Tuesday Morning Links

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Daily Links, I Am Lame | 242 comments

No sports to report on because I’m on the road and have to get up early so I’m doing the links as the football game is about to start and none of the baseball games are done yet. Sorry. Maybe I’ll just go ahead and tie some sports in with the links.

What, didn’t they have any latkes to throw at them? I guess they didn’t want to treat them like they treat black players.

Not sure where they expect to move it to. It’s not as if it wasn’t covered to death pretty much everywhere in the country.

I assume the front office is hoping this is real. Because he’s not really been worth a shit.

I’m shocked! Actually, that’s a lie. But I am a bit shocked than I couldn’t find anything about this story in the first three sources for links I used. Maybe one of them should eat a cat on the street or something. That might get their attention.

I’m gonna go ahead and say that everybody involved in this is an asshole. And I’m sticking with that assessment.

This might be the smartest thing she’s ever done. Seriously. I’m not sure how she was gonna prepare otherwise.

Do these dumbasses not know what’s in the constitution? Oh that’s right. They have to destroy the fundamental document of our country to save out country from the authoritarians. Or something like that.

We’re almost at rock-bottom. Almost there, folks.

I’m really confused. If the lease ended and the landlord said to leave, why didn’t they just…leave?

The border is completely out of control. It’s a freaking zoo down there.

Here we go. Get the blood pumping this morning. And then take it up a notch. That’s the good stuff. Enjoy it.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Nephilium

    The real reason that the Cleveland fans are upset, we didn’t even get a payoff for our moral compromise about Watson. There were cheers in the stadium when Watson was slow to get up, and the booing started before the end of the second quarter.

    Pretty sure the Flacco jersey is coming out now.

  2. SDF-7

    It’s not as if it wasn’t covered to death pretty much everywhere in the country.

    Obviously it will have to be an isolated part of Idaho.

    • Rat on a train
      • UnCivilServant


        Don’t draw attention to that right now.

  3. UnCivilServant

    Off Topic a bit early, but today I get to leave pacific time and get into the slightly less wonky mountain time.

    Slowly working my way back to real time.

    • SDF-7

      Enjoy your return to the Misty Mountain time zones bold, UCS… Speak “Friend” and flee the West Coast.

      • UnCivilServant

        I get to end today just outside of Boseman, then tomorrow I enter Yellowstone, from which I will have no internet connection (darn connected hotel sold out before I got a reservation)

      • Grummun


        “Visit scenic Yellowstone! More boiling mud pots per acre than any other place on Earth!”

        Do not pet the fuzzy cows.

      • UnCivilServant

        Do not pet the fuzzy cows.

        What about the fluffy tanks?

      • UnCivilServant

        To be honest, I’ve never come into contact with a cow that hadn’t already been processed into foodstuffs. I’ve seen them but never touched any.

      • AlexinCT

        I’ve seen them but never touched any.

        Oh, them tiddies!

      • UnCivilServant

        Your reaction is udderly rediculous. Now the commentariat is going to milk this thread for puns.

      • Cowboy

        I’m wheying my options here.

      • Bobarian LMD

        When will you be moooving on?

      • UnCivilServant

        Soon. Once I get the video offloaded from the gopro to the laptop so there’s space on the SD card

    • Not Adahn

      I am actually enjoying being able to sleep in for an hour on alabammy time.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m not. I feel midnight tired at 9pm. It’s unnatural.

      • Not Adahn

        The exhaustion helps me sleep on the hotel bed.

  4. SDF-7

    I’m shocked!

    I actually am a little — iirc, Adams cardinal sin was that he made some rumblings against the PPP Admin’s immigration policies… and mysteriously shortly after (gasp! shock!) the investigations kicked in.

    So I’m shocked that they’re bothering with this petty vendetta when they should be either working to drag the Vibing VEEP! over the finish line or padding out their resumes. But I suppose apostates inflame the true believers more than anything else, and whoever is actually running things behind the scenes definitely seems to be a believer (and not just monkee-ing around).

    • rhywun

      Adams cardinal sin was that he made some rumblings against the PPP Admin’s immigration policies

      I keep hearing this (if only here) and not seeing any evidence of it. I think it’s more likely that the administration is just full of corruption too vast to sweep under the rug.

      • R C Dean

        I’m not shocked at all. Don’t forget, the President matters little. It’s the agencies who won’t tolerate being crossed, and they aren’t going anywhere no matter how the election turns out.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        I think it is a ‘look, squirrel!’ distraction and a ‘punish the heretic’ operation to cow other dissenters into compliance and silence. Corruption and venality is literally baked into the cake in that town. Always there to use as a cudgel whenever they wished. They could have prosecuted DeBlasio for any number of crimes, but because he was fully on board Team Blue, they let his fat hypocritical ass slide.

  5. Rat on a train

    If the lease ended and the landlord said to leave, why didn’t they just…leave?

    Despite initial plans to relocate Blackthorn, Zimmerman said he and his co-owner will no longer be able to do that due to the legal battle draining their finances.


  6. SDF-7

    Do these dumbasses not know what’s in the constitution?

    Option 1) Just pandering to the base (know, don’t care — because they know it will sink their “good intentioned efforts” and it is all about preening in the media mirror.

    Option 2) Think that if the bust the filibuster and pack the Court, Ole Penaltax will go along anyway.

    Option 3) Really are that stupid.

    I lean towards (1) myself.

    I do like how the article glosses over the whole problem:

    Legal experts have cautioned that Supreme Court term limits legislation would face an uphill battle toward passage because Article 3 of the Constitution suggests judges and justices shall retain their offices during “good behavior,” meaning they cannot be involuntarily replaced unless they are impeached in the House and convicted by trial in the Senate by a two-thirds vote.

