Sunday Morning Even More Kampus Komedy Links

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Daily Links | 123 comments

Yet more fun from Opening Week. Along with the annual speech about why faculty and staff salaries aren’t going up, but maybe after another three years, we might be able to reach 80% of parity to national averages, no promises, that’s out goal, we also got to do team building exercises in small groups (6-7 people). One of our group was a linebacker-sized dude in a dress, another was a heavily tatted “artist.” Our task was coming up with ideas on how to increase student engagement, then presenting them to the rest of the room. My idea of replacing the Dean of Student Engagement was popular in our little group, but no-one wanted to say that out loud when our ideas were supposed to be presented. When each group read its ideas (and they were all strikingly similar), one great idea after another, nope, she/they/whatever has a policy which forbids that.

We then had a parade for the incoming freshm… errrr.. First Years. They marched down the main street on campus to rousing cheers and applause. I asked another prof standing next to me, “Why the parade? They haven’t done anything yet.” He answered, “Yes they did. They paid tuition.”

The next day was taken up with a department meeting. Of course. The hot topic: we use a standard assessment form to measure what freshma… errr…. First Year students know coming into the course versus when they’re done. This is all part of the documentation we need to gather for accreditation agencies. After “name” the form asks for gender. Now if you ask, WTF do we need “gender” for to determine a student’s knowledge of chemistry, you have asked a logical question. We, however, do not operate on logic. There are, I shit you not, 17 options.

Put aside that “male” and “female” are buried in this morass. Put aside that, despite the repeated incantations that “a trans woman is a woman,” the list has “trans-woman” as a separate category from “female.” The item of concern was the student complaints that THEIR gender was left off the list. “But there’s the ‘other’ option.” “That was offensive and they feel that they’re being…” “Othered?” “Yes.”

Oh yes, birthdays, and there’s some good ones today including a guy who couldn’t be THAT bad; a far-seeing piano man; a guy that some elite universities could use right now; a guy who hit for the cycle; the best alien ever; a super talented cartoonist who inspired Bill Watterson; a guy who chased Humphrey Bogart off the bridge; a Masshole who wrote too much about New York; the best Ironside impressionist this side of Larry Flynt; a bad toupee and a famous math problem, all rolled into one; a guy whose career spanned A to Zed; the spirit animal of Heroic Mulatto; my favorite living radio host; another mediocrity whose fame baffles me; and a bad cook who could easily piss you off.

There’s Links to be Linked, OK?

Lebanon was such a beautiful place before the Palestinian Arabs decided to fuck it up. On the other hand, not everyone was impressed.

Every single government official involved in this should be gibbeted. Along with everyone who throws shit like this around.

Dusting off the “racism” and “sexism” banners because that’s all they’ve got. But it’s likely good enough.

She got to the taxi driver before Thomas Friedman could.

This one is calling SugarFree’s name.

How about this idea: leave people the fuck alone?

What was lost in the aging of John Prine’s voice is more than made up for in the soulfulness.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


      • KSuellington

        A little while before she was killed a rental car that she had put in her name turned up with a dead body in it. And the warrant had her name on it as she was indeed suspected of trafficking drugs. You can still be against no knock warrants and say that most of what was reported about that case was absolute bullshit designed to fit a narrative.

      • Homple

        Don’t get me wrong, I think no-knock warrants in all but the most extreme cases are a bad thing.

  1. doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Gender should be reduced to one question: Yes or No

    • Suthenboy

      I blame Errol Flynn for all the nonsense gender questions on official forms.

      • Chafed

        How is he responsible?

    • Homple

      Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely against no-knock warrants.

  2. Brawndo

    Uber driver Angela picked me up as the wild cheers for Barack Obama’s keynote speech were still ringing in my ears: ‘I know Kamala is riding a wave at the moment but I’m still voting for Trump,’ she said.

    ‘For me, it comes down to: Am I better off now than I was four years ago? The answer is: no.’

    4 years ago, cities were burning across America and millions of people couldn’t work or go to church or thousands of other activities we’ve always done. Maybe 4 years ago isn’t the best comparison.

