Wednesday Morning Links

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Daily Links | 265 comments

“It wasn’t my fault” finally worked. Somewhere Maria Sharapova is scratching her head. The Red Sox topped the Astros (boo!). And we’re so close to actual football games that count I can taste it. Now on to the links.

Yeah, it’s called a lie, AP. It’s OK to use the word occasionally, even though he’s a Democrat, you hacks.

Good lord, this is a crazy story. Even accounting for the usual incompetence of a government-run group, it’s excessive.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Words cannot even describe how fucking stupid these people are.

This guy royally screwed up. He should have brought a dude in drag to do the lap dance and then he would have been hailed as a hero of inclusion.

The new season of “Ow My Balls” is out. I winced while reading that. Now you can too.

People should hang for this. That’s not hyperbole.

No guy in a wheelchair? What a bunch of bigots. That story only could have been written by a guy named Dick Chin.

Not everything is about racial grievances, you idiots. I got nothing else to add.

It’s always a good time for this song. Why? Because it’s so damn good. And so is this one. He had more than a few, that sure. So enjoy.

And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Ownbestenemy

    Disney was done when they swapped out the pirates chasing the women to pirates chasing women with *checks notes* food in their hands.

  2. Not Adahn

    What was wrong with the male/male lap dance? Too white?

    • sloopyinca

      Having a mascot do a lap dance is right out. It degrades the mascot. However, a bearded guy wearing a dress grinding his nuts up on you during an assembly is inclusive.

      Haven’t you gotten the memo on school-appropriate behavior from the California Public Schools press office yet?

      • Not Adahn

        No, it won’t be distributed in NY until Hochul figures out a way of escalating the game of progupmanship.

      • Nephilium

        Degrades the mascot?

        /looks over at Slider

        And don’t get me started on Ketchup, Mustard, and Onions.

      • Not Adahn

        Better response:

        Obviously engaging in homoerotic activity with a Viking mascot queers the paradigm of heteronormative masculinity and subverts the warrior narrative traditionally used to indoctrinate black and brown bodies in white supremacist culture.

      • The Other Kevin

        Not Adahn, I think you could get into an ivy league school with that essay.

    • DrOtto

      The real issue was his confetti went off early.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Why is there glitter in your underwear?

  3. slumbrew

    The new season of “Ow My Balls” is out.

    *crosses Thailand off travel list*

    • R C Dean

      I’m guessing that toilet just empties directly into a ditch. I don’t know how else a snake that size (or any size, really) gets there.

      • EvilSheldon

        It probably crawled in from the top, looking to get a drink. A python that size is easily strong enough to lift a toilet lid.

  4. Not Adahn

    Bryan Demeritte, a Unitarian pastor

    and farmer, center, stands with his husband, Deron Demeritte, right, and Joshua Rodriguez, left, on their Loving More Farmstead in Waseca.

    I did not fall out of my chair in shock.

    • rhywun


    • Drake

      A wife and kids would have been more surprising.

  5. Rat on a train

    Not everything is about racial grievances, you idiots.
    I already have enough reasons to avoid Disney. What is one more?

  6. Pat

    He should have brought a dude in drag to do the lap dance and then he would have been hailed as a hero of inclusion.

    If it’s just a middle aged straight, white, fat male doing a jocular lap dance, it has no social value.

    Also, people need to fucking lighten up. There was probably something more inappropriate going on in the bleachers among at least half the students than the cringe dork trying to be the “cool principle.”

    • Pat

      Or principal, even.

      • Bobarian LMD

        It’s all principals, nobody has principles anymore.

  7. Chipping Pioneer

    Kinda surprised Thai guy was using a toilet.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      Maybe the python was just trying to Thai one on?


      Indian: “See! This is why we don’t trust them!”

  8. Pat

    People should hang for this.

    In all fairness, about half of those “unaccompanied minors” are pushing 30 and just playing the game to get on the catch and release program.

    • sloopyinca

      That doesn’t change my assessment.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Considering we count persons of ages up to 26 in some cases, if it is politically helpful to any given party, as ‘minors’, I don’t doubt your statement.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        But, if those are the rules they want to play by, hold them accountable to the rules. They lost a shit load of “children” then they are responsible for losing children.

      • sloopyinca

        They lost a shit load of “children” then they are responsible for losing children.

        Right. At a minimum, force them to defend it by saying “most of the 250,000 people we lost track of really aren’t children. They’re grown men of fighting age.”

      • Bobarian LMD

        “But we have no reason to believe that they had received military training before entering the country.”

    • R C Dean

      I would have no objection to hanging a few for losing track of a quarter million grown men of fighting age in the country illegally. Por encourager les autres.

  9. Ownbestenemy

    Trump should be out there showing how he wasn’t kidding on the weaponization of government now that Tulsi is on board. He is campaigning with a known terrorist according to our own government.

    • The Other Kevin

      I saw her interview on Fox, she’s confirmed she’s helping with the debate.

      Another reminder of why I like her… during the interview she was humble and gracious. “He’s great at debating, he doesn’t need to practice, but I will give any help I can.” But she was absolutely vicious when talking about the Dems. Fuck with her at your own risk. I like that in a woman.

    • R C Dean

      I think Vance is a fine VP option, but I would have preferred he go with Tulsi.

      • The Other Kevin


      • Tundra

        Money. JD brings a ton with him.

      • The Last American Hero

        Except when she comes for your guns in a couple of years, you’d regret it. And make no mistake, it will happen, whether due to Trump having a coronary and her inheriting the throne or following a mass shooting (see Bump Stock Ban for reference).

        Of course, Trump ain’t gonna win since he can’t beat the PA fortification, so the discussion is moot.

      • kinnath

        We missed a wonderful opportunity to vote for a convicted felon and a domestic terrorist — all on one ticket.

      • Tundra

        She’s been pretty clear about her 2A conversion. I definitely worry more about Two Scoops

      • R C Dean

        Same here, Tundra. I believe her 2A conversion is genuine – she competes in those “run and gun” tactical games. Trumpy, on the other hand, is pretty wobbly on the 2A as far as I can tell.

        Burning hatred for the agencies and the MIC? Check.
        2A supporter? Check.
        Disciplined and articulate? Check.

      • kinnath

        Being labelled as a domestic terrorist tends to raise one’s hackles.

  10. Pat

    Changes are coming to Peter Pan’s Flight, a popular Fantasyland ride, according to Disneyland Park officials. The changes update the scene of the Never Land Tribe to remove racial stereotypes and caricatures of Indigenous people.

