (something needed to fix the problem). In fact, they will accuse you of being evil/bad for doing so.

        And it always appeals to life’s losers to blame others for their faults & failures.

    • Suthenboy

      Of course, it is the Obama admin all over again. It’s SOP for this lot.


      This sort of thing has been going on since at least ~2008, The Cathedral(TM) had to make their Lightbringer look like the second coming of FDR.

      • AlexinCT

        After the media successfully convinced so many Americans Obama as a good president – he was one of the worst – they thought they could gaslight people into perpetuity. Then the people voted against Hillary in 2016 in numbers that caught them with their pants down and no plan to “fortify” the results.

        The lesson they learned from that is that they needed to fuck the people for not shutting the fuck up and doing what their credentialled unaccountable elite betters want.

    • trshmnstr

      When the yield curve finally un-inverts this shit is going to get really ugly.

      One of the side effects that caught my attention was how out of wack my bank’s CD rates were. It was half a percent better to do a 6 month no-penalty CD than a traditional 2 year CD. It’s nonsensical.

      • Gender Traitor

        From my limited exposure to this, I believe the bank expects rates to drop and thus wants to persuade you into a shorter time commitment.

      • trshmnstr

        I believe the bank expects rates to drop and thus wants to persuade you into a shorter time commitment.

        Wishful thinking on their part. FedGov can’t get inflation under control, so the rates aren’t coming down anytime soon.

  9. SDF-7

    Honestly the one thing I’m surprised about at this point is that for Dem controlled swing states (or even vaguely contested states) like Michigan especially there wasn’t an immediate legislation push that “No convicted felons can be placed on a federal election ballot” or some such. And then let it be dragged out in the courts.

    Morning all.

    And wow, yeah… the squirrels seem to be on a rampage this morning.

    • Not Adahn

      One of the alphabet agencies is feeling their oats this morning.

      • SDF-7

        Heh… that did cross my mind. “Is the new server setup overstressed because the Khaki Brigade is out in force to watch all the ‘subversive’ sites today, hoping someone will be primed for a Whitmer stratagem?”

        Because if it turns out they aren’t, I’ll be frankly stunned.

      • juris imprudent

        They’ll be stretched too thin, kind of like the “go after parents complaining to school boards” – that’s a fuckton of people and only the NSA’s Utah datacenter has the capacity, and presumably the AI to analyze it ALL.

  10. Certified Public Asshat

    With all of the big news this week, Danica Patrick believing in chemtrails and that the moon landing was fake didn’t get any attention at all.

    • SDF-7

      As long as she’s believing bizarre conspiracy theories — is she believing she’s a decent NASCAR driver again?

      • ron73440

        As long as she’s believing bizarre conspiracy theories — is she believing she’s a decent NASCAR driver again?

        He said she believes bizarre theories, not that she’s crazy.

      • R C Dean

        To be fair, Danica was a decent NASCAR driver. As I recall, she consistently finished in or above the middle of the pack – in the teens in a 40ish car field.

      • WTF

        Danica was what was known as a stroker. She would consistently finish races, but never pushed hard enough to have a chance at winning.

    • Banjos

      I mocked the chem trail people, but now that it has been storming in Texas for what feels like months on end, I’m starting to believe there’s something going down. And the moon landing is obviously fake.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Well, she’s a NASCAR driver, so she believes in the importance of parking lots in round abouts.

  11. Drake

    The memes are flying today.

    • WTF

      I’m getting “HTTP ERROR 404”

  12. Brawndo

    Trump had as good a chance of acquittal in a NYC jury trial as a black man in the Jim Crow South. Never change democrats

    • Rat on a train


  13. juris imprudent

    I like this.

    This presidential election’s defining characteristic is that no one is for Joe Biden. Instead of directly supporting him, Biden’s support comes to him indirectly. Biden is a conduit, a means of channeling support to other priorities: the Democratic Party, the left’s agenda, and of course, opposing Donald Trump. Once this is understood, everything else becomes clear – particularly why Biden is still in the race despite his clear limitations.

