Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Let’s Play

by | Jul 10, 2024 | Daily Links | 195 comments

When I picture a Borderlands movie, it is definitely cast with women over 40 and a gremlin playing Tiny Tina. Moxxi is a 62-year-old Gina Gershon after a plastic surgery disaster. The advance reviews are call it “unfunny and boring.”

Jack Black is Claptrap. Yay.

Why I Support—but Fear—a Kamala Harris Candidacy

Let’s just come out and say it: The prospect of the vice president replacing Joe Biden on the 2024 ticket would be much easier if the vice president were a white guy.

This fact is foundationally, fundamentally unfair and deeply enraging. As much as conservatives are branding Harris a “DEI candidate,” the truth is that, in electoral politics, race and gender work overwhelmingly to the benefit of white men. The United States has had 235 years of unbroken male rule. In that same time, we have had one Black president—a man of outstanding, once-in-a-generation political talents. Kamala Harris is the first female vice president, and the first female vice president of color, in a country where both houses of Congress remain largely white and largely male. A Harris win would usher the first woman, and the first woman of color, into the presidency—a history-making possibility, and a deeply exciting one.

The real key to the Democratic strategy here is for people to not remember things. It’s better to run this con on Millennials and Gen Z–the demographic so afflicted by Year Zero Syndrome. But those that can, that want to remember is that Kamala Harris had exactly one quality to qualify her: she is Black. That’s it. She was a choice after Joe Biden had to promise the his VP would be a Black woman to placate the rioters of The Summer of Love.

Kamala Harris is a DEI candidate, quite literally.

She is the George Floyd Memorial Vice President.

And you are stuck with her, DNC, because the massive butthurt of replacing her will make Dems stay home. Even if Joe isn’t forced out, this entire election is going to be about getting Democrats to swallow their repulsion and apathy long enough to vote for this charisma void with a thin high whistle of air moving through her empty head.

The Vacant Lot (1994)–who only got one short season, were bit players and extras for Kids in the Hall which lead to their own skit show. Vacant Lot was generally darker than Kids in the Hall, and I really liked it. But, alas…

(Yes, the digital transfer is horrible.)

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Nephilium

    The Borderlands movie has (of course) also left out my preferred characters (Mordecai and Zer0).

    • SDF-7

      All I know about Borderlands is that Claptrap was annoying as hell in Poker Night at the Inventory 2. I relished whenever that little bastard got taken out and hoped GLaDOS portaled him into a trash compactor.

  2. Shpip

    And you are stuck with her, DNC, because the massive butthurt of replacing her will make Dems stay home.

    I’m happy with demoralized democrats staying home whether Vice President Two-fer is on the ticket or not.

  3. SDF-7

    The prospect of the vice president replacing Joe Biden on the 2024 ticket would be much easier if the vice president were a white guy.

    I think you meant “If Kamala Harris didn’t make Hillary Clinton look charismatic…” there Slate.

    • The Other Kevin

      Slate is the only place you could find something so bad. Kamala was the absolute bottom of the barrel in the primaries. NOBODY liked her. She was the DEI pick, but as a bonus she wasn’t going to be a challenge to Biden.

      • Rat on a train

        So unliked she dropped out before the first primary.

      • juris imprudent

        She only dropped out because of the RACISM and MISOGYNY of Democratic primary voters!

      • R C Dean

        Who will now turn out in droves for her?

      • The Last American Hero

        Plenty of ballots in Maricopa County will.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Kamala will be fine. She just needs to pick the right person for her VP

      Maybe the only thing the local journalos like more than writing about our wonderful bike lanes are writing stories about our idiot pols and how they are just about to become President somehow. From Special K to – now – Tim Walz.

      There are so many dominos that would have to fall before they get to him, but there is room within the wild speculation about the 2024 presidential election to envision another Minnesota politician appearing on a national ticket.
      If President Biden decides to end his reelection bid, and if Democrats decide to promote Kamala Harris to the top of the ticket, and if Harris decides to balance her candidacy with a governor, and if she wishes to balance her coastal resume with someone from the Midwest, and if the most-mentioned Midwestern governors with their own presidential aspirations beg off from joining a campaign that could still lose — governors like Gretchen Witmer of Michigan or J.B. Pritzker of Illinois — then there would be only a few dominos left standing.
      And Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is one of them. The land of 10,000 vice presidents — two anyway — could have another name in the mix for the No. 2 spot on the Democratic ticket come November.