    I could have sworn I remember them already doing that like 25 years ago when I was a kid.

    The news comes as the park prepares to open its highly anticipated Tiana’s Bayou Adventure ride, replacing Splash Mountain, which referred to the racist Jim Crow movie “Song of the South.”

    Tell me you don’t know what “Jim Crow” means without actually telling me.

    • Nephilium

      I am among the last group to have seen Song of the South in the movie theaters.

      This bothers me more than it should.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Hey, Neph. mostly OT, but have you seen this:

        Tiki, punk rock legend, rockabilly, etc. Billy Zoom from X. One of the most fun interviews I have seen on Youtube.

      • Nephilium


        I have not. Tagged it to watch later.

        I did see some headlines where X is making noise that this may be their last tour. One of the hardest bands to search for…

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Search Xtheband. That usually works.

        Saw them a couple times, excellent shows. And I have seen John Doe a bunch at small clubs over the years, really nice guy, easy to talk to, and very approachable.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’s the truth
        It’s actual
        Everything is satisfactual

        How can people not
        like that?

      • B.P.

        X has a new album that just came out this month, and are indeed supposedly on their final tour. The album is pretty good. I will see them in a week.

    • R C Dean

      “The changes update the scene of the Never Land Tribe to remove racial stereotypes and caricatures of Indigenous people.”

      More erasure of POCs from the wokists, I see.

    • Bobarian LMD

      I could have sworn I remember them already doing that like 25 years ago when I was a kid.

      But they didn’t do it hard enough. Next they’ll get it right.

  11. Ownbestenemy

    I am not sure who to cheer in this story.

    Controversial labor law doesn’t apply to public employees, California Supreme Court rules

    “In the unanimous decision issued last week in a case involving a large healthcare system in the Bay Area, justices on California’s top court also found that public employers are largely exempt from wage law giving workers the right to daily meal and rest breaks.”

    • Pope Jimbo

      Look, if you have to let the convicts eat and rest Kamala might as well have just let them out when their sentences were up. Wouldn’t have been worth her time to keep them jailed and on those fire fighting chain gangs.

  12. Sensei

    And that’s a truncated version of a pronoun parade whose import is the opposite of the one intended: Ms. Harris has no political or policy identity that any voter could sink their teeth into. Obama aides will supply her one.

    What Kamala Harris Owes Joe Biden
    Not much. The outgoing president poisoned the chalice before handing it on.

    • Ownbestenemy

      We are watching a candidate get molded in real-time by focus groups, polling and media stories.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Good thing everyone voted for her in the primaries.

      • dbleagle

        Everybody who counted got to vote. Dem party members are not those who count.

  13. Sensei

    Not surprised…

    Gen Xers between 45 and 54 years old had a median account balance of roughly $60,000 in defined-contribution retirement plans at Vanguard Group in 2023, according to the firm. For most Americans, that is well below the target some financial experts recommend of having roughly six times one’s salary saved for retirement by age 50.

    As the article notes Gen X directly got caught in the switch from defined benefit retirements and pensions to no pension and defined contribution.

    • Nephilium

      This member of GenX (47), never had an option of a defined benefit retirement at any place I worked. It was either nothing (fast food), stock buying/401(k) (retail, corporate), or nothing (small consulting places). Of course, I never thought I would get anything from SS, and walked away from an investment advisor who was making fun of a previous client he had talked to who wanted to plan that way.

      • UnCivilServant

        On paper, I have a defined benefit pension which is currently still fully funded (The comptroller being a separate elected office has protected his fiefdom from the legislature wanting to loot it), a defined contribution deferred compensation plan, and a record in the social security system.

        I expect none of them to still be there when I’m old enough to claim them.

      • Sensei

        My first professional job offered no retirement plan. I had to self fund an IRA.

      • Rat on a train

        I quit the Army before retiring so got nothing other than some personal savings from a large TDY settlement.

      • Pat

        They’ll be robbing the next generation to keep Social Security going until all of us reading this are dead, providing the currency holds up that long. The monthly benefit amount should be about enough for a Big Mac by then, but still, you’ll have it.

        I get a 6% company 401(k) match at this crap ass job, and I don’t turn down free money, but I’d be rather shocked if I earn enough in my remaining lifespan to retire in any meaningful sense.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        I, 53yo, have had defined benefits a couple times, but never was able to stay there for long enough to make it count. I was either laid off (fuck you, Stephen Chu for sending my industry into a tailspin) or was seriously injured and medically retired.

      • Nephilium


        About 15 years ago, I worked at a place that had a 100% match up to 6% for the 401(k) (which is the best I’ve had in my working lifetime). At the time, the market was going through a correction. I heard so many of the employees bitching about how their 401(k) was “losing money” that they were going to stop contributing to it. People are really bad at math, and it adding money to the mix just triggers more stress and panic in people.

      • R C Dean

        I’m technically a year or two ahead of Gen X in the workforce, and I never got so much of a whiff of a defined benefit plan.

      • trshmnstr

        My co-op in undergrad offered a pension. I cashed right the eff out. The company was circling the drain back then, and it’s lodged in the plumbing now. My $1500 cash lump sum is worth a heck of a lot more than the $20/month i wouldn’t be getting from the dying company.

      • The Last American Hero

        Even my small employers (< 20 ee's) had a SIMPLE plan. I've always had 401k at the others and it has served me well – until the cap gains asset seizures start.

    • Rat on a train

      It’s WSJ so I can’t read. Is the article complaining about the lack of pensions, which can be good if you stay with an employer long enough to retire and the employer doesn’t go bankrupt.

      • Sensei

        I have a sub – see the end with “permalink”. It allows a link with limited clicks to be read.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      The all-out push on taxing unrealized gains has me thinking that at least partial seizure of 401ks are coming. I assume the end game will be complete seizure in the name of fairness to fund social security.

      I don’t know that they’ll get to the end game, but certainly some kind of partial seizure over the next decade or two. It’s had me looking at diverting a percentage of 401k contributions into avenues for permanently lowering expenses or becoming more self-sufficient.

      • R C Dean

        During the next big correction, I expect they will push (again) for “protecting workers” by requiring that 401(k)s be at least partially invested in “safe” investments – namely government bonds. They have to create demand for their debt somehow.

      • Rat on a train

        You must cash out 100% at 60. Enjoy the deferred taxes.

