1. AlexinCT

    Democratic Party Officially Nominates Harris as Presidential Candidate

    The party fighting for democracy, after running a fake primary where they had the idiots in the party vote for a vegetable, picks a nominee nobody got to vote on, and will be screaming that they are doing all this shit – including keeping her away from media so nobody finds out she is a dumb cunte – to save democracy…

    • SDF-7

      It is a matter of National Security that we be ruled by our betters controlling the Party after all….

      That’s what post-WWII America is all about! (salt the earth…)

  2. SDF-7

    16 Days: Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee

    The Basement Brigade worked last go ’round — might as well try again since this version of the puppet isn’t much better in public than the last one.

    Morning, Banjos! Morning all!

    • Not Adahn

      Without her doing anything, it lets here supporters in the media run hagiographies and ads for her uninterrupted.

      NPR has been doing a series, interviewing people who love her. Oddly enough they have not chosen to interview anyone she wrongfully convicted.

      • Tonio

        “Hagiographies” for the win.

  3. AlexinCT

    16 Days: Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee

    That’s all part of the plan. If this woman is allowed to talk, people will figure out she is dumb as hell. They are again doing everything they can to rig the election.

    • Tonio

      I’m wondering if that before the election we will see them trying to normalize her word salad style of speaking by having the media imitate that.

      • Ownbestenemy

        It will start with the View doing some explainer that this is how women of power speak or some bullshit. Then get the TikTok brigade to also do it…I can see it happening for sure.

      • Nephilium

        That isn’t what the big push for AI LLM writing is?

      • bacon-magic

        We don’t use colonizer cis-white male privilege language, we are unburdened by what has been! – screeching harpy

      • The Other Kevin

        “That’s how black people speak, bigot!”

      • Suthenboy

        Bingo Tonio. I saw one doing that last night. I cant remember but half way through his first sentence I got it. What a surprise.
        I have seen that guy before and it was not his style of speaking at all. Complete word salad.

      • Urthona

        She’s winning in the polls now so probably they won’t even bother.

  4. AlexinCT

    Google Loses Major Antitrust Case as Judge Rules They Illegally Held Monopoly on Search and Text Advertising

    Google is owned and protected by the CIA. This will do them no harm. Don’t fall for this crap. And this ruling will not change the actions of Google to help the cabal of evil crooks to rig the 2024 elections like they did 2020.

    • SDF-7

      I think you’re wrong, Alex…

      NSA is my bet.

      • AlexinCT

        You should look up what entity gave Brin and the other asshat that started Alphabet their startup money, and then access to US government satellite – in real time – to create Google maps, which was one of the major efforts that made Google a behemoth. I am sure all US intel agencies are now involved, but that evil entity was birthed by the CIA.

      • SDF-7

        Interesting — I lean towards NSA because everything is mirrored/funneled through their data centers these days. Granted, they’re probably just fronting for the CIA I suppose (since the Company isn’t supposed to be doing domestic surveillance [HA! AS IF!] and all)… but it looks like more long term benefit to them, hence the expectation.

      • juris imprudent

        Google bought Keystone which was the company that had developed what we now call GoogleEarth. Google didn’t create that.

      • UnCivilServant

        When a tech company reaches a certain age, it’s R&D becomes M&A.

  5. SDF-7

    Kamala Harris makes several about-faces on key policies as she maneuvers to face Donald Trump

    She’s just moving from today into tomorrow unburdened by what has gone before or something.

    Personally, I’m more of the opinion that she’s 100% on board with everything the “Biden” admin has been doing the whole time (being reminded of her positions in 2020 and comparing them with the actions of the “Biden” admin…. I’d say she’s been in charge except — I don’t think she could actually be in charge of anything. So I just think she’s happily in the same out-there-left-wing as those actually running the show…) and she’ll flip right back if they pull off the election. Shocker, I know.

    • rhywun

      She was “farthest left senator” or something.

      Yet it won’t be good enough for the antifa brigades that will be protesting in Chicago. Whee!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I have a feeling something is in the works to shut up Antifa folks. Obama is involved, Chicago politics will be in play.

      • AlexinCT

        Antifa gets to riot and cause mayhem, financed and organized by entities tied to a party that favors blue, because the people that control the authorities turn a blind eye to it. These people will just deny the organizers the money machine, and that by itself will leave them en extrmis. But you can bet your ass that the cops in Chicago will be told to break any heads that still show up to cause problems for the team blue coronation of the new face those that wield power want to socialize.

      • juris imprudent

        The Revolution always eats its own.

  6. SDF-7

    Biden meeting with national security team amid anticipated Iran attack on Israel

    Quick! Send them a few more pallets of billions, Joe! That’s helped things so much!

    Plus Dearborn will like it….

    • UnCivilServant

      I’d sooner give their nuclear program a firsthand demonstration of what the end result is supposed to look like. A ground zero eye view, as it were.

    • rhywun

      The whole Obama-Biden-etc push to make Iran the regional hegemon is really unbelievable.

      • DrOtto

        What could possibly go wrong? Trumps idea of shreading the Iran nuclear agreement and then pushing the Abraham Accords to help normalize Isreals relationships in the ME wasn’t making the MIC any money. You need instability for that to work.

  7. AlexinCT

    Former Secret Service Chief Wanted To Destroy Cocaine Evidence Found in White House Last Summer

    Does anyone still believe the USSS couldn’t figure out whom brought in the cocaine and who was snorting it? No, they knew all this, and because the head of the agency was put there to protect the vegetable in chief’s crooked admin, the law instead of doing what it should have, worked to bury the truth from the American people.

    • Gustave Lytton

      SS has seen their job for years to “protect” their principals by covering up illegal behavior. Underage drinking and clubbing by the Bush and Obama girls was completely glossed over once People ran their stories. Tip of the iceberg and illustrates how their approach their job.

  8. AlexinCT

    Biden meeting with national security team amid anticipated Iran attack on Israel

    I call bullshit. There is no way Biden is meeting with anyone about anything serious. He has not done that for 4 years now. I ask again: who is really running the country and has been running it for the last 4 years??

    • SDF-7

      Dude — OMWC set you up with a gorram teeball stand on Sunday. Don’t blame us that you missed saying it then! 😉

      • UnCivilServant

        The Weekend mourning Lynx Crowd is different from the Weekday morning links crowd.

    • juris imprudent

      Mostly the same people that ran it during Trump’s [last & next] four years.

      • SDF-7

        Dark Cracky protects His own…… This is not the link you’re looking for…..

      • AlexinCT

        Economic growth!

    • juris imprudent

      Good Samaritan discovered the drugs & contacted authorities.

      Florida Man, I am very disappoint.

