Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Ah, Pain

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Daily Links | 160 comments

How is Kamala an Asian American, a Native Hawaiian, or a Pacific Islander? This seems like the British language corruption of calling everyone east of the Bosporus “Asian.” India is a subcontinent, you Limey bastards, you remnants of a mighty Empire now reduced to World-Class Cuckdom.

The Suffrage movement being aligned with the Temperance movement produced the cruelest of situations, denying men the copious amounts of booze required to suffer through their harangues. Let women vote and let men drink to cope with women voting. Equality through willing oblivion.

“But is he doing enough?” Kamala asked, pointing to a vacant Joe as he stared at the stained wallpaper of the Oval Office.

“Yes, he is,” Finnegan snarled. “He’s just having a little bit of Locked-In Syndrome. The doctors say it will pass.” The wall of monitors showed Joe’s doctors all nodding in unison. One judged to not be nodding vigorously jumped when he was shocked into compliance.

“I thought you ran off,” Kamala said, maxing the needles on the sarcastic, mean girl, and battle-ax cunt meters in her mental control room.

“I’m stuck here and you know it. I just took a little vacation when Grandpa dropped out of the race. You know the terms of my, uh, arrangement. I get nothing if I leave before he’s out of office.”

Joe’s eyes roved around the room, and the rictus smile on his face moved just a little.

“He needs to be out on the campaign trial for me,” Kamala pouted.

“He’s already endorsed you,” Finnegan said.

“In a video,” Kamala replied.

“Do you know how long it took to film that?” Finnegan shot back. “Three days on the Oval Office film set, over seven hundred edits to make the unedited video.”

“Can he at least make a video saying conservatives are weird?” Kamala asked.

Hunter and Dark Cracky pounced, leaping from behind a Ficus. “They are weird!”

Kamala recoiled and farted like a broken lute.

“Have you seen how they dress?” Dark Cracky demanded. “American flags, cowboy boots, NASCAR hats–it’s so weird.”

Hunter adjusted his scarf and jock strap, holding arms out and crossed his ankles like a crucifix and sniffed, “Jesus stuff, so weird and gross.”

“They love Hawk Tuah, so weird,” Dark Cracky crowed. “A cute White girl that likes to sleep with men? So weird. Too weird!”

“Andrea Dworkin,” Hunter said. “Now that’s a sexy woman–round, hairy, hateful. Rowr.”

“J. D. Vance ate a barbecue sandwich with slaw on it!” came Dark Cracky’s strangled cry. “BURN THE WITCH!”

“SECURITY!” Kamala screamed.

“I cannot be removed from this place,” Hunter said. “Daddy needs me.” He nuzzled Dark Cracky into the hollow pit of Joe’s clavicle and giggled.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. kinnath

    Double Header

    • Swiss Servator

      “Kamala recoiled and farted like a broken lute.”

      Didn’t see that one coming in the Links!

      • R C Dean

        Lutes are stringed instruments. I kinda stumbled on that one.

  2. The Other Kevin

    I love that new Joemala banner. Please never get rid of it.

    • R.J.

      Maybe add a third head for her vice presidential candidate?

      • The Other Kevin

        Attached with scotch tape.

      • R.J.

        I love how you think!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        So what you are saying is that you want Sugarfree to give you head?

  3. Nephilium

    Slaw on a BBQ sandwich is considered weird now?

    I’m not a fan (especially if it’s mayo based), but it’s pretty damned common around here.

    • DrOtto

      Common on pulled pork sammiches around here since only the last couple decades since I’ve become familiar with it.

    • kinnath

      I’ve seen it before. I think it tends to be regional.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Yeah, white bun, pulled pork, slaw.

      This is the most normal thing.

      • cavalier973


        This is how we Memphians eat bbq sammiches.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Even in San Diego,
        Phil’s is great

    • Gustave Lytton

      As long as it’s not kale slaw. Fuck you DHC.

    • Tundra

      It’s usually served as a side anyway. Save time and add it to the sammich.

