1. cavalier973

    Jack Smith is working for Trump.

    Why else would he be making this bone-headed move that only makes Trump look good?

    • Rat on a train

      “Special Counsel” Jack Smith

      • Drake

        The lack of legality and standing makes it ‘special’.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Indeed Drake.

        I don’t see what hope this prosecution has if the other was illegal due to his non-appointment.

      • The Other Kevin

        Just like capitalism and democracy, we have to destroy justice in order to save it.

  2. cavalier973

    Trump is turning the Republican Party into the old-school Democrat party

    • Nephilium

      So the Progressives took over the Democrat party, the Populist Democrats take over the Republican party, and the Republicans take over the Libertarian party.

      /waits for the Know Nothings to come back

      • cavalier973

        Makes sense.

        Libertarians start the “Leavemealone-ian” Party.

      • creech

        Libertarians form “Mind Your Own Business Party” and throw phonies like Walz out.

      • Sean

        *Starts “Mind your own beeswax” party*

        *Nominates fourscore as our leader*

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Freedom! -Democrats at their convention

        So, maybe not that far fetched?

  3. cavalier973

    How could the IDF possibly know that Biden’s meandering mumbling meant “don’t go there”?

  4. cavalier973

    Can a judge please halt the effort to force us to eat bugs?

  5. cavalier973

    Is “CEO” and “Meta CEO” the same thing as “physics” and “metaphysics”?

    • Rat on a train

      I know a Meta CEO isn’t the same as a METEO.

      • Not Adahn

        what about #metoo?

      • Rat on a train


  6. Fourscore

    The jockeying begins for positions in the Trump government. If the Trump team loses the wannabees will be relegated to political obscurity.

    A lifetime of ambition lost.

    • Fourscore

      Strap hangers, indeed

    • cavalier973

      Or won.

      The only reason Trump would lose in November is voter fraud.

      • Rat on a train

        Joyful fraud.

      • Sean

        CommaLa’s facade is already crumbling.

      • Suthenboy

        The D campaign is by far the worst, most vapid awful campaign in history. In other words, they are catering to their voters.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘Joy’ is right up there with ‘hope’.

        It’s bullshit that will allow the Dems to push through a ton of things that aren’t popular with voters, but pay off their big donor class. Republicans will do nothing to stop it or repeal when back in power. (Obamacare, for example)

      • The Last American Hero

        There will absolutely be voter fraud. Especially in the swing states.

        And for all the “X state just purged 9 million dead voters from their rolls” – congratulations Texas and Florida, I’m sure Trump wouldn’t have won there anyway. AZ, MI, WI, and PA are where the action is at, and they are fortifying the shit out of things and refusing to make things fair. GA is a shitshow, where 3 election board members are trying to hang in there and stand their ground while the governor and the dems try to remove them. Michigan refuses to let Republican poll watchers into Detroit or remove Kennedy from the ballot, AZ has resisted all efforts at reform.

        So yes, in a fair election, Kumala would get spanked. Instead, it’s a cointoss and likely Dem Victory in November.

  7. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski revealed he escaped France after escalating threats against his company and fellow tech executives following the arrest of Telegram boss Pavel Durov.”

    Durov? Pavlovski?

    Sounds like Russian election interference to me!

    • Sean


    • Drake

      Rumors that Durov was in the process of making up with Putin and moving back to Russia. So the French snatched him while they could. The French government wants the keys to Telegram so they can be the ones doing the censoring.

      • Sean

        Those cheese eating surrender monkeys!

    • Bobarian LMD


      The thought of catching him made prosecutors drool.

      Or was it the little bell?

  8. Sean

    Vince Langman
    You guys are next if Commie Kamala Harris wins in November
    7:22 AM · Aug 25, 2024

    He’s not wrong.

  9. Cunctator

    Re: hostage rescue article:

    —“Eight Americans are being held. Five are thought to be alive.”—

    I have talked to many people who (claim they) don’t anything about this. Maybe if the hostages had been WNBA players who admitted breaking Russia’s drug laws, there would be more concern.

