Story of My Life – part 23

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Musings | 85 comments

Below is a video that fits with this installment of my autobiography.

Proof NSA is spying on me and has been harassing me

On the 1 hand, it was an amusing trick, and it was nice to know that NSA is concerned about my health enough to hinder my alcohol intake. On the other hand, I had become quite tired of being spied on, harassed, and waiting for a job offer from them. By November 2022, 15 months had passed since I applied to bean NSA code breaker.

Some other glitches I witnessed in the spring of 2022 included not being to able lock or unlock my apartment door unless I asked nicely via notes to no one typed on my phone, and SMS messages seemingly from my parents which they denied sending. When I sent them screenshots, they bought new phones. I don’t think that helped as the spoofed the messages came from a separate device. Even so, the spoofed messages stopped after that. And my door started working normally after I called technicians to check it. As I suspected, there was a wireless device inside. The technicians said the batteries were fine despite the redlight I had seen but changed the batteries anyway.

I made a video of the door lock glitch which I shared. It also happened when my parents came to visit, and they witnessed it.

I know for a fact NSA routinely hijacks and manipulates electronic devices all over the world, so none of these things struck me as extraordinary given my history with them. Once in the fall of 2022, I got a clip suggestion titled “The Case for Joe Biden”. In a word processor, which should have only been visible to me, I wrote: Joe Biden is a bad man and a bad president. Right after that, my computer froze in a way I’ve never seen a computer freeze before. The mouse cursor disappeared, the clock stopped, the keyboard was unresponsive, and even after hours of waiting, none of that changed.

To the credit of the Army and NSA, I pretty sure they got my gal pal into a treatment program as well as getting her abusive ex-husband to play nice with her. She’s much happier and healthier now with her children living nearby. I had written in Notepad about her travails and hoped that NSA would see it and take action.

I suppose the single most dramatic glitch I saw in 2022 happened in September. Near the end of that month, I made a slideshow called Story of My Life. As I was making it, the volume control on my laptop changed on its own and the caps lock key turned on and off by itself. I have a video of that which I showed to a few people.

It seems clear NSA has been keeping tabs on me and their main concern is my alcohol abuse. I’ve been struggling with that for 12 years now. 1 day at a time. Still, I am hopeful for the future and come March 1st 2023 in a few weeks, I will leave the golf cart factory and announce my campaign for President of the United States. That should keep me busy, along with moving to Tennessee to be closer to my parents. Quiet country living will help me heal.

I ended up moving to Levy County, Florida after I got a job as a high school math teacher. Unfortunately, I was fired after 10 days, probably for swearing in front of students. It struck me as absurd because the students swore in front of me, and other teachers and they were not punished. Still, I like the area a lot because it reminds me of both Africa and where I grew up.

For those hungry for more, the remainder of this book contains four more sections: a list of my favorite sayings, the 5,000-word rant I mentioned earlier, a brief account of my life up to age 21, and a collection of satire pieces of I’ve written over the past few years. Enjoy.

At birth, people are almost the same. By habit, they become very different.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
-Albert Einstein

Religion is regarded by the wise as false, the foolish as true, and the rulers as useful.
-Seneca the Younger

People who try to drag you down are already beneath you.

A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

You can’t win if you don’t play.

If you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun.
-Mae West

Better alone than with bad company.

There’s no point in tiptoeing through life just to arrive safely at death.

At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
-Italian proverb

About The Author



The world's foremost authority on the science of stupidity, Professor Emeritus at Derpskatonic University, Editor of the Journal of Pure and Theoretical Derp, Chancellor of the Royal Derp Society, and Senior Fellow at The Dipshit Doodlebug Institute for Advanced Idiocy


  1. Derpetologist

    So yeah, here’s the final installment of my bio.

    In 2015, an NSA mathematician named Jason Martin bludgeoned his wife to death. There are murders and suicides involving agency employees every year almost. I’m almost glad to be done with that place.

    I suppose that if they contacted me because of a national emergency, I’d offer whatever help I could. Otherwise, I prefer to enjoy greener pastures elsewhere.

    War is ultimately more about doing than thinking, thus it doesn’t matter how good or copious the intel is if our leaders are idiots or cowards.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I imagine the ‘power corrupts’/ ‘power attracts the corrupt’ matrix is full of crazy folk. Add high-level job stress with the ‘right’ clearances? Yikes.

