¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Daily Links | 85 comments

I had a nice weekend. Incidentally my family doesn’t hate me. Hopefully it was the same for you.


Remember when they media fawned over Trudeau when he first got elected? They’re gonna try to do it to Claudia. I will need to focus group a nickname, no ethnic slurs.

Watch out, more climate change incoming!

Brandon’s border policies are working. Let me dig up this classic.

The Russian warships leave Cuba. When even Russians won’t stay there…

New construction on the rise in Latin America. On a related note, so is “Bitcoin Evangelism”.


Argentine senate vote to enact more of Milei’s reforms. Naturally, Argentines react violently. Can’t wait to see what happens when they gut SS here.

It feels like an AC/DC day. Have a great Tuesday.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Drake

    Did the Russians leave the Cubans any gifts JFK wouldn’t approve of?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Like syphilis?

  2. The Other Kevin

    “Annual inflation is currently close to 300%, while more than half of Argentines are now living in poverty.”

    That Milei guy sounds like a monster. He ruined a perfectly good country in such a short time.

    • bacon-magic

      What a monster. *starts up passport process

    • rhywun

      “300” is way higher than another number I read the other day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • Ted S.

        The number you read the other day was probably the month-on-month figure. Total inflation for the last 12 months may well be 300%.

  3. Nephilium

    “Have you accepted Bitcoin as your lord and savior?”

    • cavalier973

      “Bitcoin Baptism” is the name of my band’s newest album.

      Priced in bitcoins, appropriately.

  4. Certified Public Asshat

    Demonstrators in Buenos Aires – who say the measures will hurt millions of Argentines – threw petrol bombs and stones, setting cars alight.

    Now that is a sentence.

  5. Chafed

    Great music choice MS.

    I wonder if Milei will be able to turn Argentina into an attractive destination for investors. The man is certainly trying.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      He may have to go full Caudillo first, like El Presidenté Dudebro.

  6. The Other Kevin

    Gotta say, while there are issues with the new site, I’m digging those full size cover images.

    • juris imprudent

      That’s what I call some Copa America!

  7. Dr. Fronkensteen

    From the Milei article.

    “We cannot believe that in Argentina we are discussing a law that will put us back 100 years,” Fabio Nunez, a 55-year-old protesting lawyer, was quoted by AFP as saying.

    Do you mean 100 years ago when Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world? The horror.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The horror of returning to single digit inflation.

    • Ted S.

      a law that will put us back 100 years,

      he asserted without evidence.


      Is the law going to dynamite the Panama Canal?

      Because being on the way to and from lots of places was pretty good for them before that particular shortcut was dug.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Isn’t Panama currently run by a communist? They might do it themselves.

      • Ted S.

        Weren’t they an agricultural powerhouse before Peronism?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Yes, and most of their exports are agricultural.

  8. KSuellington

    Great tune from them. It may be time to expose my kids to Maximum Overdrive. Haven’t seen that in decades, I remember it as a fun flick.

  9. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “pointing to the 2020 kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer”

    Yes, I blame the FBI for there not being more women officeholders in the US too.

  10. Shpip

    I will need to focus group a nickname, no ethnic slurs.

    Sounds like the media have found…
    (dons sunglasses)
    … a new Shein-y object.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Not bad, but we can do better than that

  11. Ted S.

    Incidentally my family doesn’t hate me. Hopefully it was the same for you.

    We don’t hate you either. Well, I don’t hate you at least

    • slumbrew

      Meh, he’s ok.

  12. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    The full picture on the front page is evidence that sometimes a little mystery is better.

  13. Bobarian LMD

    Why would your Family hate me? They don’t even know me.

    Unless you been telling them things.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      No, nothing. Nothing at all.


    • kinnath

      Is it time for another round of “OMG! Swingers.”?

      • Ted S.

        Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

      • kinnath

        Haven’t tried it. Don’t plan to.

      • Evan from Evansville

        My bro and SiL are certainly into something. Several years back, bro said they were into a sharing/ swapping relationship partners. At the time I thought he wanted w my gal, but I’m naive and I’m fairly certain it’s the opposite. SiL is hot and has been giving me Eyes a bit. I would love to live out that American Dream. Everything about him is measured and he wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise. Calculating bro, he is.

