Tuesday Morning Links

by | Aug 27, 2024 | I Am Lame | 207 comments

The Astros are back on the roller coaster. And I’m kinda nervous. I’m starting to think this guy is legitimately mentally ill. Like crazy-as-shit-so-lock-him-away-for-his-own-safety insane. And the US Open has gotten underway. Finally a Grand Slam event in a proper time zone. And that’s it for sports.

There’s only one way this ends: violence. And my guess is that it will come much sooner rather than later. Britain will burn.

I’ve got a more accurate headline: Judge says law as written supersedes illegal executive order. That should have been easy for you to write, CBS.

Erect the gibbets! Or at a minimum throw a bunch of these people in jail for mass deprivation of civil rights.

Private prosecutions aren’t allowed in America. Sorry buddy, but you have no standing.

Yeah, no shit. I assume this man has a sweet retirement nest egg and/or has his family set up should something “accidentally” happen to him. Because I’d be shocked if it doesn’t.

This guy screwed up. He should have hired his travel companion as a contract worker, overpaid them, and have them buy all this stuff for him in a tit-for-tat program. Or does that only work for prosecutors?

What a difference a few decades makes. California used to reroute school buses to keep kids from seeing nude statues. Now they’re urging them to cut their dicks off. The decline is equal parts fascinating and sad.

She’s just gonna steal every idea Trump has, isn’t she? It’s not as if she wants to take responsibility for the position she took the last 3.5 years.

Here’s a nice mellow track for you. They deserve more love than they get. They were pretty damn good. Enjoy them.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT


  2. Sean

    Beard was also accused of ordering two custom-built machine guns worth over $2,600 which are illegal for anyone to own outside of law enforcement and military personnel. Officials said he falsely certified in a tax exemption that they were “for the exclusive use of the Atlanta Police Department.”

    +1 point in his favor.

    • Suthenboy

      “illegal for anyone to own outside of law enforcement and military personnel. ”
      Patently false. Written simply to reinforce in the public’s mind that that is a thing. ‘You cant own cannons’ my ass.

      • Sean

        I took it to mean post ’86 samples.

  3. AlexinCT

    Erect the gibbets! Or at a minimum throw a bunch of these people in jail for mass deprivation of civil rights.

    Damage control because they expect they cant fortify this coming election, or is this true contrition for helping steal the 2020 election?

    • SDF-7

      Or is it just okay to come out and say it since the f’ing Supreme Court basically said “Sure… you can do that.”

      • AlexinCT

        I don’t see that in this asshat’s character.

    • WTF

      They are providing themselves cover via false contrition so they can help steal the election again. Just like all the polls which wildly over-sample Democrats will provide cover for the massive fraud, since the Republicans did jack shit to make the elections more secure.

      • AlexinCT

        The over sampling and the barrage of positive media coverage is all a psyop. It’s intend is to demoralize Trump people whom are ridding high, and to light a fire under team blue people that feel broken and defeated. It also – they hope – helps them to establish a baseline so they can fortify this coming election, except for the fact others not oversampling team blue douches are showing the game.

        Laugh at their shit and call it out for the fake it is, and the whole thing doesn’t work. Especially when all that time invested in a made for TeeVee fake show that ran for a week ends up torpedoed when another candidate from their team they were screwing over, comes clean and endorses Trump.

      • WTF

        Alex I still have no confidence that Trump can overcome the margin of fraud. They’re going to do it, and they don’t care that you know it.

      • AlexinCT

        Do they think they can just Maduro the election then?

        The Venezuelans are disarmed and unable to fight back. That’s not the case here.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      More like regret. The arrest of that Russian fellow in France made any of these tech guys with good sense sit up and take notice.

      • AlexinCT

        I don’t think Zuck sat down the other day and put this letter together. It looks like time & effort went into it, so this was a while coming. However, the point you make is 150% accurate. That arrest was a warning shot by the evil cabal that wants to censor in their favor to the tech world.

  4. AlexinCT

    Private prosecutions aren’t allowed in America. Sorry buddy, but you have no standing.

    If you do not let us use the legal system to railroad him we will have to try to kill him again to avoid an election we can’t rig this time!

  5. SDF-7

    There’s only one way this ends: violence.

    I like to think they’ll find an oasis of sanity in a sea of madness. It will keep my girl from being mad at me, in any event.

    • Ted S.

      I don’t think they’ll burn. The word on the street is that the fire in their eyes is out.

      • R.J.

        They’ll have to build a wonderwall to keep the police safe from protestors.

      • Pat

        Nah, the cops will have to be up in the sky, with supersonic munitions, ready to bring it on down upon the protestors like a champagne supernova, d’you know what I mean? Hell, the repercussions might reverberate all around the world, from the UK all the way to Columbia. It would be better just to roll with; after all, no one is going to live forever.

      • The Other Kevin

        I sure hope they’ve buried the hatchet and they don’t look back in anger.

      • rhywun

        Stop. It.

        They were great for like a couple albums, some might say.

  6. WTF

    Yeah, no shit. I assume this man has a sweet retirement nest egg and/or has his family set up should something “accidentally” happen to him. Because I’d be shocked if it doesn’t.