      • UnCivilServant

        “I can’t move three million… what do I do with the rest of it?”

      • Nephilium

        As long as he kept the gold bars and doubloons.

      • The Other Kevin

        Opportunity missed. Think of how fast a cleanup crew could work with all of that.

  9. SDF-7

    Hurricane Debby Leaves At Least 4 Dead As It Weakens To Tropical Storm

    Not Debby’s greatest offense, I’m afraid…

  10. juris imprudent

    Another substack gem.

    If all this is right, then a partial solution to the Expertocracy and removing the sting of managerialism is the removal of universal education. But that doesn’t seem possible until a silver crucifix dipped in holy water is set on fire and slammed into the satanic heart of Equality.

    This, and a couple of other pieces he’s written are close to summarizing my thoughts on why the insanity we are living in is not a divergence from the Enlightenment, but the culmination of it.

    • AlexinCT

      Nothing has caused more harm to modern society than this belief that we should have things run by experts. These supposed experts tend to be nothing more than marxist indoctrinated credentialed fools that couldn’t wipe their own asses, but claim authority by virtue that they were fast tracked into universities that once were bastions of learning and whose names meant something, before marxist indoctrinators/administrators took it all over.

      • juris imprudent

        And yet, that belief in experts is central to the Enlightenment – which elevated reason and science to the summit of human thought. Not to mention the callback to Plato and his philosopher-kings.

        It isn’t marxist-indoctrination, it’s much worse than that.

      • AlexinCT

        It isn’t marxist-indoctrination, it’s much worse than that.

        Nothing is worse than marxism. It is a religious movement based on appeals to greed & envy – deadly sins – by new wanna be feudal lords. It provides the excuse for any and al evil to be committed on the path to create heaven on earth. At least other organized religions and other government movements always feared a higher power. Marxism only fears disappointing satan.

      • AlexinCT

        Plato was an idealist.

        All of the dumbest, most destructive, and deadly ideas to be foisted on humanity came from intellectual elites that never had to live out their beliefs, and most importantly the consequences of said beliefs, in the real world.

        There is a reason the credentialed elite class never holds itself to the laws and the systems it foists on the rest of us.

      • UnCivilServant

        “The Joke” >—>


      • AlexinCT

        Oh, I totally got your joke UCS. I just wanted to make that point.

      • juris imprudent

        Yes, there are worse things than Marxism Alex – you’re too much like a Baptist going on about Satan.

      • AlexinCT

        I go on about marxism, because I have seen first had the evils it wrought and put on an uniform to fight against it. That it keeps coming back like a vampire, irks the fuck out of me. There has been nothing that has done more evil and stacked more bodies than marxism.

      • juris imprudent

        There’s nothing Marxist about radical Islam or OG American progressivism. American education was fucked over by John Dewey before the Frankfurt School had even convened. Woodrow Wilson hated the Constitution because it didn’t fit with his idea of making us a better people – had jack shit to do with Marx. Marxism’s body count doesn’t even begin to rival the Muslim conquest of India. And yes, fascism is the retarded cousin of Marxism, but rejected Marx, so not exactly a direct descendant.

        Hell, even the Frankfurt School was conceding that Marx was wrong. That’s why they abandon his materialism and skin-suited the movement.

    • SDF-7

      I’m not sure I buy the premise. I think the managerial class and rise of stock-owned corporations was fairly inevitable just because of the increase in complexity in the modern world / size of companies. You have exceptions like Sam Walton who could take a small business, grow it and still keep effective control — but for most, organizations over a certain size are going to require delegation and some expectation of trust / competence, whether that’s from credentialism or some other means. Business schools would be inevitable — and the complexity of the modern world means that with apologies to Heinlein, very few people will be true generalists — so again, some pre-vetting / credentialism is fairly inevitable as you need other people to handle things you can’t / aren’t familiar with.

      I think that happens with or without “universal education”, frankly.

      • juris imprudent

        I agree to the extent that my belief is that bureaucracy is a condition of nearly all human organization, and business isn’t exempt (even if it has a limiting principle – the need to profit).

        Universalizing education is a bureaucratization itself – by enforcing a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach and standards. But his key point is the fetish of equality.

      • R C Dean

        “inevitable just because of the increase in complexity in the modern world / size of companies”

        A significant amount of that size complexity is created by and for the managerial class. Bureaucracy loves, and is, a self-licking ice cream cone.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        The enlightenment didn’t create the Ottoman empire bureaucrats, it didn’t create the the bureaucrats of the various Chinese dynasty’s.

        To blame the managerial class on this is an example of Post Hoc thinking, as it is a naturally occurring phenomenon throughout history, with different results in each incidence.

        The “fetish of equality” stems less from the enlightenment, as the idea of “all men are create equal” is simply a starting point, and not the be-all-end-all. No, the issue is the fetish part, which is decidedly not part of the enlightenment, but, rather, pre-enlightenment priest class thinking.

      • juris imprudent

        I agree Zwak – that’s the problem with the Judeo-Christian values that Nietzsche saw, and that it was inconsistent with the elevation of reason (and that Nietzsche disagreed with that elevation). He feared that conflict ending in nihilism, and has anyone been proven more right in the last 100 years?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      It’s all signaling.

    • Suthenboy

      Dont split hairs and get lost in semantics. Marxism is just one flavor of many different turds. The problem is collectivism and that seems to be hard-wired into the nature of a majority of the human race to one degree or another.

  11. AlexinCT

    Karma! Blue on blue conflict. The people that thought they would use one group to promote marxist evil now getting their comeuppance from the people they thought they would be using. What a bitch. And, oh yeah, there is never cheating in elections where team blue does the counting!

    • SDF-7

      “These guys go door to door and take people’s ballots. They bully them… intimidate.”

      Sounds like Minneapolis, if I recall the reports. And I’m sure many other places around the country as this has caught on. But yeah — it will end well to tribalize society more and more, just ask Birmingham, England these days!


        Best write it in Urdu, Pashto, or Quranic Arabic if you are planning on communicating with Modern Brummies.

    • Drake

      Is she retarded? Seriously? Biden was kind of dumb before he had his strokes and dementia. But she can’t be over a 75 IQ.

      Every time she talks, it’s like listening to an idiot s version of events.

      • AlexinCT

        Kamala was a master at using her female wiles to get favors from men in power. I am not sure that is a great skillset to qualify one to hold the top job on the planet. Then again, the people running things do not care anymore to fool the public into thinking their will or asks mean anything these days, so they would find fun in putting such an inept person on the throne as they run us all into the abyss.

    • SDF-7

      Well, at this point what difference it could make is a pointless squabble with Kemp GOP supporters who aren’t super Trump fans causing a repeat of 2020 where the GOP lost the Senate to radicals because of low turnout.

