Friday Holiday Weekend Kick Off Links

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Cocktails, Daily Links, I Am Lame | 108 comments

It’s the Friday before a long weekend. Locally, this means the official kick off of Oktoberfest season. I’m volunteering to pour for one of the local craft breweries tomorrow, and plan to get my VIP pass (which includes a full meal, access to air conditioned restrooms, and five liters of beer) for Monday.

This is about the least likely ending I would have predicted too.

If you’re going to make the rules, you should follow them. Just checked at the time of writing this, still no screen shots.

I’m cautiously optimistic about this. The changes all sound good and interesting to me. Not sure I’ll have the time to dive as deep into it as I have the previous entries, but I know me well enough that I’ll pick it up the first time there’s a sale on it.

There are some things that need to be shared just so others are aware it exists.

Even though Ohio is no longer considered a swing state, I’m already sick of the senate race ads. But don’t worry, my local rag is staying on top of all the JD Vance news.

Fear not, the Lake Erie alligator is still going strong.

Yet another reason that pre-ordering a DIGITAL COPY of a game is a dumb idea.

This will make them better athletes… how exactly?

Let’s go with something light and refreshing to go with all of the beer that will be consumed.

Hugo Spritz

  • 1 part St. Germain (0.5 ounce)
  • 8 parts sparkling wine (4 ounces; prosecco is the standard)
  • 2 parts soda water (1 ounce)
  • 1 sprig of mint

Start by gently muddling the mint with the St. Germain (you want to bruise the leaves here, not grind them to a paste) in your serving glass (you’ll want a wine glass or a large snifter for this one). Let that sit for a couple of minutes while you get the rest of the ingredients together. Then add ice, the wine, and the water to the glass, and gently stir. Garnish (if you so desire) with a mint sprig and a lemon wheel. I hope you enjoy one of the newer (under 20 years old) cocktail recipes I’ve provided here.

The girlfriend will have this stuck in her head for several weeks after this weekend, so I’ll get it into your heads too. Bonus points for doing the hand motions to it.

About The Author



Nephilium is a geek of multiple types living in the vast suburban forests of Cleveland.


  1. SDF-7

    This is about the least likely ending I would have predicted too.

    I would expect DC to respond with Flashpoint! Crisis of Infinite Earth Hyper Heroes! if that happens. Similar to how Marvel tried to move everything to “Inhumans” instead of “Mutants” to avoid 20th Century Fox legal issues in the late ’90s as I understand it.

  2. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Since I don’t know WTF St. Germain is, I’ll go with cherry Pepsi and rum

    • SDF-7

      Isn’t it on the shelf between St. Polaind and St. Fraince?

    • Nephilium

      Elderflower liquor, which became widely available in the mid 2000’s. If you’ve never tried it, I would recommend picking up a bottle of it. It made its way into quite a few drinks because of a nice flavor, and balanced sweetness to the point it can be referred to as bartender’s glue. There’s been some backlash to it because of the widespread use, but I still enjoy it as an addition to quite a few light cocktails and two part drinks (a splash in a gin and tonic is wonderful as an example).

  3. SDF-7

    Just checked at the time of writing this, still no screen shots.

    And this is why I think Steam News sucks… I’d never heard of this thing before — and you’d think owning the Portal games, Half-Life (got ’em in an Orange box… don’t play them, but my son did avidly at one point), etc. at least a blurb would be called for.

    I swear 10-15 years ago recommendation algorithms didn’t suck…. now they all do (Apple, Steam, Amazon… you name it — almost always “Here’s 10 things you already bought from us, 20 things you’d never be interested in… and 15 things we want to push that are out of left field!)

    • Nephilium

      Still only available by invite only, and was just officially announced in the past couple of weeks. It was an open secret before that as it was hitting high enough concurrent player counts to come to the attention of those who watch such things (that would not include me, but I see the headlines and stories from those who it would).

    • trshmnstr

      I swear 10-15 years ago recommendation algorithms didn’t suck…. now they all do

      They’re ad serving algorithms, not recommendation algorithms. They are great at serving ads.

      • Nephilium

        /looks at the myriad of dating ads (for blacks, Catholics, Christians, farmers, etc), Spanish language ads (I can’t even roll my r’s), and vitiligo treatments

        They may be good at serving ads, they sure as shit ain’t good at targeting them.

  4. SDF-7

    I’m cautiously optimistic about this.

