Sunday Morning I Give Up Links

by | Aug 4, 2024 | Daily Links | 138 comments

Well, that didn’t take long. I keep vowing to stop dating; when you limit the pool to age-appropriate women in western New York who aren’t hose beasts, it’s cray-cray time. They all seem to be retired elementary school teachers with terminal TDS and an intellect that would have to be much deeper to qualify as superficial. But like Charlie Brown, I am continually sucked back in when Lucy shows me a football. The latest was an attorney and former president of a Fortune 500 company you all would know. So clearly not dumb and very accomplished. Unlike all those elementary school teachers, didn’t bring up Trump in the first ten minutes of our conversations. But that was a ruse. After sucking me in for a couple weeks, she popped the T question. My usual non-committal answer (“I hate everybody”) was unsatisfactory. And she sent me a link to possibly the stupidest, whiniest thing I’ve ever read.

So I’m doubling down on my resolution to stop dating. I’ll take care of biological needs with the occasional booty call with Tomb Raider, the even more occasional exchange of bodily fluids with another long-time friend, but otherwise give up. This time for sure! I swear. Pinky swear.

And people who hadn’t given up and got themselves born include a guy who was the bride of Frankenstein; a guy who was full of energy; the guy Kamala says she worships; the god of overpriced unreliable pussy magnets; a representative of the gerontocracy of teetotalers; a loudmouth moron and disgrace to her profession who made you long for the gentle good looks of Rashida Tlaib; an amazing and underappreciated musician who was also an incredibly nice guy and tolerated the Young Man With Candy’s idiot questions; the very best part of Homicide and Groove Tube; a guy most famous for puking on the shoes of a Supreme Court justice; and a candidate for the most evil individuals to ever come out of Chicago and gets a shout-out in the Links today.

With that cheery stuff behind us, let’s read some news.

The Leftist knives are out.

Look, if Biden could bang his babysitter and that’s cool, why is this a problem?

And the music world is now a bit better than it was.

Wouldn’t it be a pity. A pity, I tells ya.

We can only pray that this evil fuck kicks it quickly.

Ow My Balls!

A long-form piece absolutely worth reading, just to better understand Obama’s goals- and how he’s still effectively the president.

Freddie Green was iconic. We even still talk about Green chords, the way he changed them on every beat, doing the perfect comp. And on lead, a birthday boy. The Old Guy is grinning ear to ear.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Ted S.

    a guy who was the bride of Frankenstein;

    Happy birthday Charles Laughton!

  2. Drake

    As soon as I saw it was by John Scalzi, I knew it would be stupid.

    • DrOtto

      *takes a shot everytime he says “racist” or “racism” – dies of alcohol poisoning before even getting halfway through rant*

      • Sensei


        OT question. I didn’t realize until I saw a video that independent shops report service history to CarFax. Is that commonly done?

        Most of my service is done by an independent, I keep my own records as proof of service. I didn’t expect CarFax to chase independents.

      • DrOtto

        I think bigger chains report. I know I don’t and am not aware that I can report svcs performed. I also keep records/log books for my personal cars and find them superior to CarFax. On several of my personal vehicles, I’ve had insurance stuff that has not made it onto CarFax for some reason.

      • Sensei


      • Gustave Lytton

        Not in the industry, but I suspect some client management software is funneling it. When my car was totaled, the carfax report was attached to the appraisal/claim as part of the odometer chain and no suspected rollback. It had dealer entries from long ago and a couple of entries from my independent shop for the past year or three. About the time they switched to a new system and invoice printout.

      • Sensei

        Yeah, my thinking was some client management software reports it.

        It makes for an interesting business case as you could use it to offer software at a reduced rate to independents.

    • DrOtto

      I think the proper response to the tired old trope that Trump is a racist would be “OK, so you’re good with anti-semitism, then?” With the fact there is a loud and growing wing of the left that are literal anti-semites.

    • slumbrew

      When I checked the link I thought, “fuckin’ Scalzi” and kept moving.

      I try to separate art from artist but I can’t with him – “Old Man’s War” was great but I just can’t give him any more money.

