Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Aug 15, 2024 | I Am Lame | 180 comments

RAGE-TRIGGERING LINK: This story makes me incredibly angry and sad that this family is experiencing any of this. Maryland Child Protective Services collaborated with the DC-based hospital and someone transported this kid across state lines; seems like there are a lot of legal issues here, including some possible criminal ones. Every parent out there with a sick child is going to think twice before seeking hospital treatment. The groomers and transitioners have taken over many of our institutions.

RAY OF HOPE: Federal Fifth Circuit rules geofence warrants unconstitutional. Geofence warrants, also known as “reverse” search warrants, allow police to draw a shape on a map, such as over a crime scene, and demand that Google (or any other company that collects user locations) search its entire banks of location data for any phone or device that was in that area at a specific point in time. Now, the bad news: the federal Fourth Circuit recently ruled geofence warrants to be perfectly legal. The Fifth Circuit ruling sets up a circuit split which means the case will get reviewed by SCOTUS. But at least for now, no more geofence warrants in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.

BRIDES OF THE STATE: Miserable young women are the Democrats’ foot-soldiers. Over at UnHerd, writer David Samuels takes us on a tour of the large cohort of American women who have embraced the helping hand of the state in place of the increasingly suspect protections of fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In doing so, they have become the Democratic Party’s most enthusiastic and decisive constituency. What Samuels doesn’t address is the second-order consequence of BOTS — a generation of boys raised without male role models. (H/T to Q Continuum for this depressing but essential article.)

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: Remember how last week I linked to an article about ex-Democrat, US Army Reserve officer, and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard being subjected to TSA bullshit hassles every time she flies as part of something called the “Quiet Skies” program? Well, a group of Hawaii state representatives have written a strongly-worded letter to the TSA about that. Federal bureaucrats wipe their asses with letters from state legislators. The feds are probably still pissed off about that time back in 2020 when Congressman Massie and then-Congresswoman Gabbard filed a bill to repeal the Patriot Act.

NASA IG SAYS BOEING NEEDS TO IMPROVE QC ON MOON ROCKET: Boeing has been in the news a lot recently, and not in a good way. First, all the whistleblower reports about their commercial aircraft, then the StarLiner crew capsule which (miraculously) made it to the ISS safely but remains indefinitely docked being deemed to be too risky for the crew return voyage. Now NASA’s Inspector General has questions about quality control on the Moon rocket. Not a good look, especially with the Chinese itching to do a crewed Moon landing.

PRIVATE COMPANY SEEKS TO TAKE OVER NASA’S CANCELLED VIPER ROVER: Much to the surprise and anger of pretty much everyone in the US lunar exploration community, NASA ill-advisedly cancelled testing on their already-built VIPER rover, a low-cost, high value mission to prospect for surface ice inside craters at the Moon’s south polar region. [sfx: sad trombone] Now, Intuitive Machines says it is organizing a coalition of organizations that will offer to take over a NASA lunar rover mission, launching it on one of the company’s landers. [sfx: horn section fanfare] This will still be funded by the US taxpayers under a CLPS task order. (Full Disclosure: I own a small amount of IM stock.)

Here’s a rare version of a happy little tune to send you on your commenting way.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. The Other Kevin

    Over on X, Matt Taibbi is fielding a lot of pushback from people defending Quiet Skies.

    • Tonio

      Of that I have no doubt. The deep state, its apologists, anti-freedom people, hysterics, and dem operatives who hat Gabbard. It’s a hive of scum and villany.

    • juris imprudent

      BOTS or bots?

      Also hated, bot-flies, which lay eggs on horses and you have to scrape the damn things off to avoid the larvae penetrating the horse’s hide.

    • Tundra
  2. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Tonio links!!! IN SPAAAACE

    • UnCivilServant

      I hope he didn’t take a Starliner.

      • Tres Cool

        One way?
        But I paid for round-trip !

