1. SDF-7

    That cover link guy is brave… but no Captain Caveman… Morning, Banjos et alia! On to the links (and if you don’t want me to comment on your main page pictures… don’t make them interesting! )

  2. SDF-7

    Biden Visibly Struggles Mid-Speech While Announcing Mass Amnesty

    Cheap Fake News argle bargle!

    Biden Campaign Creates Special Task Force to Mitigate ‘Cheap Fake’ Videos

    Oh wait….

    I’d say “Just how dumb do they think the American voters are?” but… well… they’ve shown us plenty of times just how dumb they think we are and are still getting away with it. Which unfortunately says that this may actually be a winning strategy, Cotton… wouldn’t have imagined it to be — but when you have all the butt-lickers mainstream media championing your position, “Don’t believe your lying eyes” somehow seems to work.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve gotten some leaked footage of the new Biden ads.

      • SDF-7

        Nice. I would have also accepted this on a loop.

    • AlexinCT

      “I’d say “Just how dumb do they think the American voters are?””

      They believe they are absolutely stupid. Especially after 12 or more years of brainwashing, indoctrination, and dumbing down intellects in government schools.

    • juris imprudent

      do they think the American voters are?

      It isn’t what they think, it’s what they know – about their own voters at least. Not that I think the other sides voters are all that bright.

  3. UnCivilServant


    Methinks those fighting against election integrety are up to something.

    • SDF-7

      The posterboard and leaky pipes are standing by…

    • AlexinCT

      I asked people why nobody in even made a claim there might have been any kind of election problems in Europe during that last election that just happened, and every one of them was flabbergasted when I pointed out everybody that is allowed to vote has a voter ID with picture, voting is done single day (most countries ban mail in voting completely), and the counting is done by hand. Every vote can be tracked.

      In the US we have a system that by design has none of these basic preventions to make sure the vote is scrutable and secure. That is because the powers that be want to rig it. And while both parties have actively defended the broken shit, one party has made keeping the system broken it’s priority. It’s not a coincidence that party is now in bed with the deep state.

      • SDF-7

        And unless my memory is faulty — that was also the case in most of the US not 20 or so years back. Yay capital-P Progress moving us faster to tyranny!

      • juris imprudent

        “…when the people shall become so corrupted…”

    • juris imprudent

      Marc Elias is a cancer, and should be treated as such. The people funding him should be in fear of their lives/safety.

      • AlexinCT

        I have seen evidence a large amount of his funding comes from the dnc which got the cash by running government programs that deliver nothing but cost billions. Especially the green shit show, or things like the broadband topic we are discussing today. Billions are allocated, then nothing happens, but the money is gone. Some connected people make bank. And a large chunk of that money then ends up in the dnc campaign coffers. Shit Elias and Clinton even fleeced the BLM idiots out of some $80 million.


      You mean the people who are franticly trying to make it easier to cheat may want to cheat?!

      No. Way.

  4. SDF-7

    Swing state election boards engaged in legal battles over election certification ahead of November

    Gee… if only people had been telling swing state GOP folks for 4 f’ing years to get this shit sorted out in both the Legislature and the courts as much as possible (so you don’t get a PA style “We don’t care what the law says, do this anyway” type decision). Maybe they wouldn’t be fighting this crap at the last minute. And maybe people would have a clear understanding of the elections and that you’re keeping it fair and transparent.

    But nah… we’ll get Lawfare and Fortification Mark II: Electric Boogaloo this year apparently. Yay.

    • Nephilium

      Nah. There’s still people complaining about Ohio removing voter registrations, cutting back on absentee ballots, and requiring photo ID. A federal court just struck down one of the restrictions:

      “The filing in the U.S. District Court in Cleveland argues that the law prohibits all but a short list of qualifying family members from helping those with disabilities deliver their ballots, excluding potential helpers such as professional caregivers, roommates, in-laws and grandchildren.”

      I’m mixed on this, as they don’t include the short list, and I can’t be assed to search for it. It does lead me to wonder, if you give someone power of attorney over you, would they be authorized to vote for you/help deliver the ballot? Why would I trust a professional caregiver if there’s no penalty if they change/spoil the ballot?

      • R C Dean

        If you can’t manage your own affairs, I don’t think you should be voting (or of course, anyone should be voting “on your behalf”).

      • Nephilium

        R C Dean:

        Kind of where I am on that, but I’m not sure what the current law says. I would think it would run afoul of laws saying you can’t sell or trade your vote (which strike me as unenforceable and unconstitutional).

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I think the current laws come down to: if you are breathing, 18, a citizen, and (depending on your state) not a felon, you are voting eligible.

