¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Daily Links | 166 comments

My oldest is off to band camp this week. Hopefully he doesn’t impregnate anyone.


Two big stories from last weekend. The first being El Mayo Zambada, a Sinaloa cartel leader, was taken into US custody in El Paso. How did he end up in El Paso? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol shut up.

If I know anything from mafia movies, is that he only went to prison, because he wanted to.

In completely unrelated news, tequila drinkers are about to experience inflation.

Venezuelan El Presidenté Maduro

The other big news is the Venezuelan election. Many foreign leaders expressed doubt this election would be fair at all, including some accused by me to be communists. For good reason, they are communists! Opposition supporters gained control of voting centers in the aftermath and declared themselves the winners after recounting ballots and reporting Maduro’s defeat by insane margins. Maduro on the other hand declared himself the winner and for now is just tear gassing protesters. Its an amazing shitshow, capped off by the Kremlin voicing its support for anyone willing to be a pain in the ass towards the US national security state. One thing is for sure, if he’s a true patriot, Mike Pence can put an end to all of this.

Here are some tunes. Enjoy the day!

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. The Other Kevin

    Isn’t that the forbidden dance?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I thought that was Zarabanda?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I thought Zarabanda was a soap opera I was supposed to watch while learning Spanish.

      • The Other Kevin

        No, Zarabanda is one of Tuco’s middle names in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I thought Tuco was Hector’s nephew in Breaking Bad?

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      I do not know how many times I went to see LAMBADA. It was awful and I loved every awful minute of it.

      SALSA wasn’t nearly as bad, and I adored it.

      21yo me was so silly

      • Nephilium

        Wait… I’m supposed to be ashamed of the movies and shows I liked when I was younger?

        I relish the cheese!

      • Bobarian LMD

        As long as it ain’t “Dirty Dancing”…

        Worst movie of the century.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Dirty Dancing


      • Tundra

        Thank God Roadhouse came along to save Swayze’s legacy

      • bacon-magic

        Sooooo you didn’t have the time of your life?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Wait until the remake of the Macarena movie! The explosions are gonna be lit!

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        If I were ashamed, I wouldn’t have admitted it.

        Now, my husband would argue that I’m still silly, but he is so wrong.

  2. The Other Kevin

    “the Kremlin voicing its support for anyone willing to be a pain in the ass towards the US national security state”

    Get the popcorn on the stove. This means the US will reflexively support the opposition. Yet there is no video of people cheating, and the courts have ruled the election is fair. The opposition, by the US definition, are insurrectionists.

  3. Chafed

    Justice will be served when Maduro is swinging from a lamppost.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Well, with a mustache like that, you just knew he was a swinger.

  4. rhywun

    the Kremlin voicing its support

    Also China, Iran, Syria, Nicaragua and a couple other luminaries.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      It is almost like the gang is getting back together under the Biden admin.

  5. Tundra

    The Mexican cartel guys need to hire the Italians to help them with nicknames.

    • kinnath

      Joey bag of doughnuts becomes Jose box of tacos . . . . . . perhaps

      • invisible finger


      • kinnath

        Much better than mine

    • bacon-magic

      Chimi chimi bang bang. – JITB

  6. Tonio

    El Mayo Zambada, a Sinaloa cartel leader, was taken into US custody in El Paso.

    Are you saying he ran into a great big hassle?

    • Gender Traitor


    • Bobarian LMD

      His love for Fellina was strong.

  7. Suthenboy

    Anyone, odds on the Ukraine war ending soon after a Trump presidency?

    As for Venezuela I dont know enough to pick a side but I am cynical enough to think there are no good guys there.

    • juris imprudent

      The funny thing is how Venezuela and Chile are in almost perfect juxtaposition over the last 50, 60 years.

      • Suthenboy

        Well, I am guessing Milei slashed Argentina’s helicopter budget.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        It is because it wasn’t enough they got rid of Systema Colt!

    • Sean

      Anyone, odds on the Ukraine war ending soon after a Trump presidency?

      Very likely.

      • The Other Kevin

        Almost certain. He’s already spoken to some of the players, and Putin has expressed interest in negotiating.

