Thursday Morning Links

by | Jun 13, 2024 | Daily Links | 294 comments

The Celtics are on the brink of sweeping Dallas in the NBA Finals. Jerry West passed away yesterday. The European Championships get underway tomorrow. And The Astros continue to disappoint. And that’s pretty much it for sports.

“Just keep shoveling money into the meat grinder.” I guess they better get while the getting’s good and before the entire continent shifts to the right. Although I don’t have a clue whether the “right” in Europe are any more fiscally conservative as the right here, or if they’re just as profligate in their spending.

I guess he read the constitution. Or at least a part of it that he likes. He’s still a big fan of the surveillance state and generally a piece of shit warmonger, and I doubt he did this as a matter of principle. But I’ll take it.

So stunning and brave. Especially since they have the same rights as everybody else already. I guess anything to take the spotlight off the rampant crime, bums shitting in the street, and hordes of drugged-up zombies everywhere.

I wonder if Delaware’s Chancery Court will accept this? Probably not, although once they legally move to Texas, I’d imagine the Delaware boys will have a lot of sand to pound.

What a shitty situation. I guess they didn’t want San Francisco to get all the press.

This is just lovely. They cease to be asylum seekers once they cross an ocean or two to get here. But this admin doesn’t give a shit.

This is a shocking way to go. I got nothing else to add.

I guess this is the latest thing in the wrestling community. We’re getting close to having enough for a Battle Royale of brewing.

It’s time to rock. Ah, my first concert. And this one was awesome at that show. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    So stunning and brave. Especially since they have the same rights as everybody else already. I guess anything to take the spotlight off the rampant crime, bums shitting in the street, and hordes of drugged-up zombies everywhere.

    Hate speech! Or something.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well cities are slapping felony charges on people who deface their religious symbols…

      • AlexinCT

        I live in a time where people that hate the country have a constitutional right – one many of use defend or defended in uniform – to burn our flag, but it is a hate crime to even look askance on whatever flags they are flying waving.

      • rhywun

        something power something who you’re not allowed to criticize

      • Certified Public Asshat

        It’s the gay fly trap.

    • Sensei

      Meanwhile next door…

      77-year-old homeowner arrested in suspected burglary-turned-killing in Oakland

      When police arrived, they found the homeowner pointing a gun at one person, while a man lay wounded just inside the back fenceline, authorities said. Paramedics later pronounced him dead. A third suspected burglar, who was holding a replica gun, was also found by officers on the property, according to police.

      • Ownbestenemy

        No one should die for trying to take your property! iTS jUsT STUff!>!>!#@Q!!

      • AlexinCT

        No one should die for trying to take your property! iTS jUsT STUff!>!>!#@Q!!

        If you want shit to fall apart, peddle this nonsense.

        The places on this planet that are all shitholes are places where right to property is nebulous or non existent…

        Strong property rights create stability as well as prosperity. But prosperity has created too many of those icky consumers that are hurting Gaia according to the new feudal lord class.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        If it is “just stuff” why are they trying to steal it?

      • WTF

        According to Oakland police Acting Deputy Chief Frederick Shavies, the man was arrested largely because he “did not provide a statement.”

        Since when is exercising your fifth amendment right probable cause for an assumption of guilt?

      • R C Dean

        “A third suspected burglar, who was holding a replica gun, was also found by officers on the property,”

        If armed burglars break into your house, I’m not expecting you to only shoot the ones that are visibly armed.

      • AlexinCT

        Since when is exercising your fifth amendment right probable cause for an assumption of guilt?

        They wanted him to say something they then could use to accuse him of being in the wrong, and he didn’t give them that. So he got arrested for that.

        Damned if you do and dammed if you don’t. The criminals and those that support crime win. Fuck you plebes!

    • rhywun

      As I think more about this, it occurs to me they probably have lots of nasty shit in mind. Like taking your kids away from you type of shit.

      As I understand it, several cities/states already have the laws in place to do that – expect it to get worse.

      • Common Tater

        California already has that. They are a “sanctuary state” to transition children.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Pfffft. Tranny pullleeeeeeeeeeze! Minnesoda is transgender state. Although I probably wouldn’t encourage to wear a skirt around his small town. The jack pine savages out there probably aren’t entirely enlightened yet.

      As many states seek to limit transitional procedures for children, Minnesota is actively looking to ensure children who do wish to take up gender-affirming medical treatments can do so in the state without fear of reprisal.
      On March 8, Minnesota’s Democratic Governor Tim Walz signed an executive order that sought to protect LGBTQ access to transgender healthcare, including those from other states.
      “We want every Minnesotan to grow up feeling safe, valued, protected, celebrated, and free to exist as their authentic versions of themselves,” Walz said at the time, according to the Associated Press. “Protecting and supporting access to gender-affirming health care is essential to being a welcoming and supportive state.”

      • rhywun

        Someday, if we live long enough, we’ll look back on the Tranny Wars that tore the country apart and wonder how we got there.

      • juris imprudent

        Much as we look back on Satanic pre-school child abuse?

      • slumbrew

        Much as we look back on Satanic pre-school child abuse?

        Memory-holed and nobody paying any price for being so wrong?

        *Martha Coakley waves*

      • Fourscore

        This is why a draft will never work.

        “Oh, I got my draft notice. As of today call me Miss Fourscore”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Or, someone, say a Marine comandante, will come in and say “you want women in the core, OK. One set of barracks, one haircut, everyone wears pants, one latrine, and so on. NO sex differences.”

      • slumbrew

        +1 Starship Troopers shower scene.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


  2. juris imprudent

    USMNT that was nowhere to be seen against Colombia showed the hell up last night against Brazil. You don’t often say that a match with Brazil could’ve gone either way and a tie wasn’t a bad result.

    • sloopyinca

      After Colombia, I wasn’t too excited about this match, but you’re right.

      Let’s hope they righted the ship and don’t go schizo in the tournament.

      • juris imprudent

        I couldn’t believe the ESPN player ratings – written up by STRONG FEMALE SPORTSPERSONALITY.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, they were good.

      I was not aware of the previous match which sounds like it’s for the best.

