¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Daily Links | 156 comments

Its the time of year when everyone decides to add something to every food product imaginable…

…I’m cooking up Hatch Chili Bacon right now. Its amazing. What? Did you think I was getting excited over pumpkin spice?


Another day, another cartel boss arrested in Mexico.

An institution nobody asked about AMLO’s judicial reform weighs in. Who it is? The Church.

The perfect controversy that will result in one of three outcomes:

  • This will become property of a cartel boss
  • Haitian migrants capture and eat it
  • CBP goes balls out to stop a renegade tiger trying to swim the Rio Grande resulting in a “national conversation” about animal cruelty, a media shitstorm, and congressional investigatory show trials.

Cuban private sector? LOL

Check it out. The WSJ has opinions.

Venezuelan opposition leader seeks asylum in Spain. Spain historically has granted asylum for several US backed Latin American politicos…for those wondering why Spain not the US.

Suspicious helicopter crash? What are you suggesting BBC?

Don’t look at me.

Here’s a tune. Have a great Tuesday!

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. The Late P Brooks

    We should stock the border with tigers to keep the “migrants” at bay.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      We should have sharks with frickin’ lasers patrolling the Rio Grande.

      • rhywun


    • rhywun

      With frickin’ laser beams.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Missed it by that much.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Man eating Alligators and Cows.

      • Aloysious

        How about aCrocostimpy?

  2. kinnath

    2 Delta planes collide while taxiing at Atlanta airport, knocking tail section from one


    Two Delta Air Lines planes collided as both were taxiing for takeoff from Atlanta’s busy Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport on Tuesday morning.

    The wingtip of a Delta Airbus A350 “came into contact” with a Delta CRJ 900 regional jet operated by Endeavor Airlines, Delta Air Lines spokesperson Anthony Black said.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Thanks, Buttigieg.

    • trshmnstr

      That’s a pretty solid collision to cause the tail to fall off.

      • Sensei

        In the trade we call that a “hull loss”…

      • kinnath

        A350 is a hell of a lot bigger than at CRJ. Momentum is real.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Given where they were on the AOA…pilot error for sure. So while I like to call out my boss, this one is one pilot(s). Though ground control should have seen it coming.

  3. MikeS

    Damn good tune. Ann still has it. The guy did OK, too.

    • bacon-magic

      She freakin’ rocks. Here covers of LZ give me the goosies.

  4. bacon-magic

    Hatch Chili Bacon

    Yea, yea yeah that’s my dawg!

    • Drake

      I’ve had it from Fresh Market – pretty good.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      No, no, bacon is from pigs not dogs—I’M NOT HAITIAN

  5. MikeS

    The at-large tiger has been visualized but not neutralized…


    Visualized But Not Neutralized would make a good album name, though.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Greatest hits album.

    • Suthenboy

      So they haven’t unalived it yet?

      The mangling of the language in the way that they are doing it kinda smells like nuts to me. This is from people who think there are women with dicks, so not really a surprise. Selecting for insanity and incompetence…what result will we get?
      We need to stop playing by their terms. They are nuts.

      Correct statement; “We have seen it but it got away.”

  6. Sean

    Haitian migrants capture and eat it


    • Fourscore

      or vice versa…

      • bacon-magic

        It’s a eat or be eaten world. Haiti break it to you.

      • Bobarian LMD

        They’rrrrrrre Great!

      • MikeS

        They’rrrrrrre Great!


      • rhywun

        LMD wins the internet for today.

    • Sean

      O M G

      I’m loving this waaaay too much.


      • Sean

        *chef’s kiss*

      • MikeS

        “Keep your Haitian mittens off our kittens!”

        ded 😂🤣

      • Drake

        It is funny – it’s also proof we are nowhere near a democracy. Nobody anywhere votes for this, but here are 20,000 illegal immigrants dropped on a town like a neutron bomb. Nobody voted to tax your income by force and give each illegal $3,000 a month.

        $60 mill a month, $720m a year – just for this one group of unwanted invaders.

      • kinnath

        As sad as it is, these memes will have more traction with the voting populace than the debate will tonight.