      • Suthenboy

        Yes, TOK, I dont see anything in it for Russia. all they wanted was the port on the Black Sea and for Zelensky to stop shooting at ethnic Russians in Ukraine.
        Trump: “Hey, want to stop squandering your economic and political capital on a pointless war?”
        Putin: “Sooner is better”
        Trump: “I am cutting that little tin pot shithead off today.”
        Putin: “Done.”

    • rhywun

      I don’t think Trump is going to win so I won’t even try to guess.

    • Drake

      That war ends the day after we stop sending them money. I don’t know if Kamala’s gang is in on that scam.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Kamala’s bosses are Joe’s bosses, so yes.

      • Drake

        I thought she was more of a Clintonista? Reportedly the Obama’s can’t stand her despite the show of support.

      • kinnath

        I got the impression that Harris was basically a political nobody who was destined to be a senator for life because she had no other prospects.

        She slept with enough important people to get to senator, but that was it.

      • Drake

        Until idiot Joe Biden promised to pick a ‘woman of color’ for VP and Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t onboard.

      • kinnath


      • rhywun

        Western Europe is all in on it too – maybe following our lead?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That, and Stacy Abrams was Governor in Exile of Atlanta.

        Far too busy there!

  8. Drake

    Either Maduro won and we’re doing a color revolution on him… Or he lost hopefully getting chased out of town.

    Either the Druze kids killed in Golan was a false flag by Israel, a Patriot doing what they do (crash into friendlies) or the work of Hezbollah.

    Not trusting anyone takes a lot of energy.

    • Suthenboy

      Speaking of winning wars….
      Hit Iranian leadership with a couple of missiles, stop Iranian oil sales and that shitshow comes to a screeching halt.

      • Drake

        Call me old fashioned, but can have a debate in Congress and a declaration of war before blowing up people?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Did you know Project 2025 seeks to exterminate female cat owners?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Just read it on page 473!!!

      • Tonio

        And send homos like me to camp. And not the fun sort with campfires and sing-alongs.

      • Tonio

        So, in all seriousness, my usual sources (retired schoolteacher cousin) assure me that Project 2025 says very bad things about [issue]. Except the breathless sources they quote never say what those very bad things actually are, or provide a link or quote.

        The worst claim I have actually seen is that they wanted all graduating seniors in government schools to take the AVSAB, which was spun as “registering poor kids for the draft,” even though it was not stated who would administer the AVSAB, etc, etc.

        I think the thing that really scared them was using an existing test instrument beyond their control to measure the outcomes of government schools.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        The ASVAB is god for determining applied intelligence. Of course I say that because I scored pretty well on it,

      • rhywun

        My impression is the thing is actually “conservative”, so the left has to demonize it & tie it to Trump because they’re terrified of it.

      • Rat on a train

        Also make them take the DLAB just to mess with them.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      The whole Project 2025 festoosh was directly out of Scientology’s 80’s & 90’s playbook. These ads were courtesy of Scientology’s most successful marketing chief, Jeff Hawkins, who wrote an excellent book about his 30-odd years in the cult.


    • rhywun

      Trump should not even be baited by that nonsense.

    • Not Adahn

      According to the unsupported rumors I’ve read, the reason the media glommed onto P2025 is that Heritage told the media that they had Trump’s ear and were going to have him implement it.

      OMB did not like being called a puppet.

  9. UnCivilServant

    My oldest is off to band camp this week. Hopefully he doesn’t impregnate anyone.

    So, you’re hoping he comes back pregnant?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Very progressive.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Sigh. Things don’t have to end in pregnancy. The kids can still have fun and just put a flute in their front hole.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Yes. That is exactly what I wanted to convey when I made that joke.

      • Not Adahn

        You should be hoping he knocks up a rich girl.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Usually “A Pretty Good Guy”

      He was probably a lot of fun the previous night.

    • Tonio

      ‘Ceptin’ when he drinks heavy, and all.

    • DrOtto

      This happened to a friend’s step-son. He went off the Colorado for college and got drunk one night and was woken up by a complete stranger the next morning. He had stumbled into their unlocked house and passed out naked on their couch in their living room. Fortunately for him, the homeowners were cool headed about the situation. It certainly could have turned out real bad for him.

