Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – they’ll never catch me now

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Daily Links | 92 comments

White and gold, folds over folds, obscene
She is little but mask now
What writhes underneath knows you, sees you
She is little but mask now
There is no god, no god
So she knows, hopes dies in folds

Carny (1980)

Gary Busey as a clown, barely legal Jodie Foster as burlesque girl, her neck already quite thick from rug munching. Madness, all is madness. The director didn’t get another job for nine years.

The trailer is amazing.

The last thing you see before your gender reassignment surgery begins. At least they wait for you to pass out before donning their bibs.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. DEG

    Gary Busey as a clown, barely legal Jodie Foster as burlesque girl, her neck already quite thick from rug munching. Madness, all is madness. The director didn’t get another job for nine years.

    The trailer is amazing.

    “You get a lot of tips” – the pick up lines aren’t amazing but the visuals are.

    • SDF-7

      I kept expecting it to go into buckets-of-blood mode. It really had the feel of a 70s slasher trailer.

      • Sean


      • SugarFree

        Right? Even down to the voiceover at the end. The flat effect of the horror movie trailer.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      You had me at Gary Busey as a clown.

      • juris imprudent

        Typecasting? Like Jane Fonda in Klute.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Gary Busey as a clown, barely legal Jodie Foster as burlesque girl, her neck already quite thick from rug munching. Madness, all is madness. The director didn’t get another job for nine years.

    That was a great movie. I was thinking about it not long ago.

    • SDF-7

      It sounds like the writer or director had great devotion to their Art.

  3. SDF-7

    All I can think. Especially about that trio (Shiff, Lt. Col. Asshole Ukraine Suck Up NeoCon and someone else? Or have I forgotten my asshole middle aged annoying bastard lineup?)

    • The Other Kevin

      You not knowing them all says something positive about your character.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Doesn’t Col V have a twin? That must be him.

  4. The Other Kevin

    If we weren’t disturbed enough at lunch, we get another hit in the afternoon. Well done SF.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    There is no god, no god

    He wasn’t there again today

    Oh how I wish he’d go away

  6. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Hillary looks like the High Priestess of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. I pity the fool who has to perform sex magick with her.

    • The Other Kevin

      Looks like the film adaptation of some earlier Hat & Hair episodes.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Something out of a Kenneth Anger film.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She’s trying out for a role in the woke remake of Manos Hands of Fate.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    The three weird sisters.

  8. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    If Hillary were a nice old lady having blinis poolside in The Villages, and not one of the most evil people on the planet, she would look nice in that mumu thing

    • SDF-7

      She looks like someone asked her if the curtains matched the drapes — so she pulled down the drapes and wore them.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Worked for Vivien Leigh.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Saw it in the window and just had to have it.

    • creech

      Check out that insincere, smug, shit eating grin on her face. My Hillary fantasy: be behind her as she starts down a long set of stairs.

      • kinnath


      • The Other Kevin

        I can just imagine her doing that fake-ass thing where she points and nods at nobody in the crowd just so she seems personable.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I actually agree with you, but I can easily imagine Her ablaze after falling asleep with a smoke. Peeling her and melted fabric off the couch would be a mission. That mazmat crew’d get quad-OT for that job. IDing where her flesh actually stopped would be a challenge.

      Having testicles aside, I can’t imagine wearing a long, loose covering for clothing. I know gals have bags to cover pocket peculiarities, but yikes. Why become an flowing fire hazard? Especially with something that easily catches or worse, just melts/burns across? Seems logical fire protection Trumps fashion, but history does prove wrong. (From now on, no, I’m not fixin’ that auto-correct.)

    • Sean


    • EvilSheldon


      Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones caroming off the scenery like a couple of demented superballs even made up for Segal’s narcissistic bloviating. An impressive feat.

      • Tundra

        Gayest knife fight ever, though.

      • EvilSheldon

        Nah. The gayest knife fight ever was from Eastern Promises.

        And by ‘gayest,’ I of course mean ‘most awesome’…

      • Mojeaux

        Tommy Lee Jones is one of my celebrity crushes, so I was in that movie for him. You could tell he was having a blast with that role.

      • Tundra

        OK, you win.

        That was…something.

  9. Tundra

    …her neck already quite thick from rug munching.


    • LCDR_Fish

      stupid auto text …

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Minor setback

    GM’s market share in China, including its joint ventures, has plummeted from roughly 15% as recently as 2015 to 8.6% last year — the first time it has dropped below 9% since 2003. GM’s earnings from the operations have also fallen, down 78.5% since peaking in 2014, according to regulatory filings.

    GM executives have said they believe they can turn around the operations and regain market share in China, largely with the help of new electric vehicles.

    I’m not dead yet. I’m feeling much better.

    • kinnath

      GM dumped the more popular Pontiac nameplate to save the Buick nameplate because Buick was more popular in China.

    • Tundra

      How are they gonna do that after everyone just dumped huge tariffs on Chinese EVs? I kind of doubt the Chinese will let that pass.

    • Suthenboy

      Who is dumb enough to try and do business with the Chinese? Oh, those guys.