    At this point are we still considered crazy conspiracy theorists for thinking they actually set Trump up to be whacked? It’s even come out that the counter sniper who first shot crooks was a local SWAT guy and not the SS. I guess they didn’t tell the local cops they were supposed to let it happen.

    • Sean

      Is there anyone with an IQ over 80 that doesn’t think the .gov was complicit in the attempt?

    • SDF-7

      At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just totally incompetent but find it a useful distraction to act like there was a conspiracy and do this crap like destroy evidence, cremate the body quickly just to keep everyone stirred up and looking “over there”.

      What the left hand of the magician is doing while the right hand keeps our attention with this crap, heaven only knows.

      And that’s how pathetic our “trust in government” has become. Yay.

      • WTF

        You give them way too much credit. They are a stunning combination of evil, lawless, and incompetent all rolled into one. I believe they set Trump up to be whacked, but they went about it stupidly and incompetently. And really, why would they care? It’s not like any serious consequences will ever be meted out.

      • AlexinCT

        At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just totally incompetent

        These crooks have hidden behind the excuse of incompetence, for blatantly evil and criminal shit, and gotten away with it every time in the past, but considering how much more “coincidence” there is around this whole affair that far, far exceeds any possible scenario of just incompetence, I am at a minimum suspecting that the slow walking is to hide something really really bad. And I suspect at a minimum that really bad is that they were on purpose leaving gaps and hoping the propaganda to make Trump a monster would encourage people to take a shot at him.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        *JFK’s ghost waves*
        Well the trust our society used to have was unwarranted too.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      Yes, you are a crazy conspiracy theorist in the same vein as you were thinking COVID might have come from the lab down the street from the wet market. Just means you came to a conclusion based off public evidence 6+months ahead of our “leadership” and corrupt media.


    Why do football organizations get so wound up about people trying to decipher signs? Are football teams incapable of using decoy signals, transposition, or otherwise encoding them? Catching signs has been a thing in baseball since forever. Why can’t football adjust accordingly?

    • sloopyinca

      It’s not about catching signs. It’s the way they went about it. Catching signs is within the rules. Recording them over and over in person and having staff spend all their time watching those recordings to decipher them is not.

      If it were within the rules, they wouldn’t have been the only one doing it. Everybody would have, which would have made the playing field equal. Since it wasn’t, they gained a considerable unfair advantage.

      • SDF-7

        They’ll just feed the camera over to ChatGPT real time now and let AI figure the signs out.

        And while I started typing kidding…. I realize no, no I’m not… they’re almost certainly doing that (albeit insert AI of your choice).


        The incentives being what they are, I would think that D1 College & NFL clubs would assume that the everything that happened on the sidelines diring games was being documented in order to glean some advantage.

      • Nephilium


        Considering the partnership with Microsoft and Amazon…

        /starts to understand the local team using Nazi as a pre-snap bark


        It just reminds me of the faux outrage when the Bradley Manning leaks revealed that we were spying on the Germans. I mean everyone who thought about it for more than a second realized that it had to be happening and it would be borderline malpractice if it weren’t.

    • invisible finger

      Football has evolved into central planning. Central planners are always paranoid.

  8. SDF-7

    I’ve got a more accurate headline

    Would have also accepted “Executive Branch continues to refuse to enforce the law as written.”, but yours is good.

    “Congress, Congress… where are your balls? In the mouth of the Deep State… ha ha ha!”

  9. AlexinCT

    Why the fuck do we keep getting played by these evil fucks?

    You would honestly have to turn a blind eye to how many people Beijing buys out to do dirty shit for them.

    • SDF-7

      You know — it isn’t like this country wasn’t founded by (amongst others) merchants who made their fortunes smuggling and skirting import/export restrictions or anything. 😉

      While I have no love for the Chinese… people working around government restrictions shouldn’t surprise anybody. Especially for something as fungible as compute time.

    • sloopyinca

      That’s a pretty elaborate scheme when all they need to do is just use the research departments they’ve funded at elite American universities. And there’s plenty of them they’ve basically bought.

      • SDF-7

        I have zero actual knowledge, but my gut tells me that’s an “Embrace the power of AND” scenario there, Sloopy.

      • sloopyinca

        Good point.

    • WTF

      Why the fuck do we keep getting played by these evil fucks?

      Because the CCP pays well.

      • Beau Knott

        Because markets work, and markets exist everywhere there is an imbalance between ‘wants’ and ‘has’. All interference can ever do is shift the market-clearing price.

    • R C Dean

      In all seriousness, does anyone really believe that China doesn’t have a bunch of these chips already? They’re fucking computer chips – widely available (albeit not cheap) and easily transportable.

      • AlexinCT

        In all seriousness, does anyone really believe that China doesn’t have a bunch of these chips already?

        If they do, it isn’t close to being enough to help their programs. The U.S.S.R. regularly stole computer tech from us as well, but they could never get enough physical and quality hardware to have it make a difference. I suspect the CCP is better at it since we are not as serious about blocking them, but even then, I suspect they need orders of magnitude more units than they can get.

      • R C Dean

        The only way to be serious about blocking China from getting computer chips is to blow up the fabs.

        Which seems a little extreme.