      By the way, Primal Kitchen mayo is excellent and worth the premium.

      • Brochettaward

        What is this stuff now? Mayo with avocado oil? What’s so special about it?

      • Tundra

        No shitty oils.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Vinegar based or GTFO.

      And only for pork BBQ.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Mmm… Slaw is the ONLY thing mayo can be used for.

        And it is a way to make pork taste good when not used as it’s intended purpose: breakfast meat.

        Beef, the only proper BBQ meat, should remain unsullied. And should only be cooked in the only correct BBQ fashion*, Santa Maria style.

        *for you heathens, that would be over an open grill, taking around 20 minutes for the one acceptable cut, the tri-tip. Smoking should be reserved for cigarettes and getting squirrels out of the ground.

      • Tundra

        Agree on tri-tip. Disagree on only one way.

        On Friday night I did a reverse sear tri tip with a chimichurri sauce. I rudely ate it during the zoom call and it was glorious.

        Santa Maria, espresso rubbed and chimichurri are all perfect.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I don’t know what a “reverse sear” is, some part of a trigger assembly put in wrong, maybe. But grilling it, to get it cooked the natural, old fashioned way, is all that counts. None of this rub furfural, unless it is salt. And chimi-what? Sir, this isn’t a dance contest.

        Also, it should be eaten with pinquito beans, salad, and garlic bread. None of this BBQ bean silliness, or, god forbid, mac and cheese.

      • Tundra

        Over coals with a little wood (lol), at temp crank up the heat and put a nice crust on that thang. And I was skeptical about the chimichurri but since I have an open fucking mind I tried it.

        And it was good.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The funny thing is, I am not a food person at all|*, and generally don’t care about it. But the regional cuisine from were I grew up was the Santa Maria style BBQ, and damned if I won’t represent!

        (*the wife is a total food person, which is all of her hobbies combined: cooking, gardening, reading, and so on. We joke about how opposites attract over this one.)

      • Tundra

        As long as you are happy, I am happy.

        Eat more meat, regardless.

      • juris imprudent

        Equally funny thing – tri-tip is a California cut; you won’t find it in any true meat eating state.

      • Nephilium


        I see tri-tip on the shelf here in the Cleveland area. We move love our carbs, but meat is a close second.

    • SugarFree

      The shocking part is that I don’t even drink. I mean, I can, and I do on occasion, but the health hit makes a good writerly drunk too high a price to pay.

      • kinnath

        I just assumed it was permanent scarring from some childhood trauma.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        permanent scarring from some childhood trauma.

        No, that’s my excuse.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Temporary scarring, but he just can’t leave the scab alone.

    • EvilSheldon

      Yeah, there’s no question that Hunter was one of the last great journalist drunkards, but he’s inflating his capacity here. No one can do that much blow and have that much of an appetite.

  4. R.J.


  5. Tonio

    Rictus, for the mf’ing win!

    • Ted S.

      Nobody needs 23 kinds of rictu.

  6. rhywun

    AANHPI Men for Kamala Harris

    That’s real?!

    • SugarFree

      As far as anyone can tell in this evil simulation.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Of course not. The proper term today is AANHPIQ+.

      • EvilSheldon

        That does kinda sound like a fetish club in the making…

      • juris imprudent

        As I read that my verbal processing center went “pikachu”.

  7. Tundra

    Kamala recoiled and farted like a broken lute.


    Andrew Schultz called Kamala “War Hawk Tuah.”

    Which is also perfect.

    • bacon-magic

      I need a war hawk tuah meme asap.

  8. Necron 99

    I wish to know more of Finnegan… “arraignment.”

    Does Dr. Jill Biden Biden, EdD. have a contract signed in blood? Will Finnegan be able to keep her soul? Will screeching shadows let her be when they come for The Big Guy? Is good health just a slower way to die?

    I don’t know I want to know.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Think of the ending to ‘Drag Me to Hell’.

