Sunday Morning Thin Blue Line Links

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Daily Links | 277 comments

If you were going to describe ideal policing, you’d have polite and respectful cops who are embedded in the community and very effective. In our town, I can leave the doors unlocked, walk anywhere at night, and even though they have things that well nailed down, I never worry about cops hassling me. Nor do my neighbors and pretty much the entire community. Sometimes the students get a bit out of hand near the bars, and the cops are skilled at de-escalating.

When things get past that, the cops have two choices of procedure: they can ruin a kid’s life and strip six figures of legal fees out of the parents, OR they can make the experience humiliating enough that the kid won’t pull that shit again but ultimately no permanent damage. 99.9% of the time, it’s the latter.

So this sounds like a pretty well run department with excellent training and standards. Which devolves to the Chief of Police. He’s been there for almost 30 years and clearly done a great job.

OK, then why would he be suddenly put on a “performance improvement plan” by the new-ish deputy mayor? Which meant assuming the responsibilities of a rookie patrolman, to all appearances a deliberate humiliation. And following that… he was removed from duty. At the next village Board meeting, the usual handful of attendees swelled to over 100 people. And we picketed before the meeting, with me carrying a sign proclaiming that I support our police and that this all seems unfair.

The fuckery was perfectly choreographed. Because of the size of the attendee crowd, the meeting was moved from its usual large room to a much smaller one which could accommodate perhaps 20, with everyone else standing outside, being herded by (very polite, I will say) armed guards.. The reason given is that they want to video the proceedings. Funny, though, they’ve run Zoom meetings from the large room… Even at that, the deputy mayor complained that we might be exceeding maximum occupancy and they “needed” to remove people.

Oh, and in a never-before seen move, the Board and mayor called in the county sheriffs to be armed guards. Not the local police. And normally, there’s no police presence other than for reports.

As things were started, the mayor and Board handed out a one paragraph statement which didn’t even mention the chief’s name, gave no information beyond “an employee was suspended.” Every question from the townspeople was answered, “We refer you to the statement you’ve received.”

The public speaking time was limited to seven people, two minutes each (they originally tried one minute, but the crowd persuaded the grandees that perhaps if they didn’t want to get tarred and feathered, they might bend a bit on that? Every single person who got a chance to speak, including me, had incredible praise for the way he’s done his job. No exceptions.
And this is why I find myself rallying for a cop and a department.

Oh, this gets better. The Chief is suing the town, of course (hey Board and mayor, thanks for making this a huge potential liability that we overburdened tax-cattle have to pick up). And the town will give the citizens zero information on what they’ve alleged. But here’s the twist: the Chief’s lawyer claims it’s racial! Here’s the story beforehand and then the Buffalo media picking it up.

Remember, this is a town that is the deepest azure shade of Blue, with shades of opinions ranging from far Left to Outright Commie. So do I believe any of that racial angle? Not really. I do believe that the Board turned down the hire and have some pretty strong hypotheses of what the truth is (remember Rule One of Politics). It’s easier when you know both the good guys and the bad guys are lying.

So that’s life in our merry little town.

Birthdays today include the inventor of a venerable childhood game; a hall-of-fame guy who was a natty dresser; an imposing figure in American politics; a chief of the Algonquins; a woman who actually made Belgians a bit sympathetic; a guy who pulled some strings, relatively; a girl worth monkeying around with; an exemplar of the evil and corrupt Attorney General; a guy who dearly wanted to get me killed; a woman whose name should probably not be dropped in front of Mormons; a guy who was absolutely molested by Wallace Beery; a guy whose eponymous effect had nothing to do with him; an obscure chemist who had no respect for nobility; and a pretty fine actor appearing in an inordinate number of my favorite movies (and some over-rated ones).

And after that long intro, Links seem an anticlimax.

There is NOTHING that can’t be politicized. And speaking of Haitian cooking

A perfect encapsulation of the UN.

The US, of course, will “urge that both sides show restraint.”

There is nothing that do-gooders can’t fuck up.

If they were serious, they’d have trans and non-binary inclusion.

I blame Pie personally.

How about a new David Gilmour release, speaking of Old Men?

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Pat

    Remember, this is a town that is the deepest azure shade of Blue, with shades of opinions ranging from far Left to Outright Commie. So do I believe any of that racial angle? Not really.

    Good strat on his part though – he’ll probably get a nice, quiet settlement in exchange for dropping any accusations. Shame works both ways. I’m always mystified by the things that are still allowed to be called shameful in a society that’s spent a century torching every possible moral standard and debasing every from of traditional morality, but fuck it, him them where they hurt.

  2. PieInTheSky

    Your town sounds like white privilege to me.

    • Old Man With Candy

      We are a diverse town- lots of people who look different and think exactly the same way and hold exactly the same opinions.

      • PieInTheSky

        well if you are one of them and all hold the same opinion it means it is libertopia?

      • Old Man With Candy

        We boast the highest percentage of Glibs of any other city in the world. And we’re all closeted.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        A rainbow chorus Old Man; Everyone looks different but sings the same song.

        I have lived/worked in enough college towns to know exactly what you are talking about.

      • Toxteth O'Grady (Just one Coke? That won’t go far.)

        Similarly: “The reason the all-American boy prefers beauty over brains is that the all-American boy can see better than he can think.” — Farrah Fawcett

    • SDF-7

      We can’t all be as sanguine as Romania, Pie.

  3. rhywun

    remember Rule One of Politics

    Something to do with money? I dunno.

    I was expecting this tale to resolve into some bullshit “reimagining police” prattle like my town is doing. (We can out-azure you any day.) The only reason it appears to “work” here is because the crime is so low to being with. Try that shit in a place like NYC and you get… well, the results we’re seeing in NYC.

    • Old Man With Candy

      You got it the first time.

    • Ted S.

      Thomas Sowell: The first rule of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of a thing to go around at a price people are willing to pay. The first rule of politics is to ignore the first rule of economics.

    • Don escaped Texas

      OT: Forest !

      • rhywun

        Is this an obscure reference to a soccer match that was restricted to pay-streams only yesterday and therefore I could not watch?

      • Don escaped Texas


        oh, man….sorry if I spoiled something you were going to find later somehow
        I kinda remembered that you had a certain fondness for upcountry clubs

        soccer is the only sport of which I can watch replays when I already know the result; hope you can

        as an old Southerner (oops: we’re the same age), the only people I have to talk Premier League with are a couple of imports,
        and they’re Liverpool men, so I watch every LIV game and got an eyeful yesterday

        there’s an Irish-ish pub here that shows all the Arsenal matches….no idea WTF that’s about
        my only soccer rule is my basic rule: fuck big cities, especially London, so fuck Arsenal

      • rhywun

        Nah, I already saw the score. I only watch live sports. 🙂

        I support both teams so the result is nice.

    • Drake

      The new mayor has a crony pal he wants to reward with a police chief job?

      • Suthenboy

        Sounds like he is running for re-election and doing a real bang-up job of it.

  4. PieInTheSky

    an obscure chemist who had no respect for nobility – well i guess this one is obvious

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Happy birthday, OMWC!

