1. Pat

    No DNA match for whopping 40% of 9/11 victims

    Perhaps I’m heartless, but I can’t possibly imagine why their families would care, as if they’d be any less dead if some scrap of their genetic material could be sifted from the rubble.

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — I suppose just for final validation that “Yes, XXX was there and passed away.” maybe. If there’s any scrap of doubt in their souls left that is still going “Maybe they went to get a coffee, got knocked in the head and forgot their former life” or “Maybe they used this as an excuse to slip away to Barbados under an assumed name with that money I know they were embezzling” or something.

    • trshmnstr

      Yeah, it seems like the “good by” date on the project was passed 20 years ago.

      “Hey, this smear on the side of a filing cabinet from WTC 2 is all that’s left of your Uncle” isn’t much consolation 24 years later.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        At least he died pushing paper work, doing what he loved.

    • Sensei

      Not my favorite day. Parked in the trains station lot and city employee was putting flags on the memorial at the lot for those in the town killed.

      Traffic is going to be horrific today. POTUS, VPOTUS and former POTUS are in town. UN has some boondoggle going on today as well.

      Get to my office and there is the 20 foot US flag in the lobby to remind me once again what Bush did to us in reaction to this. On the plus side I didn’t work at Cantor.

      Cantor Fitzgerald Bids Adieu to a 9/11 Survivor


      Our own grosspatzer did, however.

      • Rat on a train

        In the spirit of Clinton, Vindman, Walz, and many others – we are all 9/11 survivors.

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Yes I did, thanks.

        I choose to remember what took place a bit later. Five of our senior managers had an annual fishing trip which in 2001 took place on 9/11. As it happened, it was too windy to go out that day, so they had to choose between going to the office and playing golf. They chose golf.

        Next year, they went on that fishing trip and bagged one very large tuna. The following day, we were treated to the best sashimi I ever ate, huge slab of tuna on ice sitting on a table in our temporary office space in Rochelle Park NJ. I’ll never forget that.

      • Sensei

        Rat – reminds me of this Seinfeld.


        George can’t get a new apartment because the tenant association is giving it to an Andrea Doria survivor, Clarence. George is sympathetic at first, but after Kramer (who owns a book on real-life sea voyages) informs him of the details of the Andrea Doria (the ship took 10 hours to sink, and only 51 out of 1,706 people died), he feels Clarence’s case is weak.

  2. SDF-7

    Taylor Swift endorses Harris after her debate with Trump

    I can only assume T-swizzle didn’t have enough confidence Harris wasn’t going to make a complete fool of herself and went ahead with an endorsement after she did well enough to stay in (and not be replaced with a Different Annointed One(tm) by the Party).

    I have to say I really doubt most Swifties (of the young, single and female variety… or I suppose of the twinkly male variety) either would have voted for OMB anyway or base their political decisions on a woman notorious for horrid choices in men, a massive difference in personal finances and a career that isn’t terribly conducive to deep political thought in any event. So color me “Meh” on the topic.

    Morning, all.

    • rhywun

      She is rapidly joining the “famous for being famous” set.

    • slumbrew

      I’m with you – her endorsement changes or adds zero votes.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      This is also coming on the heels of her not cutting off a Trump supporting friend and her fan’s being pissed. Anyway, not caring about a woman known for her shit decision making seems the best play.

  3. Pat

    Taylor Swift endorses Harris after her debate with Trump

    Thank God, the suspense was killing me.

    • SDF-7

      What’s weird is I always assumed Taylor was more of a third party, oddball candidate type of voter. Always has that blank space on her ballot — promising to write your name if you give her a weekend or two. Shrug.

      • Pat

        If you keep it up with these ridiculous references we’re going to have bad blood.

    • R C Dean

      I thought she was too smart to get her brand dirtied up with politics. Guess not.

      • WTF

        Why would you ever think she was smart?

      • trshmnstr

        The only question in my mind is whether this was a calculated move based on her fandom’s demographics, or whether she just pulled a Dixie Chicks.

      • Pat

        I’m guessing some of you missed it when she endorsed Biden in 2020 after going on a massive media apology tour for not endorsing Clinton in 2016.

      • R C Dean

        “Why would you ever think she was smart?”

        From what I understand, she has had a ridiculously successful career and has one of the top global brands, and isn’t just a front for a corporate media machine.

        I hadn’t realized she endorsed Biden last go around.

