Racing Dolls

by | Jul 27, 2024 | Beer, Food & Drink, Musings, Racism, Rant | 211 comments

Look, I am trying to avoid Trump or Brandon related conspiracies this week. Primarily because all the conspiracies this week are related to marksmanship, and you people will just use that to call me out. Not happening!

Sorry, not sorry. This is my review of Ranier:

Are Africans really better at running? There are studies out there that for whatever reason are trying to figure out how to pin it on culture rather than genetics. In some cases it is probable both are true (i.e. Jamaica), but this is a touchy subject because if it can be determined certain populations have greater propensity to success in certain activities that would necessarily have to imply you can do the same for something really touchy. Like IQ:

The fourth piece of evidence is “morphological diversity”, the fact that elite sprinters are relatively diverse in terms of their biomechanics. This argument does have some truth to it. Elite sprinters certainly seem more diverse in this respect than, say, elite long-distance runners. Usain Bolt is 1.95m tall, whereas Su Bingtian is only 1.72m. Harry Aikines-Aryeetey is extremely muscular, whereas Christophe Lemaitre is comparatively thin. Yet it remains true that sprinting is overwhelmingly dominated by athletes with West/South African ancestry. And rather than having one single trait or gene, these athletes likely have a combination of traits that give them an edge over their competitors.

Souaiaia and colleagues complain that “attempts to locate “speed genes” have largely failed”. And while this is in part because scientists naively put too much faith in the candidate gene approach, it is also because of papers like the very one Souaiaia and colleagues wrote, which casually deploy terms like “racialist” and “scientific racism” in an effort to smear those who subscribe to genetic explanations for racial differences in athletic performance. As David Epstein noted in the Sports Gene:

Wait, wait, wait.


I can’t do this.

I must interrupt my own article on race realism simply because this story exists:

Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAT) announced today the addition of a blind Barbie doll and a Black Barbie doll with Down syndrome, created to allow even more children to find a doll that represents them and inspire all children to tell more stories through play. 

“We recognize that Barbie is much more than just a doll; she represents self-expression and can create a sense of belonging,” said Krista Berger, Senior Vice President of Barbie and Global Head of Dolls. “We proudly introduce a new blind Barbie doll and Black doll with Down syndrome to our Barbie Fashionistas line, reinforcing our commitment to creating products that represent global belonging and inclusivity in the doll aisle.”

See? This is worth dropping everything! I am going to go with the Raz0rfist explanation on this one which is, “go broke, get woke, and eventually croak.” Why? Children don’t play with toys like this anymore, especially when they are old enough for an electronic device. So this attempt at diversifying their product is probably doomed to fail for the underlying reason but everyone will focus on the virtue signaling accelerating it—sort of like Bud Light.

It reminds me of the one time I did Xmas Angels with my kids and my daughter got a kid requesting a doll. I couldn’t just buy any doll, what if we got a white girl a black doll, or worse a white girl a white doll who didn’t want a doll that looks like her? How the hell can I possibly accommodate subtle racism like that for a kid I never met?

So my daughter and I compromised and we found what I will call a they/them doll with purple and silver hair, and sort of brownish tone but not really. The way I saw it at that moment, if you were using a charity to get gifts for your kids, you were insanely poor and thus couldn’t complain—or a godless communist working the system. The doll suits both. Next time I’m donating a black, and blind Barbie doll.

What is this stuff? I grabbed it off the convenience store shelf in a town in northwestern Washington who’s name I chose not to learn, along with one of those meat and cheese snack trays. I don’t think its craft beer but certainly has an obvious regional market. Its…okay its basically the “full flavored,” yellow can Coors. It does the job, nothing to write home about but quite frankly its not another godless IPA. Ranier: 2.0/5

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. PieInTheSky

    I can run faster than anyone I just don’t want to

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Yet it remains true that sprinting is overwhelmingly dominated by athletes with West/South African ancestry. And rather than having one single trait or gene, these athletes likely have a combination of traits that give them an edge over their competitors.

    The pop-Darwinist explanation would be they got it from running away from large predators trying to kill them.

    • PieInTheSky

      that is a particularly silly thing to say. No one outruns lions. And humans everywhere are apex predators

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        No one outruns lions.

        Don’t have to, you just have to run faster than your friends.