  14. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 05/31:
    *19/19 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 05/31:
    *69/69 words (+13 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 7% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 388

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 05/31:
      *19/19 words (+1 bonus word)
      ⏱️ In the top 32% by speed

      I played https://squaredle.com 05/31:
      69/69 words (+38 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 347

  15. juris imprudent

    No staggering revelations here, but a great (if a bit lengthy) view.

    The case has helped shine a light on a sprawling network of government agencies and connected NGOs that critics describe as a censorship industrial complex. That the U.S. government might aggressively clamp down on protected speech, and, certainly at the scale of millions of social media posts, may constitute a recent development. Reporting by RCI and other outlets – including Racket News’ new “Censorship Files” series, and continuing installments of the “Twitter Files” series to which it, Public, and others have contributed – and congressional probes continue to reveal the substantial breadth and depth of contemporary efforts to quell speech that authorities deem dangerous. But the roots of what some have dubbed the censorship industrial complex stretch back decades, born of an alliance between government, business, and academia that Democrat Sen. William Fulbright termed the “military-industrial-academic-complex” – building on President Eisenhower’s formulation – in a 1967 speech.

  16. Q Continuum

    Interesting article.


    He decides to attack libertarianism from the right, but really ends up just attacking the LP (which is admittedly a dumpster fire). That said, it’s kinda clumsy IMO. There are principled arguments in favor of open borders; I don’t happen to agree with them but they’re not of the same variety as Dems’ argument for them which seems to boil down to “import as many poor foreigners as possible because they’ll vote for us”. Further, as distasteful as I find drag queen story hours, if a private organization wants to host one and parents voluntarily take their kids to it, as long as there’s not any outright pornography, I don’t see what the problem is strictly from a libertarian standpoint.

    It really boils down to maximum freedom with associated responsibility; our problems always seem to come from maximum freedom with government coercion shoehorned in as a substitute for personal responsibility.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Dave Smith’s recent podcast episode was a lot of wound licking. Toward the end he told a story about how a guy in a thong came up to him at the convention and wanted to debate him about open borders. Having a superior political philosophy is not enough to be taken seriously.

      • Banjos

        One convention is all it took for Sloopy and I to walk away. It’s a social club not a real party. They have done absolutely nothing to expand liberty.

      • AlexinCT

        One convention is all it took for Sloopy and I to walk away. It’s a social club not a real party. They have done absolutely nothing to expand liberty.

        So much this..

        Libertarianism can’t work when everyone is more concerned with virtue signaling their purity than actually finding common ground to be able to govern. Hence, it’s no better than a social club.

      • Brawndo

        I don’t know how exactly the nominee is chosen in the LP, but having the convention in DC can’t be a good idea, especially for the Mises Caucus who wants to distance itself as much as possible from Cato, Reason, and other beltway libertarians.

      • ron73440

        Remember the Libertarian slogan:

        To set the world free in our lifetime.

      • Rat on a train

        virtue signaling their purity
        It appears more about letting your freak flag fly.

      • Nephilium


        Sounds like me and Mensa. One meeting… that was all that I attended.

    • Winston

      I’ve read quite a few classical liberals from the 19th century. They all took it as a given that a free society required civilized behavior. And they assumed that there was no way Modern Man would do anything barbaric in his zeal to challenge the ideas and norms of the past.

      There is a reason why Mill’s statement in On Liberty that it is not meant to apply to barbarians is usually not brought up. Nor are Herbert Spencer’s tirades about the barbarism of sports, the Salvation Army, Catholicism and deckled edges brought up.

      And check any 19th century English Liberal’s attitude toward India and/or Ireland since it undermines their reputation for being progressive thinkers.

      • Winston


        Of course there’s no guarantee that the particular set of concrete moral rules that emerges in the free, liberal society will be the best set, however defined. There’s not even a guarantee that the free, liberal society will never embrace a concrete morality that damns its denizens to degradation and both spiritual and political enslavement. Of course this terrible fate could happen.