  10. Shpip

    Rescue teams on Wednesday found another body at a tequila distillery in the western Mexican state of Jalisco a day after an explosion and fire

    ♫ Tequila makes his clothes burn off… ♫

    • Tonio

      I’m reminded of the rum barrel story from Treasure Island.

  11. Aloysious

    Tuesday Dad Joke:

    What day do monsters eat Hoomans?


    What do you call a wizard with hair?

    Hairy Potter.

  12. B.P.

    Area “newcomers” took over a Target parking lot yesterday to protest the Venezuelan elections.


    A local news channel reported that gunfire was mostly just into the air. Well, okay then.

    • The Other Kevin

      Mostly peaceful shootings, like in Chicago.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Firing, yet peaceful.

    • rhywun

      If Maduro loses, are they going back?

    • R.J.

      “Mostly in air. Occasionally they perforated bystanders. Mostly peaceful.”

  13. Shpip

    Pay homage to the weather gods, or else

    If all goes according to plan, construction workers 30 years from now will be putting the finishing touches on the last buildings in an 86-acre redevelopment project that will transform St. Petersburg.

    By then, Florida’s Sunshine City, surrounded by water on three sides, will exist in a transformed world: The seas around St. Petersburg could (or could not) be up to 2 feet higher. Residents could (or could not) endure five more days of extreme heat and eight more days of near-record rainfall each year.

    (Some) Climate experts say it’s likely global temperature rise will reach a major milestone by 2040: an increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

    In St. Petersburg, that means the number of days where temperatures exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit would double (from what number we aren’t told), according to the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment (whoever they are).

    Emphasis and parentheses mine.

    If the Rays had as many stolen bases as the article, they’d be in first place going away.

    • kinnath

      The seas around St. Petersburg could (or could not) be up to 2 feet higher

      Even Gore didn’t lie that badly.

    • Suthenboy

      Biggest fucking scam in history.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      2 feet higher relative to what? Relative to today or relative to the pre-industrial period? Sea level has been rising about 1 ft per century since the end of Ice Age.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Five more days of sun?

      • R.J.

        I know. Devastating, right?

  14. Pope Jimbo

    How picking King Walz for VP could lead to all sorts of historic firsts!

    Speculation about whether Walz will top Harris’ search of course leads to speculation about what would happen then. The state constitution is clear: Should Walz resign in the midst of his second term to assume the vice presidency, Flanagan would become governor and fill out the rest of his term.
    In turn, President of the Senate Bobby Joe Champion would become lieutenant governor.
    Has she thought about becoming the first female governor of Minnesota and the first female Native American governor of any state?
    Earlier in the week Champion, the Minneapolis DFLer who was elected by the DFL-controlled Senate to be the presiding officer, took a similar stance as Flanagan — giddiness disguised as modesty. If the dominoes fall his way, he would be the state’s first Black lieutenant governor and highest ranking African American in the executive branch.

    Not sure if it still counts as historic if you only get the role because a white guy left the building.

    • rhywun

      Damn… now I’m jealous of the incoming utopia.

    • R.J.

      How old is King Waltz?

      • Pope Jimbo

        He’s 60 this year.

        My fondest hope would be JD Vance bringing up the fact that when called he went to Iraq and when Walz’s unit was called up, Tim resigned early.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hmm now I am thinking that her Veep pick will be along this line where the succession just hits ‘firsts!’ all the way down.

      • rhywun

        No way she picks anyone who grabs more attention than her.

      • rhywun

        PS. I’m still hearing that she is not any sort of official candidate. She hasn’t filed for it, she is not eligible to ‘inherit’ Joe’s war chest and so forth.

        I wonder if anyone is actually following up on such things.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Thought she filed with the FEC that very day…hence the legal battle from the RNP/Trump on the warchest

      • rhywun

        If that is true, then the whole thing was planned in advance because you don’t just file a presidential campaign in one day.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I would bet that her handlers had a feeling that Joe was going to tank in the debate, and it wouldn’t surprise me that they did the paperwork before hand.

        Then again, you don’t have to file with the FEC until 10 days after you raise more than $5K, so she might not have registered as she hasn’t found a way to get that sweet cash. We are in uncharted waters right now.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    What a persuasive argument.

