Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Daily Links | 188 comments

You people get music today. That beautiful, trippy synth solo at the end…

ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m coming out as homosexual, and it’s okay with me if you shorten that to “homo.” I’m ditching the label “gay,” which is a made-up term and indicates that one is part of the QUILTBAG++ movement (I will be forever indebted to SugarFree for reworking that acronym). I tapped out of the movement once we got the right to sodomy (privacy), and I was happy to see universal gay marriage even though I’m now uncomfortable with the mechanics of how we got it. The movement’s open warfare against Christians, as evidenced most recently at the Olympic opening ceremony was the tipping point. The term “homosexual” once carried the baggage of medical diagnosis, but baggage can be discarded when it becomes old and worn-out.

US/RUSSIA PRISONER SWAP BIGGEST SINCE COLD WAR: The United States and Russia carried out a historic prisoner exchange Thursday when two dozen detainees, including former US Marine Paul Whelan and Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, were released as part of a sweeping deal that involved at least seven countries.

SLY (((LEVANTINES))) PUNK PERSIANS: Standing ovation for the Israelis. (((They))) apparently smuggled a bomb into the IRGC guesthouse heavily fortified compound where Ismail Haniyeh was known to stay while in Tehran. Months ahead of his recent visit. So, not only a masterpiece of planning and execution, but a total punking of the Iranians. What, you don’t do regular bomb sweeps of places like this? Or did Israel find some way to hide the smell of the explosives from your dogs? Gee, I wonder which other of your facilities have received the same treatment? Here’s a bonus ‘splainer link on how “[t]he successful and precise countermeasures proved that Israel, unlike Iran and its affiliates, does not harm uninvolved civilians but strikes its enemies with great precision.”

VIRGINIA AG TO INVESTIGATE ACTBLUE OVER FRAUD ALLEGATIONS: AG Jason Miyares posted in response to Charlie Kirk flagging a donation anomaly in Virginia where a 79-year-old resident living in an apartment at $2,000 per month made 22,619 separate donations since 2019, totaling more than $800,000. This has the potential to be a huge black eye for the Democrats.

ANOTHER TECH MOGUL DITCHES DEMS: Speaking of coming out, along comes tech mogul David Marcus announcing he’s ditching the Dems. And he has some harsh words for them about, well, everything, but particularly this: I was shocked to learn that, for the most part, Republicans cared more deeply about their constituents, while Democrats, in my experience, cared more about government power and control. [h/t: KK]

SURE, SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA: Brain-Invading parasite could be hacked to deliver meds…

GREEK SHEEP FARMERS HIT HARDEST: Reminds me of a joke with the punchline, “but, Stavros, why did you pick such an ugly one?”

INFLATABLE SPACE HABITAT NEWS: Inflatable space habitats are becoming a thing, finally. [Launch] cost is constantly dropping as supply multiplies, while accessible volume in space has increased only marginally for decades as demand has risen. First a short, gee-whiz read about burst-testing inflatables. Then a long read about the history of inflatables, in which Bernoulli (whose work made mechanical computer hard drives possible) is name-checked, and with your vocabulary word for today — isotensoid.

Continuing the prog rock vibe…

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. Common Tater

    “I’m coming out, I want my peeps to know”


    • Rat on a train

      We need a peep diorama.

      • Sean


      • Bobarian LMD

        I think it is called a peep show.

    • R.J.

      Tonio isn’t just any homo. He’s our homo. Bravo on rebranding. Now watch the Left steal and defile that too.

  2. Ted S.

    This has the potential to be a huge black eye for the Democrats

    No it doesn’t. Journolist 2.0 will run interference for Team Blue.

    • Common Tater

      Act Blue has been crooked for years.

      • R C Dean


        Without evidence!

    • Tonio

      It will be declared the work of a rogue operative. “If only Comrade Biden knew.” Republicans pouncing.

    • Tonio

      That, too. Thanks. I had forgotten about Sullivan. He was brilliant before he went off the rails about Sarah Palin.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        His, ah, TDS is a bit on the thick side too.

    • Ted S.

      I’ve said it before, but I’ve reached the point that every time I see the word “queer” I mentally replace it with “queef”.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        That is a queer thing to do.

      • Tundra

        Kinda gay, really.

      • Bobarian LMD

        When I was a kid, it was a good way to get yourself smeared.