      • Drake

        That was a great book. Then I read a couple of the sequels, realized where he was going with his commie BS and never picked up one of his books again.

    • Chafed

      I have no idea who he is. Read the article and concluded I don’t want to know.

    • SDF-7

      Looks like that got peacock-blocked.

      • Ted S.

        Fuckers. I saw it before the block. 🙁

    • Suthenboy

      Well look at that…memory holed.

      • Ted S.

        Not memory-holed, copyright-blocked.

        The video is of a pole-vaulter whose package you can clearly see through the form-fitting shorts; when he vaults it looks very suspiciously like the package is what grazes against the bar and knocks it off.

        But you conspiracy theorists keep doing you.

      • Ted S.

        Or, see Sensei’s post below.

      • Suthenboy

        And this copyright owner blocked all of their videos?
        Leave me alone about my conspiracy theories…they comfort me.

  3. Shpip

    “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro wrote. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”

    I can’t say that he was wrong, though 1993-era me would’ve probably written something like “They, like sub-Saharan Africans, simply lack the mental horsepower to maintain what we would recognize as a functioning government.”

    • Suthenboy

      It has nothing to do with race or innate intelligence. It is 100% culture. They have deliberately developed their culture into a cult of hate, rape and murder. It is remarkable that any culture could slide so far onto the dark side, but then it has happened before. Look at the Aztecs and other meso-americans. No doubt cultures everywhere in the world at one time or another existed. Today it is the Palis, the bad seed child of other ME cultures. The culture really does need to be stamped out.

      • juris imprudent

        Kinda makes you understand why no other ME country wants them as a permanent part of their own population.

      • Homple

        Well, here we are. What’s to be done about them?

      • Chafed

        Absolutely right Suthen. I’ll add it’s an openly Islamist culture the American Left refuses to acknowledge.

      • Spudalicious

        There’s a reason why the rest of the Arab countries want nothing to do with them. Jordan booted them and refused to let them return, and Assad slaughtered 200,000 while expelling them from the country. They’re more than happy to let Israel deal with them while they “tsk, tsk” from the sidelines. And they’re aligned with Iran.

    • SDF-7

      True enough — if we interpret “battle minded” as “too focused on teaching hate and terror to their children to actually build a functioning society” I’m not sure I’d argue with it now and certainly wouldn’t have oh… September 12, 2001… probably some other days as well. Is it genetic or something? No — but it is certainly cultural and they need a major cultural change to function as a country in any solution.

      I’d personally wager that even if they magically got everything they want and Israel were gone tomorrow, they’d find someone else to blame and go to war with tout de suite.

      What I was going to say separately, but for thread compaction it made sense to add it here — was that putting aside the content, and yes — acknowledging that 18+ is adulthood… I still wouldn’t seriously hold anyone accountable for whatever jackassery they wrote in college, especially 30+ years ago college. One would hope whatever view they have is now more nuanced, assuming they weren’t just either trolling or trying to get in some co-eds pants by agreeing with her stupid philosophies.

      So non / stupid story as far as I’m concerned.

      • rhywun

        they’d find someone else to blame

        I don’t think I agree. They (and much of the ME in general) is laser-focused on hating Jews. If Israel ceased to exist they would probably just melt into Jordan or something.

      • Suthenboy

        I disagree Rhy….envy doesnt just disappear like that. As Sowell pointed out the only thing the Jews can do to get people to stop hating them is to fail. Envy is at the root of anti-semitism.
        The Palis would simple replace Israel with America. They have gone too far down the road to evil to turn back now.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        If Israel ceased to exist, they would create another.

        Israel gives them a reason to exist, and, just like any NGO that solved the issue they were created to fight, once the enemy is defeated they immediately find a new enemy.

      • Chafed

        Rhywun they would not melt into Jordan. Look up Black September. Jordan won’t take them under any circumstances because they recognize a mortal threat.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Neither Jordan nor Egypt want their lost territory and Palestinians back.