    • Aloysious

      I’m hoping Finnegan does a running clothes line on Kamala, professional wrestling style.

  9. grrizzly

    There are rumors that Russia, Belarus, USA and Germany are going to announce soon a major exchange of spies and prisoners including Evan Gershkovich.

  10. Tundra

    Also, that’s a great song and video.

    • bacon-magic


  11. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    If Kamala chooses the governor of MN, will they make a commercial of her to the tune of the Mary Tyler Moore show?

      • rhywun

        There it is.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I doubt they would use that version. They’d find a choir of drag queens to sing it instead.

    • Fourscore

      Fear of the wrath of “Kamala, The Ass Kicker”

    • Bobarian LMD

      Actual soundtrack.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    How is Kamala an Asian American, a Native Hawaiian, or a Pacific Islander? This seems like the British language corruption of calling everyone east of the Bosporus “Asian.” India is a subcontinent, you Limey bastards, you remnants of a mighty Empire now reduced to World-Class Cuckdom.

    Can we call her a Wog-American, and cover all the bases?

    • Ownbestenemy

      She will from now on be my “Father’s Brother’s Nephew’s Cousin’s Former Roommate.” candidate.

    • Suthenboy

      She is an evil cunt. That is all that really counts.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Sure. The wogs begin Calais after all.

    • rhywun

      whether he thinks Kamala Harris is on the Democratic ticket only because she is a Black woman

      Yes? Biden chose her for that exact reason. Are we supposed to be memory-holing that?

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am sure NY has a nice carveout or gigantic loop-hole for LEOs to use em. I am with you, I am conflicted.

      • R C Dean

        “The Secret Service did not say why the vehicles had license plate covers, which are illegal in New York state and have been subject to intense crackdowns.”

        Yeah, probably a carve-out. Although I think the “King’s Men Exception” covers it even without a formal carve-out.

    • Sensei

      Bonus NBC spin!

      Man arrested after damaging Secret Service vehicles protecting Ella Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter


      • Ownbestenemy

        It’s NY…I am sure they will uptick that from misdemeanor to near felony murder charge.

      • Sensei

        Depends. He is a white male I believe.

  13. tripacer

    Greg Louganis on the top line of the Kammie poster. Same guy that hit his head on the diving board at the olympics?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yes, he is of the growing population of Swedish/Somoan mix. I have met a lot in fact, which is weird.

      Why he is joining this? I am guessing its an Alphabet Soup he can actually latch onto since his former has been skin-suited?

      • rhywun

        The first two are well-known Hollywood leftists – I wasn’t aware he is a lefty too. Sad!

        I love how the entire rest of the list minus one or two are politicians. 🙄

    • Beau Knott

      You know what’s the difference between swimmers and divers? Mark Spitz, Greg swallows.
      I’m going to hell for repeating that one

      • Suthenboy

        Save me a seat please.

      • Beau Knott

        If you can’t say something nice about someone, you just come sit here by me. (Dorothy Parker?)
        I’ll absolutely save you a seat! I’ll probably get there ahead of you 😉

      • Nephilium

        I can’t believe I never heard that before.

        I’ll get into the handbasket now.

    • Sensei

      Wow. Shocking.

    • rhywun

      her proven track record of delivering for the working class

      *falls off chair*


  14. Sensei

    WP opinion

    School taught JD Vance to see a divided nation — and to use that division

    As compared to Team Blue? You have to be kidding me. Also I believe JD may have said mean things about childless women with cats. I’m not sure as it has been barely mentioned…

  15. The Late P Brooks

    There was mention of Kamala’s fake accents earlier. Does she do a Jamaican Rastamon version?

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Man arrested after damaging Secret Service vehicles protecting Ella Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter

    Vandalizing government property, that should be worth five years, easy.

  17. Sensei

    Only about 24 percent of Amtrak trains on the route arrive on time, according to the lawsuit and audits conducted by the Amtrak Office of Inspector In a statement, Norfolk Southern spokesman Tom Crosson said the company is “committed to complying with the law, working together, and honoring our commitments,” adding that delays have been reduced in recent months.

