Tuesday Morning Links

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Daily Links | 215 comments

The playoff race in MLN is red hot and it’s still only mid-August. Football the means something is less that two weeks away. Soccer starts this weekend. And the Olympic torch has been extinguished. All is well in the world. On to the links!

Well, it is his after all. Does this reporter not know how to mute or block people?

This will be an interesting case. I’m kind of curious how it works out, because those contracts should be pretty well written to account for these contingencies.

Please, please, please, please, please let this woman lose. That would be absolutely delightful.

I will shed no tears. These guys deserve medals, not scorn. Also, if the cops did their job it wouldn’t be necessary.

This was the correct thing to say. In fact, he could have been even more insulting.

For the love of God. Are they really trying to do this again?

How dare they do this! Imagine the temerity of Jews praying on the Temple Mount. Outrageous!

I guess this is one way to stop being called “insurrectionist.” In fact, the word doesn’t show up once in the piece.

This song is timely. Some of the lyrics are, anyway. And this one is always timely. For English boarding school students. Anyway, I love them both. Enjoy them.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    “Well, it is his after all. Does this reporter not know how to mute or block people?”


    • juris imprudent

      Proggies: You call them lies, we call them OUR LIVED TRUTH.

      • AlexinCT

        Makes me wonder if the people claiming human civilization has risen and fallen numerous times over tens of millennia are not the ones that have it right. As things get really good, societies discard the old things that were in place because of lessons learned, and eventually it all unravels.

    • Ted S.

      Note how the AP put free speech in sneer quotes.

      • juris imprudent

        How long before a completely unironical goodthink appears?

      • AlexinCT

        They have already told us free speech is a problem, nay a real bad thing, because nobody should have that….

        Throughout human history, progress has only been possible when property rights and free speech were considered immutable. As soon as those two go away, you are back to feudalism. And have no doubt that is what the masters want, cause ruling free people requires hard work, real expertise, and smarts, all of which are things that they lack.

  2. UnCivilServant

    Please, please, please, please, please let this woman lose.


    • UnCivilServant

      Omar, who made history as the first Somali American in Congress and the first woman of color to represent Minnesota on Capitol Hill

      Lies, she wasn’t representing Minnesota, but Somalia.

    • SDF-7

      They have a really, really good vote purchasing program in her district as I recall the news over the years. So I would be very surprised if she does.

      • AlexinCT

        Minnessoda allows ballot harvesting for a reason..

      • Pope Jimbo

        Phylis Khan was a legendary pol in Minnesoda. A crazy progressive back when no one was crazy. In the last campaign she won she had to call out Somali voter fraud to keep her seat.

        Amazing that a progressive knew where to look for voter fraud. She lost the next race. Mostly because more Somalis flooded into her district and – probably – their vote harvesting got much more sophisticated.

        KSTP-TV news reports that state Rep. Phyllis Kahn’s election campaign wants an investigation of possible voter fraud, as many new Somali voters have registered to vote using the same address — that of a mail center in Minneapolis — as they use the state’s absentee ballot system for the Aug. 12 primary election.
        Kahn, who has served 21 terms in the Legislature, is in the midst of a contentious reelection challenge in District 60B in Minneapolis from Somali activist Mohamud Noor.
        The story says:

        According to voter registration records from the Secretary of State’s office and the DFL Voter Activation Network more than 140 people used 419 Cedar Avenue South in Minneapolis as their home address, when they registered to vote.
        The address is for what’s called Cedar Mailbox Center.

        I’d be giddy if Omar lost, but I think the machine will print enough ballots for her. Too bad Don Samuels is a decent person. He is very, very liberal but he isn’t whacko. He has a long history of working with lots of people too.

  3. AlexinCT

    Please, please, please, please, please let this woman lose. That would be absolutely delightful.

    Yeah, that is a nice wish, but she lives in the shitty remake of Mogadishu part of the US, and they will elected her for that reason.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’ve been hearing rumors that a lot of GOP (ok, that makes me laugh, there aren’t a lot of GOP voters in Mpls) voters who are thinking of voting in the DFL primary to try to help push Samuels over the finish line.

  4. SDF-7

    Morning, Sloopy — morning, all.

    There are few modern parallels to his antics, but then again there are few modern parallels to Elon Musk himself.

    Because rich men owning media outlets has never happened and certainly would never spawn tripe like Democracy dies in darkness! or anything. :eyeroll:

    Heaven forfend regular people (not the Newspaper Priesthood) have a place they can talk about something other than Communism, right? Because they might say the wrong things… and then where would we be, Comrade Napoleon? (Unfortunately we’d apparently be back in London Farm where they can’t tell the pigs from the farmers anymore…)

    • AlexinCT

      The man is a thorn in the side of the criminal cabal that brainwashes the mob, and he has become too good at hurting them (the truth is that the cabal really is a bunch of absolute idiots).

  5. AlexinCT

    I will shed no tears. These guys deserve medals, not scorn. Also, if the cops did their job it wouldn’t be necessary.

    When people take the law in their own hand, that is bad for society. The fact that they have to take the law in their own hands because so many of the people in charge are all perverted fucks that actually want to legalize evil shit like fucking children, makes it doubly more bad that citizens resist that.

