One More (Last?) Tour

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Military, Travel | 99 comments

I’ve hinted at this transition a few times over the past months, but it’s finally here.  I have the orders in hand.  As a reservist with about 12 years of active duty time and just over 20 years total service – I’m going back on active duty for the next three years in a sunny European locale (hint, hint).  This falls under the Definite Recall program augmenting active duty folks or filling additional billets.  Traditionally, I don’t think these have been fillable by Reserves, but there are various different pots of money and ways and means around some shortfalls periodically…and for the moment, I’m just happy to get to go back on active duty and do more Navy stuff.  I’ve made multiple attempts to get a short-term activation (6-12 months) with the unit that I support as a reservist – but that’s a different pot of money held by a different command pillar, and it hasn’t worked out yet.  

On the whole, I wouldn’t say that things haven’t been working out that well with my current civilian job and situation – it’s just that it’s based on a pretty set schedule, and as a contractor, there’s limits to what I can and can’t do, and whether they need me for anything – for long periods of time.  And I just get pretty bored during a lot of times – in between the busier periods – or when I have the chance to go on reserve orders.  While I do have more side/home/hobby/etc projects going on now – there’s just something that still rubs me the wrong way sitting in an office and getting paid for not doing a whole lot…  And while over the past few years I’ve been able to support a lot more orders in the summer during those slow periods, there wasn’t nearly as much funding availability for support this year.

So, even though I’m at 20 years, at this point, there’s no way I’ll collect my retirement sooner than age 60 (potentially at 58 1/2 or 59 if I do a little more active time), and if the opportunity is here…why not volunteer for some more active stuff?  This is a shore duty billet…I would really prefer Japan…but that might still be an option in the future…and the chance for shore duty in Europe isn’t the worst thing in the world.  Outside of a week-long trip to the UK nearly 25 years ago and a couple airport stops to/from Iraq, I’ve never been to Europe period.  I’m not sure at this point if it’ll live up to expectations, but I’m good at keeping mine pretty low.

However…this is also my first time PCS’ing overseas (outside of Hawaii) since I went to Korea in 2006…and the first time I’ve done it while owning a house and a lot of other “stuff” – so I’ve got a few questions I’d like to crowdsource answers from the Glib community (this list will probably grow as I think of more things…but I’ve also done some googling between initially drafting this article and submitting it).  I’m also on a bit of a time crunch given that they only just cut me orders for about 30 days out.   I’ll try and keep these in vague categories.


I’m not too worried about my options overseas, but I plan on getting with one of my buddies from church (and his wife) to manage my house as a long term rental (hopefully for another military tenant – possibly a contractor/reservist from my office) – I think there’s some contract paperwork for that (he and his wife manage a few others near base since he’s also prior military / current contractor).  Since this is a PCS, I’ll actually ship most of my furniture – but leave a lot of other stuff in climate-controlled storage here (not government storage) – a new place just opened up really close to work so I should be able to optimize my preps by dropping things off every few days on the way to the office.  I can also trust my buddy to store my guns and ammo – but if there’s anything specific I should do for this – I’m open for suggestions on legal safety paperwork, etc. I know there are a few minor repairs that need to be completed, but I’m not certain about timing before/after I leave though.  I’m probably going to give my parents a limited power of attorney for major house-related issues just in case, and set aside an account with a maintenance/repair budget too – particularly after the AC repair this summer.

(for UCS – shipping all my 40k gear, including a couple small kits in my suitcase to work on while I wait for paints and everything else to show up)


I was originally thinking about shipping my car over – since it’s paid off, I know it pretty well…but a 2012 Rav4 with nearly 200k miles…might not last as long as I’d like once it gets there.  At this point, I’m thinking I’ll be better off just buying a used model on the local market there (based on quick searches at least).  Now plan on selling my car before I leave – it’s different – planning on being gone for 3 years vice 1 year.  I’ve seen a few used dealerships advertising in Stars and Stripes for Germany/Italy that have newer Rav4 used models for reasonable prices.  I like the idea of sticking with that model because I love the interior space for transportation, etc.  Being able to purchase one overseas and potentially ship it back when I’m done with the tour is also a plus – not sure how the financing works overseas.