    • rhywun

      The resurrection of bathroom bills and the move to curtail the rights of trans adults are repulsive and dumb.

      He loses me here.

      I won’t address “curtail the rights of trans adults” because who the fuck knows what that means, but there are very good reasons that people don’t want boys in girls bathrooms. Is it really not obvious to him?

      He’s right about the “queer” takeover of everything, though. And yes, it’s a political position.

      • Common Tater

        There are very good reasons that people don’t want boys in girls bathrooms, but bathroom bills are stupid solution to a seemingly non-existent problem. (The three most-referred stories, Wi Spa, Xenia YMCA, and Planet Fitness, were locker rooms not bathrooms, and the result of stupid self-ID policies. None of those incidents involved a single trans person.)

        While no one cares who uses the men’s room, all the bathroom bills require females who look like men to use the ladies room. Not only is that disruptive in and of itself, but allows any cisgender man to enter a woman’s bathroom just by claiming they are trans.

  3. rhywun

    made 22,619 separate donations since 2019, totaling more than $800,000

    We’ve been hearing these stories for years and nobody has “investigated” yet?

    Why am I getting the feeling that nothing else will happen.

    • Rat on a train

      “Our campaign has received a record number or small donations … that are just under the reporting limit.”

    • Social Justice is Neither

      How many of those accusations happened in safely blue states and which states recently started drifting away from that where we might see action.

  4. juris imprudent

    I was shocked to learn that…

    And this guy is how old?

  5. juris imprudent

    As to the inflatable habitat in space – I thought Vinge was just pulling that out of his ass. Apparently not.

    • Ted S.

      Bounce houses in space!

      • Nephilium

        If that’s what you really want…

      • Tonio

        Crikey, I think you’re on to something.

    • R C Dean

      I thought micrometeorites were a problem for inflatable anything in space.

  6. Tundra

    “Homo” it is.

    Some claim that reelecting President Trump will bring our democracy to its knees. However, the alternative — having unelected individuals with this much power and no accountability run our government coupled with four more years of bad policies at home and abroad — might present a more significant threat. Neither will likely change in a Harris administration and could potentially worsen.

    Well. duh.

    Nice music choices. I’m not really a prog rock guy, but those are two of my faves.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Heh. On the top right hand corner of that photo is a tiny window, and, at the time the photo was taken (at Tommy’s moms house?), it was the apartment of this chick I used to work with named Julie.

      That is my only Replacements story.

      • Tundra

        Yep. Tommy and Bob’s house. 2215 Bryant. It’s a tourist landmark now.

        That is my only Replacements story.

        It’s a good one! Did you live in Minne?

  7. The Late P Brooks


    Shares of nuclear energy stocks soared Wednesday after the largest electrical grid operator in the U.S. said prices at its power market auction increased ninefold year-over-year.

    PJM Interconnection, a regional transmission organization (RTO) that operates the electrical grid across 13 states in the Northeast, said Tuesday that 2025-2026 prices for power plants were at $262.92 per megawatt-day, compared to $28.92 a year ago. Just over a fifth of the energy mix will come from nuclear energy.

    Constellation Energy (CEG), which operates the largest collection of nuclear plants in the country, saw its shares jump more than 12% Wednesday following the news, while shares of rival Vistra (VST) rose nearly 15%.

    With Wednesday’s gains, shares of Constellation have surged more than 62% since the start of the year, while Vistra shares have doubled over the same period. Both companies are expected to report second-quarter earnings results next week.

    Don’t worry, Joe will announce a plan for fifty billion dollars’ worth of renewable hamster wheel backup generators.

    • R C Dean

      “$262.92 per megawatt-day, compared to $28.92 a year ago”

      Allah on a pogo stick. I expect users will be begging for lube when that washes through to rates.

  8. Aloysious

    Damn, Tonio. Bringing the music. I haven’t heard either of those fine songs in way too long.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    I was shocked to learn that, for the most part, Republicans cared more deeply about their constituents, while Democrats, in my experience, cared more about government power and control.

    *clutches chest, falls to floor*

    • Sensei

      Those constituents being large businesses, rich individuals and occasionally the common folk and small businesses.

      But true, not just increasing government and control.

  10. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    What about the word ‘Mo? Because I’m just that lazy

    • Nephilium

      You’ve got to wait for Big Mo.

