by | Jun 26, 2024 | Cryptids, Daily Links | 179 comments

Fair to middlin’








About The Author





  1. SDF-7

    I suspect when it comes to my chances with a Bigfoot or cousin, I’d just be taking it in the ass, frankly.

    Morning STEVE SMITH! Morning to the rest of y’all… This seems like sage advice while we go read the Links.

    • juris imprudent

      Fuck! Your yt link subjected me to Kamalaladingdong begging for money to reelect her & Joe.

      • SDF-7

        No shocker the spin of the Recommendations and ad selections from the Googleplex, I’m afraid. Sorry it was inflicted upon you (when I’m not traveling I have to suffer through the awful CA Lt. Gov. pitching how killing babies is the most cherished right we must fight for in this and all elections…. Vote BAAL in ’24 for a better California!)

      • SDF-7

        Actually, what’s creeping me out about opening YouTube in a private window to look at music links / whatnot is that the “Sponsored” ad is for “Women Seeking Companionship” bullshit — my scam filter screams out at anything approaching “Hot singles in your area!” type click or other bait. What the hell is YouTube doing feeding probable scammers? (I know, I know… Be Evil is the current mantra).

      • rhywun

        An ad blocker is your friend.

        I have never seen an ad on Youtube. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • Sensei

        rhywun – I’m no longer so fortunate at work.

        Also YouTube is investigating ad injection at the source.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I use Brave, and don’t even notice that I am using an add blocker, it works so well.

      • UnCivilServant

        @Sensei – I’ve been trying to think of an alternate business plan that doesn’t depend on ad spam for these types of services. Mostly because the adblocking arms race is annoying (and ads more so)

        When I get to the question of “but would I pay for that” I alwasy end up answering “I won’t even create an account as it is”.

        If they ever manage to get past my ad blocking, I’m likely to just leave entirely, since I can’t stand ads to the point of apoplexy. I didn’t ask to see that video, hear that noise, or anything of the sort. Autoplay and auto-next are anathema, ads are those but worse.

      • Sensei

        UCS – I’d probably relent and subscribe to YouTube. Mostly for Japanese content.

        Most of the Japanese content I watch doesn’t have the sponsored video embedded by the content creators.

        If you aren’t familiar with it SponsorBlock is wonderful.

  2. SDF-7


    Seems like getting SEA SMITH involved would be a good idea, STEVE SMITH… at least the dunking couldn’t hurt to cut down on the funk.

    someone camping on public property will face fines and jail time only if they turn down an offer of available shelter.

    Ah… there’s that horrendous 9th Circus decision rearing its ugly head again. That really needs to be killed as it is nonsensical. I sympathize with the “Where else can they go?” problem to some extent — but obviously, some civil order needs to be maintainable – and you can’t always play whack-a-mole based on what the bus drops off in your town (“Caught up? Oh wait… here’s 1000 more homeless shipped in from the border for you to deal with! Choke on that, Mayor Sucker!”)

    • rhywun

      The problem is that the ones you don’t want to have to step over on the street are the ones that refuse shelter.

      Are you gonna force them into a hospital or a jail? Those are the only choices when nobody else wants to deal with them.

      • SDF-7

        Sort of both? From everything I understand — most of the chronic homeless are drug addicts (mainly meth). Locking them up and attempting to get them clean is about the only hope they have of breaking out of the cycle. Those who refuse to clean up and refuse to do so without squatting on the street (i.e. after N attempts at this), find an island and put them on it and let them do what they want in a camp of only them. I don’t think there’s much else society can do.

        I don’t think letting drug addicts suffering mental breakdowns (because the current meth fosters mental instability), attacking or scaring off citizens, business, families, etc., spreading excrement and disease is a better solution.

        This is part of why I just love that part of Gov Hair Gel’s budget “fix” for this year is to cut even MORE from the CA prison system. Yeah… we need to lock even less people up. That’ll help with the homeless, drug addicts and rampant crime.

      • Nephilium


        Locking them up won’t necessarily break them out of the cycle. We can’t keep drugs out of prisons as it is. Bring back flophouses, boarding houses, and other short term rentals and enforce vagrancy laws.

    • Gustave Lytton

      And fuck the City of Boise for throwing the case.

  3. SDF-7


    Okay… my first reaction was a Tenth Doctor style: “What?” admittedly… but further in:

    In January 2021, Seattle officers arrested four anti-police protesters — Derek Tucson, Robin Snyder, Monsieree de Castro and Erik Moya-Delgado — for writing statements like “[Expletive] the Police” and “peaceful protests” in chalk and charcoal on walls and portable concrete barriers outside the department’s East Precinct on Capitol Hill.

    Chalk or charcoal on walls / concrete barriers? That’s misdemeanor ticket level stuff, even if writing ACAB on a police station doubtless pissed the police off. (And I’m talking for the station… I don’t think writing on a concrete barrier put down for crowd control should be worth even a ticket). Not jail time. So maybe the jury has a point here. Shrug… IANALAEKW. (“and everyone knows why” before anyone has to guess…)

    • Grumbletarian

      Yeah, gonna side with the protestors on this one. Although it’s still the taxpayers getting fleeced. These settlements should either be paid directly out of the police union pension fund, or cops should have to take out liability insurance to cover them.