  3. Shpip

    The large cohort of American women who have embraced the helping hand of the state in place of the increasingly suspect protections of fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In doing so, they have become the Democratic Party’s most enthusiastic and decisive constituency.

    “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.”

    — Biggie Smalls (I think)

    • Tonio

      Good observation, Shpip. Once again, they are using Orwell as a how-to guide. A Chilton’s manual of fascism.

      • juris imprudent

        The fucks can’t even just be the tiniest bit original.

      • Nephilium


        At least once can we try the Brave New World route? Where they had the islands for the misfits who didn’t fit in?

      • Shpip

        Where they had the islands for the misfits who didn’t fit in?

        Haiti’s full, man. That’s why the misfits Haitians keep coming here.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I prefer the Haynes version, more violent

      • DEG

        At least once can we try the Brave New World route? Where they had the islands for the misfits who didn’t fit in?

        As long as we don’t go the Cyprus Experiment route.

  4. Sean

    Yo, that first link is absolutely insane.


    • R.J.

      I can’t even post a funny music link about it. Just wretched.

    • EvilSheldon

      Yeah, that would definitely not be a filing lawsuits sort of deal for me. It would be some other kind of deal.

  5. Raven Nation

    Re: Tulsi Gabbard. For some reason, this did not occur to ,me: if Tulsi’s on the list, can I assume Massie, Rand, Amash and a few others are also? Maybe RFK, Jr.

    • The Other Kevin

      While she suspected she was being followed, every time she flies her ticket has “SSSS” on it, which means extra intrusive searching. You know, the kind I get because I can’t walk through the stupid machine. But I digress.

      Some suggested she was being followed because someone else was a threat to her safety, but that doesn’t explain why SHE was being searched and had bomb sniffing dogs assigned to her.

      I would expect any of the aforementioned would notice these things, but maybe Quiet Skies has different levels of intrusiveness? We may never know, though, because there is no official way to know if someone is on such a list.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Pissing off the Evil Queen Kamala probably has something to do with it.

    • slumbrew

      The question with Rand & Massie is if they dare put a sitting congresscritter on the list.

      The others, quite possibly.

    • Rat on a train

      Put her on the Selectee list. We’ll never get away with No-Fly.

  6. Tundra

    *looks through garage for wood chipper*

    • Nephilium

      They were going door to door here for the past week.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        And now Ohio is paradise?

      • Nephilium


        Unfortunately, they were only picking up items left on tree lawns, not taking requests.

  7. Dr. Fronkensteen

    In too local news

    6 people shot in and around single building since May.

    After the third person was shot at 6002 North Kenmore in May, Manaa-Hoppenworth launched a policy of not telling her constituents about criminal activity in her ward unless they “opt-in” to a special mailing list. She thinks informing people about crime is racist and leads to a perception of increased crime.

    She said her decision was based on her concerns about racism and her belief that “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.”

    • juris imprudent

      Black people killing black people is white supremacy; it is known.

    • Not Adahn

      If a shooting happens and nobody reports it, does it do a racism?

      • R.J.

        Schrödinger’s Shooting!

    • Shpip

      Well, we wouldn’t want people to think that the 6000 block of North Kenworth is dangerous. Why, barely more people have been shot there over the last six months than the posh neighborhoods on the Gold Coast. Just a statistical anomaly is all.

    • Suthenboy

      Whoa. First link – Some people just need killin’.

      Manaa-Hoppenworth is an elected official. Get that? Elected.

      I assume my phone is ratting me out 24hrs per day.

      A number of amendments were mistake, none more so than the 19th.

      It could never happen here, or so I was raised to think so.

      When NASA scolds you about quality….

    • Timeloose

      Based on critical theory all social ills stem from inequalities within existing power structures.

      So is she wrong?

  8. Shpip

    Now NASA’s Inspector General has questions about quality control on the Moon rocket.

    I think the question is now “how many times will Elon’s Starship make it to the moon before Artemis lands anyone there?”