  11. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    SO I ruined my dinner last night and I have a few slices of some kind of very lean beef (was going use make Pho, and I couldn’t have fucked it up worse if I tried).

    Was thinking to sear the slices at a very high temp, and put on a sammich with mayo, horseradish, provolone and extremely caramelized onions.

    Question is – what kind of marinade would go with that? I was thinking just salt, TBH.

    • Nephilium

      For something like that, I’m a fan of soy sauce base marinades.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Soy marinade. If you lack that, a can of Coke mixed with Worcestershire sauce is good.

    • Tonio

      So, you made faux Pho?

      Salt, and maybe pepper. Keep it simple. Sounds yummy.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I found pre-made pho broth in the grocery!

        But when making pho, order of operation and noodle thickness (LOL) is of paramount importance.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Also, I just tasted Gochujang for the first time…why did I wait so long? Holy shit that stuff is delicious. I need to find a less spicy version than I got – it will be tough to use it as a BBQ sauce replacement. But I’m definitely going to try it on my next batch of grilled chicken

      • Nephilium

        I love me nearly any fermented hot pepper blend. Have you ever tried any of the fermented calabrian chili spreads?

      • trshmnstr

        I love me nearly any fermented hot pepper blend.

        The habanero from my garden nearly knocked my socks off at lunch today (my spice tolerance has reduced since having small kids in the house), so I may need to do a fermenting project to preserve the rest of them for future consumption.

      • Tonio

        Gochujang… yumm.

        I have only recently had the courage to attempt Korean cuisine. It is marvelous.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I generally like to slather my chicken in BBQ sauce at the end of grilling (I usually use Sweet Baby Ray’s Original). The gochujang is, like, the best BBQ sauce I’ve ever tasted. But it’s way to spicy for me to use it in the volume I use SBR.

      • trshmnstr

        Sweet Baby Ray’s Original

        I used to use that one, but I got better results using thinner, more tangy sauces. Sweet Baby Ray’s tastes like a candy coating to me now.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I usually doctor up the SBR a bit with a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar. But I like the higher sugar content for the quick caramelization.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Tonio, since you are from the south, try Korean fried chicken. That is the stuff, right there!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Not soy sauce (WTF – I usually always have some on hand). I went with salt, Worcestershire, and MSG

  12. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Also, Angela Carini

  13. Grumbletarian

    I’m ditching the label “gay,” which is a made-up term and indicates that one is part of the QUILTBAG++ movement (I will be forever indebted to SugarFree for reworking that acronym).

    I agree, that’s a great acronym I use elsewhere. I would also like to submit the word “queirdo” for consideration as a descriptor for some of the loonier members of the QUILTBAG+ community.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      I didn’t get the translation to work, but I’m guessing it says “Eh, those were some spicy meatballs!”

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I know you won’t give up, Angela, and I know that one day you will earn with effort and sweat what you deserve. In a finally fair competition.

      • Tonio

        “So che non mollerai, Angela, e so che un giorno guadagnerai con sforzo e sudore quello che meriti. In una competizione finalmente equa.”

        I know you won’t give up, Angela, and I know that one day you will earn with effort and sweat what you deserve. In a competition that is finally fair.

    • The Other Kevin

      I was expecting a pretty strong response from her.

      • Tundra

        I was surprised at how pissed I was. Watching her cry during the interview was painful.

      • The Other Kevin

        We have a female boxer at our gym. She tried out for the Olympics and lost her fight. She’ll be 34 next time which she says is too old. For many sports there’s a small age window, and of course the enormous amount of training. I can’t even imagine how upset I’d be. I told Mrs. TOK about it this morning and she didn’t take it very well either.

      • trshmnstr

        Many of these folks have been training since they were 7 years old with one goal in mind… Gold at the Olympics. It’s often crushing for people to age out even when they medal. I can’t imagine the emotions of being forced out by a dude* in a bra.

        *is this person actually trans, or is it some other hormonal issue?

      • The Other Kevin

        From what I read, this person has XY chromosomes and high testosterone, but since birth physically presented as female and chose to live as a female. So yes it is an actual disorder.

      • grrizzly

        Intersex, not trans. The person has XY chromosomes but was assigned female at birth. Who knows what kind of genitals that person has?