    I’m not — the rumblings based on what’s been announced / seen make it sound like a ripoff of Humankind, which didn’t float my boat… and even if it were more truly Civ — 5 to some extent and 6 even worse has pissed me off with their fixation on “Surround the human with AI players even on huge map right away!”. I do 4X more for the explore than anything else, and having AI show up immediately, with obviously pre-knowledge of the entire map (so they can always beeline to resources / goody huts / etc.) just raises my blood pressure. There were at least 4 ways to try to edit the config scripts and 3 different mods to try to adjust starting distances — and Firaxis broke every damned one of them in DLC updates.

    Since I see no sign they’re going back on this — I’m just not going to bother this time around. It will only piss me off anyway.

    • Grumbletarian

      I also disliked Civ 6 (5 was okay, and the earlier ones were great), but I suspect I will allow myself to be set up for a sucker again. It may help that Humankind hasn’t piqued my interest.

    • rhywun

      I know me enough to know that I would buy the thing, play a few times, get frustrated, and never play again.

      So I think I’ll stick away this time.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Another escapee from the plantation

    “We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs,” Farley wrote in the email. “The external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve.”

    Farley said that Ford remains committed to creating an “inclusive workspace and building a team that leverages diverse perspectives, backgrounds and thinking styles.”

    Ford joins Harley-Davidson, Tractor Supply Co., John Deere and other companies in revising or pulling back on their diversity, equity and inclusion programs (DEI), support for gay Pride marches and LGBTQ events, strategies to slow climate change and other social policies.

    Some companies have backtracked more than Ford. Tractor Supply, for example, announced in June that it will withdraw its carbon emission reduction goals and eliminate jobs and goals focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. It will also stop sponsoring LGBTQ+ Pride festivals and voting campaigns

    I’m beginning to suspect this is primarily about companies putting distance between themselves and the militant queers and trans activists. The media, of course, want us to think they’re going back to 1958 Alabama protocol.

    • SDF-7

      I wonder if the tightening of the labor market makes them less willing to put up with the bullshit of the militant activists (of whatever they’re being active for) in favor of those who just want to do the work and get the check.

      That’d be a nice return to form for Corporate America and all…

      • rhywun

        Companies seem to be figuring out that there is no upside to jumping on the woke bandwagon. Take the minor hit from the tiny handful of activists and move on.

    • The Other Kevin

      Just follow the money. DEI means you’re using something other than quality and profitability as a metric, and you can only do that so long. That and they’re completely misunderstanding their own customers.

    • Timeloose

      I sure Ford and others are very understanding of weirdos if they are great engineers and managers.

      They like money much more than getting the right demographic to want to work or buy their products.

      Subaru did little to make lesbians want to buy their cars. After they discovered a preference existed they looked to exploit it, but that is different from trying to remake a brand to follow a trend.

    • Tonio

      Ford is changing some of its diversity and inclusion policies, joining a growing list of companies altering their approaches amid a changing legal and political environment and online pressure from the right.

      Never change, CNN. Anheuser-Busch, Tractor Supply, and Harley-Davidson changed their policies not because of pressure from “the right” so much as their established, (formerly) loyal customer bases.

    • Drake

      It’s about not alienating their customer base. They’ll still discriminate against white normies, but they will be much less public about it.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      This is about their customer base, largely rural conservatives for both TSC and HD, telling them to eat shit.

      You can’t actively fund and promote the things that your customers are adamantly against and stay in business long. Not anymore. Once the word got out that these businesses were supporting the the very organizations and movements that actively hate their customer base and wish to eradicate their existence, their stocks tanked (TSC did anyways). When they saw the writing on the wall with their customer base, they divested from the bullshit.

  6. SDF-7

    This will make them better athletes… how exactly?

    Sprint training running to the bathroom?

    • rhywun

      I don’t have that particular genetic malfunction and I’d be pissed that the athletes get free food if I was one of the disfavored students at that institution.

    • Evan from Evansville

      If they eat like Evan, $12 get’s ya 2-3 solid, re(h)eatable meals w few dishes required. Great Bachelor Food. (World is full of ’em these days. *Snickers (sometimes with a kicked pebble attached.)*)

      Editors note: I’m ~135lb, naturally fit/athletic and only nibble all day. (Meals are such an ‘event.’ So much time devoted to ONE meal when I’d rather nibble all day and have a salad and a 400cal snacky-meal for the day. (<– Yes, I'm odd.))

  7. The Late P Brooks

    The Human Rights Campaign criticized Ford’s announcement, saying the company was “abandoning inclusive employees policies and support” and “cowering” to Starbuck.