      • SDF-7

        Another good reason to repeal the income tax, honestly — the more years I spend on this planet, the more convinced I am that the voter rolls should consistent of those paying the bills (which is why it was land owners in the beginning… those paying property taxes — with income taxes you’d have to lump those folks in as well). Reduces the “vote yourself other people’s money (for your ‘student loans’)” factor.

      • AlexinCT

        People that get benefits and don’t pay taxes have no problem with raising taxes. In fact, they would love that, because they get more free shit if the government loots more money from the productive. If you are not part of the producers, you should not have a say in how much money government steals. And you are not allowed to vote to have government do things you are not ready to volunteer for. I bet you we would have no more of these useless wars if the people voting to have them would have to go fight them personally.

      • Fourscore

        I’ve been saying this for many years. While I get benefits and pay taxes I think the benefit part is a voting disqualifier.

      • Common Tater

        “the voter rolls should consistent of those paying the bills”

        Making a fucked up boondoggle even more complicated isn’t the answer.

    • AlexinCT

      In many cases, fixing this shit is harder than getting a rocket to the moon, because the people that profit from it will make sure it doesn’t happen. In fact, in blue states where it is the worst, they actually took moves to make it even worse. and nobody can stop them.

  5. AlexinCT

    Must kill Matcha!

  6. Nephilium

    Huh… so Nevada is purging their voting roles too? I mean, I’ve been told how racist it is here in Ohio to remove voter registrations that can’t be verified and/or haven’t voted in (I believe) 10 years.

    • dbleagle

      I have lived at the same address for twelve years. The last election I received three ballots- mine and two for people that I’ve never met. Something tells me that bad election rolls are a near universal issue.

      • slumbrew

        Here in deepest blue Mass, they send an annual census and will drop you to the ‘inactive’ voting list if you don’t respond. You (presumably) get dropped off altogether after a while.

        Since I usually don’t send it in I have to go to a special table where they look me up on the inactive list and I have to show my ID.

        So, reasonably good.

        I suspect having so many students around is why they keep a pretty tight leash on it. Not that some horrible non-Democrat might get votes but that the wrong sort of D might get votes otherwise.

      • juris imprudent

        For all the ’20 shenanigans in PA, I did not receive a mail-in ballot, and had no problem with voting in person (I was even luckily in the shorter alphabetic group).

  7. SDF-7

    Nancy Pelosi is up this much on her Nvidia stock bet

    Let me guess — right before an appropriation by the NSA for more AI cores for their data center processing? That’s where Nvidia has been making most of their money these days as I understand it — and she’d certainly know right before a big, big government contract.

    That said — the whole tech sector has oddly been shooting up over the last year. I assume/think the Street thinks AI will be the Buzzword That Catches On This Time. I’m not convinced… but it is way above my pay grade. I just know I don’t want someone else’s LLM parsing my data (I might consider a 100% local solution, but sure as shit not MS Recall (aka Spyware On Steroids)).

    • Sean

      It’s all fun and games, until Skynet takes over.

    • Nephilium

      I would say it’s a combination of LLM magic, high inflation, and no one really knowing where a good place to park money is.

      • juris imprudent

        Who wants some kind of safe, boring investment. We all want the MOON SHOT!!!!

      • Nephilium

        Fuck. I’m looking at some of the short term CD offers I’m getting from my bank and seriously considering it. 5%+ for seven months doesn’t sound so terrible for a chunk of money that’s being saved for things next year already.

      • trshmnstr

        I’m looking at some of the short term CD offers I’m getting from my bank and seriously considering it

        That’s where 75% of my e-fund is sitting right now. Just enough in savings to get through an immediate emergency and the rest is in CDs. The short term ones are no penalty, so I’m tempted to use them like savings accounts.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I am in a Cash Account right now, and it seems to be doing pretty well, with the option of easy liquidity if necessary.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Fidelity has a Money Market account paying 5%. It auto-liquidates for checks, ATM withdrawals, or auto-payments. As long as interest rates remain at their current level, it’s essentially a checking, savings, and short-term CD all rolled into one.

  8. juris imprudent

    Mitigate ‘Cheap Fake’ Videos

    Just show us the full footage. Won’t that give everyone the context they need?

    • AlexinCT

      Say what? Letting the plebes formulate their own opinions is tantamount to spreading crazy!

      • juris imprudent

        We need to encourage them to go even bigger with their insanity. After all, they’re sure they can say and do anything without consequences.

        It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see how it plays out.

    • Drake

      There are nuisances involved that dumb people like you won’t understand.

    • R C Dean

      But that’s just the thing, JI. These aren’t deceptively edited – they’ve been faked! On the cheap! Showing the “full footage” is just showing more of the fakery! Cheaply!