      • Spudalicious

        Nope. He was born on a day that will live in infamy.

  5. SDF-7

    two minutes each (they originally tried one minute, but the crowd persuaded the grandees that perhaps if they didn’t want to get tarred and feathered

    And from the linked article:

    Those who wish to speak on Paul’s behalf will have exactly three minutes in which to do so.

    Sounds like lots of game playing, yeah. No idea (obviously, having never heard of it before today and not being there!) what the real story is — but definitely looks like egos are most heavily involved now, so I expect entrenchment until the inevitable “very expensive for everyone except the people actually involved” settlement, sure.

    Next week: OMWC runs for Mayor to clean up this town!

    • Old Man With Candy

      I am seriously considering running for the next Board election.

      Yeah started at three minutes, Mayor announced he was reducing it to one minute, and the crowd started getting pretty vocal.

      • PieInTheSky

        pull a Ron Swanson

    • DrOtto

      That article also interchanges Griffin and Griffith. Not sure if that 3 minutes was a typo or not. Good jounolisiming.

      • Old Man With Candy

        It was not a typo. That was the originally promised speaking time which was reneged on.

    • Suthenboy

      I have seen that movie before. It is entitled “I fucked you and I know you dont like it so shutup shutup shutup”.

  6. Pat

    There is NOTHING that can’t be politicized.

    Jesus fucking Christ, speaking of tropes, you’d think these race-obsessed cunts would eventually come up with something besides “I have lots of black friends… and their food is so great!” to justify their policies. I get embarrassed vicariously reading that shit. A lot of them are just regurgitating the standard party line, but there really are true believers who think of themselves as magnanimous white saviors for having visited a food truck in L.A. on vacation that one time, and slobbering all over the token ethnic security guard or janitor at work, which is the first impression they’ve had of an ethnic minority since their ancestors had to stop selling them.

    • Rat on a train

      true believers who think of themselves as magnanimous white saviors for having visited a food truck in L.A. on vacation that one time
      “I frequent many ethnic restaurants unlike those uncultured people in flyover country.”

    • Suthenboy

      Hey, Haitian food is fantastic, thus the popularity of Hatian restaurants in the US.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      their food is so great!

      Paul Joseph Watson had a pretty funny video a while back about third-world ethnic cuisine being trendy among the hipster crowd. He described it all as “slop on a plate,” usually colored some shade of diarrhea, with no utensils but a piece of flatbread to scoop up the slop.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Sounds like Ethiopian food, and sounds good to me.

  7. Pat

    the inventor of a venerable childhood game

    Happy birthday Milburn Pennybags?

    • Pat

      an exemplar of the evil and corrupt Attorney General

      Happy birthday Merrick Garland?

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, that one deserves the “Too many options!” flag on the play.

      • Pat

        a guy who dearly wanted to get me killed

        Happy birthday Preet Bharara?

  8. PieInTheSky

    A perfect encapsulation of the UN.

    That seems paywalled but what happened to Lebanon is a damn tragedy should be a great place.

    • Suthenboy

      That is true of every place Pie. I think the song goes “…call some place paradise and kiss it goodbye”
      It’s that pesky ‘there are people there’ thing that gets you every time.

      • PieInTheSky

        it is not equally true of every place. And in the context of this world until like 50 years back.

  9. SDF-7

    the inventor of a venerable childhood game

    Sigh…. this is one that you can’t help but think “I really should have seen that coming” – but I would have never thought of it before. Pretty sneaky Sis! OMWC!

    • Gender Traitor

      At my office, we’ve assigned groups to rotate responsibility for closing up and setting the building’s alarm system at close of business. One evening recently I heard a co-worker going through the large central cube farm calling “Marco…” Brilliant! 😄

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Not annoying for once.

      • Gender Traitor

        I do my best. 😉

  10. PieInTheSky

    I blame Pie personally. – well Bucharest strill did not get nearly enough rain. It all went other places. But it is finally cool. lows of 10C highs of 23C perfect weather.

    • PieInTheSky

      Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, southern Germany and parts of Austria are also expected to see more heavy rain. – the Danube was low on water this should help.

      • Don escaped Texas

        Ukranian lad worked on our cable yesterday*

        It suddenly occurs to me that I don’t know where the Danube ends
        I’ve seen the Donau stretch…but where does it go?
        surely the Adriatic

        nope: Black Sea

        am I the only guy who didn’t have a notion of the Danube leaking across eastern Europe like some band of Russian conscripts?
        the Alps, Don; the Alps
        yeah, but maybe trickling around through Austria and sneaking through the Balkans somehow?

        hope: Black Sea

        *not a euphemism

      • PieInTheSky

        I am disapoint. the Danube delta is the pride of Romania

  11. rhywun

    There is nothing that do-gooders can’t fuck up.


    Grass and playgrounds are nice. I can do without the “klimate krisis” flapdoodle.

    • Pat

      The construction bonds should be just about paid off by the time the kids currently attending those schools are grandparents, and the district has long-since paved them all over again because of maintenance costs.

      • rhywun

        I guess but IMHO grass and playgrounds are kind of a requirement for elementary schools.

      • Pat

        It’s better for the kids, of course. I grew up in the northwest, so even the high schools generally had fairly green campuses. The practicalities of urban living may make it overly prohibitive in some places though. And, of course, the environmental horseshit justifications for it, like you said. Of course, in libertopia the parents or some wealthy benefactor could build whatever sort of campus they like, with their own money.

      • Cunctator

        —“I guess but IMHO grass and playgrounds are kind of a requirement for elementary schools.”—

        The only school I ever went to with grass anywhere on campus was high school. The grass was on the football field.

        There may have been some grass in front of the administration buildings, but for areas where the students gathered, not a single blade. I survived.

      • rhywun

        I think my early school years would have been significantly poorer without the fields of grass we all ran around during recess.

        My HS was surrounded by grass, too. That’s where we had soccer practice.

  12. Pat

    The future of Naval warfare starts here, and it’s more inclusive, stronger and more capable than ever

    Until all the barracks bunnies start getting knocked up so they can take a 2 year paid vacation again.

    • rhywun

      I can’t wait to see the proof of the “stronger and more capable than ever”.

      • Sean

        The Russians can now track our subs by the trails of tampons.

    • Timeloose

      This sounds like integration of the sub fleet was driven by big bump cap.

      “Other modifications include lowering overhead valves and making them easier to turn,”

  13. SDF-7

    There is NOTHING that can’t be politicized.

    And to politicize the politicization…. (and apologies since I’m sure I’ve ranted on this before) — but this is something I really despise about the “Cultural Appropriation!! Argle Bargle Blarg!” crap these days. The Melting Pot model (speaking as an American, sorry Pie…) is one hell of a lot better than the Tossed Salad (cue SF) model for our society in general, but specifically when it comes to culture — food, music, art, etc. are always influenced by what the creator has experienced throughout their lives — it is inevitable. Hence every human since Adam has built (to greater or lesser extent) from the creations of others… and hence every culture has absorbed what they find interesting or neat about others they encounter and discarded what doesn’t work.