      • trshmnstr

        at least partial seizure of 401ks are coming

        I don’t think they’ll get to a straight seizure, but I think they’ll find ways to extract value from the accounts and reduce the attractiveness of investing in them.

        I’ve shifted away from the “dump every last penny into the 401k” model ever since they got serious about canceling student loans. There will be a frenzy around retirement “equity” within the next decade. It’s not fair that the ants can enjoy their retirement and the locusts can’t.

      • The Last American Hero

        1. Wait for the inevitable recession.
        2. Mandate a large % go into T-Bills because they’re safe.

      • kinnath

        I am terrified of putting “too much” money into a 401K for exactly this reason.

    • Pine_Tree

      I actually benefited somewhat from being stuck in the transition.

      I’m 53 and all my employers have always had some variety of defined contribution – sometimes quite good. AND, for awhile my employer was owned by a much bigger, older company with a relic of a pension program, so we all got rolled into that (a little) based on some formula. There’s still a “pension calculator” website I can get into that says it’s supposed to be like $500/mo.

    • DrOtto

      Never had an option for defined benefit plan, but have always been a saver/investor and took advantage of 401(k)s and IRAs from an early age. Hell, I’ve still got some worthless stock certificates laying around from my late teens early 20s on some more speculative investments. I’ve got about 1/3 tied up in mutual funds, another 1/3 in specific stocks and another 1/3 in RV park/storage through a ‘checkbook’ IRA. Almost all my stocks are in Roth IRA, and that’s the one where the growth has been the largest, since it started as my ‘fun money’ but has hit some nice wins.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      Hell, busses caught on as they were cheap. 61K isn’t cheap.

      That is just stupid.

    • Drake

      $62k for a minivan?

    • Suthenboy

      VW seems to have lost sight of their goal.

    • sloopyinca

      That would be fun if it wasn’t electric and you could take a cross country trip in it without having to stop for so long to recharge.

      Also, $4500 extra just for an auxiliary front engine? That’s retarded.

      • Sensei

        No that means it’s $4.5 for AWD. Default is RWD. Bad writing.

  14. Suthenboy

    Me: “So Phil, what happened to your empire? The sun never set on it and now…..? What happened?”
    Phil, British buddy: “You’ll see.”

    • R.J.

      Phil’s right.

    • Pat

      “How did you lose your empire?”

      “Gradually, then suddenly.”

      • Drake

        Lose it? They were conquered by their colonies.

      • Pine_Tree

        Enoch Powell (MP) says hi.

      • Drake

        “Told ya so!”

    • Drake

      They just write it off!

    • Pat

      Somewhat surprised, tbh. For reasons I cannot begin to comprehend, we generate a piss load of leads for our Ford dealers for that hideous abortion, the Mustang Mach-E. Granted, most of them probably don’t result in sales, since people are typically just looking to find out how much by way of government rebates they can get.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was at the Ford dealership recently for regular maintenance on my car, wandered the showroom while they were working. The ICE Mustang was the cheapest thing there at $38k. There were no EVs on display. Mostly SUVs and Trucks.

      • Sensei

        If you want a general purpose EV and don’t want a Tesla it’s a good choice. Just don’t call it a “Mustang”.

        But if you want an EV appliance just buy a Model Y. Better range, cheaper and more charging options. Worse build quality, but better software quality. Software quality is becoming as important as build quality.

      • R.J.

        I can judge the success of a product by looking at what is on the roads around Dallas.
        I have seen exactly one Mustang SUV. I have seen more Lamborginis.

      • Drake

        No other sedans of any kind – very weird going through their dealership versus Honda or Toyota.

      • trshmnstr

        I have seen exactly one Mustang SUV.

        I saw it, too! The guy inside looked like his blue hair ex wife had sucked out all of his testosterone and injected it into his daughter after screaming at him that “his name is Chaz now!”

    • Bobarian LMD

      Tesla is the only car company that is seeing any return business on their electric vehicles.

  15. DrOtto

    So Tim Walz wife used the Craigslist method and met a stranger in a Popeye’s bathroom?

    • Rat on a train

      Stranger from Craigslist, in a Popeye’s restroom, … with a turkey baster. Damn, I’m out.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Shaped like Jody Foster’s knuckles?

  16. Sensei

    Good news in 2042 we can finally bring a bottle of water aboard an airplane!

    But the TSA calculates it needs around 2,200 CT machines “to reach full operational capability across all the nation’s airports,” a TSA spokesman said. The agency, which says it has deployed about 40% of the necessary machines, estimates that it won’t reach its final goal until 2042 based on its funding projections.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Unless you are Tulsi Gabbard

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Seriously. WTF? Five U.S. Air Marshalls follow her around?

        Land of the free and brave, eh?

  17. Rufus the Monocled

    “Queering nuclear weapons”.

    There is no peak derp.

    • Rat on a train

      They identify as conventional weapons?

    • Pine_Tree

      Well this one may sorta be it, since this one could be the derp that actually starts a nuclear war.

      All the mentally-ill stuff that “queering” is a part of has, at its base, an insistence on pretending that what’s true is false, and vice-versa. Doing that with respect to how deterrence works, in the real world, doesn’t just get you trannies in the ladies’ room – it gets you ten or twenty million dead bodies.

      EVERYTHING they do is done to destroy civilization. It’s a feature, not a bug.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’ll have to check it out. Not sure about the wisdom of watching that with some hard-headed Korean women, but maybe?

      • Sensei

        I’d think it’s the reverse. It’s going to portray prejudices that existed and exist to this day in Japan.

        OTH, let’s talk gaijins in both cultures…

    • Not Adahn

      Stereotypes exist for a reason.

  18. Pope Jimbo

    I am not going to sit here and listen to you guys badmouth King Walz. Try doing some real journalism like our local paper does.

    I honestly have no idea what to quote from that story. It is a virtuoso woke performance.