    • UnCivilServant

      “I was still better off amidst the smoke and the violence than I am today.”

    • Don escaped Texas

      four years ago

      it always struck me as a silly question because I’m always better off every day

      I think those of us who are would be no matter who was elected because that’s who we are

      I think those of us who aren’t wouldn’t be no matter what because that’s who they are

      • Brawndo

        I hope we don’t end up in the same gulag. I don’t think I’ll want to hear how much better off we actually are.

      • UnCivilServant

        Hey, we’re no longer paying monthly bills and property taxes to support the guards.

  3. UnCivilServant

    They didn’t pay tuition – either their parents or the taxpayers did.

    Start burning wokies at the stake.

  4. Don escaped Texas

    John Prine

    after the first five minutes you spend listening to him, you feel like you’ve known him your whole life

    I took a great picture of the TVA plant in Muhlenberg County I call “you’re too late in asking”

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      But I haven’t wanted to put a knitting needle in my ear my whole life, unlike the last five minutes.

      • Don escaped Texas

        okay, dude: give me thing that I can believe in….thrasher? radiohead? joydivision?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, Thrasher was a magazine, Radiohead sucks but Joy Division was awesome. In my estimation, the best lyric writer of the last 40 years was Nick Cave. A fine example:

    • CatchTheCarp

      I was first introduced to John Prine’s music back in the mid 80’s by a guy I worked with. The first time I went over to his apartment after work I noticed he had all these John Prine cassettes laying about. Who the fuck is John Prine? I asked. He turned on his stereo and popped a tape in. I remember not being impressed, not my cup of tea at the time. Over the years I explored his catalog, I like a lot of his music, especially the lyrics. Many of his songs are dated but I enjoy hearing them every now and then.

      • Old Man With Candy

        If “I Remember Everything” doesn’t move someone to tears, they are less than human.

      • Gender Traitor

        My nominee for single greatest lyric line of the 20th century: “There’s a hole in Daddy’s arm where all the money goes.”

      • Lazer

        John Prine!

        GT: I’ll go with “I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve “

      • MikeS

        @OMWC Agreed. Such a beautiful song.

        I was trying to come up with my favorite Prine lyric, but it’s a fool’s errand. There are soooo many good lines. I miss him and wish he could have put out a few more albums. His final one was just amazing. He still had a lot of creativity left in him.

  5. Brawndo

    “Before outlining the reasons for this, I have a serious question: Why have so many on the left and in the media seemingly fallen in love with censoring free speech or “canceling” those who hold different opinions from themselves? I am old enough to remember when Democrats, liberals and the media were all about free and protected speech.”

    I’m only 35 years old. I grew up during the Bush years when the “right” was about as uncool as it could possibly be and the left could still legitimately hold onto the “pro free speech, anti war” identity, and even then it was obvious it was just about power.

    • UnCivilServant

      Because they’ve gotten their hands on all the censorship boards, so they’re not at risk of being the ones censored.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The big reason, in my eyes at least, is that the country is still divided roughly 50/50 between R and D. And due to the fact that the two groups have wildly different views on many things, they cannot agree on a shared vision going forward. Thus the need to force it, and that means MOAR POWA!!!

      • Don escaped Texas

        yes, the back door to power was size of government creating zones of control where none should exist

        you can’t control me: I’m useful, usually work for tiny companies, and my clients love me
        but you can control the University of Michigan because it’s a huge government-funded shithole
        we can have 14A battles all day about government entities: access and equality

        the only answer is fewer and smaller such entities
        but, because Republicans only pretend to be fiscal conservatives, that shit never happens when they are in power

        we don’t need a shared vision: we need a world where there is a tiny government, I keep my money, and flaky people pay for their own shitholes to stew in and leave me out of it; as soon as they don’t have any budget for their bullshit, the pronoun wars will whither

      • Old Man With Candy

        And due to the fact that the two groups have wildly different views

        I think that they have similar views on things. More government, more spending, more taxes, less autonomy, less choice. They only differ on who gets to make the restrictions and who gets the grift.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        It isn’t that they R’s pretend to be fiscal conservatives, they actually are. But only in relation to the D’s, which was the only thing that mattered. And that is what we miss over here in Glibtopia; this is the game that moves as you play. Meaning that everything is in relation to all the other things.