  11. Ownbestenemy

    I’m confused on the pilot union push for the names that have supposedly been PC’ed out of existence…or is this more they want to get pilots fired if they still use them?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Cockpit – flight deck
      Stewardess/Stewardess – flight attendant
      Manpower – personnel
      On and on

      • Tundra

        What about dead stick?

      • Suthenboy

        “What about dead stick?”

        I think there is a pill for that.

  12. Derpetologist

    I passed 2 more CDL tests today. 1 to go plus the actual driving test. I’ll end with a class B license which gives me options. Also, I have another math teacher job interview Friday at a private Christian school. I forget how many interviews I’m to now. At least 16 since moving to Florida last April.

    Still a bit sore since my gym workout 2 days ago. I guess another recovery day is in order. My goals are injury prevention and vanity, plus whatever incidental health benefits.

    Another private Christian school also is interest in me, but no interview so far.

    • The Other Kevin

      Nice! It’s good when things move forward, especially on multiple fronts. Good luck on all of it.

      Don’t take too many days off, I find that after a few you can get rid of soreness with another workout.

      • Tundra

        This. Every other day and the DOMS disappears in a week.

        Also, congrats on the progress!

    • Evan from Evansville

      Boom boom! These are great developments. Are more into driving or teaching right now? Whichever comes first, or do ya have a preference?

      • Derpetologist

        I prefer teaching. Driving is a back-up plan.

        See what I did there?

      • Evan from Evansville

        Be organized and thoughtful? Yes, I do see.

        Interesting interesting. I am curious about Catholic schools and how they work here. My bullshit summer gig at an elem school was bristling with the reality my sanity would shatter if I had to bite my tongue that constantly. That was an abnormal gig but I’m glad the peak confirmed that my days of teaching are thankfully over. I wish you all the luck in landing where ya want.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Rooting for the hero to fail

    On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Fisker went bankrupt. The Ocean, its only model, was a fine-looking electric SUV marred early on by bad software. A mega-influencer said the Ocean is the worst car he’s ever driven, and shortly after Fisker’s stock plunged 90 percent. The brand’s public image has yet to recover from the Ocean’s teething issues, which we also noted in our first review of the SUV. Hey, building cars is hard, and startups often fail. But my question is: Why does it seem like so many people, so many American people, especially, were rooting for Fisker to fail?


    I’m pretty car obsessed (duh) and spend way, way too much of my time on group texts talking about, you guessed it, cars! One morning, while wading through over 100 unread messages from a particular group of knuckleheads, I stumbled on one thread where a buddy was gleefully predicting when exactly a bunch of EV companies will go bankrupt. Turns out he was bang on about Fisker, though I’d say you didn’t need to be Nostradamus to call that one. He went on to say that Lucid will go down in a few months, and Rivian would go under in 2025.

    You can argue these are valid predictions, though ones I disagree with for the most part, but it was the joy, the thinly veiled glee with which he was making these predictions that caught me off guard. Again, Fisker’s an American company headquartered in California; Lucid is an American company headquartered in California (though well-funded by the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund); and the same is true for Rivian, a U.S. company that’s based out of Orange County, California, with an engineering footprint in Michigan and a factory in Illinois.

    Maybe it has something to do with the perverse and artificial incentives which are the principal reason these companies exist at all.

    • Sensei

      You don’t enjoy having affluent people get subsidies of $3k to $7k or even more for what is frequently a second car?

      You must hate the planet.

    • Suthenboy

      “Maybe it has something to do with the perverse and artificial incentives which are the principal reason these companies exist at all.”

      It’s starting to make me suspect the green movement is a scam.

      • mindyourbusiness


    • Evan from Evansville

      Dammit social conservatives. Public schools. Separation of church and state. It really isn’t that fuckin’ hard.

      Narrator: It really is.

    • Suthenboy

      Again? Jeebus. *facepalm*
      This is the first time I am hearing about this time.
      These morons dont understand that christian values can be taught without teaching christianity but they just cant help themselves, can they.

    • The Last American Hero

      Between that and the “we just love us some cops 25 foot buffer” laws, I wonder wtf is going on in that state.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Aside from the first one, the ten commandments are pretty inoffensive, as I recall. Maybe we can just go with the Nine Commandments.

    • Sensei

      But what if my neighbor’s wife is really hot?

      • Evan from Evansville

        You make graven images out of your neighbor’s wife? I think you’re gonna have issues on this plane long before you go into the divine.

  15. Evan from Evansville

    I really like that album. Been a long time, but well-written, farcically fun vignettes, I recall. He certainly has a distinctive voice.

    Evan strongly approves of this hop down memory lane.

  16. cyto

    My middleschooler started watching “The Rookie”, a cop show staring Nathan Fillion from a few years back…. so I have been watching with her.

    Reasonably OK. Kinda funny. Fillion is always fun.

    But 10 episodes in, something has become glaring….

    Pretty much every single takedown has been a 96 to 118 pound female officer tackling a suspect. They always seem to get their man under control in a second or 2.

    The men? Not so much. In this latest episode a 70 year old, overweight grandma laid Fillion out. Same episode… 6 foot 2 inch, athletic dude in an altercation with another large athletic dude hits a female cop and another female cop tackles and subdues him, instantly.