      • AlexinCT

        You understand that while most of the reunification grandstanding by the CCP has some ring of truth to it, the real driver behind an invasion is that they want Taiwan because they have been unable to create their own 3mm and smaller (think military use) chip building infrastructure, right? That is why Beijing was told through back channels that if they move on Taiwan, we would make it the first priority to help Taiwan destroy all the machines and tech needed to keep that industry going. And that is why the invasion has not happened yet. If the CCP lose that prize, the invasion is a fail.

      • AlexinCT

        And shit like this, is what needs to go into overdrive.

        That IBM (and so many others), given the experience of the last couple of decades, thought they could build product, and even crazier, do cutting edge research, in CCP militarized China, without the CCP immediately stealing all that IP, be it for military or commercial use, baffled me.

      • R C Dean

        The CCP has wanted Taiwan since way before 3nm chips. The fabs would be a bonus, but regardless of what we say, the odds of the ROC not blowing them up on the way out the door are small.

  10. Grummun

    The FBI has been working closely with our law enforcement partners to conduct a thorough investigation into the shooting and we have followed normal procedures in the handling of the crime scene and evidence.

    Just like we did in Waco when we bulldozed everything.

    • sloopyinca

      Perhaps if they published those procedures and transparently carried them out, people might actually believe them.

      Hell, they don’t even record interviews. They just have an agent write down what was allegedly said by their interviewee and pass their analysis off as the gospel truth.

    • AlexinCT

      Is this the same FBI that has been going after obscure grandmas for J6 but has conveniently stopped looking for the guy that put the J5 bombs at the dnc & rnc HQs the day before the left got their Reichstag event?

    • R C Dean

      I gotta say, I don’t see what the big deal is on cleaning the roof. Exactly what undiscovered evidence was there going to be up there after a few days (or the first rain, whichever comes first)?

      Now, the body is sketchy as shit. So sketchy I’m back to wondering how sure I really am that the shooter was Crooks.

      And I gotta say, the guy responsible for personal protection at the SS getting a big promotion out of this doesn’t exactly allay my suspicions.

      • Drake

        Did they ever tell us who was in the building looking out the window?

      • AlexinCT


        Frankly a ton of the information being held back is the worry here.

      • DrOtto

        Except law enforcement doesn’t normally clean up crime scenes. That’s left to the property owner.

    • Drake

      They’ll get to the bottom of that Las Vegas shooting any time now.

      • Not Adahn

        It were the bump stocks whut dun it.

  11. AlexinCT

    Oh, baloney! We know the moon is an advances space ship sent here to create humanity over a billion years ago. The center is a singularity which is used to power the machinery and the engines.



      I saw that documentary too!

    • Drake

      I read that book.

  12. Drake

    Every time Kamala talks about what she’ll do differently, I feel like somebody should remind her that she’s already the VP. If she ever gets on a debate stage with Trump, he’s going to have fun.

    • R C Dean

      Trump should tell her that she supports so many of his ideas that she might as well be his VP.

  13. Tonio

    She’s just gonna steal every idea Trump has, isn’t she? It’s not as if she wants to take responsibility for the position she took the last 3.5 years.

    And of course, after she elected she’ll revert to form and forget about those conveniently-adopted positions that aligned with Trumps.

    Not only does she not take responsibility for her previous positions, the media will give her a complete pass on those, and treat her newfound positions as original, and (somehow) different than Trump’s.

    • Nephilium

      Her campaign continues forward unburdened by the expectations of a platform!

      • Tonio

        Joyfully forward!

      • AlexinCT

        [Insert Ren & Stimpy joy-joy, happy-happy meme here]

      • Pat

        We have always been at war with Eastasia, unburdened by what has been with Eurasia.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      That is assuming she holds any of those thoughts now. The reality, in my view, is that she is, and has always been, as empty headed as Obama. And she has been getting spun by whomever is closest too her, from SF city hall, to the people skulking around the White House these days. And the few times any reporter asks her a question, she pulls something she heard once out of the air.

  14. Not Adahn

    On the advice of competitors, I’ve been watching “Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War.” It’s entertaining. It’s supposedly a documentary. Unfortunately(?) my skepticism has reached a point at which I’m completely willing to believe that my original knowledge of the story was based on lies, but I see no reason to believe that this retelling isn’t.

    I’m not sure I believe that the reason Sherrif Behan turned on Wyatt was because of a woman.

    I’m also a little suspicious that the gang I’ve always heard referred to as “The Ike Clanton Gang” had an actual name.

    And of course anytime someone tells me that the “real” story involves J.P. Morgan and Lord Rothschild every single bullshit detector pegs out.

    • EvilSheldon

      Yeah, Wyatt Earp’s story has been rewritten so many times by so many different people, both critics and nuthangers, that it’s nearly impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff.

      One of my favorite fictional retellings of the Dodge City story is Gunman’s Rhapsody by Robert Parker. One of Parker’s only really strong books from the later part of his career. It’s worth checking out.

  15. Cunctator

    Sorry to go off topic, but I need some help.

    I seem to have misplaced my Joe Biden and can’t find him anywhere. Any suggestions?

    • AlexinCT

      Check out the soil in Kamala’s or Big Mike’s gardens?

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


    • Nephilium

      Have you checked by the water barrels near the pool? I hear he’s keeping his razors there to get them all rusty.

