Shaolin Soccer

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 143 comments

Shaolin Soccer

One of my favorite movies is Kung Fu Hustle. I think a great many of you love it too. If you have never seen it, tell me on the comments and I will do a proper post.

So where did Kung Fu Hustle come from? It was definitely not hatched from an egg in a creative vacuum. No, it was the 7th movie by the talented Stephen Chow. Shaolin Soccer, which came right before Kung Fu Hustle, has the same cartoon comedy, absurdist situations and clearly showed that Stephen Chow had found the magic formula for global comedy.

I got to see Shaolin Soccer when it came out in the states in a proper theater. It was fantastic then, and fantastic now. Here’s a plot summary for you:

A Shaolin student and an ex-soccer player join together to form a soccer team and promote Shaolin Kung Fu.


This is it. Short post today. I am getting back to prepping my house for sale, my knees are done for, and I am out of cheap whiskey. Sad!

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until some asshat accosts you about your voting record in a Supermarket! Seriously, I am sure that will end well! Next week will be… Another film.

Help! My Knees Stopped Working!

You must be at my house, moving 50 to 100 pounds of junk up and down stairs, climbing ladders and fixing plumbing/electrical issues. I feel for you. You are too old for this. Cheap drink specials make arthritis worse, too. Try some ibuprofen instead. Maybe you can call STEVE SMITH over for a massage. BY MASSAGE MEAN…

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Nephilium

    This is a great one. I too got to see it in the theater, and have it on DVD. The subtitled version is nearly half an hour longer

    • R.J.

      Miramax did completely screw the pooch on marketing and it barely appeared in the states. Glad you got to see it in the theater too!

  2. Common Tater

    “One of my favorite movies is Kung Fu Hustle. I think a great many of you love it too. If you have never seen it, tell me on the comments and I will do a proper post. ”

    I think I downloaded it and never watched it.

    • R.J.

      That’s enough for me to show it.

    • Common Tater

      I just checked. On one of my hard drives, but not watched.

    • rhywun

      Kung Fu Hustle is OK – saw it in the theater – but this one is on a whole ‘nother level for me. Probably my favorite movie of that decade. I was unaware of it until my roomie got it on DVD and then I did too. And then I got the soundtrack. 😆

  3. Tundra

    Go get some tart cherry concentrate and mix it with your booze.

    • R.J.

      As I cleaned out the bedroom closet, I found a bottle of premix Old Fashioned in a backpack from the last trip. This is a good sign. I am enjoying it now.

  4. Common Tater

    “You must be at my house, moving 50 to 100 pounds of junk up and down stairs”

    Organize the kids as pack animals.

    • R.J.

      This weekend all the boys from other families are coming over to help. Very glad.

  5. Common Tater

    Fuck. This Pluto, so it won’t work.

    • R.J.

      Can you find it elsewhere?

      • Common Tater

        Probably can find it for download somewhere. It’s no biggy though.

    • R.J.

      Should I just tell you jokes then?

      • Common Tater


      • R.J.

        A man walks into a bar and sees a guy with a really big lighter. He asks the man, “Where did you get such a big lighter?”

        The man replies,”See that man playing piano over there? He’s a genie and he’ll grant you one wish.”

        So the guy walks over to the genie and says, “I wish for a million bucks.” All of a sudden the room fills up with a million ducks.

        The man walks over to the guy with the lighter and says, “That genie is a little hard of hearing isn’t he.”

        The guy replies, “No kidding! You think I asked for a 14 inch Bic!”

      • R.J.

        …And I killed the room. Good night everybody! Drive safe!

      • UnCivilServant

        You know how much there is to do to make ahouse livable after laving it buttoned up for four weeks?

      • Sean


      • Fourscore

        No squatters, UCS? You’re living the Hi-Life.

      • slumbrew

        I know that as “do you really think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?”

  6. R.J.

    Many of the actors in Shaolin Soccer came back for Kung Fu Hustle. If you have seen both, pay attention in this film.

  7. rhywun

    No, it was the 7th movie by the talented Stephen Chow.

    My S.O. at the time gifted me some of his earlier movies… they are kind of impenetrable to a round-eyes like me.