    In a statement, Norfolk Southern spokesman Tom Crosson said the company is “committed to complying with the law, working together, and honoring our commitments,” adding that delays have been reduced in recent months.

    So they admit it, but too bad…. Likely paywall.

    Only a quarter of these trains are on time. The DOJ says it’s illegal.

    • Suthenboy

      Wait…I thought socialists always made the trains run on time. I am confused.

    • rhywun

      the first [lawsuit] its kind in 55 years

      Weird. I swear I’d heard many years ago of various companies doing the same on other lines.

  18. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    I am sure some of you have seen this, but watch Trump own an interviewer who wanted to be hostile, and the audiance reaction says even more

    “WATCH: President Trump FORCEFULLY answers hostile question about “the elephant in the room” at National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago”

    • The Other Kevin

      Not a bad job. I have no idea how to answer that. “In light of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, and n you are an unrepentant racist. How do you respond to that?”

      • EvilSheldon

        I would have gone with, “Did you just fart?”

      • R C Dean

        “You’re wrong. I’m not a racist. Next question.”

      • Suthenboy

        “I never stopped beating my wife.”?

        They keep trying to put him in ‘gotcha!’ situations and come off looking like assholes. They never learn.

      • Urthona

        To be honest, the dude had some really bad answers today.

        And Kamala is creeping up it to the top of the polls without having to say anything.

        He may want to hang back for awhile and not lose to another candidate who just hides out.

      • rhywun

        And Kamala is creeping up it to the top of the polls without having to say anything.

        Unfortunately for her, she is going to have to open her mouth sometime.

      • R C Dean

        Meh, she’s in her honeymoon. And the “yay Kamala” media frenzy will burn out – if nothing else, it will just become background noise. Its not even August yet.

      • juris imprudent

        She’s getting her bounce before the convention – which if it devolves into chaos as is likely, is a smart move.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      He’ll yes! Good answer,
      The best answer
      The most beautiful answer,

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Or HELL

  19. R C Dean

    Gotta say, I think Hailey Welch is cute as a button, and seems like a lot of fun. At least she’s not one of the Kardashian Klones with a giant ass and cartoonish “work” done.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)


    • Urthona

      Plus she’s heir to an amazing grape jelly dynasty.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, but good luck collecting on a bet from her.

      • Tundra

        Yeah, but good luck collecting on a bet from her.


        Well played, old man.

      • Urthona

        Nice Jimbo. Very nice.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Honestly, I thought that was really what people were saying. “He welched on his bet”.

        I think that was one of the things Young Bishop Jimbo learned the hard way when he left home and other people heard him say that and started laughing hard.

        Why should I be mocked because I grew up in an area where no one enunciated anything? And don’t get me started on how everyone I grew up with said Philadel-th-ia.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I don’t think she would Welch on a bet, in fact, she would put her hand out and spit on that thang, to show she is an honest girl.

    • Pine_Tree

      A coupla weeks back, CDR Salamander (see blog and Twitter) reposted her thing where she got a bunch of dog food and toys and took them to an animal shelter, openly saying that she was trying to take advantage of her 15 minutes of fame and money to do something good.

      He referred to it with praise as “steering into the skid”, and I thought that was a good way to put it.

    • Tundra

      I kind of like how she’s leaning into it. Were she my daughter I might not be so sanguine, but I thank God frequently that my youth was not filmed.

  20. Pope Jimbo

    You rubes don’t understand the Joe and Kamala are opening the border because illegals are pure money! Keep them pouring in and pretty soon we won’t have any national debt at all.