    In any other field of existence on this planet — that’s called “evolving” or “Agile methodology” or “Growth by experimentation” or whatnot… but no… just so the idiots have another club to beat Western Civilization so they can replace it with TrueCommunismThatWillReallyWorkThisTimeWhyDidYouBringMeToThisDitchAnyway — we suddenly are baaaad for learning from each other. Assholes.

    • rhywun

      Brown people are oppressed so shut up. It really is that simple with these people.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      I saw a clip from “Am I Racist?” which had a DEI “expert” in logic knots….

      White children, but particularly girls, should be encouraged to like *insert ethnic movie princess here*, but also that they can’t wear an *insert ethnic movie princess here* costume for Halloween because that’s cultural appropriation. They should be taught to want to be something they can never aspire to be. It should be the natural order for our inherent racism.

    • The Other Kevin

      So you’re saying to look for cat recipes on the Food Network in the near future.

  14. SDF-7

    If they were serious, they’d have trans and non-binary inclusion.

    I would fully expect there will be a pregnant pause before they announce the results of that sub’s tour.

    • Gender Traitor

      There’s a “long, hard, & full of seamen” joke in there somewhere…

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        And there it is… Or, That’s What She Said!

  15. PieInTheSky

    Pie has fallen victim to marketing. Sad.

    • Sean

      You bought a fighter plane?

      • rhywun

        Needs a pilot.

      • PieInTheSky

        No just a bottle of french wine

      • Tundra


        Nice choice! Love the bass line on that one.

      • Beau Knott

        Or a different pilot.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        They’re touring, ZWAK.

  16. Pine_Tree

    Since you’re boots-on-the-ground, I’ll believe you on the “not really a racial thing” interpretation.

    BUT, in my observation, the bluer a place is, the more overtly racist towards blacks they are. I mean in all their internal hypotheticals, they would cast themselves as the most anti-racist folks around, and happily accuse me and everybody like me of (of course) being the Worst Sort Of People. But when it comes to things actually touching their own lives, they’re topping out the charts. So without your testimony, I’d have totally assigned a racist angle to it. Sorry.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Yeah, I know these people quite well. They would LOVE to have a Magic Negro to show their virtue and tolerance, so this was clearly about something else. I have heard two plausible hypotheses, but strongly lean toward the one involving money.

      • Pine_Tree

        My other thought is that, small towns being what they are, it’s not even about what it’s about, if you know what I mean. Perhaps the new deputy mayor and the long-time Chief have history, and this is just it coming to the surface now that one’s in a position of power over the old nemesis. Maybe the proximate spark was a money thing, or something else. And this give the Chief a chance to throw the race card at somebody he’s been needled by for years. All speculation on my part, but you know what I mean.

      • Old Man With Candy

        The other hypothesis wasn’t quite that, but close.

        I still lean toward the money aspect.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Has this potential black police officer ever, in any public forum, expressed any conservative thoughts? ‘Cause I can see that being a flag on play.

      • Old Man With Candy

        No more so than any other candidate.

        In this case, he’s just being used by both sides, but in different ways. It’s not really about him.

    • rhywun

      Can confirm. They love having some tokens around, preferably trapped in shitty, cheap housing, so they can pat themselves on the back and coincidentally tap into various sources of graft.

  17. Tonio

    Reminder to everyone that IFLA will not appear this week, and will hopefully return next week.

    • Pat

      Was this predicted in last week’s IFLA?

      • Chafed

        Lol. Perfect.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Fuck, I forgot to add that PSA. Sorry, homie.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      So my luck this week is going to be as shit as last week?

  18. Pat

    How did Robin DiAngelo get away with it for so long?

    To see how debased ‘progressives’ have become, behold Robin DiAngelo stumping up 30 bucks in ‘reparations’ to an African-American gent. It happens in Matt Walsh’s new film, Am I Racist?, a Borat-style mockumentary that sends up race grifters. Walsh interviews DiAngelo while disguised as a self-hating hipster cracker: ponytail, cheap specs, lame blazer. He brings on his producer, Ben, a man of ethnic-minority heritage. He offers Ben cash, as a small gesture of white regret for the ‘400 years of oppression’ Ben’s people have experienced in America. He invites Ms DiAngelo to do likewise. She’s reluctant, but she does it – she skulks over to her purse, fishes out 30 dollars, and hands it to the black man. ‘That’s all the cash I have’, she says, in pained tones.
    If one image could capture the moral depravity of the woke left, the weird mix of self-hate and self-love that fuels this new hyper-racial activist class, it’s this. This spectacle of the famed author of such poppycock as White Fragility mournfully handing cash to a young black fellow, who of course is in on the ruse. This vision of a wealthy white liberal giving money to a black man as a kind of financial atonement for ‘white-supremacist systems’, as Walsh comically puts it. It’s a modern version of Indulgences, when the rich would give money to the Catholic Church in order to reduce the punishments they had to suffer for their sins. ‘Here’s 30 bucks, now forgive my whiteness’, DiAngelo is effectively saying.
    To be fair, she was somewhat pressured into giving Ben money. ‘I think reparations is like a systemic dynamic and approach’, she initially says when Walsh invites her to compensate Ben for the crimes of white supremacy. Yet all it takes for DiAngelo to go dollar-hunting is Walsh’s utterance of the delicious line that we must allow ‘ourselves to be uncomfortable’. Modern liberals love being uncomfortable. Thirty dollars for the thrill of feeling like shit for being white? Bargain! But here’s the thing: even before raiding her purse for Ben, DiAngelo happily issued him a grovelling apology from honkies everywhere. ‘On behalf of myself and my fellow white people, I apologise’, she said. ‘It is not you, it is us. As long as I’m standing, I will do my best to challenge [white supremacy].’
    Behind all the showy self-loathing lurks a self-regard that would make Narcissus blush. In denigrating her ‘race’ – ‘It is not you, it is us’ – DiAngelo is in fact honouring herself. She’s singling herself out as an enlightened white, a good white. ‘As long as I’m standing…’, she says, positioning herself as a borderline messianic figure who might hold back the tide of her own race’s bovine bigotries. This is the irony of the white shame that is so à la mode in cultural circles: it hides a new species of white pride, where educated whites fancy themselves as morally superior to both unlearned white people and pained black people. The former they must enlighten, the latter they must repair.

    • rhywun

      Modern liberals love being uncomfortable.

      I guess he means “progressives” but yeah, it is one of their defining characteristics. Even moreso when they make everyone else uncomfortable.

      • Pat

        I guess he means “progressives”

        Meh, that’s a cause lost. Like trying to take back ‘porch monkey’ at this point. ‘sides of which, I believe they have a legitimate claim to be the rightful heirs of the classical liberals.

  19. Drake

    Putin warned the Brits and us that he’d escalate if we (the Ukes can’t operate them) were to start shooting long range missiles into Russia.

    Here it is. The Houthis now have hypersonic missiles and the Iranians are getting S400 aa systems as well as who-knows-what else.

    • Don escaped Texas


      Ukraine shouldn’t be my problem, but


      we should declare “war” on anyone endangering our flagged ships (are there any of those any more?); raining death on those directly responsible seems reasonable and linear to me.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Why would we do that? We don’t even bother when our citizens who are raped and kidnapped, why should we get bothered with a few ships?