    • WTF

      People take the law into their own hands when the authorities fail to enforce law and order. That is where we are currently at.

      • Nephilium

        Rule of law is to keep things from spiraling out of control. It appears that quite a few modern factions don’t understand that when the gloves come off, they don’t go back on until at least one side has been cowed.

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — in a perfect world these things would go through the Rule of Law and have a significant burden of proof (which granted, the guys in the article sure sound like they’d easily meet… if all they do is put out a doctored picture of an adult de-aged and a profile specifying the age, and the idiots message the “kid” with explicit requests, that should be a slam dunk…).

      There was a video making the rounds lately about a content creator (early 20s I think) who killed himself after being framed by a 17 year old girl, her older boyfriend and some other jackass (she wheedled her way to editing some videos for him, then selectively edited messages where he praised her work as being ‘flirting’ was what I got out of it). Hence I’m a little loathe to go full on rah-rah for vigilantism at the moment. People can abuse power (yeah yeah.. the King’s Men are the best at it, I know… but there are supposed to be checks and balances for that reason, whereas for vigilantes they’d be outside that system).

      Dammit… who ordered the heavy discussion topic first thing in the morning? Plus I think my thoughts are under done! Send them back to the kitchen!

      • AlexinCT

        My point was that so many of the people in the legal chain, academia, and government that should be prosecuting those in society wanting to do evil shit like sexually abusing kids, or simple things as (not) protecting private property rights, are doing it because they want to legalize sex with children and stealing. That term “Minor Attracted person” or MAP was created by some sick fucks that wanted to destigmatize the disgusting behavior of fucking little kids, and legalize it. And these sick fucks always turn out to be people in positions of authority of some kind.

        Our elites want to make some of the basic things every society in history eventually saw as destructive as the norm again. It is almost like their goal is to make debauchery and evil the norm. It is one thing to say you will respect what consenting adults do in privacy, but it is another when you want to cause this kind of harm to little kids (or animals).

      • SDF-7

        Not disagreeing with you (or with WTF). I can definitely see why these guys are stepping up, why the Pillars of Society keep trying to make them the bad guys, etc…. just don’t like the potential for abuse inherent in throwing around accusations of this nature.

        And yes, I certainly think they believe if they can break down all morality they can replace it with State worship or something. (As if what they’ll actually accomplish by breaking down Western Civilization isn’t being overwhelmed by Middle Eastern and/or Eastern societies…)

      • AlexinCT

        just don’t like the potential for abuse inherent in throwing around accusations of this nature.

        Abuses can be anywhere. We should always be vigilant against it.

      • juris imprudent

        SDF is right to be skeptical of vigilante/mob behavior. That is the entire reason we give govt a monopoly on force.

      • R C Dean

        “if all they do is put out a doctored picture of an adult de-aged and a profile specifying the age,”

        I was wondering why do they do all that, and then it occurred to me that if they used a picture of an actual child, the cops would come after them hard and heavy even though they weren’t actually soliciting or doing anything illegal. Because these guys embarrass the law enforcement industrial complex and step on their monopoly of deciding who gets punished for doing what.

    • Ted S.

      Yeah; wait until they drive an innocent person to suicide the way Chris Hansen did.

      • R C Dean

        Because no innocent person has ever been driven to suicide by the law enforcement industrial complex?

    • R C Dean

      “When people take the law in their own hand, that is bad for society.”

      I would say that depends entirely on how good the government is at maintaining order.

    • Cunctator

      —“When people take the law in their own hand, that is bad for society.”—

      How is this taking the law into their own hands. They do not arrest anyone, they do not conduct trials and they administer no punishment. What they do is gather information and give it to the PROPER AUTHORITIES and move on to their next project.

      If a citizen observes a store robbery and gives the police a description of the suspect and info about where they saw him, are they taking the law into their own hands. Of course not. If they invite the police along on the sting, they are still not taking the law into their own hands.

    • Not Adahn

      This is me climbing back up on my soapbox to point out that “society” is a fiction and there is nothing that is good or bad for it. It has no wants or needs and anthropomorphizing it will always lead to arguments by analogy that are even more bullshit than the median.

      • juris imprudent

        Mobs and mob behavior is no fiction. Moral panics are fictions, but they can have disastrous consequences.

      • mindyourbusiness

        NA, if you have room on that soapbox I’ll be glad to join you.
        I decided long ago that words like ‘state’ and ‘society’ and ‘social’ as used by all too many people are arguments for their points of view, in furtherance of their own interests. Whenever those words appear in someone’s statements, red flags pop up.

      • Not Adahn

        I find that substituting the word “God” can make intent much clearer.

      • kinnath

        kinnath gets back on his soapbox

        The four great lies of progressivism:

        1) Society is a real thing

        2) Society has rights

        3) The rights of society trump the rights of individuals

        4) The purpose of government is to promote the rights of society over the rights of individuals.

        Society is the illusion that appears when you look at the patterns that occur in the interactions of thousands (or millions or billions depending upon your point of reference) of free people going about their own business in a mostly cooperative fashion.

        Society doesn’t exist. People exist.