      • trshmnstr

        She’s savvy. You don’t need high IQ to take advantage of opportunities. You don’t need high IQ to manipulate the factors you have control over to get your way. She’s a mix of luck, talent, and savvy. She’s also a 30-something professional woman with her emotional maturity frozen at age 15. That’s why she resonates with the teenaged girls and the cat ladies so much.

      • WTF

        she has had a ridiculously successful career and has one of the top global brands

        That doesn’t mean she’s smart, it means she has something marketable and got in front of the right people with it.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

      Equally shocking that the issues most important to her have nothing to do with economics.

      • WTF

        Equally shocking that the issues most important to her have nothing to do with economics.

        Yeah, pretty sure she doesn’t worry about inflation.

  4. SDF-7

    Elon trolling Taylor

    I’m probably showing signs of hanging around you lot of reprobates too much — but as much as the Daily Mail presents itself as having the vapors (while using it as an excuse to cram in all the stock Taylor photos they can, I assume as click bait)… I thought it was a pretty funny troll, honestly.

    • Fourscore

      Musk, with 10 kids, surely has enough to share. He can afford to give Taylor the pick of the litter and still have a barn full, oops, houseful, left over

      • R C Dean

        I don’t think handing off one his kids was what he meant by “I will give you a child”.

      • DrOtto

        I think it was an offer to put a baby inside her.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I’d happily be Mr. Swift, though I’d listen and take my time…

        She is 2 years younger than me. I’d imagine as musicians–writers– with int’l experience we’d hit it off shockingly well.

        “You’re the EXACT OPPOSITE(!) of all the guys that I date!” ~ Last ex-Yaz, whom I legit fell in love w, felt the moment it happened. (‘Twas mid-conversation talking by the canal in Indy! No euphemism necessary.) (Usually for) Good, I’ve been described as such.
        *Straightens collar; kicks pebbles near empty diner and bedside.*

  5. SDF-7

    Kamala Harris’ New Policy Page Was Quite Literally Copied And Pasted From Joe Biden’s Campaign

    All her FEC filings were, after all… why change course now?

    • WTF

      While she claims “I’m not Joe Biden” and that she presents a new way forward. Without of course being fact-checked by the “moderators”.

      • Nephilium

        Look, has anyone ever tripled down on failing policies? No!

        New. Way. Forward.

      • Pat

        Look, has anyone ever tripled down on failing policies?

        FDR was elected to a 4th term…

      • Fourscore

        “I’ll get this depression behind me If its the last thing I do”


  6. Pat

    Smith’s twin prosecutions of Trump have cost $35.7 million

    You can’t put a price on saving (D)emocracy!

    • SDF-7

      They’ll try to make it up in volume.

    • The Other Kevin

      This would have been good for Trump to bring up. Add up all the taxpayer money they spent on prosecutions that didn’t stick, and in the end they spent all those millions just so they could get on TV and call him “felon”.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Also, adjudicated rapist.

  7. trshmnstr

    The sun is rising, it’s back and shoulders day at the home gym, and I’m getting paid for my first self-sourced job for my law firm. No matter the outcome of the nattering baboons last night, today’s gonna be a good day.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Damn straight trashy! As the world turns

    • Cunctator

      —“The sun is rising”—

      Looking at my clock, it is past time. It’s still dark outside due to the blanket of smoke from the Bridge Fire. I am safe from the actual fire here, but have had smoke covering the area and ash falling for about 18 hours.

  8. Gustave Lytton

    Coworker is typing all of their IMs in caps. Also, they’re walls of text with no para breaks or really, editing to succinctness.

    • Sensei


    • Stinky Wizzleteats


    • SDF-7


    • Rat on a train


  9. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Swift endorses Harris” is irrelevant: if this country has degraded to the point that her Harris endorsement, and I’d say the same thing for the endorsement if she’d endorsed Trump, means more than a fart in the wind we’re done for anyway.

    • trshmnstr

      Narrator: we were done anyway.

    • Pat

      As mentioned above, in light of the demographics of her fandom, I can’t really imagine it making a difference in the outcome. Vapid teenage girls and middle aged wine aunts probably weren’t up for grabs for Trump.

      • Urthona

        She’s literally the most successful pop star in the free world.

        You just have to hope no one cares (which is kinda doubtful).

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Who’d The Backstreet Boys endorse?

      • Pat

        She’s literally the most successful pop star in the free world.

        Beyonce, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion have sold just as many records. And that doesn’t negate the demographics of her fan base.

        You just have to hope no one cares (which is kinda doubtful).