        PS, you going to be around Memphis early next month? I might be passing through.

      • Don escaped Texas


        invitation to you and all Glibs: come on by….meals, beer, touristy advice….whatever* you’re up to

        * the lovely and talented NewWife may or may not be available for “whatever”

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Ta. We shall see how this thing pans out.

        (my brother just moved to Knoxville, after 30+ years in Reno, so I am coming to meet up with him and our mom at the new pad.)

    • rhywun

      Obamabidenharris seem desperate to ramp up WWIII before the election.

      • R C Dean

        They may be thinking that Harris will get some help from the “Hurr durr you don’t change leadership in the middle of a war” effect.

      • Pine_Tree

        And/or if Trump tones it down after they heat it up, they’ll scream that he “surrendered” or something.

      • Chafed

        Are they? They appear incompetent in foreign affairs. They constantly signal weakness. I think that weakness is taken as an invitation to violence in that part of the world.

      • rhywun

        Are they?


        There is no other way to interpret it: Washington and its client NATO members are declaring war on Russia. That is the direct meaning of the forthcoming visit of Zelensky to Washington where the parties will agree on targets inside Russia.

  20. DrOtto

    Most unlikely would have been a “Free Palestine” sign. I call this the 2nd most unlikely protest sign you’d carry OMWC.

    • Pat

      And this, of course, would be the most likely.

    • Beau Knott

      Put a “Free Palestine — with every breakfast wrap”, and hand them a piece of rubble.
      /I know, I know, but the thought amuses me

  21. Pat

    The trans activist who destroyed a rape crisis centre

    As anyone who’s spent time working at a charity will tell you, good causes often attract utter bastards. The women’s sector would seem to be no exception, with dubious do-gooders using worthy organisations to polish their image and promote their pet causes. Nothing illustrates this more powerfully than the reputational destruction of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) by one man on a mission.
    This week, it was revealed that Mridul Wadhwa, the trans activist who was appointed as chief executive of ERCC in 2021, has quietly slithered on to pastures new. He has long enjoyed a successful career in the women’s sector, having worked at Shakti Women’s Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland and Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre. Wadhwa identifies as a woman, but he is male and has boasted that he doesn’t have a gender-recognition certificate. You might have expected his maleness to be a barrier to working in rape-crisis centres, but it seems many in the women’s sector were desperate to crown him as queen of the feminists. He has been feted by Scottish movers-and-shakers and even once stood for the SNP on an all-woman shortlist.
    News of his resignation follows a report by Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS), which found he had failed to understand the limits of his authority and that, under his tenure, ERCC did ‘not put survivors first’.
    Wadhwa had been on leave since June, just weeks after an employment tribunal named him as the ‘invisible hand’ behind a ‘heresy hunt’ against former ERCC employee Roz Adams. This began when Adams asked for clarification about the centre’s policy on gender self-identification after a rape survivor requested to be seen by a woman. For the crime of advocating for a service user, Adams was investigated, labelled a transphobe and effectively hounded out of her job. The tribunal found in her favour.

    It’s disheartening that the only surprising aspect of this story is that the tribunal found in favor of the woman who got publicly slimed.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Over at Quillette, there’s an article on Wadhwa that provides further information. He should never have been placed in a situation where he could have caused the harm he did.

    • The Last American Hero

      While I think what he did is outrageous, my take is similar to women’s sports. The virus had progressed too far at this point, so the only way to defeat it is to accelerate it to it’s logical, destructive end to wake people the fuck up and make sure it doesn’t happen again for another 50 years or so. So let them in the bathrooms, let them on the sports teams, let them in the women’s centers and make sure they shower in the gyms.

      Yes it will result in great harm to individuals and society, but the drip drip drip will only make it last longer and do more damage.

  22. Timeloose

    Looks like UGA will get their teeth kicked in by Alabama next week

    • Don escaped Texas
      This guy has some funny notes on SEC football every week.

      College football is another thing I love (have loved) and have sworn off*. I sat on the couch with NewWife while she squirmed through the UGA debacle; I didn’t take notes. I think she’s going to a game at Athens this year with the girls so I don’t hafta.

      *good thang: my perennial snotty comments about SEC thugs being better than all the other thugs doesn’t seem to be panning out this time

      • The Last American Hero

        Say what you will about the B1G, but at least you don’t have Purdue or Indiana chanting “B1G, B1G” when Ohio State wins a game.

      • trshmnstr


        *sigh* is it basketball season yet?

    • creech

      That area is pretty purple.

  23. Suthenboy

    I have been to a number of 3rd world countries where you see no animals because they ate them all. Haitians are worse…they have essentially denuded their entire country to make and sell charcoal…the equivalent of a culture of copper wire thieves. If I remember correctly we were recently treated to video of them killing, roasting and eating their political enemies openly in the streets.
    The Haitians never had a chance. The black African slavers hunt human prey…the most backward, ignorant people on earth..then sell sell them on open-air slave auctions in North Africa. The French bought a bunch of them and put them in Haiti to work the plantations. They were not allowed to read, did not all come from the same tribes, were treated horribly even on the spectrum of slavery. As soon as Napoleon needed to pull his troops out of Haiti the slaves mounted a successful revolt. They were essentially abandoned by the rest of the world. They had no knowledge of how to do anything and nothing resembling a civilized, cohesive culture. It is easy to hold your nose when just thinking about them but remember how they got where they are. No, I am not a anti-colonialist, I’m just sayin’.
    That they would come here and start eating the neighborhood pets is the least surprising, least terrible thing about them being dumped into a culture that is as alien to them as their culture is to ours. We might as well be two beings from different planets.
    I dont hear anyone bringing up ‘ol Hillary’s blatant, evil exploitation of the Haitians. Whatever happened to the ocean of money she raised on their behalf?

    Does the UN have operatives helping Hezbollah or is that just Hamas?

    Bagdad Bob, is that. you?

    At the risk of being labelled a backward hick I will say our playgrounds were pretty good. Lots of grass, sand lots, equipment etc.

    Again, at the risk of sounding like a hick…I am with Carlson on this. Yeah, I know, Media Matters. Wow, that headline is mendacious as hell.
    Also note my previously stated stance on our overseas adventures.

    • R C Dean

      The Haitian slave revolt was a drawn out affair featuring meddling by foreign powers, constantly shifting internal alliances and strife, and the most unthinkable barbarity on all sides. Little wonder that it produced a parade of brutal leaders that laid the foundation for a perpetually failed society and state.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        You forgot the Clinton involvement, further laying waste to that society.

      • The Last American Hero

        Oddly enough, on the other half of the island, people fared much better.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Yes, the DR is better than Haiti. But it’s still the 3rd world. It’s definitely got problems of its own.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    “Schools are basically shade deserts,”

    Aaaaand done.

  25. creech

    In my town, all these firings and discipline matters are hidden behind a screen of “we can’t discuss personnel matters because of legal concerns, privacy, and fytw.”

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Aww, shucks

    “Listen, I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment for all Americans, regardless of race and gender,” Harris said.