        Here is Don Boudreaux. He supports bourgeois virtues yet he assumes that nothing will happen to undermine it.

    • Not Adahn

      The overwhelming majority of people are religious. Either they believe in a formal religion, or are animists or they believe in an abstract deity which they deny is anthropomorphic and yet has wants and needs, and actions can be good or bad for this deity. This deity’s wants and needs take priority over those of mere mortal humans as with any god/earthly being relationship. Some name this deity “Society.”

      Saying that I as a mere concrete human being have rights superior to the great god Society is an enraging blasphemy.

      • Q Continuum

        Paraphrasing DFW: “You’re going to worship something, so make sure that what you choose will actually enrich your soul and provide a blueprint for a good life or you will truly be condemned to Hell.”

        I choose to be an observant (but unaffiliated*) Jew for just this reason; I need there to be a higher order beyond dipshit humans for my own sanity.

        *though I’ve currently got a Joo-crush on Karaism

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I thought you worshipped bewbs.

  17. Brawndo

    Still not voting for trump. 90% of his campaign has been “look at what they’re doing to me!” I still can’t forgive him for being a bitch about covid (specifically Fauci) and mail in ballots (complaining about it then doing nothing). We’ll see how compromised the RNC is if they say “look we can’t have a *convicted criminal* as our nominee. Better give it to the second place candidate, Nikki Haley. Bombs for everyone!”

    • Banjos

      It would be the death of the party. Trump is the only thing keeping the Republican party alive. There would be no one left to vote for them other than country club, suburban “respectable” type Republicans which are a dying breed. Most of those types became Democrats. Populists are what’s keeping the party afloat.

      • AlexinCT

        I think the old country club republicans see losing as their win. Being second banana, selling favors to big donors, is a cushy job with great perks and a lot less stressful than actually having to govern. The fact that the unwashed plebes want them to win, do the work, and such, pisses them off.

      • Banjos

        Absolutely, but you still need rubes and they would drive the rubes away.

      • EvilSheldon

        Political parties eventually become useless (just look at the Libertarians.) It’s inevitable, and there’s no point in prolonging the process unless you’re the one getting loot out of it.

    • Homple

      It doesn’t matter who you–or anybody else–doesn’t vote for these days.


      There was a libertarian moment but a naked fat guy sat on it.

      • Not Adahn

        “Wash thiiiiiis!”

  18. Common Tater

    “Boston’s woke Democratic mayor Michelle Wu has been labeled ‘tone-deaf’ and ‘unserious’ for her plan to give young children and undocumented citizens the power to vote on the city’s budget.

    During a City Council committee hearing on Tuesday that reviewed her 2025 fiscal budget, Wu announced that the new budgeting voting process is open to the undocumented and children as young as 11 years old.”



    • Certified Public Asshat

      Pizza and chicken nuggets for lunch only.

    • AlexinCT

      When adults would see through your shit and tell you know, you win easily by allowing the kids to vote on if you should have ice cream and candy for every meal of the day.

      • Suthenboy

        So…same as adults?

    • Q Continuum

      “undocumented citizens”

      The temperature in the frog pot gets slightly higher…


        Can I become an undocumented citizen? ‘Cause I’m feeling a bit over-documented these days.

      • slumbrew

        Blank Frankelson

    • WTF

      Is there anything/anyone so stupid/insane that Democrats won’t vote for it?

    • Not Adahn

      I thought “blighty” meant prison?

      • EvilSheldon

        Also, yes.

    • Nephilium

      PS: Why is the color of the car relevant?

      So you can either mock how gauche the color selection is, or talk about how you would pick the exact same color (OMG!).

  19. Pope Jimbo

    TOK Alert!

    He’s coming to Minnesoda to play hockey.

    • Grummun

      I want to know who made that wheelchair. That’s a hell of a chair that can survive running at highway speeds.