    “Ford Motor Company’s shortsighted decisions will have long-term consequences,” Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson said in a news release Wednesday. “Ford Motor Company is abandoning its financial duty to recruit and keep top talent from across the full talent pool. In making their purchasing decisions, consumers should take note that Ford Motor Company has abandoned its commitment to our communities.”

    Oh, woe. Ford won’t kowtow to our moral preening anymore.

      • SDF-7

        I expect some of our membership wanted to drive a Ford in the ’80s….

      • slumbrew

        I would have been disappointed by any other link, SDF.

        Bravo Zulu.

    • Suthenboy

      Financial duties that coalesce from thin air. Commitments to communities because you exist. Social contracts and clauses in such written in invisible ink.
      The language of cry-bully grifters. In the end it always comes down to ‘you have something we want so give it to us or else’.

    • Ed Wuncler

      I remember a couple of months after the Obergefell decision and some Human Rights Campaign canvasser near my old job was bugging me to do a monthly donation. I was in a pissy mood that day and responded that since the Obergefell decision passed and gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states, it means that their organization has achieved their goal and shouldn’t need a donation from me. I got one of the scariest scows ever.

    • trshmnstr

      Human Rights Campaign President paid professional agitator Kelley Robinson

    • rhywun

      Ford Motor Company is abandoning its financial duty to recruit and keep top talent from across the full talent pool.

      Um… actually they are doing the exact opposite.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    I won’t bother with a link. Some “financial analyst” says Dollar General is tanking because they don’t have a digital platform. Because the hipsters would love to shop there if they could do it on a phone app, presumably.

    • Nephilium

      Pretty sure Dollar General has an app.

    • Sensei

      Well the I’ve no idea when they last updated their guidance, but my assumption was that as of last quarter they had affirmed it. This is what we on the Street used to call a “bad day” for bullish analysts and the C-Suite at the covered company. It’s what you call a CEO who doesn’t want to hear bad news. I actually respected companies that didn’t guide or guide down to earnings level.

      The Company now expects the following for fiscal year 2024:

      Net sales growth in the range of approximately 4.7% to 5.3%, compared to its previous expectation of approximately 6.0% to 6.7%

      Same-store sales growth in the range of approximately 1.0% to 1.6%, compared to its previous expectation in the range of 2.0% to 2.7%

      Diluted EPS in the range of approximately $5.50 to $6.20, compared to its previous expectation of approximately $6.80 to $7.55

      The Company now expects an immaterial impact to EPS from incentive compensation expense, compared to its previous expectation of an estimated negative impact to EPS of approximately $0.50

      Diluted EPS guidance assumes an effective tax rate of approximately 23%, compared to its previous expectation in the range of approximately 22.5% to 23.5%

    • Suthenboy

      Dollar General is tanking because the commies have turned the economy to shit. They could survive in a decent economy but we dont have that, now do we?
      Their party has been frantically turning everything they touch to shit since 2009. They are now trying to pretend that isn’t true and distracting morons with ‘trump took pictures’, ‘these stupid businesses are doing under because they are stupid’ , ‘People love us because we are happy!’, and the ol’ favorite ‘dont believe your lying eyes.’.

      Is this really going to work? Are we really dragging that many brain dead wastes of skin with us?

      • Ed Wuncler

        And Dollar General is depressing also. I walked in the one in University Heights and it was so dirty and disorganized.

      • trshmnstr

        Dollar General is tanking because the commies have turned the economy to shit.

        It’s tanking because of the penetration of Walmart into more areas, the availability of Amazon and other delivery services in rural areas, and the disproportionate impact of inflation (like you said, bad economy) on rural poor folks.

        They don’t need an online presence. They need a robust delivery program.

      • Suthenboy

        Fair analysis Trashy. I have to say, it wouldn’t take much to beat Walz-mart’s delivery system. They suck balls.

    • Drake

      There are different “dollar” stores all over here. Unfortunately, everything costs more than a dollar now.

  9. The Other Kevin

    There is a Trump rally on X right now. While I’m tired of the song, I would rather have Lee Greenwood get some royalties over Foo Fighters.

    • EvilSheldon

      Man, that’s like choosing between getting kicked in the balls, and biting your tongue really hard…

  10. The Late P Brooks

    I sure Ford and others are very understanding of weirdos if they are great engineers and managers.

