Sunday Morning Exhausted Links

by | Jun 16, 2024 | Daily Links | 153 comments

So much running around yesterday, so much work, so much a jungle lawn that needed tending, especially along the 30 degree slope that is my backyard. The dog had a bit of a runabout which obligated me to chase him. A gas system for my experiments in optical measurement of thermal conductivities had to be hauled in place and plumbed up. I’m too old for this shit. I’m fucking exhausted. At least the coffeeshop is temporarily closed and the town is quiet (which is why I’m lacking in amusing anecdotes) except for the shrieks of happy children playing in the rare sunlight and dry weather. But still, every time I stand up, my body reminds me that I abused it.

We’re never too tired for birthdays, though, and the most auspicious one is the guy who ranks with Darwin, Newton, and Einstein in the simple brilliance he showed in understanding how the world works; which is not to detract from a guy who got us into a fine mess; the Prince of Pulp (Gernsback being the King); a guy I would ask for help re-arranging my house; a guy who played second fiddle to a cooley; one of the prime architects of the swamp; a guy who never said he was sorry about being Al Gore’s roommate; and a woman who was perfect playing against Norm MacDonald.

And with that… Links.

Los Birtheros Mexicanos.

Sometimes you get the cow. Sometimes the cow gets you.

I like how she announces that she’s insane before saying the hilarious shit.

“The aloha spirit inspires constitutional interpretation.” What???

Ironically, this is the only reason I’d vote for that ass-clown.

Just leave northern Appalachia alone. Please. You already fucked up Montana and Wyoming.

I will admit to a celebrity crush. But the Old Man’s crush is because of her voice and amazing ability with string instruments. This is a sweet and simple song played with absolute mastery.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. cavalier973

    Like clockwork

  2. Gender Traitor

    2024/06/16 at 7:00 am


    But many thanks to whoever unclogged the pipeline! 😄

    • Old Man With Candy

      One day I’ll get the hang of the new editing software…

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks for doing it despite your discomfort!

  3. The Gunslinger

    – “One of the man comedians actually went so far as to make a joke about our president….the leader of our country and a good and decent man…dying before the election..”

    Can we please just go back to the good old days when comics would just make portraits holding the president’s bloody severed head?

    • The Other Kevin

      Yes. Let us return to the days of common decency.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I hope that article was a joke. It’s really sad if it wasn’t, but with the Daily Kos you never know.

  4. Common Tater

    “Was this story worth reading?”

    Not really.

    • Q Continuum

      I hate everything in that story. Especially that guy’s hat.

    • DrOtto

      Not related, but involving a hammer and someone’s car. I worked at a small antique store in Houston and a woman rear-ended a couple of illegals. Rather than exchange insurance she decided she was going to try and threaten them by calling ‘la migra’ (INS). Then she came into our shop to use the phone. As she was calling the police. They pulled out a couple of hammers and then started going to work on her car and left. Then she gets off the phone and realizes what happened and asked if I got their license plate. I told her no and she started berating me like it was my responsibility to deal with her mess. I told her to get out of the shop and wait by her car for police.

      • Chafed

        You are the only decent person in that story.

  5. hayeksplosives

    “ And yet they were laughing at the idea of our only chance at saving democracy dying, at how he talks, at exaggerated, disgusting demonstrations of how he is aging.”

    I’m failing to feel the outrage that the author expects me to have,

    Millions of Americans really believe that “democracy” itself is at stake if trump wins. That’s why they feel justified in rigging elections.

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s the dangerous part. These insane people really believe that.

    • cavalier973

      I desperately want to see Biden flub Reagan’s quip about the youth and inexperience of his opponent.

    • Common Tater

      Comedians making fun of politicians was a regular thing until Obama.

      • Gender Traitor

        …resumed for Trump, but was once again verboten under Biden.

      • DrOtto

        One of the commenters on that article says as much, but then goes on to say how great Obama was that there was nothing to criticize.

    • Don escaped Texas


      pass: how do I get away from the majority?

    • Q Continuum

      “That’s why they feel justified in rigging elections.”