    “Uphill battle” indeed — nice way of saying “Can’t be done this way, is entirely unconstitutional and won’t take effect even if passed into law because our system doesn’t work that way, dumbasses!” I suppose they have to keep their bread buttered, after all.

    • Ownbestenemy

      because Article 3 of the Constitution suggests judges and justices shall retain their offices during “good behavior

      Suggests? Nah its pretty clear and not a suggestion. Then again, I know what these propagandists masquerading as journalist are really doing.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        ‘Good behavior’ is going to be considered whatever Humpty Dumpty says it is. That’s why the laser focus on Thomas vacays with rich conservative folk and a complete pass on conflicts of interest (Kagan) and Sotomayeer doesn’t have to recuse when her book publisher’s in the dock.

    • R C Dean

      I could be interested in a cross-the-board mandatory retirement age for everybody in government.

      • The Other Kevin

        Me too. They want term limits for the SC, yet someone like Biden in Congress can suck on the teat for 50+ years. More importantly, anyone within federal agencies (aka Fauci) shouldn’t hold on to their jobs like a Pope either.

    • Suthenboy

      If it were to be passed into law it would be challenged and eventually have to be heard by….the Supreme Court?
      I am not seeing this happen.

  7. rhywun

    No sports to report on

    The US men’s soccer team are scheduled to lose to… checks notes… New Zealand tonight. Perfect for getting drunk before the debate if you’re feeling particularly masochistic.

    • SDF-7

      …. Men’s soccer…. checks mental wallet…. nope….

  8. SDF-7

    If the lease ended and the landlord said to leave, why didn’t they just…leave?

    If the rest of the squatters in California get to abuse their landlords, they figured — why not them?

    • rhywun

      Yeah, in one-party Democrat jurisdictions, the tenant typically has way more power than the landlord. They probably assumed they could just stay there forever.

  9. rhywun

    Italy fans turn their backs during Israel anthem before Nations League match in Hungary

    Today in “no shit”.

    “Ultras” and similar supporter groups (including in the US) are almost comically far-left. See e.g. the de rigeur tranny flags flying at every match. Why? Why not?!

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Israeli players should take a knee before play.

      • Fourscore

        Isn’t that Kamala’s line

      • Ownbestenemy

        I like it when Fourscore enters the chat from the top rope.

  10. cavalier973

    From the “Harris practices with Trump impersonator” story:

    This is almost exactly what they did with Biden before the debate that ultimately ended him.

    • The Other Kevin

      Meanwhile, for months Trump has been practicing in real situations. Podcasts, interviews, rallies, some with a hostile questioner.

    • Homple

      “Kamala Harris Is Secluded In A Hotel With A Trump Impersonator”


  11. Shpip

    It’s unclear how long Harris believes a justice should remain on the high court before he or she would be automatically forced into retirement, and her campaign dedicated more attention and detail on its website toward attacking Trump for the three justices he nominated during his single term in office.

    “It was nice when we had a bunch of justices who were into ‘results-based jurisprudence’ and we could use the Court as a super-legislature to force our policy preferences on the citizenry. But the other guys got a bunch of justices in who actually read and interpret the law, and we can’t have that.”


    • AlexinCT

      It’s unclear how long Harris believes a justice should remain on the high court before he or she would be automatically forced into retirement

      If the justice is shilling for what the left wants they retire after they die. Otherwise they have to retire as soon as they piss of the totalitarian statists.

  12. AlexinCT

    Do these dumbasses not know what’s in the constitution? Oh that’s right. They have to destroy the fundamental document of our country to save out country from the authoritarians. Or something like that.

    You have to have real contempt for people to tell them you are basically shitting all over every system, abusing the law, using the various government agencies to go after your enemies, demanding the ability to censor so the people can’t realize you are not just lying to them, but fucking them over, and doing so while claiming it is to save the people and their rights.


    • cyto

      This is what is so stunning.

      They are even more of a caricature than the characters of Animal Farm, yet the vast bulk of Americans don’t even seem to see it.

      They went from saying Harris was an embarrassment to chanting her name within 3 days, and she didn’t do or say anything during that 3 days.

      The crowd cheered, Two Legs Better! as they marched around on all fours.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Why is your fly open and why are you telling me it’s raining?

      • cyto


      • Bobarian LMD

        At least it’s a warm rain.

  13. cavalier973

    It’s still too early to put any stock in polls—even the betting markets, I think.
    The middle of October, I expect polls to tighten, because—presumably—polling companies don’t want to be too far off the final result, so that they can have bragging rights.

    • AlexinCT

      Beware any poll you look it. If they do not disclose their methodology and data, you know you are dealing with a psyop. These polls don’t have Kamala close because she is. No, they have her close to psych demoralized democrats up and psych enthoused others down.

      • cavalier973

        It would seem like people would factor that into their view of polls, by now.

      • AlexinCT

        You would be surprised how many people don’t have a freaking clue and believe whatever they are told without even batting an eye…

      • SarumanTheGreat

        “No, they have her close to psych demoralized democrats up and psych enthoused others down.”

        No, they have her close to make the blatant cheating more palatable to the low-info sheep.

  14. AlexinCT

    I quite caring about Star Wars when that second series of movies that were prequels came out and basically turned the whole thing into a joke when Jar-Jar Binx didn’t end up being the emperor, so I am not the best on the lore, so I must ask: If Darth Vader had a daughter?

    Also R.I.P. James Earl Jones.

    • UnCivilServant

      Leia was Vader’s Daughter.

      • cavalier973


        Nor was Luke Vader’s son.

        That’s all fan fic.

        The problem with t he prequels and the sequels is that they didn’t focus on the main guy if the story—Luke Skywalker.

        There is no “Star Wars universe”. It’s supposed to be the story of the one guy, similar to Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon.