        I assume a very large number people of care; I just think the Venn diagram of people who care and people who were going to vote blue no matter who with or without her endorsement is a filled-in circle. It’s not exactly news to anyone that the entertainment industry belongs to team D.

      • R.J.

        Tell me why?

  10. rhywun

    father-of-twelve Musk

    Am I crazy or is that number going up like every couple months? I thought it was around six.

    • Fourscore

      A year ago it was 10 or so it seemed but who’s counting? Musk thinks he’s an NFL player.

      • DrOtto

        So you’re saying he’s going to spend himself broke?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. One of my favorite Vikes is in a bit of a financial pickle

        A Texas judge has ordered former Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson to turn over personal assets to help pay a debt that has ballooned to more than $12 million.
        A court-appointed receiver has been seeking to collect money from Peterson as part of a judgment from a lawsuit filed against the four-time All-Pro running back over a $5.2 million loan he failed to repay to a Pennsylvania lending company. Interest and fees resulted in that debt more than doubling.

        He made over $100M from playing. Where did that money go?

      • Fourscore

        Adrian only got 8 kids. minor leaguer

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, but Adrian can switch them like a pro

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        10% to the agent. 50% to the government. Half of the remaining on hookers and blow and the rest just wasted.

    • SDF-7

      Musk is checking his work on that old mythical man-month about 9 women making a baby in 1 month….

      • hayeksplosives

        He has to replace the one that disowned him and transitioned. Can’t recall if m2f or f2m.

    • PieInTheSky

      i think he still has a few in him

  11. Pat

    On a day such as this, we should be all take a moment and be mindful to never forget this gem.

  12. PieInTheSky

    ‘Disgraceful’: ABC News Roasted For Repeatedly Fact-Checking Trump While Letting Kamala Slide – roasted by whom? certainly not any of the Good People.

  13. PieInTheSky

    UK Economy Flatlines in July, Recording No Growth for 2 Months in a Row – it will start growing again when women shop workers are payed a fair wage

    • Fourscore

      Don’t all Europeans take July/August off for vacation? Nobody goes there anymore in the late summer.

  14. kinnath

    I checked the headlines at Salon and Slate. They are falling all over themselves to point out how bad Trump did last night. The gaslighting is in full swing.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He did do bad, it was a setup but he should have handled it far better than he did. The man’s just not a particularly good debater and it’s painfully obvious that his win over Biden was the equivalent of a guy in a drag race winning by half a track length because the other guy blew his engine.

      • kinnath

        The debate was a shrill soccer mom dressing down an oaf at the bar because she knows the oaf won’t be allowed to hit her.

        It changes nothing with the voters.

        But it provides fodder for the gaslighting machinery at the major media outlets.

      • The Other Kevin

        I also think he did bad. He couldn’t stay on subject, would not directly answer some easy questions, took the bait when she mentioned people leaving his rallies early and world leaders laughing at him, and kept bringing up immigration in every answer. He also called her a socialist and brought up eating cats, which sounds pretty crazy to most people.

        The facts are 100% on his side and his policies are way better. All Harris had was mind games and it worked.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Preaching to the choir Kinnath, her shrillness is worse than Hillary’s. I hope most of the people out there see it your way but I’m not holding my breath. The polls in the next week should be interesting.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        The debate was a shrill soccer mom dressing down an oaf at the bar because she knows the oaf won’t be allowed to hit her.

        Worse, since she has no children (of her own) she’s more equivalent to the worst cunt in corporate HR.

      • DrOtto

        Kamala blew what? Oh, you meant Biden previously.


      Those articles were probably written in advance with a couple of cut-and-paste placeholders for particular things they will frame as Kamala’s sick burns.

    • Urthona

      Not really gaslighting though.

      Trump actually did get smoked and they’re excited about it.

      Maybe Kamala is hiding from the press only so she won’t have to tack back from the far left.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      I’m not sure much of that matters….

      Some anecdotal data:

      My oldest (who occasionally visits Glibs) is currently in AP Gov in a high quality private school. When he was in middle school, he was mercilessly bullied by his classmates for being racist and misogynist for holding mainstream opinions held by most people in America. The school, with massive heapings of input from both me and Mrs Muzzled, stood behind his right to speak freely in class without fear. Because of those years of merciless bullying, he now has the capability to argue for himself in a pretty impressive way for a 17yo. He’s far more competent at argument than anyone I ever taught in Freshman Comp.