    • kinnath

      what a fucking disaster

      • R C Dean

        Also apropos for the election.

    • B.P.

      No. Leave Time Bandits alone.

      I see comments are disabled so that youtube doesn’t burst into flames.

      • Brochettaward

        Getting ratioed at a 7:1 rate.

    • Brochettaward

      Peter Dinklage has fucked a lot of midgets out of jobs with his retarded drunken remarks.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Dwarf tossing used to be a career!

    • Aloysious

      Bro beat me to it. The ratio is… extraordinary.

  4. Tonio

    “we have had one Black president—a man of outstanding, once-in-a-generation political talents”

    Bill Clinton?

    • bacon-magic

      *plays sax and winks at Monica

      • The Other Kevin

        *chooses boxers over briefs

      • SDF-7

        … with extra white sauce!

      • kinnath

        blue dress

        the devil you say

      • Gdragon

        Lord have mercy!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Did not inhale,

    • R C Dean

      Since Lincoln, we’ve had 30 Presidents to date. A proportionate number of black Presidents would be 3 – 4.

      Another way to look at it: Since WWII, which is really as far back as you can go for anybody currently voting, we’ve had 14 Presidents. For the current era, measured that way, a proportionate number of black Presidents would be 1 – 2.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    The advance reviews are call it “unfunny and boring.”

    In other words, box office gold.

    • juris imprudent

      Is all of Hollywood running The Producers scam these days – creating disasters that can’t ever pay off the investment?

      • Suthenboy

        Much of the oil industry has been doing that for decades…hollywood learned it from them I suppose.

  6. Raven Nation

    “in electoral politics, race and gender work overwhelmingly to the benefit of white men.”

    This is truth. I know the author of this piece, and all Kamala’s supporters, would race out to pull the lever for Condi Rice if she were the R nominee and running against Biden.

    • Nephilium

      Come on… you know Condi ain’t really black.

    • Tonio

      Talk about two people on opposite ends of the smart/competent continuum…

      • Old Man With Candy

        Whatever happened to Mia Love? After her election loss, she sorta disappeared.

      • Suthenboy

        Mia Love? Revulsion of the snake pit? Sitting on a patio with a friend somewhere sipping iced tea and watching the hummingbirds ?

      • Spudalicious

        I just looked her up. She’s been battling a glioblastoma the last two years.

      • Old Man With Candy

        That’s a pity. She seems like a really decent person, which of course makes her unsuitable for politics.

  7. SDF-7

    Wow… yeah, that transfer makes it pretty much unwatchable. If I’m going to watch guys in their basement…

    Always a nice Depeche song… even if I really, really, really never want to think about their proclivities (given that and other songs of theirs). Young Men With Candy And Bondage Gear or something.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    A Harris win would usher the first woman, and the first woman of color, into the presidency—a history-making possibility, and a deeply exciting one.

    Ability? Policy? Those are irrelevant. She’s nothing more than a trophy pelt.

    • Homple

      “trophy pelt”.

      I like that one.

    • The Other Kevin

      That doesn’t at all describe DEI. Not one bit.

      • juris imprudent

        All done without a trace of irony. That’s as masterful as SF himself, perhaps even a bit more horrifying.

    • B.P.

      I’m not looking for excitement.

      I heard a clip from Joy Reid talking about the need for the Dems to pivot away from the geriatric crowd and start picking leaders from their younger ranks. She rattled off a list of names and their qualifications. Their qualifications were all identity-based (LGBT, black, etc.); not one word about actually doing something.

      • SDF-7

        To be fair though — Joy Reid is a racist fucking idiot. So you really shouldn’t expect much.

      • Brochettaward

        Racist fucking idiots basically describes the Democratic party to the letter. It’s a party that has sworn off the entire concept of meritocracy for identity politics. That’s their future.