      • Nephilium

        First step, get rid of qualified immunity. Then hold the cops personally liable. I’m sick of protected government workers breaking the law and watching the taxpayers get punished.

      • rhywun

        On the sound of it, yes. And I think graffiti “artists” should be shot on sight (only slightly kidding).

        But this…

        city and county ban on booking most misdemeanor offenders because of the COVID pandemic.

        …is some bullshit.

    • R C Dean

      Graffiti is graffiti. Fuck the vandals (“graffiti artists”, my ass).

      And they spent a whole night in jail before getting released without being charged. Boo. Fucking. Hoo. Actually sounds pretty light for fucking vandals.

      And now they get over $150K each in sweet, sweet public funds? Fuck the courts, too.

      • CPRM

        action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.

        I don’t really think something that can be washed away with a light sprinkle rises to destruction or damage.

      • R C Dean

        What about pressure washing? If that removes the graffiti, then I guess spray painting isn’t vandalism, either?

        And I suppose the econutters who went after Stonehenge should just be sent on their way with a smile and a wave?

      • CPRM

        And I suppose the econutters who went after Stonehenge should just be sent on their way with a smile and a wave?

        I have paid not attention to that, but if all they did was equivalent of a kid drawing a hopscotch grid, then yeah.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I would be happy with the eco nuts be used as living sacrifices at Stonehenge with a traditional medieval sort of punishment.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Punishment for graffiti artists = rattle can shoved down their gullet, then swung from the nearest lamppost

  4. Rat on a train

    We’ve been using the same concrete barriers for years. Cleaning the chalk off will remove the patina. Restoration will drain funds from break room concessions. Somebody must pay.

  5. SDF-7


    Perhaps the fine journalist might consider next time elaborating on:

    1) Just why the Mayor of Vancouver should give a single solitary flip what Minneapolis, much less its Park and Recs board has to say about anything. Not their state, not even their country. (Stay in your lane leaps to mind)

    2) More importantly — exactly how the Vancouver folks are “banding with” Minnesota and just what they think they’ll accomplish… because it sure reads to me like “Whiny brats hung up on ‘Indigenous Bullshit’ pay for own road trip to whine to other whiny brats before losing their jobs, probably because they are focused on Indigenous Bullshit instead of actually working on the Parks and Rec infrastructure”. Small things.

    TL;DR: What a fluff piece.

    • rhywun

      Yeah I had to tap out of the self-congratulatory flapdoodle.

      It reads like the writer who wants woke cred rather than of anything newsworthy.

    • R C Dean

      “One very important characteristic that Minneapolis and Vancouver share is that we are on the land of our Native ancestors,” the letter says,”

      Jeezus. Who wrote this, a fifth grader?

      • WTF

        Pretty much every place on earth is “on the land of our Native ancestors”. What a meaningless statement.

      • Rat on a train

        With housing prices so high, I should go back to the land of my ancestors, kick out the current occupants, and sell again.

      • Gustave Lytton

        They can all get bumper stickers of “My native ancestors kicked your native ancestors ass”

  6. rhywun

    Portland, and Multnomah County more broadly, does not have sufficient shelter for everyone living on the street, full stop.

    No but they surely have more beds than campers who are willing to fill them, but nobody is allowed to talk about that I guess.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Probably not at this point. The homeless bum population grew enormously thanks to the subsidizing and enablement over the past 5-10+ years. And drug decriminalization.

      (Also, pushed out from surrounding counties that have been doing something in the idiotic paternalistic manner now required.)

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s not just enablement through tenting material, it’s drug paraphernalia to help them use drugs. There’s an iron law in there. Actually a couple.

  7. Shpip

    “The only way you can define fairness, if you want to use the word ‘fair,’ is you establish rules, you make clear what the rules are, and everybody plays by the same rules,” Wheeler said. “That’s what’s fair.”

    An amendment introduced by Commissioner Carmen Rubio, which was adopted along with the rest of the ordinance, requires the Portland Police Bureau to collect data on people arrested for camping in public in order to track whether the rules are being enforced disproportionately.

    Prediction: the rules will be enforced disproportionately against people who would rather do drugs all day than hold down a job and rent a clean, dry abode.

    • Nephilium

      It’s amazing how there’s more arrests made in high crime areas than low crime areas. We should really work on correcting that so that arrests are more equitably distributed among the neighborhoods.

      • SDF-7

        Or go for the Californication method — just lower arrests in all areas! Problem solved! Social Justice and Equity!

    • Drake

      Yeah – this seems totally biased against the motivationally disabled.

    • rhywun

      Translation: the cops won’t arrest anybody for fear of arresting a BIPOC.

  8. Sensei

    We can not allow a “moon gap” with the US and China. We must quickly create Apollo part 2 while simultaneously funding as many regional wars as possible.

    Unlike the original space race between the Americans and the Soviets, the goal of the U.S. and China isn’t just to make a short trip to the moon. It is to build permanent human outposts on its most strategic location, the lunar south pole. And as both nations gear up to build stations there one day, it is looking likely that tensions in orbit will mirror those on Earth.

    Some U.S. officials fear China is planning a land grab. Chinese officials suspect the same of the Americans and are teaming up with Russia and other friendly nations for its south-pole outpost.

    The outlines of a lunar iron curtain, in which rival superpowers and their allies jockey to exploit the moon’s strategic importance, are already emerging.