    • SDF-7

      My understanding is he’s busing doing fashion consulting — always asking about what will Della wear?

    • The Other Kevin

      Start searching the fancy beaches where the rich folks hang out. You can skip Florida.

    • Pat

      Any suggestions?

      Thank god for small favors?

    • Cunctator

      I find it astounding that more of the public is just not interested in what has become of Biden. In event of a genuine national emergency, who is going to be answering the phone at 3:00AM. I’m not talking about a “cabal” running the country, but on a day to day basis, who is in charge?

      • Nephilium

        Who’s in charge?

        Your betters.

        Why do you doubt them? Why don’t you have faith in them?

        Trust in the leadership of the country, they will protect you.

        Have you accepted government as your lord and savior?

      • Ownbestenemy

        The not-so-secret understanding that FedGov is a Leviathan and that the president is just a figurehead conflicts with my desire that the president is nothing and that the president means something.

      • AlexinCT

        I find it astounding that more of the public is just not interested in what has become of Biden.

        Really? These are the same idiots that believed the gaslighting that every time Biden showed up in public it was a massive clusterfuck showcasing his mental decline?

        I am more and more convinced, most if not all, of these people all knew Biden was 3 beer cans short of a 6 pack all along. They voted for him (or collected ballots and voted for him), then protected the Obama 3.0 administration’s wrecking of America over the next 4 years, by accusing the people that saw the obvious of being the ones creating and pushing a conspiracy.

        That would explain the quick pivot and acceptance of the Whore on a Smore as a viable candidate as well.

      • Cunctator

        I don’t know. It appears that NOBODY cares. There are Republican Republican speakers with large audiences. There are (supposedly) Conservative media, yet nobody asks the question.

        I have followed politics for almost 60 years. Up until this year, the public knew just about everything the President was doing. From one side of the political spectrum to the other. Whether complaining about what he was doing to lauding it. But at least we knew.

  16. DrOtto

    Oasis was overrated. In the Oasis vs. Blur wars of the mid-90s it was (and continues to be) no contest. Oasis had one mediocre album that had some ok brit pop, but was nowhere near great. Blur rules.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Gotta disagree although the Woohoo Song was good I will admit.

    • EvilSheldon

      Overrated? Not a single one of Oasis’ good songs ever got any airplay (to be fair, the same went for Blur, so…)

      • Pat

        Not a single one of Oasis’ good songs ever got any airplay

        Wonderwall was a minor hit in the states, and generally the only Oasis song yanks know; they never really caught on here, in no small part because when they toured in the US, Liam would antagonize the American audiences, and they went on a press blitz shitting on American rock in general, and grunge in particular.

        to be fair, the same went for Blur

        Song 2 was a huge hit, but faded fast. Ironically, it was written as a parody of ’90s American radio rock. But the money spends just the same.

      • EvilSheldon

        I said good songs, Pat. Neither Wonderwall or Song 2 qualifies in my book.

      • Pat

        Yeah, that’s fair. I’m an Oasis fanboy, but Wonderwall is by far my least favorite track on What’s The Story (Morning Glory), and probably my least favorite of their “big 3” albums. All of the B-sides were better.

    • Tundra

      I was too busy with the Matador catalog to pay attention to either.

      GbV and Pavement are both far superior.

    • Pat

      Noel Gallagher could then and still can write circles around Damon Albarn, his generous heisting from classic rock notwithstanding. Oasis’ B-sides compilation is better than anything Blur put out. To be fair, it’s also better than anything Oasis put out.

      • EvilSheldon

        Now we’re talking.

      • kinnath

        That’s crude and unfair . . . . and I enjoyed the hell out of it.

      • Tundra


      • Sean


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Indeed. I have switched from calling her Kamalamadingdong to Whorris.

        Whorris and WLOLz.

  17. Pat

    Oasis announces a 14-date tour of the British Isles for the summer of 2025.

    Yeah, sure, don’t come to America or anything you limey fucks.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Britain’s taint is an Oasis between two black holes.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Banned from the US for fraternal fisticuffs, like the Kinks?

      Oasis’s first album is good, but mid-90s Blur rules. Damon Albarn doesn’t sound much better behaved than Liam though.

  18. rhywun

    Erect the gibbets! Or at a minimum throw a bunch of these people in jail for mass deprivation of civil rights.

    “I am sorry you felt wronged.”

    • R C Dean

      “Welp, good enough for me. Promotions and commendations all around!”

    • Ownbestenemy

      Que the BP “We’re Sorry” SP episode!

  19. Common Tater

    “Travis and Jason Kelce have signed a reported $100million deal with Amazon to produce their hugely successful New Heights podcast.

    Amazon-owned Wondery has exclusive ad-sale and distribution rights to the podcast, which surged in popularity last season after it emerged Kansas City Chiefs star Travis was dating Taylor Swift.”


    AM radio is fire.

    • PieInTheSky

      That is less than call her daddy got

  20. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/27:
    *23/23 words (+13 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 08/27:
    *28/28 words (+3 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 32% by speed
    🔥 Solve streak: 545

  21. Ownbestenemy

    Seems Trump PACs and campaign have some decent political ad creators.

