Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Whistling Tunes

by | Jun 5, 2024 | Daily Links | 110 comments

Help! My Daughter Is Naming Her Son After a Classic Movie Monster.

[paywall free link]

I don’t understand why they would do this.

The first name is a mixture of each parent’s maternal grandmother, which we do not care for, but have bigger concerns for the child on account of the middle and last name. The middle name is the name of the monster demigod, which was a character in a film released in 2021. The movie was part of a popular comedy, action-themed movie franchise, which began in 1984. The last name of the baby is a 10-letter combination of our daughter’s and son-in-law’s surnames, which, my guess, to them represents their union with the child. This combined name is difficult to pronounce, and spell whereas each parent’s name is short, and easily understood. Neither my daughter nor son-in-law are changing their given surnames, so this family unit will have three last names.

Clearly talking about Ghostbusters: Afterlife, so the middle name is either Gozer the Gozarian or Zuul.

Hopefully a fake letter, but Poe rules the roost.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Nephilium

    What’s wrong with Zuul or Gozer as a middle name?

    • Timeloose

      There is no baby there is only Zuul!!!

      • Evan from Evansville


        The kid actually says that? Resurrect Johnny Carson and you’ve got yourself a career! (As baby or parent/manager!..Writer!)

  2. Stinky Wizzleteats

    That food’s all Trumps? He must really be the Orange God, how’s he still alive if he eats like that?

    • Sean


    • Suthenboy

      Go back and read the previous article.

  3. The Other Kevin

    Fake news about the McDonald’s. Trump’s order could fit in one bag.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Must be, even the golden toilets at Trump Tower wouldn’t be able to handle the load a diet like that would cause.

    • R.J.

      That has to be Trump and entourage. If he ate all that at his age, all the time he’d be Jabba the Trump.

      • trshmnstr

        If I ever need to send you a card, I know which one I’m sending.

  4. Aloysious
  5. Sean

    Duct taping the mats to the floor. Classy!

  6. The Late P Brooks

    “Why do you ask, Two-Dogs-Fucking?”

    • Necron 99


    • R.J.

      OMG. Isn’t that the worst-selling EV out there?

      • Sean

        I thought that title went to the Ocean.

    • bacon-magic

      That’s a man, baby!

    • Nephilium

      Sonos keeps trying to sell me their new overpriced headphones after bricking their controller app which means my Sonos system can now do less than a $30 bluetooth speaker.

      • Nephilium


        I’ve been following the fallout from this, especially since it’s been a while with not many updates from Sonos. I feel sorry for their front line customer service/tech support agents, they’re getting boned hard by their management.

      • R.J.

        So… Couldn’t wait to roll out at least a parity version? They think they are Microsoft or something?

      • Nephilium


        They needed to push out the new version of the app to support the new headset and another new device. That was the reason for the push (which was highly predicted, and confirmed).

    • Evan from Evansville

      Ev doesn’t like EVs. For many reasons. Though useful in particular environs, I apparently can’t evade their current ‘eventuality,’ it seems. Ever-EVs, everywhere. I can’t evict them sans Power, yet the evils they evoke make me long for an evanescent exit.

      They make finding my n̵a̵m̵e̵ parking space more difficult. *pebble kicked w frump*

  7. Sensei

    Jeux sans frontières

    For the win!

  8. The Other Kevin

    Time for me to switch to my off-season training program. This week I’m testing my 1RM’s. Today my bench press was 215 (a 10 pound drop), but my seated deadlift was 175 (up about 15).

    • trshmnstr

      Today my bench press was 215 (a 10 pound drop)

      *kicks workout journal under the rug*

      Yeah, I do the bench press, too. I can do *mumbles incoherently*.

      Seriously though, your number is close to my end of year goal. My bench has been improving, but I still have a bit to go until I’m where you’re at.

  9. kinnath

    After Buhle finished her testimony, Kestan took the stand. When prosecutor Leo Wise asked her to identify the man she met at a gentlemen’s club in December 2017, leading Hunter Biden to raise his hand while his head was bowed.

    During that 30-minute meeting, Kestan said Hunter Biden opened a window or door to smoke what she assumed was a crack pipe. She said he was “charming,” and she said she only realized who he was after she saw a photo of him online.