      • UnCivilServant

        Luke was never the main character. He was the least interesting bit of the story.

        similar to Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon.

        Notice – those are named after the character you are supposed to interpret as the center of the story. Star Wars is quite deliberatle not “The adventures of one backwater moisture farmer”

      • UnCivilServant


        That’s someone’s fanfic based upon the movies.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Regardless of who the main character is or isn’t, the first two movies ruled, the third was passable, the prequals put it on life support, and the Disney stuff tripped over the plug and yanked it out of the wall thereby killing the franchise. It’s fucking trash now and at this point has been longer than it was considered good.

      • UnCivilServant

        I just find it funny that someone takes the absurd stance that additional entries by the original creator are ‘fanfic’. So I’m needling Cav with his own double standard.

      • cavalier973

        Creators can be morons with their own stuff.

        They made up that “Darth Vader is Luke’s father” nonsense after the original script writer died. It wasn’t part of the original script.

        Luke was the focus of the movie (even though he didn’t show up for 20 minutes or so); it is his perspective we get. We learn through Luke about the mystical Force. We learn with Luke that his dad was a famous hero.
        Luke was the guy who pushed the others to rescue Leia.
        Luke blew up the Death Star.
        Luke was the main character.

        It is correct, though, that he wasn’t the main character in either the prequels and the sequels, and that is why they failed.

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re still funny.

        I needed that laugh 😀

    • Ted S.

      If Darth Vader married Ella Fitzgerald, she’d be Ella Vader.

      • UnCivilServant

        In that timeline, she becomes an Esca later.

      • Suthenboy

        So….coming up in the world huh?

      • Not Adahn

        And founds Pearl Jam?

    • Nephilium

      James Earl Jones doing a great blackface.

  15. rhywun

    That’s the good stuff.

    Nice. II is my favorite of theirs.

  16. Shpip

    Syphilis had been close to elimination in the 1990s, but the number of people testing positive in the United States has increased dramatically in the past few decades.

    Cases increased 80% between 2018 and 2022, including among newborns, according to the latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    I noticed there’s no information on the demographics of the population who are suffering from the lion’s share of the cases. I wonder why?

    • Drake

      I didn’t think an election could ever inspire anything except cynicism in me again. But the possibility of Team Trump getting elected despite the cheating temps me to get excited.

      • Suthenboy

        RFK is certainly a flawed character…which would make him, I n my eyes, the perfect hero if he could actually make serious headway with that.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Trump putting RFK and Tulsi on his flanks should get his political team a nice fat raise. I am not sure I have seen such political maneuvering like that in my lifetime.

      • Drake

        Don’t forget Elon and his government waste committee!

    • PieInTheSky

      who are suffering from the lion’s share of the cases. – in Europe I would guess english chicks.

      • Not Adahn

        I thought the remaining English were immune to syphilis since the vulnerable population was killed off in the 19th C?

    • Vida Hobo

      I noticed there’s no information on the demographics of the population who are suffering from the lion’s share of the cases. I wonder why?

      Oh, placement of billboards locally by neighborhood demographics lead me to suspect where the upticks might be.

  17. cyto

    “Why didn’t they just leave?”

    Connecting the dots:

    ● They had just spent a bunch of money on extensive renovations to the bar.

    ● The landlord moved to evict them shortly after.

    ● The landlord’s sister is opening a bar in that space in a month.

    Connecting those dots: there was a tacit understanding that the lease would be renewed as normal. (Otherwise, why would you invest in renovations?)

    The bar owners were able to extend their occupancy using legal maneuvering while the sister obtained her liquor license. Then they were shown the door with a large bill for legal fees.

    It looks like they hoped representations made to them would hold up in court, but the court stuck to the written agreement.

    Having built a clientele at that location and a similar bar reopening shortly after they left in the same location, it was going to be hard to find success in a move anyway.

    Landlord appears to have screwed them pretty good. Hindsight says it would have been better to leave… and even better hindsight says they should have gotten that new lease signed before doing the renovations.

    • UnCivilServant

      While I am not a business owner, I find it reckless to operate in a building you do not own.

      • cyto

        And yet most businesses do rent.

        Owning the real estate is a high barrier to entry.

      • UnCivilServant

        Unless you get a 99-year lease or some similar contractual guarantee, it makes no sense to invest in improving someone else’s property.

      • R C Dean

        Typically the landlord finances the improvements and it gets built into the lease rate so the improvements are basically being financed by the owner (who owns them, while the tenant gets the use of them). There is some logic to that.

        For the tenant to invest much in fixtures and renovations would be (financially) reckless.

    • trshmnstr

      It looks like they hoped representations made to them would hold up in court, but the court stuck to the written agreement.

      Fundamental mistake there. Always get it in writing, always.

      • R C Dean

        Yup. There’s an old legal rule that applies to real estate that essentially says “If it ain’t in writing, it don’t matter”.

      • WTF

        As I’ve told my wife regarding negotiations and assurances, if it’s not in writing, it doesn’t exist.

  18. R C Dean

    “Kamala Harris Is Secluded In A Hotel With A Trump Impersonator”

    I’ll just say, there’s more than one way to read that headline.

  19. Suthenboy

    I have said it before, I will say it again: Not as true as it used to be but if you want to see real racism you have to go anywhere outside the US.
    Am I wrong having the impression that most of the antisemitic protesters are not Americans?

    I think I could be an objective juror on the Idaho murder trial.

    I have no opinion on the matter but I do have a question. How do the rates of violent crimes committed by pro athletes compare with other demographics?

    None of the things happening to Adams now would be happening if he had only gotten onboard with the foreign invader train.

    I am gonna go with Sloppy on this one.

    I dont think the debate is going to make much difference. The lines are drawn.

    At what point in the leftist shitbags efforts to institute totalitarianism will most people wake up and say *deep, commanding voice* “You shall not pass!”