    Just a few years ago, the alternative protein industry promised to revolutionize the way people eat burgers: They would still sizzle and bleed, they’d taste great, but they wouldn’t actually contain any meat. Today it seems that, if that revolution is still coming, its arrival has been more than a little delayed. Sales of plant-based meat and seafood have fallen over the last two years, and a recent bevy of headlines suggest that this latest wave of imitation meat was just that: a passing fad.
    A new report suggests that if the alt protein industry has any hope of scaling, it will take robust funding from a number of different sources — including, crucially, the public sector. The report compares plant-based meat imitations to electric vehicles, a powerful climate solution that has benefited from government support, such as direct purchase subsidies.
    But like the EV industry before it, alternative meat has a culture war problem to sort out before it can grow — with or without government investment.

    Once again, the old “anyone who doesn’t buy into our bullshit is a bad person” marketing, is soon followed by “the only reason we didn’t succeed wildly is because the rubes are culture warriors who won’t see reason”. And “gimmee money!”.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Ignaszweski acknowledges that the comparison of alt meats to EVs has its limitations. “The average American buys a car once every eight years,” she said, while “purchasers of meat buy 60 packages at the grocery store every year. Over the course of a decade, that’s one decision point versus 600.”

      Who are these soyboys that only buy 60 packages of meat in a year? That is just over once a week. I have more than 60 packages of venison, fish and other game in my freezer. And I still buy meat at the grocery store.

      I blame OMWC for dragging that average down.

      • Tundra

        So retarded. The energy requirements (and therefor emissions) of the fake meat businesses are immense. Hey! Just like EVs.

        The only reason these stupid fucking businesses exist is that you can’t patent cows, air and grass.

      • Suthenboy

        As Tundra says the eat bugs movement is being pushed by people who want a monopoly on the food supply. Ignaszweski says so right in the article.
        We have already seen a few light pushes for banning home gardening in the last decade or so. That is coming too: The tomato police.

    • Suthenboy

      If you have to subsidize something it is a bad idea. The entire troop of watermelons are nothing but grifters.

      • Pope Jimbo

        C’mon, Suthen. Don’t you remember all the money that the govt pumped into building gas stations back when cars were just getting started?

        If they hadn’t propped up the auto industry back then with tax payer money, we’d still be riding horses.

  16. The Other Kevin

    I’ve been texting my youngest a lot today. A certain aircraft carrier is now in San Diego so she’ll see her husband this weekend for the first time in a month. She’s also planning on coming home later this year, depending on the leave he gets for the holidays, so we’re texting about that too.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Since you are a friend, I won’t tell you any of the stories I heard from married Marines that were coming home from Okinawa and how their reunions went.

      I’m happy for your daughter and son-in-law. And for you too, I guess.

      • The Other Kevin

        Oh I can imagine. This time they stopped in San Diego a few times and loitered off the coast of Mexico for training, from what I can tell. So no exotic ports. My daughter has been hanging out with one of the wives, but she just moved back home because her husband was messing around with a female sailor on the ship. My son in law knew about it so he got questioned and the whole deal.

        I’m pretty excited for them to visit. It hit home when she asked about our calendar for September, November, and December.

      • Tundra

        Awesome! What a cool adventure.

        My dad was on the Enterprise for awhile back in the day. He had some really cool pics and stories.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      The carriers are an awesome sight from I-5 headed to the Disc course, early morning fog and sun breaking through, very dramatic.

  17. Pope Jimbo

    Kinnath and his Iowegian neighbors are sending us their poor and downtrodden.

    Minnesota medical providers and public officials are preparing to welcome patients traveling from Iowa, where a ban on most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy goes into effect Monday.
    On Thursday, Minnesota’s Democratic Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan toured the Whole Woman’s Health of Minnesota, a nonprofit abortion clinic in the city of Bloomington. She welcomed Iowa residents who were seeking abortions after the state’s new restrictions take effect.
    Previously, abortion was legal up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in Iowa. Last July, the state’s Republican-controlled legislature passed a new ban on the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, which is often before women know they are pregnant. There are limited exceptions in cases of rape, incest, fetal abnormality or when the life of the mother is in danger.
    “If you’re afraid, come to Minnesota,” Flanagan said. “We’ve got you.”