    Becoming too much to overlook. Crazy choices in Hollywood.

    • Evan from Evansville

      It is curious girls are being told to be more afraid of men than bears. It seems if you keep showing girls they can take down a much stronger 6′ athlete with ease, they may become tempted to do it themselves.

      Pro Tip for easily frightened everyone (particularly Leftists these days): If you’re truly frightened of something, don’t fucking antagonize it. If ya purposefully do? Kinda seems like they award ‘free’ Stupid Prizes at the fairground.

    • Tundra

      Manual transmissions solve this.

  17. Evan from Evansville

    T-Minus 2.5 weeks til my phlebotomy training begins. Oddly, there’s a bit of a financial assistance program. The whole program is $895 for 3 weeks training, including the nat’l exam. (There kinda is one. It’s beautifully not-as top-down controlled as other books in medicine.)

    If I pay $363 more (I’ve paid the deposit/registration) I will be sent an application to see if I qualify… for ‘them’ to pick up the rest of the costs as I train. I’ll find out once I pay, which I will once they get back to my communique. My guess/hope is that they represent an employment agency+ that will pay provided I work for them for x period. I did confirm it’s not a loan but full financing of half of tuition. I don’t see how it could be anything other than an employment agency or similar.

    I’m gonna look about online and see what I hear from folk. You guys think/know somethin’ I don’t? Quite curious, am I.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Just remembrer EV, the large print giveth, while the small print taketh away.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Yep. I ain’t doin’ nothin’ til I hear from them. I just want to see it all in print. Reality is, I have $900 I can spend. I’m eagerly looking to see if this is kinda like Korea, where teachers found jobs through agencies. Schools want teachers –> Pay agencies who find them –> School contract goes to new teacher, agency gets a Finder’s Fee. — This seems the same. People need phlebotomists everywhere. They pay for half of training, in return it’s a contract to work for Them for x period of time. It would be lovely to have a gig set up once I complete training.

        *rubs hands together* As of now, worst case Ontario I just pay for training and scout gigs on my own. If they pay and set up work, fuck. Gettin’ two birds stoned at once, right there. *kicks back feet* I am shocked that I kinda had a fantastic idea all on my own. No one has yet said anything to make me question what I’m doing. Um. Not a single person has mentioned that it might be odd for a brain-damaged weirdo to be needlin’ people up for blood all day? I know that I’m (within reason) well-ordered, but I didn’t expect other people to take it so well.

    • Tundra

      If you become proficient at drawing blood from babies and old people, your rewards will be vast. When my boy was an infant, the silly bitch tasked with a blood draw stuck the poor little guy like a pin cushion. Finally, an old battle axe of a nurse came in and instantly found a vein, and even got him to stop howling. Amazing.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Nobody lives there anymore

    But a new report sums up the feeling of many potential home buyers by creating a category that labels some major cities as “impossibly unaffordable.”

    The report compared average incomes with average home prices. It found that pandemic-driven demand for homes with outside space, land use policies aimed at limiting urban sprawl, and investors piling into markets had sent prices soaring.

    US cities on the West Coast and Hawaii occupied five of the top 10 most unaffordable places, according to the annual Demographic International Housing Affordability report, which has been tracking house prices for 20 years.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most expensive US cities to buy home are in California, where San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego have all made the top 10.

    The Hawaiian capital of Honolulu also rates a mention in sixth place of 94 major markets surveyed in eight countries.

    Ghost towns.

    • Grumbletarian

      The market around Austin is slowly getting better. Hopefully in about 14 months I will be ready to snap up a nice foreclosure.

    • Suthenboy

      Yogi Berra chuckles from the beyond.

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, I’d vote for that dude. The commies will have a shit fit if he gets elected.

    • dbleagle

      Good ad. It is an effective use of a recurring theme (thump, thump, thump) and personal history. He is apolitician so the odds of him being a good person are low, but he probably better than his opponent.

      He is an EOD officer who served in ATO, ITO, and the Balkans.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Hopefully in about 14 months I will be ready to snap up a nice foreclosure.


    • dbleagle

      A shorter time if the fix is success for biden.

  20. LCDR_Fish

    I’m getting a lot of freaking narcan ads on youtube lately. WTF.

    • Ted S.

      You need to use more drugs?

  21. juris imprudent

    Not Hillary…

    Nancy Pelosi, after more than three years of blaming Donald Trump for violence at the Capitol, told her daughter that day she “takes responsibility” for security failures. Now she is in spin mode.

    • rhywun

      January 6 is instead emerging as s scandal of historic proportions that threatens to irreversibly destroy the public’s trust in key institutions including the Department of Justice, the military, and the Secret Service.

      Stop, I can only get so hard.

      • Suthenboy

        There seems to be a lot of that going on around here these days. Watching the authoritarians collapse under their own weight is quite satisfying. I think that is exactly what is going o n here.

    • Suthenboy

      She set the farce up. Of course she is responsible. Who but the most gullible idiots didn’t know that?

  22. Tres Cool

    At least the music link was a lovely palate-cleanser after “Carney”.