      Which is why they are such a threat to Our Democracy(tm), or something.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        All snark aside, they record every public event with him. Just show it.

  9. SDF-7

    Americans still waiting on Biden broadband plan; rural high-speed internet stuck in Dems’ red tape

    But are they really? Starlink is a thing, after all. And feeding the money to “studies” and NGOs instead of actual infrastructure is typically a feature, not a bug.

    • AlexinCT

      I am sure they are very concerned with getting access any way they can. But the rest of us should be furious at the theft of that money which you knew was not going to do anything but line the pockets of connected people and land back in campaign coffers of certain pols. Government’s top priority today seems to steal from those that actually produce value and to funnel that money to themselves, their buddies, and back into their campaign coffers.

      • Nephilium

        You know, for the people who wanted to get money out of political ads (because of bad messages), you’d think they’d want government to stay far away from funding internet access. Who wouldn’t trust FBISP?

    • juris imprudent

      Funny thing, but the next county over from my place down in SW VA has fiber to every home and it is as rural as rural gets. Oh, it was a local co-op that done it.

      • AlexinCT

        Totally not surprised….

        Government programs are not just useless, but destructive at this point.

      • Fourscore

        We’ve had the fiber stuff here for several years. If you had a landline you were high speed….and I get a rebate every year for being a long time co-op member.

        Cashed my $142 check a couple days ago.

      • trshmnstr

        Ditto for my county, except for my little sliver that is under a different co-op. I’d love to have a fiber option.

      • juris imprudent

        I’m only about 5 or 6 miles outside of their service area, and I’m hoping they expand.

      • slumbrew

        I’d love to have a fiber option.

        Dooo iiiit

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Last time I talked to my old union pres. at ATT, they were prepping for cellular from the node, as they already have fiber to the node, and currently have copper for the last mile. This would be infinitely cheaper then fiber, which is already a dead tech. Verizon when fiber to the prem, and it almost bankrupted them 20 years ago.

        But, shit changes, and I am out of the biz, so I don’t know what is going to happen.

      • slumbrew

        The guy I linked to started with the fibre before Starlink was available – I’m sure he’d just use that these days.

        Now that the fibre is there, it’ll be cheaper than Starlink for the foreseeable future, I suspect.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Fiber is not dead. FWA is yet another we can do it cheaper than just ripping off the bandaid. A lot of money will be spent and then reality will set in.

        Cost of Fios wasn’t VZ’s real problem. They had a change in execs and the VZW guys took over and unsurprisingly, Wall Street wanted more wireless cash cow than long term prospects. Frontier is finally, after getting their acquisition costs swallowed through bankruptcy, doing what VZ half assed.

    • UnCivilServant

      So he has a habit of reckless indifference?

      It’s higher than Manslaughter then

    • Sean

      Uh oh…

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m going to be upset if he doesn’t get a lengthy jail sentence. I don’t know what the maximums are for manslaughter are, but they need to throw the book at him.

      • trshmnstr

        1.5 years is what the article says

  10. Certified Public Asshat

    The groups said the new law will send a “chilling message” to students and families who don’t follow the state’s preferred version of the Ten Commandments.

    Lol, okay. I mean which commandment do you find most objectionable to be seen by children?

    Louisiana also recently enacted universal school choice. These opposing groups might want to consider a private school that aligns more with their beliefs.

    • Nephilium

      Posted this yesterday as well:

      Reflections on Ethics 06
      The 10 Commandments as a Basis for Morality?

      –From the Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostics (the church I’m ordained in)

      And also, do they say which version of the Ten Commandments they’re requiring? Different translations have different commandments (and in different orders). I’d say that I have some issues with most of them. The only ones that I would say hold up in and of themselves is “Thou shalt not steal.” and “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” there’s questions about all the rest.

      • Nephilium

        Oh… and I blame Dave.

      • R C Dean

        So you’re more of a “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” guy?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I’m not interested in getting autistic on the 10 commandments. I’m enjoying the left going over the top and calling them a chilling message because the right is finally fighting back in schools.

      • Nephilium

        R C Dean:

        No. But I think as a moral code, the golden rule holds up much better (and more succinctly) than any version of the Ten Commandments. It’s also pretty stark when one of the commandments (in most translations, those where it’s “Thous shall not murder” have their own set of issues) is “Thou shall not kill”, which would seem to imply vegetarianism at a minimum to follow.

        I very much believe in causing the least harm to others as I can (within reason, I’m not going to sacrifice myself to protect someone from a sprained ankle), and try to live my life that way. Not so much an easy one to throw up a poster of to instill any moral/ethical codes in the yutes by its mere presence.