      Seems an obvious Pit of Despair for humans to wade through. I wonder how I’d take it. They certainly wouldn’t accept me at this point, which is a bonus point I can (theoretically) add to my ledger. (I can never be a witness, another. If ever such Backup Plan is ever used, however, I can be rebuked anytime I would LIKE to testify/etc. <– Note: I have never had to testify/etc. I *have* been interrogated, but that was the weakest of sauces.

  2. rhywun

    OT silliness from local leftist fishwrap…

    Carter attributed some of the staffing problems and declining revenue at the Commons and Meadow locations to Starbucks’ termination of pro-union employees, as well as to reduced hours that accompanied the staffing struggles and decreased revenue opportunities.

    I witnessed the final days of one of these Starbucks… it was under constant harassment from communist asshole “activists” outside – of course nobody fucking shopped there. But good luck finding any honest description of the situation from this garbage press. Luckily for them we are already oversaturated with outrageously overpriced coffee at numerous other outlets staffed by ironic greenhairs. Meanwhile high school kids who used to do these kind of jobs hang out on parking garage roofs smoking dope.

    • UnCivilServant

      NLRB judge orders two more Ithaca Starbucks to reopen

      You want it open, get behind the counter and serve the coffee, “your honor”.

      • rhywun

        Seriously. Why does our court system have to waste time inevitably overruling this kind of stupidity? It should have been laughed out of the room.

      • Fourscore

        Mr Sunshine thinks he needs union protection to keep his job. After he pays his union dues and sees the reps leading the high life he may want to re-think his position. OTOH is he maxs his sick days, personal time and vacation he may wonder why his hours have been cut.

    • The Hyperbole

      Slackers! In my dad we did those jobs* AND hung out on roofs smoking pot


      • UnCivilServant

        You were working and smoking pot pre-conception? Overachiever.

      • Ted S.

        Did you do those jobs in your mom too?

      • UnCivilServant

        Nah, he took a gap year to gestate and recover.

      • MikeS

        Sounds about right.

      • Aloysious

        From now on, all snarky comments will be answered with, “In your dad”.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Former Starbucks barista Evan Sunshine, a prominent figure in the local and national unionization effort

      I wonder if this is one of the union employees who was sent to get a job as a barista and start talking to the other employees about how great it would be if they unionized.

      • rhywun

        No… just a whiny, privileged, and seriously confused college student.

        /I could tell tales of jobs I worked at that age.

  3. Evan from Evansville

    Slight Flag on the Field: What’s the literary reason for using “1” instead of “one” in this? Especially starting a sentence with a numeral?

    I may have missed something somewhere. My apologies. Managing Editor Ev can’t not see it. Another fun one — which you didn’t do here — The work “that” is almost *always* unnecessary. (Like “The teacher said that there would be homework.” (There are times when it is necessary.)) Simply subtract it and the sentence goes just the same. Cleaner. I can’t not see THAT either, and I’m remarkably happy I learned to instinctively avoid it.

    • rhywun

      Style rules say to spell out numbers smaller than some value I don’t remember.

      Same with including “that”.

      IMHO one is just more “formal” than the other. I violate all the style rules all the time but I also know that if I had an editor they’d make the corrections for me.

      • Fourscore

        I write, speak and think in the Minnesota dialect. (and it shows). Uff da. Those of us that live in the northern 1/2 of the state have a different accent, more guttural, that those in the urban areas. I like to believe that ’cause I traveled a lot and hung out with people from different regions that I sort of lost some of my hillbillyness.

      • R C Dean

        “Style rules say to spell out numbers smaller than some value I don’t remember.”

        I want to say the cutover is from five to 6.

      • Evan from Evansville

        AP is to spell out zero to ten. Then numerals. We all violate the “that” rule when we speak and write. It’s absolutely how we naturally speak to one another. But in writing? Adding “that” is rarely necessary. (Sometimes it is.) It was a fun lesson to learn. Violate as necessary, natch.

        “Master the rules before you break them.” <– Great maxim for life. True for guitar, investments, and skirting rules ya should follow but don't want to obey. The latter's how I learned to got away scot-free with all my many shenanigans in HS, college and beyond. I like living the way I want to. Hiding my 'transgressions' is obviously how no one notices my invisible truths. (That makes Real Evan sound much nastier than he really is.)

      • rhywun

        I want to say the cutover is from five to 6.