      Those same kids who bullied him mercilessly for years in middle school are in this AP Gov class, most of them far leftist idiots who don’t know shit about shit and don’t do much thinking. They operate on feelz and vibes. Truly useful idiots.

      Last night they all watched the debate together in an online chat and had a class discussion during, and a short recap afterwards.

      The consensus? Fuck both of them.

      If Kamala can’t get idiot kids who are devoted green haired leftists to go along, she’s in trouble.

    • trshmnstr

      Tangentially related: I got to spend a few minutes chatting with Joel Salatin this weekend. Top notch human being and all around good guy. Trash kiddo #1 loved watching (up close and personally) his chicken processing demo.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        That’s cool. I have several of Joel’s books. Very insightful guy. Did you visit Polyface Farms?

    • Ted S.

      Going off in the insufferable way vegans do, or in the way that UPF is a meaningless fear-mongering term?

      • Ted S.

        That was, of course, meant as a response to the Joe Rogan comment above.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    I couldn’t give a fuck less about the 9/11 cult of victimhood.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Harris remembered her lines and hit her marks a couple of times. Lots of vapid moaning about her deep concern for the lowliest peasants. Total win.

    • Drake

      She baited Trump with subtle lies in many of her answers. Trump usually took the bait and rambled. Don’t think anyone’s mind was changed.

      • The Other Kevin

        To her answers, she added two or three unrelated points that she knew would rile him up, and he went for those instead of hitting her on the main subject. It was clever and it worked.

    • The Other Kevin

      She had all kinds of heart-wrenching stories about a woman bleeding out in the parking lot of a hospital and a young girl pregnant as the result of incest. She clearly had a team of writers. Her whole campaign is still a show, but that’s what most people want these days.

      • rhywun

        The proper response to all the abortion talk should have been “It is not a federal issue. Next.”

        Disgusted she went there, but of course what else was she going to do.

      • Evan from Evansville

        YEP. “Abortion is no longer a Federal issue.” Shoulda been his only, and repeated response.

        He did mention the People getting a chance to more locally vote/decide. But many think Red Wrong folk actually want to end ALL abortion and that’s all the counts. People who ‘get it Federalism are vastly outnumbered.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The problem with Federalism on this issue is that some icky states are going to vote wrong.

        Also, it was so much better under Roe/Wade because they didn’t have to defend their positions or persuade people. They just got to ram it down other people’s throat because it was settled law.

      • Fourscore

        What percentage of women have had an abortion? What % ever wanted one? Or even thought about having one?

        My unqualified guess is that it’s pretty low.

      • rhywun

        People who ‘get it Federalism are vastly outnumbered.

        And one feature of the left is that all laws must be as broad as possible. The thought that someone, somewhere might be slightly inconvenienced when aborting their child is unbearable to them.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        If the moderators are going to fact check cat eating, then shouldn’t they also fact check these stories about women unable to get abortions in horrible circumstances? Yeah, I know. Who am I kidding?

    • The Other Kevin

      Vance has been impressive. He’s gone against a lot of hostile interviewers and does well.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace and Tim Walz both said the quiet part out loud: the moderators rigged the debate.”

    All’s fair in love and democracy.

  18. R.J.

    Dear TPTB: The tags list seems to have vanished from the editor. I am using Brave, on Windows 11. This is odd.

    • Nephilium

      Just checked, and it’s loading for me. I did notice that the site was running slowly earlier, and when I went in now, it loaded the various panes one at a time, so refreshing may correct the issue for you.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    I’m guessing some of you missed it when she endorsed Biden in 2020 after going on a massive media apology tour for not endorsing Clinton in 2016.

    I certainly did.

  20. Old Man With Candy

    The latest NPR Lady texted me at midnight dithyrambically crowing about the Swift thing.

    The shit I put up with for pussy…

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar


      Thanks for the addition to my vocabulary.

    • PieInTheSky

      you should really scientifically analyze the kind of brain rot some people have

    • Evan from Evansville

      “The shit I put up with for pussy…”

      Uh. I ain’tcha Papa, but I’d advise telling NPR-gal to thoroughly clean her sewer system as well as her pleasure pipeline ‘fore recreation gets underway. However, I object to myself: Many folk into many things I ain’t.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The shit I put up with for pussy…

      (((Haitian))) problems?

      • Banjos

        Free pick up line for all you guys:

        “Baby, I eat pussy so good that they call me The Haitian.”

    • Drake

      Shouldn’t she be more interested in who has Cyndi Lauper’s endorsement?