      • trshmnstr

        holds up much better

        As measured by what?

        The golden rule seems to suffer from the exact same issue as the 10 commandments from an agnostic perspective. It’s an ahistoric standard grounded on the fee-fee’s of the average self-interested schlub. The golden rule assumes equality across humanity, and, frankly, there’s no evidence of that equality through history. Both ethics strike me as having equal portions of that “slave morality” Neitsche talked about when viewing it from an agnostic worldview.

        It seems like the most natural morality for the atheist/agnostic is “1) maximize my pleasure, 2) minimize my risk, 3) play the long game, and 4) avoid harming others only insofar as those relationships are still necessary to accomplish 1 and 2 in view of 3.” From that baseline, the golden rule is just as silly as the 10 commandments. You should treat others in a way that gets them to do what you want.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Well now I am triggered by the golden rule. I treat friends and family differently than I do complete strangers.

      • R.J.

        Agree with Trashy. What if you are masochist?

        “I was just doing unto others what I want them to do to me, officer!!!”

      • R C Dean

        “I’m not interested in getting autistic on the 10 commandments”

        Me neither, but we seem to be in the minority.

      • slumbrew

        The Golden Rule assumes empathy, I think – even if you’re a masochist you understand that other people aren’t.

        (Sociopaths, on the other hand…)

      • slumbrew

        “Getting autistic about X” is our brand

      • EvilSheldon

        Almost everyone underestimates how seriously you need to take #4, in order to comply with #1 and #2…

      • trshmnstr

        Almost everyone underestimates how seriously you need to take #4, in order to comply with #1 and #2…

        24So the Pharisees said to Him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”

        25Jesus replied, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26During the high priesthood of Abiathar, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread,c which was lawful only for the priests. And he gave some to his companions as well.”

        27Then Jesus declared, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28Therefore, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

      • Ted S.

        Dave’s not here, man.

    • AlexinCT

      Lol, okay. I mean which commandment do you find most objectionable to be seen by children?,/em>”

      Methinks the one the supporters of globalism and socialism/marxism hate the most is the “Thou shalt have no other gods before me….”.

    • WTF

      I Guess “Thou shalt not steal” is pretty triggering.

      • Fourscore

        Depends on what the definition of ‘steal’ is.

    • SDF-7

      Lol, okay. I mean which commandment do you find most objectionable to be seen by children?

      Not sure — but they definitely seem in favors of the kids knowing about coveting your neighbor’s ass.

    • juris imprudent

      These opposing groups might want to consider a private school that aligns more with their beliefs.

      Bu, bu, but – then how do we force our beliefs on YOU?

    • EvilSheldon

      Yeah, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me…” hanging right behind the teacher is kind of a bad image.

      • trshmnstr

        Yeah, that’s more of where my objection comes from. It creates an image of the public school’s teachings being sanctioned by the church.

        Sticking some poster in a dusty corner of the classroom doesn’t fix the teacher’s worldview, the curriculum’s deficiency, or the systems flaws.

      • Brawndo

        Wouldn’t want kids thinking they can have a different God than the government

      • R.J.

        Think of it this way. Yes, just having the ten commandments in the classroom might not change any student behavior. But it might well influence the type of teacher you attract to the job and to the state. Wokies will not want to work there in your state. They will quit, get replaced by teachers who don’t have a problem with it. It’s a psychological ploy, which I think may work beautifully over the next few years to decrease wokery in the classrooms.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      What if it was Shariah law posted in the classroom instead? There doesn’t need to be any religious codifications associated with the government, especially something involving compulsory attendance.

      It’s the same kind of bullshit that requires a Judeo-Christian religious belief to qualify for homeschooling religious exemption in VA. I was briefly tempted to challenge that statue with a Taoist belief, but my kids don’t need to be the guinea pigs.

      • trshmnstr

        What if it was Shariah law posted in the classroom instead?

        Or pride flags? Or modern secular self-care BS? Or the tenets of materialistic determinism?

        It’s almost like compulsory public schooling runs into serious issues in a heterogeneous culture.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        For sure. And a different set of problems for compulsory public schooling in a homogeneous culture. I recently watched a documentary about elementary public school in Japan, and it was like watching a cult. The documentary was intended to presented in very positive light, but I found much of it difficult to stomach while thinking about my own kids.

        Compulsory schooling is one of the foundational issues that drives erosion of liberty.

      • trshmnstr

        Compulsory schooling is one of the foundational issues that drives erosion of liberty.


      • juris imprudent

        Compulsory schooling

        Another German ‘innovation’.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I don’t know if Louisiana Republicans are this smart (probably not!) but school choice and the 10 commandments in the public schools is a solid strategy. They are giving parents a lot of reasons to shop education.