    • rhywun

      It expressed opinions contradicting the official’s current stance. One key issue is that he now claims to support a two-state solution and, by extension, the establishment of a Palestinian state.

      Amazingly, his current stance matches what is expected of a “moderate Democrat” 🙄

      • Drake

        The alternatives are?

        Ethnic cleansing / genocide which many claim is happening now?

        Continued conflict and occupation? The IDF is reportedly exhausted and it may flare into a war in Syria and Lebanon. Last time Israel went there, things turned out poorly.

        Maybe something like what Russia wanted with the Ukraine – strict neutrality, arms limits and inspections, along with a hell of a border wall?

        I hope Israel continues to exist, but continual war is not the way. They lose 1 war badly and it’s over.

      • SDF-7

        I’m sure there are many, many reasons it would never work (and it would still be spun as a “genocide” — but forcible relocation to Iran since they’re so invested in “supporting” them is the less charitable thought I have.

        I don’t have an actual solution, frankly — though I honestly wouldn’t blame Israel for literally killing every single Palestinian “leader” at this point who’s ever stated they need to kill Israelis / are at war with them, etc… treat them like enemy combatants (because they are). See if you can get someone you can work with after that, if not — you have to repeat until you do. Bloody, awful (and bloody awful) — but I don’t think we’ve ever expected in the history of humanity people to just ignore repeated attacks from another group that swears they want to kill them all, and I don’t see why we should start with Israel.

  4. Shpip

    “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Carter told his son Chip last week, according to his grandson Jason Carter in a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper.

    Doesn’t matter if he lives until November or not — he’ll still cast a vote for Harris.

    • SDF-7

      I think he’s less likely to if he lives.

    • Suthenboy

      Of course. He is a commie as much as she is.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Nah, he’s another semi-sentient ancient at this point that the Dems are propping up for political purposes. Just like Biden with a Georgia accent but not as much of an asshole.

  5. SDF-7

    Sorry about the dating pool for you, OMWC. Already mentioned I can’t imagine ever dating again regardless, so I can only admire your tenacity from very far afield, I’m afraid.

    the stupidest, whiniest thing I’ve ever read.

    One obvious note on that blog post — nowhere in it (but granted, after a short while I started skimming because I detected little of actual value) did I see any actual evidence of what precisely was “sexist”, “racist”, “bigoted” or whatnot. I’m assuming the “grab ’em” line perhaps (though obviously I differ in that interpretation) and perhaps the anti-illegal immigrant lines. But he never says and for all I know is just ascribing motives to the OMB baby balloon floating in his nightmares or something. All the clapping seals in his comments made it no clearer. So I remain unconvinced by his repeated entreaties that condoning OMB is condoning all these things since he never proved his premise.

    Which is a typically long winded way of saying “Yeah.. that was pretty dumb, man.” Sorry. But good morning, all!

    • juris imprudent

      Not to mention the age of the piece. I mean c’mon, that’s phoning it in. You had his whole administration and all the time after that, and THAT’s the point you’re going to harp on?

    • Drake

      I hope I’m never back out in the dating pool – but the options here in the deep south seem far better than NPR ladies.

    • The Last American Hero

      My friends in a similar situation have described the dating pool as a “sea of shit” but you only need to find one diamond in that sea of shit.

  6. rhywun

    upset that I pointed out that voting for a public racist with clear racist policies means that one is abetting racism

    But enough about Joe Biden.

    • SDF-7

      At least such an administration would be wired (daily)!

    • Chafed

      Spot on.

  7. Sensei

    OMWC somehow my wife and I manage to hold different political views. When I met her she was a centrist Democrat.

    After a child and seeing both the lunacy of Team Blue and its hostility to religion she has now gone mostly full Team Red. Sigh..

    However, somehow we find other things to discuss and do in quarter century of marriage. I don’t know if it’s a sign of the times or what that everything has to revolve around politics.

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      Yeah, the wife and I both started on the left, me a pretty conservative Dem, she a mildly liberal Dem. But as I have become much more libertarian (both small l and large), she has moved to a more… I don’t know how to exactly describe it, but certainly not an orthodox Lib.