    Although she said she did not go home with him that night, they met later at a New York hotel, where she said she saw him smoking crack within the first 10 minutes. She then recounted a series of instances between the east and west coasts where Hunter Biden allegedly engaged in drug and alcohol use in front of her. She also discussed how he allegedly used and stored drug paraphernalia. She said he often would withdraw cash for these alleged drug deals, and even once gave her a temporary app code to withdraw funds while he was back at a hotel.

    Prosecutors showed images allegedly taken by Kestan that showed crack pipes in the rooms they sayed in, as well another one that allegedly showed Hunter Biden in a bathtub with a crack pipe in his hand. Another showed him with a t-shirt that read “addicted” with a marijuana leaf.

    Russian propaganda.

    • The Other Kevin

      How are the feds actually doing this? Seems like this should have been killed off months ago. Is their hand forced, or is this part of them getting rid of Biden?

      • Nephilium

        I seem to recall there was a sweet heart plea deal that was all set for Hunter to sign, and either he did some dumb ass thing to get it reascended or there was a complaint about the deal that scuttled it.

      • The Other Kevin

        They just happened to get the “wrong” judge, who put the kibosh on it. And now they’re going after him with what seems like a competent prosecution?

      • Drake

        They let Biden do the Time interview without drugging him up. Either letting him lose and leaving it to Trump to try to clean up the mess – or a switcheroo at the convention.

    • Rat on a train

      Did the prosecution file the appropriate FEC forms?

    • kinnath

      The prosecution also played audio of Hunter reading from his memoir talking about is addition.

      The prosecution is looking to drive a stake through is hear.

    • juris imprudent

      OK lets try this out – this is the prosecution to drop the hammer on Hunter. Just pound him unmercifully. Then the tax case can quietly get plead out or settled without airing all of the dirty laundry of Joe’s involvement. Dems know Joe is done, accept the loss of the presidency betting they can win the House, and knowing FOUR YEARS of Trump will drive billions into their campaign coffers – all while the bureaucracy and their allies in Congress (i.e. everyone in the establishment) do everything to throttle anything Trump tries to do (and as they had pretty much done last time around).

    • Plinker762

      McD drink related Spokane tale: I watched on of our hobos walk into McDonalds, grab a used drink cup out of a trash can, fill it up at the soda fountain, take a drink and then walk out with it.

      • R.J.

        Stop watching me!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Hmm… new vacation plans are occurring.

      • CPRM

        Around here the cups are stacked by the self-serve kiosk, so he could have just grabbed a new clean cup.

    • CPRM

      They were also going to get rid of straws at the drive-thru. That lasted less than a month, at least in these here parts.

      • Suthenboy

        Why no straws at the drive through?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Because the fucking watermelons aren’t content to personally decline straws or condiments. They want the burden on you to specifically request them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Same with plastic bag bans.

      • CPRM

        They kill sea turtles or some made up bullshit.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Choke on it

    New York prosecutors on Tuesday told a judge they oppose a request by former President Donald Trump to lift the gag order on him after he was found guilty in his criminal hush money case.

    The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office asked Judge Juan Merchan to keep the gag order on Trump in place “at least through the sentencing hearing” on July 11 and “the resolution of any post-trial motions.”

    Make it officially part of the sentence that he can never speak about it.

    • Suthenboy

      Hey, once you are off the rails you might as well go all out. Same for the ditching of rule of law, anything goes.
      Cant present a defense (this is not the only trial where they pulled that one on him) and cant complain about it after the fact.
      If they have their way we will all be guests of the state just for pointing this out.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    But prosecutors in a new letter to Merchan dated June 4 said the gag order was “based not only on the need to avoid threats to the fairness of the trial itself … but also on the Court’s broader ‘obligation to prevent actual harm to the integrity of the proceedings.’”

    People might believe him when he calls it a show trial!

    • Suthenboy

      So “We dont want people to know what we did here. They will see the proceedings have no integrity.”

  12. kinnath

    Georgia appeals court temporarily halts Trump’s 2020 election case in Fulton County

    The Georgia Court of Appeals temporarily halted proceedings in the 2020 election case involving former President Donald Trump while it reviews a trial judge’s ruling that allowed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to continue prosecuting the case.

    The stay issued by the court applies only to Trump and the eight co-defendants who sought to have Willis and her office removed from the case because of an improper relationship she had with Nathan Wade, who served as a special prosecutor.

    A panel of three judges on the appeals court is tentatively set to hear arguments in the disqualification bid Oct. 4. The case is being heard in its August term, and a decision must be rendered by March 14, 2025.