    • R C Dean

      Well, they’re Jews, and thus of little concern to our masters.

    • Drake

      Are they just American citizens or dual citizens?

      • R C Dean

        I haven’t heard, but I suspect some, at least, are dual. I don’t know why dual citizenship is even a thing, myself.

      • Cunctator

        —“Are they just American citizens or dual citizens?’—

        I don’t understand how this would matter. Even if dual citizens, they are still American citizens, and are entitled to have their government work for their release. I am not advocating for negotiating some sort of hostage trade. I would support telling Hamas that they have 48 hours to release our citizens. If they are not released, I would not oppose the US making the IDF incursion look like a picnic.

      • Drake

        Just wondering. Do we get worked up if Ukrainian-American citizens are captured or killed in Russia or the Ukraine?

      • Cunctator

        —“Do we get worked up if Ukrainian-American citizens are captured or killed in Russia or the Ukraine?”—

        If they are there voluntarily and participate in the war effort, then no. They have made the choice to put themselves at risk. If they are civilians snatched off of the street, the US should insist they be released immediately, or face the consequences.

        In my opinion, it is past time for the government to make it clear that you do not fuck with peaceful US citizens.

      • Drake

        Nobody in our government gave the slightest fuck when Gonzalo Lira (an American and Chilean citizen) was grabbed off the street in the Ukraine, jailed for expressing his opinions, and was abused until he died in prison.

      • Cunctator

        —“Nobody in our government gave the slightest fuck when Gonzalo Lira (an American and Chilean citizen) was grabbed off the street in the Ukraine, jailed for expressing his opinions, and was abused until he died in prison.”—

        And what, of the things I said, would lead to to think I approve of this. “it is past time for the government to make it clear that you do not fuck with peaceful US citizens.” I am more and more convinced that it is time for another Barbary War. It is the government’s job to protect US citizens.

      • Drake

        Unfortunate that the value of American citizenship has been diluted in so many ways. The expectation of Uncle Sam protecting us abroad if fading fast.

      • Cunctator

        —“The expectation of Uncle Sam protecting us abroad if fading fast.”—

        My point exactly.

      • R C Dean

        It’s the inevitable result of foreign entanglements. When you have other foreign policy interests in play, something’s got to give.

    • rhywun

      Ask them if they support the Obama/Biden/Harris plan to prop up Iran – you know, the people who funded the murder and the kidnapping.

  10. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Far-Left Judge Blocks Investigation Into Soros-Funded Media Matters.”

    So, what are the chances of the average person, or hell, anybody, suing to stop an investigation and winning?

    That seems really, really unusual, but maybe some lawyer glibs can elucidate.

    • Sean

      I’m not a lawyer, but that’s an easy answer – “FYTW”.

  11. Not Adahn

    For any Houston Glibs, Houston Grand Opera is selling off some of their costumes and props.

    • Banjos

      That ain’t good. Sounds like they are hurting for money. But also sounds like a great opportunity for me.

      • Not Adahn

        See if you can pick up Wotan’s Spear cheap.

    • kinnath

      copyright violation

      • Fourscore

        No news is good news, right?

      • The Other Kevin

        Fourscore, hitting us up with wisdom first thing in the morning.

      • Suthenboy

        That usually means some idiot did something embarrassing in a public forum and they want it to disappear.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Doh! It was just there a bit ago. It was a cat watching a gymnast twirling around on the uneven bars. Cat swats at the gymnast just as he slips and falls.

        Another Ray

      • Pope Jimbo


        My guess is it was whoever owned the Olympic copyright deciding that they need to stop the fun. Even though, I’m sure the claim of copyright infringement is completely bullshit.

        Looks like it is still up on youtube

  12. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    I’m very far from being Hamasexual, but I do question our relationship with Israel.

    I think it comes down to being in favor of realpolitik in our foreign dealings vs. thinking of things in ideological terms.

    What exactly do we get with Israel that can be worth how much we pay given that they don’t do as told by or leadership. Basically I want value for my money, but it always seems like they cause us trouble in addition to the money.