      • juris imprudent

        You expect the US keeper to have to make some good saves against Brazil, but last night their keeper made the two best of the match.

  3. AlexinCT

    This is just lovely. They cease to be asylum seekers once they cross an ocean or two to get here. But this admin doesn’t give a shit.

    I remind people that one way to avoid having to fortify an election is not to allow one to happen…

    And a terror attack or two would go a long way to them calling that off..

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am swinging the other way. Republicans will embrace early voting this year and in a neat twist, mounds of voter fraud will be found but it won’t be the Dems.

      • AlexinCT

        mounds of voter fraud will be found but it won’t be the Dems.

        The big scandal right now in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” is that they had to actually hold trials that resulted in convictions of several team blue people that had worked hard to rig a team blue primary election around ballot harvesting scams a few years back in one of our big cities (Bridgeport). Team blue rigs even elections against each other, and that this was so blatant and undeniable forced legal recourse. But they have kept it very hush-hush, because they need to keep the illusion elections are fine when they are not at all.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Speaking of voter fraud, there is none. Or if there is, it is because of confusing laws that affect people of color most.

        While the number of affected voters in Wisconsin appears to be small, the consequences can be severe. The problem disproportionately affects people of color, and those who are prosecuted end up further enmeshed in the criminal justice system.

        Out of the 109 people charged between 2012 and 2022 for illegally voting or registering to vote while on felony probation, 36, or about one-third, were Black, and 56, or just over half, were white, according to Wisconsin Watch. One was Latino, one was Asian, and nine were Native American. The racial identities of the other six weren’t clear.

        As a whole, 80% of Wisconsinites are non-Hispanic white, 7% Hispanic of any race, 6% Black, 3% Asian, and about 1% Native American; 2% are two or more races.

        Ion Meyn, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School, said voter disenfranchisement laws typically affect people of color disproportionately.

  4. juris imprudent

    I don’t find it surprising about the Hamptons at all – place is loaded with people who are full of shyte.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      We have to raise taxes now so that poor people can help clean up these private beaches. For the environment of course.

  5. cavalier973

    My favorite Van Halen song is “Drop Dead Legs”.

    Turns out the trans person who shot up the private Christian school really hated Christians. And her parents. And herself, for not being a boy.

    I am intensely curious what led her down that path. If she attended the Christian school, then I doubt she was taught that genders are mutable. I expect it had something to do with prescription drugs and social media.

    She was extremely disturbed.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Combination of a failed medical and psychology cabal that coddles broken people and drives them towards these means through prescribed drugs and delusional thinking?

    • Sean

      Tik Tok, of course.

    • trshmnstr

      I expect it had something to do with prescription drugs and social media.

      Probably, but nothing else will happen.

    • rhywun

      If she attended the Christian school

      Good question. They teach this shit at public schools now.

  6. juris imprudent

    It’s time to rock.

    I always think of this song when in connection with that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I can dig that song.

  7. rhywun

    The European Championships get underway tomorrow.

    On Fox and FS1 which I also get, no less. Sweet.

    A nice change of pace from moving everything to streams lately.

  8. Not Adahn

    Musk’s shareholder update came just hours after he took to social media to brand the New York Times as ‘disrespectful’ and ‘unkind’ over its recent report that a remote Amazon tribe became addicted to porn after the arrival of Starlink internet.

    The leader of the Marubo tribe rejected the newspaper’s claims, which made headlines worldwide. The Times has since issued a clarification stating that the ‘Marubo people are not addicted to pornography’.

    Dammit! I want to know the top Marubo porn searches.

    • Grummun

      “Vintage National Geographic”

      • Common Tater


    • Nephilium

      Is it bad that I thought of the “porn” clips shown in Idiocracy with lots of pictures of food?

      • sloopyinca

        I’m surprised “Sweet Bang Tube” hasn’t already become a thing.

    • Rat on a train

      Did the NYT call for age verification?

  9. rhywun

    giving Kyiv a strong show of support even as Europe’s political chessboard shifts to the right

    It’s almost like one thing helps lead to the other.

    Nah, that’s just crazy-talk.

  10. rhywun

    “Let’s be clear. This is not about improving the court. This is about undermining the court,” Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said in remarks on the Senate floor.

    He’s right. It’s bullshit political posturing.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      So, Jamie Raskin?

    • WTF

      The court must be punished for using the constitution to decide cases, which thwarts leftist agendas.

    • Sean

      This dude is just asking to be a meat crayon.

      Harsh, but fair.

      • Sensei

        Ignoring everything else I have no idea how the hell you upshift without crushing your toes wearing those sandals.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        It doesn’t take much pressure to shift on a bike.

        That said, I used to regularly were Converse and shorts when I still rode. Albeit with my leather jacket on.

      • DrOtto

        If you expand the picture, you can see he’s got a crushed Labatts can on top of those sandals.

      • Sensei

        My old Suzuki had what I would charitably describe as a “firm” shift. Neutral was also fun to find.

    • Gustave Lytton

      This sight of an idiot in the wild occurred July 10, 2024 in Vancouver,

      John Titor posts on Reddit?

  11. rhywun

    ‘sanctuary’ status for transgender people

    Also bullshit political posturing.

    I’m sensing a theme.

    • Not Adahn

      I’m disappointed it’s only symbolic. If they were sincere about it, they would make transfolx immune from prosecution.

      • AlexinCT

        Stop giving them ideas.

      • Not Adahn

        Making special people above civil law is as old as Universities.

    • Fourscore

      Those are the visitors showing off, they don’t look very old to me.

  12. Tres Cool

    My 1st concert was AC/DC and Yngwie Malmsteen at Dayton’s Hara Arena in 1985.
    I dont know which parent was dumb enough to let teenage Tres attend that show.

    • Nephilium

      First concert I paid for was Morbid Angel, Motorhead, and Black Sabbath (Tony Martin era) at the Agora.

    • Necron 99

      AC/DC popped my concert cherry as well, 1982 Dallas Reunion Arena.

      My buddy had his learner’s permit, so we figured what better way to learn than to borrow his dad’s Pinto and drive to Dallas.