    All because China had a sample return from the moon.

    • UnCivilServant

      I wonder how many corpses China is going to strand up there with their chinesium outpost and Made in China quality rockets?

      (Separate question – how many corpses is Boeing going to hurl in that direction?)

      • Tonio

        Here’s the thing. Once their astronauts are on the moon they can resupply them indefinitely with robot cargo ships. They can figure out the returning them part later.

        As far as Boeing goes, the only big failure would be the Starliner crew dying upon re-entry. I suspect that the crew will hitch a ride back on someone else’s spacecraft rather than risk that.

      • R C Dean

        SpaceX is on track to have lift capacity that vastly outweighs anything anyone else can do. When their new factory comes online, it will dwarf the rest of the world’s lift capacity.

        At the moment, I just can’t get too bothered by China (or anyone else) “claiming” the Moon. Unless and until they have the ability and willingness to shoot down any other craft approaching the Moon, its meaningless.

    • Brochettaward

      The Moon is already claimed by the Tall Whites.

    • WTF

      I always thought it was a mistake to not have Armstrong claim the Moon for the USA.

    • Sean

      “The USA must be the first nation to put gender queer people on the Moon!”


      • WTF

        Whycome no trans astronauts?

      • Brochettaward

        In space, no one can hear you not menstruate.

    • Tonio

      I’ve been saying this for some time, about the Chinese planning a permanent manned lunar outpost. They definitely have plans for a manned moon landing. They desperately need a big “first” (you know how desperate firsters can get). The only two obtainable firsts are a manned mars landing but that’s hella expensive and they are behind on the technology (but rapidly catching up), and a permanent moonbase.

      • Sensei

        However, China starts storing its nuclear waste in vast disposal sites on the far side of the moon when suddenly an unknown form of “magnetic radiation” is detected and the accumulated waste reaches critical mass and causes a massive thermonuclear explosion.

        The force of the blast propels the moon out of Earth orbit and into deep space at colossal speed, thus stranding the personnel stationed there.

        Of course Space 1999 makes little to no mention what would happen to the Earth if something like that actually occurred.

      • SDF-7

        I think they’re about 25 years too late at this point for an alpha moon base. We should be fine with setting up a beta test.

  9. Brochettaward

    RLM wades into the Acolyte grifting. Of course, they have to distinguish themselves from those other critics who make it about vitriolic politics. Even though the show made a point to cram as much modern day DEI crap as it could into itself as it could.

    RLM want to be fencesitters, but deep down know.

    • R.J.

      I did a writeup on Acolyte vs. Hardware Wars that goes out after July 4th. Late on the issues, as always.

      • Brochettaward

        RLM admitted that Hollywood is dominated by lefty politics! It’s a miracle.

        They still don’t want to touch how the identity politics is destroying creativity.

      • Brochettaward

        Hardware Wars wins.

        They are making another Space Balls. Not that Hollywood can do comedy anymore, but how do you parody Disney Star Wars? It’s already a parody of itself. You could satirize it, but Hollywood isn’t up to that task.

      • Brochettaward

        Wait wait wait…Mike is admitting that identity politics heavily influenced Kathleen Kennedy’s decision to hire Johnson and his Last Jedi bullshit.

        But the politics don’t matter. He just said that five minutes ago.

        I still like these guys, but you can only dance around the obvious so many times.

      • Nephilium

        They’re trying to bring back Spaceballs again? Cheebus… I didn’t even make it through the first three episodes of the shitty animated series they came out with.

      • R.J.

        Ha! Did I send you the link to that crappy series? I’m sorry if I did.
        And yes, Hardware Wars wins, hands down.

      • Nephilium


        No, I downloaded those when the show was first released. Then deleted them, and never looked back.

    • R C Dean

      Say what you will about the Acolyte, but it takes real genius (of a sort) to make “lesbian space witches” offputting to the core demographic of Star Wars fans.

    • CPRM

      Their point is the same one I’ve been pointing out, the politics isn’t the problem, shitty writing and film making is. There have been lots of movies I’ve watched in the past where I disagreed with the politics, but didn’t care because it was well made. They don’t do that second part anymore.

      • R.J.

        Exactly. And when these shitty writers, producers and directors get panned, they cry racism instead of reflecting on the fact that they produced a steaming pile.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Carpetbagging tramp wins

    Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., won her GOP primary Tuesday, NBC News projects, after she decided to run in a different district from the one where she narrowly won re-election in 2022.

    Boebert defeated five other Republicans for the party’s nomination in Colorado’s 4th District, which opened up after Rep. Ken Buck announced this year that he would resign. She will be heavily favored to win the seat in the general election given the area’s rightward lean.

    The (wrong) people have spoken.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      She will be heavily favored to win the seat in the general election given the area’s rightward lean.

      Switching districts came in handy.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        They both like to pull on things amirite?

  11. Shpip

    Not a good time to be a Boeing exec. First came the problems with the 737Max, then the Starliner, now they’re screwing up on the big guy’s ride:

    WASHINGTON — Boeing’s long-delayed Air Force One replacement, known as the VC-25B, is facing new headwinds as the first flight for the program has now been pushed back another 16 months to March 2026, an Air Force spokesperson told Breaking Defense.