    • Nephilium

      I would think it’s to avoid Israel fully taking the gloves off against the neighboring countries.

      • Drake

        I think those days are over short of using nukes. They’d get annihilated – that’s why they keep trying to pull us into a regional war there.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “I would think it’s to avoid Israel fully taking the gloves off against the neighboring countries.”

        Why does that bother us?

        I don’t care if they blow up Syria.

      • Drake

        Same – although Russia, Turkey, and we are all occupying parts of Syria. Nice flashpoint we set up there.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Why does that bother us

        Because our gov doesn’t want the conflict to end.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘Nice flashpoint we set up there.’

        Exactly, we need to stay out of it unless there will be a real benefit to us, and not just the military industrial types.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      It has nothing to do with Israel. Sending arms and munitions to Israel allows our government to loot American taxpayers. Same as sending arms and munitions to Ukraine. In neither is the aid intended to support allies, it’s to launder our tax dollars. Israel’s situation allows it to be a convenient and long-term source of forever war money funneling.

      As Suthenboy astutely pointed out here years ago, war used to be about looting your enemy. Now, these forever wars are kept in place to loot American taxpayers.

      Divisions about support for Israel or Ukraine is what they want. It keeps discussion away from the true purpose. Same reason only divisive cases like Floyd or Martin make the news instead of Breanna Taylor where they would be unity in the backlash shining a light on police state abuse.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        You’re right on.

        I might philosophically support both countries, but that doesn’t mean we should loot our fellows to buy arms and send them there.

  13. Common Tater

    “Disturbing footage has emerged of a cop shooting dead a family dog in front of its horrified owners – just one month after he ran over and killed another pet.

    Ethan Bock is seen opening fire on the animal after it ran across the yard and jumped up at him outside the home in Davenport, Iowa on August 21.

    Two young children and their mother are heard shrieking in horror as their black retriever-mix called Myst writes around in agony beside the front porch.

    A few weeks before, the same officer struck and killed another man’s unleashed dog with his police cruiser. In body-worn camera footage after the smash, Bock tells the owner: ‘That’s why you gotta have your dog on a leash bro.'”



    • Chipping Pioneer

      I support the death penalty, but only for agents of the state. Starting with this guy.

      • Not Adahn

        Ayup. The “He needed killin'” defense would apply here.

      • hoof_in_mouth

        This is the correct position

    • PieInTheSky

      I blame Q.

    • R C Dean

      I love that the copilot was packing.

    • Suthenboy

      You aren’t fooling me. That is a scene right out of airplane. I can see Leslie Nielsen bursting out of the cockpit, pistol in hand.

  14. PieInTheSky

    Well I managed to mess up in my meeting with a higher management guy for a potential promotion 🙁 . Stupid laptop.

    • Nephilium

      Yeah, I blame my laptop when my mute button isn’t working too. 🙂

      • The Other Kevin

        I blame my camera for my lack of pants.

      • PieInTheSky

        I could not get the fucking camera to work 🙁 . There is this stupid switch on my laptop I did not know existed turning it off. I never switched it in 2 years until the day I had an important meeting and I switched it without realizing 🙁 . Any fucking other day it would not have been a problem.

      • Nephilium


        Sorry man, just trying to lighten the mood. Is no camera really going to tank a meeting? I think I’ve turned my camera on for three meetings at the current work, and only a handful of times at the previous place (and before that, no camera on work machines, so no camera at all).

      • PieInTheSky

        I don’t think the camera tanked the meeting, but on one on one meetings the camera should always be on. Multiple people meeting it is not that important. The guy told me he will give positive feedback based on talk. But still I am pissed. Any of the last 700 days I could have fucking touched the switch accidentally, but it happened today.

      • R.J.

        I’ve been instructed to never share my camera again after two people screamed on a call.

        It’s not easy being green…

    • The Last American Hero

      I didn’t think the darkness that stalks the night shows up on camera.

    • Grummun

      Representative Wild does not seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer.

      • PieInTheSky

        sharp knives are bad and cause lots of problems in Europe.