        I was thinking way higher, like under 100.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


        /points to the hillbilly and laughs

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        /just kidding

        /rangers are stranger

  4. whiz

    You can’t win if you don’t play.
    – Powerball ad

    • Fourscore

      But your odds are pretty much the same, with or without a ticket

      • kinnath

        Is there a good day and time to stop by this weekend?

      • Fourscore

        Anytime if fine, Kinnath, we’ll be around. Be good to see you again.

      • kinnath

        I still have your mobile number if it hasn’t changed recently. I will get in touch with you.

      • Fourscore

        OK Dokey

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Reminds me of the old Jewish joke about praying to Yahweh to win the lottery and Yahweh tells Benjamin ‘meet me halfway; buy a ticket!’

  5. whiz

    Imagination is more important than knowledge.

    More important, maybe, but a lot of knowledge really helps. Back when I was still an active faculty, I would get the occasional screed from someone with a BIG IDEA about some physics topic, and it was clear they didn’t even know the basics. Those people had imaginations out the wazoo.

    • kinnath

      Imagination is more important than knowledge.

      I have that on a poster. Had it up in my office for a decade or more.

      • Brochettaward

        Firsting is more important than both of those things.

    • slumbrew

      I imagined this bridge I built is structurally sound – surely that’s more important than actual engineering knowledge.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Add some Joy! And it’ll be just fine.

    • Brochettaward

      I’m going to guess that Hillary had her lackies search far and wide for that one rube they got for posting social media memes discouraging people to vote.

      • cyto

        Can’t believe the judiciary went along with that. People really are evil when small amounts of power are on the line.

    • rhywun

      Re: Hillary

      I don’t even know what to say at this point.
      It’s beyond ridiculous.

      Pretty much covers it.

      As for that stuff in Europe, ugh it’s too inside Fußball for me.

      • cyto

        He sent a letter to Elon Musk warning that Interviewing Trump might violate EU regulations and they might take action against him and his companies, seizing hundreds of millions and maybe shutting them down.

      • Brochettaward

        It’s ambiguous just from that letter what actually did him in unless you are familiar with the internal politics of the EU, though.

      • cyto

        Meanwhile, since X left Brazil and didn’t leave an officer that they could arrest, their dictator high court justice seized SpaceX assets in the country and threatened their license to operate.

        We went back to 1938 really, really fast.

        Only this time, instead of a bunch of writers like Orwell and Huxley warning of the danger, all of the entertainment industry is Goebbels, all across the west.

      • cyto

        Oh, yeah…

        I actually asked “did they push him out because he censored too much, too openly, or because he succeeded to little, too publicly”

        You don’t hire the guy who built internet blocking systems for totalitarian governments because you expect a bastion of freedom

  6. cyto

    Suthen and I should keep a safe distance. Too much overlap in our thinking.

    Both of these assassination attempts strain credulity just on logistics.

    First guy just shows up, sees a bunch of cops in a building and decides that this is where he will set up shop? Even without the rest, this is weird.

    Now this new guy…. still fuzzy timeliness, but has little money, flies the world over hawking mercinaries…. but so far no 3 letter agency is admitting knowledge of him?

    This guy, flies from Hawaii to Florida, somehow gets an illegal modified SKS with removed serial numbers, body armor plates, a vehicle… stakes out a very wealthy area in stolen car with rifle… just happens to luckily be there when Trump makes an unplanned visit?

    Too weird.

    I get nutjob wants to do a shooting. Crazy gonna crazy. That is normal.

    Not normal? Picking the one building that the SS didn’t secure as your sniper nest, when it is the police base with cops everywhere and cop cars all around. Plus, coincidentally the barrier of heavy equipment and banners that was supposed to obscure any sightlines mysteriously didn’t get set up, and then nobody fixed that even though they had hours to do so.

    Too weird.

    They don’t allow homeless to hide in those bushes. My area? All over the place. Up there in Palm Beach and Jupiter island and those areas? No way.

    They have been tracking license plates that enter the area and leave the area since I moved here in 2000. They don’t let stuff slide.

    Yet this guy stashes a vehicle – maybe 2 per early reporting. Stolen. And nobody notices? They run all plates when you just drive in the area, and they said the plates were reported stolen from another vehicle.

    How does he do all that? We don’t know how long he had… but still. To fly to an area with no connections, get an illegal rifle and gear, steal a car…. seems a tall order.