      • Evan from Evansville

        True dat. However, only w tools. Tons of animals will EAT us, if given an opportunity, but we are quite rarely *hunted,* rather than scavenged. We’re a remarkably weak species for all our size, QUITE considerable for a mammal.

        Give us time, and natch, we thrived. Our brains being so goddamn big, hard to gestate and tremendously dangerous to give birth to, and we take so fucking long to be able to ‘fend for ourselves.’ We really are a curious, curious species. I’m glad I came along when I did, for all the shit that our (every) era brings.

        I do love how, honestly, loving and caring our species tends to be to each other. Ignore all the “If it bleeds, it leads” headlines we get. Life is remarkably good. We still live in by far the most peaceful and prosperous time in our species. I believe I trump all y’all in terms of medical machinery that allows life to persist. Takes lots of humans to put such together. Good show, homo sapiens. Still got it, despite what all the naysayers’ll have one believe. (Of course They want Us to. Fear sells far better than happiness. Frankly, by great margin, we’d rather live than be “happy.”)

  3. PieInTheSky

    Right thinking people do not read Aporia . Do better. We are trying to elect the first African American woman as president these days, no room for neanderthal thinking.

  4. Gustave Lytton

    Raiiineeeeerrrrr beeeeeer.

    Definitely not craft. Good lawnmower beer though.

  5. Common Tater

    “a Black Barbie doll with Down syndrome”

    Vice President Barbie?

    • Homple

      [“a Black Barbie doll with Down syndrome”

      Vice President Barbie?]

      I’m tempted to stop reading here. I doubt if the comments can get much better.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Have they made a morbidly obese Barbie yet?

    • Rat on a train

      Where’s scoliosis Barbie?

  7. Gender Traitor

    The continued salience of toys is clear in the 2019 edition of an annual RoosterMoney report on items kids’ are given or purchase themselves. When US kids and teens ages 4 to 14 were asked what they’re saving their money for, Lego topped the list, while dolls came in at No. 5.

    I asked for and received my share of dolls as a little GT, but I recall that once when I had my own money to spend, I chose a toy shotgun – the kind with corks on strings – to buy at Woolworth’s.

    • rhywun


      Today in a nutshell.

      Nobody has any sense of humor anymore.

    • R C Dean

      I’m a bad person. I laughed.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    I remember being told Mohawk Indians were overrepresented among structural steel workers building skyscrapers in NYC. Something about a genetic quirk which enabled to walk on those narrow I-beams more securely than palefaces.

    Or maybe they just liked it.

    • Sensei

      Now explain why there were historically so many Irish cops…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Drunk tank can only hold so many people at one time.

      • Sensei

        What I find so interesting was the fight between the Irish and Italians in NYC and other cities.

        Both Papists and discriminated against, but they also hated each other.

      • Ted S.

        To be fair, everyone else hates both the Irish *and* Italians.

      • EvilSheldon

        The Irish needed something to do after the Sicilians ran them out of all the organized rackets.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Now explain why there were historically so many Irish cops…

        According to lore, respectable employers did not want to hire the Irish, and the the Italians mostly stuck to their own neighborhoods. The local governments had little choice but to hire the Irish due to the large pool of “unemployable” men.

        Also a propensity for fighting certainly was a plus.

      • juris imprudent

        The legacy of Irish cops – not too bright, plenty willing to use more force than necessary.

        Oh, and plenty of moral flexibility.

    • Suthenboy

      I was told they have no inherent fear of heights…immune to vertigo. I have no idea if that is true or not. Why would evolution select for that?
      Great need to deal with heights? A complete lack of dealing with heights for generations?

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Yes, apparently they don’t experience vertigo. Also overrepresented as pilots. A friend of mine is one.

  9. PieInTheSky

    So being a sad single guy with one foot in the grave, I made dinner for one: steak with a side of fresh tomatoes from mama Pie’s garden. the steak was 614 grams raw and I did not finish it. So the question of the day, the official glibertarian position on, if you will, is how much steak is enough steak for one Pie ?(male, 40 🙁 , 6 feet tall 195 pounds body weight )

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I see no guns in that picture. You disappoint me, Pie.