    You’re running because President Jungle Fever vowed to pick a black woman as his running mate, and plucked you out of the smoldering wreckage of your utterly failed campaign to be it. Now, the Machine is stuck with you.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      As long as you’re pro gun control, DEI, and unfettered immigration you’re golden, you can’t help it that God didn’t leave you in the oven long enough.

    • rhywun

      Harris herself studiously avoids getting dragged into conversations about her identity.

      To the great consternation of us guilty white liberals!

      Never change, NPR.

  27. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I love that the Chief is using the racial angle against the Board LOL

  28. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I love it when my coffee comes out perfectly. The Moka Pot is a fussy bitch.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I like a pour-over. Or just buying iced coffee.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    High drama

    Grace Fischer survived the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School by staying quiet and huddled, as her first grade teacher softly read “The Nutcracker.”

    Then she spent the rest of her childhood watching mostly from the sidelines as dozens of similar shootings shattered other schools across the country.

    Now 18, Fischer will vote in her first presidential election in November. It’s a monumental moment, nearly 12 years after she endured one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, and it has given her and her peers hope that they can effect change.

    “It’s a huge turning point in our lives,” said Fischer, who was 6 when a gunman killed 20 first graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012.

    Professional victimhood seems to be a popular career choice. I’m sure you’ll go far.

    • Don escaped Texas

      too far, man

      she can feel and vote any way she wants

      I don’t agree with her politics, but I don’t need to tear her down and speculate about any cynical motives on her part; she gets to have an honest disagreement with us, and it doesn’t persuade anyone to our view on guns to be sanctimonious pricks about it

      it is entirely fair and reasonable for her to have the opinions she has

      what libertarianism needs is to step away from the heated and unhelpful shitposting
      and get back to thoughtful and persuasive characterizations of bad economic and political policy

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        This. And along with the last sentence is doing everything to push for greater freedom.

      • Tundra

        Mencken was correct:

        “The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.”

        I think it’s actually gotten much worse. No matter how elegantly we present our case, only a vanishingly tiny percentage of the population will ever care. Better to create small communities like this one and try to avoid the blob.

      • Pat

        what libertarianism needs is to step away from the heated and unhelpful shitposting
        and get back to thoughtful and persuasive characterizations of bad economic and political policy

        Either way you end up the same place, and there’s no shortage of sanctimony in constantly playing the disinterested observer too above the fray to take even your side in a fight.

        As far as the kid, sure, she’s entitled to go crying to NBC News on her 18th birthday and mount the bodies of her dead classmates from 1st fucking grade to preach for violating others’ rights because she experienced something frightening when she was 6 years old, and anybody who feels moved to do is free to call it for what it is.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        There is no end to this, no final state. There will be no crushing, angels come from heaven, knockdown victory. There is only human nature, which will always need to be fought against.

    • R C Dean

      “dozens of similar shootings shattered other schools across the country”

      Pretty sure there haven’t been “dozens” of “similar” school shootings. 26 were killed at Sandy Hook, after all. How many school shootings have we had since then with even half that many dead? The Nashville tranny school shooting had 6 dead, after all.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    hrens, Fischer and two other first grade Sandy Hook survivors who spoke to NBC News said they are hoping to turn the tide by electing Vice President Kamala Harris as president.

    “It’s a no-brainer for me,” said survivor Lilly Wasilnak, 18.

    But she doesn’t want to take anybody’s guns away. She said so.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      She doesn’t want to “take” firearms, she wants to forcibly buy back certain models so she’s telling the truth if you’re a retard. It’s sleazy semantics all the way down.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And can’t buy back what the government never owned. This is seizure of private property.

    • The Last American Hero

      They are aware of who the President currently is, who the VP is, and that they have been in office for almost 4 years, right?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        You expect her to grasp that when voters twice, thrice, or four times her age don’t?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I know they are guilty of using the passed away to vote, but I don’t think they are reaching a couple century’s back in the rolls yet.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Harris has said keeping students safe from gun violence at schools is a top priority. Her plan, which the survivors support, includes banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and requiring universal background checks.

    Harris also champions so-called red flag laws that allow a family member or law enforcement to seek a court order to temporarily confiscate guns if they feel a gun owner may cause harm.

    Now I’m confused.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    she can feel and vote any way she wants

    She can, and will. But she and the rest of the cult of victimhood can go fuck themselves. Stop trying you use your personal tragedies as a bludgeon to control me.

    Men and women who survived the Bataan Fucking Death March came home and picked up the pieces of their lives and built something new for themselves in the here and now. She and her classmates should take a stab at it.

    ps- fuck the media and political vultures who manipulate these people to push their own agendas.

    • Pat

      Shoulda continued scrolling. I’m with Brooks on this one 200%.

      • Ted S.

        No; Brooks should learn to thread properly.

      • dbleagle

        Preach on Brooks! Something bad happened around you young lady. Just remember “society” doesn’t owe you shit and attempts to suppress the rights of others should always be opposed. Your feelz are meaningless to almost everybody else. You want a successful and happy life? Accomplish something.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        The inherent problem with “accomplish something”, is that their view of accomplishment very different than ours.

        In their view, to take away our rights is their ultimate goal to accomplish.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Boldly going

    USS New Jersey is the “first fully integrated submarine built for both male and female sailors” in the 100-year history of submarines, according to the video posted by the Navy.

    “It is an honor that we are the first to have this slice of that particular narrative,” one woman who appears to be a member of the Navy said in the video.

    It’s “a testament to the strength that diversity brings to our Navy,” the voiceover in the video said.

    Men and women will operate the sub “side by side” for the first time, “united in purpose, skill and determination,” the voiceover proclaimed.

    The video noted that the addition of the USS New Jersey to the Navy fleet is “a symbol of progress” that is “breaking barriers as it protects our shores.”

    Another victory for diversity and inclusion.

  34. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    So Hulu is pretty much doubling its rates for live broadcast TV streaming. Fubo is a similar price (about $3 less than Hulu).

    Any recommendations for streaming with local broadcast TV stations that is less than, say, $70?

    • Translucent Chum

      I think we pay $70 for YouTube TV.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    “The future of Naval warfare starts here, and it’s more inclusive, stronger and more capable than ever,” the Navy video said.

    If the best man for the job is a woman, by all means send her down there. This just seems a little too performative.

  36. Gustave Lytton

    Reading Reddit for the higher cost fast food chains. Steady trickle of people shocked by how expensivere non-app prices are. Commonality between many? In CA with the new $20/hr minimum wage. No shit. Also kiosk ordering.

    • Chafed

      The cost of fast food in CA has dramatically risen the last 4 years.

    • rhywun

      Ask the same people their opinion on the “living wage”.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Steady trickle of people shocked by how expensivere non-app prices are.


    I have noticed that. All the ads on teevee seem to say, get this screaming deal, available only on the app. Nope. I'll subsist on sardines and peanut butter sandwiches before I sign up for your app.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Lock-in/data mining/spyware. Take your pick for trying to get people on the app.

  38. Chipping Pioneer

    What are people’s thoughts on Darryl Cooper? I’ve heard opinions on both sides in the podcast world since his appearance on Tucker. FWIW, the strongest opinions seem to be against.