        It’s a good thing the left can’t meme.

      • SandMan

        This is so silly, but after the “joy” and “brat” nonsense I’m loving it. It’s just damn funny.

      • Suthenboy

        Drake is correct. At some point even the most uninformed voter is going to notice that the lunacy the left is shoveling is just that, that no one voted for or wants the shit they are shoving down our throats.
        Sex transition for illegal felons. Who wants that? The people waging an all out war on our culture and society and the violent criminal invaders in prison who want to be moved to a women’s prison so they can rape women. That is who. Taxpayers and even moderately sane people do not want that.
        The elections are shams.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That’s my Congressman, making us proud.

      • rhywun

        He truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!


      Or, wait, does he think that is HIS Peking duck?

    • The Other Kevin

      Good to see he reserves his anger for the more important things.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Just think..this will get more press than Massie’s absolute erection inducing description of Congress posted earlier.

    • bacon-magic
    • rhywun

      What’s the delivery damage? Most of those outfits charge sooo much for delivery.

      • Sean


        $50 for 4 lbs shipped isn’t unreasonable.

      • Ownbestenemy

        OBE Bacon is $4/lb..home cured but is hot smoked and not FDA approved or checked.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Hmm. Do they feed the pigs soy? I may need to pick some up.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    This seems like a logical choice

    Siemens (SIE.DE) is spending $60 million on a new U.S. factory to build high speed trains to whisk passengers between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the German engineering company said on Monday.

    Around 300 jobs will be created at the 300,000 sq ft facility in Horseheads, upstate New York, which Siemens said was the first high speed rail production site in the United States.

    The site, which is due to enter production in 2026, will build American Pioneer 220 trains, which will operate on the Las Vegas to Southern California line operated by Brightline West.

    Where else would they build them?

    • B.P.


    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      They have a light rail facility in Sacramento, that would have worked in the before times.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Someplace where the state government ain’t gonna tax you blind?

    • Spartacus

      I would build a train factory to live in if I could get it for $200 per square foot.
      One of those numbers has to be wrong.

    • rhywun

      Local-ish to me. Good for them.

      I imagine they got some sort of sweetheart deal from Kathy.

    • Homple

      Has anybody started building tracks that high speed trains can run on–at high speed, that is?

  8. Aloysious

    The bacon is good.

    The Hatch cheddar is good as well. I like it with pork loin sliced thin and piled in a sandwich.

    • bacon-magic


    • mexican sharpshooter

      Oh yeah!

  9. The Late P Brooks

    “This new facility in Horseheads, New York, marks the beginning of a brand-new industry in the USA – bringing both high-speed rail production and some of the world’s most modern trains to the continent for the first time,” said Michael Peters, CEO of Siemens Mobility.

    It’s what the people are clamoring for.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Brawndo trains. It’s got what progressives crave.

    • grrizzly

      Moscow and St. Petersburg are already connected by a high-speed rail. The travel time is 4 hours. Now they are starting to build an even-higher-speed rail. The travel time will be decreased to 2 hours 15 minutes. It’s supposed to be ready by 2028. With a stop in the city I grew up.

      • Sensei


      • grrizzly

        Totally affordable if you buy tickets in advance before all the cheaper seats are sold out. I see prices from $32 for a seat on a train in November.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        That’s less than half the time it took me to go from St. Petersburg to Tallinn. It would have taken even longer if the border guards succeeded in arresting my wife like they wanted to.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont bother looking at the details of these scams any more. Corruptocrats and their goddamned Choo-choo’s. There has never been one in the history of the world that was not a huge boondoggle to steal taxpayer money. Not one, yet they keep hawking them. What the hell?

    • Bobarian LMD

      Dead in 15 minutes.

    • rhywun

      Double-shot for tampon.


      • Pope Jimbo

        A mention of tampon should require a sip of a Bloody Mary.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Drinking games are supposed to have as few rules as possible.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        But should have enough that you can catch your fellow players out, and force them to drink!

    • EvilSheldon

      Make sure that you have plenty of magazines and ammo. 10 30-rd. Magpul PMAGS and 2k rounds of milspec M193 ball is about right to start. If you need batteries for you electronic sights, have at least a dozen spares.