    • Tonio

      The Artemis program involves both Orion and Starship vehicles. Current plan is to send an uncrewed Starship HLS variant to lunar orbit, and send four astronauts in an Orion to dock with the HLS. Two astronauts will use the HLS to do a lunar landing and return. The Orion will head back to earth with the crew, and the Starship HLS will stay in orbit to support future missions.

      • slumbrew

        I’m still disappointed that it’s not the cool kind of Orion spacecraft.

      • Drake

        Yes. I’ll never read these stories and not think nuclear bomb propelled spacecraft.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      When? At this rate why bother? Sunk costs?

  9. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    There was a period of time when my daughter kept getting flagged for extra scrutiny when we were flying. Why a 9 year old girl would be on a watch list is unclear. Maybe the TSA are just a bunch of perverts.

    • The Other Kevin

      In hindsight maybe you shouldn’t have named her Mohammed.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        The mother of a co-worker of my sister’s was named Jihad.

    • Tonio

      Probably her name is the same or similar to someone of actual interest to them. Nobody ever got fired from TSA for being too cautious.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        That was my thought. Maybe there is some Jewish-Russian mafia figure that has a similar name. We’re not Jewish or Russian, but there are some Jews who adopted the same last name.

      • Grummun

        Nobody ever got fired from TSA for being too cautious. going completely fucking overboard in their disregard for civil liberties.

    • Mojeaux

      In August 2001, I flew to Salt Lake to meet a dude off the internet. This did not go well. However, it is the last time I flew without hassle. KCI was a fabulous airport to fly in and out of. Gate was 100 feet from the drop-off, and you could just run in, check your bags (or not) and sprint down the passageway to your seat 5 minutes before takeoff. When I got to Salt Lake, dude was waiting for me at the gate along with a whole lot of people waiting for their people.

      In July 2002, it was an entirely different ballgame. I planned to help my then-fiancé move back to KC so I only had a one-way ticket. TSA was just starting to get its hooks in and while KCI was fabulous for last-minute flights, it was singularly horrific for TSA to function. You could not have long lines in a compressed space (from front door to gate) like that. Anyway, I only had a backpack because it would be a quick trip, and because I was low-carbing faithfully, I had water and snacks. I got pulled out of the line and thoroughly interrogated as to my purpose, possessions, and snacks. They REALLY wanted to know about my snacks. When I got to Salt Lake, there was NO ONE at the gate and I completely panicked before I remembered this was a cowardly new world. The terrorists had won.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        In 2002 I was on a business trip to about 3 different cities with an engineer. Each leg of the way both of us got flagged for extra scrutiny. I finally asked an agent why, and the guy said, “Young guys travelling alone. One way tickets. No checked baggage. You fit a profile.” At least that one I could understand. Of course I also learned that if I want to sneak something on the plane I should buy round trip tickets and check a suitcase.

      • slumbrew

        If you really want to be safe, you should pack a bomb as well.

        I mean, what are the chances there would be two bombs on the plane?

      • DEG

        I only had a one-way ticket.

        The last time I flew to Europe, I bought the tickets piece-meal as it was cheaper.

        Only one one-way ticket got me extra scrutiny. Amsterdam to Boston on Delta. There were no TSA folks in Amsterdam and I wasn’t put in a room by myself thankfully, but I got extra searches and extra questioning.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “Only one one-way ticket got me extra scrutiny. Amsterdam to Boston on Delta.”

        I think the TSA still has a say on flights into the US. From the TSA website: “The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is actively working to raise the baseline for aviation security across the globe by requiring the implementation of enhanced security measures, both seen and unseen, at approximately 280 foreign airports with direct commercial flights to the U.S.”

        One of the times my daughter got pulled aside was in Costa Rica when we were returning to the US.