      But we just don’t talk politics except in the most roundabout ways. No signs in the yard, no NPR playing, no podcasts outside of earphones. It makes life a lot nicer.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Good move on the no NPR policy. I had the misfortune of having to ride around with a coworker who had NPR playing a couple of weeks ago. I’m so happy that my taxes go towards that completely biased trash.

      • DrOtto

        What’s crazy to me as someone who occasionally listened, as recently as 10 years ago, it was not as lopsided as it instantly became in late 2016 for some strange reason.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        Yeah, I used to listen to it, and up until then they were definitely left, but still listenable. Now? Completely gone to shit.

      • The Last American Hero

        Whenever someone says they heard it on NPR, I say “That’s just lefty Fox News with classical music.” Leaves them slack jawed.

  8. SDF-7

    Look, if Biden could bang his babysitter and that’s cool, why is this a problem?

    Not to mention this is one of the things that broke up his first marriage before Kamala…. so I completely fail to see any relevance to her campaign. Muck rackers, muck rakers rake me some muck…. Find me some sludge, make me give a fuck….. Dredging up old sins a pol can get burned… so find every ex that was spurned!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The British press are equal opportunity scumbags when it comes to anything with a sex angle. For whatever reason the Brits eat that shit up.

    • The Last American Hero

      There is about as much relevance as going over Trump’s dating history, yet that comes up about every 2-3 weeks in the campaign.

      • Evan from Evansville

        And his hyper (purposefully) misunderstood, exaggerated (legit) Locker Room pussy Talk, let alone poring over his whatever- relationship w Stormy in court, or sex abuse cases brought up ~30 years later.. Yeah. If ‘every’ pols sex life is put through a lens, then it should be “Every” pol, not just those Blue don’t like.

        *I don’t think any of it is politically relevant, but rivals/ papers+ have always done this. “Find some shit on Pol y’s character! ANYTHING!” Sex sells, and it puts their moral compass on stage. It isn’t too useful, IMO, but uh. If Their dagger’s out, then best get Yours out, sharp!

  9. Shpip

    The Tuesday primary, whose winner will be the clear favorite to represent the state’s Democratic-leaning 1st Congressional District, has turned contentious amid a bitter divide within the party. Now, progressives fear what happened to Bowman in New York is happening all over again with Bush.

    Bell, a centrist who allies insist is a progressive prosecutor, has criticized Bush as being so far-left that she’s out of place in the party. He has argued she has a bad record in the House and has highlighted the number of times she’s missed votes on Capitol Hill.

    When you’re too much of a clown show for a majority-minority district…

  10. SDF-7

    and how he’s still effectively the president.

    Paging Alex…. AlexinCT to the white courtesy phone

    • Chafed

      Alex must be busy if he missed that slow pitch over the middle.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Can you imagine how much pussy this is getting him?

      • Ted S.

        Maybe you can be his wingman.

      • Suthenboy

        Is? You mean will, after he takes the ice packs off.

    • juris imprudent

      I think that’s the same one Ted S was talking about.

    • EvilSheldon

      Hopefully some interviewer will have the balls to ask Ammirati about trans athletes and competitive advantage.

  11. Suthenboy

    Re: Dating
    Thank God I dont have to worry about that. My father told me the other day he saw a story showing 60% of women under 40 today need some kind of psychiatric care. My response: “So it is true. Nothing ever changes.”
    Sexist joke aside I have little doubt the same is true of men.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Your joke’s correct actually because the APA has overpathologized quirky behaviors that used to be either dismissed or peer-pressured out of existence. Most of those people, although they’re hard to talk to and may be a pain in the ass to deal with, aren’t mentally ill.

      • Suthenboy

        True for that and for a lot of other areas. The APA is a political / politically correct organization.
        I do remember back in the olden times at TOS I went and looked at quite a few prominent liberal women commentators and found that every single one of them confessed on their personal websites that they suffered from some flavor of nuts. After having a look at them I did a family guy style backing out into the shrubbery.