      • UnCivilServant

        Society is an emergant pattern described by the actions of its members – it exists and is real as long as there are at least two people who interact, but cannot be directly controlled or hold any rights or property.

  6. Ownbestenemy

    The concern is that as he pushes his own political agenda, X Twitter could suppress viewpoints that oppose Musk’s Jack’s (or the board’s) own, either intentionally or by nature of the platform becoming more partisan.

    Surely AP ran something similar to my edits a few years ago right?!

    Legacy media cannot accept they are no longer the gatekeepers.

    • slumbrew

      That was different, because those guys agreed with us.

    • AlexinCT

      Legacy media cannot accept they are no longer the gatekeepers.

      It is even worse than this: the idiots manning the desks in the legacy media are so inept and so boorish in their ways that any serious competition destroys them. They simply can’t compete, even against some comedian with a large following doing a podcast, and that threatens the whole model.

      Unfortunately the intel community that now wholly own the media are not bright enough to understand they have lost control of the narrative.

      • Pope Jimbo

        If you go back to before WWII, most of the journalos were people who had gotten a job at the paper doing something and then worked their way into being a newsman. Hardly anyone went to college to become a journalist. It was far more like being a cop or a fireman. You got your foot in the door and worked your way up.

        Now anyone wanting to write for a paper or work on TV news needs to have a college degree.

        Someone who wanted to get a Phd in something could easily do some research on how the differences in backgrounds between then and now affected the news coverage. The old fuckers who came up from the streets were a lot less charitable to govt weasels. They understood that taxes were taking money away from people.

      • Fourscore

        Doesn’t hurt to be blonde, attractive, young. Some of them are good journalists (news readers)

    • Nephilium

      Pay no attention to the Alphabet and Meta behind the curtains.

      • AlexinCT

        They are part of the effort to prevent misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech. Meaning that they are against anything that hurts whatever bullshit the ruler class wants to gaslight the serfs with, and even more importantly, will amplify whatever bullshit lie they want to tell.

    • Suthenboy

      More projection. I am shocked.

  7. AlexinCT

    For the love of God. Are they really trying to do this again?

    There still is a whole bunch of idiots that wear the face diapers, to virtue signal or for whatever dumb reason, and is ready and willing to clutch their pearls at the first sign of their cabal of morons giving the Kung Flu marching orders.

    • Rat on a train

      One more shot will do it, right?

      • AlexinCT

        One? Shit. Too many of these idiots will keep taking these poison pills until it kills them. And all in the name of showing their loyalty to the marxist cause. Fucking insane.

      • Suthenboy

        I seem to remember them recommending as many as monthly boosters cuz when something doesnt work you just aren’t doing it hard enough. Also, lets see how far these sheep will go.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Many people, including young healthy adults, most likely wouldn’t need more than one Covid shot a year, said Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Toronto.

      “I think it’s impossible to make a blanket statement for a population of over 300 million people,” he said.

      *blank stare*

      • WTF

        It’s just a cold now. It’s not even the flu anymore.

      • Ownbestenemy

        That is a rich statement but looking over his past interviews from 2021, he was one of the saner ones in Canada.

  8. SDF-7

    In fact, he could have been even more insulting.

    I’m always fond of the classic American in Europe response of: “Nuts!“.

    • sloopyinca

      It’s still used. But it’s prefaced with “Deez.”

    • Rat on a train

      – Is that a positive or negative reply?
      – Nuts is strictly negative.

  9. Not Adahn

    Why do they want to hang the DJ?

    • SDF-7

      He’s always trying to turn the tables on them?

      • Ownbestenemy

        That’s quite the spin you put on it and only scratches the surface

      • Gdragon

        It’s just a sample.

    • KSuellington

      Because it’s murder on the dancefloor?

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Ahem: sorry to come over all Cliff Claven on you, Sloopy, but Morrissey attended St Marys Secondary Modern (unisex state school in decline). Apparently it lacked music, drama, concerts, plays, a school magazine, and a library.

  10. SDF-7

    For the love of God. Are they really trying to do this again?

    I expect they’re just milking the Covid hysterics for what they can — and like the last few rounds of “boosters” most people will continue to completely ignore them. As I hope they’re doing with the “flu” vaccines — since I wouldn’t trust what crap they put in those these days either.

  11. SDF-7

    But Hemphill said she usually votes for whoever her mostly Republican-supporting family recommends. Her family, drawn to Trump’s rallies and messaging, drew Hemphill in as well.

    So… in other words she’s a weak willed sheep and the flock has pushed her the other way (and love how close she comes to “clean and articulate” earlier in the article…). Ladies and gentlemen… the American Electorate. Sigh.

  12. PieInTheSky

    Question: What is a good term for someone who is among the most experienced in a technical field.

    I was thinking leading experts but seems a bit much.

    • Ownbestenemy

      In my line of work we use either technician-in-depth or subject matter expert

      • Rat on a train

        SME is what I hear.

      • Nephilium

        To go with what the Rat says, SME (Subject Matter Expert) has been used in several companies I work in.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Mrs OBE said I lied in this reply. She said you call them “OBE” *obviously not using my name, but I have a big head in terms of my technical ability so thus, my name is what we call someone as the most experienced in my technical field.