  10. juris imprudent

    On the ded-thred, Drake [I think] posted about some botched raid in Yemen. I don’t find much credible in that reporting, since it first claims SEALs and SAS, then American mercenaries. I also don’t have any idea why Israel would be fucking around there at all.

    • Ted S.

      The Houthis have been committing unprovoked acts of war anyway. Free passage through the Bab-el-Mandeb is guaranteed by international treaty.

      It astonishes me how people want to jettison the idea of free an open international shipping lanes just because they think they’re getting some sort of “win” over the western foreign policy establishment.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I noticed the outright support for Houthis here at Glib central has fallen off since the spotlight has started shining on what exactly they’ve been doing all along.

      • Suthenboy

        Why jettison free passage? See: The Trojan Wars

        Any bottleneck in land or sea lanes is the perfect place for a toll booth. They want money. It’s always the money.
        Also, the hootys are what you might characterize as ‘not civilized’.

      • Suthenboy

        There was support for the hootys here?
        Not saying there wasn’t but I dont remember it. Sometimes I think a lot gets past me.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        What are you talking about? I think we still support Hooters.

    • MikeS

      Drake is linking to articles making questionable claims? Well, it’s good to know nothing changed while I was gone.

  11. Mojeaux

    I’m unreasonably stressed for the people stranded on the ISS. Do they all have enough food and water? Were they prepped for a long stay in 0 gravity? What business did they leave behind that they thought, “Oh, I’ll get to that when I get back”? I mean, it’s not like they intentionally bought a one-way ticket. Did they suspect the people they trusted couldn’t get them home again? But mostly I’m stressed about 2 additional people indefinitely in the ISS residents’ space that they weren’t counting on.

    And I’m not even a space nerd. I’m just like, this is super inconvenient.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “Did I close the garage door?” “Did I turn off the stove before I left?”

      • Mojeaux

        “Are my auto-pays all set up?”

      • Gustave Lytton

        “You feed the cat & dogs, I’ll feed the fish”

        Wait, wrong space program.

      • Suthenboy

        yes on the garage door and the stove. Geez, such a worryer.
        Now..the iron is a different story.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      You bought the ticket, you take the ride,
      Then Elon comes and saves the day!

    • trshmnstr

      This was a contingency planned for. There’s plenty of food and, IIRC, they’ve both done extended stints at ISS before. It’s the worst example of your connecting flight being canceled because of mechanical issues in the history of flight, but theyll be fine.

      I’m just glad we didn’t have to watch them disintegrate across the ionosphere.

      • EvilSheldon

        Yeah, twice in a lifetime is plenty for that.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Mo, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say let ’em crash!

      • The Other Kevin

        “Boy locked in refrigerator eats own foot”

  12. The Late P Brooks

    I’d link to “Fuck You, That’s Why” by the Smut Peddlers, but more likely than not youtube would demand I sign in and “verify my age”.

      • Tonio

        Fuck. Yeah.


  13. pan fried wylie

    David Yamane is not a bad dude. He stubbornly refuses to be redpilled, even when his book pitches are rejected by librarians calling his views “repressible.” [sic? not sure, maybe she was open about wanting to repress views.]]

    The repressibility is intracle to his viewpoint.

    (Intracle: ‘integral’ + ‘intricate’, when people just mean integral. MOAR CHIKIN FER PUBLIXOOL)

  14. J. Frank Parnell

    RIP Famous Amos and Greg Kihn.

    Who will be the third?

    • R.J.

      Dang. I liked Famous Amos.

    • Ted S.

      Peter Marshall?
      Gena Rowlands?

    • slumbrew

      We’re up to 4 – also Peter Marshall and Gena Rowlands

      • Drake

        It’s a Kihnspiracy!

      • slumbrew

        Other people might be in jeopardy.

      • The Other Kevin

        They just don’t write em like that anymore.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Thanks, Tundra!

  16. The Late P Brooks
  17. The Late P Brooks

    That MGB GT needs a two liter Ford Zetec with fixed cams and a five speed.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    A two liter six would sound sweet.