      • Suthenboy

        High testosterone = testicles

        It’s a dude.

      • R C Dean

        XY = male. Everything else is hand waving.

  14. Chipping Pioneer

    You don’t get the Glibertarian trifecta until you also come out as a Mexican pot smoker.

  15. The Other Kevin

    “Brain-Invading parasite could be hacked to deliver meds…”
    They call this the RFK technique.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      And just think how quickly it will be used to deliver heroin.

      Talk about mainlining.

  16. Aloysious

    From the bonus ‘splainer link:

    Accordingly, senior Iranian officials understand the process that is developing throughout the Middle East and are beginning to fear for their own fate as well.

    That’s too bad.

    • R C Dean

      Apparently the Israelis are a little peeved about thousands murdered and hundreds tortured, raped, and/or kidnapped.


  17. Raven Nation

    TPTB and/or authors: how do I add Tags to a submission? I found the Tag link in the Theme menu but I can’t pull up a list.

    • Nephilium

      Are you referring to Tags or to Categories? Categories are what gets listed under the post title (suck as “Daily Links”), they get added by selecting the check boxes. I’m not quite sure what Tags do, but you would just list them in the text box separated by commas.

      • Tonio


      • Raven Nation

        Got it – thanks!

    • Tonio

      Tag or Category?

      Tags are self-added. I’m not sure what they do.

      Categories are pre-defined things like Daily Links, IFLA, Travel, etc. Categories are the basis for the Topics A-C (etc) nav controls at the top. You can find the Categories pick-list in the editing toolbar to the right, under the Post controls.

      • R.J.

        You can have tags removed at the dermatologist.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Spin it good

    In particular, when Trump said he thought the vice presidential candidates had “virtually no impact” on election results, he seemed to put into perspective his relationship with JD Vance while belittling the guy he is supposed to spend months alongside in a tight campaign.

    Of course. Saying the Vice President is unlikely to swing an election by his mere presence on the ballot is exactly the same as saying your VP will bring nothing of substance to your administration. That’s some top notch journalisming by a first rate intellect.

  19. Shpip

    Blobs of human brain tissue grown in a lab called organoids were treated with T. gondii engineered to deliver MeCP2, a protein used to treat a rare genetic disorder called Rett syndrome

    Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

    • Tundra

      *golf clap*

  20. R.J.

    Heh. The progressive wing of the dems just threatened Kamala that she should not have Shapiro on her ticket.

    • slumbrew

      *pops corn*

    • Common Tater

      They think it’s Ben Shapiro.

    • The Other Kevin

      They’ll still vote for her of course. But it would be good if they had some mostly peaceful protests about this at the DNC. Just to underscore how much chaos Trump will bring.

    • Sean

      I know a lot of public school unions are after him because he supported school choice.

      • creech

        It could be Shapiro. He just cancelled a number of fund raising visits he had scheduled this weekend. And the Harris pick announcement is being made in Phila. on Tuesday. If Harris/Shapiro ticket goes down to defeat, none of the blame will be on him and he’ll have raised his national profile. If they win, then Shapiro gets his shot at Presidency in 2032, assuming Harris gets re-elected in 2028 like any brilliant assertive POC woman should.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      It’s gonna be Booty Judge or Walz

      • Tundra

        Ok, I’ll admit a Vance/Walz debate would be epic.

      • R.J.

        I bet on King Waltz. What’s the bet? A drink if we ever meet?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I’m 50-50, but I’ll call it for Booty Judge. Most expensive beer/wine/cocktail on the menu for the winner? (I mean, one that the winner would presumably want to drink as well)

      • Tundra

        I bet on King Waltz.

        I’m in.You’re lucky I don’t have expensive taste.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Trump is a chaos agent who divides people and divides NABJ
    In the end, I was less concerned about how NABJ looked to the world in the wake of Trump’s visit than how it deals with itself.

    As news of the panel spread, many journalists spoke out passionately against having him at the conference, reasoning that any appearance would likely benefit him more than the group, platforming his terrible rhetoric about racial issues. Well-known figures like Roland Martin and April Ryan – who Trump criticized when he was president – spoke out; Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah quit her post as convention co-chair amid the controversy.