    • The Last American Hero

      What about the one coveting your neighbor’s ass? No homo, nttawwt, but that dude’s time in the gym is paying dividends. The ladies in the neighborhood are getting the vapors and the dudes are getting jealous.

  11. PieInTheSky

    TURN OFF THE GODDAMN HEAT. 40C in fucking June goddamnit.

    • UnCivilServant

      Had to convert to real units to figure out what that was.

      You have my sympathy. Humans melt at those temperatures.

      • SDF-7

        Did not know the entire Central Valley of California is liquid during the summer. 😉 (110+ F for the summer months is pretty typical)

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s not liquid because it’s on fire.


      • SDF-7

        Well, it is a dry heat, true…

  12. PieInTheSky

    Biden Visibly Struggles Mid-Speech While Announcing Mass Amnesty

    The man is just overcome with emotion at the greatness of the thing he is doing.

    • AlexinCT

      My response: The emperor has no clothes!


  13. Not Adahn

    Huh. I just found out why Area 7 has so many people “volunteering” to work it.

    I volunteered because I like working major matches (and it lets me shoot matches I’d never qualify for). But this match is at and sponsored by https://sigsaueracademy.com/

    And the volunteer package includes employee pricing (~40% off) anything at https://sigsaueracademy.com/flagship-store plus gift certificates at that store for each day worked.

    I’mma have a P322 shipped to my LGS. If they do it again next year, I’ll get a single-stack gun.

    • UnCivilServant

      Wouldn’t that get the Local Game Store in trouble?

      • Not Adahn

        My favorite gaming store has an FFL.

    • Sean

      Oh my!

    • juris imprudent


      I just put together a recruitment flyer for our volunteer fire company (we have our big annual event coming up next weekend), and it features the tax breaks you can get as a volunteer. We’ll see what effect that has. Probably not as dramatic as Area 7.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m afraid I’m too fat, too cowardly, and too far away.

    • EvilSheldon

      Yow! That’s the way to staff up an event.

    • PieInTheSky

      you have too many guns already. do not purchase more. Donate the money to the local Democratic party.

      • Not Adahn

        I don’t actually have anything to shoot RFPO with. Or revolver.

      • juris imprudent

        No revolver? That’s my home defense gun.

  14. PieInTheSky

    The Supreme Court has ruled a local council should have considered the full climate impact of burning oil from new wells – a landmark decision which could put future UK oil and gas projects in question.

    Under planning law the assumption has always been that only the impacts from constructing the wells and not the use of the final oil products should be considered.


    good thing the UK has no economic growth problems so this will not have an impact

  15. PieInTheSky

    When inflation was high in the 1990s, the BBC did not feel the need to constantly explain that falling inflation did not mean falling prices. But then we weren’t an idiocracy in those days.


  16. PieInTheSky

    Why do American cities feel less “alive” than their European counterparts?

    It’s because of something called the “missing middle”.

    A century ago, American cities looked completely different… (thread)


    • UnCivilServant

      Because we were smart enough to get out of the vermin-infested termite mounds.

    • Nephilium

      Because we have huge tracts of land to spread out in. And now that WFH is more widespread, there’s little reason to be downtown during the day.

    • Drake

      As Europe imports the Third World, you’ll learn about white-flight.

  17. Sensei

    You can never reach peak Washington Post!

    “I’ve read the news, I’ve seen the polls, I’ve talked to guys at the bar who said they were once Trump supporters but that they can no longer support him,” Markley says. “Logically, everything I see makes it seem like the convictions weaken his chance of winning. But I can’t help think: What if it helps him?”

    Markley suffers from what he called a sort of “PTSD” from years of scandals that have failed to remove Trump from public life. The affliction presents with an unusual symptom: It makes some critics of the former president believe that anything bad that happens to Trump may end up being good for Trump.


    • AlexinCT

      Every time I hear some idiot saying this shit, I point out to them that even in my blue state I see more and more people openly wearing MAGA paraphernalia, waving US flags, and with signs in their yards for Trump. I see nothing from the democrats other than the occasionally silly pride flags. Even the old yard signs about believing in science and worshipping BLM are no longer present. But, yeah, people are turning away from Trump.

    • R C Dean

      “I’ve talked to guys at the bar who said they were once Trump supporters but that they can no longer support him”

      Sure you have.

      • Sensei

        In his mind he has!

      • trshmnstr

        Most of that nonsense has evaporated due to the left overreacting to such an extreme.

        The people who “just can’t vote for that boor” are going to be sitting at home on election day, by and large. Now, the left may gain access to their ballots somehow, but nobody is out there going “I’d vote GOP except I hate Trump, so I’ll vote for that potato in the white house.”