    There is no peak stupid, there is no rock bottom.
    Take note of the clean cut college boy giving the money back.

    SF bar…not my problem, no opinion.

    The circus at the border is by design. Tonight’s debate? Refer back to my link above. In said link also take note of the scruffy looking ‘idiot’ that answers “Why does she seem like an evil POS?” matter of factly with “Because she was an evil POS.”

    The lines are drawn.

    • Suthenboy

      Sloopy, FFS. Goddamned spellcheck.

      • Ted S.

        You were right the first time. :-p

    • WTF

      I have said it before, I will say it again: Not as true as it used to be but if you want to see real racism you have to go anywhere outside the US.

      There’s plenty of racism in the US, just not the way the left means.

  20. cyto

    On polls:

    In 2020 about this time.. a little earlier, in August… Trump was way behind. The most recent poll was -11%.

    I remember this because there was an article in the LA times about a researcher and consultant for the democrats who said that “on election night, it will seem that Trump won in a landslide. But by the time that the legal challenges and recounts are done, Biden will win in a landslide”

    I posted it several times because it was such an odd thing to do. Predicting that Trump would appear to win in a landslide, but that within a week that would completely reverse?

    Obviously, he knew something. It didn’t take a week like he supposed, but it did happen the way he predicted, which was entirely implausible.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I do remember that.

      “When every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be some day after Election Day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage,” Mendelsohn said. “It looked like Donald Trump was in the lead and he fundamentally was not when every ballot gets counted.”

      Quite specific and on point…and said September 1st of 2020.

      • cyto

        That is an astonishing thing to say. And nobody except us weirdos noticed.

        Then they stopped the counting in 5 major cities in 5 key swing states. And when the counting resumed, he was right.

        There is a reason we used to require good cause for requesting an absentee ballot.

        And there is a reason the Dems want every resident to be sent a mail in ballot. And there is a reason they don’t want ID or signature audits.

      • Ownbestenemy

        More astonishing was two months prior. Now an astute purveyor of political trends could see with the immediate love of just staying at home and the Dems significantly larger and well-developed ground game in terms of vote/ballot harvesting, it wasn’t that much of a stretch. Still, absolutely spot on prediciton though.

        Even today there is a large swath of the Republican base that believe it is wrong to mail in ballots. It is, but its the set of rules we are playing with. So play the fucking game.

      • R C Dean

        He does draw the correct distinction between “legitimate votes” and “ballots”.

  21. PieInTheSky

    GMB Union
    Today, 60,000 workers take on Asda in their fight for equal pay.

    It’s the biggest ever private sector equal pay claim.

    No. Stacking shelves or sitting on a checkout is different from working in a warehouse or distribution centre. They’re not equal roles so firms shouldn’t be forced to pay equal wages.


    this is getting more and more retarded. if warehouse jobs are the same and they p;ay better get a warehouse job. I cannot wrap my head around how someone could belive the jobs are the same and the corporation simply decided to pay some more just because they are mostly men.

    • PieInTheSky

      retarded convos on the twits

      Man like Dave! ⚒🇬🇭🇬🇧
      Are you being serious, how are they not equal roles. If it was about physical effort then warehouse workers would be paid more than me sitting in this office. It’s about value to the firm. A firm that has reported record profits despite bling price increases on operating costs.

      Ben Ramanauskas
      The basis of the claim is on gender. I’m more than happy to see a pay rise for workers (regardless if gender etc) but do you really think that lugging heavy crates is the same job as sitting at a checkout?

      Man like Dave! ⚒🇬🇭🇬🇧
      In terms of value it brings to the company yeah, they are equal.

      Ben Ramanauskas
      How are you defining ‘value’?

      Man like Dave! ⚒🇬🇭🇬🇧
      Qualifications needed to get the job and what jobs a company needs to run. They are equal.

      and the evergreen

      the market can suck my dick.

      • cyto

        That’s nutty. It is really easy to figure out which job is “worth” more.

        Start offering minimum wage and raise the offer until the positions are filled.

        Guess what? Checkout is easier to fill than “lift heavy stuff all day”. Guess what else – there is likely to be a gender skew in “wants to lift heavy stuff all day”.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        the market can suck my dick.

        There is a market for THAT too!

      • R C Dean

        “A firm that has reported record profits”

        And there we have the real reason. “Gimmedat”.

      • PieInTheSky

        honestly EBITDA of 1 billion on 22 billion revenue is not *that* high.

  22. PieInTheSky

    The global movement to tax billionaires, much to the dismay of the 1%, is gaining steam. Sure, wealth taxes are not a panacea for the ruinous problems caused by capitalism, but the fact that the rich hate them is a good reason to pursue them further.


    • UnCivilServant

      We need more helicopter rides for commies.

      It’ll make the world a better place.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      At least we have the satisfaction of knowing that if the Jacobins win they’ll inevitably turn on and guillotine one another so we’ve got that going for us.

      • UnCivilServant

        Not much consolation for a severed head trying to find its decapitated body to reunite. You know how hard it is to move using only jaw and face muscles?

  23. PieInTheSky

    There are no more Chads in England
    On the rise of Tom, Dick and Harry


    On an English farm in the year 1114 the workers were listed as being named Godwin, Soen, Rainald, Ailwin, Lemar, Ordric, Alric, Saroi, Ulviet and Ulfac, while the manor was leased by a man called Orm. As Peter Ackroyd wrote in his book on English history, by the end of that century every single one of those names would disappear.

    While it’s safe to say that most of you won’t have grown up with a Leofwine or Wulfnoth in your class, you will probably know a few people who share the same name as one of the Conqueror’s sons – Robert, Richard, William and Henry.