      • Sean

        You need to start dry brining. 24 hours should be your target.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The official position is whatever amount you want to eat. Go big or go small. Have leftovers. The real question is, was it tasty and are you satiated? 22oz is pretty good size for an individual steak. It’s not the senior menu.

      • PieInTheSky

        was a bit chewy for my taste not the best.

      • PieInTheSky

        The official position is whatever amount you want to eat – this is very unglibertarian. there should be clear regulations for everything.

      • juris imprudent

        Pie, don’t you go all Winston on us.

    • rhywun

      That is double or more what I can eat. But my steaks don’t have lots of fat or bones.

    • cavalier973

      First, only buy steaks weighed in ounces (or pounds!); gram-weighed steaks are usually tough and bland.

      Take a fork to that uncooked steak like a proggie doc giving out mRNA shots. Jab it until it stops bleeding, then cook it how you like it.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      1g of protein per pound of mass per day is a decent enough heuristic. I’d probably eat all of it.

    • Aloysious

      You need to measure your steaks in hogsheads.

      With regards to leftover steak, you now have the primary ingredient for a steak sandwich.

  10. Gustave Lytton

    Hmmm… which WA town name would an out of stater screw up and get corrected on…

    Probably Kirkland.

    • R.J.


      • PieInTheSky

        Penistone is a market town and civil parish in the Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley, South Yorkshire,

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I just assumed it’s pronounced “Pulley up”.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


        P-up. It is pronounced P-up.

    • Don escaped Texas


      there’s a true story about how Don Escaped Kenworth; let’s make this short:

      my firm sends all its top engineering minds to put on a day seminar on all our cool products
      I’m in the corporate lecture hall after lunch; no one shows in the ten minutes after my presentation should have started
      turns out our self-navigating feature that should have demonstrated how we could teach a car to park itself ran into the side of their corporate VP for engineering’s BrandNewCar during the demo

      KW is a top firm in trucks: great equipment

      but I have never been invited back

      • Sensei

        Musk says it’s basically a solved problem. I’m confused.

      • Don escaped Texas

        that was years ago

        think Tesla is the only firm that can code?

      • UnCivilServant

        As far as I can tell, no firm can code. They all seem to be full of smoke-blowing salespeople and no working tech.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    The key to speed, according to one of my college football coaches, is stride length.

    • Suthenboy

      There are a number of factors. Look at the difference between the human foot (very generalized anatomy) and animals that specialize in running (they are digitigrade) The length of the calcaneous where the achilles tendon attaches is much further from the ball of the foot. The legs of running animals are much lighter the further away from the body they are.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Well, in the words of Obama, “leave it to Joe Biden to fuck things up.”

      Last laugh, and all that.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention.

    Mark Kelly. Are you fucking kidding me? But suddenly he’s everywhere.

    • Sensei

      He’s a blank slate you can pin your dreams onto. Similar to Obama.

      • LCDR_Fish

        shitbirds flock together

    • rhywun

      Never heard of him.

      • Gustave Lytton

        He’s Gabby Giffords’ puppetmaster and now US Senator from AZ.

    • cavalier973

      Why can’t he go back to outer space, where he belongs?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      If the fix is in, it means he and Gabbi will stop living in my state. #silverlining

      • R C Dean

        If he gets the VP nom, I wonder what turd the AZ G.O.P. will toss in the electoral punch bowl.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Meghan McCain to reclaim her daddy’s seat.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Meghan McCain

        Judas Priest. I was thinking Karen Taylor Robson, the lady Kari Lake beat in a primary for governor. This seems more likely.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    “It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”

    Haha, that’s exactly how I read that “endorsement” when I saw it.

    • R C Dean

      So basically Kamala was the turd Biden threw in the electoral punch bowl.

  14. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Barbie dolls always end up with their heads popped off with nasty tangled hair.

    • UnCivilServant

      The neck joint design prioritized articulation over structural strength.

      Hair is hair, it tangles if not obsessively maintained.

    • Gender Traitor

      I believe my BIL won my MIL over to the idea of “spud guns” by shooting a Barbie doll out of one.

    • Suthenboy

      No grief to Q, everyone has their thing…and no, I am not telling you jokers mine….but I have described his girl pics as just one busty barbie doll with replacement heads…all of which are very similar just with different colors of hair.