      • juris imprudent

        I’m sure he’s heard voices, just like he imagines the trauma Trump will personally inflict on him.

      • The Last American Hero

        The bar was a gay bar and 90% democrats anyway.

  18. PieInTheSky

    Why some scientists think extreme heat could be the reason people keep disappearing in Greece


    It was a shock when Michael Mosley, a doctor and well-known TV presenter in the UK, was found dead earlier this month after hiking in scorching temperatures on the Greek island of Symi.

    But it is now one of a series of tourist deaths and disappearances in Greece as the country endures a powerful, early summer heat wave with temperatures pushing above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

    On Saturday, a Dutch tourist was found dead on the island of Samos. The following day, the body of an American tourist was found on Mathraki, a small island west of Corfu. Albert Calibet, another American tourist, has been missing since he set out for a hike on June 11 on Amorgos. And two French women disappeared on Sikinos after going for a walk.
    Albert Calibet went missing on the Greek island of Amorgos.

    The bodies of those who died still need to be examined to establish the precise cause of death, but authorities are warning people not to underestimate the impacts of the searing temperatures.

    • UnCivilServant

      I just assume it’s the vast menagerie of monsters who live in Greece. The Ancients clearly didn’t kill them all.


        Dang Jason and/or the Argonauts, half-assing the job.

      • AlexinCT

        The bodies of those who died still need to be examined to establish the precise cause of death, but authorities are warning people not to underestimate the impacts of the searing temperatures.,/em>”

        Wait a fooking second. Where these idiots frog marched at gun point in this heat? Because while I am going to say the heat thing is bullshit, if somebody is that stupid that they expose themselves to something to the point of death, they are doing society a favor. They also deserve a Darwin Award.

    • EvilSheldon

      Extreme heat + extreme drunkenness + swimming, maybe?

    • Nephilium

      “Searing temperatures”?

      You can’t get a good sear at 105 F.

    • Tundra

      The bodies of those who died still need to be examined to establish the precise cause of death, but authorities are warning people not to underestimate the impacts of the searing temperatures.

      In other words, bring some fucking water, morons. I am constantly amazed at the lack of preparedness I’ve seen on the trails. One afternoon we were hiking in temps like that and we came across a couple hiking with their GSD. The dog was visibly struggling and they didn’t have ANY water with them. I gave the retards a full Nalgene and told them to get the dog off the mountain. I’m still pissed about it.

    • Drake

      People die of dehydration every year hiking in Death Valley. You would think the name would be a warning.

  19. The Late P Brooks


    Families that lost loved ones in two Boeing 737 Max crashes said on Wednesday that the company committed the “deadliest corporate crime in US history” and asked the Justice Department to fine the company the maximum $24 billion it could face in a criminal trial.

    The families wrote to the Department of Justice asking for the fine as the US government considers criminal prosecution of Boeing. The Justice Department said last month that Boeing’s recent string of safety lapses and mishaps constituted a violation of its 2021 agreement that allowed the company to avoid charges for 737 Max crashes in Indonesia in October 2018 and in Ethiopia in March 2019 that killed 346 people.

    The “appropriate action now is an aggressive criminal prosecution” against Boeing including a quick jury trial and “criminal prosecutions of the responsible corporate officials,” including former CEO Dennis Muilenburg, the families’ attorney wrote.

    “Because time is of the essence to avoid any statute of limitations from running (out), the Department should begin these prosecutions promptly,” they wrote in the 32-page letter, which was sent by Paul Cassell, an attorney representing the families.

    Why not fifty billion?

    • Common Tater

      Boeing is a major manufacturer and defense contractor, not some “conspiracy” website.

  20. The Other Kevin

    That is a depressing set of links. Just when you think these people can’t possibly get more vile, they top themselves.

    • Nephilium

      We can only hope they top themselves (in the British sense).

      • Fourscore

        You’re gonna put Pope Jimbo out of business, if you keep that up

      • The Other Kevin

        A daily ray of sunshine is always welcome.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Make them fight with rocks and sharpenedt sticks

    CLIMATEWIRE | In November 2022, the United Nations resolved that Russia should pay reparations for the losses, damages and injuries caused by its invasion of Ukraine. Now, some scientists say those payments should include compensation for climate damage, too.

    The first two years of the war have produced at least 175 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new report by the Initiative on GHG Accounting of War, a network of scientists investigating the climate impacts of Russia’s war.

    That’s the equivalent of about $32 billion in damages, they say.