    The drastic changes brought about by the Norman Conquest are indicated by the rapid decline of people giving their children Anglo-Saxon names, which fell from around 85% of the population before the Battle of Hastings to just 25% in 1110, and entirely disappearing by the late 13th century. Since lower-status individuals tend to follow the social norms of those higher up the social ladder, their fashions, mannerisms and belief system, this suggests a total loss of cultural confidence and status among the conquered people.

    This led to the loss of such names as Egwinna, Elfgifu, Wulfstan, Penda, Ceadda (Chad), Eadric, Cyneweard, Godgifu (Godiva), Leofric and Uhtred.

    The likes of Ethelred, Athelstan and Leofwine were replaced by Carolingian names popular with the northern French aristocracy, including Geoffrey, Matilda and Roger, which over the 12th century were joined by the increasing popularity of biblical or Greek names like John, James, Catherine, Margaret and Thomas.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Makes sense. Mrs OBE and I gave all our kids ‘strong’ middle names that really conform to what this all says. Though, I should have gone with Leofric or Uhtred

      • ron73440

        I named my Husky ‘Maximus’, but after seeing him sleep I wish I would have named him ‘Ivar the Boneless’.

      • PieInTheSky

        give the dog a bone.

    • PieInTheSky

      He notes of the kings of Scotland and the rulers of Mecklenburg, once pagan Slav Abodrites, that ‘The early generations exhibit indisputably regional names. Duncan, Malcolm and Donald, for example, are names that would be found nowhere in Europe in the eleventh century except in Scotland. Similarly, Niklot, Pribislaw and Wartislaw mark out their bearers unequivocally as Slavs.’ Within five generation Gaelic and Slavic names had largely disappeared, and ‘Part of the change, both in Scotland and in Mecklenburg, is simple cultural emulation of a powerful neighbour. Scots called themselves William and Henry, the names of the Norman kings of England; the Slavs adopted Henry and Hedwig, the names of important German rulers and saints.’

      Make Donald great again! Also Duncan Malcolm are not as rare as Leofwine or Wulfnoth. And Lemar is coming back as Lamar

  24. cyto


    This Twitter thread is worth a read.

    Ahead of the debate, CNN is reporting on some problematic answers Harris gave to an ACLU candidate questionnaire. I assume this is a strategy, but regardless, it is surprising to see CNN say anything negative about Harris.

    You’ll see that sentiment in the comments.

    But you will also see a lot of “CNN is conservative” and lamentations that they aren’t propaganda-ing hard enough.

    “Lie to me more” the viewers demand….

    • Ownbestenemy

      CNN has been…a bit better in terms of their coverage regarding Biden and now Harris. Still lean towards, but given MSNBC and AP, I would give them a high D or low C in that category.

      • cyto

        My impression has been that CNN is more of a “team Clinton” operation, while NBC is more team Obama.

        Maybe that explains it.

        My black-pilled eyes see the Uniparty divided I to “establishment republicans”, Obama machine, Clinton Machine.

        The outsiders like Trump, Paul, Kennedy, Tulsi…. they are small in number.

        The uniparty factions all work for the same team. They just divide up the pie a little differently… different powerbrokers get paid more under different factions.

      • trshmnstr

        establishment republicans

        I think there are two factions there… The CIA-Raytheon faction (Bush, Cheney, etc.) and the Chamber of Commerce faction (McConnell, Johnson, etc.)

    • The Other Kevin

      CNN has been surprisingly better in the last few months. Maybe they’ll get more viewers and realize that’s the way to go.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The comments, LOL

    • EvilSheldon

      When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.

  25. PieInTheSky

    Though X discussion may lead you to think otherwise, America has the best managers in the world, on average

    This paper drawing on 11,000 interviews in 34 countries shows that over 30% of the productivity advantage of US firms comes from better management.


    seems like bullshit to me

    • cyto

      I wouldn’t have expected us to be much different from Europe, but having done business with major European banks, I can say that their work ethic is vastly different.

      More akin to our civil service.

      They would take weeks to do days work, with frequent long vacations and nobody covering.

      These were hundred million dollar transactions, so not low end folk.

      • Sensei

        OTH, those same European banks when working US deals and US markets conform to US work norms.

        It’s rather strange.

      • R C Dean

        This confirms my very limited exposure to working with Euros.

      • UnCivilServant

        Ze Germans I have worked with were technical people. So they were doubly eccentric.

      • rhywun

        We work with a team in Sweden with the understanding that we won’t get any work out of them in the final quarter of the year because of vacations. It’s bananas.

    • UnCivilServant

      How badly mismanaged are there foreign firms then? Because US Management sucks.

  26. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 09/10:
    *20/20 words (+3 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 7% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 09/10:
    *34/34 words (+10 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 597

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 09/10:
      *20/20 words
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 09/10:
      *34/34 words (+7 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 378

  27. cyto

    On playing the ballot harvesting game:

    Team D has a built in advantage here.

    They can manufacture votes in large, dense democrat population centers. Not only is it easy to cover the territory, it is easy to hide 20k votes in a sea of 1 million urban votes. Try that in a rural republican stronghold.

    Plus, they only have to have 1 set of corrupt election officials letting things slide.

    To get similar numbers in the countryside, you have to have officials in several counties.

    It is just a major structural advantage for team D should they choose to cheat.

    I hope team R brings their A game, but with the RNC filled with Romney types, the odds of nationwide vigilance and support for legal efforts from the party are low.

    Not getting signature audits cost Trump the 2020 election, or at least a successful challenge.

    Last time, the establishment had lawyers, election officials and judges all lined up. We’ll see if anything has changed

    • R C Dean

      “should they choose to cheat”

      How droll.

      • Drake

        There is a little hope there based on other Dems’ ambition. Harris passed over Shapiro and Whitmer. If Harris wins, they won’t be running in 2028 either. If she loses, open primaries.