      • Rat on a train

        We use OBE at work in a negative context.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Overcome By Events == OBE

    • AlexinCT

      Tech guru?


  13. Evan from Evansville

    J6 lady now voting for Harris after Trump in ’16 and ’20. Her last Dem vote was for Obama in ’08 for…reasons: “I like the policies he was talking about at the time, and he’s just very intelligent. I just thought he would be good for the country. And you know, it’s the first time we had a person of color,” she said.

    “And ya know, like whatever.” Just so very intelligent. Based on what? At best, I’d like people to think them as good presenters, good showmen. What gives you insight into a person’s intelligence when they haven’t created anything? Being an orator is a a valuable social primate skill, but whether selling fish sticks, religion, politics or a bridge, ya kinda got to have a ‘point.’ And preferably, something directly attributable to the ‘person of intelligence’ who ‘designed’ it.

    I am not hopeful, as I know folk aren’t really ‘thinking.’ It’s just basic human herd mentality. Folk flock for whatever reasons, and not always based on reality, truth or foresight. Just feeliness, is enough.

    Anyone, on to stabbing practice for a tune-up! I predict good things. And must note to ask questions specifically about plasma donation centers, learning tools and hopefully practice donor needles. Hrm. Onward and upward!

    • AlexinCT

      Must have been part of her appeal to avoid jail…

    • Nephilium


      Hope you enjoyed the game last night. The girlfriend got some free tickets from the radio station she advertises on. So we were sitting ~8 rows back on the third base line near home plate. There were a lot of Cubs fans there, the crowd got a bit riled up when the lead changed.

    • Not Adahn

      Be sure to bring a compass and a swivel chair so you can be stabbing westward.

  14. rhywun

    She once stormed the Capitol for Trump. Now, she’ll be supporting Kamala Harris in November

    That’s some great sleuthing, USA Today!

    • Ownbestenemy

      Today, she calls Jan. 6 “the worst day in our history.”

      Uh huh.

      • AlexinCT

        Did they not have some guy play this exact script on X just a month ago? Claiming to be a life long republican and Trump guy, only to have the readers within days out him as a life long democrat operative? And where are the articles of all the people now saying they have been life long democrats (or indifferent to politics) that are voting Trump? Don’t hold your breath….

      • Rat on a train

        Well, it was an American Reichstag Fire.

    • Drake

      I may have delivered ammo to friends in unfree states. It makes a great Christmas gift to those in need.

      The Satanic joy they take in spreading death is repulsive.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Are you saying your Christmas gifts are skyrocketing to #1 with a bullet?

    • rhywun

      The joy is inevitable. They are Warriors. On the Right Side of History.

      Plus they are sticking it to Trump.

    • EvilSheldon

      It’s kinda been done, in the lead-up to the standard-capacity magazine bans in Colorado and Washington states, and again during at least one of the legal amnesty periods in California. Magpul, and possibly a few other manufacturers, diverted most of their production to those states to boost the supply of grandfathered standard-cap mags before it became illegal to do so.

  15. Drake

    I listened to some (nowhere near all) of the Trump / Musk chat. Trump was doing his usual rambling that I generally agree with while wishing he’d get to the point.

    Elon sounded much like Massie and Paul – very concerned about government size, debt and cost. Several times he pushed Trump to create a commission on government waste.

    • AlexinCT

      People might not remember, but Musk cut 80% plus of the Twitter staff when he bought it, and finally make that thing clean and productive (killed the bots that allowed Twitter to fleece advertisers). I can only dream he would do the same to the bloated unelected and unaccountable den of inequity that passes for government agencies.

      • Drake

        He did bring up Milei and sounds like a big fan of what he’s doing in Argentina.

      • AlexinCT

        Have you seen that all the people that bombarded the news cycle with negative stories about Milei seem to have completely gone silent? Milei’s success at dismantling the socialist bullshit machine that had straddled the country with perpetual decline has left them with the options of either avoiding covering the changes he is making and their positive results to Argentina, or telling blatant and easily disproved lies.

      • Drake

        Ignoring important stories is the most powerful tactic of our fake news propaganda machine.

      • R C Dean

        Preach it, Drake.

        There’s a reason “material omission of fact” is a species of fraud.

    • juris imprudent

      government waste

      Is all in the eye of the beholder. You threaten to cut any kind of spending and the tears will flow until there is enough to drown kittens. Waste isn’t the problem even though it exists – it is what is considered necessary spending that is the problem. That must be cut, ruthlessly. The entire Dept of Education, not just whatever “waste” exists in it, is a good example.

      • juris imprudent

        Another example – big, beautiful infrastructure programs, just like Trump promised before.

      • R C Dean

        Interesting point, JI. I hadn’t really thought about how “waste” implicitly concedes that the entire program/department is a good and legitimate use of money.

      • Drake

        Last night Trump said he wants to completely eliminate the Dept of Education and make the states responsible.

      • rhywun

        The biggest wastes are required medical and SS spending – and not going anywhere.

      • Fourscore

        Buying votes ain’t what it used be. A picnic and a barrel of whisky used to bring in a crowd. Now we need a lifelong career of perpetual grift to get people to sign on.

