About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. Sean

  2. kinnath

    too fucking real

    too fucking scary

  3. DEG

    I like the Hitler quote in the text behind Kamala.

    • rhywun

      Ah, was wondering what that was

    • CPRM

      I like leaving easter eggs, I’m a regular fuckin eastah bunny ovahere.

      • hayeksplosives

        Thanks, bunny!

  4. Aloysious

    That woman’s voice makes me regret being able to hear.

    Well done. I go vomit now.

  5. rhywun

    The only reason for Democrats to shutdown the government over voter security measures is that they intend to commit voter fraud

    Do it!

    • creech

      Headlines: “Republicans Pounce: GOP far-right extremists force government shutdown as they move to take away your right to vote.”
      These tactics always seem to backfire on the GOP. Again, would have been possible except GOP fucked up the 2022 Senate elections.

  6. Fourscore

    Sincere, honest and ready.

    The voice is the real Kamala, has to be.

    Great stuff, CPRM

    • CPRM

      On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 email from me to sugarfree:

      The image in my brain, if I can pull it off, is her on a throne with him leashed in a gimpsuit on all fours next to her.


    • CPRM

      whycome no zoom for you?

    • Sean


  7. CPRM

    Got an e-mail from Sir Digby today, he says hi.

    • rhywun

      Tell him to get his butt back here.

      Sink into the muck.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Not a naked participant.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Dennis, There is some lovely filth down here!

    • Don escaped Texas

      still in DFW?

      I would have liked to see him this summer

      • CPRM


  8. Yusef drives a Kia

    Good stuff

  9. LCDR_Fish

    Disturbing, but not surprising.


    I used to think that the great push to prescribe children puberty blockers and hormones and subject teenagers to surgeries, and the explosion in adult medical “transition” procedures, was primarily about promoting a radical ideology. Gender ideologues want to replace Judeo-Christian moral values and the belief in objective truth with a culture based in radical individualism, irrationality, and a purported right to “personal recreationism” (a term I believe was coined by Leon Kass) — that is, to be physically remade to comport with how we feel about ourselves.

    But, as a new report produced recently by the American Principles Project reveals, it is also about making a lot of money. How much? As is explained in “The Gender-Industrial Complex,” it’s “difficult to put a precise price tag on the process of sex-trait modification, given the sheer variety of procedures offered; the wide range in costs; and the additional unknowns of required follow-up, potential complications, etc.” The project “commissioned a market analysis by Grand View Research, a business consulting firm, to shed some light on that question.” The firm

    examined two broad, interlocking parts of the gender industry: surgery and hormone therapy. The former includes everything from mastectomies and scrotoplasty to voice feminization, where the vocal folds are altered to achieve a higher pitch and thus a more feminine voice. It also examined how some of the key players are profiting. According to its analysis, the sex-reassignment surgery market size was $4.12 billion in 2022. That is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.4 percent from 2023 to 2030. [Emphasis added.]

    There is gold to be mined transitioning people with gender dysphoria. Here are the study’s “very rough (and likely conservative)” estimates of the “complete sex-trait modification process” per individual:

    Male transitioner: Total cost of fully transitioning, $87,300–$410,600, assuming “5 years of puberty blockers, . . . 60 years of hormone use (from age 16 to 76 — the average age of life expectancy), $1,000 total for hair removal treatment, and $200 total for vocal training.”
    Female transitioner: Total cost of fully transitioning, $66,500—$605,500, assuming “5 years of puberty blockers . . . and 60 years of hormone use (from age 16 to 76).”
    All of these interventions make for a multibillion-dollar industry. That kind of money is a powerful incentive in one direction. And with procedures on children increasingly pushing the market, the growth potential of the gender-industrial complex is beyond expectation:

    Let’s assume the Williams Institute [on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy] is correct that there are roughly 300,000 people between the ages of 13 and 17 who identify as transgender. Based on data from the Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery, the cost of fully transitioning ranges from $124,000 to $140,450. Taking the smaller number and multiplying it by 300,000 still yields a market in excess of $37 billion. Yet even that number would seem conservative to some transgender activists. In an interview with Forbes, Robbi Katherine Anthony (who prefers going by RKA), the CEO of transition tech company Euphoria, said the sex-reassignment market could be as big as $200 billion. [Emphasis added; citations omitted.]