    • Fourscore

      Good thing you didn’t waste time pondering a nickname…

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Just like you, America, only better

    Vice President Harris cited the fact she is a gun owner in Tuesday night’s presidential debate, in a move designed to shut down suggestions from former President Donald Trump that she wants to “confiscate your guns.”

    As gun ownership continues to be a political point for both Republicans and Democrats, here’s where the candidates stand.

    In 2019, Harris said she owns a gun “for personal safety” because she was a “career prosecutor.” But Harris has also been a proponent of stricter gun laws.

    As a member of the privileged class, her rights are secure.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      But that guy who has a pistol because he services vending machines or works nights at the quick shop? Yeah, fuck that guy.

    • Pat

      As gun ownership continues to be a political point for both Republicans and Democrats

      In the same way that the Gulags were a political point for both the NKVD and the kulaks, I guess.

    • EvilSheldon

      Yes dear, you’ve already made it abundantly clear that you think that the laws are for the little people. Most of your cohort is exactly the same way. We’re used to it by now.

    • Drake

      I noticed how fast the moderator moved on from that nonsequitor.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I have to admit that I’m a bit frightened by the fact that she is packing a pistola.

      Maybe I’m biased, but I think she’d make that female SS agent who couldn’t holster her weapon look like a modern day Annie Oakley.

      I can just see her waving the pistol around while cackling.

      • EvilSheldon

        Don’t worry, she was lying to make a point. Badly. At the lying and the point-making, both.

      • Fourscore

        “This is my pistol and THIS is my gun…”

        Oh, wait, maybe not what she meant.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, I have serious doubts that she owns a gun at all, and if she does, I would be shocked to my toes if she has actually shot with it at any point in the last, oh, decade. Or two.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    In contrast, Trump has aligned with the National Rifle Association and is expected to have a more hands-off approach to gun restrictions if elected. He has also claimed that gun laws do not work.

    During one press conference this summer, Trump pointed out that Chicago endured a particularly deadly July 4th weekend this year, with more than 100 people shot and 19 killed, despite Illinois having a record of strong gun control laws. However, Illinois is surrounded by states with much weaker gun restriction laws, like Indiana, where guns can easily cross the border.

    There is evidence that gun restriction laws, particularly red-flag laws, work. According to researchers at the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, for every 10 to 20 red flag orders issued, the number of suicides falls by one.

    Gotcha, Trump. Facts, checked.

    • rhywun

      “He has also claimed, with vast amounts of evidence, that gun laws do not work.”


    • Grummun

      Hasn’t the NRA largely imploded? I guess they are still the gun-nut bogeyman for left wing press.

      Also, Indiana guns. NPR sticking to a script written decades ago.

      • R C Dean

        Unless something has changed since I lived there (admittedly, 20 years ago), I have a hard time imagining Indiana has looser gun control laws than Wisconsin.

      • rhywun

        I guess they are still the gun-nut bogeyman for left wing press.

        Yes, they have been the next big target of NYS lawfare (after OMB). They are imploding because Tish wants it.

    • Fourscore

      Where’s the cat women?

      Thanks, Jimbo,

    • R C Dean

      The second one, with the back flip . . . .

  23. PieInTheSky

    Britain has nearly the worst quality homes of any high income country

    NEW analysis today shows that decades of undersupply and underinvestment in housing have left us with the cheapest and lowest-quality buildings of any major Western country.


    Australia should have better houses given the fauna.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Evenhanded arbiters of truth

    During Tuesday evening’s consequential ABC News presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris criticized former President Donald Trump for what she says is his involvement in Project 2025, a 922-page playbook of controversial policy proposals put together by the Heritage Foundation intended to guide the next conservative administration.

    Trump denied involvement in Project 2025, saying he had “nothing to do with it” and that he has not read it, despite the playbook being authored by dozens of former members of his administration, including former cabinet secretaries and West Wing aides.


    Tying Trump to Project 2025 has been a big part of the Harris campaign strategy, and she’s already done so a few times during this debate. Polls have consistently shown the plan and its proposals are widely unpopular, so it’s no surprise that Trump is disavowing it yet again.

    What a fraud, repeatedly “disavowing” that unpopular plan every time she tries to hang it around his neck.

    • EvilSheldon

      You mean the, “…former members of (Trump’s) administration,” who are all lining up to vote for Harris?

      People really have turned stupid, haven’t they?