    • PutridMeat

      We got him! Now we can back off to blunt the backlash and pretend that we’re all impartial and fair and therefore that NY thing must be totes legit! Compromise!

  13. Shpip

    On this date ten years ago, Chester Nez, the last of the original Navajo Code Talkers who served during World War II, died.

    Sadly, no one understood his last words.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      That is code blooded.

    • Sensei

      “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine”

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      It’s certainly an enigma.

    • juris imprudent

      I cypher you treating him this way.

  14. The Late P Brooks


    A man who for years controlled the finances at a group that has turned Detroit’s riverfront into a popular attraction was charged Wednesday with embezzling tens of millions of dollars.

    William Smith routinely used money from the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy to pay credit card bills for travel, hotels, limousines, household goods, clothing and jewelry, according to a criminal complaint unsealed in federal court.

    The fraud is “simply astonishing in scale,” said U.S. Attorney Dawn Ison, who pegged the theft at $40 million.

    File under: stimulus.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m sure there are many people who made a few thousand to hundreds of thousands from all the untracked money the fed gov threw out. The problem with the ones who got caught are they went too big.

    • Fourscore

      If it’s anything like government accounting as long as the money was spent in the US it helped with the GDP. The important thing is that it was spent and not put into some account where it wouldn’t get used.

    • Fourscore

      Joe could use this on a daily basis, in preparing for every event that requires looking back at yesterday.


      That ‘software as service’, thing seems to be working out great.

    • rhywun


      I don’t generally bitch about MS but there is no way, no how I am ever using that. What the hell are they smoking?!

      • Sensei

        Same. My bitch prior was the crapware and faux ads on an OS I paid for.

        But this is nuts.

    • R.J.

      I really hate that. No corporation is going to jump on Windows 11 with that BS attached. Windows 10 forever for corporate.
      As for me, I have a Windows machine at home. It’s just another thing to disable, constantly.

      • Mojeaux

        Not true. My husband works for Citi and they went all in on 11 when it came out. Almost insta-upgrade.

        I’m on 10 and gonna stay as long as I can, while my desktop still looks like 3.x.

      • rhywun

        Been on 11 for a year or so. I can’t tell from the article if this feature requires even newer hardware (much like Windows 11 did).

      • Sensei

        rhywun – it needs a specific coprocessor chip. So very limited hardware right now support it.

      • Nephilium


        I believe it’s already been modified to work without that specific chip already.

      • Sensei

        Neph – from memory it was modified to work on some lesser but still rare coprocessor equipped Surface devices.

        I don’t think right now it works with a generic PC. Could be wrong, however…

      • juris imprudent

        At least you can disable it – I just did. That said, I no more trust it is actually not doing shit until I read up on the registry edits I need to do to kill it with fire.

    • Fourscore

      The new one in the pipeline is called the Placebo. Ask your doctor if the new one is as good as the Warpspeed.?

    • creech

      Why another vaccine? There was just a Biden ad on the tv news that said Trump wanted us to “drink bleach” back in 2020. If it’s good enough for OMB, then it’s good enough for me.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Lemmings having second thoughts

    Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) on Wednesday announced his intention to end the state’s participation in California’s vehicle emissions standards, potentially setting up a confrontation with the Democratic-majority state Legislature that voted to adopt them three years ago.

    In a statement Wednesday, Youngkin said Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) gave his office the go-ahead to exit an agreement under which Virginia would echo California’s standards. The Golden State’s newest standards, set to take effect Jan. 1 of next year, require that new vehicle sales be at least 22 percent zero-emission models by the end of 2025, with the proportion increasing to 100 percent over the following 10 years.


    “Once again, Virginia is declaring independence – this time from a misguided electric vehicle mandate imposed by unelected leaders nearly 3,000 miles away from the Commonwealth,” Youngkin said in a statement. “The idea that government should tell people what kind of car they can or can’t purchase is fundamentally wrong. Virginians deserve the freedom to choose which vehicles best fit the needs of their families and businesses. The law is clear, and I am proud to announce Virginians will no longer be forced to live under this out-of-touch policy.”

    Why wouldn’t they follow CARB off that cliff?

    • Rat on a train

      Why shouldn’t states delegate legislative authority to other states?

  16. rhywun

    Thank you for picking a better Peter Gabriel song than Sloopy.