        Luckily for them, half the country will still pull the lever for anyone with a D after their name. Not so lucky for the rest of us who are also going to be subjected to being governed by a generation of useless twits who make the likes of Bill Clinton look like giants.

      • Raven Nation

        “not one word about actually doing something.”

        TBF: I’m not sure a politician who has been “doing something” is someone I would want to elect anyway.

    • rhywun

      deeply exciting

      I almost feel embarrassed for the writer.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Rule 34 says some people are excited by true depravity.

      • Tonio

        Wendy the prostitute in the “Breaking Bad” universe has more integrity than that writer.

    • Suthenboy

      I like that. Two lines up they decry ‘DEI president’ as derogative and inaccurate then say ‘Kamala would be the perfect DEI president’.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    She is the George Floyd Memorial Vice President.

    Most excellent.

    • SDF-7

      So her foreign policy would be Mostly Peaceful? That sounds fun…

      • Drake

        Somewhat fiery.

      • Bobarian LMD

        And we’ll all die by suffocation while dosed out of our minds on fentanyl.

        So we got that going for us.

  10. Shpip

    So yes, it’s rational to be nervous about a potential Harris run, and to be nervous about factors that are entirely out of Harris’ control. But it’s not rational to conclude that, because one woman lost eight years ago, this woman can’t win. Of course she can. We—and the guy currently at the top of the ticket—just need to give her a chance.

    Pleasepleaseplease. The sales of inspirational posters will skyrocket.

    • Rat on a train

      “it’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day”

    • juris imprudent

      Of course she can

      Just like how close she came to winning the Democratic presidential nomination itself.

    • R C Dean

      “But it’s not rational to conclude that, because one woman lost eight years ago, this woman can’t win.”

      Anyone saying that would be a Democrat trying to pick on a winning candidate, right?

  11. Brochettaward

    Don’t First until you can see the whites of their eyes.

      • Rat on a train
      • Ted S.

        I thought you’d link to these.

      • Gdragon
    • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

      D00d, if we’ve told you once, we’ve told you a thousand times — not in their eyes.

      For one thing, it stings.

  12. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Kamala Harris had exactly one quality to qualify her.” You sell her short. She had two qualities. She’s both black and a woman.

    Of course the author then goes on to claim, “A Harris win would usher the first woman, and the first woman of color, into the presidency—a history-making possibility, and a deeply exciting one.” Gosh, that sounds like a DEI argument. But how dare we call her a DEI candidate.

    • The Other Kevin

      The fact that they really, truly believe that being diverse is a qualification explains a whole lot.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        It was how they were going to campaign for generations. Obama was the first black. Hillary was supposed to be the first woman. Then the first gay (unless you count Obama), the first Hispanic, the first trans, the first Asian and so on. Trump really messed that up for them.

      • Tundra

        I think the diversity dream is dying. People are starting to realize that it doesn’t work.

      • Suthenboy

        It says a lot about those people that they had to see it before figuring out what a crock of shit it is. The premises are absurd on their face.

    • Tonio

      Rumor has it that she also gives good head (for a straight woman). But that only gets one so far in life.

      • EvilSheldon

        With those teeth? *doubt*

      • Not Adahn

        Now I wish oglaf was searchable

      • EvilSheldon

        Is it bad that I know exactly which Oglaf comic that you’re thinking of?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Does she really give good head? Or is it that when she has a dick in her mouth she can’t talk or cackle?

        Maybe people are confusing the joy they get at the wonderful silence with her proficiency at fellatio?

      • R C Dean

        “But that only gets one so far in life.”

        Ya gotta admit, though, being (another) microstroke from the Presidency is getting pretty far in life.

    • Old Man With Candy

      She had the same qualification as Hillary- she had hosted the penis of an actually skilled politician.

      • Suthenboy

        Jim Jones? I think that was just a bit before her time.

    • R C Dean

      Oh c’mon, isn’t the descendant of former slaveholders, the child of an East Indian woman and a Caribbean black man, who grew up in Canada, just the person to fully represent black Americans?

      • The Last American Hero

        Better than a half black dude that grew up in Hawaii.