      They’ve been looking for an excuse to do it (if not doing it more subtly) for decades. Now that the seal’s been broken, considering that every Republican candidate is the next “unique threat to Democrat-ocracy” and “worse than Hitler”, there’s no reason to ever go back. Unless and until the fraud-by-mail and harvesting nonsense gets reined in, results will always be suspect.

    • juris imprudent

      vote blue 2024!!!!

      Fuck YOU with a 2×4!!!!

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This. But it’s gotta a rough cut one. No smooth edges.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I take care of that before I get out of bed. But I’ll get Round II (+?) in eventually. I don’t believe I’m the only one: Second time is always better than the first.

  6. Common Tater

    “Inside the US town being sued for racism by its white people… because it’s paying its black residents $25,000 each for the legacy of slavery

    Three years after Evanston proudly became the first local government in the US to start paying reparations to its black citizens – in this case technically to atone for decades of ‘institutional racism’ in local housing – it is being sued in a federal court for exhibiting exactly the sort of prejudice it decries.

    A conservative activist group, Judicial Watch, has filed a legal challenge to Evanston’s controversial $20 million (£15.7million) programme, claiming that it discriminates against non-black people – including whites, Hispanics and Asians – as they are ineligible for the $25,000 (£19,600) handouts.”

    They should just make any law or government program based on race illegal.

    • Q Continuum

      We could even go so far as to have a constitutional amendment!

  7. The Other Kevin

    Happy Father’s Day! Where applicable. This is the first one where I won’t see any of my kids. So today we’re visiting my dad, then my father in law. I really lucked out with my in laws, they are all great.

    • Nephilium

      I took care of the Father’s Day stuff a couple weeks back. Managed to get 4 tickets for an event the Browns were holding (they didn’t do it on Father’s Day due to the Rolling Stones concert). Took my dad, my brother in law, and his dad. Got to walk down onto the field, memorabilia was being auctioned off, and they provided breakfast.

      • Gender Traitor

        So last night folks in Cleveland took their grandfathers to see the Stones?

      • Nephilium


        The girlfriend and I were at home, as I was experimenting with cocktails. Although my long dead grandfather may look better than the current Rolling Stones at this point.

    • cavalier973

      I really lucked out with my in-laws

      I am glad to hear that.

      I did, too. My wife’s dad is really cool, and I always look forward to their visits.

  8. Old Man With Candy

    So for Father’s Day, I’m getting a pretty girl to have me spank her and say, “Oh, Daddy, I’m sorry.”

    I dunno, better than a cookout.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    ALL three, including the female comic, used at least a third of their routine to make fun of President Biden. The woman actually MOCKED HIS POSTURE and made squinting faces when she pretended to talk like him. One of the man comedians actually went so far as to make a joke about our president….the leader of our country and a good and decent man…dying before the election..


    • R C Dean

      “the leader of our country and a good and decent man”

      None of that is true.

      • cavalier973

        She’s talking about the Biden in her head.

      • Gender Traitor

        the Biden in her head.

        Sniffing her hair from the inside?

  10. Grumbletarian

    While the Appalachian mountain range technically stretches through 13 states from New York to Georgia,

    The mountains in Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are not part of the greater Appalachian range?

  11. The Late P Brooks

    it made me feel very sad and very down.

    You’re incredibly sad.

    • cavalier973

      I’m what you might call an Alpha male – respectable and successful – so feeling humiliated and powerless was a new sensation for me.

      I totally would not call you that.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I don’t know about most men

        most business-alpha women I’ve gotten behind closed doors shed their alpha very happily

  12. Sensei

    Just for you OMWC.

    Eskalab Spectrophotometer

    Vacuum tubes, high voltage and chemistry. The thing about YouTube is that you can actually learn shit if you care to do so. Amazing seeing an analog process for what is now almost certainly done digitally.

    The vacuum delay relay was a new thing for me.

    • Don escaped Texas

      I’m on the cusp, very big parts of both X and Boom

      what do their polls show about people with the sense to hate everyone?