      So while it may be interesting — between that and OMB’s stupid comments over the weekend, SAVE IT FOR AFTER THE ELECTION. Put pressure behind the scenes if you can to ensure the election is run properly this time (and if you can’t, you’re probably scroomed [screwed and doomed, credit to Armstrong & Getty] anyway).

  12. Suthenboy

    Democratic Party nominates Kamalamadingdong. I note that it does not say Democratic Voters.

    They hid Joe in the basement, they are hiding this monster as well. She is a straight up communist and they dont want anyone noticing.

    Windsock changes her professed preferences to that of her opponent, actual preferences to be revealed after the election.

    And Biden meeting about Iran attack…because? How to undermine Israel’s defense and response?

    Hold your breath, hold your stocks.

    Re: Coke in the Whitehouse. I am finally convinced that the deep state backing the pinko party really is just crazy talk, a wild conspiracy theory.

    Debby – Bitch didn’t bring us any rain

    • Ownbestenemy

      I can see it now. 3 years into the Kamala Admin the news will suddenly come out and claim they should have vetted her when the DNC did the bait and switch. Just like they did with [insert whatever event here] they always do.

  13. Sensei

    “That primary was a distorting experience for a lot of people,” said one senior White House official, according to Politico.

    But dredging up stuff on JD Vance is in no way distorting. Right?

    • SDF-7

      That’s just weird.

    • Nephilium

      This is why I’m getting headlines about Harris’s husband’s ex-wife’s thoughts on Vance and the cat woman statement?

    • Sensei


    • PieInTheSky

      that is unnatural

      • AlexinCT

        Just getting the scent of other cats off the dog…

  14. Sensei

    Maybe if CA just progs even harder!

    As a result, resident Jessica Simpson Nehrer, who lives in Borrego Springs, near San Diego, has seen her electricity bill for her ranch-style house soar. It hit $1,873.90 in June, far exceeding her $1,200 rent and around double what it was two summers ago.

    Why Californians Have Some of the Highest Power Bills in the U.S.
    Utilities are investing billions to upgrade infrastructure and build out green


    • juris imprudent

      Anyone living in Borrego Springs in the summer must have a winter home in hell.

    • PieInTheSky

      eggs omelets souffles etc

    • SDF-7

      Because “green energy” isn’t economical or ready for wide scale rollout / base loading and because they let PG&E get away with pocketing rates / bribing regulators for decades instead of maintaining infrastructure as they were supposed to and are now just raising rates instead (while still probably bribing said regulators)?

      I’m sure the fuckups of Grey Davis and the screwed up nature of CA’s energy markets don’t help, been screwed up for as long as I’ve been here — but certainly trying to force everything to wind/solar, having little to no storage capacity and ditching natgas / nuclear doesn’t help.

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re supposed to give up your electrical use for the greater good, peasant.

      • AlexinCT

        The ONLY green energy that is immediately ready for use is nuclear, and it is absolutely telling that the peddlers of the insane green agenda find nuclear to be anathema to their cause.

      • rhywun

        The whole thing is a scam. It cannot work and they know it so meanwhile they’re just feeding at the trough as long as they can until it all goes tits up and they can retire in Bora Bora.

    • rhywun

      Reality is becoming too obvious to ignore. More of this, please.

  15. PieInTheSky

    Scientific American
    Dungeons & Dragon is rebranding its elves, dwarfs and orcs, previously referred to as races, and moving towards use of the term species | Opinion


    hmmm traditionally in fantasy they were called races. But if they become species does that mean no more half elves? Can different species produce viable offspring?

    • UnCivilServant

      They are not separate species. viable interbreeding has long been an element of the setting, so humans, elves and orcs are one species. Dwarves may be a separate species.

    • Nephilium

      Meh. I’m still getting over the culture shock of (essentially) going from 3.5 (Neverwinter Nights/Pathfinder CRPGs) to 5 (BG3). Wait… my paladin can lie and deceive with no penalties? And gets a bonus for it? MADNESS!

      • AlexinCT

        So you saying they ruined it.

      • UnCivilServant

        Look, D&D died years ago, the animate corpse wearing its skinsuit is not the game system.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        D&D died with 2nd edition – too rules heavy, which gave rise to DMG lawyers, and, finally, leading to the end of the enlightenment. I blame Plato, too much time sitting in his cave, no gamer-girls allowed.

    • Grumbletarian

      Why not? Spock was half Vulcan, so even sci-fi doesn’t care.

      • PieInTheSky

        star trek is stupid though.

      • AlexinCT

        Shut your whore mouth! At least Star Trek was not ruined by a cunte that remade the Force into some racket run by a bunch of lesbian witches!

      • juris imprudent

        …some racket run by a bunch of lesbian witches!

        But enough about the Bene Gesserit.

      • Not Adahn

        Hey! Lady Jessica was not a lesbian (unless her current assignment demanded it).

      • Not Adahn

        Humans are a special race in that they can literally interbreed with anything.

      • AlexinCT

        Way to ruin that too…

      • Nephilium


        I take it you didn’t watch Star Trek Discovery?


      • AlexinCT

        Fuck no. I have avoided anything recently (last decade) done by Disney, Paramount, or any of the woke entities to things that were not complete shitshows back when.

    • rhywun

      Not surprising. The word has already been banished from polite company everywhere else.

      It is jarring to hear them go on about “races” in 90s Star Trek.

    • AlexinCT

      No government can survive people getting the facts and the truth.

      • dbleagle

        Progs always think somebody has to be in control….and that somebody is them.

      • juris imprudent

        Most people think somebody has to be in control – otherwise the world would be chaos.

        It’s just a matter of who’s order is to be imposed on that chaos.

  16. PieInTheSky

    So what is the Official Glibertarian Position on the unrest in Old Blighty?

    • UnCivilServant

      The regime and invading migrants need to be lined up on pikes along the channel as a warning to others.

    • R C Dean

      For the actual Brits, its a better course of action than the alternative of being ground into dust as the chew toy of their ruling class and the immigrants who view England as the equivalent of a cheap hotel full of underage hookers.

      • Gustave Lytton

        England is the Thailand for African/Asian migrants.

    • Nephilium

      We broke free several hundred years ago just so we could ignore them.


      “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

      -Some sickly womanizer

      The elites in the UK have been covering their ears and pillorying, exiling, and jailing anyone who happens to notice that importing a foreign ideology that comes with a manual for governance that is actively hostile to that of the native population isn’t working out so great. The Bourbons were able to do this for a while in France until they couldn’t.

  17. AlexinCT

    We will destroy the republic to save democracy. And by democracy they mean the cabal of crooks running things. Not the will of the people.