      Good times.

    • sloopyinca

      I was lucky enough to see VH in the 1984 Tour at Riverfront Coliseum.

      I do remember seeing a few Dayton Gems games at Hara back in the day with my grandpa. That place was awesome.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Huey Lewis and the News in ’82. At the county fair!

    • The Other Kevin

      Love & Rockets and Pixies, 1989. That was the first of many, many concerts. I used to save my ticket stubs, but in a moment of foolishness threw them out. These days I barely get to one a year.

    • slumbrew

      He’s had that gig for a while. Apparently, he’s pretty good on it.

      • Not Adahn

        I don’t even have enough time to watch the new seasons of Archer.

      • Nephilium

        Well, at least you know there aren’t any new seasons of Archer coming out.

      • slumbrew

        You’re not missing much, it went out with a whimper.

        Another show that went with the strategy of “let’s hire writers who hate the main character (and the core audience)”.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Archer is a poor mans Frisky Dingo.

      • WTF

        Another show that went with the strategy of “let’s hire writers who hate the main character (and the core audience)”.

        Yup. I made it about 2 or 3 episodes and realized it wasn’t going to get any better and bailed.
        The fucking left ruins everything.

    • B.P.

      I used to watch that show all the time on Youtube as I got ready for work. Brianha is a bully.

  13. Rat on a train

    Biden, Zelensky to sign 10-year U.S.-Ukraine security deal at G-7 summit

    President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky plan Thursday to sign a 10-year security agreement that will commit Washington to supply Kyiv with a wide range of military assistance, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said, in a bid to bolster Ukraine’s fight with Russia.

    Officials said that they hoped the agreement would transcend political divisions within the United States, but acknowledged that Trump or any future president could withdraw from the legally binding executive agreement, because it is not a treaty and will not be ratified by Congress.

    • juris imprudent

      that will commit

      A treaty is it? Otherwise it’s no better than Joe’s memory.

      • Rat on a train

        “commit”, “legally binding”
        I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.


        The Ukes commit to a firm promise to stuff 50% in their personal offshore accounts and set aside 25% for their Coke habit. Oh and10% for the big guy.

    • Not Adahn

      Oddly enough the article doesn’t say what UKR’s “binding” commitment is.

      “It’s about moving the planning cycle from only fighting the current war to thinking in a much broader perspective about deterrence and defense,” saidEric Ciaramella, a former White House official who is now a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

      AIEEEE! He said the Forbidden Name!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How to undermine the next guy’s foreign policy 101. They must not be very confident of electoral victory.

      • R C Dean

        If I was the next President, I would just submit it to the Senate, and when it wasn’t ratified, throw it away.

      • Rat on a train

        Just throw it away. It isn’t binding even on Brandon.

    • juris imprudent

      No, I think the more they expose who unhinged they are, the less chance they have of really having power.

      Not that that will stop their fantasies about having power.

      • juris imprudent

        who/how – kinda works either way

      • rhywun

        These types already have the great majority of power all across the west. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • trshmnstr

        the less chance they have of really having power

        They have strong and growing influence in education. They are a large majority in news media and entertainment. They disproportionately inhabit the 4th branch of government. They are overrepresented in the administrative caste in corporate America. What’s left for them to do? Why do they need to curry favor?

      • AlexinCT

        These types already have the great majority of power all across the west.

        And this brings me to the question one would ponder after reading JI and you rhywun: would the monsters peddling this evil shit have gotten this much power if they had been more forward about their agenda? Or was it simply that those of us that are not fucking nuts were just not noticing these people are evil and have an evil agenda soon enough?

        As I pointed out before, one of the things that now clearly bothers me is the feeling my dismissal of people that brought up the slippery slope argument back when, was wrong.

      • juris imprudent

        the great majority of power

        No, they want it, they don’t have it. They have social influence, not power to enforce. We’d all be in a camp by now if they did.

      • WTF

        They have social influence, not power to enforce.

        Really? People are getting arrested for driving over an LQBTQWERTY flag painted ON THE STREET.
        Seems like enforcement power to me.

      • The Last American Hero

        I always appreciate your optimism.

    • Drake

      Fascism was a really easy sell a century ago in Italy and then Germany. Because of people like this.

      • juris imprudent

        See what the choice of lesser evils gets ya?

      • Drake

        I don’t think most Germans and Italians in the 30’s would say they chose the lesser evil.

      • juris imprudent

        Perhaps not, but that is what they got.

      • Drake

        Like voting Republican.

    • cavalier973

      I am teaching my multiple children that they have a moral obligation to NOT give the proggie-froggies their favorite lime jello in the nursing home

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t eveny the person who had to plan and organize that move.

    • Nephilium

      They’ve got the route mapped out. I think this is the second or third such “super load” to be brought through the state. Local news is all over it even though it’s two hours south of here.

    • Rat on a train

      The route details show a lot of travelling opposite direction “The load will travel South in the Northbound lanes of SR 73/SR 852 to US Route 52”. It sounds pretty disruptive.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I hope this does not interfere with my drive:

      Everyone wants to be a big hitter. Maybe concentrate on your short game? And championships are won with putting, but it isn’t sexy so no one talks about it.

      But rest assured Not Adahn, I am sure that no matter how big that truck is, the mass won’t cause excessive gravity near the golf course.

      • Drake

        Drive for show, putt for dough.

      • Not Adahn

        Thanks Marcy!

    • Grummun

      All that traffic is well to the south of Marengo.

      • creech

        Good thing it isn’t happening in Guam. The hole island would flip.

  14. Common Tater

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Hope all is going as well as can be, Tater.

      • Common Tater

        Thanks 🙂

        It’s good that she’s home now. She was getting worse on Friday, then started to get better on Saturday.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    This is a shocking way to go.

    I bet the lawyers are going to soak that Mexican resort for a ton of money.

    • Tres Cool

      Resistance is useless.

    • sloopyinca

      I’ll be shocked if it’s successful.

      • Pope Jimbo

        But it would be the only way to rectifier the situation.

      • juris imprudent

        You all get so amped up by this.