    I think the no-show from Team Harris is starting to wear thin on the MSM even as they try and wish it away.

  22. AlexinCT
    • R C Dean

      “Brandon is a masculine-presenting Black person”

      *shakes head, closes tab*

    • The Other Kevin

      They really need to start checking with us first. Not a single person on this site would be surprised by that.

    • PieInTheSky

      Employees at an anti-police nonprofit have been left in a bind after their woke founder allegedly blew hundreds of thousands of dollars on designer clothes and mansions for himself. – I… I think this almost counts as real irony right?

    • rhywun

      I love when commies get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

  23. Common Tater

    “A Colorado woman who had a ‘paranoia’ about child molesters has been sentenced to life in prison after she shot a wanted sex offender and dumped his remains in a drainage ditch.

    Deka Simmons, 38, will spend the rest of her life behind bars without the possibility of parole over the murder of 48-year-old Daxcimo Ceja in Colorado Springs.

    At sentencing on Wednesday, prosecutor Sharon Flaherty said in her closing arguments that Simmons murdered Ceja because he was a sex offender who had a relationship with a 17-year-old girl when he was 25, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette…

    Simmons killed Ceja while he had a warrant out for his arrest for his failure to register as a sex offender.

    According to authorities, Simmons shot Ceja in a garage, dismembered his body, and stowed it in a freezer before transporting his remains in a van…

    Detective Jason Gasper revealed that the Colorado mother believed that her daughter suffered sexual assault at the hands of Simmons’ stepfather, whom she stabbed in 2019 after a furious dispute over custody.”


    I wouldn’t call “a relationship with a 17-year-old girl when he was 25” child molestation. There are 17-year-old girls waiting to start an OnlyFans at the stroke of midnight on their birthday.

    • PieInTheSky

      I blame social media for this.

      There are 17-year-old girls waiting to start an OnlyFans at the stroke of midnight on their birthday. – ah but who takes the pics before midnight is the question (and these days their mom is often the answer)

    • Pat

      Deka Simmons, 38, will spend the rest of her life behind bars without the possibility of parole over the murder of 48-year-old Daxcimo Ceja in Colorado Springs.

      A travesty! She just did what the cops should have done with that kiddie diddler.

      Simmons murdered Ceja because he was a sex offender who had a relationship with a 17-year-old girl when he was 25

      Oh. That’s… not quite the same.

    • PieInTheSky

      Obligatory libertarian ephebophilia is not pedophilia

      • PieInTheSky

        To be Faaaair there is a big difference between 8 and 16

      • Common Tater

        It’s almost double.

      • Pat

        There is. And our modern concept of extended adolescence is, well, modern. The rule up until even just a couple 2 or 3 centuries ago was if she can bleed, she can breed. Mind you, not turning 13 year old girls into baby making factories to sustain the homestead is a positive development as a social standard, IMO. I’m less certain on a legal formula. All that having been said, I’d rather fucking kill myself than even hook up with a 17 year old at my age.

      • R C Dean

        Of course, menses has also been occurring at younger and younger ages. Can’t be arsed to look it up, but a century ago it was typically more like 16 than 13.

  24. KSuellington

    There’s only one way this ends: violence.

    Either that or fucking in the bushes.

    • R C Dean


      • Ted S.


    • Pat

      I’ve tried many times to rehabilitate my opinion of Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, but I just can’t. That said, Fuckin’ in the Bushes and Go Let It Out are still solid.

      • KSuellington

        Oasis has a few good tunes (and that is one of their best, instrumental hahah), but I never got the massive popularity.

      • Pat

        In the mid ’90s the time was right for unpretentious, optimistic, unabashedly British rock. That said, I was too young to get into them when the moment was right; I just like how it sounds in my ear holes. Noel has an aptitude for catchy hooks and riffs; a few of which he’s actually written himself.

      • Ownbestenemy

        but I never got the massive popularity


      • rhywun

        I never got the massive popularity

        I think you have to be British.

      • Pat

        I like it, but I already have the entire Black Keys blues-ish garage rock pastiche discography, and I can’t justify another one.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    But they told us the fate of humanity was at stake

    “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” Zuckerberg wrote. “I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

    Zuckerberg also expressed regret for essentially hiding content related to coverage by the New York Post about Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election that the FBI warned may have been rooted in a Russian disinformation operation.

    “It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story,” he wrote.

    Fuck you, you gutless twerp.

    • Tundra

      What a cunt. Looks like he thinks Two Scoops is gonna win, though.

      • Ownbestenemy

        With the amount of cover coming in from RFK and Tulsi, I suspect we might see some more of this. We will get Clinton 3.0 which is slightly less damaging than Obama 4.0.

      • The Other Kevin

        The timing of this is curious. It would have had the most impact if he did this before the Supreme Court case. So as you say, he might see the writing on the wall, with Trump possibly winning and social media CEO’s now in the crosshairs.

    • Grummun

      Whatever Zuck says now, his actions in 2020, giving away millions to fund election interference in blue districts, tells you where Zuck really stands. No one had to twist his arm to suppress content offensive to the Left, and it won’t be necessary this year.

  26. Mojeaux

    *whew* Got a day off from daily driving lessons with XY. Will pick up tomorrow.