    Holy cow!

    The report names the pharma companies, hospitals, and organizations making big money in the industry, with financial details. It also discusses important concerns such as long-term health risks to patients and medical malpractice issues. It’s quite the eye-opener and demonstrates how the conjoining of big profits and radical ideology makes for a toxic mix.

    • hayeksplosives

      This is terrible. I wish it were more surprising.

      I do think there’s another missing facet: the gender mutilators also are anti human. This is as close to post birth abortion as they can get, so they’ll take it.

      They are members of the Movement for Voluntary Human Extinction.

  10. LCDR_Fish

    This formatting (or removal) is getting pretty frustrating….

  11. Chipping Pioneer

    I have always suspected that Luxembourg is responsible for sneezing.

    • UnCivilServant

      The clocks are lying to me. It’s clearly quarter past 6, but they want me to believe it’s quarter past five.

      • Gender Traitor

        It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

      • Ted S.

        1015 UTC.

      • UnCivilServant

        Nobody uses that weird timezone, not even the people in the UK.

      • Ted S.

        Doesn’t IT use UTC? How do the computers communicate with one another?

      • UnCivilServant


        It doesn’t require the machines to be clock synchronized.

      • Suthenboy

        “The clocks are lying to me.”

        Those fuckers do that to me every day. It’s a bit bothersome.

      • Raven Nation

        “the clocks are lying to me”

        Not as much as the calendar is.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Depends on the systems. ATC systems use UTC

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, and Stinky!

      • Gender Traitor

        Very well, thanks, though my supposed-to-be-on-vacation boss is coming in for the usual weekly senior management meeting this morning. Happily, I was able to quickly revise a big spreadsheet he needed for that purpose, further securing my (mostly) indispensable status. How are you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I ate too many carbs yesterday, so I’m sluggish.

      • Gender Traitor

        Hope there’s lots of protein at the hotel breakfast bar (and you’re able to procure your preferred form of caffeine.)

      • UnCivilServant

        I visited HyVee yesterday and got two six packs of 24oz bottles, and had 5 or 6 16oz bottles left from the supply I started out with. So I’m stocked on Diet Dew.

      • Gender Traitor


    • Ted S.

      Some people pay for that.

    • Not Adahn

      Maybre it was just raining?

    • EvilSheldon

      He was probably showing his appreciation for Kenny Chesney’s performance…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      That was an Always Sunny episode, not the best but solid.

  12. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Have y’all seen this?

    Woman arrested at Arizona city council meeting for criticizing the government. On one hand her rights were violated in an egregious manner, on the other I assume she’s gonna be rich.

    • Gender Traitor

      Gee, turns out that’s in Maricopa County. What a…surprise. 🙄

    • Suthenboy

      That’s funny. Dumb girl. She was supposed to put toe prints on the windows, not the gear shifter.

      • Suthenboy

        Ooops. Was supposed to be a reply to Sean.

      • Ownbestenemy

        It works here also

    • Ownbestenemy

      on the other I assume she’s gonna be rich Big assumption.

  13. hayeksplosives

    Hi folks. I decided to take PTO until Tuesday.

    It was either that or homicide, and I figured PTO was less paperwork.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Enjoy the long weekend! Glad we wont see news of a mass homicide event in WA

      • hayeksplosives


    • Not Adahn

      I am certain that the reason this place isn’t constantly Strangers on a Train is that everyone knows that everyone else here is either a Fed or a tulpa.

      • hayeksplosives


  14. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    UCS Im sorry I missed your triumphant return to the (937)

  15. hayeksplosives

    My coworkers and I did a fantasy draft last night. Met up at a bar at 5. Me vs 11 dudes.

    Pretty fun. Never had done the live, in- person draft. Much smack talk. Good team building for work.

    I picked up the tab, which was incredibly low. Bunch of lightweights!