    Although the program’s schedule was rebaselined in 2022, it appears even more delays lay ahead. According to a previous report in Bloomberg, the program was tracking delays on top of previous schedule slips for two key objectives. The first is to “power on” the first aircraft, which consists of ground-based testing of subsystems and was most recently planned for last month. The second is the aircraft’s first flight previously expected in November of this year, according to Bloomberg.

    But the Air Force now expects the power on step won’t be reached until July 2025, and that the first flight won’t take place until March 2026.

    • Brochettaward

      I can only hope that Air Force One falls out of the sky one day. I don’t even care who is in office, though preferably it’s a Democrat.

    • WTF

      Boeing isn’t salvageable until the bean counters currently running the show get mostly replaced by engineers.

    • Brochettaward

      I mean, those are technically abdominal muscles underneath the fat. Not that she’s a walrus or anything, just that aint no six pack.

      • WTF

        Time always wins.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Balenciaga is fine, but don’t you dare ask if she is using Ozempic.

    • R C Dean

      If the headline hadn’t told me who that was, I wouldn’t have recognized her.

      Buried lede: allofasudden, fur is OK again?

      • SDF-7

        They change their minds like that girl changes clothes.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Noted fiscal conservatives

    “We the undersigned are deeply concerned about the risks of a second Trump administration for the US economy,” the economists wrote in the Tuesday letter, which was first reported by Axios.

    The letter, organized by famed economist Joseph Stiglitz, argued there are valid reasons to worry the Trump agenda will “reignite” inflation.

    In particular, the economists point to Trump’s “fiscally irresponsible budgets” and nonpartisan research from the likes of the Peterson Institute, Oxford Economics and Allianz that finds the Trump agenda — if successfully enacted — would increase inflation.

    Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new 10-year borrowing during his term — nearly twice as much as President Joe Biden has so far in office, according to fiscal watchdog group the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

    Why do they specify ten year notes?

    • SDF-7

      Not that I think OMB was good at cutting spending (which is the House’s job anyway) — but aren’t these the assholes counting tax cuts as “spending” even though revenues went up overall (as one might expect from improving the economy).

      Getting the price of energy to go down by not being hostile to energy in particular and growth in general would improve the economy. So these twits are right up there with the 51 IC “experts” as far as I can tell.

    • Brochettaward

      I’m going with a crazy guess here that it’s because by any other metric, Joe Biden’s reckless spending is even worse than Trump’s.

    • Common Tater

      Wasn’t much of that spending due to covid horseshit?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Which is now essentially permanent spending.

    • The Other Kevin

      I would like to see a list of things those 16 economists correctly predicted in the last 10 years.

      • dbleagle

        I heard they picked the Dallas Cowboys and Detroit Lions would win multiple Super Bowls each.

    • SDF-7

      He raised too many alarms for the voting public.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The voters firing him was alarming

      • Sensei

        This one goes out to the one I love
        This one goes out to the one I’ve left behind
        A simple prop to occupy my time
        This one goes out to the one I love

        Talk about award winning lyrics!

    • The Other Kevin

      The voters showed him the door.

  13. SDF-7

    I played 06/26:
    *19/19 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 06/26:
    *47/47 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 7% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 446

    • Sean

      I played 06/26:
      *19/19 words (+5 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words

      I played 06/26:
      *47/47 words (+10 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 390

  14. The Late P Brooks

    “The outcome of this election will have economic repercussions for years, and possibly decades, to come,” the economists wrote in the letter. “We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the US’s economic standing in the world and a destabilizing effect on the US’s domestic economy.”

    The Stiglitz-led letter did not directly mention Trump’s trade and immigration policies, but some mainstream economists warn they would be inflationary, too.

    We’re doing so well, it would be suicide to change course.

    • juris imprudent

      They do have about the same credibility as 51 “IC professionals”.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    In the letter, the 16 Nobel economists expressed concern about the rule of law and stability if Trump wins the White House again.

    “Among the most important determinants of economics success are the rule of law and economic and policy certainty,” the letter said. “Donald Trump and the vagaries of his action and policies threaten this stability and the US’s standing in the world.”

    Beyond Stiglitz, the letter was signed by Robert Shiller, who famously called the mid-2000s housing bubble, former World Bank chief economist Paul Romer, and George Akerlof, the husband of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

    By contrast, the economists praised Biden’s work on the economy, arguing his major investments in infrastructure, manufacturing and climate will lower long-term inflationary pressure and ease the clean energy transition.

    We’re making great progress on our long term industrial policy and central planning agenda.. Don’t let Bad Orange Jumpsuit Man destroy the fabulous work Biden has done!

    • R C Dean

      When I want to know about the rule of law and social stability, I ask economists.

      • Fourscore

        The only surprise and most scary is that Janet Yellen has a husband.

        Being that there’s someone for everyone I didn’t think that that included Janet.

  16. Pope Jimbo

    Remember the Minnesoda pol who snuck into her step-mom’s house? Minnesoda has done better. Now we have a pol who who was jailed for throwing a tarantula at an alleged squatter in her BnB

    The first link is to a columnist who has some videos taken by the squatter. The columnist seems to think this is far worse than the woman who broke into a house and was caught by her step-mom hiding in the bedroom. I’d bet you the difference is because one is a DFL-er and one is a GOP-er. Personally, the spider gal is just plain silly, but I don’t think there is any real chance of her doing harm. The burglar gal was definitely up to no good and I can see her hurting someone.