    • AlexinCT
      • Grumbletarian

        And that would make JD Vance president. Meh.

      • dbleagle

        Let them bring it up for a vote. I’ll bring the popcorn.

  18. UnCivilServant

    On the topic of energy – Anyone have a take on Helion’s approach to Fusion which can breed Helium-3 from Duterium and skips both the expensive neutron multiplying berillium shell and heat-steam-turbine sytem to use the fusion reactions own magnetic pumping to directly induce current in copper coils?

    • AlexinCT

      I keep hearing fusion power is 5-15 years away from being done. Been hearing this now for some 25 years.

      • UnCivilServant

        But what’s your technical assessment of the approach.

      • AlexinCT

        Needs more nuke.

    • PieInTheSky

      I don’t know but I have little hopes on fusion, my hope was molten salt reactors but expected them to be ready by 2025 which will not be the case

    • SDF-7

      Interesting and conceptually promising — but it looks to me like they’re at the really important junction point of scale up / increasing frequency of reaction to prove they can be energy net positive, handle the materials aspect, etc. That’s going to move it from “interesting lab experiment” to “actual possible product”.

      I’ve been out of practical engineering too long to really judge if the protium “push back” on the magnetic field is translatable to generation effectively… but if they’re right, I do like the sound of the deuterium+deuterium -> He3 generation being kept separate (keeping the neutron flux weaking lower) versus the actual electric generation. If I recall that cycle right, it should hopefully address a lot of the low level waste issues that other approaches would have.

      As with just about all fusion then — “Wait and see, but hope it works out”.

    • Not Adahn

      The problem with nuclear fusion has always been (and is never discussed) neutron radiation. You can only contain it with matter, and the process of containment necessarily causes additional nuclear reactions.

      • SDF-7

        Yeah — that’s one benefit to this if they’re right. The only neutron production is on the He3 breeder cycle and it is relatively low energy and not needing to be captured for tritium breeding or water heating. The deuterium production cycle doesn’t produce neutrons, hence the generators themselves (if the He3 production can be scaled sufficiently) wouldn’t produce waste / suffer the flux weakening.

        Again, I’d withhold judgement until we see systems at scale and we see what surprises happen as they scale up — but the premise is interesting.

  19. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/06:
    *22/22 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 08/06:
    *29/29 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 499

  20. Sensei

    I’m not a Gerard Baker fan at all. However, I think he’s on point here.

    The Reinvention of Kamala Harris

    I think he is accurately describing the next round of MSM coverage.

    Then we will have a week of a Democratic convention like no other. It will open with Biden Night (only one), when the withered man the party has just knifed will be hoisted aloft before adoring delegates and media panegyrists and hailed as Mount Rushmore-ready. Then, three nights of tributes to the Pantsuit Pericles bidding to run the country for the next four years, culminating in a peroration that will leave White House correspondents weeping.

    • AlexinCT

      It will be a Hollywood production. All special effects and bullshit. They will cover the giant pile of shit with chocolate syrup, candy pieces, and sprinkles and tell the low information crowd it is gourmet food.

      • juris imprudent

        It’s funny how Democrats depend on low-information voters and the college-educated, and of course the fraudulent/non-existent.

      • AlexinCT

        Is it funny or something to worry about?

      • juris imprudent

        Well it must be funny, because they’re just going to manufacture wins, right? So all the talk of who they need to appeal to is just window dressing.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Low information and college-educated. Aren’t those the same people?

  21. Drake

    I have no idea what the political situation in Bangledesh is, but it warms my heart to see a politician fleeing the country ahead of an angry mob.

    • Drake

      Needed a soy face behind the strong intelligent woman.

      • Fourscore

        Happy Days are here again. Good bye, Tim, Good bye. So long, it hasn’t been good to know you.

        Someone mentioned yesterday that he’s a fat Joe Biden. I would almost agree but he doesn’t seem to have Joe’s mental acuity.

        His claim of being an Army vet is really a stretch, NG training in TX isn’t quite the same.

        Kind of ironic though, I did work with the NG for a few days at Ft Hood, about 50 years ago. Hell, when I was NG in the ’50s, summer camp was two weeks of teen age hangovers.

    • rhywun

      emerged as a surprise standout in the Democratic veepstakes by coining the viral label “weird” for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

      Does “viral” really mean anything when it’s pushed by MSM hacks?

    • The Other Kevin

      I think a few Glibs might have opinions about that guy.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Yay, Minnesoda!

      At least we’ll get rid of him. The rest of you get to deal with him now.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s what California said when Earl Warren was appointed to the Supreme Court.

      • Fourscore

        Sometimes we just get lucky, Nick!

        I’ll miss Ol’ Tim as much as I miss(ed) my ex wife.

    • AlexinCT

      They have been rewriting history to protect scumbag left leaning pols for decades now. Look at how they presented Obama’s “hope and change” as a positive, even though the guy told us he wanted to fundamentally change America. I have never wanted to fundamentally change anything I didn’t hate, but everyone seemed to buy the lie Obama meant he was going to make it better.

      Their problem with this hag is that no matter how hard they try to memory hole shit, she is a known entity and there will be an effort to call out the gaslighting. And without X being captured, the task of the gas lighters will be much, much harder.

    • Drake

      Her handlers just picked the most liberal Governor in the country to be her VP.

      • Fourscore

        Yeah but at least he won’t outshine Kamala.

        Wonder if he needs help packing?

  22. Sensei

    On the CNBC tape it’s Walz!

    • AlexinCT

      I knew they couldn’t get the Jewish guy with the massive antisemitism now running rampant through team blue.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        The guy who made his state a sanctuary for illegals and trans kids instead?

      • Sensei

        I think he would have been the better pick.

        They would likely have picked up some centrists who hate Trump and given them a better shot at PA.

        I know much less of the calculus for MN.

      • AlexinCT

        It was looking like they might lose Minnessoda, so now they figure this makes that state a more likely to go blue state..

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I thought Mark Kelly made the most sense, but I’m just an asshat.

      • R C Dean

        That was my take, Alex. The Kill-the-Jews Caucus would go absolutely apeshit at the convention if there was a Jew on the ticket.

      • R C Dean

        I think they passed on Kelly because it might cost them a Senate seat.

      • Sensei

        I think they passed on Kelly because it might cost them a Senate seat.

        You might be right. He was an empty vessel that would have let them make whatever message they wanted.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        One of the proposed flags was very Somalian. The final flag is not impressive, but you have to squint to see how it is similar.

      • juris imprudent

        Squint? You have to be fucking blind to call those similar. Uh, uh – they’re both rectangular!!!