        For most of US post-WWII history, both sides were roughly on the same page, that big government was the way forward. The only quibbling was about minor things such as guns or abortions. But this began to change in small matters, on the fringes, and only among people who didn’t really matter to the governing class. And they were caught off-guard when Regan was elected, and loved. But he was still a “gov’t can be used to solve a different set of problems” kinda guy. So, they worked real hard to right the ship with Bush, Clinton and Bush the lessor. But Obama sneaked in under pretense of cleaning a lot of the country’s dirty laundry, namely race issues that were still lingering. But he really had a different agenda, and the “leadership” of the country was moving in one direction with him, while huge numbers of people were moving another, which gave us Trump, who was always good at spotting the angle to exploit, if nothing else.

        Small Government is great, when everyone has a shared vision. Same as Big Government. Ours was meant to be small, but with an option to grow. And far too many people like that growth, especially after WWII showed them big mana, the cargo cult. The first World War ended the era of kings, between the wars the world was trying new things, and big gov’t was what came out of the last one.

        The absolutely can control you, indeed they are right now via a shit-ton of laws you have grumbled about in these very webpages. They audit small companies harsher than large, working to have fewer and fewer of these small companies you profess to love. You might keep your head held high, but the pen you wallow in gets smaller and smaller every day.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Slight addendum: the reason the R’s are in the middle of a civil war (might have ended, not too sure as I am not one) is that he upper management as a different vision than the workers, so to speak. And the workers want Trump, while management wants Jeb!.

        And until that gets solved, things look a little screwy, which is why they seem to have wildly divergent views on the direction the country needs to move within the party.

      • R C Dean

        “we don’t need a shared vision:

        I think we do, because this:

        “we need a world where there is a tiny government, I keep my money, and flaky people pay for their own shitholes to stew in and leave me out of it”

        Is your vision, is one held by a decided minority of the society, is incompatible with the revealed preferences of most people, and is thus a vision that ain’t gonna happen.

      • Old Man With Candy

        It isn’t that they R’s pretend to be fiscal conservatives, they actually are. But only in relation to the D’s

        If you do a trend chart of government size and spending over time, the rate of increase between D-controlled and R-controlled is pretty much equal. I did an article here a few years back plotting various measures of spending before, during, and after the Reagan regime, and guess what? The whole notion of Team Red (and Reagan) cutting government was complete bullshit. St Ronnie was a fraud and the legends about him are pure fabrication. Team Red loves their tax-and-spend.

        Key points which elude far too many people: income taxes are not the only taxes, and base tax rates are not the same as taxes.

      • Suthenboy

        OMWC gets it. People who seek out political offices are rarely interested in decreasing govt power. By rarely I mean NEVER.
        Leaving everyone alone? What’s in that for anyone? is their thinking.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Rightly or wrongly, the R’s are perceived as the party of fiscal conservatism, and we all know that St. Ronny blew that out of the water as soon as the R’s took the whip hand.

        Key points which elude far too many people: income taxes are not the only taxes, and base tax rates are not the same as taxes In a mathematical sense, absolutely. In a social sense, it doesn’t make a whit of difference. And this is something that libertarians, such as us, miss at our peril.

      • DrOtto

        I think the R voters as fiscally conservative and small government. The politicians they vote for, not so much.

    • Suthenboy

      Brawndo: If you were a marxist, soviet style international communist wanting to skin suit a political party in the US which party would you have chosen?

    • Grummun

      Maybe RFK Sr. had shitty values, Mia.

    • UnCivilServant

      Is anyone going to explain the joke?

      • Ted S.

        Look up Mia Farrow, Woody Allen, and Soon-Yi Previn.

      • Winded

        I really wanted to believe “Best alien ever” was going to be Tom Skerritt (91 today.)

      • R C Dean

        Woody Allen was married to Mia Farrow, and dumped her to marry her adopted daughter Soon-Yi.