    • The Other Kevin

      “dozens of former members of his administration”

      This has nothing to do with anything. There are also former members of his administration calling him a threat to democracy.

    • Pat

      Trump denied involvement in Project 2025, saying he had “nothing to do with it” and that he has not read it, despite the playbook being authored by dozens of former members of his administration, including former cabinet secretaries and West Wing aides.

      Trump denies doing thing, despite thing being done by dozens of his former employees, who are not him. It’s a good thing j schools churn out functional illiterates too ignorant to be embarrassed that they don’t know what a non-sequitur is.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “Polls have consistently shown the plan and its proposals are widely unpopular”

      And common sense says that nobody who was polled has read the 900 page document and are only relying on scare tactics from the media and the Dems.

    • rhywun

      its proposals are widely unpopular

      “Widely” is doing a lot of lifting there.

  25. PieInTheSky

    Dave Grohl has announced that he recently became the father of “a new baby daughter, born outside of my marriage”

    “I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness,” he says in a statement


    • UnCivilServant

      “I love my mistress’ bastard daughter, and the wife I cheated on.”


    • Drake

      There came my hero.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        He’s got another confession to make, his wife is not getting the best, the best, the best, the best of him.

      • Ted S.

        “There” referring to the mistress’ vagina….

      • rhywun


    • EvilSheldon

      What kind of Age of Scrutiny hellscape are we living in where a rock star has to publicly apologize for stepping out on his wife? Is Dave’s side piece twelve or something?

    • Tundra

      Grohl has three daughters with his wife, Jordyn Blum. His eldest daughter, Violet, is a touring member of Foo Fighters.


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      One more indecent accident.

    • Fourscore

      Now it’s his wife turn.

      “Honey, there’s something I’ve got to tell you”

  26. Evan from Evansville

    IM and others’O: No one’s mind will change. See the Lies/Truth from each Candidate as one was gonna, anyway.

    Harris sounded better, but empty platitudes and feelgoodyness. No major gaffes. Solidified her Base by doing fairly well on stage.
    Trump v Moderators, as someone else put it, is spot on. He went off-topic and shoulda done much better. He DID, however, make solid points. He has more ‘reason’ on his side than ’emotion.’ Also did fine by his Base. Not a home run, not a strikeout. A decent day at the plate, maybe 1-3 plus a sac bunt to move the runner over.

    Do we have knowledge of her being fed the questions in advance like with Biden? I’m sure she was well-prepped, but not sure if an ‘open’ secret still.

    • R C Dean

      It’s more likely her campaign gave the “moderators” the questions than the other way around.

      From what I saw, though (the first 20 minutes or so), the questions were pretty vanilla. Now the free pass to Harris and dogpiling on Trump . . . .

      • The Other Kevin

        Trump’s questions were very pointed and accusatory. A lot of Harris’s questions were long paragraphs ending in “your response?” She didn’t really need to see those ahead of time.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She didn’t really answer a lot of the questions. She just reverted to her canned lines. And the moderators let her get away with it.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    “Ms Harris, do you believe abortion should be freely available as a means of sex selection?”

    • Pope Jimbo

      What if you were determined to have a boy and aborted any pregnancy that was a girl, then that boy became trans? Could you still legally kill xer?

    • R C Dean

      The thing is, Harris’s answer to the question of what restrictions she would support was to say she wants to put Roe v Wade back in effect.

      The obvious follow-up would be “What restrictions were allowed by the courts under Roe, and would you support all of them?”

      It was plainly obvious, though, that she had been programmed to say “Trump abortion ban” as many times as she could.

  28. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 09/11:
    *19/19 words (+4 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 09/11:
    *36/36 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 535

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 09/11:
      *19/19 words (+7 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 10% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 09/11:
      *36/36 words (+10 bonus words)
      ⏱️ In the top 13% by speed
      🔥 Solve streak: 599

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Dave Grohl has announced that he recently became the father of “a new baby daughter, born outside of my marriage”

    Another case for freely available abortion.

  30. UnCivilServant

    So, it appears that you can’t gain any compression by using gzip on .mp4 files.

    Is there a readily available linux compression utility which will get some lossless compression on an mp4?

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      cat /dev/zero > foo.mp4

      Oh wait, you said lossless compression. Never mind.

      • UnCivilServant

        I also need to use less disk space and get the video back when I’m back at my house with more storage capacity.

        I don’t want to have to buy an external drive from some random store along the way.

      • Grummun

        I don’t want to have to buy an external drive from some random store along the way.