    Their calculation uses a figure known as the social cost of carbon, a metric designed to estimate the economic costs of greenhouse gas emissions. A recent study put that cost at around $185 per ton of CO2, which is the figure the new report used. That’s less than the Biden administration’s own estimate, which prices the social cost of carbon at $190 per ton.

    “Scientific” “American” is a it again.

    The google nooz algorithm wants us to know these things.

    • rhywun

      Just dock it from their accounts we’re illegally holding.

  22. Sensei

    You also can’t reach peak Daily Best either.

    Instead, a very different trial of sorts will be underway this Friday at a tiny federal courthouse in the sunny beach city of Fort Pierce—one that will awkwardly put the Department of Justice on the defensive, with government lawyers asserting their most fundamental right to even try this historic case.

    All the pressure will be on Special Counsel Jack Smith, the roguish-looking federal prosecutor whose quiet demeanor has only added to the gravitas of this legal fight.


    • slumbrew

      Won’t someone think about the rights of the government!?

      • juris imprudent

        “Sure we mishandled some evidence, took a few liberties,” [sideways winks] “but is that any reason to say this case can’t move forward?” — Jack ‘Otter’ Smith

    • slumbrew

      the roguish-looking federal prosecutor whose quiet demeanor has only added to the gravitas of this legal fight.

      Oh god, so hot… *fans self*

      Smith wrote that himself, right?

      • SDF-7

        “Jack Smith… your prosecution has the momentum of a runaway train. To what do you ascribe your success — your unbelievable talent or your searing charisma?”

      • Drake

        “Know jackass, bullshit artist, and political-hatchetman” would be more accurate.

      • mock-star

        Who wrote this? Ched Choppel on Pightline?

    • creech

      “This isn’t real justice, not like we have in Manhattan.”

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Climate damage itself also isn’t specific to Ukraine — greenhouse gas emissions affect the entire planet when they go into the atmosphere. That complicates the question of who should benefit from any potential climate reparations.

    “There are all sorts of ideas and discussions on how to distribute these reparations,” said Lennard de Klerk, the lead author of that report.

    I’ll bet there are.

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t think the Risky Business train scene plays out the same on high-speed rail.

      • Suthenboy

        That’s why they are called ‘quickies’.

    • AlexinCT

      Didn’t the Japanese already had a genre like this? Some random rando abusing women on trains?

  24. The Late P Brooks

    South Korea’s Train Plan to Boost Population

    Commuter trains to the rape camps?

    • Mojeaux


    • The Other Kevin

      Russia is an existential threat to democracy, Tundra. No number of dead Ukrainians is too many.

    • rhywun

      I’d guess from their perspective, we already have.

  25. The Other Kevin

    While I’m still shaking my head about my youngest getting married, I must admit I am awe struck by her husband’s job. Yesterday he shipped off for the first time, and she sent me a few photos and videos of the carrier leaving. One was a photo of a portal he’s looking out, and another is his view of my daughter on the dock. On the video you can see a plane on the deck, and you can see through the middle of the ship on the hangar deck. I’m not supposed to be sharing or posting those but damn if it isn’t cool. He’s supposed to be out until Sunday. I’m guessing this is a quick training trip. I’m already compiling a list of questions for when he gets back.

    • AlexinCT

      Which carrier is he stationed on? Carl Vinson or Harry Truman?

      • The Other Kevin

        He’s on the Nimitz.

      • AlexinCT

        So San Diego?

      • The Other Kevin

        Nope, Bremerton WA (Seattle). Their air wing is in San Diego, so they have to make a stop there when they’re underway.

      • SDF-7

        It really doesn’t feel like the Nimitz class is used up nor that the Fords are ready to replace them — but supposedly the decreased crew requirements and whatnot will make it worth it. I still think we should just sell them to the UK / Australia / Japan and let them get some more life out of them. We trust them with enough classified stuff.

        And yeah — props to your new son-in-law. Sounds like he’s got his head on straight and on a good path… hope he doesn’t run afoul of DEI training or anything.

      • The Other Kevin

        So far so good, normally he’s out of work by 4:30 and they live about 10 minutes outside the base. He’s not too happy with the work right now, there’s a lot of unclogging toilets and such. But he’s trained in pipe fitting and welding so he should have no problem finding work after he gets out.

        This particular carrier was built in 1975, and for some reason they just finished major work on the top deck. It’s scheduled to be out of service in 2025 and probably replaced by the Gerald R Ford.

      • SDF-7

        If it is Nimitz like I thought you said, replaced by the new Ford-class JFK. Enterprise was replaced by Ford already. 3rd one should be the new Enterprise

    • slumbrew

      A heartwarming story.

      I suspect the spin might be a bit different if it had been next to a gun store.

      (Although, “Texas”, so maybe not).