    • The Other Kevin

      He has had some really good insights into current wars especially. I’ve followed him on Twitter for a while. I didn’t see that Tucker interview so I have no opinion on what he might have said. However, people are discussing it openly and are both for and against him which is exactly how free speech is supposed to work.

    • PieInTheSky

      he seems full of shit based on what I can tell.

    • Chafed

      I’m not familiar with all of his work. I have heard praise for some of it. He is rightly getting destroyed for his Tucker Carlson interview. He revealed his own ignorance.

    • PieInTheSky

      a fun question is what isthe deep meaning of this tweet?4

      Martyr Made
      If you’re having a bad day, just remember that the Trump shooter is currently wandering around Hell looking for Hitler while the two guys Kyle Rittenhouse dropped figure out how to break the news to him.

    • Suthenboy

      Looking around to see what this is. I notice that Carlson is being attacked for airing the guy.
      Hint: Carlson interviews people, people he refers to as ‘interesting’. This is chapter 8,503,160,027 of ‘Gibbering idiot left thinks that means ‘only people I agree with so I am just like them’.

      • PieInTheSky

        not only the left. hell most of the debunking came from the right, the left ignored it. the guy is full of shit. just because something is controversial don’t make it right

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This is their entire political identity. If they don’t agree, they shut you down by any means they can find. They can’t fathom having a discussion with someone you might disagree with. Discussions are left for the echo chamber. They have no tolerance for disagreement.

  39. Toxteth O'Grady

    Ugh, as IF!


    *no such thing as a female libertarian

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Meant as reply to Gustave.

    • DrOtto

      Glad I opened it, I was trying to figure out what IF was an acronym for.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Is this the all day post?

    A living Hell

    “In a small town, it’s not just that you’ll know that person. Your family will know them. You will have known them for 40 years,” said Dr. Emily Walters, a supporter of the Pittsburg clinic who works as an anesthesiologist at a hospital in neighboring Missouri. “Your stories will be intertwined.”

    She wondered aloud, “How do I see you at a protest and then see you the next day at the grocery store and still be able to be polite and civil with each other?”

    Walters also chairs the Crawford County Democratic Party in an area that is increasingly Republican and has no Democratic state legislators — a change from 20 years ago when there were six. The county also has become increasingly religious in the same span; it now has twice as many white evangelical Protestants as the national average, and slightly more Catholics, according to the Public Religion Research Institute.

    Politicizing every goddam thing under the sun isn’t nearly as enjoyable when you’re in the minority.

    • R C Dean

      “How do I see you at a protest and then see you the next day at the grocery store and still be able to be polite and civil with each other?”

      It’s not hard. I worked every day with people who were active in squishy left politics. We each knew the other was deeply misguided about politics, and just, I dunno, compartmentalized it. This whole “the personal is political” (which means the political is personal) mantra is incredibly damaging.

      • Sensei

        Same. And trust me in NYC lumping Team Red and libertarians together gets you maybe 3 out of 10 people.

      • Ted S.

        The non-left is just supposed to take it, but the left gets to complain constantly.

        As an example, on the classic movie board I frequent since the demise of the old TCM boards, commenting on, say, Jane Fonda or child rapist Roman Polanski will get you a “that was so long ago” or “can’t you let it rest” type comment, but there was recently a thread of a bunch of people virtue signalling how much difficulty they had watching Jon Voight’s films because of his wrongthink.

      • DrOtto

        The number of Polanski apologists is disturbing.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The answer is to realize that you don’t have a monopoly on morals.

        And that they are going to have the exact. same. opinion. of. you.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        JV was just on Carolla’s podcast.

        Ted, where be this board? I won’t say owt about Turks, young or old.

      • Mojeaux


      • Suthenboy

        So……Kansas will flip and greatly restrict abortions. Got it.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    It’s in line with an Associated Press-NORC poll from 2024 that showed 6 in 10 Americans think their state should generally allow a person to obtain a legal abortion if they don’t want to be pregnant for any reason.

    At any time? You left off an important tidbit of info, apnews. That makes it sound as if a strong majority favor unrestricted abortion on demand.

    Children are expensive and hard to deal with. What mother hasn’t wanted to strangle her two year old? We should make that legal, while we’re at it.

    • DrOtto

      I think Chris Rock said that last part in one of his last shows.

      • Suthenboy

        Well then, good luck to him.
        I forget the details…why is she breathing free air?

      • Suthenboy

        Never mind. looked it up. That girl is one stone cold sociopath. Looking at her new paramour I would say…birds of a feather?

    • Suthenboy

      “We should make that legal, while we’re at it.”

      That has been seriously proposed by a number of people. Margaret Sanger cast a long shadow.

      • Suthenboy

        Oh, and that poll is bullshit.

  42. DrOtto

    Lol – someone is about to learn a hard lesson about sticking it in crazy.

  43. PieInTheSky

    using that james oliver rye I have invented a new cocktail. not bad.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of Jane Fonda, I recently watched Walk on the Wild Side, which features a very young and lovely version of her. That might have been her first film. Good movie, too. One of those “made for grownups by grownups” movies you don’t seem to find nowadays.

    • Ted S.

      Tall Story was her first movie.

      (I’ve seen it, but I had to look it up to see what her first film was.)

      • Ted S.

        For some “made for grownups by grownups” movies, later today on TCM are A Patch of Blue and Boys Night Out.

    • Suthenboy

      Hollywood is full of those – talented knockouts that have the personality of a schizophrenic pit viper – so repulsive that no amount of good looks in the world would make them not make your skin crawl. That’s always been a thing, hasn’t it? See every one ever with fantasies about the ‘sexy nazi fraulein’.
      No thanks.

  45. R C Dean

    Well, the NFL just really pissed me off. I subscribed to NFL+ so we could watch games not being broadcast in our market. Even last year, the were blacking out games that our local network affiliate could have broadcast, but actually wasn’t, which was bad enough. This year, the only games you can watch live on NFL+ are the ones that your local network affiliate is actually broadcasting – that’s it. Every other game, you have to subscribe to Google (spit) YouTube (spit) Sunday Ticket.

    So they have stripped most of the value from their own paid subscription. All it’s good for now is watching games that are over. Which, to be fair, we do from time to time. But they are really determined to piss on their fan base.

    • Sensei

      I’ve long stopped watching or caring, but does that include the games on Amazon or are they exclusive?

    • Suthenboy

      Wait…they are only letting you see games, for a fee, that you can watch already for free? Do I have that right?

    • Spudalicious

      I switched to Game Pass. There was a $50 preseason sale. I get all of them.

      • Ted S.

        That’s only the radio broadcasts, though, right?

        Granted, I’m listening to Wayne and Larry do the Packer game.


      If you are set up for streaming (I have used my computer to connect to my Firestick as an additional screen, but currently I use the (Silk) native browser on the Firestick to go to the website directly). The quality of streams varies and there are often pop-up ads and various other flavors of internet sketchiness. However, I have used it to watch PPV fights and NFL games with the occasional need to switch to a more reliable stream, you get what you pay for, after all.

  46. Evan from Evansville

    Indiana is not having a good time.