  20. Drake

    Did the judge or jury ever say what crime Trump’s actually committed?

    • kinnath

      Running against Brandon.

    • R C Dean

      I don’t believe the prosecutor, the judge or the jury ever specified the required predicate crime. Although the prosecution was allowed to state as a fact that he violated federal election law, and the defense was not allowed to mount a response to that claim. But there were a couple of others that were thrown around, too.

    • Suthenboy

      If they have no one heard them.
      That was the point of the Judges absurd instructions…he used a lot of words to say “There doesnt have to be a crime to find him guilty”

      More important than no underlying crime is that no matter what they said it is there is no way to connect the non-disclosure agreement itself to Trump. Cohen has said over and over that Trump knew nothing about it when it happened, it was all him. He took the initiative to machinate all of it without telling Trump, fixer style.

      The whole thing is beyond a farce. As noted above the soviet system would be insulted if they were compared to this obscene circus.

    • Not Adahn

      NY law says that’s unimportant. Just like he was convicted of fraud without defrauding anyone.

      NYers are so staggeringly corrupt it’s not believable until you move here and see it. I can almost see giving prosecutors the power to bring victimless/crimeless charges as a way of going after criminals who threaten victims into denying that anything happened. But at that point, you’re just the Mafia.

      • Homple

        In America, Beria wouldn’t even have to find the crime. Just show him the man.

    • rhywun

      Not the “underlying crime(s)” which magically convert misdemeanors to (federal?) felonies – because irrelevant.

  21. Cunctator

    Triple whammy.

    Last week my internet was down. Then I experienced a “family emergency”. Then, with that dealt with, comes THE VERDICT. I have to take some time away from politics. All I feel at this point is anger.

    • Nephilium

      Let the rage wash through you, grab a six pack, throw on a classic comedy movie, and laugh while the empire collapses around us. May I suggest Thank You For Smoking?

      • Not Adahn

        “I must not rage.
        Rage is the mind-killer.
        Rage is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
        I will face my rage.
        I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
        And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
        Where the rage has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

      • Nephilium


        Just listen to Peter Puppy.

    • Not Adahn

      When I confronted him, he admitted he had met a female couple online and he’d been ­having regular threesomes with them.

      Dear The Sun, I never thought this would happen to me…

  22. banginglc1

    Heard some commentator on the radio yesterday (before the verdict was in), that either way this benefits Trump. He either could have claimed upon acquittal that it was vindication and obviously political. Or upon conviction, it would fire up those that saw he was convicted of a sham. His point was, either way, Biden does not benefit.

    My first thought was, Biden should pardon Trump. not just of yesterday’s charges, but of anything he “might have done as president” as well. My thought is, he can then claim “The American public know what Trump has done, but what I want is there to be no confusion when I beat him that I am the better candidate”

    I’m thinking it would take some of the wind out of Trump’s newfound momentum. But I haven’t fully fleshed out my thoughts, so I reserve the right to change my mind.

    • Drake

      Cumia was joking about that yesterday. Trump criticizing Sleepy Joe for pardoning convicted felons in a debate would be hilarious.

    • Brawndo

      Were these federal crimes he was convicted of, or state crimes? It’s hard to keep track.

      • R C Dean

        State crimes. The predicate crimes mooted about were, I believe federal crimes (for which, of course, he was never convicted, and which a state court can’t convict).

    • Q Continuum

      I think it does end up helping Trump politically, but who are we kidding? Trump ain’t gonna be president. If they’re willing to do this to try and keep him out, they’re willing to do literally anything.

      • AlexinCT

        I suspect they desperately need to separate him from the secret service protection detail to suicide his ass.

        I am also surprised they have not assigned that diversity hire female that lost it a while back and attacked her supervisor to his detail hoping she would do the work….

    • Suthenboy

      Your analysis is absolutely correct but the hubris on the left will not allow them to see that strategy much less employ it. They think their power has reached the point that they are untouchable.