    The second link is to a story about the incident that has more “facts”. From the little info out so far, I think the problem is that the “victim” was a potential squatter who wouldn’t leave the AirBnB. Given the neighborhoods that the spider gal is trying to represent, being anti-squatter won’t hold her back much.

    • The Other Kevin

      Was the squatter named Marv?

      • Fourscore

        ….and from Florida…?

    • EvilSheldon

      Don’t throw tarantulas. They’re really fragile and can easily be hurt doing that.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    “While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies,” the economists wrote in the letter, “we all agree that Joe Biden’s economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump’s.”

    Anybody who disagrees is a mouthbreathing troglodyte simpleton nobody.

  18. Pope Jimbo

    The Minnesoda Lynx continue to add hardware to their trophy case, winning the WNBA Commissioner’s Cup. Not without controversy though!

    The Commissioner’s Cup Championship between the New York Liberty and Minnesota Lynx is being played Tuesday at UBS Arena in Elmont, N.Y. instead of Barclays Center due to the 2024 NBA Draft happening this week. After working hard to earn home-court advantage with a perfect 5-0 record in Commissioner’s Cup games, Liberty star Breanna Stewart said she was not happy her team was not allowed to play in its own arena.
    “Still frustrated that that we are not at Barclays, just because our feel and our vibe, ” Stewart said before Tuesday’s game. “I know our fans will come out, but just getting used to this home court.”
    Stewart said she had not been aware of the booking issue, but she believes this was likely something that could have been avoided.
    “I think internally they were aware that the date that was selected for Commissioner Cup was unavailable for Barclays, because the draft is every single year at Barclays,” Stewart said.

    The poor gals! They can’t outdraw the NBA draft so they had to go to a different arena!!!! Of course, the journalos crying about this didn’t bother to post the attendance. I looked it up and it was 7,015. So yeah, I bet there were more people in the Barclays center for the NBA draft than that.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Also, the NBA in season “tournament” is criminally retarded. Why would the WNBA feel obliged to copy that stupidity?

    • rhywun

      The NYC soccer team still plays at fucking Yankee Stadium (or sometimes whatever Mets Stadium is called and sometimes even archrival Red Bull Arena) after 9 years.

      Suck it up, gals.

  19. Common Tater

    “Budding lawmaker smirks after allegedly tossing tarantula at accused squatter: ‘Creatively solving problems’

    Simonetti blasted loud Christian music, banged pots and pans, and screamed.

    Then, she tossed a tarantula and various other items down the stairs – a move she said was an ode to the movie “Home Alone”.

    “I mean, there is an element of humor to that movie, and at the end, what was I supposed to do?” Simonetti told FOX 9’s Karen Scullin. “And at the end of the day, unhinged got her out of the house.””


    • Common Tater

      woops, should have refreshed

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah! That is a Minnesoda story. Are you trying to appropriate our news like some dirty colonist?

      • Common Tater

        What if I identify as Somali?

      • UnCivilServant

        The horn of Africa is that way.

    • Pope Jimbo

      She didn’t throw a spider at anyone. If you look at the video, she puts it on the stairs.

      Totally stupid. It would have been awesome if she really did throw it at the squatters.

    • Sean

      The mug shot is kinda hot.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    To be sure, economists don’t have a crystal ball, not even Nobel Prize winners.

    And voters do give Trump higher marks on the economy.

    As CNN’s Harry Enten has reported, an average of polls gives Trump an 18-point lead over Biden on inflation and 13 points on the economy.

    And that’s why we in the media are doing everything we possibly can to undermine the voters’ perceptions of Trump’s ability to implement economic policy which might improve things.

    • WTF

      You know, we don’t have to guess, we can just look at how the economy was under Trump and how the economy is under Biden.
      No conjectures needed.

  21. Pope Jimbo

    Working with the Minneapolis Park Board is much easier and more pleasant than any city agency I have ever tried to work with.

    I would hate to see them get merged into the city government.

    The park board isn’t perfect, but being under the crazy thumb of the whackos in the city govt would be horrible.

    • PieInTheSky

      they have a Ron Swanson?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Nope. Anyone close to conservative has to be out of the city limits by sunset.

        I rent a gym from the park every year to play basketball in. We’ve had some pretty good people to work with. They are happy to take our money and let us play in peace and quiet. Even though we don’t live in the city and are all old white guys.

      • Common Tater

        “all old white guys”

        That’s still legal?

  22. Common Tater

    “Ali Miles, a biological male felon who identifies as a Muslim woman, has been awarded $350,000 in a settlement after suing New York City over officials’ decision to hold Miles in pre-trial detention on Rikers Island with male inmates. Miles spent one month in the facility before being transferred back to Arizona, where Miles was found guilty on numerous charges.

    Miles, formerly known as Dylan Miles, alleged in the lawsuit that the inmate had informed the court that Miles was transgender, and that the refusal to house Miles with female inmates amounted to “gender identity discrimination.” As part of the settlement, the city maintained that Miles’ allegations were untrue, and did not accept any blame.”

    This person has facial hair.

    • UnCivilServant

      Don’t pay a dime. On the way to the airport have him shot while attempting escape.