    Undocumented workers contributed $97 billion in federal, state and local taxes in 2022, according to a study released on Tuesday by the left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.
    In Minnesota, undocumented immigrants contributed nearly $222 million in state and local taxes in 2022. The report’s authors estimate these workers’ tax contributions would grow to more than $294 million if given legal work authorization because their wages would likely increase and there would likely be a higher rate of tax compliance.
    “This study is the most comprehensive look at how much undocumented immigrants pay in taxes. And what it shows is that they pay quite a lot, to the tune of nearly $100 billion a year,” said Marco Guzman, ITEP Senior Policy Analyst and co-author of the study, in a statement.
    The study rebuts a central message of the campaign of former President Donald Trump, who portrays undocumented immigrants as a drag on the American economy.

    This is right up there with the recent story about SNAP benefits being a positive economic boost. How can you be a serious economic person and write something like this?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Not mentioned in the story at all is any costs associated with the illegals. In fact, they go the exact opposite on that.

      According to the study, more than a third of the taxes undocumented workers pay go toward public programs they’re ineligible to benefit from like Social Security, unemployment insurance and Medicare. (Minnesota Democrats passed a law in 2023 that will make undocumented immigrants eligible for state-subsidized health insurance as soon as next year.)
      Undocumented immigrants often pay higher income taxes than workers with similar incomes because they are unable to claim tax credits like the Child Tax Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit or Minnesota’s Working Family Credit.
      Undocumented immigrants are also ineligible for most public benefit programs including cash assistance and food stamps, although they are not excluded from WIC, which provides nutrition assistance to low-income pregnant women, infants and children up to 5 years old.

      Yes, illegals are paying for our poor people.

      • Tundra

        Undocumented immigrants are also ineligible for most public benefit programs including cash assistance and food stamps, although they are not excluded from WIC, which provides nutrition assistance to low-income pregnant women, infants and children up to 5 years old.

        Yet somehow they end up with cars.

      • Urthona

        I personally think the right overestimates how much of a net drain illegal inmigration is, while the left grossly overestimates how positive it is.

        Were the US an actual functional government the policies wouldn’t all change to whatever secret agenda the government has at the time.

        It would be reasonable and swift to legally immigrate and a giant pain in the ass for anyone to shirk the system.

      • Sensei

        Tundra, but no insurance.

        And since uninsured motorist is paid for privately by you and me that doesn’t get counted either.

        Evil fuckers.

      • R C Dean

        “Undocumented immigrants often pay higher income taxes than workers with similar incomes because they are unable to claim tax credits”

        Well, since about the only way an illegal can get a tax-paying job is to commit identity theft, I don’t know why they wouldn’t take the tax credits their stolen identity is entitled to.

      • Tundra

        Sensei: I was bitching to my insurance guy about the increases and he flat out told me it’s an epidemic.

        Our “newcomers” sure are enriching our community.

      • Nephilium


        And in many cases, even get picture IDs.

      • R C Dean

        Not to mention, voter registrations.

      • Pope Jimbo

        No way our new neighbors would ever use their new Driver’s Licenses for All cards to vote illegally.

        In order to register, a person needs to show a valid Minnesota ID, or a photo ID plus a document with their current name and address, such as a utility bill or residential lease.
        A person could technically present a driver’s license they obtained through Gomez’s bill if it were to pass. That person would need to sign a statement attesting to their U.S. citizenship at the polling place if they were to vote — something the vast majority of people illegally residing in the U.S. aren’t willing to risk, said Michele McKenzie, deputy director of the Advocates for Human Rights.
        “The penalties under federal immigration law that people would face are so severe. We just don’t see people attempting to register or attempting to vote,” McKenzie said, adding that it’s a deportable offense with a potential lifetime ban if a person illegally residing in the U.S. is caught voting.

        We all know how aggressive Johnny Law is in going after voter fraud.

    • R C Dean

      Once again, we see the underlying assumption that the purpose of the economy is to generate tax revenue for the government.

      I’d love to know how they came up that number, too. Because I’m about 99% sure their methodology is bullshit. Any income or payroll taxes they pay are either because they are working illegally or are doing a job that very likely would have been done (and taxes paid) by an American. Dunno how you can assign sales or even property taxes to illegals as opposed to legals.