    I’ve known for a while, but the Cubs season ‘officially’ ended two nights ago. Last night was the slam dunk that shattered the glass. We have young talent. Great pitching. Need a bigger bat. PCA’s growth is worth watching. Him and De La Cruz are the most exciting players in MLB.

    Positive Distraction Dust. Me likey. Fuck. Just looked at the standings and there’s no underdog to root for. However! I do like the Phillies. Schwarber is still good despite his.. small skill set. He went to IU. (I never went to any game when I was there. I did see Bob Dylan there, with Elvis Costello opening. The latter, just him and a guitar. I really liked him, just wish I knew more Costello songs. Dylan opened with Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat.

    Snuck up to the top to smoke a joint, wouldn’t let people outside. Found the highest place up-upstairs. Later, strangers eventually found the spot, too. Maybe five of us or so, kinda coming in and out eventually.

    Hrm. Evan, stop typing.

    • Sean

      Is anyone even a little surprised?


      • rhywun

        Not in the least.

    • Ted S.

      The document refers to no questions about her tenure as “Attorney General in San Francisco”. That’s a big red flag to me, since it’s local DA, state AG.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Uh, name, please? WHO is the ABC whistle-blower? That SHOULD be huge. I’m not surprised. (‘We’ aren’t.) In my cursory look, I’m not seeing much to confirm it.


    • Suthenboy

      This is another one of those massive scandals that, when going from conspiracy theory to true, everyone shrugs and says “Yeah? And the sky is blue. Who didnt know that already?”
      I thought it was clear before the debate. What I would find hard to believe is that they did not rig it.

  47. Mojeaux

    So speaking of grownup movies (or lack thereof), my husband and I went to see Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice last night.

    I have never seen such an unintentionally disjointed movie in my life. It was fine for nostalgia’s sake, which is what it was trading on. Monica Bellucci’s part/subplot wasn’t needed at all. Front-loaded all the fan service nostalgia at the front end while mixing it with exposition. They could have done the whole movie on the daughter’s involvement with the boy and explored the mother-daughter angle better with Beetlejuice as he was (without Monica Bellucci), but there was just way too much going on. So scattershot. It seems like everybody but Jenna Ortega just showed up for the paycheck, including Tim Burton. Am disappoint.

    The trailers, all 45 minutes of them, were mostly Transformers, Marvel, or other action sequels. Will someone rid me of these turbulent moviemakers?!

    Lastly, somebody stole my “Santa is kidnapped and needs to be rescued” idea, which they included Krampus, which fuck them.

    • Ted S.

      Lastly, somebody stole my “Santa is kidnapped and needs to be rescued” idea, which they included Krampus, which fuck them.

      Ernest Saves Christmas stole your “Santa needs to be rescued” idea back in the 80s, although in that one Santa was in jail.

      • Mojeaux

        It’s the Krampus part that irks me. Albeit, my idea is Krampus is the one who rescues Santa. Also, Krampus is a woman. (Fun Daddy/Mean Mommy dynamic)

      • Suthenboy

        “…Krampus is the one who rescues Santa…”
        Of course he is. Yin and Yang and all that. Cant have evil without good and vice versa.
        What would happen if I discovered a cure for breast cancer? The Susan J Komen foundation would put out a hit on me.
        Solve the famine in ‘take your pick’? Save the Children and all of their ilk would have the rivers there poisoned.

      • Mojeaux

        In the legends, Krampus has always been Santa’s NECESSARY counterpart. He’s not precisely evil. He’s just the disciplinarian. Again, fun parent/mean parent dynamic.

    • rhywun

      fan service nostalgia

      All the commercials I saw could have been for the original – it was literally the same jokes as last time. Pass.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Yuck. The first two (and several others, to be true) put Tim Burton in the (once) Majestic category. Just.. stop fucking with the originals. I’m so glad no one has touched Back to the Future. Jesus. Please…let that remain. It kinda has to, with age and Parkinsons. Sigh. That’s also yuck. Life’s sad.

      Monica Bellucci’s a dream of mine. Brotherhood of the Wolf. Don’t remember if it’s actually *good*, but whoo. Young me was into that genre hard.

      • Suthenboy

        “Stop fucking with the originals..”
        They cant. They are commie ghouls feeding on the corpses of their betters of old. They have no original ideas. I have noticed that when they do remakes/sequels/prequels/spinoffs of the really greats they completely miss the meaning of the originals. The concepts are sophisticated and deep beyond today’s useful idiot’s grasp.
        The art of story telling is in a dark place right now.

      • Ted S.

        Ricardo Cortez was the ultimate Sam Spade.

        And Tubi has the only version of Chicago worth mentioning. Not even Ginger Rogers in Roxie Hart.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Sequels/prequels/blahblawels will continue, natch, until they stop making money off ’em. Explosions sell. We’ll see.

        A friend boiled it down. He thinks there are only two stories possible, and those are two sides of the same coin: ‘Stranger comes to town’ or ‘Obtain something prized.’ Humans are clever and interesting things happen to ’em. Folk still like stories. Always will. As always, Money is King.

        I admit my ignorance. I haven’t ‘sought out’ new media in any real way for a long time. I know Good Shit is out there somewhere. I have found some on Youtube, now I think about it. Casual Criminalist. Just a podcasty thing about true crime. I enjoy his style for an odd reason.

        Dammit. It’s fantastic we live in an age where the Library of Creation is (mostly) accessible to everyone. It’s ME that isn’t going out and exploring the multiple libraries available to me. For shame! Especially when *I* have a bit of an idea to create my own channel. I’m a long way from ever doing it. Pretty much short stand-up bits to start. I enjoy writing comedy. It’s pretty much practice for when something comes up in real life. Ya have the perfect line already prepared! It’s fantastic when those moments arise.

        BAH! I love talkin’ to folk. Stop typing, Evan.

    • Suthenboy

      They made a Beetlejuice II?
      Of course they did.

    • PieInTheSky

      linking your own tweet is in poor taste none of the fancy people do that.

      • Mojeaux


      • Suthenboy

        Wait…you are scolding someone here for poor taste. *stifles laughter*

      • Ted S.

        Meh, I link to my tweets, but only when I use Twitter to post photos.

    • Suthenboy

      He seems nice.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    The trailers, all 45 minutes of them, were mostly Transformers, Marvel, or other action sequels. Will someone rid me of these turbulent moviemakers?!

    And that’s why I watched a 1940s cowboy movie called Panhandle last night.

    *I believe Audie Murphy’s The Texican was a re-make.

    • Mojeaux

      On the Zooms last night, I was commenting about the rise of the Falling Down memes. Like, 1993. Twitter is the only place GenX has a voice.

    • Evan from Evansville

      How long did the Cowboy fad last? I hope were at the end of the Comic Book one, but dammit. There are good ones out there. Nightcrawler and Gambit are two favorites. I was reminded of Deadpool and how I do need to watch it. Hrm. Cubs broken season up next.

      Audie Murphy. Uh. *Raises to loudly applaud* Just an American Boss on so many levels. ++ for Shortness. We stand tall. (I’m slightly taller.)