        Thus demonstrating that maybe Mia Farrow isn’t the best judge of what men would or wouldn ‘t want.

      • Suthenboy

        (91 today)
        No shit? Fuck, I am getting old faster than I can keep up.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Nah. Everyone else is getting old.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      And there you go. Ouch.

      • Chafed

        Spot on.

    • Tundra

      Beautiful! Looks like a perfect day

    • MikeS

      Cool pics, Ted. Looks like a great hike. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Suthenboy

    Got up made dog gravy (grind bones from chicken and dumplings yesterday, stock salt and two batches of rice)
    Fed dogs.
    Making these now for breakfast:
    Adding 1.25 shit-tons of bacon chips to the recipe. Bacon mmmmmm.

    Had typed out a comment earlier but got up before posting so…..

    Re: Bear attack
    We have blacks around here, no browns thank goodness. Their numbers are increasing of late, quite a bit.
    We have never had a bear attack in Louisiana but I have no intention of being the first one so I stay ‘loaded for bear’ when in the woods. A run of this brass is on the market and I am stocking up –
    I have one of these – and I had two cylinders made for it. One in 45acp and one in 45 Winchester Magnum. I think that will handle ‘ol Smokey if he gets grouchy with me.

  7. Suthenboy

    Now…I will run through the links

  8. UnCivilServant

    While bored at work on Friday, I did some math and discovered that I am making 2.4% less than someone in my pay grade would have been in 1997 in inflation adjusted dollars.

  9. PudPaisley

    I seen Tedeschi Trucks Band perform Angel From Montgomery / Sugaree a couple weeks ago.

    While Bonnie Raitt is most well-known for covering this song, Susan Tedeschi sure does a nice job. They even added a little flute for OMWC’s enjoyment.

  10. Sean

    I like how they parade the fresh meat to the town. Classy!

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      They’re debutantes!

    • Sean


  11. Suthenboy

    I suspect ‘terrible’ had different connotations back in the day.

    Whoosh with the birthdays, around and around we go.

    I want a telescope.

    I was thinking maybe the first guy was needed in the Uni’s.

    I was trying to come up with a snarky alternate but no, that was the best alien ever.

    Some of the greats of their time were only so because in different times they would rate mediocre.

    He should be best known for his contribution to airport safety.

    Most people easily piss me off.

    • Suthenboy

      “The totalitarian guarantee of poverty and depravation that the candidate promises will never make it through congress’ is not what I would call a good reason to vote for said candidate.
      Worst presidential candidate ever.

    • Chafed

      That this was her first policy proposal confirmed she is as dumb as we thought. MSM will definitely cover for her.

  12. Suthenboy

    Palestinians are indeed the turd in the punchbowl.

    Failing to prevent criminal activities. I see. Given any specific criminal activity the entire population of the earth is guilty of that.

    Arrested by whom? Cancelled by whom? This world totalitarianism movement is getting a bit out of hand.

    Someone pointed out the other day that everything Kamalamadingdong says has and unsaid ‘or else’ appended to it.

    Between the not better off bit and the very dark implications of a MAGA-free America talk the Left is as deluded as they were in 2016. People dont want to live in a communist dictatorship.

    Yep. Now we know why Biden slipped up and mentioned his liaison with the NATO chief’s wife. Cuz he was.

    They cant leave people alone. They have no other purpose for existence. Those types are of no use whatsoever. They cannot do anything other than tell people what to do. They produce nothing, have no practical skills and aren’t worth the water it takes to keep them alive.

  13. Common Tater

    “A black cop lost everything after he was falsely accused of raping his best friend’s white neighbor in a threesome on his birthday.

    Freddie Douglas, 43, had to be bailed out by his elderly mother and sell his house to pay legal bills after he was fired upon being charged with rape last December.

    The father-of-two was only saved because his friend John Marks had a security system that recorded everything and proved the sex was consensual.

    Douglas is suing the Manvel Police Department and Marks’ neighbor Amanda Zawieruszynski, who made the false rape and kidnapping claims….