    Great, now we are going to end up with another ghetto full of Iowa women. Probably next to Little Mogadishu.

    • Tundra

      “Visit Minnesota … and kill your baby!”

      Doesn’t quite have a ring to it, does it?

    • rhywun

      nonprofit abortion clinic

      Someone is profiting.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Wait, would Kamalama be the new Whore Profiteer?

    • DrOtto

      They should get with the times and rename their clinic Women’s Front Hole Health of Minnesota.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Mistakes were made

    The acting director of the Secret Service testified Tuesday that he was “ashamed” at the security gaps that led to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and pledged to discipline any agents who failed to do their jobs.

    During a rare joint Senate committee hearing, acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. said he could not understand or defend why the roof where the 20-year-old shooter fired from on July 13 was not better secured.

    He said the Secret Service was investigating whether any employees broke any rules that day. Those employees, Rowe said, would be held accountable through the agency’s disciplinary process and face penalties that could include termination.

    Are we supposed to believe that kid just happened to hop out of bed that morning and decide to swing by Trump’s rally and see if there might be some gaping holes in the security arrangements?

    • The Other Kevin

      I didn’t watch any, was is the normal partisan shit show? On paper everyone should want the USSS to do a good job, but I wonder if the Dems are assuming (or know for sure) they are getting better protection.

    • Suthenboy

      Imagine that. I saw some of the hearings. The crowd that said they would get rid of Trump by whatever means necessary at any cost are giving zero information in an investigation into how he got shot. Dont they want to ‘get to the bottom of this’?

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Rowe said there was a “delay in reporting” and that authorities had not set up a way for all the agencies to directly communicate with each other. That process would have taken months of planning and would require “a lot,” he said.

    How many of these shindigs have they covered in the past five or ten or twenty years? They haven’t figured out a way to formulate a reproducible process?

    • The Other Kevin

      Apparently their methods of communication are as diverse as their agents.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well, it was a comment signaling ‘we need more funding!’

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, that and other assorted undiluted horseshit. They lied their asses off. I have been part of such multi group organizations. You radio your immediate superior who then radios the superiors of the other orgs and the scene commander is listening to it all. It is a matter of telling everyone “Put your radios on channel 6. The instant you see anything, anything at all, radio your direct superior and stand by. Do not take orders from anyone other than your immediate supervisor or the scene commander.”
      It is simple, efficient and takes mere seconds.
      Rowe is a lying sack of shit.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Rowe, as Deputy Director oversaw all operations, including this rally. Let that sink in

        Mr. Rowe was responsible for the direct oversight of the agency’s daily investigative and protective operations. Mr. Rowe also guided the agency’s policies and was responsible for introducing state-of-the-art technologies to enhance the agency’s protective countermeasures.

        Its a fail up world

    • R C Dean

      Supposedly, the snipers didn’t shoot until Crooks starting shooting because they thought he might be a cop. Which is bullshit (whether incompetence or malice, I’ll let you decide). He was dressed and acting nothing like a cop. Cops on security details are in uniform, not t-shirts. They don’t crawl along roofs, they walk. And this explanation leaves several questions unanswered:

      (1) If he thought he might be a cop posted on that roof with a rifle, why does him shooting suddenly make him obviously not a cop? Wouldn’t a cop with a rifle posted on a roof for security be expected to maybe use his rifle?

      (2) Why did they let him get so many shots off if they knew he was a bad guy when they saw the muzzle flash?

      (3) Why the long delay (again, oddly, hard to get a definitive timeline, but it was apparently north of 10 seconds)? I have had deer walk out of the brush/woods where I wasn’t really expecting them, and time to shot was much shorter than that, so don’t tell me it takes that long to get on target.

      It’s really hard not to conclude that the most efficient explanation was that he was to be allowed to take his shot(s), and then terminated as a loose end. But if the Secret Service was really in on a plot to kill Trump, doesn’t this seem like about the dumbest way to do it?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I’m not seeing a complete conspiracy but rather malicious compliance in the USSS, starting at the top. I don’t think the field guys had anything to do with which is becoming more evident the more they speak out.