    • Pat

      I guess you could say the lesson are … driving you mad?

    • PieInTheSky

      isn’t getting a license from the state to drive unlibertarian? A sovereign citizen just driver.

      • Pat

        But… but… ROADZZZZZZZZ!!!!!

      • Mojeaux

        My Falling Down moment has passed.

  27. PieInTheSky

    David Paxton
    Good review. Will defo get the book myself. I wonder, genuinely, why communism never, or extremely rarely, gets the same sort of thought experimentation. We can apparently spot future right wing goosesteppers a mile off. From the smallest of traits. But never the left wing ones


    Spot? The left wing ones are all loud about it. They scream it in your face. There is no need to go a’spotin.

    • AlexinCT

      I hope some evil guy in the morgue didn’t decide since she was a Jane Doe he could keep her corpse for his own, erm… experimentation…

    • The Other Kevin

      She is an absolute queen of grift. She sells books, goes on all the shows, and charges exorbitant fees for speeches and to run training. She’s a very, very big part of the problem.

      • Common Tater

        She’s also whiter than the Winter Olympics.

      • The Other Kevin

        I think that’s her schtick. She’s teaching other white women how to feel bad about being white.

      • Pope Jimbo

        What kind of monster are you people? Do you want these poor white women to actually have to meet with an actual black person to learn how to be anti-racist?

        No, they can learn all they need to learn from a white woman just like them.

    • AlexinCT

      As soon as you hear someone is in the studies field of scholarship, assume you are dealing with a complete moron grifter, that there will be all manner of untoward chicanery and shenanigans if you even scratch the surface, and that this is about the grift and not knowledge of any kind. You won’t go wrong.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    The White House issued a statement defending the administration’s approach to Covid-19 information.

    “When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this Administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety,” the statement said. “Our position has been clear and consistent: we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”

    Haha, good one, White House spokesperson.

    Maybe the government should take a long hard look at the real world consequences of their actions.

    • Ownbestenemy

      …we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions…

      So..you still believe you should censor. Got it.

  29. Mojeaux

    This tweet is living rent-free in my head.

    Maybe the most important thing you learn by attending public school is that we are all at the mercy of the bottom quintile. The rules you follow in life will be based on the behavior of the bottom quintile, the taxes you pay are to support the bottom quintile, the greatest risks to your life and property will come from the bottom quintile, the dearth of comfortable public spaces is because you have to allow the bottom quintile to be there, our zoning laws are developed for fear of the bottom quintile.

    Probably best to learn and accept this early.


    • Pat

      The problem with that sort of pretentious codswallop is that every midwit thinks they’re in the Galt’s Gulch group of intellectual titans, when in fact they’re probably much less far removed from that bottom quintile they are the top quintile. And I though to know – I’ve been that midwit.

      • Pat

        *ought to know

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Semi-rebuttal tweet

        How many of you have inwardly fantasized about ruling the world?

        I can’t even run my own life much less anybody else’s. I have no desire to rule over anyone.

      • Pat

        Fair take, and more nuanced.

        And school is, indeed, fucking torture if you’re even if slightly above average. The reason I ended up with an over-inflated sense of my own intelligence was because I was a good student and spent most of my classroom time bored out of my skull waiting for the slow kids to catch up before my parents finally decided on homeschooling. And that was at a private school with better academic standards than good old District 81 in Spokane.

      • AlexinCT

        That rebuttal is spot on.

      • Nephilium


        Same here. One of the hard lessons I’ve had to learn is that everything isn’t as easy as school was.

      • EvilSheldon

        Yeah, literally never since I’ve been an adult. As I said elsewhere recently, ‘To reign in hell, still means living in hell.’

    • kinnath

      Government school finally gets worthwhile when you get to the optional college prep courses where the troublemakers aren’t there.

      The fastest fix to government school is just abolish the requirement for attendance.

      • Common Tater

        “The fastest fix to government school is just abolish the requirement for attendance.”

        But then the Kween of Joy can’t toss their parents in jail.

    • Nephilium

      And the flip side of that is fighting for freedom and liberty is tough because you’re always defending the worst people.

    • creech

      You might add that most of our religious leaders urge us to care for that bottom quintile or else…….you will displease the Supreme Being (but I don’t recall Him demanding you give it up at gunpoint.)

  30. The Late P Brooks

    isn’t getting a license from the state to drive unlibertarian? A sovereign citizen just driver.

    “Who said you could do that?” is our nation’s motto.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    we are all at the mercy of the bottom quintile.

    [insert anguished moan]

  32. PieInTheSky

    South Yorkshire Police
    Do you know someone who lives a lavish lifestyle, but doesn’t have a job?

    Your intelligence is vital in helping us put those who think they’re ‘untouchable’ before the courts.


    just whiteys I assume

    • The Other Kevin

      So we can’t report Alex Soros?

    • Gustave Lytton

      The entire South Yorkshire constabulary?

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Zuckerberg also said he would not repeat contributions he made in the last presidential election cycle to fund election infrastructure, saying that although they were intended to be nonpartisan, some people still interpreted the effort as benefiting one party or the other.

    “My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another — or to even appear to be playing a role,” he said. “So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle.”

    The 100% neutral and nonpartisan “infrastructure” he funded last time is still in place.