  17. Trials and Trippelations

    There is a kid named Lucifer in my town. Par for the course, as it’s chock full of AWFLs trying to outdo each in victimhood and righthink.
    If being named Lucifer is the extent of the parents’ using their kid as an accessory they have a leg up on the mental health of all the quiltbag kids

  18. rhywun

    The last name of the baby is a 10-letter combination of our daughter’s and son-in-law’s surnames

    I am such a retrograde patriacharchical so-con that I bemoan the deliberate jettisoning of tradition in this area.

    Fine, knock yourselves out but something is lost with all the name trickery.

    • R.J.

      I named my daughter with a name least likely to be made fun of at the time. It was not a family name.
      It has worked out well for her, being named Bigass Bottomflop R.J.

    • Rat on a train

      Unless you have an unusual family history, a woman’s maiden name is from her father’s line. There is no escaping the patriarchy.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Michael Town, executive director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters, invoked that earlier decision in a statement blasting Youngkin’s announcement.

    “Taking away one of our best tools to protect Virginians from power plant pollution wasn’t enough. Now, Governor Youngkin wants Virginians to keep breathing tailpipe pollution too, despite laws on the books mandating the Commonwealth to tackle both of these major drivers of the climate crisis and detriments to public health,” Town said. “By continuing to stand in the way of climate progress, Youngkin is jeopardizing our health and our economy.”

    Slaughter. Genocide.

    • Compelled Speechless

      Do these people ever get tired of being hysterical and hyperbolic every single moment of their lives?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    I am such a retrograde patriacharchical so-con that I bemoan the deliberate jettisoning of tradition in this area.

    Family pride and respect for those who have gone before are hate crimes.

  21. Rat on a train

    VDOT transitioned a local intersection to a roundabout. Some people are still stopping for traffic coming from the right.

    • Mojeaux


    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      And when someone smacks a pedestrian they will nod their heads in unison.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Come on man! Virginians oughta be used to circles by now!

  22. Gender Traitor

    I’m pretty sure the big game of musical chairs going on at my employer has officially been upgraded to Chinese fire drill. 😵

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Kid, have you rehabilitated yoreself?

    Former FBI director James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump’s conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

    Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: “I’ve never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don’t admit you’re guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

    He added that Trump was “taking a flamethrower to the system” and it was “almost like he’s begging to be put into a jail cell.”

    Insolent upstart. He can’t be allowed to get away with it.

      • Ted S.

        Just because P Brooks can’t thread properly doesn’t mean he’s a clown. 😉

  24. CPRM

    The baby name skit was one of the best SNL ever did, classic Nic Cage.

  25. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I got yelled at by my boss because my other boss failed to contact me about an after hours task. I DO NOT want to go back to a split shift. And I just have to take the medicine – I’m not going to throw anyone under the bus.

  26. cavalier973

    Re: drink refills at McD’s

    ”Individual franchisees will decide whether their restaurant will charge for refills,” McDonald’s told USA Today in a statement.

    McDonalds is primarily a real estate company. They own some stores, but most McDonald’s are owned by franchisees.

    I need to add this to the article I intend to submit, if only someone would reply to my email

  27. CPRM

    Since I wrote an article about knock-off toys, meet Sharp Hand Joe.

    • R.J.

      Awesome. I love knockoffs.

  28. Not Adahn

    Greetings from the land of the Yinzers!

    The social geography is a blend of NE and Midwest, but the people here are much less surly.

    The venue is nice, though the pits are a bit shallow for what I’d expect at a major match.

    I’ve spent more on food today than I do in two weeks of eating home cooking.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’ve spent more on food today than I do in two weeks of eating home cooking.

      I notice you didn’t say wheither the food you bought was good.

      • Not Adahn

        Popeyes chicken is good. Thruway prices are absurd.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yeah, never pay thruway prices.

        On the topic of chicken I was happy tuesday when I saw that the butcher was offering more boneless, skin-on cuts. I don’t like whoever made the previous dichotomy between “bone-in, skin on” and “boneless, skinless”. I just had some near-perfect roast chicken.

    • Nephilium

      Yinzers? They’re surly as hell, monsters even. I mean, have you seen their downtown freeway system?

      So what did you have tots on?

      It’s been a while since I’ve stopped there, but this was a solid brewery (and neat venue) and the girlfriend likes their ciders (I enjoy several of their meads). You’ll also have access to the original restaurant that opened a brewery in Cleveland (it’s a long story) called Fat Head’s. Really, really good beer (they have won at least one medal in the GABF every year they’ve been open) and large sandwiches.

      • Sean

        I’ve been there!