    • PieInTheSky

      But discoveries drawn from this ancient genetic data can directly impact the living in unexpected and even harmful ways. – no they can not.

      “might directly cause harm, such as by impacting a community’s land or restitution claims,” – akak not their land?

      They also note that some cultural groups strongly identify with ancient peoples regardless of temporal distance. – well bohoo

      • Pope Jimbo

        Anyone want to bet on the fact that Elizabeth Warren authorized the gubment grant that paid for that “research”?

        FUCK DNA. I want proof that DNA sucks and only “family lore” should count.

      • Suthenboy

        “Look, this data might show that grifter’s claims to restitution are complete bullshit. We cant have that!”

    • Common Tater

      “Yet in many places, including the United States, research on ancient human tissues is only lightly regulated.

      By contrast, any scholarly study of living human subjects, including medical research, almost universally requires ethical clearance from an institutional review board. ”

      Also by contrast, ancient humans are fucking dead.

      • rhywun

        But feelings might be hurt!

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “When scholarly disciplines advance rapidly, it raises concerns that related ethical considerations might lag”

        Someone is mad they’re not getting their cut.

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, I am a couple of sentences in and I smell ‘results must match the narrative’.
      A movie I cant remember aside from my walking out some years ago had a preacher wearing a lab coat lecturing a bible class (taught in a chemistry lab) exclaiming “If science and the Bible disagree it is science that must change, not the Bible!”

      I think there is less science being practiced now than at any time in my lifetime.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        … And it’s not coming from the traditional religious types.

      • creech

        All us white folks are descendants of Charlemagne. Who is next in line to be Holy Roman Emperor?

      • Suthenboy

        Lack…they just changed hats, that’s all.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    Won’t anyone think about the poor city council members? Rochester is going to gouge the crap out of their citizens to pay for a 20% budget increase. I’d almost feel bad for them, but Rochester has used the Mayo Clinic lobbyists to squeeze way more out of the legislator than they have paid in, so good.

    Property owners could feel the effects of the largest annual tax increase in more than a decade under a plan proposed by Rochester officials to boost the city budget by $120 million next year.
    Rochester officials are recommending nearly a $690 million budget for 2025, up from more than $570 million this year. The increased funding is in response to increasing costs in most city departments as well as capital project costs and new revenue from a renewed local sales tax referendum.
    Under the proposal, Rochester’s tax levy would increase by about 10.4% (or about $10.5 million). That’s up from city officials’ estimates earlier this year, but it could have been even larger.
    “We try to control as much as possible our property taxes but it just gets more challenging as you’re serving more people,” City Administrator Alison Zelms said Monday during a City Council meeting.
    “[It] just seems so large when so much of it is out of our control,” Council Member Norman Wahl said.
    “You run into this wall of, ‘OK, what do you cut?’” Council President Brooke Carlson said. “It’s an impossibly hard conversation.”

    If you gave me a spreadsheet of the budget items, I bet I could easily cut it down to size and have enough time for a long lunch.

    The pols are all trying to blame it on a new police contract.

    • PieInTheSky

      I am sure every penny will be spent with maximum efficiency and people will get more value back from the government than they pay

    • rhywun

      so much of it is out of our control

      “Then what are we paying you for?”

  16. PieInTheSky

    The Next equal pay victory is a dark day for British business


    Clothing retailer Next has done plenty of job-creation over the past few years – only to be whacked by an equal pay claim brought by 3,500 shop assistants. An employment tribunal has ruled that the company was wrong to pay them less than it paid staff at its warehouses. With back pay it could cost the company £30 million.

    Equal pay is one thing where it concerns men and women working alongside each other in the same jobs. It is quite another when it is extended to the concept of ‘work of equal value’, as it was in this case. The tribunal ruled that Next failed to show that paying its shop workers, who are overwhelmingly women, lower pay rates than its warehouse workers, who are mostly men, was not sex discrimination. There is no suggestion, by the way, that the company is discriminating against women by refusing to employ them in its warehouses – any female shop assistants who feel underpaid are quite free to apply for a job there, where they will be paid the same as male warehouse workers.