    Seriously. If you can design a suspension that is smooth and comfortable but sticks like glue to a road composed of frost heaves and potholes (looking at you, northwest Connecticut), They’d probably let you come to work every day dressed like Dale Evans.

    • Timeloose

      Preferably if you are a woman.

  11. UnCivilServant


    I did so much walking at the Omaha Zoo this morning that I wasn’t able to enjoy the Hastings Museum this afternoon. Normally I like these little out of the way museums, but I was cranky since I was back on my feet again.

    • Raven Nation

      Hope you enjoyed the zoo!

      Thanks for joining me for dinner last night.

      • UnCivilServant

        I took 290 pictures (some better than others) and got up close with a number of animals (but not Animal, who’s still in Alaska). The Lions and Snow Leopards didn’t want to come out and say hi, but the tiger was obliging and came right up to the fence for the crowd. I caught feeding time for the pelicans, and got two good pictures of Howler monkeys howling at me.

        I do appreciate you taking the time to meetup.

      • Raven Nation


        When we took my nephew there he was about 12. He wanted to get a pretty close up picture of the tiger to send to his grandmother. Just as he was about to hit the button, the tiger let loose an impressive stream of urine. My nephew turned brighter than the tiger’s skin.

  12. Suthenboy

    I want to copyright the English language. Not a big deal. I just want one dollar per person speaking it yearly. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

  13. The Late P Brooks

    I haven’t been in an actual Dollar General store in twenty years or so, since I left Indiana. We have Family Dollar and Dollar Tree, here, who just merged, I think. There is one of each practically across the street from each other not far from me; as far as I know they’re both still open.

    • trshmnstr

      Despite the similar names, I think DG is different from DT and FD. Last time I was in a DG, it was halfway between a convenience store and a supermarket.

      DT and FD are 5 and 10 stores adjusted for inflation and filled with the cheapest of cheap Chinese crap.

  14. rhywun

    Yet another reason that pre-ordering a DIGITAL COPY of a game is a dumb idea.

    Enh… people should know that they’re the beta tester going in to that situation.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    I was in a pissy mood that day and responded that since the Obergefell decision passed and gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states, it means that their organization has achieved their goal and shouldn’t need a donation from me.


    • Sensei

      +1 MADD

    • Suthenboy

      Dummies. Smart move is to pick a problem that can never be solved or one they can actively make worse. C’mon, what is this? Amateur hour?

      • Drake

        Climate change says hello.

  16. Timeloose

    I went to see Tommy Stinson from the Replacements last night along with some great regional supporting acts.

    He and the acts were great. What a wonderful time on a Thursday night for 20$. At a brewery with~40 people in the middle of nowhere that spawned Krysten Ritter.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    I’m conducting experiments in seating for/at my desk. I have decided the chair I have been using, which was left here by the previous owner, is slowly crippling me.

    I’m thinking of something similar to this. That particular stool doesn’t go quite low enough, but it’s close. No back means less slouching.

    • trshmnstr

      Go the whole way and embrace your inner hippie. Gaiam Classic Balance Ball Chair – Exercise Stability Yoga Ball Premium Ergonomic Chair for Home and Office Desk with Air Pump, Exercise Guide and Satisfaction Guarantee

      • rhywun

        That looks like a practical joke.

      • R C Dean

        Mrs. Dean has one and uses it periodically for her gimpy back. Seems to help.

    • The Other Kevin

      People on X were wondering why the US Government isn’t getting involve. I’m guessing they already are.

      • PutridMeat

        Taking notes?

    • Suthenboy

      I dont know much about VPN’s but I assumed it was a way to access content blocked in certain areas. Following that assumption I figured it also allowed one to do so anonymously. If that is true how is The Honorable Commie Fuckstick going to enforce this ban?

      • PutridMeat

        ISP (service provider) will know if you are using a VPN and which VPN. They will not be able to see the data or record what sites you visit, but they will know you are using a VPN. There are ways to mitigate that, but in general they know. Sites you visit do not know a priori whether you are on a VPN, but of course they will see an IP address that is registered to a VPN, so can certainly infer.

    • Suthenboy

      That guy is some piece of work. There is a reason the defeated nazis fled there after the war.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    X is now officially banned in Brazil. The crazy judge has also forbidden people from using VPNs to avoid censorship.

    Next up, a law preventing water from running downhill.

    • Suthenboy

      Hey, I am all for that. Do you have any idea how many problems that would solve for me? Ok, I would have to pay flood insurance….nevermind. Come to think of it such a law would fuck up an awful lot of stuff, like life on earth.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      DAM IT!