      Few seemed to notice at the time or remember now when Biden said “I am not worried (about the voters), we have the biggest voter fraud machine in history.”
      That seemed to get memory holed quickly.

      • AlexinCT

        Your analysis is absolutely correct but the hubris on the left will not allow them to see that strategy much less employ it. They think their power has reached the point that they are untouchable.

        I think they thought that was the case after Obama, but before the American people told Clinton to fuck off. Now they are in the “We need to make sure we do not lose power, or we are all going to jail” mode. They know their actions are criminal, and their fight is to prevent the people from finding out and then demanding action.

        A cornered rabid animal…

    • Pine_Tree

      Yeah, “Biden would pardon Trump immediately if he were smart” was my first thought. It would be the biggest single thing he could do to (pretend to) be the better man, more mature, peacemaker, etc. And to put Trump in his debt.

      But he’s not smart enough to play that way.

      • Sean

        Same thoughts here.

        But he’s not smart enough to play that way.

        Nobody on his team is. They just don’t see it.

      • AlexinCT

        But he’s not smart enough to play that way.

        Biden is not calling the shots. Obama’s people are.

        And they can’t do this. Their goal is to keep Trump from being elected by the people that want that because it is an existential threat to them directly to have him expose how inept and corrupt the US unaccounted bureaucracy has become (by wedding itself to the democrat crime syndicate). They are unable to stop doubling down on abuses of power and evil because of that.

        They will end up having to find a way to kill Trump or cancel the elections, because nothing they have done convinces the American people of anything other than Trump is right about them…

    • Ted S.

      Yesterday’s verdict was a NYS crime, so Biden can’t grant a pardon.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    I just want to watch the world burn.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      *Stands next to Brooks, gas cans in each hand*

      • Nephilium

        /brings marshmallows


        Where do you want me to put all this Styrofoam?

      • UnCivilServant

        In the gasoline, obviously.

      • Pope Jimbo

        C’mon! You know that burning gas is terrible for the environment.

        Couldn’t you just get a really big magnifying glass and use it to focus sunlight into a really beam and start your fires that way? I bet you could probably even get a grant (or at the least a tax credit) for using green technology to start your fires.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Did the judge or jury ever say what crime Trump’s actually committed?

    In a thing I linked yesterday about the jury instructions, the judge was quoted as saying they had to unanimously find him guilty of election interference, but I don’t think that is what he was charged with. Who the fuck knows?

    • Q Continuum

      IANAL, but from what I understand, they had to be unanimous that he falsified his books to cover up an underlying crime. HOWEVER, they didn’t need to be unanimous on what said underlying crime was; it could have been a grab bag of three different things. It really was “he’s guilty of something, I just know it!”.

      • AlexinCT

        They just had to believe he committed a crime… Any crime…

        And as was mentioned the biggest crime was that he won against Hillary.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Also not a lawyer, but I thought the “falsified documents” were misdemeanors that become felonies when concealing another crime. The coverup is what did not need to be unanimous?

    • Drake

      That will some interesting appeals.

      • R.J.

        Yes. Any reasonable judge would trash the whole case. But we are talking about NY, so who knows?
        I expect a big Dershowitz roundup shortly.

      • R.J.

        And yes, he dropped a short podcast last night.

  25. R C Dean

    Trying out a new avatar pic. Not sure if it works – the bananas may be too small to really see.

    • R.J.

      I am on a phone, it is definitely small on it. I’ll check on the PC later.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Is that a banana in your avatar or is it just cold in here?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of burn…

    I stumbled across a movie last night called “Wilder Napalm”. I only saw part of it. I definitely want to see it from the beginning. It was weird. Also, I had forgotten how much young Debra Winger looked like a girl I knew (wink wink nudge nudge) in college. What a babe.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    the bananas may be too small to really see.

    Invert it.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    There is a phrase which rattles around in my head: retard glee. Pretty self-explanatory.

    I expect there will be a lot of it on display in the coming days.

    • Sean

      There’s furious focus group testing going on somewhere.