    • The Other Kevin

      They have quite a capacitance for incompetence at that facility.

    • The Last American Hero

      It’s Mexico. If anyone of importance at the hotel is connected to either the cartel or the magistrate, the suit goes nowhere.

  16. Grumbletarian

    <eM.I guess this is the latest thing in the wrestling community. We’re getting close to having enough for a Battle Royale of brewing.

    I would have gone with the name Hulkenbrau.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I don’t care what it is called. I’m going to buy a shit ton of it and get a Hulk discount.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, we know whatyergonnado.

      • cavalier973

        “I buy Hulk in bulk!”

      • Fourscore

        Well, the Hulk is not a Shiekster

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        If it was Hulk Hogan, you just know it is going to be more like minysoda’s like Nearbeer.

    • Nephilium

      I expect it to be on tap at the local Barcade (if it’s distributed here) to pair up with their Hulk Hogan cocktail drink:


      blueberry vodka + lemonade + original bomb pop

  17. Stinky Wizzleteats

    So in between shoveling money to the Ukraine and blowing random dudes at South Carolina rest stops Graham occasionally manages to get things right. Good on him I guess.

    • Common Tater

      “New York’s law was on the books for nearly 200 years until it was repealed in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

      • rhywun

        There must have been a religious exemption given the head-to-toe coverings that were quite common in my old neighborhood.

        Anyway I don’t think this proposal is going to solve anything.

      • Common Tater

        I think the law only applied to parades and protests, not Muslim women just going about their day. Not that there were that many Muslims in NY 200 years ago. No idea if it applied to mass shoplifting. Not that was a thing then either.

    • Nephilium

      but this would keep Batman from saving Gotham City.

      Batman cares not for your puny laws.


        Superman is in the clear though, unless eyeglasses count as a mask. But it is NYC, they probably can find a way.

  18. juris imprudent

    Sane Democrats see the writing on the wall.

    Finish the job?? Does this make much sense when voters think the job you’ve been doing is so bad?

    • Drake

      All I can think of is “Finish Him!” from Mortal Combat.

      Another term of this and we will be finished.

    • rhywun

      I expect to hear a lot about abortion and various cleverly-construed handouts. Followed by a Biden or whoever replaces him landslide.

      In other words, people aren’t voting on this stuff.

      • Fourscore

        Kid’s first book…

        “A” is for Abortion

    • The Other Kevin

      “I have previously written about an “abundance agenda” as precisely that different approach that is needed.”

      Good luck with that. The Dems are captive to the green agenda, which is base on less consumption and a lower standard of living.

      • Nephilium

        They just need to tweak the prosperity gospel to fit their needs. If you follow the Democrats, then you will be provided for. They will make sure that you have everything you need.

    • Fatty Bolger

      These are the combined agendas of “abundance” and “state capacity,” which converge on the conclusion that the scale and speed of building that is needed to address our challenges requires dramatic changes in our systems of governance that reduce veto points, increase the authority and competence of government, and make it possible to produce public value at much lower unit costs and with greater speed.

      Starts out OK with reducing veto points, but the rest sounds like pure fantasy to me.

    • mindyourbusiness

      I’ll just borrow a quote from Ayn Rand. The solution to this problem? “Get the hell out of our way!”

    • Grummun

      He lost me when he got to “expanding public action” as a solution.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Just 25 percent are willing to characterize the years when Biden has been in office as mostly good ones.

    I’m astonished it’s that high.

    But there are a lot of government and government-dependent jobs out there.

    • R C Dean

      About 25% of the country works for the government at some level, so . . . .

    • AlexinCT

      Scott Adams has this thing where he points out that no matter the poll or poll question, there are always around 25% of people that will get it horribly wrong or believe horribly stupid shit. I used to dismiss him, but then, over time, it has become very obvious to me that seems to be a very accurate statement….

      • The Other Kevin

        Was just going to post that. Basically 25% of people are batshit crazy. It’s especially funny on his live stream when he cites a poll, and asks people to guess what percent went for the stupid answer. Everyone on the chat says “25%” and they are almost always right, +=2%.

  20. Suthenboy

    Head a black dude angrily ranting about the D’s this morning.
    “That is the most racist shit I have ever heard! I dont know how to vote? I dont know how to get an ID? I dont know what a computer is? I cant compete in an open market! Who do these fucking people think they are?!”

    Yeah, he was pissed.

    • Sean

      And rightly so.

      • AlexinCT

        You are a RACISS! squared for pointing out that looking down on minorities and using intimations they are dumb fucks as a means to prevent broken things you profit/benefit from from being fixed, is a disgusting and racist position to have/tactic.

    • R C Dean

      “Who do these fucking people think they are?!”

      Your masters, that’s who.

      • AlexinCT

        Stay on the plantation, or you ain’t black!

        /FJB’s quote’s real meaning

    • The Last American Hero

      93% percent of African American voters disagree with him.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Tyrus on Gutfeld yesterday

  21. Pope Jimbo

    Climate Change will be especially shitty for Southern hicks

    As detailed by The Washington Post, there are millions of septic tanks across the American South, but rising seas associated with a warming planet are turning them into a public health concern.
    The publication explains that septic systems need to sit above a certain amount of dry soil to work properly. The soil filters the wastewater, removing most bacteria and viruses, before it reaches local waterways and subterranean drinking water sources like wells and aquifers.
    Now, rising seas combined with more frequent bouts of torrential rain are leading to shallower soil buffers. In some cases, the systems become submerged by water, the Post said, leading to failure and wastewater that is not properly treated.

    • trshmnstr

      In some cases

      How many? Where? When? How does the frequency compare to the past?

      • trshmnstr

        Ah, it’s a hitpiece from some NGO

        Andrew Wunderley, executive director of the nonprofit Charleston Waterkeeper

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Waterkeeper? More like Water Carrier.

    • Drake

      The Obama’s Martha Vineyards mansion will be a thousand feet under the sea before my well and septic tank are in jeopardy.

    • R C Dean

      Septic leach fields are typically a couple of feet deep. Just how many places is the water table going to rise within a few feet of the surface?