      • Suthenboy

        I grew up with dead-baby jokes. That is hilarious.
        What I am distressed about is that so many people today have a serious stick up their asses.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        @Suth, no actual babies were harmed.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Share-a-Smile Becky, shitlord!! Get it right!

      • R C Dean

        Love those hazel eyes, too.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    As for the race ahead, Obama has little faith in Harris, the source close to the Biden family claimed.

    “Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance,” the source said.

    “She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

    But they have circled the wagons and begun pushing the narrative of her resuscitation of the Democrats’ chances as hard as they can. Unless there is a mutiny at the convention.

    • Sean

      I’m hoping for a bloodbath. That’s the term du jour, isn’t it?

    • rhywun

      He knew Biden was a fuckup too and look what happened. Joe did exactly as he was told and helped advanced Obama’s malignant agenda just fine.

      I have a feeling Obama’s real problem with Harris is that he thinks she might be too independent-minded.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        All fuckups, all the way down?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Oh no! Obama doesn’t have faith in her. What, she didn’t funnel enough money to his coffers? It sure isn’t because he can recognize inexperience and incompetence.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Huh, funny how I have seen 4-5 spots for how she looked when 0bama called her.

      Trying to make fish smell like roses.

    • R C Dean

      Err, meant to be a reply to Don.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Its…okay its basically the “full flavored,” yellow can Coors. It does the job, nothing to write home about but quite frankly its not another godless IPA.

    Nor does it feature fruit compote. Another plus.

  17. DEG

    I grabbed it off the convenience store shelf in a town in northwestern Washington

    There are worse places to buy beer.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Like Eastern Washington? I’ve been to Yakima.

      • dbleagle

        A few years ago I was at Yakima for work. All the locals said be in your hotel no later than 8:30pm because after 9pm the streets belonged to the meth makers.

        It’s a shame since it is a pretty central WA location.

      • DEG

        I haven’t been to Eastern Washington so I don’t know how shitty it is.

        I had in mind the Prince Edward Island Provincial Liquor Stores on my first trip to the island. A pallet of 30 packs of Bud Light, another pallet of 30 packs of Molson, another pallet of 30 packs of Coors. Some shitty wine, some cheap liquor, and not much else.

        No meth heads or other criminal element at least.

      • DEG

        And to add on: On my second trip to the island, they get better. No fjords to pin for though….

  18. Gdragon

    The scariest thing about the blind Barbie doll is what it suggests. It would seem that every other Barbie doll can actually see and they are all watching us. They buried the lede, big time.

    • cavalier973

      They also sometimes giggle when your back is turned.

      • Gdragon

        I already assumed that everyone did that, now I gotta learn that toys are doing it too? This is a rough weekend and it’s just getting started.

    • PieInTheSky

      not a fan of traditional houses?

    • Suthenboy

      “Adobe can go die in a fire.”


      • Suthenboy

        Adobe – “Look, I am busy fucking you! I dont care what. you want, now get your ass back over here!”

        Customer base – “No”

        I am guessing Adobe’s marketing and company strategy team are all DEI hires. Diversity is strength, so I have been told.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Customer base – “No”

        Wrong. They’re saying yes because they have to. They’re in a financially abusive relationship that they can’t get out of.

      • rhywun

        all DEI hires

        To be fair, Adobe has been a dumpster fire a lot longer than that.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I am guessing Adobe’s marketing and company strategy team are all DEI hire

        Adobe has been slightly less than useless way to long to blame DEI.

    • Sensei

      69 News. Niiiiice.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Yeah, but the views are terrible.

      • Tres Cool

        Sometimes its tough to hear the TV, too.

  19. Suthenboy

    I think bad cattitude covered the elevation of marginalization very well in the link in the dead thread.
    As I joke to my wife “I know it was the Democrats that tried to kill Trump because they failed.”
    ‘Go woke, go broke’ is not just a bumper sticker.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, that was a good article.

      I am not as optimistic as xer, though. I don’t think “transgressive Last Supper” is anywhere close to the peak yet.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    I am guessing Adobe’s marketing and company strategy team are all DEI hires. Diversity is strength, so I have been told.