    ——- This is the kind of division that can hobble NABJ in the future as people cancel memberships, decline to volunteer, hold back donations and continue to criticize the group’s direction. I expect the group’s membership meeting, scheduled for Saturday morning, will draw lots of pointed feedback from those who still question the wisdom of welcoming the former president here.

    So you freely admit you are a propaganda operation devoted to promoting a political party and a political message?

  22. Aloysious

    Douglas Murray in the Telegraph.

    He ends with:

    So where will the rest of Israel’s allies be now?

    In the US Kamala Harris is busily trying to boast to her base that she is being “tough” on the Israelis. There is little evidence that she intends to be even equally “tough” on Iran. And in the UK our new government has not only acceded to the preposterous ICC (and good luck David Lammy when your time for arrest comes), it has also repeatedly criticised the Israeli government.

    It is the wrong time to do either. For the sake of peace in the Middle East it is necessary for Iran’s terrorist chiefs to be hunted down. And if the British government wanted to do something meaningful for once, perhaps instead of grandstanding it could finally round up the regime operatives here in Britain? I wonder if they will.

    • Tundra

      By 2020, Tesla Model 3 managed to retain up to 90% of its value within 3 years.

      Then in the next 3 years, they lost nearly 50% of their value. It was even greater for Model Y from its peak in 2022.

      This, while the rest of the used car world exploded.

      Better lease ’em, kids.

      • Sensei

        For over 1 year my Tesla appreciated during peak COVID price stupidity.

        I mean who didn’t thing their Tesla was an appreciating asset?

      • Sensei


      • Tundra

        The same people who refer to cars and houses as investments?

      • trshmnstr

        The same people who refer to cars and houses as investments?

        But muh prohpertee vowelyou!!

  23. Aloysious

    Babylon Bee rocks.

    Hillary Clinton Meets With Kamala To Help Her Improve Her Black Accent

  24. grrizzly

    Putin welcomed the Russian spies exchanged today right at the steps of the plane at the airport.

  25. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Does anyone have a step by step on how to get Monocle to show the New Posts bar again? I’m a front end web developer, which means I’m one step away from a ditch digger, tech-wise. I only know the HTMLs and the CSSs and a bit of the ol’ JavaScripts and PHPs. I ain’t know about these fancy software plugins and shit.

    • trshmnstr

      You’re probably well equipped for working with monocle, then. It’s just a bunch of Javascript. I’m not a front end dev, so I had to learn the html, css, and js stuff to put monocle together. The result is a highly inefficient piece of software.

      If you want to get in there and look at the code, email me. It’s hosted on gitlab.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I’m terrified of anything Git-related. I was never able to figure it out back when we were using it to build a WP theme at State Dept. Now I live in fear of it.

        But an attempt will be made. 😬

      • trshmnstr

        It’s really not that bad. Download file, edit to your desires, test that it works as intended, commit to the appropriate branch, let the site know that it’s available, wait for Rhywun to find your bugs.

      • rhywun

        wut now

        I’m not a front-end developer either. Back-end 🙂

      • juris imprudent

        I was a middleware kind of guy at one point in time (long, long ago).

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I know enough HTML and CSS to make ebooks and tinker with my websites.

        I keep saying I’m going to learn new stuff (intermediate-advanced Excel, Spanish, python), but I never do. I just learn what I need to to get what I want done.

      • Nephilium


        Even when I was younger, I needed some sort of a tangible end result to learn something. It can be a problem that I need to solve, something to eat/drink, a new shiny computer, or the like. I’ve found tchotchkes and the like aren’t enough. It needs to be something that will be used or consumed.

  26. Chipping Pioneer

    Does the article submission link not work anymore, or did someone drop a tactical nuke on the Gulch?

    • Raven Nation

      I just submitted a new post for review. Seemed to go through OK. Did you go through Dashboard –> Posts –> Add New Post?

      • Chipping Pioneer

        No, I clicked the link at the top of the page.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Click Publish and then you will find the Submit button

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Excellent. Thank you all.

  27. Aloysious

    Animal, with a rhetorical left hook to the taint:

    Note that the Constitution specifically prohibits a religious test for public office. Note also that Josh Shapiro would, by almost every measure, be a pretty good choice. In fact, if we may be perfectly honest, he would make a better president than Kamala Harris; but then, one can look at the displays in any taxidermy shop and find exhibits that would make better presidents than Kamala Harris.