      • juris imprudent

        Florida I would imagine, but will they even notice the difference?

      • Suthenboy

        Melt all of the ice in the northern hemisphere and the sea will rise…I forget the exact number….something like ten millimeters.

      • Suthenboy

        I dont remember either what the calculation shows for all of the ice on the planet but I do remember that it does not account for the ‘bounce’ Antarctica would experience. That is…the rising land from releiving the weight of the ice from it. Likely central Antartica would be an inland sea or giant lakes.

    • Suthenboy

      That really is laughable.

      I dont get it, these watermelon/chickenlittle climate change grifters have a 100% perfect record of being dead wrong on every single thing they have predicted and yet they still keep squawking. Who is listening?

      • trshmnstr

        All the normies are listening. They’ve been thorough catechism.

        Heck, we live in a world where people go to therapy and take anxiety meds because they live in terror of the coming climate apocalypse.

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah, I know. Spiked-online’s motto is exactly wrong.

      • trshmnstr

        thoroughly catechized*

        This phone’s keyboard sucks. I may go back to the MSFT spyware one I was using. At least it would get things mostly correct.

  22. Sensei

    All of this is a classic illustration of how one policy blunder begets another, which begets another, and then another. EV mandates force consumers to buy cars that costly European climate policies force manufacturers to make in China. Then Europe imposes tariffs on those EV imports, raising prices for the EVs it forces companies to make and consumers to buy. This is the definition of economic masochism.

    The US is waiting for its “hold my beer” moment here.

  23. Pope Jimbo

    Abdominal surgery is nothing to sneeze at.

    A man coughed and sneezed at the same time causing his colon to fall out of his body as he sat having breakfast at a US diner.
    The 63-year-old, who was with his wife at the Florida restaurant, felt a ‘wet’ sensation followed by a sharp pain.
    He lifted up his shirt and spotted several inches of his colon poking out of a surgical wound.
    The man had recently had abdominal surgery, but doctors told him the incision had healed well.

    • trshmnstr

      It sounds like that pepper alligator really rectum.

      • Pope Jimbo

        It takes guts to taunt Swissy with a pun like that.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, it is America. You can’t always colon the medical profession to help.

      • Fourscore

        I can’t stomach much more of this crap.

      • The Other Kevin

        Couldn’t find the guy’s name in the article, maybe it was in the appendix.

  24. Sean

    I played 06/13:
    *21/21 words (+7 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 4% by bonus words

    I played 06/13:
    *46/46 words (+19 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 370

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Rather than reflexively calling for “deregulation” in a way that invites backlash, it calls for unleashing both the private sector and government, to targeted ends. These are the combined agendas of “abundance” and “state capacity,” which converge on the conclusion that the scale and speed of building that is needed to address our challenges requires dramatic changes in our systems of governance that reduce veto points, increase the authority and competence of government, and make it possible to produce public value at much lower unit costs and with greater speed. This agenda also cuts across traditional ideological lines because it combines a desire to expand the scope of public action with a skeptical view of existing interest groups and producer interests in government…

    This ditch is full of dead people. Why did you bring me here?

    • Drake

      “We are producing public value at much lower unit costs and with greater speed – now turn around.”

      • AlexinCT

        Why are you asking me to turn around as you are opening that barrel of lube?

    • R C Dean

      “unleashing both the private sector and government, to targeted ends. These are the combined agendas of “abundance” and “state capacity,”

      They are just straight up plagiarizing Mussolini at this point.

    • R C Dean

      I like their plan to produce more by disregarding “producer interests”.

    • Suthenboy

      So, they want to make the trains run on time?

  26. Common Tater

    “Trans swimmer Lia Thomas loses challenge to compete in women’s Olympics

    Thomas petitioned the Switzerland sports court to overturn the rules, claiming that the policy was discriminatory, invalid, and unlawful.

    The Court of Arbitration for Sports rejected transgender swimmer Lia Thomas’s challenge against the World Aquatics governing body on Wednesday over its rule that prohibits biological men from competing in women’s competitions, per the Associated Press.

    The three-judge panel ruled that Thomas’s request lacked standing and dismissed the case. World Aquatics welcomed the decision and said it’s another step forward “in our efforts to protect women’s sports.””

    So there are at least three people who aren’t completely insane.

    • trshmnstr

      The three-judge panel ruled that Thomas’s request lacked standing and dismissed the case.

      If this means what I think it means, it’s pretty savage.

      “Sorry, this panel is for adjudication of women’s swimming. No dudes allowed.”

      • Certified Public Asshat

        No reason to be long winded.

    • AlexinCT

      Well, at least I can go back to joking about the East German (back when)/Chinese (post fall of the USSR) swimming team being disqualified because they found they all had penises, again…

    • Pope Jimbo

      If Lia had won her challenge, Phelps should have transitioned too. Just to crush Lia and then drop out..

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t know, Thomas sure acts like a cunt.

    • The Last American Hero

      I’m disappointed. Letting him win the women’s competition might have proved to be a turning point in pushing back on the trans insanity. Instead, we get to let it percolate and brew for several more years.

    • Suthenboy

      Would someone kneecap that guy already. What a piece of shit he is.

      • Common Tater

        This is swimming not figure skating.

  27. Brawndo

    “The leader of the Marubo tribe rejected the newspaper’s claims, which made headlines worldwide. The Times has since issued a clarification stating that the ‘Marubo people are not addicted to pornography’.”

    That’s exactly what someone who’s addicted to porn would say.

    “The industrial revolution and it’s consequences…”

    • Fourscore

      “I’m not addicted, I can quit any time I want”


  28. Common Tater

    “Student council members at a Washington state high school were accused of promoting white supremacy after proposing a mural of the school’s unofficial mascot, the hammer-wielding Norse god Thor, be painted as their senior gift.

    The school district’s diversity, equity, and inclusion office raised concerns that the painting represents white supremacy and would need to be accompanied by women and people of color to meet the Evergreen Public School district’s racial and gender equity standards, KTTH reports. Klarissa Hightower is the Director of Equity and Inclusion at Evergreen Public Schools.