    • The Other Kevin

      Was he on those calls about “fortifying the election”? If so we can call bullshit.

  34. Common Tater

    “A Florida teenager is in custody charged with killing his girlfriend’s father after they got into a heated argument over ‘inappropriate’ social media photos.

    Lawan Jr. Jones, 18, turned himself into cops three days after going on the run last Monday.

    His girlfriend’s father, 44-year-old Keith Poole, was shot several times out the front of his own home in Pompano Beach, Florida….

    According to the arrest affidavit, seen by DailyMail.com, the witness told police on the scene that Mr Poole ‘became aware that the suspect had posted photographs on social media of himself holding a firearm.’

    ‘She said the victim told Jones that it was not appropriate for him to do that while living in his house, and that he would have to leave.'”


    Who let’s their daughter’s teenage boyfriend live in their house?

  35. The Late P Brooks

    She’s speaking

    Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to make up ground with voters who still give former President Donald Trump an edge on the economy, airing a new ad this week that attempts to go on offense on inflation.

    The ad, titled “Everyday” and first shared with POLITICO, features clips of Harris’ speech earlier this month in North Carolina, where she unveiled a series of proposals aimed at making housing more affordable, targeting corporations over price gouging and expanding a tax credit for families.

    “Prices are still too high,” Harris said. “I will be laser-focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability and dignity.”

    The spot, which will start running on Tuesday, is part of a $150 million ad blitz targeted at battleground states surrounding last week’s Democratic convention, and the second in the last few days to focus on cutting costs and taxes. An earlier 30-second ad made only broad references to bolstering the middle class; this newest, one-minute one outlines Harris’ main focus areas, while also attacking Trump by name as siding with “billionaires and large corporations.”

    It’s vapid empty-headed nonsense, but some people will listen.

    • Sean

      Polls show Harris still trails Trump on that trust question, though the deficit is significantly narrower than the gap that President Joe Biden faced during his aborted reelection run. Biden suffered from the entrenched belief that prices have continued to soar and that the economy is on the brink of recession, even as inflation has eased over the last year and major economic indicators remain strong.

      Emphasis added.


      Don’t believe your lying eyes!

      • The Other Kevin

        That is so dishonest and it really bothers me. Just because we’re cutting off 2% of your leg this month instead of 10% doesn’t mean it’s growing back.

      • Pat

        Just because we’re cutting off 2% of your leg this month instead of 10% doesn’t mean it’s growing back.

        Yeah. “Good news, gentlemen! We were previously losing $1 on every sale. By refining our production methods, we are now losing only 50 cents on every sale!” Hemorrhaging money more slowly is preferable to hemorrhaging it more quickly, but let’s talk about that break even point and when we can expect profitability before we pop the champagne corks.

        These are the same people who think that getting a 7% budget increase instead of the planned-for 12% budget increase is a budget cut.

    • The Other Kevin

      Too many will listen, sadly. If you think about it for 10 seconds you’ll realize Democrats are in charge and she’s a Democrat. Unless she comes out and says “My party’s policies suck”, she’s part of the problem.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    The ad provides a fresh window into how the Harris campaign plans to use affordability issues to approach voters’ top electoral priority, while also trying to dent Trump’s long-standing advantage when it comes to which candidate people trust more on the economy.

    Vote socialist dictatorship. It’ll work this time.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Panic attack

    A “worldwide catastrophe” is imperiling Pacific Islands and the world must respond to the unprecedented and devastating impacts of rising seas “before it is too late,” the United Nations chief has warned.

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a global SOS – “Save Our Seas” – from the Pacific Island nation of Tonga on Tuesday with a plea to the world to “massively increase finance and support for vulnerable countries” in grave danger of the human-caused climate crisis.

    “The ocean is overflowing,” Guterres said. “This is a crazy situation: Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making. A crisis that will soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety.”

    We should send them all our garbage, to build sea walls with.

    • Suthenboy

      They have run out of boogey men so they are recycling them. I heard this same shit 50 years ago. ‘This island chain will be underwater in 5 years!’ Shoreline is still in the same place 50 years later.

    • creech

      The only thing that matters is that you vote for someone who worked at McDonald’s when they were going to school.

    • B.P.

      The ballot I receive every election makes this really easy.

  38. AlexinCT

    Will they just repeat the tactic of ignoring the court order not to give free shit to stupid people that borrowed money to get studies degrees that left them qualified only to work fast food and barista jobs for votes in this green card giveaway scenario?

  39. PieInTheSky

    That’s one way of explaining it. Another way is that you fully maxed out your shares on margin and when the stock fell from 90 to 60 you got all your shares called away and had to sell your Hamptons home at a loss


  40. The Late P Brooks

    This ocean heating is boosting sea level rise, as water expands when it heats, and melting ice sheets and glaciers have added to the volume.

    Ooh, that’s a new one (to me, anyway). Sounds sciency.

    • creech

      Is this being reported in order to scare the residents of Martha’s Vineyard, Malibu, and Kennebunkport?

    • Suthenboy

      Has anyone bothered to compare contemporary shoreline photos with photos of the same spot from the distant past?
      I have seen a few. Water levels are the same.