      • Gdragon

        Your attitude about this is all wrong Stinky. You know what you probably need for that? A pill 😉

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I’ll defend to the death the wonders those little pills have had on my mental health. In fact, I wonder how I stumbled through life without them (well, it’s in the word “stumbled”).


        I recently stopped taking my anxiolytic because I just had nothing to be anxious about anymore and I felt the time I needed that was over. Boy, do I feel a lot better. More energy, less sleepiness, sleeping better, happier, less dread about doing anything outside the bare minimum, and not wanting to eat as much, just overall in a much better headspace.

        There was, once upon a time, a need for it. Now there’s not.

      • Gdragon

        I’m glad to hear that you are doing so well Mojeaux. I definitely wasn’t trying to imply that they aren’t helpful/necessary for anyone (I’m assuming based on the civility of your response that you didn’t take it that way but I thought I should clarify this anyway).

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Oh, no, I didn’t take it that way. I don’t talk too much about it here (I don’t think) because I know medication and therapy are looked down upon in these here parts, but medication has done wonders for me and my kids. Sadly, my kids got my issues and I don’t think any of us would be doing very well without it. I’m a little envious because I sure could’ve used some chemical help in my late teens and 20s (and 30s).

  12. SDF-7

    I played 08/04:
    *19/19 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 08/04:
    *55/55 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 8% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 497

  13. rhywun

    A long-form piece absolutely worth reading, just to better understand Obama’s goals- and how he’s still effectively the president.

    Maybe when Iran is rid of those pesky Jews Obama will have finally earned that Nobel.

    • Chafed

      You mean a second one?

  14. Sensei

    Would you like to know why we all pay so much for uninsured / underinsured motorist?

    After the police report and speaking with our insurance, all I know for certain is:

    The driver initially did not want to give insurance nor involve the police
    The driver then said they had motorcycle insurance info, which…thanks but no thanks
    It was not the drivers car, it was a friend’s car they were driving
    The car lapsed on insurance a week before the incident and was uninsured at the time of the accident

    • Grumbletarian

      She had to have not been looking behind her, or at any backup camera screen. Probably on her phone.

    • DrOtto

      It’s almost like she forgot she was still backing up. Where the fuck was she trying to go?

  15. Grumbletarian

    The Cinemax Theory of Racism

    JFC. Then by the ‘logic; in that article, leftists subscribe to antisemitism, mass murder, authoritarianism, lawfare…

    • Sensei

      And your point? /s

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      Wait, isn’t the Cinemax theory of, well, anything that no matter how much crap you are willing to sit through, you will do it on the off chance of seeing some tiddies?

      Not sure what that has to do with racism.

      • Gdragon

        RIP Nikki Fritz.

      • Chafed

        That’s my understanding.

    • Old Man With Candy


      • Chafed

        You deserved it.


      Steven Tyler Pre-Betty Ford is markedly better than post-Betty Ford Steven Tyler.

      • DrOtto

        So much this

  16. KSuellington

    Watch out with this “giving up” stuff. That is a super attractant to women. I give it 6 months or so before you can’t resist the advances of one. Maybe less.

    • Old Man With Candy

      The problem isn’t attracting women- I seem to do that just fine, for reasons I don’t totally understand. The issue is that it’s a limited demographic, VERY limited in this part of the world, and the correlation between being in the dateable demographic and TDS is pretty much 1.0.

  17. Sensei

    I Found a Completely New, Unorthodox Way to Eat Chicken. You’re Not Gonna Like It.

    23 hours ago
    Luke Winkie


    Can you ever reach peak clickbait headline in this new media world?

    • SDF-7

      “10 new ways to reach peak clickbait — number 3 will shock you!”

  18. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “We can only pray that this evil fuck kicks it quickly.”

    How would that stop him from voting for Harris?

    Never thought about it, but what if someone dies after they send their ballot in but before election Day?

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      We find out they quickly changed their vote to Dem?

  19. The Late P Brooks

    This time for sure!

    There’s a rabbit in there somewhere, Bullwinkle.

    • Old Man With Candy

      That’s really quite good. And the suggestion to burn the haystack is an excellent one. I think the outcome will be the same, but I’ll waste a lot less of my time and theirs.