      • Ted S.

        Fuck you, that’s how.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Unfortunately for her, she is going to have to open her mouth sometime.

    Exactly. She has three months to speak up and prove she’s an idiot.

    • Urthona

      No one’s gonna ask her any hard questions and her party won’t permit her to go anywhere hostile.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Bad PR

    A Tesla Model S car was in “Full Self-Driving” mode when it hit and killed a 28-year-old motorcyclist in the Seattle area in April, police said, making it at least the second accident involving the technology on which Tesla CEO Elon Musk is pinning his hopes.

    The 56-year-old driver was arrested on suspicion of vehicular homicide based on his admission that he was looking at his cell phone while using the driver assistant feature, the police said in a statement.

    Tesla says its “Full Self-Driving (Supervised)” software requires active driver supervision and does not make vehicles autonomous.

    The guy’s a fucking idiot, but they don’t say how many other people were killed by distracted or inattentive drivers who weren’t in Teslas.


      How is this any different than some jerk that wipes someone out whilst driving and writing a text message?

      • Sensei

        It’s the exact same, but the douche drives a Tesla. Short of a Rolls or Lamborghini I can’t think of more polarizing brands.


        There is probably a healthy dash of old fashioned ludditism in addition to the Musk/Tesla hate.

    • Sensei

      Because it’s not like my wife’s Acura doesn’t have radar controlled cruise control and lane keeping, If you’d like to be a self centered ass while driving and looking at your phone you could do the exact same thing.

      OTH, fuck Musk and his vaporware in my Tesla and his marketing promises.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        But I thought the new tech was supposed to center your ass? Now you want me to do it my own-self?

      • Nephilium

        I just dealt with lane assist for my first time recently. Holy fucking shit, I hated it. My only thought while driving with that trying to fight me shifting to avoid someone with a trailer was, “How the fuck do they teach kids to drive with this shit?”

    • Tundra

      Manual transmissions with no cruise solves this. My son learned to drive on a manual and couldn’t surf and drive. Especially after he discovered how fun it is.

      Modern cars are definitely safer in a crash, but no one will convince me that they make crashes less likely.

      • Sensei

        They might if smart phones didn’t exist.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        You can put the phone down while you drive all you want, but if your car forces you to turn the AC on via the touchscreen, you’re still surfing while you drive.

        I wouldn’t have one of those. My mom’s car has a backup camera. That’s nice. Her screen otherwise is just a glorified radio.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That is how mine is, just a screen that you can look at. The wife’s Subaru, on the other hand, is all about touch screens. I hate it, as it is all counterintuitive.

        Mostly, I hate that car. So Unimpressed.

      • Tundra

        My 2012 Audi, 2015 VW and 2018 Ford all have small screens and tactile controls. Not perfect but better.

        I agree with Mo that the more stuff you relegate to a screen the more likely you are to kill people.

    • Suthenboy

      Self-driving cars are definitely feasible. They will be more efficient and safer by far than person-driven cars.
      Unfortunately that time has not yet come.
      Additionally, government, seeing an opportunity for control, is going to fuck it up in every way possible and worse than we can imagine now.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Nobody saw this coming

    “The market has spoken and it is saying you are going to have to pay a lot more for reliable power,” Paul Patterson, a power market analyst for Glenrock Associates, said in an interview.

    The results of the auction underscore the challenges of the energy transition: cheap solar and wind power are making older plants, including coal-fired generators, less competitive, but a sudden burst of electric demand to meet the needs of factories and data centers to enable artificial intelligence along with broader electrification risks straining grids.

    “We do believe those higher prices will send a clear investment signal” to maintaining existing resources and building new ones, Stu Bresler, PJM’s executive vice president of market services and strategy, said in a media briefing.

    Fortunately, we have government regulators ready to block new power plants or expansion of existing plants. Affordable reliable power is bad.

    • Suthenboy

      Affordable, reliable power enables the creation of widespread prosperity. Widespread prosperity gives people options. Government cannot abide people having options.
      It is as simple as that.