      • Nephilium

        We’re generally just called Gen X. 🙂

      • Don escaped Texas


        that’s a weird We I’m not sure I qualify for

        you’re part of the normal world, so the normal demographics apply to you

        I’m 12 years older and from a place at least a decade behind the rest of genX in social terms; I’m like those tenth-generation Latinos in Texas who observe that they didn’t cross the border: the border crossed them

      • R C Dean

        My experience with the Tejanos (tenth generation Latinos in TX) is that they have little use for illegals and would rather be in Texas than Mexico. The “border crossed us” crowd was much more likely to be more recent immigrants who, in fact, crossed the border.

    • cavalier973

      CNN’s Ronald Brownstein noted last year that older voters were more likely to approve of Biden’s job performance and argued that some of his policy wins, like pushing for lowering drug costs in Medicare, appeal directly to seniors.

      I seem to recall Trump having something to do with lowering prescription prices.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Abort abort abort

    The Biden campaign plans to mark the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that guaranteed the federal right to abortion by barnstorming the country with messaging and events aimed at contrasting President Joe Biden’s views with those of former President Donald Trump, according to information shared exclusively with NBC News.

    During the weekend before and on the anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, the campaign will hold more than 30 events to mobilize volunteers and contact voters in cities across battleground states including Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta and Las Vegas.

    Campaign officials also plan to use the anniversary, which comes just days before Biden is scheduled to debate Trump for the first time this cycle on June 27, as an opportunity to talk about the stakes of the election and attack Trump’s past statements on abortion.

    Oh, goody.

    • The Other Kevin

      A solemn day of remembrance for those babies born alive.

  14. rhywun

    LOL Kos lets unhinged randos post content?! Isn’t that special.

    • PutridMeat

      Yeah! That’d never happen around here!

      Anyway, off to write up another article. Toodles!

    • Ted S.

      Are there any hinged people at Kos?

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Having made the mistake of wading through the comments, I can attest that no, there are not any hinged people there. They’re all hopelessly brainwashed both into believing that Biden is just fine, and anyone against Biden is a fascist 🙄.

        One even said that Biden is the best president since FDR for working Americans.

        I mean, what fucking America are they in right now? Because it ain’t the one most of us are living in.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      The comments are….special.

      It’s hard to believe people like that exist in the real world.

      • Old Man With Candy

        In my daily work at a private liberal arts university, I can attest that indeed such people exist. And make up 99% of our students and faculty.

      • Don escaped Texas

        in the real world

        students and faculty

        maybe you two violently agree ?

      • Common Tater

        Congratulations! You are the 1%

  15. rhywun


    Forget it, it’s Hawaiitown.

    I hope SCOTUS takes this up and finally puts a stop to this stupid shit. The wider public needs to be more aware of the damage these people want to do to them.

  16. rhywun

    Ironically, this is the only reason I’d vote for that ass-clown.

    To be fair, it is a *very* good reason.

    Do it.

    • R C Dean

      I kinda wish he had been more specific about which ass-clown he was referring to.

      • cavalier973

        Expert Ambiguity is the name of my new cover band.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Kids these days

    Sporting a “Pretty Girls Vote Republican” baseball cap and several buttons, including one reading “Gun Rights are Women’s Rights,” Lauren Kerby was surprised to be asked who she plans to vote for in the fall.

    “Obviously Trump,” she said with a laugh. “I came here for a reason.”

    Here is the ‘People’s Convention’, run by Turning Point Action, the advocacy wing of Turning Point USA, one of the largest national organizations focused on engaging students on conservative issues.


    Just five months out, enthusiasm for Trump is high among younger attendees. NPR spoke with more than a dozen voters under 30, who remain committed to Trump, motivated by to vote for him largely because of his isolationist ideas and focus on the economy and immigration.

    Their unwavering support stands in contrast to sentiment of many younger Democratic voters, who remain unsure or unenthused about backing President Biden again.

    Why don’t them young whippersnappers understand they are obligated to be enthusiastic Democrats?

    • rhywun

      People’s Convention’

      How many leftists did they hoodwink into joining that that name??

  18. cavalier973

    By implication, Biden’s message is globalist, and does not focus on the economy or immigration.

    Has Team Biden called a break, or limit, or whatever the dang term they used was, yet?