        /Perpetual life long grifter

    • juris imprudent

      Hmm, they didn’t discuss their plans for world domination via Project 2025?

      • The Other Kevin

        They wouldn’t be that blatant. It was 2 hours of dog whistles.

      • WTF

        Racist dog whistles that somehow only the left can hear.

      • juris imprudent

        Sit! Down! Roll-over! Good dog!

  16. Not Adahn

    New purchase request training, designed to make the people at procurement’s lives easier and fuck everyone else.

    They had a helpful slide of acronyms. Two slides later there was an acronym not on that helpful slide.

    • Sensei

      We too have also completely revamped procurement.

      • AlexinCT

        When procurement is difficult to do people will only work it because they have an absolute need…

        /some retard trying to impress senior leadership

    • Ted S.

      And yes, that hypocrisy goes both ways.

  17. UnCivilServant

    Watching a video on MOSFETs… it seems the only thing these things want to do is destroy themselves.

    • Timeloose

      Like any component, they need to be used in the operational window. MOSFETs can be very rugged. The biggest challenge if you are used to bipolar devices is preventing gate voltage spikes or using TVS or ESD protection.

      • UnCivilServant

        It was just my initial reaction since it seemed like most of the material was “it will then do X which will destroy it”

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Heat sinks are your friend, isolation on the board helps.

  18. AlexinCT


  19. R C Dean

    “This will be an interesting case.”

    I doubt the WNBA can even come up with an interesting contract dispute.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      I am sure the contract basically states “girlpower”, with no clauses re pregnancy, leave, pay disputes, etc.

    • Cunctator

      —“The lawsuit says the Aces promised Hamby “certain benefits and inducements outside of the contract,”—

      You fucked up, you trusted us. If certain benefits are that important to you, get them in the contract.

      • WTF

        If it’s not in writing, it doesn’t exist.

  20. Certified Public Asshat

    Hemphill, surrounded by other Trump supporters and far-right extremist groups including the Proud Boys, videotaped the riot as she walked inside the Capitol and was later escorted out by law enforcement.

    That decision led to her being sentenced to two months in jail, 36 months of probation and $500 restitution after pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count of parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol building.

    Since then, her attitude has changed.

    Today, she calls Jan. 6 “the worst day in our history.”

    And she’s planning to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, in the general election.

    “The state broke me.”

    • AlexinCT

      Was that not what they did to Winston in 1984?

      Orwell understood the value of breaking those opposed to the state, then publicly showing their “mea culpa” before offing them…

      • Drake

        She had her struggle session and had been reformed.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      In an open letter to Congress, Hemphill wrote that “I am not a victim of the government, the Justice Department was not weaponized against me, I was a participant who broke the law.”


      • ron73440

        She learned to love Big Brother.

      • R C Dean

        That just begs to be read in a robotic monotone, doesn’t it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Gee, also what was her conditions set upon her release? Like the most recent ones I have read they are onerous and overreaching.


      In his sentencing memo, Biden-Harris U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves opined that because Lavrenz had pointed out the political persecution of J6ers, she should be considered “unrepentant” in her “promotion of the riot.” That, Graves laughably claims, “is powerful evidence that she continues to pose a threat to future acts of political violence.” A Muslim U.S. District Court Judge overseeing the case, Zia Faruqui, handed down a $103,000 fine, believed to be one of, if not the largest ever imposed for a misdemeanor charge in U.S. history. In addition to the fine, Lavrenz was ordered to pay $500 in restitution and banned from using the internet for six months. This restriction, typically reserved for cases involving child pornography, has raised concerns about its appropriateness, especially given the proximity to the upcoming presidential election.

      Ridiculous editorializing aside, this is the conditions they are putting people through that were charged and convicted. Maybe Hemphill changed her heart, maybe the Government did it for her. No one will know.

    • WTF

      Her public statements of support for the Dem nominee are probably part of her plea deal.
      Only half joking.

      • Sean

        Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

      • Ownbestenemy

        See above of the most recent conviction. Because the person was ‘unrepentant’ and probably still expressed her desire to vote Trump, the conditions are ‘no internet’.

  21. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/13:
    *19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 08/13:
    *30/30 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 506

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/13:
      *19/19 words (+14 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 08/13:
      *30/30 words (+12 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 495

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/13:
      *19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 29% by accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 08/13:
      *30/30 words (+8 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 14% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 350

  22. Ownbestenemy

    Interesting thought I just had. I get that an incumbent president utilizing AF1 for ‘campaign’ trips gets fuzzy because they are governing too, even if it is obviously not a governing trip. What about the VP. They really aren’t governing anything and any trip the VP takes at this point, especially with Walz onboard are purely political campaigning. Would be interesting to see the books on if the campaign is paying those.

    • Rat on a train

      See conferences in vacation spots.

      • Ownbestenemy

        True. Reason there is rarely an FAA meeting in Vegas.

      • Rat on a train

        I recall my time at the NSA. Management rarely attended local conferences. Workers rarely attended remote conferences.

    • creech

      I’d love to see Vance, Harris, Walz, Biden get their salaries docked for the time they are campaigning and not doing their job.