    • The Other Kevin

      “identifies as a Muslim woman”
      This person knows how to play the game.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Want to bet that the dude also identifies as a “lesbian” so he can continue dating gals? Be terrible if part of identifying as a woman meant you could only bang dudes.

    • rhywun

      How long is everyone going to play along with these frauds?

      I sense there is some pushback on the child grooming front but this is just ridiculously obvious scamming.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, I would say that unless and until you get the surgical mutilation done, you’ve haven’t sufficiently committed to the “identity” for it to be legally recognized.

      • Unreconstructed

        R C Dean: but he doesn’t have a job because he’s in jail. Justice demands that the taxpayers pay for his transition, otherwise it’s cruel and unusual punishment!

      • UnCivilServant

        Skip that step and leave him a rope.

      • WTF

        Put word out he’s a pedophile in addition to a tranny. The inmates will transition him for free.

      • rhywun

        legally recognized

        For what purpose? Feels?

        You can turn your penis inside out but that doesn’t make you a woman in reality. I don’t see why the “law” should pretend otherwise.

      • Common Tater

        “Yeah, I would say that unless and until you get the surgical mutilation done, you’ve haven’t sufficiently committed to the “identity” for it to be legally recognized.”

        Bottom surgery is generally bad. And shouldn’t be a criteria, as most actual transgender are non-op.

        This person hasn’t made any effort to transition. He’s a male who looks like a man.

      • Gender Traitor

        Bottom surgery is generally bad. And shouldn’t be a criteria, as most actual transgender are non-op.

        If you haven’t had the surgery, how have you “transitioned,” and why should it be legally recognized?

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Moral dilemma

    As Covid cases rise across California, the Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass announced that city officials were exploring the legality of wearing masks at demonstrations.

    The announcement came as a response to a pro-Palestinian protest outside a Los Angeles synagogue that made international headlines.

    Bass, a Democrat, said at a press conference with local Jewish leaders on Monday that she would be seeking “several points of clarity” from the city attorney “around what are the parameters with protests: when permits are needed, whether or not people should be masked, and establishing clear lines of demarcation between what is legal and what is not”.

    The move represents a stark reversal from 2020, when public health officials urged protesters to wear masks, and Democratic politicians embraced mask-wearing, while Donald Trump and many Republicans rejected masks and other public health measures.

    Politics is hard.

    • WTF

      What a lot of bullshit. The actions of those anti-Semitic assholes are already illegal, the police just declined to do fuck-all about it.

  24. Pope Jimbo

    Minnesoda’s IT Dept once again covers itself in glory. We have had numerous initiatives here that go down in flames as soon as they launch. The IT Dept spends millions developing pieces of crap and then when it flames out, they buy commercially available software that does the job with no problems.

    Owners of e-bikes in Minnesota looking to apply for a rebate will have another chance to do so after the state’s application program crashed for those trying to do so more than a month ago.
    Late Tuesday morning, the Minnesota Department of Revenue announced the online application will reopen at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2.
    As reported by 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS on June 5, the online application website — which was a first-come, first-served basis with a cap of 10,000 applications, crashed within minutes of launching. About two hours later, the agency said the issues wouldn’t be resolved by the end of the day and pushed the launch to another date.
    On Tuesday, the state announced when the site re-opens, applicants will instead need to wait in a virtual waiting room before accessing the application, which is a method similar for anyone who has bought tickets for playoff games.

    It is also sad that so many people are willing to grub for a $1,500 rebate on an ebike. I’m sure the local pols will cite this enthusiasm as a reason to give away even more money next time they meet.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Just like the good old days

    The entire chapter of the Bakersfield, California, Hells Angels Motorcycle Club was arrested as part of a kidnapping, robbery and assault probe, authorities said Tuesday.

    Those arrested included five active members of the club’s Bakersfield chapter, as well as two others who are members of Sons of Hell, a motorcycle club that answers to the Bakersfield Hells Angels chapter, the Kern County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

    Law enforcement officers seized 25 firearms, an unspecified number of rounds of ammunition and gang regalia, according to the statement, jointly released with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

    The arrests, which took place Tuesday morning, were the result of a joint investigation by the ATF, the sheriff’s office and the California Highway Patrol. The investigation continues, the agencies said.

    Do they ride choppers or baggers?

    • WTF

      25 firearms, an unspecified number of rounds of ammunition

      That’s all? For an entire chapter?
      Those are rookie numbers, guys! You gotta get those numbers up!

      • Fourscore

        It’s the gang regalia that done it!

        25 guns? Each, right?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Pantomime dragon slayer

    “This year, we face another extraordinary moment in history — for California, for the country, and for the world,” he said. “We are presented with a choice between a society that embraces our values and a world darkened by division and discrimination.”

    For a State of the State address, Newsom’s speech leaned heavily into national issues, playing up his role as a surrogate for President Joe Biden ahead of the first presidential debate with Donald Trump on Thursday. Newsom opened with a “warning from the past,” harkening back to 1939 Europe when the forces of fascism were spreading across the continent and then-Gov. Culbert Olson implored Californians to preserve civil liberties and democratic institutions.

    The second-term governor has increasingly positioned himself as an attack dog for national Democrats while batting down questions of whether he himself would challenge Biden for the White House in 2024.


    The speech echoed Democrats’ national talking points in a stark and dramatic fashion — accusing “extreme” Republicans of lying to women to control their bodies with draconian policies and characterizing residents of red states as fugitives, fleeing from abortion laws written by men a century ago.