    Student councilors at Mountain View High School in Vancouver proposed the artwork because their school’s mascot is The Thunders, and the name “Thor” translates to “thunder.” There is already a statue of Thor at the school’s main entrance, which added further confusion among the student body government.”

    Well, what do you expect when you have a Director of Equity and Inclusion?

    • AlexinCT

      Well, what do you expect when you have a Director of Equity and Inclusion?,/em>”

      Ain’t it funny how when your job is to fight something-something, you are going to find a way to see said something-something going on in everything around you???

    • rhywun

      You’d think the diversicrats could have advised the students to toss in some “diversity” without the disgusting accusations but no, they can’t help themselves. Scum.

    • Not Adahn

      “without context, our image could be taken the wrong way,”

      Ther context being, inside a school with a Thor mascot?

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Now, rising seas combined with more frequent bouts of torrential rain are leading to shallower soil buffers.

    I thought the planet was drying out and soon there won’t be any water at all. I wish they’d make up their minds.

  30. The Other Kevin

    That was a shocking way to go. In a related story, our friend’s mom was in a hot air balloon last week that hit power lines. She’s alive but is in the hospital with severe burns, and is on her third surgery.

    • AlexinCT


    • Common Tater

      Yikes! Sorry 🙁

    • Pope Jimbo

      That sucks. Hope she gets better.

  31. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Never thought I’d see the day, I’d opt for the lutefisk option at the pot luck, but it would be better than a bug hamburger (especially since I’m allergic to silk worm larvae).

    The internet’s love affair with strange foods continues, with YouTubers and social media users constantly pushing the boundaries of culinary curiosity. However, a recent video featuring a Chinese man enjoying a burger overflowing with insects has gone viral for a different reason, sparking a heated debate online.
    This video may soon lose its bizarre appeal as mealworms are poised to enter the global culinary scene. Following approval by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) in 2021, these yellow grubs can now be utilised whole and dried in various dishes, including curries, and can also be ground into flour for making biscuits, pasta, and bread. Despite being called “worms,” mealworms are actually beetle larvae and are already utilised in Europe as an ingredient in pet food.
    Rich in protein, fat, and fibre, they are likely to be the first of many insects to feature on Europe’s plates in the coming years.

    • Sensei

      (especially since I’m allergic to silk worm larvae)

      Just try a different bug!

      • Pope Jimbo

        I got tripped up by beondegi on a trip to Korea.

        Made the mistake of laughing because the ferry we were on was selling canned beondegi in the geedunk as a snack. Later in the trip we ran across a guy selling them hot off the griddle so my in-laws bought me a cup of them. I ate a couple and started in on a hike with the family. Started having troubles breathing and thought I was just out of shape. Then started getting giant hives. Finally figured out that I was having an allergic reaction.

        Mother-in-law wanted me to take off my shirt so she could daub the hives with some rice wine. No way I was stripping down in the middle of a crowd of Koreans (I was the only westerner I saw that day), so I just drank the wine and bitched and moaned.

        The kids still talk about what a great day that was. Every time I see that hokey commercial about families going to Orlando and having a great time together? I just laugh bitterly.

      • Sensei

        Yes, I remember you telling this heartwarming story.

        Sounds like you married well.

      • Not Adahn

        canned beondegi in the geedunk

        These euphemisms are getting pretty opaque.

    • Suthenboy

      There is a very good reason it is not common for people to eat bugs.
      You find certain things disgusting because evolution has taught our brains that those things are dangerous.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Democrats have a lot of work to do if they want to become America’s party of abundance. And they should wish to do so. That’s the job American voters want done and they don’t particularly care if some Democratic oxen get gored in the process.

    It’s just too damn hard to build stuff! And that’s all there is to it.

    I read the whole thing, just as if it had been assigned in class. What did I learn? Pfffft. Fuck if I know.

    That guy’s nuts if he thinks Democrats have the slightest interest in turning the country into some sort of Star Trek fantasyland of “abundance”.

    • trshmnstr

      Abundance means just what you think it means: more stuff, more growth, more opportunity

      I disagree on this point. Abundance means having more than you need. There are two ways to achieve that. Either you boost supply or you reduce demand.

      Boosting supply is easy when you have a quarter-by-quarter mentality. You can always eat the seed corn. You can always borrow from the future. However, eventually you have to pay the piper. The levers you pull become less impactful. The tricks you use become more expensive and harder to arrange. Then the whole scheme collapses.

      Adjusting demand is the harder part. How do you change the culture to become more frugal, conservative and financially literate? It’s not easy when you spend 17 years pumping kids heads full of a worldview antithetical to those character traits. It’s not desirable when your quest for power hinges on victimhood mentality rather than personal responsibility.

      We certainly have a production side problem. Costs are crazy and it’s getting hard for many people. We also have a consumption side problem where people who don’t know a budget from their butthole are ill equipped to cut the fluff out of their lives.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Adjusting demand is the harder part. How do you change the culture to become more frugal, conservative and financially literate? It’s not easy when you spend 17 years pumping kids heads full of a worldview antithetical to those character traits.

        Life is a long pursuit of discovering your authentic self. This is accomplished via an endless stream of purchases.

      • Suthenboy

        Socialism doesnt work cuz human nature. We cant get rid of socialism cuz human nature.
        Wherever we go, here we are.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      An abundance of DEI and scolding lectures.

    • Raven Nation

      “America’s party of abundance.”

      Considering that left-of-center politics (actually a lot of all politics) since the early 20th century has been based on the idea that the pie can’t be grown, that’s going to be a tough ask.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    “would need to be accompanied by women and people of color”

    In chains?

    • WTF

      I’m sure they would also insist that wypipo get proportional representation in anything depicting POCs as well.

    • rhywun

      You know who else was interested in “degrowth”?

    • Suthenboy

      A master’s in failure? Perfect.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Higher understanding

    Madeline Szoo grew up listening to her grandmother talk of being laughed at when she spoke of going to college and becoming an accountant.

    “‘No one will trust a woman with their money,'” relatives and friends would scoff.