    In the video, Gwen steps confidently onto the stage. She and Tim look at each other directly in the eyes. He extends his hand to hers. She reaches her other arm around to pat him on the back. He pulls her in for a hug. You can’t tell what they’re saying to each other, aloud or in the silent language of a couple who’s been married for more than 30 years, but it seems like some version of: “You did it!” from Gwen.
    Tim bows his head, burying it into her shoulder. He stays there for a brief second, that cozy place with your loved one where you know you’re safe. Then he pulls away, steps back. He pats her hand. The crowd pulsates with electric energy. They’re a long way now from that first high school in Nebraska where they met as public school teachers, from that first date that included a movie, followed by Hardee’s. In that moment, though, maybe for just a second, they were together back in that place where they first met.
    Here is Don Jr.’s commentary, watching that same brief interaction:
    “Totally normal to greet your wife with a firm handshake and a bro hug/back slap. Tim Walz isn’t weird at all, guys.” That was followed by three sideways laugh-crying emojis.
    Which brings me back to Don Jr.’s reaction to Tim and Gwen Walz meeting onstage with a handshake and a hug, looking into one another’s eyes. I think Don Jr. was so bothered by this exchange because it messed with his preconceived sense of what relationships should be like between men and women. In this worldview, which I’ve researched extensively for my forthcoming book on the radicalization of American boyhood and the perpetuation of violence among young, white men and boys: Men are hunters and women are prey. A man should approach his wife only and always as an object of desire. He should view her as a sexual object and approach her accordingly. He should primarily think about her in terms of his sexual attraction to her and how she satisfies his physical needs.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “which I’ve researched extensively for my forthcoming book on the radicalization of American boyhood and the perpetuation of violence among young, white men and boys: ”

      I very much look forward to not reading it.

    • rhywun

      “the perpetuation of violence among young, *white* men and boys”


      • Rat on a train

        Damn Amish always causing trouble.

    • Suthenboy

      Fuck dude.
      I just ate three kolaches. I got as far as the first sentence, second paragraph.
      *spits out partial vomit from back of throat. Gags.*

    • sloopyinca

      Men are hunters and women are prey. A man should approach his wife only and always as an object of desire. He should view her as a sexual object and approach her accordingly. He should primarily think about her in terms of his sexual attraction to her and how she satisfies his physical needs.

      The math checks out.

      • R C Dean

        What, nothing about whether she is good breeding stock?

      • Pope Jimbo

        That’s why Don Jr. found Tim and Gwen’s embrace to be so “weird.” He just hasn’t been exposed to or taught to support a view of relationships between men and women premised on mutual respect, admiration, equality and friendship. I don’t find that just to be “weird,” I find it to be deeply sad, especially as a mom of two white Christian boys.

        I love the fact that these yahoos haven’t twigged to the fact that the GOP is using “weird” not as a pejorative but as mockery of the lame Dem use of it.

        Look Sugar Tits, Don Jr. doesn’t really think it is “weird”. He is making fun of Kamala and Walz’s use of weird as an attack on Trump and Vance.

      • Nephilium

        Pope Jimbo:

        That seems pretty weird to me.

      • The Last American Hero

        Is this a lost chapter from Atlas Shrugged?

      • R.J.

        Thank you for participating, your Ayn Rand reference won the Sarc award for the day. Your prize is in the mail.

  19. The Other Kevin

    With Tulsi on board, and reportedly Kennedy dropping out and endorsing Trump on Friday, it seems Trump has either on purpose or accidentally assembled quite a dream team. It doesn’t hurt that the Dems have gone scorched earth on everyone who isn’t a 100% true believer, and have left a trail of talented, popular, and very pissed off people in their wake. I’m hoping that’s what finally does them in.

    • Pope Jimbo

      No, no, no TOK. The Dems are the joyous unifiers.

      Only the evil, smelly, thugs in the GOP keep us from being a big happy family.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Joy is the new Hope and Change, or rather it is now Joyous Hope and Joyous Change. This time, we expect you to be joyous because joy is joyful.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Hope and Change at least seemed semi-organic. It was the Obama’s campaign theme and he was charismatic to pull it off.

        This Joy stuff is so blatantly propaganda. Not only do I not really believe that the MSM is simply repeating the theme of Kamala’s campaign, I don’t think she could have come up with that theme on her own.

        The fact that every MSM outlet is pushing Joy so relentlessly is stunning. At least one of them should just change Joy in every Kamal press release to Happy Drunk. Same thing, right?

        WASHINGTON (AP) — At the top of his first speech as her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz turned to Vice President Kamala Harris and declared, “Thank you for bringing back the happy drunk.” The next day, Harris took the theme a step further, branding the Democratic ticket “happy drunk warriors.”

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Strength through Joy. And Work Will Set You Free.

      • Pine_Tree

        Good one ZWAK. I hadn’t noticed the “joy” link to KdF till you mentioned it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I found it interesting that Kamala Harris left the DNC to campaign elsewhere while the Obamas took the stage last night. That seemed…odd.

  20. Beau Knott

    Late to the site (it’s been a crazed week) but I love the front page graphic — all I can think of is ‘discard old wound dressing here before repacking wound.’

  21. The Other Kevin

    Kamala’s entire campaign so far has been completely scripted and controlled. That sets up a big contrast with Trump, who almost always goes off script and can pull that off pretty easily. One seems fake, the other seems genuine. And what do you want in a president… someone who can think on their toes, or someone who can’t function without a team of writers? It will be interesting to see if that becomes a factor.

    • Fatty Bolger

      The whole thing has been weird as hell, with the fake joy and the scripted impromptu moments and the high school drama club dialogue. And then you’ve got the actual current President, the person who is nominally in charge of one of the three branches of government in the most powerful country in the world, being forced to make a farewell speech at nearly midnight in front of a sparse crowd.

      • The Other Kevin

        Running late two days in a row was a huge own goal. Their most important speakers so far have gone on after everyone was in bed. I’ve been listening to Taibbi and Kirn do their commentary, and both nights they stopped early because nobody good was on.

        I agree, this seems like amateur hour. As if a bunch of 20-something recent college grads are running the show.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Weirdly, they are betting on the 20-somethings to carry them through.

      • Beau Knott

        Gee, ya think?

    • KSuellington

      Her campaign inspires joy-joy feelings in all those around her.

    • B.P.

      I think there’s a huge faction of people who want the scripted-and-controlled version of a candidate. Let all the experts behind the scenes run things, and all will be fine. You just decided the guy you told me to be really enthused about can’t run for president anymore, so I’m supposed to be enthused about this new candidate I don’t really know much about? Okay, I’ll do it. Oh, and that guy I was enthused about: He’s incapable of running for president, but he’s the, you know, actual president of the most powerful country in the world for another five or so months, during a period where we’re picking proxy fights with two nuclear powers. But, **this is fine**. I’m sure there are some really smart experts behind the scenes keeping us on track.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    I watched Logan’s Run last night. I apparently had never seen it from beginning to end before.