    ‘This case is not an isolated incident but reflects a time-worn pattern, reminiscent of the injustices depicted in To Kill a Mockingbird, where black men are falsely accused of sexual crimes by white women, and the machinery of law enforcement is all too willing to proceed without question,’ Marks’ lawsuit claimed.

    Why Zawieruszynski brought false charges against the men, despite being in a sexual relationship with Marks for months, is unknown.”

    At least her name is reported, but I doubt much will happen to her.

    • Ted S.

      Believe all women!

    • rhywun

      Thank god we know the race of everyone involved so we know how we are supposed to react.

      • Sensei

        Right! I mean if it’s a white man here it would be a non story, right?

      • Chafed

        So true. I don’t see race being a factor in any way.

        Also, a quick reminder to never stick it in crazy.

    • KSuellington

      A redhead too. Merely coincidence I suppose.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Increase student engagements? That sounds like promoting heteronormative culture, not to mention bourgeois capitalist monogamy.

  15. Pine_Tree

    I’ve stopped using the term “gender” entirely, and just say “sex”.

    Like when friends have a “gender reveal” (which didn’t even exist, of course, back in the day, etc. etc.), I insist on calling it their “sex party”.

    • Common Tater

      I think they are saying “gender” merely as a way of not saying “sex” to be polite.

      It’s the “theybe” parents that are part of the problem.

      • KSuellington

        A “sex reveal” party does sound pretty risqué.

        I wonder if the current gender dystopia is a permanent thing or some version of sanity reappears?

      • rhywun

        I think they are saying “gender” merely as a way of not saying “sex” to be polite.

        It used to be that, before “gender” became mostly understood as “gender expression”.

      • Common Tater

        “I wonder if the current gender dystopia is a permanent thing or some version of sanity reappears?”

        Sanity reappears because having 37 genders has little utility.

      • rhywun

        little utility

        It has utility to the gatekeepers of power and privilege. Support it, or else.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Blame all this on John Money (one of my profs during my year at Johns Hopkins). He popularized the idea that gender and sex were NOT synonymous.

      Money, of course, was the root of all evil.

      • Common Tater

        John Money deserves blame for a bunch of shit. Feminists pushed that idea as well.

        Regardless, they still aren’t synonymous, even if people with other terrible ideas agree.

      • R C Dean

        “Regardless, they still aren’t synonymous, even if people with other terrible ideas agree.”

        You are technically correct, but this is where pedantry and the reflex to “well, ackchually” dooms us to defeat in the social/political arenas that matter,

  16. Common Tater

    ““Investigators from the ONAF (National Anti-Fraud Office attached to the Customs Directorate) notified him and placed him in police custody. He is expected to be presented to an investigating judge this Saturday evening before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of offences: terrorism, drugs, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, paedophile content…” the report continued.”

    By that logic, shouldn’t the CEO of every phone company be arrested?

    • Suthenboy

      Of every company. Not just communications companies. Any connection no matter how tenuous should do. You sold food that criminals ate empowering them to…
      Those shoes the criminals wore were made by….

      Isn’t that the logic used by gun-grabbers here?

      • Common Tater


    • Chafed

      Mining companies too. You can’t make guns and bullets from wood.

  17. KSuellington

    My tinnitus is currently at DEFCON 9 after getting woken up by 5 interconnected Kidde fire alarms at 4am. We had to put these fucking things in due to code when we did the remodel last year. So now evidently you can’t merely shut the damn things off by pushing the button. So I had to go around the house and find the main one and disconnect it from power and even still then holding the button it would not go off. As these ones are the ten year model there is no battery to disconnect. So I ended up having to submerge it in a pot of water. It’s like something from a horror movie, it won’t die. I picked it up out of the water an hour ago and it is still going off.

    • Common Tater


      • KSuellington

        I purposely got the 10 year fixed battery ones as we have repeatedly in the past been awakened in the middle of the nite by the chirping battery of one that would go out. I’m currently questioning the wisdom of even having smoke alarms.

    • Ted S.

      [Pedantic bastardry]

      DEFCON is on an inverse scale, with DEFCON 1 being the most extreme.