    His later movie CJ7 is weird fun. Sadly he stopped acting after that and I dunno what he’s been up to.

    • R.J.

      He became just an actor. I think it is a big loss. I hope he goes back to directing and writing someday. I can see how Kung Fu Hustle was a blessing and a curse to him; it was awesome, but studio bigwigs expected him to pull that off every single time.

      • R.J.

        Also a few of his films in the last millennium were a hard sell here. He did at least one of the “Journey to the West” series about the Monkey King, and if you are not real clued in to Chinese culture that might not resonate.

      • LCDR_Fish

        I like the Mermaid flick he did about 10 years ago – some beautiful effects – don’t think I’ve watched any since then…maybe a Monkey King remake on netflix (I have an older one with him in it from the 90s too).

      • LCDR_Fish

        I think a lot of the big HK guys have had to make tough decisions about buckling under the CCP or giving up. There are far fewer flicks coming out of that area that I’m interested – compared to 10-15 years ago when SPL came out and there was a brief resurgence of excellent martial arts/cop flicks. There are some good period/fantasy ones (ie. Legend of the Demon Cat, Shadow, etc) that avoid the curse of CCP overt imagery…but there’s hints hanging around everything else.

      • rhywun

        ? I thought he stopped acting and just directed. Oh well, shows what I know.

        I liked his acting because he bore a very strong resemblance to S.O.

        But yeah, even Shaolin Soccer is packed with references I just can’t get but I enjoy it on the slapstick and sports cliche movie level.

      • R.J.

        He has over 70 acting credits up to present day, and only 13 directing/writing credits. Most of them are older, with some sporadic new ones. This millennium, post Kung Fu Hustle it’s been “Journey to the West” movies, “The Mermaid” and “CJ7.” I see he remade “King of Comedy,” I have not seen that one yet.

      • Common Tater

        “I see he remade “King of Comedy”

        Do they kidnap Jackie Chan?

      • R.J.

        LCDR_Fish is correct, sadly. You can see the shift in modern Chinese films. And I would imagine Stephen Chow would have preferred to continue to make global films with wider audiences than what he does now.

  8. LCDR_Fish

    This was one of the many import flicks totally screwed over by Miramax/Weinstein – it sat on a shelf for years before it got a half-assed theatrical release in the US. I had the HK DVD as soon as it came out – upgraded to the 3 disc version with the HK and International cuts.

    • R.J.

      Chow was very diplomatic on the interview I linked (see the link on his name):

      How has your experience been with Sony Pictures Classics as opposed to Miramax on Shaolin Soccer?
      CHOW: I think I have a very good relationship with Sony Pictures Classics at the moment, and I think that the way I work with Sony and Miramax is totally different because for Miramax, they just bought my movie and distributed it in the States. That’s all. But with Sony, we worked together since the beginning, with the idea until the completion of the movie. So it’s very different.

  9. Common Tater

    If C’s in Gaelic are pronounced like K’s (eg. Cillian Murphy is “killian”) then why is the basketball team pronounced “Boston Seltics”?

      • Common Tater

        Irish racism against the Irish?

      • The Hyperbole

        What, Only Jews cam be self-hating?

      • R.J.

        Totally. Didn’t you see “Gangs of New York?”

      • Common Tater

        “Didn’t you see “Gangs of New York?””

        I don’t think so. Isn’t it like 3 hours long?

      • R.J.

        I had to look, I could not remember. 2 hours and 47 minutes. I do recall it felt like 3 hours.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I’m apparently one of few here who really likes Gangs of New York. Yeah, too long. Kirsten Dunst’s character adds nothing. But it’s a solid film. Daniel Day Lewis is predictably fantastic. John C Reilly, and even DiCaprio, with the setting — solidify it. Plus+1 for including NYC revolts over Civil War inclusion.

        I also think The Aviator is serially underrated. I am not a noted Scorsese fan, though I’m sure I could find others I like/dislike.

    • rhywun

      Because it’s supposed to be “keltic”. Or what Hype said.

      • Common Tater

        Well, it’s supposed to be pronounced “keltic” but spelled “Celtic”. Just like it’s “mack donalds” not “mas Donalds”. Although, I think the one Donald we have is enough.