        So they could just limit the cheating on PA and MI to let Trump win for their own purposes.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There is little downside of a Trump win if they really think about it. Openly have stated they have drawn up plans to roadblock him at every turn, SCOTUS isn’t in his pocket really cause Kav, ACB and Roberts are just so inconsistent. He will be a lame duck from day one.

        It would strategically be smarter to let this happen and see where this political shift ends up because the old Donkey and Elephant parties are not going to be the same regardless.

      • The Other Kevin

        We are virtually guaranteed to have cheating. They have a significant number of people convinced Trump will be a dictator and end democracy. Anyone who really believes that will see it as their solemn duty to prevent the next Hitler at any cost. They don’t have to coordinate anything from the top down, they have plenty of low-level people ready to do the dirty work.

  28. UnCivilServant


    I have a tour reservation for 10am (be there by 9:50 according to instructions), at a spot a half hour from the hotel. This means I can’t really get going, as I’ll be stuck waiting in the parking lot for a couple hours, but I can’t start anything else because I will then be convinced i’ll be late.

  29. Ownbestenemy

    Harris – I am distancing myself from Biden’s policies
    Also Harris – I copied all of Biden’s policies…literally.

    What a clown show for her and people who are cheering her on.

    • The Other Kevin

      Once again… these people are absolutely terrible at politics.

  30. PieInTheSky

    Red Bay Coffee, known for its culturally inclusive approach to coffee and for creative drinks like candied yam lattes, filed in late August for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.


  31. The Late P Brooks

    Race warriors

    Two white supremacists hoping to start a race war were charged with leading a digital terrorist group on Telegram and directing followers to commit hate crimes, including killing federal officials, prosecutors said.

    Dallas Humber, 34, of Elk Grove, California, and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho, are charged in the 15-count indictment with soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California said in a statement Monday.

    Federal prosecutors allege Humber and Allison are leaders of the “Terrorgram Collective,” which authorities described as a “transnational terrorist group.”

    All they need to do is get the cops to kill one of their people and the vast underground network of white supremacists will spontaneously rise up and burn the cities down.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Now..I am sure they are not the most upstanding citizens but I question charges like “one count of threatening communications, two counts of distributing bomb-making instructions”.

    • WTF

      Most likely another FBI entrapment scheme. Meanwhile, no word on the thousands of actors on the terrorist watchlist entering illegally at the southern border and being released into the US.

      • The Other Kevin

        Garland is involved, so there’s a 99% chance you are right.

    • rhywun

      a “transnational terrorist group.”

      “Transnational” makes it more super-scary. Biden was right!!!1!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Does transnational mean they aren’t Americans?

  32. PieInTheSky

    France is usually found to be one of Europe’s most productive economies, outpacing even Germany.

    France is also known to be overregulated to high heaven, so imagine France without its hands tied.


    No france is productive because of regulations and those should be increased even more. Stupid regulation forces you to be productive to survive

    • MikeS

      “We have a crisis of roadway deaths, and it’s even worse among vulnerable road users like pedestrians,” NHTSA Deputy Administrator Sophie Shulman said in the statement.

      I can’t keep track of all the crises we are suffering through.

    • WTF

      The agency says the rule would save 67 lives per year.

      Not 66, not 68, 67.
      I’ll take “Numbers pulled out of my ass” for $500, Alex.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s less than a rounding error in the traffic fatality sstatistics.

        In other words, they do nothing and cost a lot of money – so don’t do them and fire the people who wrote the regulations (from a cannon to the haitian extinction event)

      • Nephilium

        You know it was really 66.54444 people per year saved, they just rounded up.

      • AlexinCT

        I don’t think 69 has anything to do with ass play. And these days inflation has reduced the value of a 69 to 67…

  33. PieInTheSky

    A Danish study on the “welfare magnet” has proved that there is a direct link between welfare provision in a country and immigration.

    The more a country is willing to distribute welfare benefits, the more it attracts migrants who want to benefit from them.


    • UnCivilServant

      So what you’re saying is – end welfare.

    • rhywun

      No way!

  34. The Late P Brooks

    According to the indictment, Telegram allows users from around the world to send encrypted, one-on-one messages, participate in group chats and share files.

    We cannot allow people to hide their thoughts from the government.

    • PieInTheSky

      at least Starliner made it back safe.

    • MikeS

      They’re only asking for a 40% pay increase. The 25% Boeing is offering is an insult. Workers of the world, unite!

  35. PieInTheSky

    Bryan Caplan
    Suppose everyone in Haiti would die unless the U.S. allowed their immigration.

    In this scenario, what fraction of Haitians should be allowed to come to the U.S.?


    • R C Dean

      0.00%. Solving the problem of failed societies by importing their people country is on par with solving homelessness by requiring people to let a homeless person live in their house.

      • trshmnstr

        Yep. We’re not world police, and we’re not the world’s homeless shelter. If the American people, out of their compassion and humanitarianism, decide to provide support to the Haitians to keep them alive, great! Importing those issues and taking on those burdens domestically is a failure waiting to happen.

    • UnCivilServant

      In that scenario, I say we start exporting commies to Haiti to catch that pending die-off event.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Who is in the 4% that picked 26-75%?

  36. Sensei

    Oh good, let’s crack down on 3D printers again. How about we tax supplies and use the money for political purposes?

    “Law enforcement cannot do this alone,” Monaco said during a gathering in Washington of federal law enforcement officials, members of the 3D-printing industry and academia. “We need to engage software developers, technology experts and leaders in the 3-D-printing industry to identify solutions in this fight.”


    • UnCivilServant

      Or, hear me out, you can drop the unconstitutional ban on machien guns and machine gun components. That takes less money and effort, and will cause fewer fatalities.