    When Szoo excelled at math in high school, she got her share of ridicule too — though it was slightly subtler. “I was told a lot, ‘You’re smart for a girl,'” she said. “I knew other girls in my classes who weren’t able to move past that.”

    But Szoo had no doubt she would go to college, and she’s now a student at Northeastern University, studying chemical engineering and biochemistry. She plans on getting a Ph.D. and becoming a mentor to other women as they break through glass ceilings in fields such as hers.

    She doesn’t want to do things or create new products which will make people’s lives better. She wants to be an “advocate”. Such brave.

    • PieInTheSky

      When Szoo excelled at math in high school, she got her share of ridicule too — though it was slightly subtler. “I was told a lot, ‘You’re smart for a girl,’” she said. “I knew other girls in my classes who weren’t able to move past that.” – I do not really believe that when I hear it

      • PieInTheSky

        But maybe the US is different

      • trshmnstr

        NPR;don’t believe

      • rhywun

        It’s complete bullshit.

        Most of the top math students other than myself in my HS were girls and nobody made the slightest deal out of it forty years ago.

    • R C Dean

      Looks like Grandma was right – she’s not going to be an accountant after all.

      “I was told a lot, ‘You’re smart for a girl,’”

      Since she would have been in school during the last decade, I’m going to say that never happened.

      • WTF

        Yeah, I was going to make the same comment. I was in HS and college in the 70s, and that wasn’t happening even then.
        Just a load of made-up self-serving bullshit.

    • Suthenboy

      How many times have we heard these just-so-so narrative propping bullshit stories? I find them tiresome.

      • Suthenboy

        Wait, that’s not true. I was looking forward to the part where two black MAGA guys responsible for raping 7 out of 5 women beat her up.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “‘No one will trust a woman with their money,’” Bullshit. In much of the world the woman handles the family finances.

      My daughter is doing an internship at the Jet Propulsion Lab this summer. Maybe NPR can do a profile on her.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nothing separating the sandwiches from each other?

      I bet whoever picks them up isn’t even wearing gloves either.

      • WTF

        Oddly enough people weren’t dying in the streets and had pretty robust immune systems, and food allergies were less common.

      • UnCivilServant

        All I’m asking for is a sheet of paper between sandwiches so that when you pick one up you get one, not one and a half with your mitts going through the contents of the next sandwich.

        The glove comment was a joke, since that looks like a self-service spot.

      • Suthenboy

        “I dont know where those fingers have been!”

        *wink wink* “Yes you do.”

    • Not Adahn


  35. The Late P Brooks

    Women who start in engineering in college are more likely than men to change their majors. Nearly half of the women who originally planned to major in science or engineering switch to something else, compared with fewer than a third of men.

    “It was awful,” Mynatt said of her own experience as an engineering student in the 1980s, before she changed her major to computer science. “It was very male dominated. It had such a weed-out culture. I didn’t like the culture. It was about intellectual superiority and competing with the person next to you.”

    That weed-out approach can be particularly tough on high achievers accustomed to positive reinforcement, Tamer noted. “It can scare people away.” She said having more women around her, as she did in Northeastern’s engineering program, proved more supportive.

    They expect results!

    • UnCivilServant

      Who gets positive reinforcement? Some sort of coddled only child. Negative reinforcement for screwups was easier.

      Hell, half the time I can’t tell if a compliment is genuine or if I’m being mocked.

      Git gud.

    • PieInTheSky

      high achievers accustomed to positive reinforcement – how many of those around?

      • UnCivilServant

        These days there’s a lot of “high achievers” from participation trophy culture and helicopter parenting who don’t know what it’s like to fail or have to compete or be competent.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      It was about intellectual superiority and competing with the person next to you.”

      I do expect things to work.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yeah, the whiner isn’t coming off as sympathetic in this story.

    • trshmnstr

      That weed-out approach can be particularly tough on high achievers accustomed to positive reinforcement

      No, that isn’t it. It can be particularly tough to above-average, but not brilliant students who have been victims of educational malpractice.

      I saw this a ton in law school. Kids who skated through their psychology degree with a 4.0 and then got wrecked the first time they actually had a difficult exam.

      • The Other Kevin

        Kind of related, my son-in-law skated through Navy boot camp. Granted it wasn’t as hard as some of the other branches. But I asked him why he thought he did so well. He said summer practices for football were harder. And the smarter people (the ones going for nuclear engineering, for example) had a harder time because they wanted to question everything instead of just doing what they were told.

      • UnCivilServant

        If I don’t question the how and why, I don’t understand. If I don’t understand, I don’t learn. I can empathize more with the questioners.

      • trshmnstr

        Questioning the how and why (i.e. going to office hours) was the single biggest indicator of somebody who was going to do well.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I was looking at a couple practice LSAT questions yesterday ( ignore the essay, the questions are halfway down) and if that is what it takes to be a lawyer, maybe we should make it harder, with more logic needed.

      • trshmnstr

        if that is what it takes to be a lawyer, maybe we should make it harder, with more logic needed

        The LSAT is a very learnable test. I only took it once because I surpassed my goal number the first time, but the single biggest piece of advice for prospective law students (aside from “don’t go to law school if you don’t know what you want to do with your law degree”) was to study more and retake the LSAT. The difficulty is the time constraint, so you need to have a heuristic in place to get to the right answer quickly.

        Also, my time in law school disabused me of the notion that law students are some cohort of brilliant, ethical people. I met some of the dumbest, scummiest people I’ve ever encountered at law school.

    • The Other Kevin

      I went to school for electrical engineering technology in the 90’s. I think we had 3 women in the program while I was there, and only one of them finished the program. I never saw any of them given a hard time (quite the opposite, in fact). I always thought they just decided “this isn’t for me”.

      • trshmnstr

        We had maybe 10% female in EE when I went. Many of them transferred out, and many ended up going into a more people-oriented career (or stayed at home with kids) after a couple of years grinding in the cubicle. Most of those who made it through that gauntlet tended to be okay engineers. 3.0 student, journeyman engineer. That kind of deal.