  13. rhywun

    The M word!


    • SDF-7

      Millenials aren’t that bad….

    • Nephilium


      /looks around for the Librarian

    • rhywun

      For non-nerds, “master” was the default name of a git source code repository until they changed it to “main” because you know why.

      • rhywun

        repository branch, that is

      • SDF-7

        Yup… and then they moved on to bus device nomenclature and got rid of master / slave devices too. Because someone somewhere might identify with a SATA drive or some bullcrap.

      • Tonio

        SCSI used Master/Slave terminology.

      • juris imprudent

        The BDSM world bravely holds out, for now.

      • Rat on a train

        Can I still get a master’s in black studies?

  14. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Barack Obama had zero political skill. He one the D slot against an unloved harridan, and the presidency when anything with a D behind their name would have been slotted in, he lost political ground during his entire tenure, losing the house first and then the senate, his final pick for SCOTUS was rejected out of hand, and his chosen successor lost to Donald fucking Trump.

    Dude gave good talking head, but was a dead lay.

    • Brochettaward

      Dude gave good talking head, but was a dead lay.

      Hey, Larry Sinclair will tell you that Obama was a great lay.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, Mitch McConnell fucked him but good.

    • rhywun

      But he was so dreamy.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        His pleats were perfect.

    • Bobarian LMD

      He was a more cynical version of Chauncey Gardener, a blank slate where people could paint their political aspirations on him.

      Doonsbury used to portray GWB as a literal empty shirt, but he really missed the chance to stick that on Obama (Eastwood’s empty chair).

      • Pope Jimbo

        He gave the Dem primary voters a great reason to not vote for Hillary.

        None of them wanted to vote for her but didn’t dare cross her. Then Obama came along and they could vote for him because his race gave him more victim points than her. So they could vote against her without being accused of sexism.

    • juris imprudent

      Obama was the natural Democrat successor to W – one empty suit deserved another.

      You also forgot he is the only President to get less votes in his re-election.

      • creech

        A committed principled guy; you always knew where he stood, voting “present” to show his deep devotion to taking a firm stand on an issue.

  15. Shpip

    When you think about it, who could be against another Kamala run for the big chair, what with her stunning turn as border czar, not to mention her other victories, both foreign and domestic?

    • B.P.

      I seem to recall Obama putting Biden in charge of several things, which he dutifully mismanaged. It’s like a catastrophic apprenticeship program.

      • Rat on a train

        mission accomplished

    • Tundra

      I’d suck start a revolver.

    • R C Dean

      I’ve heard that the car shut off automatically. Which they may do these days if they are left running and the key fob is out of range.

      • The Last American Hero

        Tesla has a maintain temp mode and a dog mode. Just sayin.

  16. Tundra

    Great song.

    I still think Trump should choose Tulsi to run with him. Then at the debates she can sit in the front row and stare at Kamala. Comedy gold.

    • bacon-magic

      Would Tulsi. Would not vote for her though. She’d be a great cabinet member though.

      • juris imprudent

        She’d be no worse than Pence was.

    • The Other Kevin

      I like Tulsi as VP. She left the Dems and they absolutely hate her. Hillary called her a traitor, and Tulsi has never forgotten that. It will ramp up their rage to entertaining levels.

      For a while I thought she wouldn’t be a good fit but then I realized she’s the same type of Democrat that Trump is.

      • The Last American Hero

        And when Trump has a heart attack, she could appoint a gun grabber to the sc when Thomas dies. Fucking perfect candidate.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Identity crisis

    When Etsy launched almost two decades ago, the site attracted artisans and craft makers, who finally had a place online where they could sell their niche products and reach a large audience. But in recent years, Etsy has found itself overrun with mass-produced, generic items from resellers who have learned how to game the website and crowd out handcrafted products.

    Now Etsy CEO Josh Silverman wants the company, whose stated mission is to “keep commerce human,” to get back to its roots.


    “I feel like there’s a race to the bottom in terms of commoditized commerce right now and almost everyone in e-commerce is playing that race,” Silverman said. “They’re selling the exact same product and they’re trying to sell it to you for 2 cents cheaper, or ship it two hours faster.”