    Unless there was an FBI informant with connections in the area talking to him. That might make this come together.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      It’s South Park perfect, which means it was planned by the fed

    • Brochettaward

      Plenty of us said the next step was knocking off Trump when the lawfare didn’t have its intended effect.

      Well, we’ve now got two attempts in a matter of months and both stink to high heaven. I know extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all that, but given the unprecedented stops they’ve pulled out to get rid of Trump already…is it really that extraordinary?

      Why do people think the three letters knocking off a president and later his brother was only something they’d do in the ’60’s, but not now when far more money and power is on the line than at any point history? Frankly, more than at any point in human history.

      The amount of graft on the table is too high to allow Trump to fuck around in office another four years.

      • Brochettaward

        Not aiming that at you, Cyto. Just my general thoughts. Even on a site like this where people are highly skeptical of government power, there are people who aren’t skeptical enough.

      • rhywun

        aren’t skeptical enough

        lol Getting there. I didn’t see it coming but here we are.

      • Brochettaward

        I think there’s a tendency of people in every age to be a bit naive to the inner workings of power, but if you go back through history you realize its always been assholes (or just there abouts) all the way down.

        Like, it’s historically accepted fact that elections have had a shit ton of cheating. But don’t you dare suggest it could happen today.

        We all but have confirmation they killed Kennedy.

        Like, why the fuck wouldn’t they do it today if they could get away with it? Then there’s this naive belief they somehow couldn’t until you actually, again, look at the reality.

      • cyto

        And only weeks after an assassination attempt?

      • Gustave Lytton

        There wasn’t a sloped roof! What other lessons are there to be learned?!?

  7. cyto

    I saw a lot of lefties blaming MAGA extremists for lax gun laws that allowed him to buy an AK.

    But I have not seen anyone in the press question this reality – he could not have purchased any gun legally.

    And nobody could have purchased this particular SKS legally, if reports of how it was modified are to be believed.

    When I was in high school I didn’t smoke pot. But I could have easily told you several places to buy it.

    Today? Not a clue.

    Is it the same for illegal guns?

    Like, even though I live here, you could give me 5 grand and a week to go buy a full auto AK with no serials… I wouldn’t know where to start. My cop friends probably.

    I suppose I could track down some pot given the time by just asking in the wrong neighborhood. But somehow I doubt felony firearms are that easy to find.

    And even if I did… could I go to Madison Wisconsin and spend a week there building contacts and buying such a rifle? I really doubt it.

    But nobody seems to notice this angle.

    It is always the thing that doesn’t make sense that reveals that something more is afoot than you suspect.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The odds of someone trying to obtain an firearm illegally or an illegal firearm and not ending up talking to an ATF agent/informant/local police/someone willing to dime you our are ginormous. Like trying to hire a hitman if you aren’t already in the mob.

      Iranian agents trying to set up a hit using a guy like this are more believable.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If you have criminal contacts it’s not that hard. The Glockswitch guys in Chicago didn’t but their pistols at Palmetto State Armory and neither do the meth heads from Maine to southern Cali. If you’re a gainfully employed dude with a nice house and a good family it’d be difficult but that guy ain’t that.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’ll bet you a hundred bucks that the shooter’s SKS isn’t actually full auto, but rather has the firing pin jammed forward with half-century-old hardened cosmoline from the importer. Dedicated gun fags who grew up in the early 90’s will probably remember this.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Slam fire with the firing pin design. Be careful cycling that thing inside buddy.

      • EvilSheldon

        Oh yeah. Guess who I found out about this?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That guy in the apartment above me didn’t need that fishtank anyway.

  8. Evan from Evansville

    Yo, to UCS in the morning: Ya just driving through Indy, I presume? I wave high from work in the Irvington neighborhood on the southeast side. (Actually a mile by the Washington/Highway 70 exit. It’s an interesting area. I’ve driven through, but not yet explored. I’ve met plenty lookin’ for $60 for a few hours of their time a couple times a week. I’m nowhere near Hard enough, but I get along real well with ’em (for a time). Plus.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m overnighting in Indianapolis before going on to Cleveland the day after.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, Stinky, EvilS, and ChipP!

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Good morning, GT!

    • hayeksplosives

      Good morning, Sean!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Even if true it’s not like they’d have lived forever if Covid didn’t get them but I don’t care if it’s true or not. People have the right to make informed decisions and informed consent along with the necessary flow of information for such is critical to this and if they make the “wrong” decision it’s still their right to do so. Sweet Jesus these people are tiresome.