  19. Suthenboy

    Money and power. That is what it all boils down to.
    Political leader revealed as a liar.
    *Ok, the irritable cow is technically not about money or power in the sense I meant*
    Biden, a good and decent man. Yep, she is insane.
    Trying to shake down the Oil industry the same way the Tobacco industry was skinned
    Leftists hate any limitations on power. Co-equal branches? Checks and balances? They cannot abide this.
    I liken progs to staphylococcus. The infection will spread here and there until the entire country is infested and wasted. What we need is a good antibiotic. I really, really want them to stay the fuck out of Louisiana.

    • Don escaped Texas


      I think populism, left or right, runs coast to coast at this point. Even the Kingfish thought FDR wasn’t sufficiently commie…that’s an infection now pushing 100 years old. We have 70M folk screaming to keep the government away from their social security, pretender conservatives that Buckley would not recognize.

      This site’s membership is sufficiently principled that we can discuss norms and history meaningful….our other 330M neighbors not so much: this country is sufficiently incoherent at this point that mainstream discourse just isn’t useful.

    • R C Dean

      So what you’re sayi8ng is, the gain-of-function research is progressing well?

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      When it happens, I’ll be sure to ignore everything from the CDC. Fuck those cunts.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        HI MW!!!

  20. The Late P Brooks

    This year’s conference also comes just over two weeks after a New York jury found Trump guilty of criminal charges, a decision that could negatively impact his chances with younger voters. The latest Harvard youth poll, published in March, found a potential guilty verdict increased Biden’s lead by 10 percentage points among young Americans overall.

    Much like their unwavering support in the election, though, voters at the event are unphased by his conviction. His mugshot is displayed on the posters and t-shirts of attendees.

    To 20-year-old James Hart, the verdict has little effect.

    “I don’t really think, at this point, anyone’s feelings changed. I think everyone knows who they’re going to vote for. We know Trump. Trust me – we know Joe Biden,” said Hart. “We know their policy. We know how they’re going to act. And I trust Trump.”

    Scandalous. Who thought it was a good idea to lower the voting age to 18, anyway?

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      I’m wondering why people seem afraid to say the obvious. We all know it.

      That Trump was clearly the victim of a sham political prosecution in a kangaroo court, and that has emboldened people to vote for him in protest of their bullshit political prosecutions.

      I’m in KY. My vote will not count. Trump will take KY by 25 or more points in all likelihood. But I’m going to vote for him anyways, despite abstaining from voting since 2004, as a symbol of my disgust for the process of perverting every system available just to keep Trump out.

      Fuck the left in the ass with a rusty chainsaw.

      • cavalier973

        If they did it to Trump, they’ll do it to us, unless we can make sure they don’t get away with doing it to Trump.

      • Suthenboy

        I am in the same position here and will behave the same.

      • Evan from Evansville

        This is exactly me. I haven’t voted since ’12 and I never really thought of voting for Trump, but I will now. (I woulda in ’20 if Indiana were a toss-up; I wasn’t going to stand outside in the COVID scamdemic.)

        He’s the perfect Fuck You Candidate. A vote in his favor, even if Blue fortifies a victory, adds to the “Fuck You” count. (That also won’t be ‘accurately’ counted/ reported.) Feels good to have a Fuck Off voice mean something in a generation of fucking lost souls. (Some/Many are cromulently happy in the Shit Swamp they’ve led themselves into.)

  21. Evan from Evansville

    Enjoyed getting on Zoom w both audio AND a working camera this time. It went rather swimmingly and I shall return!

    Today’s Father’s Day dinner is at Slapfish, a local-ish seafood joint. He has (mostly jokingly) said several times he expects “reverence” for the occasion. Coming from a man who shits with the door open and only has tourism shirts from various cities/States he’s been to. The raggedy-ness of his clothes and towels are infamous ’round the family.

    Interestingly, against family perception, he ranks the time he, bro and I were almost run over by a train on a bridge the SECOND most dangerous thing he involved us in. I was 8-or-so. I remember having to aim for the slats or I’d slip between them. Ninja Turtle green water, frothing over rocks in a shallow river below. In HIS view, the Clear Winner was when he got me in a cage with a dude and his massive pet bear. At one point, the bear looked at me like a chicken nugget, got on all-fours and an immediate intervention had to be staged. I remember that as being fun and kooky. The train was a legitimately scary experience. Colin, 14 at the time, got off to safety. Dad had to run on the bridge to get me– We dodged in an alcove as the train roared passed on the bridge. Coal on the top of the cars rumbled free, some falling on US during the turbulent crossing.