      Also, if you haven’t zeroed and test-fired your rifle in the last sixty days, do that instead of jerking off over the debate.

      • Not Adahn

        I bought shower caps for the match tomorrow.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        …jerking off over the debate.

        I can’t masturbate to this!

        @Not Adahn what are the shower caps for?

      • Not Adahn

        Covering guns. There’s a hurricane expected to throw lots of rain at us.

    • Shpip

      I’m game. I didn’t watch the Trump-Biden one (just heard snippets from other GlibZoomers who were), but I’ll be happy to follow along with the liveXers and provide silly commentary my erudite wisdom.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I could…Mrs OBE did remind me it was happening today

  10. The Late P Brooks


    Shares in BMW tumbled as the carmaker revealed it will have to recall 1.5m vehicles over a braking problem, costing it almost €1bn (£0.84bn).


    While BMW stressed that the brakes in the cars covered by the recall continue to work, and it does not know of any incident caused by the issue, it is understood that the fault in the electronic braking support system could affect how hard drivers have to press the brake pedal to stop the car.


    Continental said that only a “small proportion” of the braking systems it produces for BMW would be partly replaced due to an electronic component that, it said, “might have an impaired functionality”.

    Maybe they should wire the brake actuator to the driver’s heart rate monitor.

    • Sensei

      Although BMW said the problem with the braking system in some new models was not a safety issue, the additional cost under warranties would be a “high three-digit million amount”.

      How do they not hold the supplier accountable? That’s interesting supplier management.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Sounds like a good time to buy BMW stock.

      • Gustave Lytton

        We had a supplier with major warranty problems. Bad enough that we would have bankrupted them. We didn’t do it because a) they wouldn’t have fixed all of it, b) it was a critical product and we continually needed more supply. So the mutually agreed solution was a temp/perm life extension fix for the main issue and earlier replacement. I think there was future pricing discounts but I don’t work on that side of things.

      • Rebel Scum

        Sometimes things just don’t BM-Werke.

  11. Shpip

    Now, as the government tightens its grip over the private sector, Gabriel Mosquera Mourlot, 24, fears he may lose the wholesale business he runs, importing items such as pasta, rice, chicken and appliances in a country known for chronic shortages. He then sells them to businesses in the eastern province of Santiago and in the capital, Havana.

    “I don’t think private businesses are going to grow,” Mosquera said at a hotel lobby in Havana. “On the contrary, we are going to ‘de-evolutionize’.”

    Well, there’s always the ol’ mercado negro, compadre.

    And just wondering… isn’t there a term for ostensibly permitting private business but controlling every aspect of it? Maybe Cuba has indeed moved on from communism.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    How do they not hold the supplier accountable? That’s interesting supplier management.

    As usual, there is no way to tell, but maybe it’s more of a BMW software issue than a Continental hardware issue.

    • Sensei

      Yeah, but that cost implies more than a software update. Unless their software ran it out of spec and broke it. Hence the need for mechanical replacement.

  13. Ownbestenemy

    I’m cooking up Hatch Chili Bacon right now. Its amazing.

    I just delivered 7 lbs of bacon to a coworker. I made pennies on the dollar doing it as he thought he was only getting 3 or 4 lbs. One of the batches was a smoked hatch green chili bacon cure. I kept about 12oz and that was delicious.

  14. Shpip

    Florida Man leads deputies into pond on a chase, predictable result occurs.

    Surprisingly, alligators had no effect on the outcome.

    Unsurprisingly, the picture of the fella demonstrates Florida Man-level decision-making skills.

    I guess you could say he got bogged down.

    • Ownbestenemy

      That is the second swamp we need to drain.

    • The Other Kevin

      Shpip, did that happen bayou?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Man, David Hogg’s dad is something!

    • Suthenboy

      I see all of the clickbait ads there…experts are baffled all of the time, baffled! I tell you!. I think I am going to start a list of all of the sensational terms used in them for my amusement.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Because nothing says class like an off-center neck tattoo.