        Tricky situation for a quirky young man. If it comes up, I’ll see how so. I am not in any position to bring it up, so if it doesn’t, I get extra Imagination Land to play in. She hasn’t made an official appearance in my Spank Bank, but I like when those Eyes show up in my life.

      • Grummun

        Haven’t tried it. Don’t plan to.

        My wife has a firm “shoot first ask questions never” policy on infidelity.

      • R C Dean

        “He was coming right on her!”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        After a few decades of marriage, the mere idea of trying to have sex with someone who doesn’t know me, nor I them, is terrifying, just from the logistical perspective, let alone the body horror angle.

    • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Looking to spot the swinger among your neighbors? There are a few tell-tale signs, according to an analysis from sex education expert Amy Nguye, which were included in this rankings.

      Signs include: pink flamingo, garden gnome or pampas grass displays in the front yard; displaying upside-down pineapples; wearing a black ring on the right hand; having large mirrors throughout the home; and having a hot tub in the back yard.

      I doubt the last two.
      Saw the upside-down pineapples last week.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Allegedly the pineapple is a thing on cruise ships. Maybe that’s why they’re called cruise ships.

    • kinnath

      Key party!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      What else are the Amish supposed to do when they don’t have electricity and TV for entertainment?

  14. rhywun

    “how can a head of state hate the state?”

    Stop, I can only get so hard.

    • R C Dean

      Because it’s, you know, hateful?

      Remember when Obama promised to fundamentally transform the US? I don’t think you say that you’re going to fundamentally transform something unless you kinda hate it.

  15. Not Adahn

    Got a weird emergency SMS. It was from NYS with the urgent message that the 911 system was working normally and there was nothing wrong.

    • The Other Kevin

      In the next town over, they have a new mayor, a younger guy. He put out a Facebook post apologizing for pushing the red button on his desk. He didn’t know what it was and was curious. Turns out it was the town tornado siren. Perhaps he’d read too much Hat and Hair.


        It’s better than accidental missile warnings, I suppose.

      • Tundra

        As an unrepentant button-pusher, I understand completely.

    • cavalier973

      You’d better put on a mask and wait in the basement, just to be safe


        It was a tornado warning, not a Warty Warning.

    • SDF-7

      Are you perchance close to Massachusetts? I’m assuming there may be people worried it is a regional thing.

  16. Aloysious

    Is this particular kind of climate change going to cause another solar eclipse?

    Has Sunny Hostin weighed in yet?

  17. Not Adahn

    Updates for anyone shooting Area 7: It’s now a Staff Reset match. Which means for the shooters, they do nothing other than shoot, kibbitz, and gossip.

  18. Shpip

    The submarine, a frigate, an oil tanker and a rescue tug slowly departed from the port on Monday morning.

    That had to be a letdown when the sailors found out that the local prostitutes won’t take rubles.

    • The Other Kevin

      That quote sounds like the setup for a joke.

      • rhywun


      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Is a rescue tug something like a happy ending? It was good of them to bring a tanker full of lube.

    • cavalier973

      …they had never tried the drink, before. They drank too much. and so there were all three sheets to the wind.

    • cavalier973

      …when the submarine sobered up, it discovered that the other three boats had gotten their seamen all over it.

    • Plinker762

      I think its funny that the fourth ship is a rescue tug.

    • SDF-7

      and a rescue tug

      I see they’ve learned from their carrier experience a few years back.

  19. Aloysious

    AC/DC is a fine choice.

    So many good songs to choose from.

    I have a soft spot for the instrumentals D.T. and Chase the Ace.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      My 6 and 8 year were asking for TnT to be played every time we got in the car a month ago

      🥲 proud dad

      • Tundra


  20. R.J.

    “Claudia Shitshow”

    You’re welcome.

    • slumbrew

      *golf clap*

    • Suthenboy

      I am thinking about people who said if things here get too bad people will start fleeing to Mexico. I didn’t say at the time but was thinking…bad idea…the winds change in Latin America on a weekly basis.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I will need to focus group a nickname, no ethnic slurs.