      [/Pedantic bastardry]

      • KSuellington

        Heheh, that’s why I keep coming back here.

      • Gustave Lytton

        *inserts WarGames into TedS’ dvd and leaves room*

    • DrOtto

      We had one get water damaged (from water heater install gone terribly wrong, which was it’s own special hell that finally got officially finished yesterday when the contractor finally removed the old water heaters from the attic) a couple months back sending them all screaming. I ended up having to shut off the circuit on the electrical for them, then remove 9 volts one by one till they stopped. You have my sympathy.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Happened to me once when I was still in the east bay. Three bedrooms and a hallway, all having Kidde alarms within 3 feet of each other, all both battery and hardwired. And, yes, one of them went off at 3am, which one being hard to determine, even having to get up on a footstool to find out.

    • KSuellington

      Four hours submerged in a pot of water and it is still going off (now reduced to a low pitched squeak). I can hear it coming up from the garage, it’s not just my tinnitus.

      • Tundra

        Do you not own a hammer?

        I have a battery backup ones and I change them out every year. You’ve convinced me not to switch to the 10 year ones.

      • Common Tater

        Screwdriver is probably a better tool. Open it up and turn it off.

      • KSuellington

        There is a way to permanently disable them. There’s a plastic tab on the underside and it can be broken off and then using a flat head you can twist off battery. At 4 am with the whole house blaring I was too disoriented to do that so a pot of water worked in a pinch.

    • Chafed

      I’ve had something similar happen. It’s awful. Sorry you had to deal with it.

      • KSuellington

        Thanks Chafed. It’s almost like they sense when you go into REM sleep.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    At a ‘Hotties for Harris’ party, Gen Z influencers posed in front of a ‘Wall of Weirdos’ showing images of Trump and his running-mate J D Vance. The ‘weird’ description of Trump and Vance was coined by Harris’s No 2, Tim Walz.

    In a corner, a drab brown sofa marked ‘Property of J D Vance’ had been positioned – the words referring to a false rumour that Trump’s vice-president pick once had sex with a latex glove pressed between two sofa cushions.

    Model and influencer Synclaire Warren, 24, a master’s student at Fordham University in New York, said: ‘Kamala has given hope to my generation that things can change. This wave of enthusiasm will keep growing all the way to the election.’

    Moments after Harris ended her keynote address, Breanna Spaulding, from Atlanta, gushed: ‘She’s America’s future. This is Obama all over again.’

    I drink your hope. I drink it up.

    • KSuellington

      If Trump manages to pull this one off the tears are going to make 2016 look restrained. I called her strategy before they even dumped Joe, but it may just actually work. It looks like she is only going to commit to that one debate, and that will be the only time she gets into something that is not completely under the control of the campaign. Kamala just inspires joy-joy feelings in all those around her.

    • rhywun


      That “hope and change” bullshit still sells. Unbelievable.

      • Chafed

        The endumbening continues.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    I remember when Democrats used to say, “Dissent is not treason.”

  20. PieInTheSky

    WTF do we need “gender” for to determine a student’s knowledge of chemistry – I mean chemistry is kinda gay

  21. PieInTheSky

    Lebanon was such a beautiful place before the Palestinian Arabs decided to fuck it up. – this is actually sad really. great food great wine seaside mountains skiing good climate it had everything

    • Old Man With Candy

      I have maintained that Lebanon and Morocco have the best food in the Middle East because they were colonized by the French, not the British.

  22. PieInTheSky

    Every single government official involved in this should be gibbeted – they are french they probably just boosted their special pension.

  23. The Late P Brooks


    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Sunday his endorsement of Donald Trump is not out of revenge on Democrats and he plans to continue campaigning for the former president.

    “I’m going to be campaigning actively,” Kennedy said in an interview with Shannon Bream on “Fox News Sunday.” “I think President Trump will make a series of announcements with other Democrats who are joining his campaign and I want to make America healthy again and so does President Trump.”


    While Kennedy said he still disagrees with Trump on some issues, he had talked to Trump after his assassination attempt and then had two extensive meetings with him after that.

    If Trump could manage to upend the current duopoly, I would be okay with that.