    “We are protecting women, medical providers, doctors and health care facilities from the forces of darkness in this country,” he said.

    Save us from the fascist menace, Gavin!

    • WTF

      With the left it’s all projection, all the time. And it’s not by accident.

      “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”

      -Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

      • rhywun


        My immediate thought after this twaddle: “a world darkened by division and discrimination”.

        That is exactly what the left practices.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    As an avid consumer of conservative media, Newsom also sought to settle the score with detractors, defending the blue state’s efforts to curb homelessness and crime. The governor touted the billions of dollars California has spent on housing and homelessness since he took office in 2019 and his efforts to hold local governments accountable.

    Yes, yes, of course. Those billions of well spent dollars have rendered homelessness a distant memory.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Throughout the speech, Newsom sought to position California as a “beacon” of American exceptionalism and civil liberties — arguing it was Democratic policies that made it that way.

    “There’s only one state in America with a dream — the California Dream,” he said. “It’s a dream built on opportunity, a dream built on pushing boundaries and celebrating, not merely ‘tolerating,’ diversity.”

    He will unify the nation by crushing the infidels and unbelievers.

    • rhywun

      I hope there was an audience and peals of outright, prolonged laughter.

      What a clown.

    • KSuellington

      I think Adam Corolla’s line about Newsom being a “slippery eel of nothingness” was as spot on a description as I’ve yet heard of the greaseball. I am still livid that slimy fuck didn’t get recalled.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Sure. That is why you have a net outflow of people. Don’t let that worry you though.

      I’m sure that your problems are an outlier and all the other blue state wannabees are having super success.

      Minnesota has long been able to boast a level of per capita GDP above that of the United States generally, a ‘premium’ for living in the state. In 2004, this premium peaked at $4,973 per Minnesotan, as Figure 2 shows. As recently as 2014 this premium was $4,669. Since 2014, however, this premium has fallen in every single year and was down to just $43 in 2023.

      I’m sure this has nothing to do with poor people and refugees flooding in for the generous welfare and the rich people moving out.

  29. Sensei

    I love this. Food manufacturers may use various lines for various products. Meanwhile FedGov has multiple cleaning requirements well above sanitation requirements to remove the bazillion allergens they are are now required to list.

    This results in products with no allergens being produced on lines that once contained allergens. To avoid what I call homeopathic allergy requirements the food manufacturers just label these foods as containing allergens.

    This has naturally aggravated the allergic. Hence we now have…

    Naturally, this will not impact food prices, right?

    • WTF

      FDA officials acknowledged Tuesday that statements that a product “may contain” certain allergens “could be considered truthful and not misleading.”

      Fuck right off then with your bullshit complaint and attempt to make food unnecessarily more expensive for everyone.

    • rhywun

      How many of those allergen people freak out if sesame is even in the same building? Seems like something they would want to know.

      • Sensei


        Because it can be difficult and expensive to keep sesame in one part of a baking plant out of another, some companies began adding small amounts of sesame to products that didn’t previously contain the ingredient to avoid liability and cost. FDA officials said that violated the spirit, but not the letter, of federal regulations.

      • Common Tater


      • Nephilium


        I love that bit of malicious compliance. It warms my black, cold heart.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I was on a flight recently where they got on the horn early and often warning all us cattle that someone on the flight had a severe airborne peanut allergy. They begged us to not eat any peanuts that we might have brought on board.

        Since 1/3 of the snacks they passed out had peanuts in them, those were stowed away and 1/3 of the cattle didn’t get a snack.

        Personally, I’d like some proof that the special cow was really that allergic to peanuts. I’m at the point, where I am thinking that the odds are 50/50 that the person really has a peanut allergy much less one so bad that mere crumbs in the air will drop them. My black heart thinks it is far more likely that they just want the attention of being a peanut sufferer.

        If you allergies are so bad, you can’t even eat normal food, it is on you to find it. Don’t saddle the people who make food for the rest of us with these stupid regulations.

      • UnCivilServant

        If you’re deathly allergic, it’s not the responsibility for those of us with properly functioning immune systems to cater to you.

      • Gender Traitor

        From the “peanut-free zones” apparently established in some school cafeterias, you’d think peanut butter was made from plutonium. 🙄

  30. SDF-7

    Oh, FUCK YOU SUPREME COURT — SOME SHIT SHOULD ONLY REQUIRE BEING A CITIZEN (OR A STATE) FOR “STANDING”. For God’s sake… this is like “You can’t talk about a breach of contract unless you can prove direct harm!”

    I don’t think the Federal Government actively fucking censoring speech should require direct fucking harm, assholes.

    • The Other Kevin

      That sucks. Reminds me of the lawsuits about the 2020 election that were dismissed because of standing.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Or how business records means you give up 5A/6A rights.

    • PutridMeat

      The legal theory of standing must be one of the most abused out there. It allows a state that is firmly fascist/authoritarian to disguise that status behind a phony facade of legality and rule of law.

      I was neutral on Barrett, but am pretty firmly in the camp of identifying her as a mediocrity now. Roberts… what can one say. Can’t really say his the worst, what with one who thinks the 1st amendment being an impediment to the state is a bad thing and not THE FUCKING WHOLE POINT! and can’t identify a woman, but maybe the squishiest of squishes, malleable and unprincipled. Spit.