Per the link above, I’ll probably buy a local cellphone when I arrive – but I’m also thinking about holding onto my current Samsung S22 at least for wifi apps and other general uses (I need to check with Verizon about international support options – I know things have changed a lot in the last few years and International Roaming may not be quite as complicated).  Talking to a Verizon store dude last weekend, it appears that there’s a new plan for a little more than I’m currently paying that lets me keep my cell, cell #, etc with full capabilities overseas…I think I’ll need to call support to confirm that though – it would be a nice counterpart to a cheap local phone for voice only.

It sounds like the Navy provides large appliances already set up for local voltages, etc (fridges, washer/dryers, etc) – but I’m going to have some restrictions on a lot of my other electronics.  I’d prefer not to buy all new gear just for a short tour even if I can sell it later, but we’ll see.  (Counterpoint – I can leave my current TV here in storage and pick up a 4K TV over there…potentially cross-voltage capable) Hoping I can find some reasonable models that aren’t just CCP junk.

Any recommendations for the following items?

Electric Razor – going back to a daily shave is going to be a little tough on my face.  I’ve been able to manage once every 2 or 3 days most of the time (other than when I go on orders/drill) – but a daily shave does average more cuts/discomfort for me – evidenced by my 5 week course in RI a couple months back.  I’ve had a couple different electric razors in the past (last one was probably over 10 yrs ago) that were never particularly satisfactory.

EDC kit – while I obviously can’t carry in Europe (or on a military base in general), going back to big pockets in my trousers, I figure I may as well look at other options.  I’ve got a couple good “pocket” medical kits from but I’m not sure about other options to add (other than my pocket flashlight).  My current pocket knife is acceptable, but I could certainly manage an upgrade.  This video had some interesting options (What Knives Do Europeans Carry? European EDC Pocket Checks! ( given that it is in Europe – so presumably mostly legal for the respective countries.  Some DOD customs notes are saying I’m limited to a 2″ folding blade – although I may be able to get away with more with my leatherman tool or something similar.

Church – I’ve got at least one recommendation already for the local Anglican congregation, but I am interested whether anyone knows other Protestant churches in the area – particularly ones that may include bilingual services.

Transformers – looking for affordable, high quality – preferably S. Korean, Taiwan or Japanese over CCP – that can handle a large high quality Belkin surge suppressor with multiple devices.  Amazon is probably the most convenient…

About The Author



LCDR Fish is a service-queer veteran. Some days they identify as a grunt and some days they identify as a squid. Just don't call them a jarhead - that's triggering! Currently on reserve status as a filthy contractor.


  1. cavalier973

    Start your own Bible study group when you get there.

    • Grumbletarian

      With blackjack and hookers!

      • cavalier973

        Mark 2:15 (KJV)
        And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.

  2. UnCivilServant

    Careful, Euro is a dangerous place and it sounds like you’re in the path of the ongoing invasion.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      He’s also invading.

  3. ron73440


    Guess that means no more lunches at A.J’s?

    • LCDR_Fish

      Maybe the week of 16 Sep if I have time to get off base.

      • ron73440

        I’ll be here, text me.

  4. Sean

    There will be nothing worth coming back to after CommaLa steals the election and goes full commie.

  5. ron73440

    What are you planning on leaving in storage?

    For the money you would spend, unless the items are really important you might be better off to sell what you have, save your storage money every month in a separate account.

    In 3 years you should have a decent amount to spend on replacements.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Plus for things like TVs or other electronic gadgets, it’s probably better to pick up a new model in 4 years particularly if you have a smart tv or an older model.

    • LCDR_Fish

      I always have stuff to put in storage- in this case a lot of books, comic books, movies and other stuff that I can do without for 3 yrs but I’d still like to hold onto. I’ll probably wind up storing a sofa/hideabed too since I’m worried about it being too large for the doorways overseas…

  6. Sean

    Electric razors suck.

    • Drake

      I’ve tried a few and never found one I liked. Always makes me itchy.

    • Nephilium

      The few times I tried, I did not like the electric razors.

    • R.J.

      I use a Gillette ProGlide with the vibrating handle. Individual Blade cartridges last between one month and a business quarter, so good value. I am very swarthy and have to shave daily, sometimes even morning and night. No nicks or cuts

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        …ProGlide with the vibrating handle…

        Ohh my!!!!!!!