    It wasn’t the dumbest movie I have watched recently.

    • Sensei

      It’s uneven. If I recall it was a novella. The novella was a bit more coherent.

    • R C Dean

      I recall it as an example of the era when Hollywood people thought taking a lot of drugs was the way to make good movies.

    • PieInTheSky

      needed more tits

    • rhywun

      It is a childhood favorite and therefore perfect.

    • Ted S.

      +1 Jenny Agutter

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!


    • Fatty Bolger

      Definitely some eye-rolling moments and spotty effects even for the time, but I still liked it. I read the novel later, and it was a much different story.

  23. Pope Jimbo

    I’ve been out in the sun and wind a lot lately and my lips are chapped, which makes laughing at this story an agony.

    Minnesota’s first electric fire truck is expected to be ready for its first run in St. Paul next month, a shining $1.8 million rig that city leaders herald as a symbol of their efforts to protect the environment and workers’ health.
    “We’re excited to be the first in the state to invest in this state-of-the-art fire truck,” Mayor Melvin Carter said when announcing the purchase in March 2023. “It brings us all the critical green energy benefits of an electric vehicle while meeting the high safety and efficiency standards we have for all our fire equipment.”
    When Carter and Fire Chief Butch Inks announced the purchase, the city planned to apply for federal funding to cover the entire cost of the truck.
    The cost of the electric fire truck was roughly twice that of a traditional diesel truck — not including the $48,000 for an additional charging station — although a sales agent for manufacturer Rosenbauer says rising costs for diesel trucks have narrowed the gap slightly with electric rigs.
    Federal funding was a key selling point for the expensive Rosenbauer RTX as elected officials and residents confront a hollowed-out commercial tax base that’s straining the city’s budget and driving up property taxes for homeowners and renters.
    Lor said the city does plan to apply for federal rebates to pay for the truck through the Inflation Reduction Act.
    But the city would only be eligible to receive a rebate of up to $40,000 for the $1.8 million truck, according to Samah Shaiq, deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy. Shaiq said the city may be able to receive additional rebates for the truck’s charging station if it’s in an eligible area.

    So the $1.8M electric fire truck is going to end up being paid for by the city of St. Paul (who just got news that their property taxes would be hiked 7.9% this year)

    • Pope Jimbo

      Even funnier is the overt grift that went on.

      St. Paul has had a close relationship with Rosenbauer in recent years as the city’s primary manufacturer of diesel trucks, built at the company’s plant in Wyoming, Minn.
      Some rank-and-file firefighters groused that Rosenbauer has courted department leaders with free tickets to Minnesota Wild games.
      The St. Paul Fire Department didn’t report any gifts from Rosenbauer in response to a public data request and Fire Department Public Information Officer Jamie Smith said fire department staff had never attended any Wild games or other events with any Rosenbauer representatives.
      Rosenbauer dealer Steve Harris said in an interview that Rosenbauer doesn’t purchase Wild or Twins tickets, but said he has taken St. Paul Fire Department staff including Chief Butch Inks to Wild games “as a friend.”
      In January, the fire department sent six staff members to Austria on a six-day trip to see the rig as it was being built.
      Inks said it was essential for department officials to inspect such a significant purchase before it was shipped to St. Paul. Much of the truck’s design is custom-tailored to the department’s specifications, so they wanted to be sure to iron out any issues before the truck was finished.
      “It’s a huge process,” Inks said. “It’s not some elaborate trip to Austria. It’s labor intensive … It’s an all-day deal for two or three days.”

      • R C Dean

        “Fire Department Public Information Officer Jamie Smith said fire department staff had never attended any Wild games or other events with any Rosenbauer representatives.

        Rosenbauer dealer Steve Harris said in an interview that Rosenbauer doesn’t purchase Wild or Twins tickets, but said he has taken St. Paul Fire Department staff including Chief Butch Inks to Wild games “as a friend.”

        So what you’re saying is that Rosenbauer has, in fact, taken Fire Department staff to Wild events, and the Fire Department is lying about it.

      • Pope Jimbo


        You are too cynical. This salesman just happens to be very good friends with fireman. Can’t a guy take his friends out to a game?

        “It’s not out of any business,” said Harris, whose company General Safety Fire Apparatus is exclusively a Rosenbauer authorized dealer. “I’ve got all kinds of friends that are firefighters.”
        Harris declined to say who else from the department besides Inks he’s taken to Wild games. He added he’s probably taken St. Paul Fire Department staff to games less than five times over the course of eight years.

    • PieInTheSky

      who just got news that their property taxes would be hiked 7.9% this year – why not make it an even 10% ?

    • Suthenboy

      Ya know how pregnant women get a hankering for odd foods? I am certain that progressivism is the result of one’s mother developing a craving for paint chips during pregnancy.

    • Sensei

      This week Jay is joined by the President of the Specialty Group, Mike Virnig, who brings with him, all the way from Florida, this shiny new, all-electric Firetruck! Jay and Mike spec this beast out, before taking it outside for a hose demo and a quick trip around the neighborhood.

      • R C Dean

        “a quick trip around the neighborhood”

        Testing its max range, I see. Very prudent.

      • Pope Jimbo

        When do you think the first fireman will be electrocuted as he stands in some water around an electric firetruck?

      • Sensei

        Jimbo – if anything I’d think it will be the reverse. There is a whole perimeter system in EVs that tries to detect any kind of short to ground it shuts the whole thing down. It’s designed to fail safe and fail safe quickly.

        In this case the thing is going to detect some electrical failure and shut down. At that point whatever is on fire is going to burn down or continue burning. At that point possibly trapping firemen or something.

        Mind you a diesel pump could fail the same, but we have lots of experience there.

      • The Other Kevin

        I could see a firetruck going out for a call, then catching fire itself, and the firefighters unable to put it out.

      • Pope Jimbo


        I’ll simmer down. I have no idea about the mysterious workings of EV’s. Mixing a lot of water and a big battery just seemed like a bad idea.


        Even better, the charger for the firetruck will short and burn down the entire firehouse and the other diesel firetrucks parked there.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      I will laugh if/when it catches fire.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    “Based on where the market is and where the customer is, we will pivot and adjust and make those tough decisions,” Ford Chief Financial Officer John Lawler said.

    Ford has said its EV business is on pace to lose about $5 billion this year. Executives have said the company is trying to reduce those losses on its current EV lineup while making sure future offerings turn a profit.