    • Fourscore

      Hope Walz gets the nod, he can explain to Vance why he didn’t go to Iraq with his troops, as the senior NCO. Preferred to retire from the NG

    • R.J.

      Oh Lord. I though Apple was pricey.

    • R.J.

      That is not going to end well for Britain.

      • Sensei

        No, but it is going to give us a prelude what things are going to look like here before the next civil war.

      • R.J.

        It will. These are not leftists twats protesting.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        This could be what breaks Labor.

    • Suthenboy

      In my dreams this serves as a warning to the tacit gun grabbers here who will see the light and start sending dues to GOA and purchase guns and training for themselves.

      • R.J.

        I think it has. There has been a big increase in gun ownership. I just don’t think that correlates to republican voters.

    • B.P.

      “Prosecutors did not disclose a motive for the crime, but they revealed that the weapon used was a kitchen knife with a curved blade, according to an additional charge he faces.”

      Butter scimitar? Steak kukri?

    • rhywun

      “This is coordinated; this is deliberate,” he said. “This is not a protest that has got out of hand. It is a group of individuals who are absolutely bent on violence.”

      Amazing how the narrative in such cases hangs on the politics of the participants.

    • mock-star

      “Starmer said the recent violence was “clearly driven by far-right hatred””

      When did it become “far-right” to hate *checks notes* 3 young girls being stabbed to death?

      • R C Dean

        About three years ago, I think.

  28. Spudalicious

    I for one Tonio, appreciate your clarification on terminology. It has led to added clarification when conversing with contempararies.

    • Tonio

      So, you telling them ladies that they make your isotensoid inflate?

      • R.J.

        *Engages best pirate voice

        “Arrr! Turgid he is!”

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well that is kidnapping, unlawful operation of a airliner, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, on an on

  29. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    This has the potential to be a huge black eye for the Democrats.


    NOTHING is ever a black eye for the Democrats.

    • R.J.

      Black eyes are raycist.

    • Tundra

      Au contraire

      Even funnier with the Bee article up there.

  30. Sensei

    I was on vacation when this occurred so I missed it. It would appear that so did the Grey Lady. I thought this just happened and by the date so did the NYT.


    Best part I now notice they give his age, but not the date of his death.

    Also last X-15 pilot that was alive.

  31. Suthenboy

    “I am coming out as Homosexual….”

    I thought…wait, whut? I thought we all already knew that. Annnnd…ok.

    What I have noticed is that with regards to homosexuality and anyotherthanwhite designations are thought of as having terms that are acceptable and those that are unacceptable. The language police are constantly changing which is which to the point where no term designating someone as non-white heterosexual male is unacceptable. Also the terms they suggest inventing are extremely dehumanizing.

    Revealed preferences: The language police, critical theory, quiltbag community is composed of foam-at-the-mouth bigots.
    It is all projection all of the time with them.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Suggesting the terms that they invent are dehumanizing does great violence to black, brown and queer bodies.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Well that is kidnapping, unlawful operation of a airliner, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, on an on

    Air piracy?

  33. Fourscore

    OK, here’s the deal. A few weeks ago my yard light started strobing, I shut it off and took it down, cleaned all the connections, tested it in the house by covering the light sensor. Worked perfectly. Hung it back up, worked for 4-5 nights as god intended, then went out. I opened up the switch box and plug in on the light pole, tested the connections, no power. WTF is up with that? I tested the power in the yard at the electric fence, power on down there.

    Hmmm. About 30 years ago I ran a buried line from the electric fence to the power pole, Made the splice inside a cedar box that I’d made, used silicon filled wire nuts at the splice. A few weeks ago we had a pocket gopher near the cable. Now I’m wondering, is the problem from the gopher (that met his demise) or at the splice I made?. I sort of remember where I buried the line, about 18 inches down. I don’t want to dig it up, I’m not too handy any more trying to dig. Fortunately the digging was easy, when I was 30 years younger. I don’t exactly remember where the splice is but I have an idea.

    I ran an extension cord from the house to the pole, to insure that the light isn’t the problem. I’ll know about 9 PM.

    /Pondering in Podunkville

    • Sensei

      My bet is the light sensor itself.

      • Sensei

        Can you temporarily bypass it and directly wire it?