    An odd man, and I inherited far more of Him than Colin did. In his own bizarre way, especially for me, he’s a pretty perfect father and grandfather. THANK. GOD. he didn’t have any girls. He admits he wouldn’t know/have known what to ‘do’ with one. It is no coinky-dink Father’s Day is a much smaller deal than Mother’s. I still don’t ‘get’ birthdays. She did all the damn work! I…had no sentient function in the process. But hey. I’m easy. Just be a good uncle and give me cash on April 28. (Retroactive…is happily acceptable…) Happy Father’s Day to all y’all who are.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Your Marcel Marceau impression was spot on.

      • Evan from Evansville

        The first time I wear a non-solid color T-shit in months and a multitude throng in with Marcel! I know who he is but I looked up some pics. Uh. I don’t even own a suit, while he was apparently born in one, complete w mustache.

        *twists imaginary facial hair within cloud of smoke*

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Plus – young voters tend to be aligned with Democrats on their key issues – notably on abortion access, addressing climate and curbing gun violence. And despite struggling in polling, Biden still maintains a lead with young voters overall in multiple youth polls.

    Issues the teachers’ union dutifully stress in their indoctrination camps.

    • Gender Traitor

      I love your glasses! Where can I get those frames?? 👓

      • Gender Traitor

        P.S. You look super cute! 🙂

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Zenni! 🙂

      • Old Man With Candy

        You look super cute!

        Yes, she does. RV Guy won’t know what hit him.

      • Evan from Evansville

        He may if he remains with us. Would take serious willpower to scribble down her plate number.

        Natch, this is a win for us all. After all, he’ll wanna be able to ring her afterwards? They may have exchanged #s beforehand, but in the universe of knockin’ RVs, I don’t ask nor tell. (‘Less I was invited, o’ course.)

    • Ted S.

      The 80s want their glasses back.

  23. Suthenboy

    Is there a term for naive, inexperienced people being sympathetic to certain cultures trading in their sympathy for disdain after having actual experience with said culture? I have seen the phenomena more times than I can count. I know the term Oikophobe, surely there is a term to describe conversion to xenophobe.

    • Common Tater

      I thought an oikophobe was someone scared of yogurt.

      • cavalier973

        *sour laugh*

    • Nephilium

      Growing up?

    • Don escaped Texas

      I presume you mean the normal arc of youth.

      The mistake I think most experienced folk make is they fail to attractively make the case for reviewing simple history, how the story of how things have gone (well or otherwise) shows the way to the story of how things (people) actually work. The job is to patiently point to Chamberlain, to the Holodomor, to Mao (to Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR!), to Iraq.

      It’s easy for optimistic and youthful energy to embrace lofty ends and then get suckered into corrosive means because those can be sold to suckers in a vacuum: the kids never learn how the story ends from their heroes or peers.

      I believe there is a huge opportunity missed by the own-the-libs crowd: they’re so busy playing the identity politics game that they can’t be attractive salesmen of history.

      • Don escaped Texas

        just read this

        Todd Rose @ltoddrose …. a meaningful subset of our youth have been so fully indoctrinated into this death cult that they actually believe some version of this ahistorical Marxist gibberish.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I don’t know of a specific term for it, but it’s certainly a flavor of Culture Shock.

      I experienced Reverse Culture Shock returning Stateside far more. Getting used to people being ’round folk who can actually understand and tendency (?) to remember what you say was a big one. The fun reversals are simple things being easy to do again. The odd ones really do make you feel like a Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

      “What is THIS shit?! Everyone sees this for what it is, correct? Yeah? And you still think it’s NORMAL?! *throws hands up* Where AM I?!” <– Goes far past politics, a subject I/most purposefully avoid 'round mixed company.

  24. Common Tater

    “Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, slammed a part of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee version of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2025 that would have women register for the draft.

    On page three of the National Defense Authorization Act, under the heading of “Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce,” the Military Selective Service Act would be amended “to require the registration of women for Selective Service.””