    The company is also dealing with pressure from activist Elliott Management, which has amassed a roughly 13% stake in the company, making it Etsy’s largest investor. In February, Elliott partner Marc Steinberg joined Etsy’s board.

    Something tells me the boys from Elliot couldn’t give a fuck less about quality or uniqueness, as long as the numbers get juiced. But instead of saying, “this is not our preferred business model” and parking their money at Amazon instead, they’ll reimagine wreck Etsy.

    • Sensei

      Etsy, thousands of 3D printed usage license violations.

    • rhywun

      “Race to the bottom” immediately called Amazon to mind.

    • Rat on a train

      My wife made some handcrafted items (mostly hair bows). She did well at smaller fairs but the bulk crap from China flooded the larger fairs. Her stuff was better quality but they had lower prices. She now only crafts for friends and family.

  18. rhywun

    JFC. Weather emergency alerts every five minutes for hours today.

    *looks outside*

    Not a drop of rain.

    • The Other Kevin

      The rain finally stopped here just before noon. I’m not sure of the total but my pool is definitely full now.

      • juris imprudent

        Don’t bogart our rain, we need it.

    • Rat on a train

      I’ve been getting twice daily heat advisories for over a week. The summer is brutal.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, way hotter and more humid than last year. Over it.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Good luck in your future endeavors

    A federal judge in California has dismissed a severance suit against tech billionaire Elon Musk that accused him of refusing to pay at least $500 million in severance to former Twitter staffers whom he fired when he took over the social media platform, now called X.

    U.S. District Judge Trina Thompson in a ruling Tuesday said the estimated 6,000 workers who were laid off after Musk purchased the company in 2022 were not owed severance payments under the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). As a result, the court lacks jurisdiction to weigh in on the matter, Thompson said.


    Musk faces other similar suits over alleged unpaid severance payments, including one from Twitter’s former CEO Parag Agrawal, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal, Chief Legal Counsel Vijaya Gadde and General Counsel Sean Edgett. In a complaint filed in March, the former executives said they were fired without a reason on the day Musk completed the acquisition of Twitter.

    You are unnecessary. Good day.

  20. Suthenboy

    “…we have had one Black president—a man of outstanding, once-in-a-generation political talents. ”
    He was the embodiment of a DEI president. Spoon fed hatred of the enlightened west while growing up, Just the right shade of not-white, socialist, fucks up everything he touches while coming off to the right-thinkers as smooth and sophisticated.

    “A Harris win would usher the first woman, and the first woman of color, into the presidency—a history-making possibility, and a deeply exciting one.”
    An accurate statement to those who cant see that it really wouldn’t matter what puppet is leading the circus theater that our govt has become. For the rest of us…we just see that it is time for this so called elite to go.

    • Raven Nation

      “once-in-a-generation political talents”

      There’s a lot of truth in this statement, although probably not what the writer was thinking.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Tulsi’s a veteran, isn’t she? Trump should appoint her Secretary of the Army.

    • The Other Kevin

      Yes. I believe she was in Iraq. And she is still in the Army Reserves. I have seen her doing Army stuff on Twitter in the past few months.

    • Sensei

      Picture her getting turned after announcing each bombing we directly or indirectly enable.

    • The Other Kevin

      At one point she was the darling of the Dems. She checked all the boxes. But while on some committee during the Obama admin she opposed the US bombing someone (Libya?), and that was the end of her political career. Hillary called her a traitor, and to this day they call her Putin’s puppet because she opposes the war in Ukraine.

  22. The Gunslinger

    RIP Joe Bonsall. Probably not anyone else’s cuppa tea around here, but I always liked them..

    Mark Steyn even played a tribute to them on his weekly show. Apparently Joe has been following Mark.

  23. Suthenboy

    I will give the Democrats this: They have created an atmosphere where the socialists feel comfortable dropping the mask exposing their evilest tendencies for all to see.

    • The Other Kevin

      They’re in such a small silo they think they’re in the majority.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      The moderate Dems are allowing their party to be taken over. Same as libertarian Republicans allowing their party to be taken over.