      • Nephilium

        See, this is why the Ohio state flag is superior. No one’s confusing it with any other flag.

      • rhywun

        I like the new one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Simple design, pleasant colors. All the ones with seals look ugly AF to me.

      • Fourscore

        At least MN will be a nicer state without the carpet bagger.


      Gross and surprisingly un-Machivailian for Team Blue. From an electoral map perspective, Shapiro made the most sense, and VPs choices, historically, are largely driven by electoral strategy.

      • slumbrew

        Shorter Team Blue: “No Jews”

      • R C Dean

        I’m telling ya, they couldn’t risk the rioting at the convention from putting a Jew on the ticket.


        Oh, I get it. In the past though, Dems were able to tell the crazies to get stuffed, the fact that they can’t this time around is interesting.

      • Drake

        Already has a Jewish husband. Would have made the ticket too jewy.

      • Cunctator

        —“I’m telling ya, they couldn’t risk the rioting at the convention from putting a Jew on the ticket.”—

        At this point, I believe it is 50/50 that the Dems even have a convention. Pres candidate selected, VP candidate selected, most of the platform set.

        Why run the risk of the bad publicity regarding demonstrations when there is no need. The Democrats are united behind Kamala for better or worse.

      • Sensei

        Nah, they have to put a on show and show everybody how excited they are.

      • Drake

        Shapiro is reportedly a dual citizen. That would be a very legit area of criticism. I don’t believe any citizen of any other country should hold office in the federal government.

      • R C Dean

        Drake, I don’t think there should even be such a thing as dual citizenship. Pick a fucking team, already.

      • Gustave Lytton

        No foreign born officeholders either.

      • Suthenboy

        “…made the most sense…”

        It is the DEI crowd we are talking about. They couldn’t even take out a candidate by lawfare or by bullet. My god, they left a clear shot open while everyone looked the other way and they fucked that up. This is what happens when you specialize in incompetence…you fail.

      • Suthenboy

        —“I’m telling ya, they couldn’t risk the rioting at the convention from putting a Jew on the ticket.”—

        They think this is going to prevent riots by the pro-terror/genocide bunch? *chuckle*

      • juris imprudent

        most of the platform set

        Huh? What platform, other than we aren’t OMB, and abortion-for-everyone (on the public’s dime).

  23. R.J.

    The Google decision is stupid. To me it seems like asking Ford to have a Chevy steering wheel on a new truck.
    Software is bundled? Oh dear. I suppose it is a rhetorical question to ask if people are infants who can’t go get a different browser or navigate to a different search engine.

    • Nephilium

      I’m not a fan of anti-trust law to begin with, but Google has been doing some shady shit in the advertising space for a while now. That’s on top of the bias that’s leaking through in their search and algorithms more and more. As an example, in my newsfeed, under Ongoing Stories, under 2024 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection (which is not something I’ve ever searched for) there are two stories:

      1) Harris team launches GOP group with endorsements from ex-Trump officials, ke… (2 days ago) from the Hill
      2) VP’s campaign launches ‘Republicans for Harris’ in push to win over GOP voters … (2 days ago) from ABC News

      Neither of those have dick to do with the Republicans’s VP pick.

      • R.J.

        Very true. They are shady and clearly biased. And I avoid them 99.9% of the time. But they are far from a monopoly.

      • R C Dean

        Monopoly doesn’t mean 99.9% of the market. It means, enough control of a market to impose your will on other people in that market. And Google definitely has that.

    • Not Adahn

      That question is settled law in re: Europe v. Internet Explorer.

  24. PieInTheSky

    Marxism and the Agrarian Question

    Daniel Finn

    The leading thinkers of Marxism stressed how important it was to govern in partnership with the peasantry. When communist states imposed collectivization by force, the results were disastrous.


    • AlexinCT

      As Blade said in the new Deadpool & Wolverine flick: “Some motherfuckers are still trying to ice skate uphill.”

      That’s the best description of the morons that still want marxism right there.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Callback to the 1998 original.

    • juris imprudent

      You do love playing in the sewer, don’t you Pie?

    • Suthenboy

      What part of ” unburdened by what has come before” don’t you understand?

  25. PieInTheSky

    300+ days into this conflict and the IDF has been unable to pacify a 25 mile strip of land sandwiched between their own country and the sea. It may be time to ask some difficult questions about strategic goals and what is realistically achievable. Just a thought.


    • UnCivilServant

      Tell me you don’t understand urban warfare without telling me you don’t understand urban warfare.

      • AlexinCT

        The desperation by those that want to stop the conflict and keep Hamas as a viable entity is stunning to me. Israel has been doing exactly what it needed to: decapitating the whole organization and killing as much of the ground grunts as it can. Hamas will only remain viable if the evil fucks in the West keep financing them.

      • juris imprudent

        Tell me you don’t understand warfare, without telling me you don’t.

    • Nephilium

      So, you’re [the author of the tweet] saying the Israelis should go for all out warfare and show what “pacification” entails?

      • AlexinCT

        Carpet bomb the fuck out of the cult of murder?

    • Not Adahn

      I kind of have to ask what “pacified” means.

      • UnCivilServant

        Create a desert and call it peace.

      • EvilSheldon

        Something something only the dead have seen the end of war?

    • Drake

      Or… Start another war against 2 or 3 countries and hope Uncle Sam rescues them.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Pretty much this. If Israel wants to bite off more than they can chew that’s fine with me but we should stay out. Without our practically unconditional backing they wouldn’t be acting this reckless.


      The IDF isn’t just fighting Gaza, they are fighting Iran and whichever Saudi and Qatari royalty are still Hamas patrons, not to mention the PR war they are fighting against the lunatic media of the entire Western world all this while having to watch their northern flank from the fusillade of Hezbollah rocketeers.

  26. PieInTheSky

    Tim Walz is the Democratic veepstakes winner

    • Not Adahn

      by coining the viral label “weird” for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

      Lol, whoever can come up with the pithiest insult wins. I guess they’re trying to learn from the Kekistanis. But “going viral” is awfully easy when you control the legacy and social media landscapes.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        All I know is George Floyd was alive until Walz became Governor.

      • Fourscore

        The Tim-Ilhan reunion may make a difference in MI as well

  27. Grummun

    Former Secret Service Chief Wanted To Destroy Cocaine Evidence Found in White House Last Summer

    If the sources in the article are to be believed, Cheatle wanted the coke destroyed because that was SOP for illicit drugs found in the White House. The only reason we ever heard about it was because it was the weekend and the substitute on duty actually treated it like a criminal matter instead of an embarrassment to be quietly disposed of.

    • R.J.

      Was the substitute’s name “Fate?”