      • Fourscore

        I’m kind of doing that now, with the extension cord. All the alternatives are longer digs, the one I’m contemplating is less than 30 feet .

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Light sensors and motion sensors both wear out. Replace it.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        “Can you temporarily bypass it and directly wire it?”

        That is what the extension cord is for.

    • Suthenboy

      Had the same problem once. Finally discovered a tiny spider living inside the motion sensor housing. Mine wasn’t strobing, it was coming on randomly and frequently for seemingly no reason.

  34. R.J.

    Oh dear. You get drunken R.J. tonight for the movie post.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      This is — and I don’t — you know what I don’t really — start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And F— you if you can’t handle the truth. The drunk version of R.J. intellectually, analytically, is the best R.J. ever. Not a close second.

      • R.J.

        YES, IT IS!
        Four weeks of a bladder infection from getting rolled in the tide at Panama City Beach has finally ended. I am drinking my beloved vodka martini and regaining my strength.
        Plus this week sucks balls. I am starting early.

  35. Evan from Evansville

    In admiration of Tonio, I’m going to expand my Take Back of the word “queer.” I use it as originally defined, and only when things are, legitimately, queer. “Gay” as happy-go-lucky doesn’t come up as often, though though I do use it without any connection to sexuality in any context of the conversation. To me it sounds like the use would be more sarcastic about someone/thing being RenFaire-esque. Note: Ren Faires are dope.

    I popped over to two hospitals and a clinic to follow-up/inquire about online applications I sent in. On two ‘Just Show a Face and Make an Impression’ Hail Mary’s, I got names and email and phone numbers I can further scope. The clinic-y one is a ‘clerical, receptionist and phlebotomy’ post I saw and seems a perfect toe-in. I’d enjoy being the utility-man dude in the office. Seems less insane than being THE ONLY phlebotomist/etc in the place.

    Many things await, somewhere. Hrm. Therapist did say yesterday I have a habit of uplifting everything, even when there isn’t much buoyancy. My response about not having negative responses to shit brought me to Bridge of Spies: “Would it help?”

    • Tonio

      Thanks, Evan.

      And best wishes on your journey to be a Flea Bottom-ist.

      • Evan from Evansville

        ‘Must’ I be a bottom for Flea? I don’t think he swings that way, but l’d do whatever. I’m not gay –nor gay for pay- but I’d certainly go Gay for Say. Flea and Clint Eastwood? (I’m sure more.) I don’t mind what they want from me. As long as it ain’t too beyond the pale, I’m game for whatever if I can hang out, hopefully chat.

        This Boy can dream, and often does in strange ways.

  36. Tundra


    Honey Harvest® is right around the corner. Third Sunday in September which makes it 9/15 this year. Seriously. The first is on a Sunday. Go figure.

    I will be sending out the first email o’ deets shortly. If you think you have what it takes, shoot me an email at minnetundra@ geeee mail and I will make sure you are included in the exclusive, yet inclusive, list.

    Thank you for your time.

    Homos welcome. Just sayin’.

    • R.J.

      Please do. I need details to plan ahead or I won’t make it. I think DEG is in agreement.

      • Tundra

        He’s training. Don’t bring him into this.

        I’m gonna shoot something out this weekend so don’t fuck around procrastinators!

    • R.J.

      Mock Star! Where have you been?

      • mock-star

        Breezewood, lol.

        But seriously, was just working alot of overtime before going on vacation. And then was on vacation.

    • mock-star

      Parts of the movie “The Road” were filmed at these tunnels. I occasionally walk or ride my bike through there. Also filmed there? This music video.

      • creech

        I drove by yesterday on the turnpike, and was looking for the abandoned railroad tunnels but didn’t see them.
        I thought the Turnpike folks had closed them off years ago? Are they next to Blue Mountain, Kittatiny, or Tuscarora (south or west side) and are they visible from Pike?

      • creech

        Answered my own questions by internet search. I had always thought the three “missing” tunnels had been “daylighted.”

  37. R C Dean

    Interesting thought:

    Israel hasn’t claimed responsibility for killing the Hamas dude in Teheran. I would expect an international terrorist/crime lord would have lots of enemies, even (especially?) in Iran. Could be an internal power struggle at Hamas, some kind of spat between Hamas and the mullahs, who knows?

    But it sure is convenient for the other suspects to accuse Israel.