        That story falls apart with the video showing the growing police presence and concern around the building about 5 minutes before the shots. If it has alerted nearly 4-5 cruisers to show up around the building, then ya…communication plan was not put in place. That is where the question of “Was it on purpose” comes into play.

        As Brooks mentioned – 20-30-40 years of joint operations with multiple LEOs and you don’t have a unified comm or plan or chain of command?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I take that email no different than me saying ‘there will be an airline accident due to the FAA incompetence’; which in both cases, is not wrong.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Rowe raised his voice again as Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., pressured him to make immediate terminations. Rowe said he would not do so, or rush judgement, until a proper investigation is completed.

    “You’re asking me, senator, to completely make a rush to judgment about somebody failing,” Rowe said.

    Rowe said he would take disciplinary action as warranted and “with integrity.”

    Yeah, right. Promotions all around.

    Those clowns should be taken out and shot.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Will they get medals? They should, it is standard practice.

      Eight Minneapolis police officers who raided the wrong house last year have been honored for their valor — and that has outraged a family that was shot at multiple times by the officers.
      Three officers involved in the Dec. 16 raid received medals of valor Monday from Police Chief Tim Dolan. Five others got medals of commendation.
      The investigation found the team had gone there looking for a gang member’s guns after an informant gave investigators bad information. The investigation is ongoing, but Dolan said the SWAT officers have been cleared. Authorities are still looking into how the case was handled before the raid.
      On Monday, Dolan recognized members of the SWAT team for their bravery.
      “The easy decision would have been to retreat under covering fire. The team did not take the easy way out,” Dolan said. “This is a perfect example of a situation that could have gone horribly wrong but did not because of the professionalism with which it was handled.”
      But Dolan said in a statement: “The officers put themselves in harm’s way. They were shot at and shot and deserved to be recognized.”

      • Tundra

        Dolan was such a piece of shit.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    On Monday, Kevin Rojek, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office, said Crooks was “highly intelligent” and made “significant efforts to conceal his activity.”

    It’s too bad he’s dead. If he was crafty and knowledgeable enough to work out a plan on the fly to get a clear shot at the podium based on a stroll around the site and a drone’s eye view of the terrain, he would have made a better head of DHS than the one we’ve got.

    • The Gunslinger

      – “significant efforts to conceal his activity.”

      Umm, civilians on the ground were yelling “He’s on the roof!”. “He’s got a gun!”.

      No way could trained security be expected to counter this expert assassin?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        I real life version of “The Day of the Jackal” I tell you.

      • Ted S.

        +1 Charles Calthrop

      • rhywun

        Imagine being a fly on the wall in the underground lair of whoever planned this after the kid failed to get it done.

  22. R C Dean

    In the dedthred, slumbrew asked:

    “I’m still waiting for an explanation how the Heritage Foundation would have that geolocation data for the shooter’s phone, how they picked out that particular phone that went to DC, how they had geolocation data for _that_ phone, etc.”

    Easy. As Heritage said, they bought it from commercial data harvesting firms. It’s no problem these days to identify phones within a certain area (which makes it easy to pick out the ones from the shooter’s house and workplace). From there, you just track them to wherever else they go. This is routine data-harvesting work these days, driving all those geo-fencing ads and feeding the ad algorithms at Big Data/Big Tech. It’s pretty much their main product (not the location tracking per se, but the databases and analytics that the locating tracking and lots of other data sources feed).

    I haven’t seen their work validated yet, but it’s a long way from NSA-level stuff.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I believe they used ad markers and cross-referenced between known locations such as work and home.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh you said that. My bad

    • slumbrew

      I understand their explanation but I haven’t seen any evidence nor even actual methodology.

      It’s one thing to get cell-level location, another to get an actual gps fix. I’m dubious about the ability to track a single phone to a single building in the middle of the DC.

      And did they track every single phone that came near the shooter’s house? Over what timeframe? How long did they track _those_ phones?

      Again, not saying it’s bullshit but I have yet to see any actual evidence. Has anyone?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Eventually, it will all boil over, everywhere, at once.