      • Suthenboy

        This and it really pisses me off. I would toss in ‘good men doing nothing’ but they really aren’t good men, are they? They are cowards.

      • The Last American Hero

        There are about 2000 libertarian republicans in the entire country. What were we supposed to do?

      • R.J.

        …Have an awesome party? We could rent a ballroom in Poughkeepsie.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    “once-in-a-generation political talents”

    There’s a lot of truth in this statement, although probably not what the writer was thinking.

    And that part about how “deeply exciting” her administration will be reminds me of an old Chinese curse.

    • Suthenboy


      My grandfather’s version: “Hell is having your dreams come true.”

    • Tundra

      Dumb Karen.

  25. Not Adahn

    My faithful watch dog alerted me to the arrival (late) of my new holster. Excellent packaging, generously supplied with assembly hardware, zero instructions. I guess they figure their customer base wouldn’t read them anyway.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Puddin Cup: “I ain’t dropping out, Jack. Take that to the bank, Jack”

      Boxwine: “It’s up to the President to decide and we’re going to encourage him to make that decision”

      The chaos and lack of coherent communication is DELICIOUS

      I can’t decide if this is the best or worst timeline

      • Tundra
      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Boxwine and Puddincup could be an addition to the Sugarverse.

    • Brochettaward

      I’m tired of the soberists in the world and their smug righteousness.

      • Tundra

        “I’ll drink to that!”


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        A woman’s lips that touch the Devil’s Nectar will never touch mine (unless she’s hot, then I’ll consider it).

    • Suthenboy

      I have never heard anything come out of her mouth that I could make heads or tails of.
      Earlier today I heard some bobblehead say how extremely articulate she is. Wut?

  26. Mojeaux

    Sky is blue, sun is blazing, it’s hot and humid. We here test the tornado sirens at 11:00 a.m. the first Wednesday of every month. They went off today at 11:00 a.m. sharp, but it’s the SECOND Wednesday! HORS!

    I will never get over a friend of mine swooning over the Obamas as gracious and lovely (ESPECIALLY by comparison to that gauche clod OMB). I faintly heard a “for black people” dogwhistle, but my ear is tuned to that when listening to libs talk.

    • R.J.

      Hitler told great party jokes. He was a scintillating host, I am told.

      • Gdragon

        And all the guests were right on time as long as they came by train…

      • Gdragon

        And yes, the above joke does work in multiple ways LOL

      • R.J.

        *Golf clap

  27. Pope Jimbo

    Sigh. I agree with half of this new program.

    Instead of issuing tickets for broken headlights and tail lights, some cops in Minnesota are giving out vouchers to fix them for free. And it has the support of state lawmakers.
    These law enforcement agencies — 130 in Minnesota — are part of the Lights On program, managed by nonprofit Microgrants. It creates a partnership between police departments and participating auto repair shops to cover the cost of repairs up to $250.
    There have been more than 10,200 vouchers issued to date since the program launched in 2017 in the wake of Philando Castile’s killing during a traffic stop for a broken tail light.
    The goal is to keep low-income Minnesotans from a “downward spiral” that might come from that ticket — the cost on top of the cost of repairs, or additional fines and fees if that ticket is not paid. Harrington said more than half of the people given vouchers say they wouldn’t have the money otherwise to fix the broken lights and would continue to drive with the hazard on their vehicle.
    The Minnesota Legislature this year provided $1.2 million for it, a request Lights On made in order to keep offering the vouchers at no cost to police departments and to expand it in the future.

    Completely agree that a broken light shouldn’t end up being a ticket with a fine you have to pay. Don’t like the vouchers though. Pay for your own car’s upkeep.

    I wonder who is running the Microgrants non-profit? I bet it is someone connected who is skimming that $1.2M pool of money.

    • Gustave Lytton

      If there’s no enforcement and stick, people will put it off forever. The last four years had shown how well that works.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The right way is fixit ticket that’s completely dismissed without any fine if it’s corrected.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I actually think that is the way it works now. I had a buddy who got a fixit ticket a year or so ago.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    I will never get over a friend of mine swooning over the Obamas as gracious and lovely (ESPECIALLY by comparison to that gauche clod OMB).