    It doesn’t take too much imagination to see how destructive this area of employment law could turn out to be. The Next case is similar to the equal pay claim which brought Birmingham City Council to its knees, leading to bankruptcy and council tax bills being jacked up by 21 per cent over the next couple of years. There, the issue was with cleaners, whose work was deemed to be of ‘equal value’ to that of refuse collectors. Henceforth, all employers – whether in the public or private sector – are going to have to second-guess what an employment tribunal would make of the various occupations on its pay roll.

    Good thing things are already going great in Britain.

    • Drake

      Stick a fork in Britain, they are an overcooked bland pot roast.

    • Rat on a train

      I look forward to doctor’s pay working the information desk.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Janitors at hospitals prevent more infections and death than the doctors do, so why not pay them more.

        Also, anyone working at the water treatment plants need a massive raise based on the value of their work.

    • kinnath

      Jonathon Pie did a video a decade ago on the Gender Pay Gap that specifically mentions shop vs warehouse workers being paid differently.

      Woke makes satire pointless.

      • creech

        My grandson hit a Little League homerun. Why isn’t he paid like Aaron Judge?

    • Tundra


      BCs know they are cool.

    • Rat on a train

      Remember what happened the last time one of you didn’t turn around?

  17. PieInTheSky

    US and Romania militaries order Joint Assault Bridge systems

    The Joint Assault Bridge system is a tracked, armoured engineer vehicle mounted onto a modified M1A1 Abrams main battle tank chassis.

    Leonardo DRS will develop and deliver Joint Assault Bridge (JAB) systems for the US Army and Romanian military (through a Foreign Military Sales agreement).

    Collectively, the contract is valued at $49m, according to a statement issued by the supplier on 22 August 2024.

    The JAB is a tracked, armoured engineer vehicle mounted onto a modified M1A1 Abrams main battle tank chassis. Manufactured by Leonardo DRS, the US division of the Italian parent company of the same name, the platform is designed to manoeuvre US and allied forces more freely with bridging capabilities.


    “for the US Army and Romanian military” makes Romania almost sound important. We get American tanks American f35s American missiles. Then some sergeant corporal will sell the parts on the black market but still.

    • Not Adahn

      Crossing running water has been a long-standing issue for Romanians.

      • PieInTheSky


      • Not Adahn

        That joke will continue to be shot in the balls.

  18. PieInTheSky

    Oasis have today announced a return after 15 years away.

    Wojciech Szczęsny has today announced his retirement from football after a 15-year career.

    On a completely unrelated note, Szczęsny’s children are called…


    • PieInTheSky

      Seems as good a day as any to point out that, according to official estimates, UK public sector productivity is lower now than it was when Oasis released Be Here Now (the data doesn’t go as far back as Definitely Maybe).


    • PieInTheSky

      Dogs and kids never get old – so they die young? that is not very sunshine

    • PieInTheSky

      Also I cannot help feeling it is a bit risky to have babies with dogs you need to really trust the dog. I used to have hygiene issues with babies and dogs, it but it seems research shows kids that grow up with animals have fewer immunity problems

      • Not Adahn


        Yes, you do have to be able to trust the dog. But the same thing applies to humans. I wonder what difference in the infant murder rate is between dogs and stepfathers/boyfriends. Not curious enough to do an actual research, mind you.

      • Tundra

        What a great video! My GSD was almost 6 when we brought our son home. It was amazing. For more than 5 years she slept on the floor next to me but the first night with the baby I found her sleeping under his crib. She was perfect with both kids and I miss her every damn day.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Quick Google search:

        25% abuse rate in’step families’ while hospital with dogs, children have a 50% chance of being bitten, with the majority of bites to the head (!) and 26% needing hospital treatment.

        I’m half of cases the dog was ‘provoked ‘. I’m guessing in 100% of child abuse cases the parent was provoked, whatever that means.

        Of course, lies, damn lies and statistics abounds.

      • R C Dean

        There is no way on this planet that half the kids who live with dogs get bitten.