    • Tundra

      It’s a nice motor. Lots of people drop them into Spitfires.


        Spitfires use Rolls-Royce motors, and so do Mustangs.

  19. Aloysious

    Space links bring… Space Madness.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    She said her decision was based on her concerns about racism and her belief that “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates perpetrators.”


    • Suthenboy

      Now see, I thought increased crime led to the perception of increased crime. Maybe it’s just me, I dunno.

  21. Shpip

    In too-local Big College news, a grad student was fixin’ to head out to the real world last spring, and decided to spend her last week on campus getting arrested in a pro-Hamas demonstration on the campus quad.

    The university had told students that there were guidelines on acceptable conduct when protesting, and that violations would be punished by suspension. This gal decided to flout the rules anyway.

    Getting suspended meant no completion of coursework and no awarding of her degree. And UF really means it when they say that.

    • The Other Kevin

      +1 stupid prize

      • Suthenboy

        …stupid prize….
        Well, she was protesting in support of a vicious, evil babymurderrape cult. So, there is that too.

    • Tundra

      BOT thot.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      OK, but FIRE is an amazing organization

      • slumbrew

        Yes, they are.

        I’m pre-disposed to approve of her punishment but FIRE is probably correct.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Far too often they conflate the free speech issue with consequence free action. Maybe she was fine in her conduct but can you say the same for her compatriots.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Getting suspended meant no completion of coursework and no awarding of her degree. And UF really means it when they say that.



    • EvilSheldon

      Overdosing on Ket is not easy to do.


        If you can clear a high bar for some flavor of criminal negligence, I am on board with prosecutions like this.

        War on drugs prosecutions on the other hand…


        ^ Misthread ^

        Buttons frighten and confuse Grug.

    • Suthenboy

      I heard some of the texts of the dealers. They deserve whatever they get.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      but I’m not sure what putting people in cages will do.


    • Urthona

      Could this *be* any sadder?

      • Tundra

        *funeral applause*

  23. Shpip

    Cancel culture takes its toll

    A recent study out of Michigan State University’s College of Social Science found a dramatic decline in people’s desire to stand out from other people over the past 20 years.

    The study looked at three dimensions of uniqueness: concern about other people’s reactions, desire to break the rules and the willingness to defend beliefs publicly. All three facets declined but the most dramatic were people being hesitant to defend their beliefs publicly (a 6.52% decline) and becoming more concerned with what people think about them (a 4.28% decline).

    Fortunately, as libertarians, we’re comfortable enough in our own skins that we DGAF what the unwashed think of us.

    • Suthenboy

      “… concerned with what people think about them…”
      Remember bullet vending machine girl from yesterday? That was her primary concern as well.
      Goddamned herd animals, cowards.
      I learned early on that it does matter what someone thinks of you if that someone is 1. Yourself or 2. Immediate family, especially children. Outside that you have no real control.

      • The Last American Hero

        Or your current or future employer or the prof that grades you or the social media sites that will ban you or the tsa that will ssss you…

      • Suthenboy

        On the added exceptions…nope. I really dont.
        Well, ok on the social media sites. it is a badge of honor to be banned by the likes of most of them. Back in the day I had a good list of sites that banned me.
        It’s like when people say “Suthenboy, you are too cynical. That’s just wrong” I think “Damn, I am right again.”

    • Nephilium


      What happened to teenage rebellion?

      And why would you not be willing to defend your beliefs in public (with the exception of someone just spouting talking points)?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Teens rebelling against adults is still a thing. But teens rebelling against their peers – other teens – is a really hard ask. I (and I’m sure most of us) went through a lot of B.S. in Middle and High Schools and I did kind of put in a half-ass effort at fitting in, but ultimately decided on the DGAF way of life. But asking teens to stick their necks out in front of their fellows has always been a tough ask. Lots of my classmates spent hours agonizing over “popularity”, etc.