        We actually have a few really sharp female engineers at our company in the AI space. They’re massive outliers, though. Ever since I started here, we have had some initiative or another to encourage women to be more innovative, and they all fail miserably. At one point, the often-too-blunt autistic, leftist guy said “we approve their inventions at rates well above average. We’re doing outreach, we’re making it as easy as we can. We can’t do anything if they won’t submit inventions for us to review.” Since then, the initiatives have been much softer and less preachy.

      • Nephilium

        For most of my career in IT, I’ve had a female supervisor/manager. Based on personal experience, conversations, and anecdotal evidence, it appears that women have a preference to soft skills and would rather go the manager track than the tech track. I’ve known some really, really good female techs, and some that I was appalled that they were on the same support desk as me. Which matches my experience with male techs.

    • Suthenboy

      So, a meritocracy. Oh, the horror of success oriented programs.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    “The fundamental bias and the systemic issues in corporate America that are fueling women’s underrepresentation — they haven’t changed,” said Caroline Fairchild, Lean In’s vice president of education.

    It’s a man’s world

    • trshmnstr

      NGO agitprop. We really need to rein in Big Non-Profit. They’re the circulatory system for leftism.

    • slumbrew

      The engineers at my tech company remain stubbornly male, despite the company bending over backwards to change that.

      Interestingly, we tend to have more female engineers in India than stateside – I’m sure there’s cultural elements at play (but, also, the Indian engineers are (mostly) not the top-flight ones).

      • Sensei

        And yet primary school teachers remain stubbornly female. Why isn’t there a huge initiative to have male primary school teachers?

        Why hasn’t a crisis been declared?

      • UnCivilServant

        The reason for the Indian women in Engineering was studied and it comes down to Economics. When financially secure enough to make a living in whatever profession they want (such as in western nations) women avoid technical fields out of preference. In countries with a poorer average population, the need for good money causes them to keep at the road with the best return.

      • slumbrew

        Well that’s just ridiculous, UnCiv – men are just defective women so if there are more men in engineering that has to be due to some structural barrier keeping women out and in no way an indication of differing personal preferences.

      • Suthenboy

        This discussion led me to remember a conversation I had a couple of years ago. White male patriarchy supremacy math engineering is racist came up so I asked: “So it is white supremacy to be right?”
        For some reason the conversation came to a screeching halt.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Man, this thing with the Russians has really pushed the Germans over the edge.

      • R.J.

        Meh. They’ve been there a couple times before. It’ll all work out.

  37. The Late P Brooks


    It was an emotional graduation ceremony for high school seniors in Newtown, Connecticut, who observed a moment of silence for their 20 classmates who were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

    Principal Kimberly Longobucco read the names of the first graders who were killed on Dec. 14, 2012 along with six educators as the class of 2024 and their families looked on Wednesday, Hearst Connecticut Media reported.

    “We remember them for their bravery, their kindness and their spirit,” Longobucco said. “Let us strive to honor them today and every day.”


    Some Sandy Hook survivors have spoken of their community as a “bubble” protecting them from the outside world.

    Class salutatorian Grace Chiriatti said during the ceremony that part of her wishes that things could stay the same because of the “level of comfort we have” as graduating seniors.

    “Everything seems so perfect surrounded by people I love… it’s difficult to leave just as I have everything figured out,” Chiriatti said. “But by starting something new we don’t have to start over.”

    And then they went out into the world, and were asked, “What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I know we’re all autistic robots, but it is reasonable (normal even!) for survivors of a school shooting as first graders to be emotional on their high school graduation day.

      • trshmnstr

        Agreed. Whats less reasonable is the national journos climbing back atop that particular pile of bodies one last time.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        It would read better if there was more of a happy ending other than these poor kids are finally out of the public school system. Maybe that is good enough?

      • Fourscore

        ” first graders to be emotional on their high school graduation day”

        I read that as “First graders to be high on their school graduation day.”

        I went to the wrong school

  38. The Late P Brooks

    “We want a new model that relies primarily on voluntary participation, but also includes mandatory elements if necessary,” a document about the proposals read.

    We won’t put the cuffs on if you come quietly.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    The reason for the Indian women in Engineering was studied and it comes down to Economics.

    I suspect it’s also cultural, inasmuch as it allows those women much greater control over their lives.

    • Nephilium

      That’s not even touching the cultural difference between how women (and lower castes) are treated in their home country versus Western countries.

      • Suthenboy

        Brooks and Neph: RACISTS CONFIRMED.

    • slumbrew

      The Wall Street Silver tweet is 🔥

    • Suthenboy

      I am guessing only baby girls? Is this like those people whose only nourishment is sunlight?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      A forced pregnancy you say?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It sounds so bad I kind of want to watch it.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Whats less reasonable is the national journos climbing back atop that particular pile of bodies one last time.

    Just look at the ongoing media outrage over President Convicted Felon’s alleged “Get over it” comment about some other school tragedy.

    “Get over it”? “Life must go on”? What sort of inhumane monster would believe such nonsense? Those brave survivors must be forever preserved in an impenetrable casing of fear and pain and self-pity.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Into the Abyss

    Argentina’s Senate narrowly approved President Javier Milei ’s sweeping proposals to slash state spending and boost his own powers on Thursday, handing the libertarian leader a much-needed first legislative victory.

    Milei hailed the vote as a “triumph” even as opposition senators scrapped an income tax package and tweaked some contentious elements after an hourslong debate marred by violent clashes between police and protesters in downtown Buenos Aires.

    Senate president Victoria Villarruel, the vice president, used a tiebreaking vote to give provisional approval to Milei’s plans to trim the fiscal deficit, incentivize foreign investment and privatize some state-owned companies in a bid to transform the bloated Argentine state and overhaul its long-troubled economy.

    The most critical parts of Milei’s legislation went on to pass a marathon article-by-article voting session that stretched into Thursday morning.

    Soon there will be nothing left.

    • R.J.

      Go Milei, Go!

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        There is nothing left to cut.
        Milei: Challenge accepted.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        The right-wing economist is the only leader since Argentina’s return to democracy in 1983 not to pass a law within his first six months as president.

        Stop it. I can only get so hard.