  20. Gender Traitor

    attorney and former president of a Fortune 500 company

    Now see, I would consider those potential red flags…

    • Old Man With Candy

      I would have thought that running a large business and having ultimate P&L responsibility might imbue a more sensible social attitude and cynicism toward the regulatory state. Apparently not.

      • Gender Traitor

        What occurred to me is that this combination of professions doesn’t necessarily correlate with the personality trait “easygoing.”

      • Old Man With Candy

        “Easygoing” is not one of my criteria. I am admittedly living a very frenetic life, verging on Type A stuff, and easygoing people will usually have difficulty with that.

      • Chafed

        I’m genuinely surprised. Even if she is a Dem, with that type of responsibility I would expect her to have the social skills to get along with a wide variety of people.

      • Gustave Lytton

        That used to be the case. President of a company with a JD is a red flag for the modern business manager.

  21. EvilSheldon

    Sweet drunken Enkidu, she sent you a John Scalzi link? I’d have ended things just for that alone.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I never heard of the guy before. And now I’m sorry I did.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        What, you aren’t into crap SciFi?

  22. The Late P Brooks

    I have no problem with “being alone”.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Far right extremism at work

    The United Kingdom woke up Sunday morning to city streets covered in debris and smoldering rubbish as a weekend of far-right, anti-immigration demonstrations — stoked by conspiracy theories spread on social media — erupted into violence in seven cities across the nation.

    Police arrested at least 100 people, and riot police wearing helmets and holding shields came out in force as Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledged to take action against “extremists.”

    On Saturday, groups in Leeds waving St. George’s Cross flags, England’s national flag regularly flown by far-right groups, shouted “Muslims off our streets,” pairing it with a slur suggesting they were criminal child abusers. In the city of Hull, rioters threw bottles and smashed a window at a hotel housing asylum-seekers as demonstrators clashed with police.

    What started as targeted anti-immigration demonstrations quickly descended into directionless disorder. A library in Liverpool, reopened in 2023 as an “education to employment” service for people of all abilities, was set ablaze.

    Totally irrational behavior on the part of racist hooligans.

  24. SDF-7

    This is more than a little depressing, a sure sign we need to teach civics again instead of Cultural Marxism — and a ringing endorsement of just why we should be glad we’re set up as a system that makes it harder for the majority to strip the rights of the minority.

    I don’t want to think ill of my fellow citizens… but “Baaaa! Baaaaa!” is all I can think after reading that. Yeesh.

    • Chafed


  25. Nephilium

    Lucy shows me a football

    She only has to show one to shut down your brain? Not even both of them?

    • Gdragon

      Lucy has some big ass tittays!!!

  26. The Late P Brooks

    True American patriots

    Vice President Harris’s campaign launched “Republicans for Harris” with more than 25 GOP endorsements, including former secretaries Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood, as well as former GOP governors and lawmakers.

    The campaign announced Sunday that Trump-era White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye, ex-national security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, also endorsed Harris.

    Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska and Defense secretary, and LaHood, a GOP congressman from Illinois and Transportation secretary, both served under former President Obama.

    Additionally, former Reps. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.), Joe Wash (R-Ill.) and Susan Molinari (R-N.Y.), put their support behind Harris in November, as well as former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who had endorsed President Biden when he was the top of the ticket. The vice president replaced Biden after the incumbent stepped aside last month following a disastrous debate performance and multiple calls from Democrats to drop out of the race.

    “I encourage other Trump administration officials who saw the tyrant we worked for in office to speak out and stand with Kamala Harris this November to keep integrity in the White House and ensure democracy for our country,” Grisham said in a statement.

    Blah blah fucking blah. The pantomime dragon will burn your house down and eat your children.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Troye added, “The stakes are too high to let partisanship jeopardize our freedoms and the Constitution.”

    These fucking people are like the cartoon housewife standing on a chair shrieking in terror at a a cartoon mouse.