    What’s this nonsense about profits? You don’t save the planet for profit.

    • Sensei

      I know you’re being smart, but this is supposed to have a positive NPV over the life of the product. So losses in initial years are the norm in any capital intensive business.

      It’s the reason that “profit” as defined by GAAP isn’t used for most business valuations. I’ll give Ford credit that they have broken out the green debacle so investors can see exactly what Brussels and DC are doing to consumers and investors. Other auto manufacturers bury this in their financial statements so the press and quick pundits can’t make those remarks as easily.

  25. Pope Jimbo

    Why we can’t have nice things

    On Monday, Aug. 12, John Gebretatose, the theater’s co-executive and diversity and inclusion director, published an open letter criticizing the show.
    “HUGE Theater leadership recently published a statement on DEI in casting for our stage,” Gebretatose wrote. “The inciting reason for this letter is that the HUGE production of ‘Throwback Thursday’ has drastically failed to follow this guide.”
    According to Gebretatose’s letter, the new show did not live up to these standards.
    Among the specifics of his complaint, Gebretatose said that the show:
      * Has a 93 percent white cast. According to Gebretatose, this was the result of selection criteria, which favored performers with more experience, which “due to a living legacy of white supremacy, disproportionately excludes BIPOC performers.” He also blamed a lack of outreach.
      * Ignored criticism from performers. Gebretatose wrote that he and others had reached out to leadership, but the theater decided to move forward with the play anyway.
    Shortly after he published the letter, HUGE’s artistic director, Becky Hauser, resigned in a private statement published on the theater’s Discord channel.
    The next day, another member of HUGE leadership resigned. This was Butch Roy, one of the founding members of the theater and then-co-executive director and board secretary. His resignation was effective immediately.
    In his resignation message, Roy did not explicitly respond to Gebretatose, but in a message published on HUGE’s Information Channel on Meta, Roy wrote, “I am exhausted. I am sad. I want HUGE to reach its full potential.
    “It won’t be under my leadership.”

    • Common Tater

      “diversity and inclusion director”

      Why does this even exist?

  26. PieInTheSky

    I did not expect Trumpy on the Theo Von podcast.

    • The Other Kevin

      I don’t know that one. Why is that unusual?

      • PieInTheSky

        Well usually presidential hopeful do not go on goofy comedian podcasts. Theo Von aint exactly Joe Rogan.

      • trshmnstr

        Are you saying that Joe Rogan isn’t a goofy comedian?

      • PieInTheSky

        there are levels to goofy and Theodor Capitani von Kurnatowski III is up there.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Rogan is a terrible standup comic

      • PieInTheSky

        I have never liked Rogan standup at all but know people who do. His latest special was weak, though some like it cause he said some mild anti woke stuff

      • PieInTheSky

        I don’t think I saw a full Von special just bits and pieces. He is more known for wild stories on various podcasts I believe.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I like Rogan’s podcast, his stand up is very mid. Although his podcast has not been good recently unless it’s Dillon, Malice, Dave Smith, or Protect out parks. Tucker is crushing him at the moment with better guests.

      • PieInTheSky

        His latest Russell Crowe is not bad.

        Dillon makes everything better.

    • KSuellington

      “Is cocaine a stronger up?” the former president asked.
      “Yeah,” Von replied. “So you’re way up with cocaine, more than anything else you can think of. Cocaine will turn you into a damn owl, homie. You know what I’m saying? You’ll be out on your own porch. You’ll be your own streetlamp.”

      I don’t think we have ever had this level of difference between what two campaigns are doing.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Well alcohol is a depressant.

  27. Tundra

    No guy in a wheelchair? What a bunch of bigots.

    So, so gay. This is really close to peak retard.

    But Bowie helps mitigate the stupidity.

    • The Other Kevin

      Wheelchairs and farms aren’t really compatible. I have ridden in an ATV wheelchair that had tank treads, but those folks don’t seem like they’d be into that sort of thing.

      • trshmnstr

        I have ridden in an ATV wheelchair that had tank treads

        That sounds awesome, whether or not one needs it to get around.

      • Tundra

        I see those on the trails around here. Amazing tech.

      • The Other Kevin

        It was at an event where you could try different disabled sports. They had a chair you could try out. The company rents them out, but doesn’t charge veterans. It was pretty fast, and yes it was awesome.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’m a bit triggered that the white guy gets to be the hinge in that relationship. Why do the noble POC’s have to settle and the white guy gets all the action?

      Seems very problematic.

  28. KSuellington

    The new season of “Ow My Balls” is out.

    Many years ago I was sitting on a (flush) toilet in a place in Costa Rica when I thought I heard some sounds from the bowl. I got off and saw bubbles coming up. Then a head. Next thing you know I have a large toad sitting on the edge of the seat. He jumps off and I start chasing him around the room trying to shoe him out. He starts oozing a white substance from his back as he is getting agitated. A Costa Rican hallucinogenic shit toad, no doubt. I didn’t try the trip and finally got his ass out the front door back to the jungle. For the next year I obsessively had to check the toilet several times during a seating.

    • Nephilium

      When I was a yute, in scouting, on one trip a scout found out (in the worst possible way) that the outhouse he was using had a wasps nest down the hole.

      • KSuellington

        Ow, I think if I was actually injured that way I’d be hovering for the next decade.

      • Nephilium


        We were all hovering the rest of that weekend.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        In a women’s pit toilet in a small beach park near where I grew up, they found a dude, fully dressed in rain gear with a packed lunch down there.

        Different kind of reason to check before sitting down.

    • Pope Jimbo

      That dude in the original article should at least have the snake skin tanned and turn it into a cock ring. That would be badass.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      That sounds like a bad trip. You should have hopped right out of there.

    • rhywun

      Crosses off Costa Rica….

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Party of unity and healing

    Former First Lady Michelle Obama dug into former President Donald Trump during her speech on the second day of the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

    She called out his racist attacks against both former President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris. Throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, Trump repeatedly and publicly doubted Obama’s US citizenship and, recently, questioned Harris’ racial identity

    “For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us,” Obama said. “See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black.”

    “I want to know — I want to know — who’s going to tell him, who’s going to tell him, that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?” she added, referring to Trump’s recent statements that immigrants are taking “Black jobs.” .

    “It’s his same old con. His same old con. Doubling down on ugly, misogynistic, racist lies as a substitute for real ideas and solutions that will actually make people’s lives better,” she said.