    More likely they are a bunch of business school idiots who think their product is so irreplaceably fantastic the customers will put up with anything to have access to it.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      They aren’t wrong, tho. Most businesses that need/use Adobe products are going to upgrade or subscribe when told to because they’re otherwise going to get cut off, some way, some day, somehow.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, they probably survive on corporate money. Just like Microsoft Office.

        I don’t know anyone who would pay for it personally anymore (I did with Office once upon a time).

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        When I buy a license, I want it in perpetuity, not just until the licensor decides to revoke it whenever for whatever.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Companies didn’t want to sell a product once when they can just collect rent on a periodic basis and force people to upgrade to the latest whatever.

      • Seguin

        What’s your opinion on Affinity? I’ve heard good things.

    • Sensei

      You bury it or say it is out of context.

      It’s a good ad, but you can take Trump clips and do the same.

      • Gustave Lytton

        You have to grab those ads by the pussy.

  21. rhywun

    I can’t do this.

    LOL best to not even go there.

  22. Tres Cool

    from GT’s morning link to our local DHS investigations ( I couldnt help myself):

    ‘Karen Wingerd, special agent in charge for criminal investigations at Internal Revenue Service’s Cincinnati Office, worked as co-lead alongside partner agencies for the searches.”

    No doubt related to Erma Gerd.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    They aren’t wrong, tho. Most businesses that need/use Adobe products are going to upgrade or subscribe when told to because they’re otherwise going to get cut off, some way, some day, somehow.

    Eventually the pain will be worth it. Someday somebody will offer a meaningful alternative, but I see this as just more evidence of modern technology collapsing under its own weight. It would be fascinating to see a meaningful analysis of productivity over time. I suspect the great gains of the early days have been completely squandered.

    • rhywun

      This is why everything is getting “AI” jammed into it now, complete with lofty promises of the coming utopia.

      It doesn’t hurt that it’s the shiny new thing to justify spending zillions of dollars on.

      • Suthenboy

        I have lived through the end of the world so many times…and Utopia has arrived more times than I can count. Really y’all, this shit is getting tiresome.

  24. Shpip

    Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAT) announced today the addition of a… Black Barbie doll with Down syndrome

    My reaction:

  25. The Late P Brooks

    When I buy a license, I want it in perpetuity, not just until the licensor decides to revoke it whenever for whatever.

    That license was for that old product. This is a completely new! and different! product, hence it requires a new license and fees.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s why we decided everything is now a subscription! Good for us, too fuckin’ bad for you!

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        And so we are back where we started.

        Adobe needs to go die in a fire.

  26. The Other Kevin

    Well the shit hit the fan at Casa de TOK. That cousin that’s living with us decided to move out this weekend. She informed us she’s telling her ex husband it’s because we have a mold problem and it’s triggering her kid’s asthma. We don’t have a mold problem, she’s just afraid he will say she’s unstable and take the kid. Mrs. TOK drew the line and said she will absolutely not pull us into her lies. Then it got into an ugly shouting match with lots of personal attacks. Meanwhile I’m sitting there in shell shock not knowing what to say, which will probably get me into trouble later. Damn.

    • Sensei

      Ah shit. Don’t know what to say other than folks here support you.

      That sucks.

      • The Other Kevin

        Thanks. Just needed to vent and it helps to chat with someone who isn’t personally involved.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Venting is always good. Best of luck in this TOK.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Maybe if you vented more you wouldn’t have that mold problem.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      The bright side is, she’s moving out without you having to go through the eviction process.

      SHOULD her ex take the kid? Is he any better?

      • The Other Kevin

        He can be an asshole. But he has a steady job and a house. Since the divorce 2 years ago she’s lived 4 places, had 5 jobs, and is now unemployed. She’s definitely unstable. She doesn’t do much with him, just gives him a tablet to play on. Probably not great for the kid.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        This. With the caveat I am not familiar with the entire situation, getting a relative to move back out in their own is typically the most difficult part.

      • The Other Kevin

        There were a few other instances in which we gave people a place to stay. It always ended just fine once they got on their feet, a few months later. This has been 20 months and she’s worse off than when she started. She’s moving in with someone who’s not charging her rent.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Now, I have to restrain my “helpful” side because it gets me in trouble more often than not. Most people really don’t want/need help.