  19. Common Tater

    “Home Depot partnered with an LGBTQ program that provided elementary students with information on “pansexual” identities and being “nonbinary.”

    In 2022, Home Depot announced one of its “Diversity Partnerships” was the Human Rights Campaign’s “Welcoming Schools” program, which is a program to educate students on transgender and LGBTQ terms. The Welcoming Schools program offers K-12 lesson plans and other LGBTQ resources on its website – which were available before Home Depot announced the partnership….

    A lesson plan for grades 3-5 titled, “Social Justice Acrostic Poems” had “students share and explore issues they are passionate about through acrostic poetry” The plan has the teacher write down a list of social justice movements that the kids can support and included examples: “Black Lives Matter, respect all languages, animal rights, climate change, migration is beautiful, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, water is life, disability rights, gun control or March for Our Lives.”

    “We are dedicated to intensifying our efforts to make a meaningful, sustainable difference in supporting change in our communities,” Kelie Charles, Home Depot’s senior director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion said at the time.

    Home Deport also echoed these sentiments in their environmental, social and governance (ESG) report for fiscal year 2022.

    When Fox News Digital reached out to Home Depot for comment, a spokesperson said the partnership ended in 2023.”


    The HRC went from advocating for same-sex marriage to pure evil.

    • Nephilium

      “Social Justice Acrostic Poems”

      /starts looking at the Hyperbole…

    • Rat on a train

      mission creep or skinsuiting?

      • Common Tater

        Mission creep. After gay marriage was legal they moved on to trans kids.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “Welcoming Schools” program,

      Who would be against being welcoming?

    • rhywun


      I would say it’s worse than that. They’re teaching Marxism and the destruction of society.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    What this country needs is guilt by decree

    But in deference to the Supreme Court ruling, Smith removed language that alleges that Trump used the Justice Department to promote his claims of electoral fraud. And he attempted to style much of the remaining alleged conduct as that of a “candidate” rather than a president acting in his official capacity, to get around the issue at the center of the court’s ruling.

    But his case still faces huge obstacles. Presiding District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan must now interpret the high court’s ruling to decide which evidence remains admissible. And the ex-president’s legal team will fight Smith at every turn and use every appellate option available. The Trump legal and campaign team may accuse him of infringing Justice Department custom to avoid proceedings against key political figures so close to an election. Of course, the reason the original version of the case did not go to trial long before the election was partly because of the successful delaying tactics of Trump’s legal team.

    It’s not fair that Trump can wrap himself in a cloak of legal mumbo jumbo and claim to be innocent.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    The revised indictment will freshen the issue of Trump’s alleged criminality and autocratic ambitions in the minds of voters, after his mountain of legal woes faded as a driving force in the campaign in the furor over Biden’s disastrous debate performance, his subsequent withdrawal from the race and Harris’ storming start to her own campaign. Although there’s no chance the case could come to trial before the election, any attempt by Smith to hold evidentiary hearings in the coming weeks could create a new wave of news coverage about Trump’s alleged criminality as early in-person and absentee voting begins.

    A concerted effort by the not-so-deep state to affect the outcome of the election is exactly what we need to preserve Democrat-ocracy.

    • dbleagle


  22. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/28:
    *21/21 words (+6 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 08/28:
    *46/46 words (+12 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 24% by speed
    🔥 Solve streak: 546

  23. PieInTheSky

    One of the clearest distinguishing marks between midwits and smart people is the fear of asking dumb questions. Midwits are terrified of looking dumb, whereas smart people just want to know things.


  24. PieInTheSky

    Elizabeth Nolan Brown
    Sentencing today & tomorrow for Michael Lacey and other former execs at Backpage. Feds are recommending 20 years for Lacey. A brief thread on why that’s insane …


    • Common Tater

      Can’t read the thread. Twitter went from restricting what people can post, to X restricting what people can read.

    • PieInTheSky

      I like the trees.

    • PieInTheSky

      I know I post a lot of expensive house youtube but honestly for that kind of money I would like to build a house to my personal specs.