    Trump “recently questioned Harris’ racial identity”? Did he question it, or merely point out her cynical use of race for political benefit?

    I wonder if Michelle is kicking herself for not leaving an option open in case Biden dropped out.

    • R C Dean

      I think Michelle and Barack are just fine with things the way they are. They are still in charge, but don’t have the hassles of being a public official. They are rich, famous, feted wherever they go, can cash whatever checks they want, and still run things free of public scrutiny.

  30. Suthenboy

    “Since education is concerned with the future, let us ask ourselves what we know positively about the future.
    We know that all parts of the world are getting closer together in terms of the mechanical means of transportation and communication. We know that this will continue. The world is going to be unified by conquest or consent.
    We know that the fact that all parts of the world are getting closer together does not by itself mean greater unity or safety in the world. It may mean that we will all go up in a great explosion.
    We know that there is no defense against the most destructive of all modern weapons. Both the victor and defeated will lose in the next war. All of the factors that formerly protected this country, geographical isolation, industrial strength, and military power, are now obsolete.
    We know that the anarchy of competing sovereign states must lead to war sooner or later. Therefore we must have world law, enforced by a world organization, which must be attained through world co-operation and community.
    We know it will be impossible to induce all men to agree on all matters. The most we can hope for is to induce all men to be willing to discuss all matters instead of shooting one another about some matters. A civilization in which all men are compelled to agree is not one in which we would care to live. Under such circumstances one world would be worse than many; for in many worlds there is at least the chance to escape from one to another. The only civilization in which a free man would be willing to live is one which conceives of history as one long conversation leading to clarification and understanding. Such a civilization presupposes communication; it does not require agreement. ”

    Robert Maynard Hutchins ; The Great Conversation – 1989

    Want to know how smart people come up with stupid ideas? RMH gives a master class on it.
    You would think highly educated people, more than a hundred of whom contributed to that work, would not make the argument “We can all agree on my premises that logically lead to my preferred conclusion.”
    Want to know how the WEF was born? There it is in all of its glory.

    • Suthenboy

      Upon reading that I hear Vaclav Havel snickering.
      “Keep the company of those who seek truth. Run away from those who have found it.”

  31. PieInTheSky

    It will not happen as it would be fucking demented but it could be interesting in a morbid way to see what a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains would do in the US

    • Suthenboy

      All unrealized gains would remain unrealized? That’s my guess.

      • PieInTheSky

        I am not sure how if they had to pay

      • Suthenboy

        Them: “You have to pay money you dont have.”
        Me: “Ok. Well, I dont have it. Now I am not going to get it.” – *walks away*

      • PieInTheSky

        jail for you

      • The Other Kevin

        Sounds like they’ll need to hire more IRS agents.

      • PieInTheSky

        get your CV ready

    • R C Dean

      The immediate and complete collapse the of US economy, followed very shortly by the global economy, that’s what would happen.

    • Suthenboy

      That is too perfect to be real.

    • Pine_Tree

      knew what it was gonna be before I turned on the sound

    • Tundra

      It can. My F-150 with the 6.5 bed is like turning a ship.

      • kinnath

        Same with my Nissan Titan. It needs a lot of space to turn around.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Also my Frontier. Any 4×4 will have a poor turn radius due to the knuckles on the front wheels

      • ron73440

        I need 2 lanes to do a U-turn in my truck.

        8 foot bed and quad cab.

      • kinnath

        My Xterra has a pretty good turn radius even for a 4×4. Of course, it’s designed for off-road. Maybe that makes a difference.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I did that with my 20 year old F150 (Scab w/ short bed) in U turn once. Never did one at that intersection again (narrow lanes, offset angles) and elsewhere I’d pull to the right as much as I could before starting my turn.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Trump should refuse to debate until Kamala does a racial purity test from one of those genetic analysis paces.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Just a breathalyzer would be fine with me.

      • Suthenboy


      • kinnath

        They need to install an “ignition lock” on the microphones so that she has to blow clean to turn the mikes on at a campaign stop.

      • Pope Jimbo


        You know she’s going to blow dirty. That is exactly how she got to where she is today.

      • rhywun


  33. PieInTheSky

    Leon Trotsky was assassinated on this day in 1940, in Mexico City. His legacy continues to inspire socialist thought — and heated debates — around the world.

    Among these heated debates was the fact that two commie parties in England both Trotskyist were originally one that split with much animosity over the question “Was the soviet onion under Stalin state capitalism or denatured socialism”

    • Suthenboy

      You cant fake crazy. A good psychiatrist can talk to you for 3 minutes and see if you are genuinely crazy or if you are faking it.
      I worked in a mental hospital for a decade. We had a unit for the organic crazies…not personality disorders or people who cracked under pressure but schizophrenics and such… I had a lot of exposure to those poor souls.
      I cant tell the difference between the loons babbling and the gibberish of the leftists. Leftists really are nuttier than squirrel turds.

  34. J. Frank Parnell

    The discrepancy on what is considered a deeply personal topic for many families comes as Republicans have been scrambling to poke holes in his biography.

    Republicans pounce seize scramble!

  35. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Governor Walz talks how normal people talk,” she said. “He was using commonly understood shorthand for fertility treatments.”

    Anyone who has gone through the procedures (iui and IVF) know they’re radically different and wouldn’t confuse the two… Unless it was on purpose.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      “Governor Walz talks how normal people talk,”

      See, normal people! Not like those weird Republican weirdos who are weird. Weird!

      • Nephilium

        Stop making fun of Governor Walz’s stutter!

    • Tundra

      She’s not wrong.

      • Suthenboy

        No, she isn’t.

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah, that dude needs a divorce lawyer and a psychiatrist in the worst kind of way. What the fuck was he thinking?

      • Pope Jimbo


        My dad and a couple of his buddies were sitting on one the deck of one of the buddies having some beers after work. The guy and his wife were already on pretty rocky ground.

        Wife comes home and is giving them the fish eye and manages to hit one side of the garage as she is parking. Flustered and pissed she backed up (hearing the snickering from the porch) and tried again. This time she overcompensates and hits the other side of the garage. This time there is pretty load laughter and she is really mad. The husband calls out “Better hit it one more time, it is still standing”.

        She just backed out of the driveway, went to her mother’s house and they were divorced in a week.

    • B.P.

      I like the part where she turns to lean out the window and stomps on the gas pedal. Get her out of that car, stat.

    • Pine_Tree

      Otherwise known as “going to visit your parents”?