  41. Pope Jimbo

    Don’t worry! Brother Keith has the greedy corporate greedsters on the run!

    Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is joining a national antitrust lawsuit against RealPage Inc. that accused the company of enabling collusion between landlords when setting rent levels.
    The states allege that the company contracted with competing landlords who agreed to share private, sensitive information about their rental rates and lease terms to train RealPage’s algorithmic pricing software.
    The software then generated recommendations for landlords based on this sensitive information, including suggested apartment rental pricing and other terms.
    Per the suit, RealPage used the data to maintain a monopoly on commercial revenue-management software, as well as using it to recommend landlords raise rental prices.
    “Minnesotans and Americans everywhere increasingly understand that a big reason for inflation is corporate greed,” Attorney General Ellison said. “It’s hard enough to afford your life — and when illegal behavior makes it hard to afford the basics like housing and food while corporate profits skyrocket, I will step in to stop it.”

    • Pope Jimbo

      The complaint cites internal documents and sworn testimony from RealPage and commercial landlords, who allege that the overarching aim of RealPage and landlords was to maximize rents and profits at the expense of renters.

      In the complaint, they claim that RealPage acknowledged that its software is aimed at maximizing prices for landlords and referred to its products as “driving every possible opportunity to increase price.”

      Do these businesses have no shame?! How dare they try to maximize profits for their clients!

      • Pat

        To be fair, most of these gigantic developers with huge amounts of rental stock are, in fact, lowlife scumfucks, chiseling people who can ill afford it, while providing the lowest possible quality allowable by law. That’s a different question than whether obtaining information and acting upon it should be illegal. You may be able to make a case in certain locales with oligopolistic rental competition that there’s some level of price collusion that would constitute restraint of trade, but that still would not put the provider of the data used to coordinate pricing at fault.

      • rhywun

        It would be so much simpler to just take over all the apartments and hand them out based on need.

      • B.P.

        I don’t work in the world of algorithms, but it doesn’t seem to me it would take a crazy-sophisticated program to scan the rental listings in a particular market.

      • B.P.

        Or what P. Brooks says below.

  42. Gustave Lytton

    She’s just gonna steal every idea Trump has, isn’t she?

    As Tom Cotten pointed out on Sunday, she isn’t doing anything. It’s all anonymous deep source background familiar with her thinking. Harris isn’t coming out directly and saying any of this, nor is she being grilled on why she’s flip flopping or her previous positions. As soon as President Harris is official, she can shitcan all of that and her Karine can say Harris never promised any of that. Just Harris was never the border czar.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    In the complaint, they claim that RealPage acknowledged that its software is aimed at maximizing prices for landlords and referred to its products as “driving every possible opportunity to increase price.”

    If your tenant is not yet completely broke and out of business you’re not charging them enough rent.

  44. Pope Jimbo

    So now that King Walz and his band of merryxens have spent the $17B (and are actually running a deficit now), someone thought about paying jurors more because of Racial Disparities!

    Minnesota court officials are looking at increasing juror per diems as a possible method to improve representativeness among juries amid a lack of racial diversity in the Twin Cities metro area and across the state.
    A MinnPost analysis of state court data found glaring racial disparities in the make-ups of juries for criminal proceedings going back 10 years. In an effort to combat those disparities, a previously established workgroup at the Minnesota Judicial Branch is looking at increasing pay for low-income jurors.
    The report argues that compensation for jurors is crucial to the functioning of state courts, not only increasing candor and enthusiasm in participation but representation as well.
    An example of that is a pilot program started in March 2022 in San Francisco County. That program increased juror compensation in criminal trials from $15 to $100 per day in an effort to improve representation on juries by eliminating the financial barrier that often prevents low-income residents from serving. By August 2023, the staggering results showed that 84% of participants were only able to serve due to the increase in compensation, and the racial demographics of participants was nearly identical to the racial diversity of San Francisco County after only a year.
    The jury workgroup, which presented during the Judicial Council, mentioned various improvements they’re working towards, including mental health services for jurors after serving, shift protection for jurors who need to take time off to serve and increasing the per diem, pending additional funds from the Legislature.
    In its supplemental budget request to the Legislature this past session, the Judicial Branch did add a funding request to increase juror per diems, but that part of the request wasn’t fulfilled, said Kim Pleticha, the Judicial Branch’s director of public affairs.

    I am hoping those mental health services for jurors include paying for xanax and other anti-depressants.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    No landlord ever called around to find out what other people were charging for similar properties. It takes complicated software and artificial intelligence to do that.

    • R C Dean

      Called around? What is this, 1970? Even then you could just look at the classifieds. In the past few decades, you just look at the online listing services. Public information is public.

      • Pope Jimbo

        When I first saw the story, I thought for sure it was going to be about the Corporate Baddies making a list of deadbeat renters and how that was so unfair.

        Getting put on a list that will negatively impact your life is just so unfair and wrong. Unless you are a traitor like Tulsi and then it is all fair and dandy.

  46. Pope Jimbo

    Hey, I missed some of the chatter recently about the Dems using camouflage hats to reclaim rural voters or something.

    I just wanted to ask, why I can’t wear a sombrero, but the city folx can wear camo hats. My culture isn’t a costume!!!!

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      The camp is cover for her not being public. No one sees her.