        Anyhoo. Were I to give in to my helpful side, I’d probably just wait till she and her shit were gone, locks changed, then contact the ex and say, “Yeah, she’s unstable, go get your kid.” But then that’d end up with me in court to testify as to her unfitness and all that silliness.

        Just make sure to get all her crap out of the house, then change the locks.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’m with your wide. Ain’t no way I’m lying in a court on behalf of someone else. Fuck no.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Wife dammit. I’m sure she’s not wide!

      • The Other Kevin

        I’m 100% with the wife. It did get too personal but when you call someone out in their bullshit it never goes well.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Agree – entitled people tend to get more entrenched when confronted

    • Gustave Lytton

      Meanwhile I’m sitting there in shell shock not knowing what to say, which will probably get me into trouble later. Damn.


    • R C Dean

      Anything you did say would just get you into trouble later, anyway.

    • Don escaped Texas

      what to say

      My dad and I disagree: he plays it soft because he wants to keep lines of communication open; he doesn’t criticism….he’s passive. Everyone adores him because his love is cheap.

      I’m dedicated to principle and will tell anyone how the cow ate the cabbage in their Christmas card.

      If the people who know and have behaved and are principled and care don’t call things like they are,
      who the fuck does that leave in charge of doing the talking?

      Call everything like it is, and let the chips fall where they may, and if, after that, you don’t want to come to Thanksgiving, godspeed and oh wells.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’m just like your dad. I hate conflict, and I avoid it sometimes to my detriment. Mrs. TOK is more like you. But that’s probably why we’ve been married so long. I tried to chime in a little more today, but I know better to get between two Germans duking it out.

      • dbleagle

        “…how the cow ate the cabbage in their Christmas card.” now that is how you make a dog cock their head.

      • Don escaped Texas

        dog cock their head

        ** deep curtsey **

        whimsy: it’s what Southerner’s got

      • Don escaped Texas

        I know better

        you have my complete support: only you can decide

    • UnCivilServant

      While I know people like this, I do not understand them. I have a very strong aversion to situations where I feel like a burden or a paracite on others. Probably to the opposite extreme (where I expect people to say ‘No’ if I ask for help, and don’t blame them one bit).

      I get anyone can fall into a bad situation. But how does someone end up always making choices that will not get them back out again?

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s the big picture. We have talked about this at great length. If we were ever in a situation where we needed to live with someone, that person would never have to lift a finger to cook or clean or anything.

        You’re a decent individual, and of course you feel the same.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I hear you on this, TOK. Right now we are watching a couple-friend go through a nasty break up, and these are two people who will do anything possible to make life for themselves and other miserable. Wife is up there now with her (they were work friends going back a good decade) trying to be the supportive friend.

      I also got a earful from another friend on how her husband is just a garden variety insensitive jerk/asshole. So, totally get you on this.

      And, by the way, you are one of the good ones, TOK. Always remember that.

    • DEG

      Sorry you’re going through this, but at least she will be gone soon.

  27. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Cooling my heels while my date looks at my neighbor’s awning (neighbor saw his truck parked, which has a logo on it).

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      So this neighbor is on my shit list now 😆

      (my date is not on my shit list because his work ethic is one of his most sexiest traits)

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Also we were in the middle of a discussion about sex when neighbor approached.

      • Sensei

        Hopefully the same work ethic applies.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        It’s gonna be an uphill battle, as it were

      • DEG

        Let the anticipation build.

    • juris imprudent

      Well, better the awning than the plumbing, amirite?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        If he were interested in that neighbor’s plumbing, he wouldn’t be on a date with someone of my overall gender, ifyouknowhatimean

      • juris imprudent

        my overall gender

        [tilts head, quizzical expression, shakes head, wanders off]

  28. Ownbestenemy

    It’s taco truck night. I skirted yard work today and I am sure I’ll be dodging weather tomorrow to get it done.

    • Sean

      Taking my gf out for dinner tonight, to celebrate her recent birthday.

    • R.J.

      I have a Christmas tree ornament of Beaker singing that

  29. Sean

    Bad news, the window tint on my car is starting to delaminate.

    Good news, lifetime warranty! They are going to redo the whole car and I already have the appointment booked.

    • DEG

      Bad news, the window tint on my car is starting to delaminate.


      Good news, lifetime warranty! They are going to redo the whole car and I already have the appointment booked.