    Sounds fair to me.

    • Suthenboy

      Give the rabble-rousers what they asked for, or have honorable men stand up and do what honorable men should do.
      Which to choose, which to choose.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Anything we disagree with is corruption

    Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) slammed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as “corrupt” during an interview with MSNBC on the court’s recent decision to overturn a Trump-era bump stock ban. Thomas has come under increasing scrutiny for gifts he has received from Republican super donors, including billionaire Harlan Crow.

    “Y’all were too nice before,” Crockett said during an interview with Melissa Murray. “Clarence Thomas is corrupt. End of story. No one gets this kind of money and isn’t influenced in any way.”

    “There will absolutely be a reckoning on November 5,” she added.

    Thomas is up for re-election?

    • Suthenboy

      She is a straight-up white supremacist, that one.

      • Suthenboy

        Also a complete lunatic. The reason her ilk get into positions of power is summed up with ‘Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.’

        See: The Voters

    • cavalier973

      Just like a Democrat to attack a black man.

  26. cavalier973

    Either that guy’s legs have been severed, or he has some seriously plush carpeting.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    She’s talking about the Biden in her head.

    He’s like Santa Claus, only better.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    “We conclude that [a] semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machinegun’ because it does not fire more than one shot ‘by a single function of the trigger,’” Thomas wrote, quoting the statutory definition.

    He can’t get away with that!

    • cavalier973

      “I feel that Thomas is wrong about this!”

    • Suthenboy

      The wise Latina recently argued that testing the constitutionality of a law was ‘a novel approach’ for SCOTUS. I imagine that in her mind testing the actual meaning of any law runs afoul of doing whatever the bench wishes.
      As OMWC points out the make-up of SCOTUS is reason enough to keep progs out of the Oval Office.

    • Don escaped Texas

      it’s weird that Thomas takes any interest in statutory definition

      since his judicial urge is toward less narrow rulings on more fundamentally constitutional bases: he should be leading the charge to throw out the entire statute instead of nit-picking over its interpretation and enforcement

      • Suthenboy

        That would entail tossing out the entire body of firearms regulation laws, both state and federal, something we are very unlikely to see in our lifetime. Taking the incremental approach as the progs do might be the better strategy.
        I am anxious to see how this ruling affects any. number of other regulations.

      • Don escaped Texas

        entire body

        no doubt: principled action tends to the monolithic


        no doubt: principled action tends to arouse special interests

    • Old Man With Candy

      Cuteness Overload.

    • Gender Traitor

      Thanks! The one of him (?) sleeping is as sweet as it can be! 🥰dog

      • Gender Traitor

        (Oops! Had been looking for an appropriate dog emoji, but none were nearly as cute as Waffles!)

    • Suthenboy

      That is a very handsomely formed dog. Nice.

      • Evan from Evansville

        These euphemisms are becoming more canine.

        Sit, boy.

    • Timeloose

      Thanks everyone. He slept through the night after 20min of crying in the cage.

      He then woke up at 4 and had to pee. So no sleep for the new owners.

  29. Common Tater

    “Tupperware has confirmed that it will be closing its only American factory later this year.

    The company, which has over 10,000 employees worldwide, will shut down its last production facility located in Hemingway, South Carolina, resulting in around 150 job losses between from September through till January.

    Manufacturing operations will be outsourced to Tupperware’s plant in Lerma, Mexico, which already handles the majority of production for the US and Canadian markets, according to company statements to the media.”

    I guess that seals the deal.

    • Don escaped Texas

      it was 150 Mexicans either way


    • cavalier973

      I suspect the underlying problem is that FedGov regulations is what makes manufacturing within the US unprofitable.

      As a conspiracy theorist, I also entertain the possibility that the intelligence agencies also are somehow involved—using Federal monies to buy out companies, and then purposefully move them out of the country, without regard to the economic benefits and costs to doing so. I have no proof that this is happening, just a suspicion.

      • Suthenboy

        Seems to me that industry lobbyists drive the laws and regs making it easier to relocate somewhere to pay slave wages. Straight up regulatory capture.
        Your first explanation has it covered and is true, no tinfoil hat needed.