  15. The Late P Brooks


    Never in its 50-plus years in existence has the regulator issued new rules for automakers requiring them to change their vehicle designs to better prevent pedestrian fatalities. If enacted, the new rules could change how vehicles are designed in the US — permanently.

    “It’s good to see NHTSA acknowledge that a myopic focus on pedestrian detection — which is imperfect — is no substitute for actually regulating car bloat,” said David Zipper, a senior fellow at the MIT Mobility Initiative and a Verge contributor.


    SUVs and trucks, two of the most popular segments in the US, have become larger and heavier than ever before. In 2023, 31 percent of new cars in America weighed over 5,000 pounds (2.27 tons), compared to 22 percent in 2018, according to a recent investigation by The Economist. And with the shift to electric vehicles, many of those vehicles have become even heavier. The Ford F-150 Lightning has a curb weight of around 6,500 pounds, roughly 60 percent heavier than its gas equivalent.

    If we cannot make them 100% perfect we should just ban them.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hard press on this I see. What is that…10 in 100,000 Americans will be struck by a vehicle?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Larger vehicles due to EV batteries, regulatory required safety equipment and design, and making smaller vehicles uneconomical.

      I still wouldn’t want to get by a Geo Metro going at street speed.

      • Rat on a train

        When all three cylinders are engaged, watch out.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The Three cylinders… THAT DREW BLOOD!!!!!

    • Pope Jimbo

      Have they mandated safety equipment to be installed on bicycles?

      Sensors that seize up the gear chain when a light turns red?

      What about mandating shoe technology that prevents pedestrians from jaywalking?

  16. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    It’s a good thing the Oregon Ducks don’t play at Ohio State this year.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Swiss to the white courtesy phone.

      • Ted S.

        This isn’t a pun.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I figure OMWC would be more upset because I didn’t call it The Ohio State.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Or whoever the resident Buckeye fan is around here.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Besides, Swiss is probably quacking up about it.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      So, you are saying OHIO is a bunch of pussies?

      • Rebel Scum

        A clowder of them.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Safety advocates celebrated the news, while also noting that vehicle design is only one piece in a large, complex puzzle to make roads safer. That includes lower speed limits, infrastructure improvements, and increased enforcement of traffic laws. Many note that Europe has already gone much further to protect pedestrians, enacting rules that would prevent many of the largest vehicles produced by US manufacturers from being sold on the continent.

    “Considering NHTSA estimates the new standard would save 67 lives a year, it is a step in the right direction, but it still falls behind what Europe has successfully done,” Cathy Chase, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, said. “Numerous proven solutions must be employed to improve the safety of all vulnerable road users.”

    Think of how many more pedestrians there will be if we can just force people out of their cars.

    • Suthenboy

      I would guess that near 100% of the victims were not killed by cars but rather by cell phones.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Power of and is applicable here.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    The new NHTSA proposal is an important step, but it’s just the first of many needed to turn this crisis around.

    We must act, before it is too late. Soon there will be no one left.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I think more people die from ladder falls than this nonsense.

    • creech

      Drove through the local campus about 2 hours ago. I’d say 4 of every 5 students walking around had a phone to their ear, were looking at it, or carrying it in one hand. I’d bet that 75% of pedestrian/vehicle collisions are due to inattentiveness on the part of the pedestrian.

      • Gustave Lytton

        So has years of propaganda that pedestrians always have the right of way.

      • Ownbestenemy

        So has years of propaganda that pedestrians always have the right of way.

        Mass always has the right of way…since the beginning of Man.

      • Don escaped Texas

        75% of pedestrian/vehicle collisions are due to inattentiveness

        in the normal world, yes

        in Memphis, I’d estimate
        * 51% due to clueless wandering about in the street because ignoring norms is the norm
        * 49% due to defiantly, recklessly, joyously risking repeated near misses in an attempt to disrupt reasonable people because **insert your favorite racial excuse here**

      • R C Dean

        Some of that 49% is probably people chickening out of qualifying for an insurance payout at the last minute.