    The country will never recover from the horrors of Melania’s reign as First Lady. She destroyed Michelle’s lovely legacy.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    I wonder who is running the Microgrants non-profit? I bet it is someone connected who is skimming that $1.2M pool of money.

    I was waiting for the minority-owned-business preference.

  30. Gustave Lytton

    Kamala is black not Black. And a fake half black at that. Just like Barry.

    • Gdragon

      Halfback Barry could fake anyone out. No one had more wiggle, give him just a little space and he was gone.

    • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

      Well, she did live in The Great White North for a while, so . . .

      • Gdragon

        That’s where she bought the Tupac album pre-release

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That woman is so white she probably bought a two-pack of Tupperware thinking it would giver her street cred.

  31. Pope Jimbo

    I have no idea if this was a good shoot or not, but I’m getting sick of family members that live all the way across the country moaning about how wonderful a person the victim was.

    George Floyd was in Minnesoda because his family would have nothing to do with his criminal ass. Now this guy. Lots of brushes with the law, but his nephew back in Cali is beside himself with grief because Dear Beloved Uncle was killed while on a rampage at the homeless shelter.

    Of course, if you don’t want unsavory elements moving to your city, don’t name it Crookston.

    * I’d love to know more about this cop. Is he a complete asshole who shoots first (this was his second shoot in 2 months)? Or did he just have bad luck running into violent crazies?

    • Suthenboy

      Just from what I get in the article it sounds like the latter. Were I him I would want to be cleared and spend my time seeking a career in a different line.

    • Tundra

      Holiness, did you see The Fall of Minneapolis?

      It was pretty incredible. Chauvin got fucked so unbelievably hard.

  32. Suthenboy

    Given the scandals about the depravity of our political class I cant help but notice I dont know of anyone personally who comes close except career criminals and clinically insane people.
    How is it that the pols get tolerated instead of shunned, excommunicated or exiled?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Because they have lots of money to spread around?

      • Gdragon

        Exactly, everyone else probably just gets caught before they get even 5% of the way down their list of evil deeds.

  33. Pope Jimbo

    Is there nothing that Kim Jong Un doesn’t know?

    The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Rungna Water Park under construction in June Juche 101 (2012).
    Going round various places of the construction site, he learned about the construction. When he reached a douche place, he stopped walking.
    The builders were proud of it as it was well suited to the environment.
    After looking into the water tank of the douche place for a while, the General Secretary told officials that it would be advisable to install ladders or stairs on the wall of the tank so that people could enter or come out of it without any trouble.

    You’d think that of all our pols, only Kamala would have the know how to build a proper douche place.

    • Suthenboy

      Oh, C’mon. I wanted to see a photo of this….douche place.

      • R.J.

        Me too.

  34. Tundra

    Hail to the Chick: Dirty Jill Is at it Again

    I never heard the song story. It’s both perfect and insane. Perfectly insane.

    Also, SF’s portrayal of the wench might actually be too kind.

  35. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I think the Biden Drop-Out Chorus is too loud now. The teeth gnashing of rank and file Dems who haven’t gotten the message yet is hilarious

    • Suthenboy

      Hey, once you are off the rails an inch is the same as a mile. I hope everyone has plenty of popcorn.

    • R.J.

      Obama said it best: “There is nothing that Joe Biden can’t fuck up.”

      Hoping this now includes the democrat hold on power.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I 100% do not want him to drop out or otherwise get removed.

      • R.J.

        Neither do I. I want him to ride that train through a brick wall and shatter that party’s hold on power for a generation.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Yes, that is certainly the best result. Team Blue, riding Biden, straight into the wall of Trump. I didn’t vote for him in ’20 but will now. He wasn’t terrible. No new wars. The lawfare against him NEEDS to be shot down NOW. Might as well be against him. He has Fuck You Money. The Hero We Need? Hrm.

      It will be hilarious. My family won’t take it well. I generally keep my snickers to myself, though I prick in poignant jabs from time to time.

    • Suthenboy

      He is sure Trump will win and knows his snout is about to get slapped out of the trough.
      This is why Trump is so hated.