    Is “commie” an ethnic slur?

    • Suthenboy

      Tough call. Culture and Ethnicity are often conflated….

    • R.J.

      Is it too late to propose Wokie McWokeface?

    • Rat on a train

      Commie Shitebomb?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Is “commie” an ethnic slur?


    • B.P.

      I, Claudia

      • R.J.

        Oooo! Compelling.
        How about DEI, Claudia?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Getting warmer

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Saint Foochy

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Fauci clashed repeatedly with President Trump. “He really wanted, understandably, the outbreak to essentially go away,” Fauci says of Trump. “So he started to say things that were just not true.”

    Fauci says Trump downplayed the seriousness of the virus, refused to wear a mask and claimed (falsely) that hydroxychloroquineoffered protection against COVID-19. “And [that] was the beginning of a situation that put me at odds, not only with the president, but more intensively with his staff,” Fauci says. “But … there was no turning back. I could not give false information or sanction false information for the American public.”

    Even on the cross, I will not retract my sacred vows. I am the truth.

    Spoiler alert: it essentially just went away.

  23. Brochettaward

    while one banner read: “how can a head of state hate the state?”

    It’s quite the conundrum. Who let this Milei guy get into power, anyway?

  24. The Late P Brooks

    If you look at the hearing itself it, unfortunately, is a very compelling reflection of the divisiveness in our country. I mean, the purpose of hearings, or at least the proposed purpose of the hearing, was to figure out how we can do better to help prepare us and respond to the inevitability of another pandemic, which almost certainly will occur. But if you listened in to that hearing … on the Republican side was a vitriolic ad hominem and a distortion of facts, quite frankly. As opposed to trying to really get down to how we can do better in the future. It was just attacks about things that were not founded in reality.

    Ah. “Shut up and do as I command,” he explained.

    Fuck off, you repugnant little homunculus.

  25. mexican sharpshooter

    Oooo! Compelling.
    How about DEI, Claudia?

    I think I got it: El PresidenDÉI Claudia

    • R.J.

      I like it. Strong, yet still feminine/commie/mask wearer.

  26. Brochettaward

    You can’t always First when you want
    You can’t always First when you want
    You can’t always First when you want

    But if you try sometime, you’ll find
    You can First when you need

    • Aloysious

      The Beatles?

      • Evan from Evansville

        Eagles. Far, far superior.

        *flees, head down, whispers he really likes the Beatles, with Revolver/Abbey Road his favorites* Sgt Pepper is good, not great. I understand, but don’t ‘get’ the Beatles hate here/elsewhere. Overplayed, over-everythinged, but c’mon. Money talks, and people bought. They were fun and goofy, also w well-written ones like Eleanor Rigby. It takes all types and we ain’t gotta be the same. I’m sure I know dozens of Eagles songs, but can’t name one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  27. Evan from Evansville

    I’m glad I went to the swim park with my 11yo nephew, his sleepover friend and Dad. Sadly, I get the impression nephew isn’t terribly excited by the Real World. He’s social and a hella of an athlete, but he pretty much only likes running and solitary stuff. He’s quite smart, but pretty much only cuz he’s told to do it. It’s not an active interest, but he’s obv young and in the middle of life.
    I found more disturbing is two life guards called my name…and they were high school coworkers I had in the summer. I also saw Noah for the second time, but this time he came up and waved and said hello. Nice kid; I always liked him. At that moment I called out Parker, another ex-‘student’ who was joggin’ by. I kinda said his name, not addressing him, and he looked back but thankfully didn’t stop.
    I despise my generation being so heavens-to-Betsy *terrified* of everything in the World, which is safer in the US than it ever has been. It ain’t gonna get better until a brick wall gets smashed into by bus drivers flooring society into it. Predictably, my/our voice isn’t heard from the back of the bus. Drive yourself into a wall, sure, but fuck. Don’t accelerate ME along w the ride towards certain doom. With such PRIDE! It’s terrifying. Sigh. *Kicks pebble*