    • R C Dean

      Wearing a tie every workday for 30 years (yes, even when it wasn’t required/expected) pretty much eliminated my beard where the collar was. I’ve had a beard for years, and now just trim around the edges. I’m actually growing it out, and trying to keep it looking reasonably well-trimmed is probably almost as much trouble as shaving.

      • UnCivilServant

        This is why I skip the “Reasonably well trimmed” and just look like a scruffy bum.

  7. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    For your EDC be sure to get a European Man Purse.

    • EvilSheldon

      Very good choice. I’m a proud Spyderco fanboy.

    • R.J.

      Most Leathermans have a 3” blade. The Skeletool is 2.6, the shortest they have. You will have to go with something else, or just remove your blade for Eurotravel.

      • Nephilium

        I remember after the TSA coming into being, and Victorinox started releasing bladeless pocket “knives” and scoffing at them.

        Of course, I had my Utili-key get confiscated going into a sporting event (where they let people bring in knitting needles).

  8. Sensei

    Be careful around Sicily!

    Some kind of sea monster!

    • R.J.

      You know who did that…

      SEA SMITH!

  9. The Other Kevin

    Congrats on the move! Sounds like a great adventure. I can appreciate all of this now that I’ve got a kid and son-in-law in this situation. They just got a check for their moving expenses from this summer. I trust you know how to navigate the moving procedure better than a pair of 19 year old kids.

    My youngest kid’s birth mom has a government job an was in the, ahem, place you hinted at for a few months and absolutely loved it. She’s been wanting to go back for years.

  10. Sensei

    Transformers – looking for affordable, high quality – preferably S. Korean, Taiwan or Japanese over CCP – that can handle a large high quality Belkin surge suppressor with multiple devices. Amazon is probably the most convenient…

    Most electronics like PC equipment will work 120V to 240V AC. The issue is the plug is US standard. You would be better off adapting or buying new cords where possible to the local voltage. That will let you avoid using a stepdown transformer on many things.

    • UnCivilServant

      There will be a label which will say whether it supports both voltages.

      • Sensei

        Good point! I should have noted that.

        Also most things will work 50Hz with no issues. However, the US is 60Hz. If it specifically says 120V / 60Hz you will need stepdown transformer that also converts to 60Hz. Those are pricey as compared to a simple stepdown transformer.

  11. Certified Public Asshat

    I’m going back on active duty for the next three years in a sunny European locale

    Tim Walz would call that Afghanistan.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Naples is the Afghanistan of Italy.

    • Not Adahn

      They both start with a vowel and speak some weird language.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        And they are often swarthy.


        However, Afghan hats are far superior to Italian hats and hats are the metric by which countries should be judged.

    • Sean

      Say what now?

      • UnCivilServant


        But it is only the District court.

      • UnCivilServant

        This court appears to be willing to protect man-portable weapons but not crew served weapons.

      • EvilSheldon

        So the defendant made a Commerce clause argument as well? Five gets you ten that this dude’s an activist of some kind that built up a couple of machine guns as a deliberate test case. Ballsy, if I’m right.

      • Not Adahn

        He put together a .300BLK on an Anderson lower if I’m reading this correctly.

      • DEG

        This court appears to be willing to protect man-portable weapons but not crew served weapons.

        That’s not surprising. That seems to be in line with what I remember 2nd Amendment pro-gun scholars saying a while back.

        Also, it’s an order and a ruling on the merits. Not an injunction.

      • UnCivilServant

        In corresponsence at the time of drafting, Civilian Cannon on Merchant Ships were asked about and stated to be covered. You can’t pick those up and fire them from the hip.

      • DEG

        In corresponsence at the time of drafting, Civilian Cannon on Merchant Ships were asked about and stated to be covered. You can’t pick those up and fire them from the hip.


        I didn’t say those pro-2nd A scholars were right.

      • Sean

        He put together a .300BLK on an Anderson lower if I’m reading this correctly.

        How does the Glock switch work with that?

      • UnCivilServant

        @Sean – it looks like he had multiple “offending” items

    • DEG

      I found the order. It’s real.