        The good news is, most teens will go along with the Cool Thing. If (when) being a smelly, ugly, angry, strident twat becomes the uncool thing, then we’ll see a shift. What’s required for that to happen are kids that do stick their necks out gaining attention and respect among their peers. Then the majority of kids who just want to fit in and be cool, will go along with the tide.

        Many of the 60s hippies turned into 80s stock brokers.

        Teen culture seems to sway more drastically than middle-aged-people culture. So if we can make it past whatever the fuck is going on with the kids these days, then we’ll be OKish. Maybe.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        One of the biggest difference between teens now and when we grew up is social media. It is a ruthless enforcer of norms.

    • creech

      “becoming more concerned with what people think about them”
      Yet more and more folks seem to be fine with inking up their arms, neck, legs, etc. so people can look at them.

      • Fourscore

        Wow, nasty birthmark. Maybe you have a dermatologist look at that.

    • R C Dean

      That would be the “longhouse” in action.

  24. DEG

    Federal bureaucrats wipe their asses with letters from state legislators.

    Repeal the 17th amendment. And yes, I know some states had already gone to direct election of Senators.

    • Suthenboy

      Here, like most states I imagine, the congressional districts are wildly different in culture and attitude. That is reflected in the office holders. I am not sure repealing the 17th, though I am an advocate of doing so, would change the senators we have.
      I happen to be a fairly big fan of Kennedy though I do keep in mind that he is a pol.

    • Gustave Lytton

      George Helmy is who get (if there’s isn’t a voter process) without 17A, Bob Menéndez is what you get with 17A. In either case, fed rats would continue to ignore state legislators as they increasingly do so with federal legislators with impunity.

  25. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Why do Brits insist on pronouncing every single foreign word wrong? Like, what’s so hard about saying “pie-ay-ah” and not “pie-ella”?

    • slumbrew

      My Brit neighbor can’t even pronounce the name “Candace” (he keeps saying “Kansas” – which, of course, we all call her now).

      He insists that’s not a name in-use in the UK. We think he’s full of it.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Well, Cansas says she wants you with here, down in Cansas land.

    • Derpetologist

      What do you call a person who spends 20 years in China and doesn’t speak a word of Chinese?


      • Suthenboy

        That is a coincidence. What do you can someone who spends their whole life in England but cant speak English?


      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Their grammar, when I see Brits post on Facederp, etc., is atrocious.

  26. Derpetologist

    Did all the boring HR stuff today. My first class is tomorrow, and I’ll probably have a date with the Kenyan gal in Jacksonville this weekend.

    I have 3 periods of geometry and 3 of critical thinking. The principal wants the latter to be an open-ended math class, which is fine by me.

    My pep talk for the geometry students:

    There will always be jobs for people who are good at math, and they pay well. Whatever you want to do in life, you will need to take a standardized test with math, and the better you do, the more options you have. Math is not just a set of rules for manipulating abstract symbols. It’s a way of thinking that helps you understand the world and solve problems. Also, there is a kind of beauty in math much like music. Galileo said that math is the language God used to write the universe.

    For the critical thinking class, I plan on introducing the concept of logical fallacies. After that, I’ll give a math lesson and answer whatever questions they have.

    Here is a video of a student punching a substitute teacher at an FL school:

    Been there, done that. Meh, I had 50 pounds on the guy, so I didn’t get hurt too bad, just a bloody nose and a bump on the side of my head. After the first two punches, I pinned his arms at his side with a bear hug. After a struggle, he broke free and retreated.  I grabbed the scissors and popped the ball he was trying to retrieve for his shithead cousin. Felony battery charge for him. Meanwhile, I drink beer, eat sushi, and relax at home while his braindead relatives cart him back and forth from court.

    His reign of terror has ended.

    • Timeloose

      Have you thought about teaching Boolean Logic based problem solving ?