    • AlexinCT

      It really doesn’t feel like the Nimitz class is used up nor that the Fords are ready to replace them

      They were built to last 50+ years with one refit to replace the fuel. The fuel refits have gotten very expensive, which they think they solved with the new reactors on the Ford class. Unfortunately, like all new systems, the Fords have a lot of stuff they need to fix because the procurement process is a giant politicized shitshow. But once they iron that shit out – and they will never get it to 100% because life doesn’t work that way – the Fords should be something impressive with increased sortee rates and easier to defend due to more modern gear.

      Of course, the DEI/CRT shit makes any and all of that moot.

      • AlexinCT

        Meh, that was a response to SDF-7 above discussing TOKs son in law.

    • Sean

      No name or description of the assaulter?


      • Sensei

        In the poorly written local version news there was both a picture and name.

        It explains why NBC omitted it, but it was barely readable and that’s why I didn’t post it.

    • Suthenboy

      No name/mugshot of the deviant?

  26. cavalier973

    Compulsory schooling is one of the foundational issues that drives erosion of liberty.


  27. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 06/20:
    *20/20 words (+7 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 06/20:
    *59/59 words (+24 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 12% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 379

    • SDF-7

      Too many distractions and apparently missing what seemed obvious once I saw it for the main one… took so long… I am abashed.

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 06/20:
      *20/20 words (+1 bonus word)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 06/20:
      *59/59 words (+11 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 3% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 435

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Outsmarted by a car

    A grandmother had to call firefighters to rescue her granddaughter, who remained trapped inside a Tesla EV with a dead 12-volt battery. Because there was no way to open the doors from the outside without power, they had no better solution than to break the car’s window.
    There’s a new trend in the automotive industry to replace physical parts with electrically-actuated systems. The most obvious example is the electrical door release system. All Teslas have such a system, which ensures that the frameless windows are lowered before the door opens. However, when the 12-volt battery dies, the same systems can pose a significant danger, especially when people must quickly evacuate the vehicle.

    Tesla offers a backup emergency release that works without power, but many owners are unaware of how to use it. Sometimes, the release string is hidden behind the door panel and is not always easy to reach in an emergency. Only the front doors have easily accessible emergency releases. This has caused problems more than once when the car’s low-voltage (12-volt) battery died. Some even blamed the system for people’s deaths in crashes that resulted in a fire.

    Last September, a mother and her 16-year-old daughter were trapped inside a rented Tesla after the 12-volt battery died. They weren’t familiar with the emergency door release in a Tesla and panicked when faced with a bricked car they could not get out of. Luckily, they called a tow truck driver who instructed them to get out of the Tesla through the boot using the tailgate release.

    Who doesn’t love whizbang gadgetry and complexity for its own sake?

    • The Last American Hero

      The car has a manual release lever on the door. If you need training to pull a door handle then you need a Darwin Award.

      There are reasons to dislike ev’s but this is silly bashing.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    When the low-voltage battery approaches the end of its lifecycle, the car is expected to warn drivers to schedule a service center appointment to replace it. However, this doesn’t always happen; sometimes, the battery just dies without warning. When this happens, the vehicle’s auxiliary systems remain without power, even though the high-voltage battery has enough charge.

    A Scottsdale grandmother learned this the hard way on Wednesday just as she loaded her 20-month-old granddaughter into her car seat for a trip to the Phoenix Zoo. She closed the rear door and went around the car to get in the driver’s seat, but she couldn’t open the door. The 12-volt battery was dead, and she was locked outside while her granddaughter was trapped inside the car, buckled into a car seat. She had no option but to call 911, which sent out Scottsdale firefighters.

    “And when they got here, the first thing they said was, ‘Uggh, it’s a Tesla. We can’t get in these cars,'” Renee Sanchez told AZ Family. “And I said, ‘I don’t care if you have to cut my car in half. Just get her out.'”

    Intriguingly, the firefighters didn’t know that you could “jumpstart” a Tesla with an external battery that allows you to open the doors. Instead, they used an axe to break a window after covering it with tape to prevent the glass from flying. The operation caused significant distress to the little girl, who was already scared. Thankfully, everything ended well, and she was back safely in her grandmother’s arms.

    Everybody should have one.

    • slumbrew

      Stupid firefighters, not knowing all the proprietary details of ever car made.

      • Sensei

        There are internal emergency mechanical releases on Tesla and the other brands both EV and ICE for these stupid latches.

        And many of the premium cars with these stupid latches also use laminated safety glass in the doors for noise reduction. So even when you shatter the window you still going to have to push out the remainder of the glass adhered to the plastic middle layer.

    • Sensei

      These asinine electric door latches are far from unique to EVs.