  23. ron73440

    I love the corporate media.


    CBS News


    Donald Trump ran through his checklist of conspiracy theories in a rambling conversation with Elon Musk Monday night that was initially derailed by what the tech titan said was a technical glitch.

    • R C Dean


    • Ownbestenemy

      I dunno..Harris-Walz whiney memo might take the cake. Seems Trump was over the target on this one. Still trying to find word if Elon really did offer Kamala too and they declined.

      • The Last American Hero

        Not sure about behind the scenes, but I saw Elon Musk post on X last night that Kamala was welcome for a similar interview.

      • ron73440

        I saw the same reaction to his long press conference.


        Oddly, none of them had clips to really back up their point.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Mrs OBE said it sounded like he had bridge work done or partials worked on, based on her experience working in dental. Other than that, it was Trump. Make point, jump all over the place, get back to point, jump around, etc, etc.

    • AlexinCT

      To paraphrase that movie “Princes’ Bride”: The media keeps using the words “conspiracy theories”, I do not think they know what it means…

      Especially in todays world where we keep discovering that conspiracy theories are actually conspiracy truths…

      How many things that people used to believe was made nonsense have to be proven true, despite ardent and constant pushback by a bunch of lying cuntes in media, for these losers to feel they are being idiots peddling that shit…

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Where are the juicy conspiracy theories?

      In a very one-sided conversation on X, Trump vented about a “zombie apocalypse” of immigration, repeatedly blasted President Biden as “stupid” and mused on developing a new missile defense system based on the one that defends Israel.

      The Republican standard-bearer also dismissed climate change, whose sea-level rises he said would simply create more real estate opportunities.

      • KSuellington

        Sea level rise is real and unprecedented. That is why coastal real estate can be had for pennies on the dollar here in the United States. People can’t unload their beachfront properties fast enough. Obama was kind enough to buy ocean front estates on two oceans just so no one else would have to suffer the financial ruin of buying them.

    • The Other Kevin

      Musk and Trump are still pushing the conspiracy theories that Biden has dementia and was forced out of the race. CRAZY!

  24. The Other Kevin

    Soros prosecutors not doing their job. “Defund the police.” Cops retiring in droves and not being replaced. You are 100% guaranteed to have vigilantes.

  25. Shpip

    This week, in Rednecks Privileged Wypipo in the Mist:

    In many ways, they’re typical homeschool parents, according to prepandemic U.S. Department of Education data. White families were more than twice as likely to homeschool as Black or Hispanic families. Rural and upper-middle-class families were also more likely to homeschool than their peers.

    Between 2003 and 2019, homeschooling grew the fastest among rural, white families like the Schurdells, according to federal survey data.

    In most homeschool families, at least one parent has some college education. Victoria Schurdell went to college, studying education, though she never completed her degree. She spent two years interning and substitute teaching in Pasco County schools.

    Family time was the driving reason to stay home with her children, but she also had concerns about public schools.

    Rich weirdos who (shuffles cards)… want the best outcome for their kids. There oughta be a law! (Hey lady… stop doing that!)

    • Tundra

      Awesome. Thanks, Holiness!

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of the vaxx- I stumbled across a thing about Aaron Rodgers yesterday. Some sports writer was huffing and puffing about Rodgers playing word games about being “immunized”. The only reason he got caught was because he tested positive and had to sit out. The best part? This buffoon was claiming Rodgers only caught the plague because he hadn’t been vaccinated with the Approved Holy Cure. Talk about word games.

    • AlexinCT

      I see your mistake: thinking these cuntes in the media actually care about telling the truth versus all being owned by people with agendas that are anti common man.

    • The Other Kevin

      Meanwhile, Fauci has gotten Covid. Again.

      • Fourscore

        Too bad. I really feel sorry for him. Elderly man like that needs daily vaccinations. Can’t be too safe.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe the DNC will move him to the top of the ticket

    Walz helped make Minnesota’s tax system one of the most progressive of any state in the country. Through a series of tax cuts, rebates, and credits for low and middle-income Minnesotans and moderate tax hikes on the rich, Walz has helped transform Minnesota’s tax system into one of the few in the nation that is “moderately progressive,” according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Most other states, according to this think tank, tax the rich at lower rates and therefore have tax systems that aren’t progressive at all.

    Walz has done a lot on the tax reform front. Facing a multibillion-dollar budget surplus, the governor was able to enact “the largest tax cut in state history.” These tax cuts included the aforementioned child tax credit as well tax rebates of up to $1,300 for working class Minnesotans, which some dubbed “Walz checks.” Walz also cut taxes for recipients of Social Security in Minnesota.

    To help pay for these cuts, Walz put a new tax on multinational corporations. He put a one percent surtax on investment income over $1 million a year. Walz also increased taxes on gas to help fund infrastructure.

    Robbing Peter to buy Paul’s vote; works every time.

    • WTF

      He put a one percent surtax on investment income over $1 million a year.

      I’m just gonna assume 401(k) and IRA accounts were not exempt.

      • Drake

        I’m going to guess everyone with money moves to Florida the day after they retire.