  28. Tundra

    the god of overpriced unreliable pussy magnets;

    Erroneous. 99 percent of chicks wouldn’t recognize them nor are they any less reliable than any other high end beastie.

    You just hate Italians.

    • DrOtto

      Not entirely true, a new Maserati SUV passed by and while my wife didn’t say “that’s a Maserati” she asked what it was and when I told her, she said “I like that”. My knee-jerk reaction should be to always just say “Hyundai”.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The other night, I think it was on pluto (the channel, not the cartoon dog), I was treated repeatedly to a truly creepy ad featuring a fine looking suburban white woman blabbering about how scary and dangerous the world is now, pitching some sort of on line background check ad. So many strangers out there. How do you know the guy who answered your baby bed ad on craigslist won’t rape you and kill you? Get his info and do a security clearance on him. You need somebody to trim that tree out back? You know what to do.

    • Ted S.

      How *do* we know P Brooks won’t rape and kill you?

      We do know he’ll rape and kill threading….

    • Gdragon


  30. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Former neighbor: “we should get together. Maybe in 2 or 3 weeks?”

    Me: “I’ll be down there two weeks from today, as a matter of fact”

    Former neighbor: “I’ll be out of town that day”

    Then why did you suggest two weeks?????

  31. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Unearthed footage of OMWC in San Fran

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Republicans for Harris will focus on activating GOP voices “to speak to their friends and family about the importance of voting for the Vice President,” according to the campaign, which described the group as a “campaign within a campaign.” The group will have kick off events Monday in battleground states Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

    Harangue your friends and relatives about politics. Proselytize for the Messiah.

    It’s so fucking tedious.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Mitten reporting for duty! 🫡

  33. Gustave Lytton

    The Skinamax Theory of Racism? People screw each other, regardless of color, at the drop of the hat?

  34. The Late P Brooks


    Heat training is not just for competitive athletes. It’s recommended for people in the military and those who work outdoors in hot weather. It could even be useful for generally healthy members of the public, O’Connor says. “People should not be afraid of the heat,” he says. “We can develop and add an adaptive response to help us succeed in the heat. But it’s got to be controlled.”

    Done right, heat training could help people stay a bit more comfortable in the long, intense stretches of heat marking the extraordinarily hot summer of 2024 and future heat waves expected more frequently due to climate change.

    Don’t be crazy. Stay in your refrigerated sanctuary.

    • Gender Traitor

      Yeah, apparently “hot yoga” is a thing. Hard pass.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’ve tried it. You get a surprising endorphin rush out of Bikram Yoga.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      At Soviet Olympics, heat training not just for competitive athletes, but also for noncompetitive athletes.

  35. Gdragon

    Skinemax Racism is when elevator music plays as the Klan marches…

  36. cavalier973

    So, Team Obama is trying to get the US into a shooting war with Israel?

  37. tarran

    OMWC. I am disappoint. You should have responded with Anatomy of the State.

    Who knows? you might have converted her into being one of us!

    My wife, whom I met on eHarmony, is a recovering progressive democrat. She recognized about 15 years ago that MSNBC and CNN were hurting her emotional health and disconnected. She is now very apoliticial – with the exception of being a Rothbardian anarchist when it comes to regulation of the insurance industry, demonstrating the adage that everyone is libertarian about what he or she knows well. Her family are Minnesota progressives – German/Swedish farmers and brewers who now largely work in the education and health care industry and she had grown up just assuming the progressivism was what good people believed.

    She hates, hates, hates, hates the quiltbag movement for what it’s doing to kids.

    She’s gone from considering anarchism from being evil to merely thinking that we’re weird. And, after I got us exiled from the anti-Trump family group chat, and after she got over her fury at me due to the snippy text I had sent to her mom that got us exiled, she seemed relieved that the craziness was over.

    Long story short, they can be trained to tolerate us, and be tolerable in turn. 🙂

    • Suthenboy

      You aren’t going to tell us what the snippy text was? C’mon, you cant just leave a mysterious package laying about with a tag that says ‘DO NOT OPEN’.

  38. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Updated phpBB successfully. Still don’t know how to run an SQL query.