        Just copy the video to your cloud storage.

        ::ducks, skitters away::

      • UnCivilServant

        Upload 1.2 TB through a hotel wifi?

        I’m not staying at any one hotel long enough for that.

    • Pat

      You could try a different compression algo with Xarchiver or something similar, but the result probably won’t be much different. The video stream’s within the mp4 container is already compressed by whatever codec created it, and isn’t particularly amenable to further compression without re-encoding.

      • Sensei

        This right here.

      • R.J.

        Exactly. Pat nailed it. I forwarded that to a guy who worked on the h.264 driver a couple of years ago for Meta. No real way to compress to further effectively.

      • UnCivilServant


        There has to be a way.

      • UnCivilServant

        Look, I may just end up buying some bulk SD cards and making backups in case the chinesium fails on them.

    • Nephilium

      Isn’t MP4 already compressed?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Yes, that’s the point, 11:1 IIRC

    • R C Dean

      Is there such a thing as lossless compression for sound files?

      • Sensei

        You can get fractional lossless compression with FLAC. However, the file size is notably higher than even high bit rate lossy compression.

        For archiving my CDs I use FLAC. If I really cared to have a mobile device with a big library I’d re-encode them in high bit rate lossy format. That said I just change my library on my phone with FLAC files.

      • Pat

        Yes, but the compression ratio is relatively low, and decoding is more CPU intensive, so its primary use is for archiving.

      • Pat

        Pipped to the post.

        If I really cared to have a mobile device with a big library I’d re-encode them in high bit rate lossy format. That said I just change my library on my phone with FLAC files.

        I keep my library in 320 CBR MP3 on my phone, transcoded from the original FLAC sources from my archive. Currently stands at about 35 GB, which is easily accommodated even with the modest 128 GB microSD card I have in it.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    “I love my mistress’ bastard daughter, and the wife I cheated on.”

    Is that you, Hunter?

  32. Sensei

    BMW’s spokesperson says that the company “has developed a diagnostic software to detect the brake fault before it occurs.” If a potential brake fault is detected, that should alert the driver with a warning to visit a dealership as soon as possible to get a system replacement free of charge, the spokesperson added. If a malfunction occurs, which BMW says is “very unlikely,” the system should also revert to “safe mode” — which makes sure that brakes work and meet legal standards, but requires drivers to apply more force when using them.

    German auto supplier Continental AG confirmed Tuesday that it makes this integrated brake system for BMW, and that the faulty component can cause the case to rely on its back up level. In a statement, Continental also pointed to diagnostic software available to detect this potential issue “well before it occurs.”

    BMW is living in the world of “Minority Report”. We call it pre-braking. Also WTF is “…the faulty component can cause the case to rely on its back up level.” I assume that is “car” and not “case”. I love our brave new world of fixing hardware problems with software band-aids.


    • Tundra

      The plan to destroy the automotive industry is proceeding nicely.

  33. Evan from Evansville

    Re abortion: My first serious girlfriend and I had the children talk. She and I were both opposed to having any in the future. Her moreso. We got around to talkin’ ’bout it. She openly said as long as the umbilical cord is attached post-birth, the mother could still kill the baby. Parasitic, or similar, she said. I got her to say it on multiple occasions, separate from each other. Yep, using an ice pick to stab the kids’ brain was A-OK if it was the mother’s choice. I’m quite certain I mentioned ‘fathers rights’ to no avail.

    I don’t get it, and I am pretty damn pro-choice. *Hands up* I got nuttin’.

    She became a writer in Singapore and is still over there. She still has no kids. I also noticed she’s lookin’ finer without me in her diner. (We also broke up a decade ago.)

    • R C Dean

      “She openly said as long as the umbilical cord is attached post-birth, the mother could still kill the baby”

      Once you say elective abortion shouldn’t be restricted to pre-viability (or some developmental stage), this is pretty much the only logically consistent end point.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    It’s amazing how they can put out stories completely devoid of information. What is this BMW brake issue? Is it a loss of stability control self-braking? Is it a loss of power boost? Is it a subscription based braking system? It sounds like maybe there is still a mechanical connection between the pedal and the master cylinder. I’m surprised.

    • Tundra

      I found this.