    • creech

      Yep, most people eat this shit up. Until they find themselves staring into a ditch full of dead people.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Except there’s no reason to be rich and living in Minnesota.

      • The Other Kevin

        Well, there is Prince. Oh shit, never mind.

      • Tundra

        There was a time when the benefits outweighed the costs. I knew lots of rich dudes who lived there in their giant lake places or cool condos downtown. Those days are loooooooong gone.

      • Pope Jimbo

        We just recently had our state per capita gdp drop below the average in the US. First time that ever happened. Why?

        Because poor people keep moving in to get generous bennies and rich people move to TN or FL to avoid taxes.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda. WTF is this person talking about?

      We had a $17B surplus. And Walz still raised taxes. He gave out a pittance in rebates. And now the entire surplus is gone and we are running a deficit. Because of course, they used the surplus to start all sorts of new offices and programs. You know shit that needs to be paid for every year.

      Every year he was governor, he wanted a $.20 gas tax even though he mostly had surpluses. He’d just ramble about needing that money for “infrastructure” but never actually said exactly what it was that needed to be fixed.

      • The Other Kevin

        He looked angry.

      • Grummun

        Water released

        So, I drank a lot of beer last night…

        Bird Launcher

        Poodle Launcher

      • R C Dean

        I’m guessing that’s for real old school pigeon shoots. The kind with live, not clay, pigeons.

      • PieInTheSky

        no one can shoot a real pidgen they are too fast. Humans cant aim that fast.

    • AlexinCT

      How do you have sex with that?

      • PieInTheSky

        lots of grease ?


        A can-do attitude and a light coat of gear oil.

      • Not Adahn

        Enough courage?

    • PieInTheSky

      heat death of the universe?

    • WTF

      “The judge refused nearly all of her witnesses and excluded virtually all of her defenses.”


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Well of course her defenses were excluded, she might have been found not guilty otherwise and we can’t have that now.

  28. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. I must be the biggest sissy in Minnesoda. You can’t swing a cat in Minnesoda and not hit someone who had defrauded the state out of a million bucks or so. Am I a naïve rube for thinking that I could go to jail for stealing a million bucks?

    A charter school with campuses in Minneapolis and St. Paul has lost $1.3 million in state funds after allegedly falsifying attendance records, which follows an investigation by the Minnesota Department of Education,
    The information was revealed in a recent filing after the Minnesota Internship Center attempted to appeal the Department of Education’s decision to decrease its aid by $1.3 million. However, the Court of Appeals upheld the decision. This is the school’s second attempt to appeal this decrease in funding.
    According to the filing, the school had allegedly manipulated attendance records, reporting an average daily membership of 520.98 in the fiscal year 2018. It also claimed that based on the 2018 enrollment number, 485 students would need free or reduced lunch in 2019.

    At least these guys put in some work. The examples I was listing yesterday were just lazy bastards who’d email someone at a govt office and tell them to send the payments to a different bank account. And it worked. Over and over.

    • PieInTheSky

      not just in Minnesoda.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Justice at last

    Crews on Monday tore down a Texas church where a gunman killed more than two dozen worshippers in 2017, using heavy machinery to raze the small building even after some families sought to preserve the scene of the deadliest church shooting in U.S. history.

    A judge cleared the way last month for the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs to tear down the sanctuary where the attack took place, which until now had been kept as a memorial. Church members voted in 2021 to tear it down, but some families in the community of less than 1,000 people filed a lawsuit hoping for a new vote on the building’s fate.

    Authorities put the number of dead in the Nov. 5, 2017, shooting at 26 people, including a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. After the shooting, the interior of the sanctuary was painted white and chairs with the names of those who were killed were placed there. A new church was completed for the congregation about a year and a half after the shooting.

    That building can’t kill anybody else, now. Praise de lawd.

    • WTF

      In spite of all our cool toys, we really are just a few steps out of the cave.

    • Grummun

      By this logic, the capitol building in DC should be demolished.

      • The Other Kevin

        I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

      • R C Dean

        I think the logic requires that somebody other than a Bad Person be shot or beaten to death in order for the building to be demolished. So, no, Ashley Babbitt and Roseann Boyland don’t count.

    • EvilSheldon

      Perhaps I’m insensitive or lacking in empathy or some other bullshit, but these displays of naked animism make me weep for the future of my people…

      • Nephilium

        I’m right there with you. I have no issue with memorials being included, but there’s no reason to tear down a perfectly good structure because something terrible happened there.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Render unto the shooter what is the shooter’s…

    • R C Dean

      Sounds like the church (organization) itself wanted the church (building) demolished. Their property, their call.

      • EvilSheldon

        I agree with this, of course. I’m saying that their call is a bad one, both practically and spiritually.

  30. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “How dare they do this! Imagine the temerity of Jews praying on the Temple Mount. Outrageous!”

    I am not a super ‘ra-ra, go Israel’ guy, but I’m also not above enjoying seeing the feefees of sensitive snow flakes being hurt. And most of all, that’s just religious freedom. So yeah, stuck agreeing with the ultra far right again.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Change of heart?