    • Not Adahn


      Glock switches are used by icky people. If “rights” protect icky people then the “right” is being misconstrued. See also: Moobs Schumer v. 4Loko.

    • Grummun

      Some is going to have to explain 1) what a “Glock switch” is, and 2) how a part that, by name at least, is intended to be used in a Glock is useful in an Anderson lower.

      • Sensei

        Converts a Glock to full auto. It can be 3D printed out of plastic easily.

        I assume you can download the file easily from multiple FedGov honeytrap web sites and file sharing sites.

    • The Other Kevin

      How do they do tourism so differently from everyone else that they need a special part of a web site? Never mind, I probably don’t want to know.

  12. DEG

    Talking to a Verizon store dude last weekend, it appears that there’s a new plan for a little more than I’m currently paying that lets me keep my cell, cell #, etc with full capabilities overseas…I think I’ll need to call support to confirm that though – it would be a nice counterpart to a cheap local phone for voice only.

    The last time I was in Europe (2017, 2018, sometime around there) I was spending time in Ireland, Germany, Slovakia, Austria, and The Netherlands. I bought a SIM that was good for all of the EU. I had an unlocked phone so I could easily swap SIMs. It was the cheapest option that gave me coverage in all areas I would be in, plus let me call the USA if I needed to.

    Make sure your phone supports bands used in Europe. It should, but double check.

    If your current provider has plans, that might be easiest.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      There are also phones that support dual SIMs which would allow you to keep the US number and a local number.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical


        I had a physical EU SIM and my US virtual SIM at one time.

      • DEG

        That’s good. That would be convenient.

        I think at the time my phone was single SIM.

    • LCDR_Fish

      I actually stopped by Verizon today (after ordering progressive lenses…sucks getting old) – and the Fburg store was able to update my plan on the fly…basically a flat $100 increase on my monthly bill ($85 with discount) and I keep ALL my phone services and accesses *as is* anywhere I go outside the country. I probably need to double check the TOS later, and it may be tricky if my current phone dies – but it does save me a lot of hassle.

  13. DEG

    And congratulations! Best wishes on your move and new posting.

  14. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “I’m not sure at this point if it’ll live up to expectations, but I’m good at keeping mine pretty low.”

    I would keep the expectations low for food, not that I didn’t enjoy things there, not everything was great. I had to tell some people there that they didn’t know how to cook pasta. Very awkward.

    That said, if you like history, art and architecture you can’t miss. Really depends on what you like. There are also some great natural areas.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The worst pizza I ever had was in Italy, but that was up in the corner near the Austrian and Slovenian borders.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Some of the best food and wine I’ve had was in Croatia. There’s a very strong Italian influence there from Venice’s time as a major power.

        I also liked Austrian food quite a bit-very under appreciated country.

  15. Not Adahn

    Lol. I asked my dealership to explain an odd explosion of warning lights. They told me it was because “the oil hadn’t been changed in 95445 miles.”

    I told them that I doubted that, and if it were true they were going to need to explain some receipts I had from them.

    • UnCivilServant

      What kind of engine can go nearly 100k miles on its original dealer oil?

      Also, what kind of lazy tech doesn’t reset the oil change warning?

      • Not Adahn

        I kind of hate myself for doing dealer maintenance, but this is my first car with this complicated of a drive train.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve done dealer maintenance on my C-Max for the eight years I’ve owned it so far.

      • Tundra

        I’ve done both and had great and shitty experiences with each. I’m going to try a new independent place because my cars are 12 and 9 years old and there isn’t anything new and crazy on them.

    • Sean

      Mine’s in today for a recall and repairing a leak on the AC system (warranty).

      They told me it was because “the oil hadn’t been changed in 95445 miles.”

      L O L

  16. Fourscore

    I left Europe more than 50 years ago, I’m sure things have changed (a lot). I worked with the navy in Rota, Naples and an undisclosed place in Morocco but only for a week at a time per year. I lived in Gov Quarters both in France(Army) and Spain(AF). AF were much nicer.

    Probably traffic has gotten much worse since I left, road courtesy consisted of a horn and fist shaking.