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Go the whole way and embrace your inner hippie.

    Yoga ball? I’d rather go back to a kneeling char I used one for a long time. Until it finally fell apart.

    • rhywun

      The hotness back when everyone was in the office was the “standing desk”.

      My response to that was, “No.”

      • Suthenboy

        I think they called the old, slightly more comfortable version ‘Judas’ Cradle’.
        The point of a chair is to take weight off of your feet. A chair that isn’t a chair is…well, not a chair.

    • creech

      I wonder how long Kommiela’s lasted?

    • Evan from Evansville

      You’re the one not on zoom.

      YO YO DeadHead I saw ya! Curious to talk but I gotta work on connection

  20. R C Dean

    “VIP pass (which includes a full meal, access to air conditioned restrooms, and five liters of beer)”


    • Nephilium

      It’s a good time. And it’s only technically five liters of beer, they had to change it from unlimited beer due to state laws, but half the servers don’t punch the ticket for their pours.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Crystal clear

    “My values have not changed. I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate. And to do that, we can do what we have accomplished thus far,” Harris answered.

    One of the great rhetoricians of all time.

    • Ted S.

      She wants to be unburdened from the weather?

      • Drake

        She wants to unburden you from ac.

    • rhywun

      “I have no principles.”

    • R C Dean

      “we can do what we have accomplished thus far”

      *cocks head quizzically*

      • Suthenboy

        The time is now RC, it’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day.

    • Suthenboy

      Me to my English buddy circa 1995: “What happened to your vast empire?”

      English buddy: “You’ll see.”

      Everything old is new again.

  22. UnCivilServant

    From the hotel staff and waitresses, I was starting to get the impression that the women of this area were all of an above average attractiveness.

    Then I had to go to WalMart for odds and ends. Nothing like having to share a traffic lane with a morbidly obese woman on supplimental oxygen riding her mobility scooter down the road to remind you that there’s a reason “People of WalMart” is a thing.

    • Fourscore

      I’ll be glad when summer is over and they begin to cover up, as best they can.

    • Sean


    • Aloysious

      Did you ask if she was single?

      • UnCivilServant

        I prefer someone not two decades my senior.

    • UnCivilServant

      Oooh, there’s a Geological museum in Laramie… that closes at 4pm on saturday, and is closed sunday.

      Well, I get a one hour boost from time zone changes, so if I leave early enough, I could still make it.

  23. Fourscore

    I got a JVC 200 cd player at a garage sale today. $7, remote even had good batteries in it. Garage is full of music again.

    Inflation, my butt. Desperation is more like it.

  24. creech

    I heard again from the acquaintance who wants to be ready with a New Tea Party because he is now convinced that Harris will Joyfully smoke and mirror her way to a win in November. He expects her portrayal as a centrist will win over enough independent voters who have had enough of Trump and believe Harris’ lies. Then, he expects Harris (the clique running her) to overstep their bounds and go after taxing 401ks, banning fraking,
    amnesty for illegals, national law for abortion on demand, step one on reparations, trigger recession, etc. etc. All (or many) of which will piss the crap out of a majority of Americans and lead to a clean sweep of House and Senate in 2025 by the GOP, then victory by a GOP ticket in 2028.
    “Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better,” he said. I told him I had that same view 50 years ago, and, unfortunately it seems to ratchet one way only.

    • Sean

      You need better quality friends.

      And if she does get in now…there ain’t no way 2028 will be in play.

      • Ted S.

        He’s got us….

      • creech

        That’s rather fatalistic and acknowledges that their “soft communism” appeals to a perpetual majority of voters. Shall we just bend over and enjoy it?

      • Ted S.

        I took Sean’s comment to mean that TEAM BLUE will fortify the shit so hard out of the electoral system that no Republican candidate would be able to overcome the fortification in 2028.

      • Sean

        Yes, Ted S. That’s exactly what I meant.

    • rhywun

      I do believe that her current positions as she has sort-of “clarified” them are complete bullshit. If she wins she will govern exactly as she promised in 2020, i.e. as a far leftist.

      • Suthenboy

        This. It is standard SOP for leftists. Lie your way into power then gradually ratchet up until they get to the point where they can go full speed ahead. I think they thought they could go full speed ahead with Obama and I am pretty sure they think this election will be it. It is so close they can taste it.

    • westernsloper

      She said she worked fries at that Mcdonalds. That is code for sucking the fry guy off in the bathroom