      It’s something that a HS student could do and the topics could be fun for them.

      They could pick a task of their choosing to break down the decisions that need to be made and the tasks that are required.

    • Shpip

      For the critical thinking class, I plan on introducing the concept of logical fallacies.

      These fellows are a pretty good resource for that:

      Back in the day, the advisor for the local community college debate team asked me to help. I made sure the kids knew and could jump on the common fallacies like a chicken on a june bug. A good exercise was to show them a political ad, then have them list the fallacies within sixty seconds (there are usually several).

  27. Yusef drives a Kia

    You bought the ticket, you take the ride,
    Then Elon comes and saves the day!

  28. slumbrew

    11 year old diesel porsche? With more mileage than the car I already have?


    I wish I had room for two cars.

    That $15.5k is going to start shooting up in the remaining 59 minutes, I expect.

    • Tundra

      That $15.5k is going to start shooting up in the remaining 59 minutes, I expect.

      I think you are right. They are pretty popular.

      Here’s another.

      I don’t really care how old the vehicle is. I bought a 2012 Q5 because it was perfect and the deal was right. I’m gonna drive it and keep my eyes open for a TDI.

      • slumbrew

        sold for $18k.

        Looking at the walkaround and driving videos, I think that’s a deal. Milage aside, that thing is cherry.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      That is an abomination!

      Ferri would weep.

      • Tundra


        My buddy has had several of those abominations. They went well with his Cayman, and you could get to work in December!

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The study looked at three dimensions of uniqueness: concern about other people’s reactions, desire to break the rules and the willingness to defend beliefs publicly. All three facets declined but the most dramatic were people being hesitant to defend their beliefs publicly (a 6.52% decline) and becoming more concerned with what people think about them (a 4.28% decline).

    The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.

    • Suthenboy

      Hammered down. Less so here than anywhere else in the world. That cultural difference alone is enough to put a stop to the insanity of flooding the country with cultures whose values are the inverse of our own faster than we can assimilate them.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    May not go up that much, looking at past auctions

    I stumbled across a early 320i BaT recently, and I was really surprised to see there was hardly any bidding in the last hour. Maybe things are coming back to earth after all.

    *not a bad car at all; original unrestored original one owner

  31. The Late P Brooks

    That 320 went for 8700 bucks, as I recall. Hardly a steal, but not astronomical.

    • Tundra

      That Suzuki went for $10,750!

  32. Timeloose

    For all of you music fans out there, a documentary is coming out at the end of the month about one of my favorite artists.

    Ike Reilly never made it big or medium, but he has continued to make music.

    He is a combination of Irish storytelling, punk energy, and good old rock and roll. I’ve seen him a few times in the early 2000’s and talked to him before his shows. Like most artists, you have to ignore his politics.

  33. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    When applying for a job at the Harris for President campaign, you can choose from a list of 9 sets of pronouns. You can select more than one pair or your can create your own. You also have to be up to date with your COVID vaccines.

    • Sean


    • Suthenboy

      Please, let all the talk of this lunacy having a shot at the presidency be just astroturf bullshit by the media.

    • rhywun

      Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.

      That’s not what that is for, unless we’re seriously doing away with the word “you” now.

  34. Tundra

    More temptation

    PSA for the youngsters: Get rich. Really rich.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      That is a nice ride, a serious Porsche hunter.


      I never cared for that body style for those, I preferred the generation that looked a bit like a Fox Body Mustang.

      • Tundra

        Really? 86 and up?

        I had among the last of Gen 1, but I dig them all.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    That Suzuki went for $10,750!

    Good grief.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    You also have to be up to date with your COVID vaccines.

    [insert expostulation of surprise]

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      [insert expostulation of surprise]

      My flabber has been ghasted!