  49. Old Man With Candy

    I’m watching the Ravens demonstrate the importance of a good offensive line by not having one.

    • Ted S.

      I hope they’re not committing penalties like there’s no tomorrow the way the Packers are.

    • PieInTheSky

      Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

  50. Q Continuum

    “First coed submarine joins Navy fleet”

    It’s gonna smell like the Orgy Tent at Burning Man.

    Hopefully they upgraded the bilge pump to expel the enormous volume of semen and vaginal fluid.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    Last race (IndyCar). I must go root for somebody to put Will Power in the fence.

  52. Spudalicious

    Another hint on the Police Chief saga. The village put in a stupid, expensive, you have to download the app parking fee system. He’s refused to enforce it.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, that seems pretty definitive.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I detest that smartphones are close to a necessity in modern life. It’s a reflection of how far hubris propels ‘us’ up our own ass.

      Refusing to enforce it? Without knowing more, I strongly approve.

  53. The Late P Brooks

    Another hint on the Police Chief saga.

    Is this deputy mayor elected or hired?

  54. Raven Nation

    Reports of shots being fired in Trump’s “vicinity.”

  55. The Late P Brooks

    Papist theocracy

    Sofia Nelson, a lawyer and former Yale Law School classmate of Republican vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, warned on Saturday that the Ohio senator is working to “hijack” former President Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement in favor of a far more rigid and orthodox theocracy called post-liberalism.

    In an op-ed for MSNBC published Saturday morning, Nelson said that the post-liberal movement, unlike MAGA, seeks to replace existing social and political power structures with orders rooted in conservative Catholic social teachings.

    Nelson contends that post-liberalists, like Vance, seek to position themselves within the MAGA movement with the aim of inheriting Trump’s political base once he leaves politics. Their goal is to turn the GOP into a pro-theocracy party, Nelson said. The op-ed warns about the danger of a post-liberal rise and the need to counteract it, not just for the sake of defeating Trump, but to maintain the democratic values underpinning U.S. society.

    How did Vance get to be the Anti-Christ?

    • Ted S.

      By not being a picturesque victim for the left.

    • Gustave Lytton

      There’s one side that believes in politics as religion. And it’s not JD Vance.

    • Raven Nation

      And, I was always like these statements: “former Yale Law School classmate.”

      200 people per year/class. So, unless you were in some kind of small tutorial group, you probably never even talked to him.

  56. Sensei

    For Mr Brooks

    Continental traced the defect back to a plant in Hungary. Workers producing the brakes’ circuit boards there failed to maintain a sufficiently clean environment, leaving smudges or dust on the components that hampered the system’s performance, according to people familiar with the matter.

    I have no fucking idea why BMW is paying a large portion of this and not Continental. If I were BMW I’d be raising hell with my procurement department.

  57. Sensei

    Better for people to extract that money under threat of imprisonment from the under 50% of the U.S. that works and give it to the Ukraine.

    Spacewalk spectacle is a disquieting sight

    I don’t understand Newsday’s demographics anymore. Who reads this now that Team Blue is openly hostile to working class white people? I’m assuming most have moved to the NY Post.

  58. Evan from Evansville

    CNN also has the ‘shots near Trump’ story on the top:

    “The President and Vice President have been briefed about the security incident at the Trump International Golf Course, where former President Trump was golfing. They are relieved to know that he is safe. They will be kept regularly updated by their team,” according to a statement from the White House.”

    Someone’s detained! I haven’t seen enough to see if it was much of an ‘Incident.’ I still think flags of him, bloody and fist raised high, “Fight!” should be more symbolic in his campaign and in pop culture. Emblematic, to say the least. I’m shocked it hasn’t swayed Dad. Damn. That was a helluva Presidential reaction, literally only comparable to Teddy Roosevelt. (Fuck most of his politics, but damn. Tough dude.) This is easy to see and AP-level shit to express. Should be much bigger. I suppose I am not ‘surprised.’ Shit is so in-and-out now, but makes me wonder.

    • R C Dean

      I don’t know why his campaign isn’t wearing that picture out.

      • creech

        And when is someone going to flatout ask Harris if she believes biological men should play on women’s teams and share their locker room?

      • rhywun

        when is someone going to flatout ask Harris if she blah blah blah

        It’s almost like she’s controlling the narrative.

    • creech

      Probably a Haitian hunting geese in the Meadowland marshes.

    • Evan from Evansville

      If it happened to me, I’d have it on a T-shirt to wear when it suits the situation. Were I running for Prez, I’d be wearing it every day. It suits the situation every moment you’re still alive. No bad publicity. To display my badassitude? Publish all of me!

      I’d like to hear/read more about Facebook’s banning/censoring of the pic. Shows up lots in the AP, sans slogan. Hrm. Me thinkey something is amiss with the manner information is spread. Uh. Huh. Shocker.

  59. The Late P Brooks

    For Mr Brooks

    Interesting. Seems like Continental should be holding the bg.

    Driving for Answers has a thing about wet belts up, if you haven’t seen it. Spoiler alert: they’re a stupid idea.

    • rhywun

      “gunman is in custody”

      …never to be heard from again?

    • Evan from Evansville

      The FBI is investigating a second assassination attempt against Donald Trump in just two months.

      The former president was rushed to safety on Sunday after multiple shots were fired in his vicinity while he was playing golf at his club in West Palm Beach.

      “In his vicinity” is still murky but an official second assassination attempt. Legit: What do we think the actual chances are of Trump being alive FOR Nov? Wounded? I think a successful hit could spark something. I’ve said that before, but it all does seem strange. Unlike other elections in my life, for sure. Ooh. Two official assassination attempts six months prior to Election Day? We’re all in uncharted waters, unless I’m quite mistaken. All the anger towards Trump is mighty revealing, I fear.

    • Sean

      An AK47? It’s the commies!!!!

    • hayeksplosives

      Sounds like the would-be shooter didn’t fire any shots. He was 2 holes ahead of Trump and biding his time.

      The USS or the FBI saw the barrel of his rifle sticking out of the bushes. The only shots fired were by the feds. But they didn’t hesitate to call it an assassination attempt.

      Weirdest part is that the guy had a GoPro stuck on the fence. Why? Bragging rights? Immortalizing his potential death by cop? Or to collect his pay?

  60. The Late P Brooks

    It was later discovered the alleged assassin had no idea Trump was on the grounds. He suspected his wife was playing golf with her lover and had come to confront them.

  61. The Late P Brooks

    Herta wins the race, Palou wins the championship.

  62. juris imprudent

    Honey Harvest involved a small amount of work, a significant amount of socializing (with proper booze lubrication),and a ridiculous amount of food.

    The Missuss and I have had a grand time. Big thanks to Fourscore and an appreciative nod to Tundra. Also thanks go out to MikeS, CPRM and Richard for their event schwag.

    Now to get our asses home.

    • hayeksplosives

      Glad it was fun! Good weather too, I hope.

      Happy travels.

  63. The Late P Brooks

    Can we afford to protect a President Trump for the next four years? Vote kamala. Nobody cares enough to take a shot at her.

    • hayeksplosives

      Tim Walz and his horrific harpy of a wife are Kamala’s life insurance.

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