      • R C Dean

        Wait, they have a standard operating procedure for covering up felonies committed in the White House?

      • R.J.

        Is that a surprise?

      • juris imprudent

        “I am shocked to find gambling going on here.”

    • trshmnstr

      the teachers union’s multimillion-dollar get-out-the-vote machine

      “vOtE HaRdEr PaYtRyUtZ!! eVeRy VoTe MaTtErS!!!”

  28. PieInTheSky

    A roller pigeon is a domesticated breed of pigeon that has been selected for its ability to tumble or roll in the air.

    There are at least 4 varieties of roller pigeons:

    – Birmingham Roller
    – Galatz Roller
    – Oriental Roller
    – Parlor Roller


    • SDF-7

      Oh… in the air… I was picturing trying to get the skates on those tiny bird feet….

    • Urthona

      Also really good at flattening pizza dough

      • trshmnstr

        Personally, I don’t much care for feathers with a tinge of garbage smell on my pizza. I get enough of that smell in the trash can.

      • Urthona

        what about pigeon rolled cigars?

    • kinnath

      for its ability to tumble or roll in the air

      Yes, but can they play chess?

    • Sensei

      kinnath – African or European?

    • Gdragon

      I saw many Oriental Rollers while watching the Olympic gymnastics, they were very impressive 😉

  29. The Late P Brooks

    1000 points ain’t what it used to be. I don’t imagine they’re scraping stockbrokers off the sidewalk this morning.

    • R C Dean

      I find reporting on stock market moves in points to be quite annoying, because unless you are pretty much a full time trader it conveys no real information to you. Report on market moves in percentages, ya frickin’ knobs.

      • Sensei

        The actual proper financial press usually does.

      • slumbrew

        So much this.

        2-3% sucks it doesn’t make as good a headline as “ZOMG 1,000 points!”

    • rhywun

      And… it’s up now.

      The world sighs with relief at Kamala’s wise VP pick.

      • Sensei

        It was up before the VP pick.

        Nikkei rebounded and European markets as well as US futures before the open here.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    A roller pigeon is a domesticated breed of pigeon that has been selected for its ability to tumble or roll in the air.

    Is that to make them more challenging targets?

  31. PieInTheSky

    “Trigger warnings could bolster the view that people who’ve experienced traumatic events are inevitably scarred by them and psychologically fragile forever more, and could reinforce trauma victims’ belief that their trauma is central to their identity.”


    • SDF-7

      “In other breaking news, water is proven to be wet…”

    • Suthenboy

      Without fail when I watch these the image is so fuzzy I cant really make anything out. The ads play in super HD, The swimsuit video doesnt even rise to a Renoir impressionism painting.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Biden and Harris should be talking more about stockflation and greedy wall street bankers. Come out and tell how they’re going to get the stock market back down to 3000, where it belongs.

  33. Not Adahn

    In case anybody wants to know how the NEXUS process works:

    You apply.
    You wait.
    Your application is provisionally accepted.
    You schedule an interview at the border.
    You drive to the border, burning a half tank of gas.
    A CBP guy takes you fingerprints and askes you the following two questions:
    a) Why do you want NEXUS (my answer: because I hate waiting in line)
    b) Do you have a criminal record?
    A Quebecois cop asks you the following question:
    a) have you ever been arrested?
    He then says that if you break any rules they’ll revoke your NEXUS card. He then gives you a printout about what things you can’t bring through NEXUS (tobacco, cannabis, weapons, commercial sales)
    Your application is then approved!
    You burn the second half of your tank driving home.

    • slumbrew

      Pretty much the same as Global Entry, just with a shorter trip for me (once I could get an appt).

      • slumbrew

        Oh, but just the one guy, no wanna-be Frenchie involved.

      • Fourscore

        My wife got her interview in Int’l Falls. No one waiting. After about 5 minutes all I heard was laughing/joking as the interviewer was more interested in Mrs F (Vietnamese) and her travels.

        The tank of gas and a day wasted was spot on

      • Gustave Lytton

        And half the cost of GE.

    • Sensei

      For Global Entry in NYC you can go to:


      You go down there and it all museum related with nothing pointing to customs. You ponder if you are in the right place. You walk into the lobby and off to the side and there a small sign indicating Global Entry.

      They sit you and about 10 of your “friends” down at set of benches.

      They escort you back through a maze of offices to four guys behind a desk. The confirm your identity and take your picture.

      Zero questions asked.

      • slumbrew

        My appt was at Logan (it was so backed up I contemplated driving to Bradley).

        Less of a maze – you can park right across from the entrance you need and the sign is clear. Just the usual “have you been arrested” and the fingerprints.

        He perked up when I mentioned being fingerprinted before – just had to clarify it was long ago, from when I was handling live securities.

        I’ve always assumed those old prints ended up in some federal database already.

      • Sensei

        Prints can be private – FINRA database.

        Or insurance related criminal investigation – normally for the whoever does the bonding and E&O.

        In the old days FINRA needed a set of prints for each license. I had four long since expired licenses so I needed four sets of prints.

    • EvilSheldon

      I was quite lucky – I ran into a TSA PreCheck office that was actually staffed, and I had my passport with me at the time.

    • juris imprudent

      Farage may yet be the next PM.

  34. The Other Kevin

    Harris is the end result of identity politics. Her web site has no policy positions at all, and they’re scrubbing her past. They are running her solely on her identity as a black/Indian woman.

    • rhywun

      “Women’s health” would like a word.

      That is the only position I have heard that she has expressed an opinion about.

      • The Other Kevin

        Ok I’ll grant you that one. That actually shouldn’t be an issue, by kicking it down to the states Trump has taken himself out of the issue. But that’s not stopping anyone from claiming Trump wants a national ban.

    • Urthona

      In some sense it doesn’t matter anyway because she will be controlled by the same exact cabal. Not that I like those politics, either, but I have a feeling it will be the same.

      • The Other Kevin

        I can’t imagine she’d clean house and replace anyone of any importance. This will be Biden’s second term, aka Obama’s fourth.

  35. Not Adahn

    I guy at the club was looking to offload a gun I want (CZ 97B) for a price I was willing to pay ($400.)

    Ain’t the free market grand!

    Now to spend the next month negotiating the transfer process.

    • The Other Kevin

      Be careful, if his name is Frederick Earl Davis and he works out of his car trunk, run.

  36. AlexinCT

    Now this is one massive POWN!

    • Fourscore

      Took me a few seconds…then I laughed to myself

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Harris is the end result of identity politics. Her web site has no policy positions at all, and they’re scrubbing her past. They are running her solely on her identity as a black/Indian woman.

    She is us and we are she.

    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

    • Urthona

      haha “On some day.”