  37. Suthenboy

    Wow. I am hearing a lot of talk about price controls on everything from the Kamala crowd. Price controls on gasoline? On rent?
    On food? Just the gas alone would be a death blow to the economy. That is not hyperbole, I mean the economy as a whole would grind to a halt. She is wants to create famine in the US. Jesus fucking christ.
    She is a straight up, no shit commie of the worst kind. I am sure private land seizure is on her list too.

    • creech

      She just courageously hammered the greedy drug companies! Yeah, Xarelto was coming off patent anyway, so I’m not so sure she had to twist arms very hard.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The commie fuckers already want to do that. Particularly around here take church properties to use for the homeless bums because the churches aren’t using them properly. Also because fuck religion. Unless is worship of the state or Gaia.

      • Suthenboy

        What I am hearing the D policy proscriptions are identical to those of the Soviet Union. Fuck everyone who voted for these evil sacks of shit. How moronic do one have to be to support this crap?

  38. Q Continuum

    “H/T to Q Continuum for this depressing but essential article.”

    I used to say, “He who controls the MILFs controls the world!”, now I guess it’s “He who controls the cat ladies controls the world!”

    • Suthenboy

      The Poles are gonna rise? What are they pissed off about this time?

    • The Other Kevin

      A plethora of perfect, perky peaches!

    • Tundra

      Holy shit.

      • Tundra

        The accounts are amazing. Watch twice.

      • MikeS

        Is that a nun firing a gat gansta style? lol.

    • The Other Kevin

      The Hoteps lol

      • Tundra

        I wish I was funnier. What a target rich environment.

      • MikeS

        We all wish you were funnier.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont get it. What has the cripple fight from South Park got to do with what we are talking about?

  39. The Late P Brooks

    One panic at a time

    On Tuesday night, several participants in the Republicans for Harris call did acknowledge that they do not always agree with Harris on policy. But, they argued, they believe Trump would endanger American democracy.

    “When the Harris team wins and prevents the sudden death of American democracy, we can joyfully return to arguing over marginal tax rates and the role of government in health care and all the other issues that defined our politics for generations,” said Craig Snyder, who leads a group called Haley Voters for Harris.

    The ship of state is burning. We’ll argue about who’s going to get to finish running it up onto that reef after we put more fuel on the fire.

    • rhywun

      That quote is not from the Bee?!

    • Suthenboy

      Government has no role in healthcare and taxes are theft, fuckhead. I am guessing the guy had to wipe Kamala’s splooge off of his chin after that call.
      Every time I almost forget how much I hate the R’s they are kind enough to remind me.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Rosario Marin, who served as U.S. treasurer under President George W. Bush, described voting for Trump as “unacceptable” but acknowledged that voting for a Democrat may cause strained relationships for some people.

    “It is not easy to vote outside your party,” she said. “You may lose friends. Your neighbors may disagree with you. Family gatherings may turn uncomfortable. But at the end of the day, I can assure you that you will know in your heart that you did the right thing and that it’s a worthwhile and noble cause.”

    Former Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois acknowledged that it “takes a lot of courage” for many Republicans to publicly break with their party, but he argued it’s necessary.

    “You have to publicly out yourself: ‘I’m a Republican, I’m a conservative, and I’m supporting Kamala Harris,'” Walsh said. “It takes courage, but remember: Donald Trump is unfit to be president.”

    I regret that I have but one life to give…

    Okay, Nathan Hale.

    • Suthenboy

      Shorter never trumpets: I do not have the courage of my…wait, I have no convictions. Never mind.

    • slumbrew

      You could just, you know, not vote for either of them. Fine, you hate Trump, don’t vote for him. I don’t understand why you’re then forced to vote for Harris.

      • MikeS

        There’s a local blogger who was pretty decent for many years prior to Trump/Covid. He self-described as a libertarian leaning conservative. Fast forward 6-ish years and while he says he can’t bring himself to vote for Harris, he recently admitted he is hoping she’ll win in order to stop Trump and save Democracy™️.

        If nothing else, Trump has laid bare a serious mental health problem in this country.