    A little aside. I bought gun powder at the Rod/Gun in Naples. Carried it back to Madrid in my brief case on the the plane. Circa 1969-70.

    Good luck, Happy Trails, LCDR.

  17. ron73440

    My wife’s sister is going to the hospital in Okinawa next month for a procedure to see if she has cancer.

    She’ll be staying at least one night, maybe more.

    My wife will be in Okinawa at that time and wants to visit her in the hospital.

    In accordance with SCIENCE, only one person can visit a day and there is a 15 minute time limit.

    My wife, the nicest person I have ever known, is PISSED about this.

    I hope she doesn’t get arrested over there.

    • Sensei

      She’s been away too long. Two of my three Japanese friends unquestionably follow the experts there. OTH, one is lefty but rebellious.

      However, your wife is from Okinawa…

      • Gustave Lytton

        So not really Japanese…

      • Sensei

        See I didn’t want to there…

      • Gustave Lytton

        At least they’re not burakumin!

    • rhywun

      only one person can visit a day and there is a 15 minute time limit

      *rubs eyes*

      Did I wake up in 2020 today?

    • R C Dean

      “You can easily carry the LST in your pocket, whether heading to the field or the office. The 420HC Stainless Steel blade is razor sharp, and well designed for skinning small game or tackling other daily tasks.”

      Gotta say, I’ve never worked in an office where skinning small game was a thing.

      • Beau Knott

        No interns huh?

    • ron73440

      Mine, but I guess I’m not cool.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have a reservation to tour their factory in Idaho while I’m ou there.

  18. ron73440

    Thought this was parity, but apparently it’s real:

    President Biden
    President Biden
    Republicans in Congress want to play politics with the border.

    I’m fighting to fix it.

    2:00 PM · Aug 22, 2024

    • The Other Kevin

      Everything they do is projection and gaslighting. By this he means they won’t support his border bill, which codifies illegals pouring over the border, gives them tons of benefits, and makes them eligible to vote. What a POS.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Glock switches are used by icky people. If “rights” protect icky people then the “right” is being misconstrued.

    Good people have the right to do good things.

  20. Sensei

    During a power outage, a working-class cancer patient who desperately needs to buy the last generator in stock to keep his medications refrigerated might not be able to outbid a healthy millionaire who just wants to run their air conditioner.

    Instead either randomly allowing the millionaire to buy the generator or the cancer patient. Or perhaps somebody who wanted one just in case and feared a shortage because of rationing. JFC.

    Sometimes You Just Have to Ignore the EconomistsKamala Harris’s proposed price-gouging ban might irritate academics, but it makes sense to everyone else.

    • Gustave Lytton

      And discourage anyone from offering additional sets due to gouging rules.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Every economic pie is fixed and it’s all about just divvying it up.

    • EvilSheldon

      It sucks being poor and sick. You should endeavor not to be either of those things.

      • Sensei

        Team Blue wants to make that a reality. You just need to give them most of your earnings.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. And what happened to your picture? Was it stolen by vandals?

    • Sean

      That millionaire already has a back up generator and a rinky off the shelf unit won’t power his mansion’s AC anyway.

      Get fucked, Zephyr.

      • kinnath

        Midwit is gonna reach . . . . .

      • Gustave Lytton

        “And here’s my ice cream…”

    • The Other Kevin

      At first blush this just seems so stupid. But then realize this is just the next in a series, including hits like “Sometimes you have to ignore physicists and mandate electric vehicles.”

    • rhywun

      Ugh known commie. Avoid reading at all costs.

  21. LCDR_Fish

    Thanks for the tips and suggestions- re knives and razors. I’ll look them up. Was hoping this would be an evening post so I could contribute a bit more – but need to go back into the office.

    While I can get a new TV over there…they’re also paying to ship my current one…and I still need a transformer for my bluray player and Xbox.

    Laptop, phone charger, vacuum, electric toothbrush, etc are all good for 100-240 50/60 – but i’ll need to replace lamps and other common items too. I’ve got the good voltage regulators that I can use for hubs in some rooms if I can find good transformers for them to run through.

    • Sensei

      Hubs? You mean pc switch/hub? Usually big ones are dual voltage and smaller ones you could buy new AC adapters if they aren’t dual voltage.