      Stock up on popcorn.

  29. Gustave Lytton

    Saw a Cybertruck for the second time yesterday. Good lord.

    • Nephilium

      The D/Circa in downtown Vegas have a promotion going to “win %someone’s% Cybertruck” and they have it out on the street during the day. It did not seem to be drawing crowds at all.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Not as ugly as the real deal.

    • The Last American Hero

      The problem with it isn’t the appearance, it’s that it’s not actually a truck. It would be nearly worthless hauling around landscaping equipment or dragging materials out to a jobsite. It’s offroad abilities are suspect.

    • Homple

      I’ve seen three Cybertrucks in the last week. Until I saw the third, I couldn’t convince myself that such a thing existed.

  30. The Late P Brooks


    Getting a handle on inflation is proving tricky these days.

    The Fed parses the data in many ways, most recently introducing what has been known as the “super-core” level that looks at services costs excluding food, energy and housing as a way to measure longer-term trends.

    However, policymakers’ expectations that housing inflation will cool this year have been largely thwarted, throwing another wrinkle into the debate.

    Moreover, the Fed’s preference on PCE is a bit arcane, as the public focuses more on the Labor Department’s consumer price index, which has shown much higher trends. CPI inflation ran at 3.4% for the all-items measure in April and 3.6% for core, well above the Fed’s target.

    We just can’t seem to get these numbers to prance and perch like trained circus ponies, no matter how hard we try.

  31. Winston


    I find this praise of Switzerland interesting.

    First Switzerland has to rein in Democracy to some extent to keep the Cantons and language groups happy. Also modern multiculturalism is all about finding new victims groups every few years. This doesn’t fit with Switzerland which is about keeping four languages groups (and no others) happy. Significant changes to that structure will seriously undermine the Swiss system.

    Second doesn’t this require nationalism of some sort? By that I mean the belief that Switzerland is morebthan just a geographical area and that it has a just system worth preserving?

    Three he invokes Jefferson and revolutionary values. Not sure how that works for those that hate Jefferson and the Revolutionaries for slavery and oppressing the Indians.

    • AlexinCT

      Your trying to piss of Swiss?

      And how is your mom? Tell her I said hi.

  32. Sensei

    AP – Israel could have used smaller weapons against Hamas to avoid deaths in Gaza tent fire, experts say

    Captain Hindsight

    • Not Adahn

      The rumor I’m reading is that it was a 17# bomb, but that their targets decided to set up kip next to a fuel tank/ammo depot.

  33. Sensei

    Those that prosecute selected actual crimes against selected demographics of people….

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Crop report

    Adwindling supply of oranges from the world’s largest exporter could force manufacturers to look for substitutes as prices soar, according to reports.

    Global prices for oranges went up to about $3.70 per pound in April compared to $2.80 at the same time a year ago, according to Federal Economic Reserve Data.

    Brazil, the leading supplier of oranges, is in the grips of a poor harvest caused, say some experts, by climate-change-related disruptions and disease. Greening is one infection that has impacted production.

    “Orange production in the three major orange producing regions—Brazil, Mexico, and the U.S.—has been flat to declining over the past three years,” David Branch, Wells Fargo Agri-Food Institute Sector Manager, told Newsweek.


    Kees Cools, president of the International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association (IFU), told The Financial Times that juice makers may look to other options like mandarins, whose trees are more resistant to the diseases hurting oranges. The solution could lie in the “use [of] different species of fruit,” Cools said.

    The FDA can go after them for mislabelling.

    • Sensei

      The Mandarin’s of the FDA?

      • Sensei

        Damn autocorrect.

      • Pope Jimbo

        A peeling to the FDA is fruitless

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yes, but it a pears that the second apple will go through

    • Not Adahn

      *Buys FCOJ futures*

      • Sensei

        + $1.00

    • EvilSheldon

      What a great time to try and make my own Triple Sec…

  35. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    If recent happenings out in the liberal bastion of western Oregon are any indication, Americans are continuing to become more fed up with soft-on-crime prosecutors allowing crime to run rampant.