      • Tundra

        Things are gonna get really spicy.

      • R C Dean

        And believe it or not, that’s the best-case scenario.

    • rhywun

      After “misinformation was spread online”.

      OK, then. No need to investigate any further into the son of Rwandan immigrants. Just a normal born Welshman, ‘e is.

      What a shit show.

  23. Tundra

    Way OT:

    Have any of you degenerates ever hired a resume service? I haven’t had one in like 25+ years and I have no idea where to start.

    I probably won’t ultimately need one, but I’m kinda interested in opportunities outside of my normal world and I’ve had some people ask.

    It will be a tough one, lol. Any advice is appreciated!

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      Yes, but especially for medical coding. I fired a few off, got no nibbles, but I really didn’t want to be a medical coder after all.

    • Sensei

      Decades ago.

      One bit of good advice I got and liked is to take job postings that you like and are qualified to do and find common themes and language.

      Those are the things you want to put into your resume.

      That said, with the shit show that is job sites the resume is much less useful than it was.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      So, a tip for getting through the automated resume sorter they all use:

      Copy the entire job description. Paste it at the very bottom of your resume. Change the font to 1pt and change the color to white. Then when you print to PDF, all the keywords will be there, but not visible. That should get it through the sorter.

      • rhywun

        Genius. 🤯

      • Sensei

        If they notice you are toast. Many systems automatically convert the pdf or word to a standardized format which will pull it out and highlight that.

        I just copied the key points of the job description and added them to my resume.

    • rhywun

      I worked with something similar after I got shitcanned from my previous (and again current) employer in 2018. It was part of the severance package. It was useful but I dunno if I would have paid for it out-of-pocket since I wasn’t looking to switch careers or anything complicated like that.

      I’d say go for it if it’s reasonably affordable.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I got shitcanned from my previous (and again current) employer

        Why can’t I quit you?

      • Pope Jimbo

        I had the same perk after our office closed back in 2017. I didn’t feel like they offered a ton of help.

        Maybe because they were getting paid as part of a severance and who really cared? If you hired one on your own dime, you’d probably get someone more motivated.

    • EvilSheldon

      Interested in this myself, as I hate writing resumes and will likely need one before the year is out.

  24. hayeksplosives

    In other news, hayek’s biopsy is negative for malignancy.

    Woot! 🥂

    • Sensei


    • rhywun


    • Tundra

      Awesome. Great news!

    • Pope Jimbo

      Whooops! I’ve been sending you positive thoughts. Didn’t realize you wanted negative ones.

      • hayeksplosives


    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Rock On!

      And keep us abreast of the situation.

    • EvilSheldon

      Good to hear!

    • Beau Knott

      Hooray!! Excellent, excellent news!

    • Sean


  25. The Late P Brooks

    hayek’s biopsy is negative for malignancy.

    Woot! 🥂

    Woot, indeed.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Open and honest quest for truth

    The co-chair of the annual National Association of Black Journalists convention stepped down Tuesday in apparent reaction to that group’s decision to have former President Donald Trump speak at its convention and career fair in Chicago on Wednesday, among other factors.

    “To the journalists interviewing Trump, I wish them the best of luck,” NABJ24 convention co-chair Karen Attiah wrote in a social media post announcing her decision to resign her position. “For everyone else, I’m looking forward to meeting and reconnecting with all of you in the Windy City.”

    “While my decision was influenced by a variety of factors, I was not involved or consulted with in any way with the decision to platform Trump in such a format,” wrote Attiah, a columnist for The Washington Post who writes about international affairs, culture and human rights issues.

    He’ll rot your minds!

    • rhywun

      columnist for The Washington Post

      Ah there it is.

  27. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    OK, this is the most fun I have had watching a YouTube video in a long time.


    Kid is a stone cold idiot, but I admire his sense of wonder and adventure. Would have done at 18.

  28. The Gunslinger


    What do you say Glib dudes. Can we get a white Glib dudes for Harris started?

    – “The Democrats get to do segregation because they’re doing it ironically. They’re slightly poking fun at the left-wing orthodoxy that everyone gets to do identity politics except white guys.”

  29. creech

    Better yet, “Straight white redneck gun owning guys for Harris”.