      It’s happened like 20 times.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Why doesn’t Joe Biden (PBUH) have the Air Force scoop up the flood water from Florida and drop it on those fires in California? Let’s see some innovative problem solving!

    • Fourscore

      I see a pipeline in the future

  39. juris imprudent

    Have we been lacking a really good nutpunch of late? Well, here it is.

    Texas’s Department of Public Safety reinstated a state trooper this week who was suspended after the botched response to the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting in 2022.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Harris/Walz it is.

    They should have the Prairie Populist vote sewn up.

    • Urthona

      Walz is a douche but people seem to like him.

      • Sensei

        There has to be a Lake Wobegon joke here somewhere.

      • juris imprudent

        Looking for a Trump voter around Lake Wobegon?

      • Suthenboy

        All the voters are below average?

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Good news, comrades!

    Vice President Harris formally secured the Democratic presidential nomination late Monday following a virtual roll call vote in which almost all the party’s delegates backed her.

    Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Jaime Harrison and Democratic National Convention Chair Minyon Moore said in a statement that at the conclusion of the nearly weeklong virtual voting period, Harris had received 99 percent of the votes of all delegates who participated.

    Long live the Party.

    • Urthona

      This is kind of a fantasy scenario for the far leftoids.

      They could never get their far left candidate through the polls so this is perfect.

      And who are people gonna vote for? Trump?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      “Soon, it will be time to come together in Chicago, where we will celebrate together and make clear to the American people that the Democratic Party is the party of freedom, of democracy, of rights, and of the people.”

      If they were not about democracy then they would not be called democrats now would they.

      • AlexinCT

        Every marxist shithole has the word “democratic republic” or “people’s democratic republic” in the name..

      • Suthenboy

        Alex: So much so that anytime I see the word ‘people’s’ in a name I spit.

  42. Certified Public Asshat

    The Harrison Butker extension… making him the highest paid kicker….underscores the inherent truth of the NFL: the better you are at the job the more a team is willing to put up with pure and simple.— trey wingo (@wingoz) August 5, 2024

    Former ESPN guy trying to out retard Keith Olbermann. Will have to do better than that.

    • Nephilium

      You mean drama queens are able to stay on teams because they’re really good, and the team thinks the benefit of their on field antics outweighs the negatives of those same antics?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Tyreek Hill received an extension this week, but Butker has the more concerning off the field issues.

      • Nephilium

        Deshaun Watson nods sagely.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Butker’s not even a drama queen. He just doesn’t have 9 baby mamas and 3 domestic violence charges.

      • Nephilium


        I’m aware that Butker’s crime was saying wrongthink. It just strikes me as completely uninsightful to say “If you’re really good, people will put up with your bullshit” when it’s pretty clear that’s the case in the NFL. It’s also crazy to me that someone is calling out a kicker for this, FFS, it’s harder to find a good receiver who ISN’T a drama queen.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I knew what you meant, but I’m saying, is there a LESS melodramatic dude in all of the NFL than Butker?

      • Nephilium


        Might be my bias showing, but it’s one of the reasons that Nick Chubb and Amari Cooper are both loved by the local fan base. The biggest drama for Cooper was holding out for a new deal (which was deserved in my opinion). They both play the game, keep a level head, don’t showboat, and are great in their roles. Both also come across as genuine nice guys too.

  43. Tundra

    Walz was the only one who would do it. There is no way any pol with 2028 aspirations wants to play with the live grenade that is our economy.

    • Urthona

      Shapiro seemed like he was
      in and I believe that pick hands Democrats the presidency.

      May not matter but I think Republicans dodged a bullet.

      • creech

        Shapiro is aiming for 2028 and will have six years as governor of a purple state under his belt. Because the Pa legislature is so evenly divided, everything that gets done is “bi-partisan” so that will be Shapiro’s main selling point when he runs for Prez.

      • AlexinCT

        In 6 years team blue will be rounding up Jews and putting them in cams the way things are going.

    • Urthona

      Also I question whether our economy is a live grenade. as much as i hated the inflation reduction act, it sure seems like it’s not all that bad.

      • kinnath

        It’s not a grenade. It’s a ticking time bomb.

        The official inflation rate does not take into account the massive increases in the cost of food, energy, housing, and transportation. These costs crush the working poor. The only reason we don’t have massive protests in the street is because government handouts are keeping people afloat — barely.

        Something has to give and will give in the not too distant future.

      • AlexinCT

        The only reason we have not had a recession – yet – is the extra $2 trillion a year they keep printing and spending to prop up an economy they savaged in pursuit of picking winners & losers. The problem is this is just kicking the can down the road. And the recession is likely to become a depression, regardless of how much more free shit they give people in order to bamboozle them.

      • Urthona

        It may be a ticking time bomb but I think it possible they keep it stretched another 4 years. At which point Harris may be the uncontested nominee.

      • kinnath

        In four years, the world will be on fire if Harris continues the Biden foreign policy.

      • R C Dean

        I’ve predicted X of the last zero financial implosions, but at some point the multi-trillion dollar deficits break the currency, the financial system, and/or the economy.

        And there’s nothing like multiple brushfire wars to further destabilize shit.

        Oh, and an election that, no matter how it comes out, 40+% of the country will think it’s illegitimate.

        And that’s just the foreseeable stuff. Add in the unforeseeable stuff, like, say, what has happened just in the last month (Trump literally dodges a bullet, the President completely disappears), and I don’t think we’re in for a stretch of peace and prosperity here.

    • Drake

      They couldn’t bring themselves to pretend Kamala is brilliant.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Straight up gift for Stupid Party.

      • Gustave Lytton

        “How are we going to fuck this one up, boys?”

    • KSuellington

      This is a gift to Trump. I didn’t think he was going to pick up Minnesota anyway, but this probably seals the deal there for the Dems. It’s Trump’s election to lose, and he very well may do so. I don’t think Kamala’s bump lasts much beyond the convention, but they are very much following the playbook I predicted (minus the all woman power ticket). They are going with the new and improved basement campaign by Joe. This time we will see her, oh will we see her, we just won’t get any unscripted utterings from her. She will do the talk show rounds, with plenty of fawning pre selected questions, and a few “serious” interviews with some preselected hardball questions to make her seem like she can handle it. There won’t be any much trouble at the Dem convention aside from some protestors kept far away from the action. They only have to keep it up for less than 3 months. I still think Trump wins it, but he could very easily muck it up.

      • Nephilium

        Do you think Trump/Harris are going to have a debate? I’ve seen reports that they both agreed to one, but then reports that they each agreed to having a different news station host it, and won’t compromise. I honestly don’t see any upside for Harris doing a debate, especially after the Biden trainwreck.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Trump should just do the ABC one. She is bound to cackle and chop us up a word salad either way. Then come at her for the Fox one and when she bows out, you got the admission she knows she cannot debate.