      The issue with the integrated braking system, which uses an electric actuator to maintain consistent brake pressure, can result in the need for increased pedal force during braking. It also has the potential to disable critical brake control functions like ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) and DSC (Dynamic Stability Control). Despite the severity of the fault, there have been no reported incidents of accidents causing property damage or personal injury attributed to this problem. BMW’s sophisticated system not only facilitates consistent braking but also allows M model owners to adjust their braking characteristics—making them either comfortable for daily use or sharp for track sessions. However, the discovered fault undermines these benefits, prompting an urgent recall.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not going to look, but I assume Harris’ canned “responses” to questions nobody asked are in heavy rotation this morning.

    • PieInTheSky

      “Unless a man enters upon the vocation intended for him by nature, and best suited to his peculiar genius, he cannot succeed.”
      ― P. T. BARNUM

  36. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    So my boss cc’ed me on an email to another team about some outdated content on our website regarding where the agency’s money is spent.

    Methinks perhaps foreign aid will be an issue for the election (though it hasn’t seemed to be so far). GOP should 100% hammer the foreign aid boondoggle. Get Rand Paul involved.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Thanks, Tundra!

    The root cause of the fault has been traced back to a potential signal disruption in the engine position sensor, which may lead to a failure in the hydraulic brake force support.

    That explains everything.

    • UnCivilServant

      engine position sensor

      Shouldn’t the engine stay in the same place inside the car? If your engine is moving about independantly, you’ve got other problems.

      /deliberately obtuse.

      • Tundra

        It’s really a crankshaft position sensor. Why it’s tied to the braking system, however, eludes me.

      • PieInTheSky

        point is cars need more electronic components and additional sensors

    • Sensei

      The whole brake by wire thing is rather interesting. The pedal feel is a load cell. It’s completely artificially created to mimic the power hydraulic brakes we are used to using. I’m not sure why the brakes need direct engine speed input. You’d think they could just get RPM from the engine ECU. And I’m not sure what they need it for.

      The Bosch one that Tesla uses is designed to fail over mechanically and become directly coupled to the hydraulics naturally without power assist.

      I’m expecting that to be an interesting experience stopping almost 5,000lbs at highway speeds.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Methinks perhaps foreign aid will be an issue for the election (though it hasn’t seemed to be so far). GOP should 100% hammer the foreign aid boondoggle. Get Rand Paul involved.

    Didn’t Biden just give Zelenskyyy a few hundred billion more?

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Shouldn’t the engine stay in the same place inside the car? If your engine is moving about independantly, you’ve got other problems.

    It’s part of the dynamic weight transfer system, like the guy in sidecar racing who hangs his ass over the side in the corners.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Foreign election interference

    Former first lady Melania Trump described the July 13 assassination attempt on her husband, former President Donald Trump, as “a horrible, distressing experience” in a new video.

    She also questioned official accounts of the security failure at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally, suggesting there’s “more to this story.”

    Melania Trump has been posting videos defending her husband ahead of tonight’s presidential debate as a part of her promotional campaign for her forthcoming memoir, titled “Melania.”

    “The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience,” Melania Trump said in the short video, posted Tuesday morning on X. “Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?”

    Spreading election conspiracy disinformation should be illegal.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    “The 2020 election results changed our lives forever. It impacted our quality of life, cost of food, gasoline, safety, and even the geopolitical landscape,” Melania Trump said. “America is more divided today than ever before. It has become increasingly apparent that there are significant challenges to free speech, as demonstrated by the efforts to silence my husband.”

    If America is more divided than ever, it’s obviously Trump’s fault.

  42. CPRM

    In the novel Fight Club Marla has the post-coital line, “I want to have your abortion.” to show what a fucked up person she was. Now it’s practically a campaign slogan.

    The studio wanted that line changed for the film, so the film makers changed it to, “My God, I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.” The studio wanted it changed back, and were told to pound sand. This line seems to resonate with certain people on the left as well. A world of Marla Singers.

    • Pat

      The studio wanted that line changed for the film, so the film makers changed it to, “My God, I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.” The studio wanted it changed back, and were told to pound sand.

      Yep, Fincher and producer Laura Ziskin, in particular, famously disagreed about that line, and even after it tested well with test audiences, she kept pushing the issue, so he told her he’d change it, but only once, and they would go with whatever he came up with. She agreed, thinking nothing would be worse than “I want to have your abortion,” only to be even more horrified by the replacement, and begged to go keep the original line. Two tragedies and all that. Fincher wouldn’t let her off the hook.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Huh. I always remember the first Fincher version. I’m not sure I’ve read/heard about the grade school line.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Abortion is just like having a wart removed. There’s no reason to overcomplicate things.