    Trump endorsed electric vehicles in his Monday night interview with Musk as strongly as he ever has. “Your cars don’t require too much gasoline,” he told Musk. “You do make a great product … That doesn’t mean everybody should have an electric car, but these are minor details, but your product is incredible.”

    But former California regulators and auto industry analysts aren’t banking on Musk, who built Tesla into the world’s most valuable automaker with the help of California subsidies, helping to soften Trump’s attacks on California’s nation-leading EV policies.

    “Do I believe for a second this will result in Donald Trump supporting EVs? No,” said Craig Segall, a former deputy executive officer at the California Air Resources Board who now serves as vice president of the environmental group Evergreen Action, after Trump said last week that he has to be for electric cars, “because Elon endorsed me very strongly.”

    Trump’s campaign, meanwhile, shows no signs of backing down on its promise to undermine state and federal emissions rules. When asked whether Musk’s support has pushed Trump to reconsider his plan to revoke California’s clean cars waiver and undo the Biden administration’s federal emissions standards, the campaign responded Monday with a statement from Republican National Committee spokesperson Anna Kelly blasting EV mandates.

    Trump doesn’t want to ban internal combustion vehicles, either. What an asshole.

    • R C Dean

      Oh, fer fuck’s sake. EVs have a use case, and by almost any measure Tesla makes the best ones for most people. Trump can say that, and still be opposed to outlawing ICEs, subsidizing the shit out of EVs, etc.

      These rudimentary binary thinkers (everything not prohibited is mandatory, and everything not mandatory is prohibited) really grind my gears.

    • juris imprudent

      That little exchange is why I can’t stand to listen to Trump. He really does pander just like any other politician.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Of course, he panders because he is a politician and he’d be an absolute fool to not pander to Musk the Friendly Quarter Trillionaire.

  32. PieInTheSky

    Libertarianism, or in this context, right-wing libertarianism, refers to the ultra-indivdualist and highly idealistic ideologies that view the government as the primary force that reduces their “liberty”, and view capitalism as a largely voluntary and effective system. Similar to liberals, libertarians put a large amount of stock in the ideas of “natural law”, but unlike liberals, libertarians take “natural law”, as well as individualism, to a much more extreme conclusion, to the point where many of them are willing to deprive the poor and needful of basic social programs all in the goal of creating an idealistic “free-market” utopia.[1][2][3]

    Right-wing libertarians can be broadly split into three groups: mainstream libertarians (those who make up the majority of the movement, and whom are the least extreme), “minarchists” (those who want a “minimal state”), and anarcho-capitalists (who are the most idealistic and extreme).[4] Furthermore, while libertarians are some of the most fanatical apologists of capitalism, they are often times rather progressive on certain social issues, such as drug prohibition, firearm ownership, and mass incarceration of the poor.[5]

    In spite of libertarianism being, in theory, an anti-state ideology, libertarians often have a trend of embracing white-supremacist ideas, and otherwise fascist ideology. This trend is known as the Alt-Right Pipeline.[6] Additionally, people such as Gavin McInnes, founder of the neo-fascist paramilitary group known as the Proud Boys, and Ben Shapiro, a devout Trumpist and white-supremacist commentator, have identified themselves as libertarians.


    • Nephilium

      they are often times rather progressive on certain social issues, such as drug prohibition, firearm ownership, and mass incarceration of the poor.

      So the progressives want to get rid of the FDA, BATFE, and victimless crimes?

    • EvilSheldon

      The only thing I care less about than neo-communist commentary on libertarianism, is neo-communist commentary on anything else…

    • Common Tater

      “Ben Shapiro, a devout Trumpist and white-supremacist commentator”


      • Not Adahn

        “Big Khazar milkers” is a white supremacist shibboleth.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Sounds like the church (organization) itself wanted the church (building) demolished. Their property, their call.

    Reading the whole thing it sounds like the church elders want a shiny new pyramid, but a not-insignificant subset of the congregation doesn’t.

    • R C Dean

      Internal church squabbling is so endemic in Texas that there is an entire subspecialty of mediators for it.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Tesla also squabbled with regulators when they sought to limit EV rebates to companies that abide by “fair and responsible” labor practices, which he said would disadvantage his Fremont factory. And the political gulf between Musk and California Democrats has only grown. Last month, he again threatened to move his other companies’ headquarters, this time SpaceX and X, from California to Texas in protest of new state protections for transgender students in schools.

    Why would he object to being blackmailed into letting the UAW in?

  35. UnCivilServant

    Finished writing up these darn performance goals for my direct reports.

    Now waiting for my supervisor to sign off on them before I go and tell my people what we expect of them in greater detail. (They already know, but forms must be followed)

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Auto industry analysts are also skeptical that Trump’s softened language on EVs will result in a real policy shift or prevent him from going after federal EV credits, which Musk has indicated he’d be fine with gutting.

    Trump is “going to take a step back from making EVs a punching bag,” said Nick Nigro, founder of EV analysis firm Atlas Public Policy. “But that doesn’t mean that he’s going to become a staunch advocate of EVs in the near term.”

    No more price supports for EVs? Oh, HORROR. The nation is doomed.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    That little exchange is why I can’t stand to listen to Trump. He really does pander just like any other politician.

    He wants to be loved. Just like every other politician.