      • Urthona


        I think Trump will have to debate her in ABC if she keeps leading in the polls without having to say anything.

        It was a shrewd move not to debate if he had kept his lead but unfortunately for him people don’t know Harris.

      • KSuellington

        I really can’t see her agreeing to a Fox debate. Her people are not going to let anything through the bubble. Trump likely will cave on the ABC debate if he wants any chance at her. She will be more than happy to not have to debate at all.

      • R C Dean

        “if she keeps leading in the polls”

        I haven’t checked lately. The national polls mean nothing. How are the swing state polls moving?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Why not? The MSM will cover for her.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Harris was the only candidate whose name was in contention for the nomination after President Biden ended his reelection bid late last month. DNC rules allowed any candidate to compete for the nomination if they received the electronic signatures of at least 300 of the more than 4,000 delegates, but Harris was the only one who received it.

    Single best most qualified candidate. The cream rises to the top.

    • creech

      Interesting use of Harris and “cream” together.

    • Beau Knott

      So does shit

    • AlexinCT

      How did that German economy fare under the East German political machine’s efforts to go green? After they shut down their nukes and avoiding the required fallback of using coal, the thing shrunk?

      Yeah, the green movement is anti-civilization.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    “As we prepare to certify the nomination alongside Convention Secretary Rae, we know that we are all a part of an important piece of history,” Harrison and Moore said. “Soon, it will be time to come together in Chicago, where we will celebrate together and make clear to the American people that the Democratic Party is the party of freedom, of democracy, of rights, and of the people.”

    Stop it. You’re killing me.

  46. Sensei

    The Guardian US
    Who is Tim Walz? The progressive governor with a history of winning over Republicans

    Sorry Guardian, Harris locked up Christine Todd Whitman’s vote before the VP pick.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    Sad princess is sad

    Pelosi writes that when she speaks to young people about running for office, “especially young women, too often I hear their reluctance to put their families in harm’s way.”

    “This is not the way our country should be — if you engage in public service, you should not be a target, and your family should not be a target.”

    She does it all for us. Why don ‘t we show proper obedience and gratitude?

    • AlexinCT

      That woman truly is evil.

    • Ted S.

      If you engage in public service, you should actually act like the hired help and not like you think you’re our master.

  48. AlexinCT
    • Tundra

      SunPower’s independent accountant Ernst & Young resigned in June because it did not want to be associated with the company’s financial statements, citing allegations that senior members of management were involved in misconduct related to financial statements.


      • AlexinCT

        Democrat donors…

        That got a ton of government lucre, and pocketed that cash.

  49. Tundra

    Now it’s the Tacos

    Only government could destroy a nearly perfect vehicle.

    • Suthenboy

      Didnt I see Ford having the same problem the other day?

  50. The Late P Brooks

    Experts in the weaponization of race

    “It’s almost like people are talking about her as two separate women,” Dhanashree Thorat, an assistant professor at Mississippi State University who studies race, feminism, and systemic oppression, told NBC News when Harris was campaigning with Biden in 2020. “You have Kamala who’s a Black woman and Kamala who’s a South Asian. And she’s not two separate people.”

    Those who knew her say she was steeped in her heritage on both sides.

    Emily Grullón, 33, of Los Angeles, said Trump’s comment only highlight the microaggressions mixed-race people often experience in the United States. She said she hopes this controversy will prompt a national conversation about these experiences.

    Yeah, that’s what we need- another heads-we-win-tails-you-lose conversation about race.

    • Ownbestenemy

      So I assume since she is so steeped in both her heritages she will code-switch to an Indian accent when speaking to a group of her peers? No? Huh, why not?

      • Nephilium

        Just wait for her to bust out the dancehall beats.

    • Ted S.

      Now do the microaggressions Jews face on college campuses.

    • The Other Kevin

      She’s a unique person with a unique heritage and if she weren’t a Democrat she’d be best served by leaning into that. But to the Dems race and gender are part of a hierarchy so she feels the need to get in front of a black audience and say “I’m black just like y’all”.

      • AlexinCT

        I got a massive expletive laden response from a bunch of lefties when I told them that if Kamala had been a white dude we would never have heard of him because with that level of ineptitude they would have made Beto look like Socrates in comparison.

    • B.P.

      “…an assistant professor at Mississippi State University who studies race, feminism, and systemic oppression…”

      Finally, someone is looking into this.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    Have the CPUSA and Working Families Party endorsed Harris/Walz yet, or are they waiting for the convention?

  52. The Late P Brooks

    I want to see a giant choreographed Bollywood production number at the DNC wingding to celebrate Kamala’s coronation.

  53. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    I’m sad about Britain burning, but more than that, it just hits too close to home. The only difference between them and us is geography, guns, and time.

  54. Sensei

    Are there any “hunters” left that are OK with gun control?

    A person close to the process said Walz was picked for his executive experience and record on issues that Democrats want to work on nationally—such as the child tax credit, paid leave, a junk fee ban, abortion and gun control. The Harris team thinks his background as a veteran, football coach and hunter will be appealing in Midwestern states and view him as a strong messenger to counter Trump and Vance. And he had a good personal rapport with Harris…

    At 60 years old, Walz is slightly older than Harris (she turns 60 in October). He is also a hunter and gun owner, which can often help candidates connect in rural areas.


    I’m not clued in enough to the Midwest to understand how elsewhere in the article it makes note that this may increase the ticket’s appeal in Michigan. From what I understand there is more than enough cultural difference between the two states that I wouldn’t make that statement.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Plenty of Fudds still who think “we want to take all of your guns” doesn’t mean their own rifles or shotguns.

      • R C Dean

        They never quite seem to grasp that their “hunting” rifles are actually sniper rifles, and will be banned accordingly at the first opportunity.

        Consider, also, that some of the most popular shotguns are issued to the military, and are thus literally “weapons of war”, moreso because unlike “assault rifles”, the ones the military has are identical to those sold over the counter.

    • EvilSheldon

      In the circles I run in, the Fudds keep a pretty low profile. Tired of being dragged, most likely.

  55. The Late P Brooks

    Trump has relied on his familiar tactic of attacking Harris’ race and gender since Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Harris.

    What an asshole. Out of the blue, unprompted, he starts ranting and raving about her race and gender. Not one single person other than Trump has ever tried to bring it up.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Has he ever attacked her gender? Only in the sense that she’s been called a DEI pick, and I’m not even sure Trump has said that, even though plenty of others have. But when Biden promises to pick a black woman as his VP, she’s the definition of a DEI pick.