      • Rat on a train

        Around here, the usual pedestrian fatality report is something like,

        crossing away from intersection, at night, wearing dark clothing, …

      • Pope Jimbo


        What I remember about Memphis driving is that instead of “2 cars per yellow” it was “6 cars per red”. I’ve never driven anywhere else where so many people kept driving through an intersection after the light turned red.

        Given that insurance wasn’t mandatory back then, only a fool ventured into the intersection when the light turned green. You were sure to get clipped by an uninsured driver.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Well, I can probably trust the mechanic across the road, because he told me my brakes didn’t need any work.

    But I do need new tires. That’s fine – probably don’t be wanting to drive around here in winter on baldies.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The penny test is always reliable.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Is it the same as downtown?

  20. R.J.

    I vote choice “C” for the tiger story.

    • Raven Nation

      GSA: I’ve got the evening post but got booked into something else. Will pop in when I get home.

  21. Rebel Scum

    Trump has to get a cat now.

    For trolling purposes, my vote.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That would be purrfect.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Would they even let someone convicted of 34 felines adopt another cat?

  22. Rebel Scum

    I thought she was unburdened…

    Adam Schiff says the problem Kamala may have in the debate tonight is “knowing the facts too well.”

    I can’t wait to hear about muh-bortions, J6, muh-Russia, El Trumpo Dictatorio, muh-very fine people, bloodbaths, etc. You know, the “facts.”

    • Rat on a train

      “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      a) I’ll bet dollars to donuts she’s received elocution lessons to tone down the whiny vocal fry

      b) hopefully Trump will rattle her enough to get the whiny vocal fry to come back

      • The Other Kevin

        So I’m not the only one who thinks she sounds like Steve Urkel? I don’t know how I could stand 4 years of that. I guess the good news is I probably wouldn’t survive more than 2 in the camps.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Nah I am guessing code switching per questions

      • rhywun

        Nah I am guessing code switching per questions

        I’ll drink a gallon of horse paste if she whips out another fake black accent.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Sure, “paste”. Walz, is that you?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Anytime someone says “they just know too much, and that is why they lost” you just know the person didn’t know jack squat.


  23. R C Dean

    So the next Starship launch is delayed at least 60 days, possibly indefinitely, because the first stage might fall on a fish.


    Also, it’s noisy.

    You can’t make this up.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The current tropical storm soon hurricane will do more damage than SpaceX

  24. The Other Kevin

    It’s almost Kamala time! Yasss queen slay! I wonder if right now she’s in the streets keepin it real.

    • rhywun

      Kammy from the block

  25. The Late P Brooks

    He doesn’t have a prayer

    Ahead of that widely anticipated event, we’re revisiting some key moments from Harris’ time in the Senate and on the debate stage to see how she has used her skills as a lawyer to control the room in big moments and to try to get a sense of how she may — or may not — be able to use those same tactics against Trump.

    As these clips show, Harris generally excels at making clear and direct points using a professional and controlled tone, even when the underlying substance is dubious. She also tends to home in on narrow but evocative points that can resonate with the audience. Often, she manages to disarm her interlocutors and make them visibly — sometimes admittedly — nervous about responding to her.

    We might as well declare her the winner now.

    • The Other Kevin

      Remember how awesome she was in the primaries? That’s why she got SO MANY votes!

    • Rebel Scum

      Regime media will declare her the winner no matter what.

      how awesome she was in the primaries

      When she ran for the 2020 nomination her campaign did not make it to 2020.

    • creech

      So she does a good job lying.

  26. Pope Jimbo

    Over/Under on when it is revealed that this was a complete scam and “Hempcrete” doesn’t work at all?

    The Lower Sioux Indian Community has opened a new facility to turn hemp into a home insulation material known as “hempcrete.” The tribe hopes to build an industry with the help of a wider group of farmers and address a housing shortage for its citizens.
    Hempcrete is made from the woody core of hemp — called hurd — lime and water. It’s material that former tribal council member Earl Pendleton has researched for several years to provide “safer and healthier” homes to members of the tribal community.

    I’m sure that there was a lot of govt $$$ involved in this scheme.

    • Tundra

      Weird. I just saw a place in Oregon made from that, or something like it.

    • Not Adahn

      Clay + fiber = bricks is an ancient technology.