    Last week, voters in Portland voted Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, a Soros-backed liberal, out of office, replacing him with challenger Nathan Vasquez.

    Elections matter. Taking the black pill is exactly what the D’s want you to do. That is them winning.

    • Winston

      So anyone following the Walter Block drama? Ironic that a man who made his name writing a book called “Defending the Indefensible” wrote something the Rockwellians found indefensible. Judging by all the defensive articles at Mises they must have hit a nerve.

      By the way why did Ryan McMaken stop his American should rejoin Britain articles and started defending the American Revolution? Since he is from Colorado I would really like to hear how Colorado should be returned to Spain.

  36. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. This is some impressive journalo-ing. The guy does fine using retarded stats that don’t show anything, but the real genius is tying climate change to homelessness.

    Temperatures across Minnesota this summer have a 30% to 40% chance of being higher than normal, according to a seasonal outlook issued by the National Weather Service earlier this month. The anticipated higher temperatures are in line with a trend that has shown rising temperatures year over year, said Senior Climatologist Kenny Blumenfeld with the Department of Natural Resources, but the increase is more gradual compared to how winters are warming.
    Jason Urbanczyk, a community engagement fellow for the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless, said he sees many cases of heat exhaustion and other heat-related conditions in the summers during his advocacy work in Moorhead.
    “A lot of people think that with the encampments, only the wintertime is bad, but in terms of safety, the summertime is when things can get a lot worse,” he said.
    Urbanczyk said not much work has been done on the effects of climate change on unhoused populations and that his group will be studying the issue going forward. In the short-term, more funding for facilities where unhoused people can stay cool during heat waves can be a solution, he said, but housing should still be the long term goal.

    Let’s see, every summer could be colder, normal or hotter. Without any facts or investigation, I’d say that whatever option you pick has a 1 in 3 chance of being correct. Hmmmmm, that would be 33% which is right there in the prediction of “a 30% to 40% chance of being higher than normal”.

    • AlexinCT

      All things the left hates are caused by climate change,,

      and the solution is marxism..


    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Of all the places to be homeless, why would you pick Margo-Foorehead?

      You like the smell of burnt sugar beets?

      • UnCivilServant

        Because those left coast homeless camps are too crowded with riff raff.

    • AlexinCT

      After watching that, I am with the cat. This idiot needs to be offed.

  37. Common Tater

    “To make the dish, Paumier and his team first flambée a lobster head in Cognac glaze and then insert it in to the cavity of a whole Sasso chicken — a French breed prized for its deeper flavor.

    The stuffed chicken — think of it is as a high-class Turducken — is roasted in the oven, while the remaining lobster parts are poached and shelled.

    Before the Chobster emerges from the kitchen, it gets dressed up. A brass lobster head, tail and claws — all comically large — are attached to the creation. It’s quite a sight. ”


    It looks ridiculous.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Temperatures across Minnesota this summer have a 30% to 40% chance of being higher than normal

    Why not 50%?

    • AlexinCT

      Because they know then it approaches Soviet/CCP/Nork/Cuba/Venezuelan levels of election fraud, and everybody will go “Da Fuq??”?

    • Homple

      Does that mean the there is a 60% to 70% chance that the Summer temperatures will be normal or below normal?

      Help me out here.

  39. kinnath

    It’s the economy, stupid.

    • AlexinCT

      When you have the facts argue with them. When you don’t argue with statistics. When even that won’t work make it about bullshit.

      They are destroying everything and the attempt to use statistics to bamboozle us (Bidonomics is working! Don’t believe your lying eyes!) has failed.

      Ale that is left is fearmongering “Muh democracy, much pussy” shitshows…

    • EvilSheldon

      Politics is downstream of culture, but culture is downstream of economics…

    • kinnath

      Joe makes Jimmy look like a genius.

  40. kinnath

    Regardless of the outcome, half of the country will be outraged by the result of the next election.