      • Don escaped Texas


        some things I might understand:
        * tooling: cut in China or Brazil, never mattered
        * logistics: Lerma is about 1,000 miles further away from the American center mass than SC
        * raw materials: oil and resin are global commodities
        * labor: $15/day compared to $80
        * benefits: not sure
        * safety and environmental: negligible on a per-unit basis
        * corruption: negligible on a per-unit basis
        * product regulation: foodstuff containers sold in the US, so same either way

        it’s all labor-driven? I don’t think a couple of proximity switches (that they already have sunk) moves the needle

      • cavalier973

        American workers supposedly have high productivity, due to tools and training.

        An $80 a day American worker should be able to make enough whatzits to out produce the overseas wage slave making $15 a day, and make the $80 a day actually cheaper.

        “Americans make different products than overseas workers” is the usual rejoinder, with a comparison between jumbo jets and cheap plastic toys. I expect there is some truth to that. Toyota built a manufacturing plant in Tupelo when I lived there, and Nissan (I think) built one in another Mississippi town.

        What happened to Saturn cars? I see one every so often. They were built in Tennessee.

        I am just rambling, now, but I wonder if it is possible, anymore, to start a business in the proverbial garage….

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Panic, damn you!

    As a group of veterinarians with experience in both the poultry and dairy industries, coupled with expertise in both poultry and human outbreaks and influenza viruses, we believe the dairy industry and regulatory agencies need to move quickly to stop H5N1 from seeding a human epidemic.

    With the virus crossing species barriers, the specter of human exposure and emergence of a human-adapted strain is rapidly intensifying. This outbreak in dairy cows has the potential to spiral into a human epidemic or even a catastrophic pandemic—the signals of which we may already be seeing.

    To prevent this next catastrophe, dairy producers must step forward to encourage the testing of dairy workers. They must increase testing in dairy cows and federal agencies need to report those results to allow us to track how many people and animals (including the cats, dogs and wild birds on farms) have contracted H5N1. There are many anecdotal reports of dairy workers feeling “hungover,” or having more pronounced flulike symptoms. But because symptoms have been generally mild, many people have minimized them and continued to go to work. Vigilant testing is critical to track any changes in the virus that may make it spread more easily among humans.

    “Scientific” “American” is on the case, yearning for the good old days when the peasants dutifully followed science.

    • Suthenboy

      Anyone that buys into this shit a second time deserves what they get. Of course the problem is for the rest of us as well.

  31. Common Tater

    “Ablechild, a parent organization fighting for informed consent rights as they pertain to psychiatric diagnosing and psychiatric drugs, is intimately aware of the difficulties surrounding the gathering of information about Adam Lanza’s mental health records.

    Despite Ablechild filing a FOIA to obtain Lanza’s mental health, toxicology and autopsy records, the state refused to publicly release this information when Assistant State Attorney, Patrick Kwanashie, stated disclosure of Adam Lanza’s records “can cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.””


    • cavalier973

      Adam Lanza and David Hogg are the same guy. I saw a picture on the Internet.

    • Suthenboy

      Didn’t someone post in the last few days something about the FBI not wanting people to think mass shooters are all crazy?
      I would say a the act of a mass shooting is the definition of bark at the moon crazy. No sane person would do that.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    At this point, the dairy industry must put aside cultural and operational differences and start the kind of broad-scale influenza testing and reporting that occurs in the poultry and swine industries. By taking these proactive measures, dairy operators can reduce the risk and impact of H5N1 on their herds and prevent the development of a human-adapted strain of bird flu. We cannot afford to be complacent in the face of this threat, especially after the lessons learned from the COVID pandemic. No one wants to go back to that.

    We’re going to need plenty of rope.

    • Suthenboy

      Lessons learned from the cootie bug hysteria? I am not optimistic.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Lessons learned from the cootie bug hysteria? I am not optimistic.

    The most important lesson “should have been” to treat the panicmongers as the true contagion and ruthlessly eradicate them.

    • Suthenboy

      I watched in amazement while the panicked herd animals all stampeded in the same direction. I was hopeful at the time that when truth began to come out they would hesitate a bit before being spooked into stampeding again but I am already hearing people speak in hushed, frightened tones about ‘bird flu pandemic’.