    • The Last American Hero

      It’s nice enough, but there is no way any house in MN is worth that much.

    • R C Dean

      Very nice place indeed.

      But hugely overpriced.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        How in the hell did the land sell for 9 million a few years ago?

        That alone sounds crazy for only ~600 ft of waterfront.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        How in the hell did the land sell for 9 million a few years ago?

        Lakeshore is insanely expensive in most of Minnesoda. Lake Minnetonka is a desirable location. There is always some keepin’-up-with-the-Jones type with more money* than sense.

        *I have to figure out what I’m doing wrong

      • Fourscore

        Too many restrictions and neighbors on lake property. Lots of public access so I can annoy the lake property owners and still go home to relative peace and quiet. They do hop on their ATVs and get reciprocation though.

    • Suthenboy

      I am gonna pay $70M to live in a state where the cops shoot paintballs at you if you disobey a wildly illegal mass house arrest?
      I am gonna have to pass on that.

  25. The Late P Brooks


    “The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony,” Cheung said in the statement.

    The Trump campaign declined to make that footage immediately available.

    In a statement to NPR, Arlington National Cemetery said it “can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed.”

    “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign,” according to the statement. “Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.”

    Trump has defiled another sacred place. Won’t we ever be rid of him?

  26. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Hey Tundra – thanks for the DD link! Didn’t see it til after the thred was ded.

    • Tundra

      My pleasure. It was a cool video.

    • PieInTheSky

      I though some one else was in charge of the double Ds

    • Common Tater

      Holy shit is right. Can he sue her?

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Probably not. Even if she wanted people to draw the inference that it was from Carlson, she never explicitly said it was him.

      • Ted S.

        Does the tweet say anything about it being Carlson? There are lots of Tuckers out there.

      • R C Dean

        Oh, I dunno. “ Tucker, thank you for writing to me.” sounds like a statement that Tucker did, in fact, write the letter.

      • R C Dean

        Ah, but there is no last name used anywhere, so, yeah, Carlson doesn’t have a case.

      • Ted S.

        Yeah, but there are a lot of Tuckers out there.

      • Common Tater

        “Yeah, but there are a lot of Tuckers out there.”

        Class action? 😉

      • Suthenboy

        Why dont we just ask him?

      • Suthenboy

        My apologies. I am in and out and dont have time to keep fully abreast of things. Plus I am on my 5th cup of coffee.

    • whiz

      Seems like somebody sent the fake letter as a prank, and Harris (or her people) took it as real, even though they should have known better. Or if they did know better, they are idiots for treating it as real.

    • CPRM

      Um, doesn’t look like she claimed it came from Tucker Carlson.

      • Tundra

        Please. There is no way they would have published something from some rando named Tucker. 99 percent of the people reading that would assume it was Carlson.

    • Suthenboy

      ” to establish common sense gun safety laws”

      Aaaaaand there is the tell. Commie bot talking point – common sense gun control – a nebulous bullshit term. They just cant help themselves.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Person on the street

    As she peruses the crop art designs, Carey says the depiction of Vance and Trump made her think.

    “I guess the Minnesota Nice in me doesn’t want anyone to feel terrible inside,” but, she says, it’s important to ask yourself, “‘is my behavior conforming to the standards of respect and dignity toward others?’” Carey says.

    Where the fuck do they find these people?

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      That sucks.

      Clothes shopping is a crap shoot. Once you find a good brand they go to shit within a few years.


      I just read the headline, I assume it is a Lu Lu Lemon (sans the pyramid scheme angle) situation where they overextended themselves and now their inventory can’t keep up with demand?

  28. CPRM

    Just reminder, this is the last Wednesday of the month. That means tonight’s cartoon is ALL NEW!

  29. Common Tater

    “The City of Carlsbad near San Diego, banned smoking from multifamily buildings with three or more units to reduce risk of secondhand smoke. The one city councilmember to vote against the measure called it an overreach, saying landlords and property managers should be able to make their own choices about their properties.