      • Sensei

        Did you read the cost benefit of the pedestrian safety story I posted? 😉

      • MikeS

        May as well. You were just complaining about having nothing to do.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why should I change my well-established habits?

      • Ted S.

        The Rush fan brings the sick burn!

      • UnCivilServant

        If that’s what you think happened, you haven’t seen burns.

      • MikeS

        Rush fan? Hateful

      • MikeS

        It’s hard to burn UCS. He wears gloves

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Lisa Monaco was one of the prime movers of #Resistence to Trump and an active participant in all the LAWFARE shenanigans that went on.

  37. The Late P Brooks


    Former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will appear on the ballot in Michigan in November, the state’s Supreme Court ruled Monday, a decision that could boost the national candidacy of Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris over GOP nominee former President Donald Trump.

    The Supreme Court overturned the state’s Court of Appeals ruling Friday that had removed Kennedy from the state’s ballot against the wishes of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

    Election interference is a slippery concept.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Benson in her decision cited Michigan law, which says that minor party candidates who accept a nomination cannot withdraw from an election.

    The majority in the Michigan Supreme Court, in its ruling Monday, wrote that Kennedy “has neither pointed to any source of law that prescribes and defines a duty to withdraw a candidate’s name from the ballot nor demonstrated his clear legal right to performance of this specific duty.”

    “Thus, [Kennedy] has not shown an entitlement to this extraordinary relief,” the court majority said in its ruling.

    That makes sense.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I don’t know nuthin bout law or whatnot but it’s his name, it’s him, and he should be able to withdraw if he wants to. I bet they’d let Jill Stein take her name off the ballot.

    • R C Dean

      Odd, how a court that read the governor’s emergency powers so broadly reads the election law so narrowly, no?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Is Kennedy running for a party? If not, how is he a minor party candidate?

    • Drake

      Nice. I laughed out loud when I saw the Notre Dame score on Saturday. Alabama almost lost to their patsy opponent.

    • Not Adahn

      “Surprise police officer.”

      • WTF


        Too bad when this woman wins the taxpayers will be picking up the tab for the penalties.

  39. The Late P Brooks


    European car giants are contending with a perfect storm of challenges on the path to full electrification, including a lack of affordable models, a slower-than-anticipated rollout of charging points and the potential impact of European tariffs on EVs made in China.

    Volvo Cars on Wednesday announced it had abandoned its heavily promoted plan to sell only EVs by 2030, citing a need to be “pragmatic and flexible” amid changing market conditions.


    “A lot of manufacturers who had sort of stopped investing in internal combustion engine technology have started to realize that, if we don’t continue to invest, we’re not going to be competitive, we’re not going to actually have the product in showrooms that people want to buy,” he added.

    Just force people to buy electric cars.

    • Drake

      Can Western Europe generate enough electricity to make or fuel electric cars?

      • ron73440

        Just remember what Pete Buttigieg said when Massey asked him if the electrical grid could handle every house adding at least one EV to its load:

        “It’ll have to”

        We have the best and brightest in government!

      • R C Dean

        Western Europe can barely generate enough electricity for current demand, and is heading in the wrong direction.

    • rhywun

      “A perfect storm of challenges”. Nobody saw this coming.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Urquhart said governments in key markets had implemented measures to encourage people to buy battery electric vehicles (BEVs) with mandated targets — a trend that he described as “increasingly problematic.”


    “There needs to be a sort of dose of pragmatism from both regulators and the manufacturers. The manufacturers are probably ahead of the regulators on this issue,” Urquhart said.

    “The manufacturers are the only other ones seeing what customers are wanting to buy at the moment, and it is not as many battery electric vehicles, as everyone had anticipated,” he added.

    Damn these free market fetishists.

  41. Ownbestenemy

    Oh ya forgot that SpaceX launched 4 non-government employees into space to go the furthest since we sent Americans to the moon.

    • R.J.

      Yeah. Very cool. Tonio should have some great links this Thursday.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The Polaris Dawn crew will attempt the EVA from Dragon on Thursday, September 12 at 2:23 a.m. ET. If needed, a backup opportunity is available on Friday, September 13 at the same time.

        Too bad its so early. Also a chance to Elon flex just how good his space network can transmit video and clarity.

    • Sensei

      Let’s hope they get things sealed up and pressurized again or it’s going to be a long trip with the pressure suits on.

      I give them big props for doing it.

  42. Not Adahn

    In “I live in a freaking bubble” news, I stopped at every gun store on my route (including Buds Guns!) And not only did none of them have CZ75 mags, half of them acted like they were unfamiliar with that model. (Buds had five magazines for the compact , but none for the full sized).

    After calling around, there was a store in Ashville AL (GNX) that had two. The clerk there shoots USPSA.

    Other wierdness: before I got here, I stopped at a hole in the strip mall liquor store. They had a bottle of Talisker 18yr.

    • PieInTheSky

      government should regulate guns so all can use the same standard mag.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Analysts, however, have made clear that despite the short-term uncertainties, carmakers realize they cannot afford to miss out on EVs — and the direction of travel remains clear.

    Seriously? EVs are inevitable? The only way forward?

    What a propagandistic crock of shit.

    • ron73440

      Without govt force, not even a little.

      Question is, how much force can they apply before reality strikes?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      EVs probably are inevitable.

      • kinnath

        No they’re not. They are niche products that cannot fill the role of most internal combustion engine vehicles.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, when we produce the perpetual power cell to drive the electric motors…

      • R C Dean

        I see two things that need to change for EVs to break out of their niche:

        (1) Fundamentally different battery technology – faster charging, bigger capacity, less fire risk.

        (2) A massive multi-trillion dollar buildout of the electrical grid.

        Now, you can transition to an all EV fleet without these, but it will be probably 1/5th the size of the current fleet, with most people just not having a car at all.