    • EvilSheldon

      I knew Peter Hotez slightly, back years ago. He’s widely considered a joke by actual doctors and clinicians.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Missed that he cited Hotez. That guy’s a real piece of work, a genuine and true asshole.

    • Ted S.

      Utter bullshit.

      If you believe the official case fatality rates, I don’t think three million would have died even if every American got covid.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Right. 3M deaths would be an IFR of almost 1%. It was an order of magnitude less, at least. Hotez is full of shit.

  9. Chipping Pioneer

    “according to Hotez”

    I’m out.

  10. hayeksplosives

    It’s 3:35 on the Left Coasr. Ordinarily I’d roll over and go back to sleep for a few hours, but today I’m in the back of an Uber making my way to SeaTac airport to catch a 5;30 flight to Lubbock Texas (via DFW).

    Wheee! I couldn’t find my earbuds so I’m hoping there is a vending machine with some at the airport. I doubt the shops will be open before boarding.

    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

    • Gender Traitor

      The retraction notice stated Johns Hopkins’ review determined the two images “had contiguous features, suggesting the images may be from the same mouse,” and “certain raw data” labeled to be from two different mice might also be from the same mouse.

      “If we had more funding, we could afford another mouse.”

      • robodruid

        Next time we will get a control mouse

    • rhywun

      *please be Obama*

      Oh, rats.

  11. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    Good to see you here, Miz ‘Splosives, you had me worried with the breathing issues.

    I’m not a vaccine skeptic, but merely a Newspeak skeptic. The definition of vaccine was changed to include things which don’t actually provide immunity like in the good old days. I wish they’d had vaccines for childhood diseases back in the day. Mumps, measles, and chicken pox are no fun. I am missing eyelashes from chicken pox, could have been a lot worse. But mRNA is another story. No thanks.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      The Science™ denier!!!

      • hayeksplosives

        Hildog sez “Lock him up! Misinformation!!”

    • hayeksplosives

      Thanks! It’s still not where it should be (96% is my normal) but it’s no longer hanging out at 84%. It has been at least 90 since Sunday, so hopefully I’m on the mend.

      I’ve got my handy-dandy portable nebulizer with me in case the thin airplane air makes me worse. Hoping the inhaler is enough. 🤞🍀

    • trshmnstr

      I’m not a vaccine skeptic, but merely a Newspeak skeptic. The definition of vaccine was changed to include things which don’t actually provide immunity like in the good old days.

      I’m a full blown Vax skeptic now. I don’t have any issue with the fundamentals of vaccination, but I don’t see any reason to get (or give my children) shots for usually non-serious or lifestyle illnesses. All medicine has side effects, and the side effects of the flu shot may just eclipse the risk of discomfort if my otherwise healthy 7 year old catches the flu for a week.

      I’m also not going to support pharma practices that use aborted fetal tissue in the research and/or production of a vaccine. I get that it’s hard to avoid that issue in pharma generally, but a line has to be drawn somewhere.

      We’ll keep getting our tetanus shots, but that’s about it.

  12. Evan from Evansville

    Mornin’ y’all. I got to stick three folk last shift. No training, as in, no effort to show me how needle+machine components fit together, before passing me the unopened bags of supplies. Happily, kinda knowingly, I got legit rave reviews. I also heard word from a donor the other staff compliment me ‘behind my back’ to other clients.

    The pokin’ folk part was the ‘easiest’ shit but we got to it last. Pretty much, regulars known which arm/vein they want to use and ya go right through the old hole. Uh. Huh. That is NOT what you do in any hospital setting. But folk don’t give too much a shit — they know it’s gonna hurt and that’s part of it. (It could hurt less if they DID care, but time is of the essence to all parties here. I’ll happily take it.

    Today should include more, perhaps much more, said pokin’. The 9-9 (turned into 9-8:37, IIRC) was long but quick. I rather like Factory Work. Not much room for my own thoughts to get in the way. I’m the most chatty Cathy there and I talk to clients as I’m workin’ if they’re in the mood. Many stories here. It certainly makes the day go by quicker. After yesterday+today, I have Wed-Thurs off before more Fri+Sat 9-9s.

    Knave+Nicole came together for another randomly brilliant idea, swooshing into undisovered employment opportunities. I like it when my Angels actually work together. I hope y’all’s come together for ya as well. Great when at-wing teammates come together for a one-timer.

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