    The ordinance bans smoking and vaping of tobacco and cannabis products both inside and outside buildings, including common areas, with use only permissible in designated smoking zones. The bill does not generally apply to single-family homes, though it does apply to townhomes, which tend not to share air systems with neighboring units.”


    Secondhand smoke is bullshit.

    • Sean

      Banning outdoor vaping?

      Oh…California…never mind.

      • R C Dean

        The whole mission creep from smoking to vaping shows what a lie “second hand smoke” and “smoke-free workplace” was. It stopped being about health, and was about stopping icky people from doing icky things.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        They’re too stupid to know that no vaping ban can be effective. I vape literally everywhere I go. Hospitals, doctors offices, schools, sporting events, restaurants, bars…. Everywhere. I give not 1 single fuck about whatever rules might be in place, and not once has anyone ever said anything to me. Vaping bans are not enforceable unless the vaper is an idiot and blows big clouds everywhere.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        The point is not public health. The point is turning everything ‘problematic’ into a criminal charge and everyone into a criminal. That way they don’t have to invent a crime to charge you and put you through the wringer.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ” does apply to townhomes, which tend not to share air systems with neighboring units.”

      That’s a stretch, but remember these types of laws when people are pushing communal housing rather than detached.

      It’s their for in the door to control your life even more.

      • Rat on a train

        You need at least six feet between units.

      • Suthenboy

        Get back in your pod and shut up.

  30. Common Tater

    ““If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK?” the former president later added. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter — I do great with Hispanics, great, I mean at a level no Republican has ever done. But if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.””



    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Classic Trump.

      • Suthenboy

        He is not wrong.

  31. Common Tater

    “A Tennessee 10-year-old was expelled from school for a full year after he pointed his finger in the shape of a gun and made mock “machine gun” noises, according to a ProPublica investigation.

    The boy was expelled as part of a “zero tolerance” law in Tennessee that mandates any student who makes a threat of “mass violence” be expelled for at least one year. While the law, originally signed in 2023—following a shooting by a former student at a private school in Nashville—was recently amended to direct schools to expel students only for “valid” threats, the provisions of the law are still vague, and schools have considerable enforcement leeway.”


    • Common Tater

      “As the fifth graders filed back into the school at the end of recess, Lee expressed his frustration to a classmate, Belle told ProPublica. Her son told her that he said, “I’m so angry, I could just —” and then folded his hand into a gun shape and mimicked a machine gun’s staccato. According to Belle, the classmate reported what Lee had said to a teacher, who told school administrators.”

      Tattletale should have been shot.

    • Sean

      They did him a favor. Get that poor kid out of public education and sue everyone involved.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Democracy thwarted

    In filing the suit, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the program “directly violates the laws created by Congress.”

    U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker wrote in his ruling that the states’ claims “are substantial and warrant closer consideration than the court has been able to afford to date.” The block will stand for 14 days initially but could be extended.

    He’s the President. He can do anything.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    In a statement, President Biden condemned the decision. “Last night, a single district court in Texas ruled that our work to keep families together has to stop,” he said. “That ruling is wrong. These families should not be needlessly separated. They should be able to stay together, and my Administration will not stop fighting for them.”

    ps- Trump is an autocratic tyrant who doesn’t care about legal guardrails. He must be stopped at any cost.

  34. Mojeaux

    Back at the driver testing station. *sigh* He starts his new store 25 miles away on the 2nd. I’m seriously worried. Not about any recklessness he might engage in because I don’t think he is, but his inexperience and other people and the length of his commute.

    • Mojeaux

      He passed!

      • Fourscore

        Big congrats to your son and you, for the patience to teach him.

      • Sean


      • Gustave Lytton


        Now the real test begins (sorry Mojo!). If it were me, I’d enroll in a driver training program even/especially with a new license. Takes hours and miles to build up good driving habits. And surviving dumb mistakes.

  35. Fourscore

    He’ll be OK, might irritate a few other drivers but it’s part of the learning process. Even today but I can’t hear the horns too well and if I deserve it I learn something.

    I know, I know, parental anxiety. Both my kids destroyed a couple cars each, fortunately no one was hurt.