      • trshmnstr

        with most people just not having a car at all

        Yup. My ’04 Silverado is mid-life compared to what other people around here drive. The idea that they’re going to be able to plop down $50k on a cheap EV is absurd. The idea that the $50k EV can replace what their 1994 F-150 can do is even more absurd.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “Now, you can transition to an all EV fleet without these, but it will be probably 1/5th the size of the current fleet, with most people just not having a car at all.”

        To the people pushing EVs, that’s a feature not a bug.

    • R C Dean

      And here I thought the EV market was already pretty much saturated.

      Oh, well. What do I know? I haven’t wasted billions of dollars running a car company, so I’m not qualified to have an opinion.

      • kinnath

        (1) Fundamentally different battery technology – faster charging, bigger capacity, less fire risk.

        They’ve been working on this for decades and have made little progress.

        I don’t believe it is possible. Storing energy in chemical bonds is fundamentally limiting and fundamentally risky.

    • AlexinCT

      This is s meme right? Please?

      • Sensei

        It’s not what the sign reads.

        The English is essentially what the Japanese says. And neither the English nor Japanese mention “America”. No idea about the Chinese or Korean.

      • Gender Traitor

        It’s the Crow-setta Stone! 😃

      • ron73440

        It’s the Crow-setta Stone! 😃

        That joke will get Swiss ranting and raven.

      • Sensei

        Also クラス is used for “crow” and “class” as in school class. Make of that what you will.

      • UnCivilServant

        Also クラス is used for “crow” and “class” as in school class. Make of that what you will.

        Japanese school is murder?

      • Gender Traitor

        That joke will get Swiss ranting and raven.

        As long as he doesn’t give me a corvid jab.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Kid, have you rehabilitated yoreself?

    Americans have a “duty” to put saving the republic over playing partisan politics, Cheney added, warning that Trump can “never be trusted with power again.”

    For this dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, it’s hard to describe what an image-shattering transformation that statement is. During the build-up to the Iraq War, Democrats loathed Vice President Dick Cheney even more than they hated his boss, President George W. Bush.


    Dick Cheney, of course, follows the heroic example of his daughter former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who broke with Donald Trump after the Jan. 6 riot, served with courage and honor as Republican vice chair of the House Select Committee on January 6 and last week announced her intention to vote for Kamala Harris. She’s joined by fellow January 6 Committee member former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who endorsed Harris at the Democratic National Convention.

    In the world of politics, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are today’s profiles in courage: those rare politicians who are willing to put the good of the country ahead of the good of their political party. What a contrast with so many other Republicans, who are afraid to stand up to Trump.

    For they have seen the Light and the Truth. Praise the lord.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      If there is a Hitler-like figure in American politics, how is it not Dick Cheney?

      • AlexinCT


      • UnCivilServant

        Lack of charisma. No one would show up to a rally if he held one.

      • R C Dean

        Not a populist. Zero charisma. Not even really a nationalist, as far as I can tell (no, being a big fan of the MIC and foreign interventions does not make you a nationalist). Not really a candidate for the American Hitler, IMO.

      • EvilSheldon

        Cheney is a Wilsonian internationalist. Whole different pile of dog shit.

    • KSuellington

      Dick Cheney wants you to vote for Kamala Harris.

      This should be a major Trump ad campaign.

    • WTF

      Trump can “never be trusted with power again.”

      Does nobody remember the Hellscape that was America and the world during Trump’s presidency?

    • The Other Kevin

      “During the build-up to the Iraq War, Democrats loathed Vice President Dick Cheney even more than they hated his boss, President George W. Bush”

      The reasons to hate him are still around. He never met a brown person he didn’t want to bomb or torture, or a civil liberty he didn’t want to piss on. Everyone excited about this is saying loud and clear, “I HAVE NO MORALS OR PRINCIPLES.”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Fuck off Dick.

  45. AlexinCT

    OK, I have a dilemma. Just was listening to a Dave Rubin podcast while working, and he starts talking about people eating pussy in Springfield Ohio, and then says it was not his thing, but he had to comment on it… As a lesbian trapped in a man’s body i want to feel triggered about this…

    Am I being to emotional?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      You need to calm down.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    EVs probably are inevitable.

    Sure they are, as long as you, like whoever wrote that MSNBC Business Channel story, completely ignore the many and very real practical obstacles which have yet to be overcome. They didn’t even bother to do any handwaving. They just assume the conclusion.

    • Sensei

      We will just “science” our way out of it! Pay not attention to current physics and its constraints.

  47. Sensei

    The driver, who has not yet been identified by authorities, didn’t get too far behind the wheel of the tow truck, as they reportedly came to a sudden stop after colliding with the front of a city bus.

    Driver Steals Truck Attempting To Tow His Pickup And Smashes Everything In His Path


    Naturally, the third parties injured here are totally irrelevant. I’ll enjoy the tow company and its insurance fighting every claim since their vehicle was stolen.

  48. Muzzled Woodchipper

    I had a great weekend, highlighted by engaging in what most disgusts most people in the modular synth community: pure, unadulterated capitalism, spending way too much money on a very limited module that every Eurorack-er wants, but is really hard to get at less than collector’s prices. About a hundred were made available (totaling less than 1000 or so since its original release in 2008) at a special event at the company’s HQ in WestCoastLikeCity, NC. I love watching green hairs squirm, knowing that without the overt capitalism they detest, none of their shit would be possible.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    Bidenomics in action?

    At the conclusion of a two-day meeting of the union’s wage committee on Thursday, union members voiced unanimous support for a strike on Oct. 1 if a new contract meeting its demands doesn’t materialize. Harold Daggett, president of the ILA and the union’s chief negotiator, has said he wants a good economic deal for his members, which includes union opposition to port automation and exclusive port contracts.

    Just what we need. A dock strike.