      • Sean

        The shop was super cool about it. Llumar guarantees their ceramic films for life.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Didn’t you just get it done recently?

      • Sean

        The GTI was done October 2022.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Delamination is pretty much a standard feature of aftermarket tints, non?

      • Sean

        The shop said they almost never see it on this product line. *shrug*

  30. The Late P Brooks
    • The Other Kevin

      Thanks. I am married to one of those. During the fight today her cousin went to push her, but stopped herself. Smart idea.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Queering the deal

    In an unprecedented display of inclusivity, drag queens took center stage at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, showcasing the vibrant and influential role of the French LGBTQ+ community — while also attracting criticism over a tableau reminiscent of “The Last Supper.”

    Held along the Seine River, the spectacular four-hour event featured global stars such as Celine Dion and Lady Gaga, both considered queer icons. The ceremony blended historic and modern French culture with a touch of kitsch, culminating in a flotilla of barges carrying thousands of Olympians.

    Nicky Doll, known for competing on the 12th season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and hosting “Drag Race France,” participated in a high-octane fashion runway segment along with “Drag Race France” Season 1 winner Paloma, Season 3’s Piche, and Giselle Palmer. Initially, they stood alongside the runway, gazing fiercely at the strutting models. Later, they joined in, showcasing their own style.

    Le Filip, the recent winner of “Drag Race France,” expressed their positive “surprise” and “pride” at the ceremony’s scale and representation.


    Among their bold performances was a scene that seemed to evoke Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” featuring the drag queens and other performers in a configuration reminiscent of Jesus Christ and his apostles. This segment drew significant attention — and mixed reactions.

    “The (French) government knows what it’s doing. They want to show themselves in the best way possible. They showed no restraints in expression,” Le Filip told The Associated Press.

    Okay. Now I get it. I was confused, at first.

    • rhywun

      It is inclusive and vibrant. That is all you need to know.

      • juris imprudent

        Don’t forget brave! How very brave it is to insult a religion that won’t kill you for doing so.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        How very brave it is to insult a religion that won’t kill you for doing so.

        They won’t say the quiet part out loud, tho.

        I mean, Geert Wilders will.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    “… because decapitating Habsburgs and ridiculising central Christian events are really the FIRST two things that spring to mind when you think of #OlympicGames,” Eduard Habsburg, Hungary’s ambassador to the Vatican, posted on X, also referencing a scene depicting the beheading of Marie Antoinette.

    Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the opening ceremony, afterward drew attention away from “The Last Supper” references, saying that hadn’t been his intention.

    Le Filip responded to the criticism of the scene with a touch of humor and sorrow.

    “It feels like the words of somebody who didn’t get on the guest list. We could all be laughing together. It’s sad to me, honestly,” they said.

    Sad rodeo clown drag queen is sad.

  33. The Other Kevin

    Thanks everyone for the support today. You are the best, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Hopefully I’ll have a more positive update after this weekend.

    • Tres Cool

      Morbidly, I was kinda hoping for a story about a girl fight, and a hip check by RD girl sending the cousin through some drywall.
      But its been kinda quiet here today.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    During the fight today her cousin went to push her, but stopped herself. Smart idea.

    Something something two minutes for boarding.

    • The Other Kevin

      Do not get in a shoving match with a derby girl who frequently gets Most Valuable Blocker and dead lifts for fun.

  35. UnCivilServant

    I did the math on the subscription nostalgia Nintendo has been selling, and decided it was actually quite cheap. Espeically since I didn’t have most of the games/systems included. So I’ve been renting sole old console games. The biggest problem is that the mapping used between the nintendo switch controller and the classic controllers was not my intuitive mapping. So It took me forever to get out of the tutorial in Ocarina of Time.

    I was going to rant against the game itself, but I’ve since realized all of my frustration was in that mapping mismatch. I will even ignore the ugly graphics given the age of the game.

    I’m not yet having fun, but I only recently resolved the first problem.

    • UnCivilServant

      No, I don’t think the game is any fun.

      • rhywun

        I vaguely remember enjoying it but not as much as, say, Wind Waker.

        I take it you need a Switch?

  36. Tres Cool

    WRT Wheelchair Rebecca.
    I’d be remiss if I didn’t link the video with all 3 parts.

    (slightly better quality too)