      I assume the 3 commies wanted to throw out the 1st amendment and the 3 squishes weren’t on board with that, so the compromise was you 3 commies sign on to throwing it out on technicality so we don’t have to admit that we are a fully fascist federal government at this point.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s the problem of judges all over. Legal education and culture is designed to produce absurdist reasoning in defense of the current system. Worse when most justices come out of the same law schools (not that others are really that much better). It’s a reverse Prof Kingsfield turning their brains into mush.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Saving the planet

    Denmark, a major pork and dairy exporter, will introduce a tax on livestock carbon dioxide emissions from 2030, making it the first country to do so and hoping to inspire others to follow, the government said on Tuesday.
    A tax was first proposed in February by government-commissioned experts to help Denmark reach a legally binding 2030 target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels.

    The centrist government late on Monday reached a wide-ranging compromise with farmers, industry, labour unions and environmental groups on policy linked to farming, the country’s largest source of CO2 emissions.
    “We will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture. Other countries will be inspired by this,” Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus of the centre-left Social Democrats said in a statement on Tuesday.

    Ban agriculture.

    • ron73440

      Well at least it’s not complicated:

      The deal proposed taxing farmers 300 Danish crowns ($43.16) per tonne of CO2 in 2030, increasing to 750 crowns by 2035.

      Farmers will be entitled to an income tax deduction of 60%, meaning that the actual cost per tonne will start at 120 crowns and increase to 300 crowns by 2035, while subsidies will be made available to support adjustments in farm operations.

      And what was the compromise?

      Accept this tax or we’ll make it higher until you can’t afford to farm?

      I’m sure like the FDA complaining about “May have allergens” labels, this will have no impact on food prices.

      • Suthenboy

        Alternate proposal: Abolish 75% of the Danish government.

    • Suthenboy

      “Ban agriculture.”

      That is what they are up to. If the malthusians cant get us with a cootiebug they will resort to their all time favorite: Starvation.

      • rhywun

        It will happen when things get bad enough. People can only be pushed so far.

    • rhywun

      Other countries will be inspired by this,

      Sadly, they’re probably right.

      Criminally stupid virtue signaling is dangerously contagious.

    • Suthenboy

      They should have done that 20 years ago.
      Amazing how good ideas lead to institutions of one sort or another and then said institution gets skin suited by morons…seemingly every fucking time.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The only thing MTV in the past 25 years worth half a damn was Kurt Loder. Everything else was trash.

      • Nephilium

        Point of order!

        Aeon Flux, Beavis and Butthead, the Maxx, and the Head were entertaining enough.

        Ok… those may have all been more than 25 years ago, but I’m afraid to look.

      • Mojeaux

        Aeon Flux was … interesting. I’m not actually sure I ever understood it.

      • Sensei

        For reasons even I can’t understand I didn’t hate the live action Aeon Flux.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Suck it, Bond

    Aston Martin is to build a road-legal, track-focussed version of its Valour sportscar – the Valiant – that has been personally commissioned by its Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso.

    Aston will produce 38 Valiants, which are to be front-engined and fitted with a 745PS 5.2 litre twin-turbo V12 power unit.


    The car is being built by Aston’s bespoke ‘Q’ production division that allows potential owners to individually style the look of their cars.

    “Valour was a spectacular celebration of Aston Martin’s 110th anniversary, and stirred me to create a more extreme, race car inspired version that was track focussed, while also delivering a thrilling drive on-road,” Alonso said in an official Aston press release.

    “Valiant is born from my passion for driving at the limit and I have enjoyed working closely with the Q by Aston Martin team on both the design and technical specification and believe we have created a masterpiece.”

    I don’t like the color, but it’s not hideous, and it’s not electric.

    • UnCivilServant

      The steering wheel is on the wrong side.

  33. DEG

    Vancouver park board commissioners Brennan Bastyovanszky, Laura Christensen and Tom Digby were in Seattle on the weekend, on their own dime, to meet with Minnesota park commissioners, who are attending a North American parks and recreation conference called Greater and Greener.

    “One very important characteristic that Minneapolis and Vancouver share is that we are on the land of our Native ancestors,” the letter says, naming Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam Nations.

    Tapping out.

    A list of pictures of interesting churches.

  34. Evan from Evansville

    Biden pushes ~3M student loan borrowers into a payment pause- borrowers w/o need for payments, no interest to accrue.
    *I was r̵e̵s̵p̵o̵n̵s̵i̵b̵l̵e̵ foolish enough to save, to pay my $20k by ’15. Punish prudence? History rhymes, don’t it? (Won’t end well.)
    Another last 4-months effort to buy votes with “Free” Money! It’s really a great way to fuck responsible folk, breeding more of the opposite. It infuriates me beyond belief. It wasn’t even hard for me to pay off, granted I have no kids (for a reason). Around 2016 I was at my fiscal high mark, with zero debt and around $20k in the bank. Many things have happened since, w The Incident in 2019 putting me in a coma and out of action for ~1.5 years being the biggest. Despite that, numerous contracts, careers, and legit positive developments. New career training in phlebotomy starts next week!

    Just checked, I have less than $1k to my name today. Life consistently improves, but DC/ The World give me/us the sandpaper treatment.