      I observed that at some point, my folks stopped learning any new around-the-house technology. I don’t think it was deliberate; I think they just froze on where the were at approximately “retirement”. Phone, answering machine, CFL bulbs, Ni-cad batteries, etc.

      • Pine_Tree

        Not arguing, but note that Mennonites (and yes there are different flavors) are fine with certain kinds of technology. I think they’re just more diligent in establishing boundaries than most folks. My renter is a Mennonite farmer, and he and his family are always on their cell phones, managing different work-related situations. Not smart phones, though. And they can be fine with things like self-driving tractors, etc.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Oh absolutely. There’s a community nearby and seen it too. Amish with modern but not completely cutting edge says Mennonite to me.

  36. J. Frank Parnell

    The interim report, sent to Congress on Tuesday and obtained by ABC News, said that — in the past five years — more than 32,000 unaccompanied migrant children failed to appear for their immigration court hearings, and ICE was “not able to account” for all of their locations.

    On the other hand, most of the ‘unaccompanied migrant children’ are actually about 25, so it’s fine.

    • R C Dean

      Hard to argue with any of that. The Repubs absolutely fucked the dog after 2020 by not going after election integrity hard wherever they could. This was previewed in Arizona playing “laboratory of government” when the Repubs (controlled by a McCainite establishment) refused to pass any election integrity laws because they had the stick of Trumpism on them, and are now locked out of statewide office with no chance to change anything now.

      I would quibble with a few points, but yeah, could well be the way it plays out.

    • The Other Kevin

      “Star Wars series was admittedly uneven, but it didn’t deserve the online hate it received.”

      You can’t look at this by itself. This is just the last in a series of terrible Star Wars series. It just happened to be a bit worse than the rest.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as Obi-Wan, which fucked up the original Star Wars for the sake of some ‘member berries.

        The Acolyte could have been good, but they hired shit writers with no idea how to get from point A to point B in the plot, along with a lead actress who can’t actually act.

      • The Other Kevin

        I thought Obi-Wan was ok, I liked Andor. But I’ve already forgotten about both of them.

        One of the major issues with both Star Wars and Marvel is we are completely saturated with shows and movies. Not surprisingly, that much quantity means the quality will also go down. The reason the Avengers movies were so successful is that they had planned out an overarching story, all the movie plots fit perfectly together, and we were only getting 2-3 movies a year. Part of the hype is anticipation. We couldn’t wait for the next movie to come out.

        Now it’s “Oh ANOTHER Star Wars series. Skip.”

      • EvilSheldon

        The writing on The Acolyte mirrored the writers – vicious, emotionally-immature little goblins who are incapable of thinking of anything but their own ephemeral whims, and who get violently angry if those whims are ever denied.

        The morality of the school shooter.

      • ron73440

        If you would have told 11 year old me that there would be an Obi-Wan show and a Boba Fett show and I would have no desire to see either, I wouldn’t have believed you.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The Acolyte arguably wrapped up its major narrative arc pretty neatly in the season finale, but it also took pains to set the stage for a possible sophomore season. In this streaming age, no series is ever guaranteed renewal. Still, it would have been nice to see what showrunner Leslye Headland had planned; when given the chance, many shows hit their stride on those second-season outings.

      Don’t worry, if it was good there will be a huge grassroots campaign to bring it back. Like Futurama.

      Anyone want to bet on if that will happen?

  37. The Late P Brooks

    The discrepancy on what is considered a deeply personal topic for many families comes as Republicans have been scrambling to poke holes in his biography.

    Meanwhile, JD Vance gets the kid glove treatment. Life is not fair.

    • Sensei

      Did you know he said mean things about single women with pets?

      • J. Frank Parnell

        And fucks couches, don’t forget that.

      • Common Tater

        He denied it so the sofa is suing him for defamation.

    • Ted S.

      If it’s that deeply personal, why are you so public about it?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        The IVF community is pretty similar to vegans and crossfitters.

  38. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Yeah, it’s called a lie, AP. It’s OK to use the word occasionally, even though he’s a Democrat, you hacks.”

    I can’t tell if the media are being disingenuous (always a likelihood) or if they don’t understand the case that Walz was trying to make and the difference between the to procedures.

    • Suthenboy

      Why are we talking about this?

  39. The Late P Brooks

    I can’t tell if the media are being disingenuous (always a likelihood) or if they don’t understand the case that Walz was trying to make and the difference between the to procedures.

    Without reading that, because why would I, I assume their goal is to further muddy the waters n regard to what constitutes invasive Republican meddling in “women’s private health care decisions”.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That’s definitely what Walz is trying to do. I guess some pro-life people want to ban IVF because it involves fertilizing eggs that are thrown away which is just like abortion. But that’s not what happened in Walz’s case. Even if one disagrees with this particular pro-life stance, one should at least understand where it comes from and why Walz’s statement is more than just an honest mistake. I’m not sure the media is smart enough or honest enough to do that.

    • Tundra

      She was turning into oncoming traffic!

  40. Common Tater

    “Kamala Harris is demanding that Americans give up to nearly half the profits, or capital gains, on their house if they decide to sell it. The endorsement of the policy comes after Harris has been hit on other economic issues such as price controls and inflation.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, Harris endorsed Joe Biden’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal this week. Many have sounded the alarms on the proposal, as it allows for up to a 44.6 percent tax rate on long-term capital gains if other proposed tax increases are implemented. Any asset that is held for over a year and sold for a gain can be considered to be taxable as a long-term capital gain.

    This would be over a 100 percent increase on taxes for capital with few exceptions, as the highest general capital gains rate sits at 20 percent and those making under $492,000 a year are taxed at 15 percent.

    According to the proposal, Harris wants to shift the capital gains to mirror the income tax rate for wealthy Americans. They could be subject to a 44.6 percent on capital gains for assets such as homes and dividends if they are making over one million in taxable income.

    This rate assumes a proposed increase to five percent on the general net investment income tax rate as well as an increased top tax bracket rate of 39.6 percent. Both of these measures are backed by the plan endorsed by Harris.”

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Surely they’ll adjust the cost basis for inflation, right? Right?

    • Suthenboy

      “All your shit belong to us.” – Democratic Party platform.

  41. B.P.

    “Biden-Harris Department of Energy official calls for ‘queering nuclear weapons’ as part of radical DEI agenda”

    Didn’t that already happen with that dude who was stealing women’s suitcases at airports and parading around wearing the contents?