    It seems to me that Trump is attracting people whose interests overlap with his more narrowly than Harris, if that makes sense. Harris’ “Republicans for Harris” seem to all be uniparty hive-mind deep staters who worship nothing more than the status quo.

    • Common Tater

      They are neo-cons who want war.

  24. Common Tater

    Does anyone think the RFK, Jr. thing will make much difference?

    “A Michigan judge has ruled that far-left candidate Cornel West must be allowed to appear on the state’s presidential ballot.

    Despite the best efforts of Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Judge James Robert Redford ruled that election officials were “ordered to qualify” West and his running mate, Melina Abdullah, as presidential candidates in Michigan.

    The effort was celebrated by the Fair Election Fund, which seeks to expose fraud and malpractice across nationwide elections, who announced that Benson’s voter suppression efforts were just overturned in a win for democracy and a loss for Democrats….

    “He has already qualified by ballot access in a handful of crucial swing states, including Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, despite efforts from the Democratic Party to stop him.

    West’s presence on the ballot is particularly troubling for Democrats in Michigan given its large Muslim population, many of whom are furious with the party for its lukewarm support for Israel and what they see as their complicity in a genocide in Gaza.”

    • Chafed

      I will howl with laughter if Cornel West is the reason Trump gets elected.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    “[Trump] invited me to form a unity government and we agreed to be able to continue to criticize each other on issues on which we don’t agree,” Kennedy said, adding Trump committed to helping him on issues like ending the war in Ukraine and ending censorship. “But these issues are so important for unifying our country, we need in this country to reach a point where we love our children more than we hate each other.”

    That’s just crazy.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    “In anything in my life, I don’t act out of anger or revenge or resentment. It’s a bad motivation, like swallowing poison hoping someone else will die,” Kennedy said. “So I don’t do it. I am very pragmatic and practical.”


  27. Common Tater

    “A federal judge has ruled that a Virginia school board must let a trans-identified male student play on the girls’ middle school tennis team as a lawsuit against the board for discrimination plays out in the court system.

    US District Court Judge M. Hannah Lauck issued a preliminary injunction against the Hanover County School Board in Virginia, on August 16. She wrote that the plaintiff “established that the Board excluded her, on the basis of sex, from participating in an education program when it denied her application to try out for (and if selected, to participate on) her school’s girls’ tennis team.” The student is identified as only “Janie Doe” in the lawsuit.”

    They are supposed to exclude her on the “basis of sex”. Sports are segregated by sex, not gender. Bodies play sports, not identities.

    • rhywun

      But she was bOrN iN tHe wRoNg bOdY.

    • Chafed

      So much for Title IX protecting girls.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        All Title IX does, at this point, is fuck over men.

      • R C Dean

        Well, men who don’t want to play against women, anyway.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Totally different

    While some pundits and analysts have criticized Harris’ idea as likely ineffective, comparing it to President Richard Nixon’s freezes on wages and prices in the early 1970s, others say there’s an important distinction.

    “A price control is exactly what it sounds like — an agency setting an actual hard cap on a price,” Erin Witte, director of consumer protection at the Consumer Federation of America, a nonprofit group, said in an email to NBC News. Economists generally agree that such caps can cause shortages, as limited profit potential leads companies to produce less of a good even if the lower price juices demand.

    Witte said price-gouging laws, by contrast, target corporate conduct rather than mandating concrete pricing levels: “Price-gouging laws require the enforcing agency to look at several factors and decide whether the conduct was unlawful.”

    Harris’ plan, while so far light on details, is to work with Congress to impose new “rules of the road” on price-setting for industry heavyweights. She would also authorize the Federal Trade Commission and state prosecutors to investigate and punish “bad actors” who are found to break them.

    The new rule will make it possible to increase uncertainty and introduce the element of surprise. It also will enable the government to force companies to open their books, which will undoubtedly prove useful at tax time.

    • Gustave Lytton

      And all of that evidence gathering will be under lock and key. Never divulged to competitors. Nor would the regulatory compliance cause any sort of burden.

      • Chafed

        Everything good happens in Utopia.