    • rhywun

      cheap solar and wind power

      Oh just stop it already.

      • R C Dean

        Indeed. In no universe is wind and solar cheaper. I don’t even think it’s cheaper when it’s generating (which it only does about a third of the time, optimally). Honest cost accounting would spread the cost of the unit over the percentage of time that its working.

        What drives up electricity costs is you are essentially adding all that wind and solar on top of a baseline power infrastructure that you can’t downsize because there are significant periods of time when wind and solar isn’t producing power at all. It’s pure added cost, every nickel of it.

  24. Sensei

    Well we know who has a “buy” rating on the stock without being told.

    Brian Essex of JPMorgan described CrowdStrike’s actions since the outage as “a master class on incident response” in a note to clients Monday. Hamza Fodderwala of Morgan Stanley said “we are slightly more confident CrowdStrike can limit reputational damage given a swift response and encouraging partner feedback” in his own note on Monday.

    Fucker forgot to apologize in his initial response. (I get that you just want to fix it and fix it fast, but it ain’t master class.) And he’s getting sued by Delta for $500m in business interruption. Yeah, master class.

    • Ted S.

      I misread it as “a master class on indecent response”, which would have been much more accurate.

      • R.J.

        Did he mean masturbate?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      To paraphrase Sun Tzu, the true masters at incident response are unknown, because they manage to avoid such royal screwups.

    • Nephilium

      It’s not just Delta. I think some of the others are waiting to see how well that works out (they were able to mitigate better).

  25. Pope Jimbo

    If you can’t trust Beto O’Rourke, EJ Dionne and David Hogg’s political instincts, who’s can you trust?

    A tongue bath for King Walz and his shameless grubbing for the VP slot.

    In a post on X, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, who served on the U.S. House Veterans Committee when Walz was the top Democrat on the panel, called Minnesota’s governor “the real deal.”
    “High school teacher, football coach, command sergeant major in the Guard… and he just led the progressive miracle in Minnesota: codified abortion rights, restored voting rights, $1b in affordable housing & strong labor victories. And the guy can go on offense,” O’Rourke said.
    Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne said one of Walz’s gifts is “his skills at pushing back hard against labels such as ‘big government liberal.’”
    That ability to defend a progressive agenda, alongside an affable countenance, prompted David Hogg, a student survivor of the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting, to liken Walz on X to a “favorite uncle” and “mid-western dad.”

    There is a lot made about him being able to relate to rural voters (without proof). Obviously they didn’t look at the results of his last race. If St. Paul and Minneapolis hadn’t given him 80%+ votes, he would have lost. He got thumped in the boonies. He won the cities.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “restored voting rights”

      I was unaware the Minnesotans couldn’t vote.

    • R C Dean

      It’s hard to say who’s more shameless in their pandering for the VP – Kelley or Walz.

      “ command sergeant major in the Guard” Yeah, who couldn’t resign fast enough when his unit was scheduled to deploy. You might not want to lean on that one too hard.

      • Pope Jimbo

        “Walz attained the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role but retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes due to not completing additional coursework,” according to the statement from Army public affairs officer Lt. Col. Kristen Augé.

        So not really a command sergeant major. Would have been one if his unit hadn’t deployed and he needed to run for Congress.

    • Suthenboy

      In lots of ways David Hogg is the personification of the entire progressive gaggle.
      Two bit grifter, fabulist, despises the average person, snake in the grass.
      Everything about his is repulsive.
      I find it hard to believe he hasn’t showed up in a dress, heels and lipstick for one of his rallies.

    • Tundra

      Let’s talk about the old people you killed, Walz.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not trying to make anyone envious but prior to my present life I lived with a girl just like that. She was quite a hottie, had the southern drawl and bow hunted barefoot. We still have a few of them around.
      Noodling…we dont noodle here. Ask any noodler and they will tell you “Never do this in alligator country.”