      • rhywun

        I’ve been a language nerd since childhood and “seltics” has always just pissed me off. But all language speakers bastardize words from foreign tongues so I got over it.

    • R.J.

      I have none of that either. Everything is going towards the new house.

      • Common Tater

        Check you might have hid some beers in the back of the toilet.

      • Chipping Pioneer


      • R.J.

        There are some random beers left in the bar fridge from previous parties. Modelos, Mick Ultras, and oddly, a six pack of alcohol free beer. Beer really sets off arthritis and such so I avoid it. I will buy something nice when we actually are done with packing and the house is showing.
        If all this works out (and it is looking like it will) the new R.J. mansion will have two spare rooms for guests.

      • Ted S.

        I thought the point was not to have any spare rooms for guests so people wouldn’t ask to stay.

      • R.J.

        I love houseguests! It keeps the meat freezer full!

      • rhywun

        oddly, a six pack of alcohol free beer

        Ha I have an accidental sixer of that sitting in my pantry. Only because I can’t bear to throw it out. I may be getting Oldtimers because that’s not the only time recently I’ve neglected to read a label carefully enough.

  10. R.J.

    I found a fantastic film called “Class of 1999” that is unfortunately expiring in 11 days. Watch it and roll in the trash with me! Cybernetic teacher try to control gangs of roving feral youths! Stacy Keach! Malcolm McDowell! Pam Grier! Watch it or lose it!

    • Common Tater

      Holy shit, that looks awesome.

    • slumbrew

      I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that.

    • Chafed

      You had me at Pam Grier.

  11. Evan from Evansville

    Mostly OT: I love Bloodsport, partly cuz it was one of the last films ‘allowed’ to film inside the Kowloon Walled City, a land formerly of bugfuck Asianness. Legit, one of my ‘favorite’ films cuz of it’s full-bore craziness and lack of care for any semblance towards… anything. ‘Cept Van Damme doin’ the splits and kickin’ ass.

    I further fear Hong Kong’s ongoing (full) reconquest by the CCP. It’s a magical place, a strange ‘Manhattan’ surrounded by envious neighbors. Singapore got out of British Rule quite well. Predictably pity for HK.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I am a country mouse, but Hong Kong was my favorite city. The hustle, the bustle, the bespoke suits, the melding of food cultures, the beautiful landscape, the beautiful neon architecture.

      I’m sad that I will never go back until Hong Kong is free from China.

    • R.J.

      Bloodsport was just on actual broadcast TV the other day! I enjoyed Jeanne Claude’s Universal Soldier series myself.

    • rhywun

      one of the last films ‘allowed’ to film inside the Kowloon Walled City

      I’ve read about that place and from what I recall, yeah, it was nuts.

      I too hate what’s happening to HK.

    • Common Tater

      FUCK THE CCP!!!

      • Chafed

        CCP is asshoe

    • Evan from Evansville

      Quick article w some ‘fun’ pics of the insanity of Kowloon:

      Hopefully this works as intended…

      Teehee! A few pics down is a post worker doing his rounds in a dark, underground alley. Looks directly used from Bloodsport.

    • pan fried wylie

      How accessible is the disk, physically? Or, does the laptop have usb3 or better? Get yoself a usb ethernet dongle, or going the other direction, a usb external drive sled. Or just sata the drive into your PC.

      I unload my phonecam via wifi, but that’s like, only 2gigs or so per month, so maybe 15mins at 803a (i think that’s the highest my phone does. Been rockin the galaxy S7 longer than ive had both of my active routers).

      Definitely do a copy, not move, and wait to delete the source files until it completes successfully. I dont trust moves even with my phone.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s on the internal SSD on the laptop. I’m not cracking open the laptop to move it around.

        Also, not waiting to buy new hardware when SCP is running just fine and I can just let it run in the background as I’m not directly using either machine.

        I have been managing data moves between *nix systems for decades, I was just commenting for the sake of commenting

      • pan fried wylie

        Yeah, some laptops are easier to get into than others. And buying equip was mostly a Next Time suggestion. Having a usb sata enclosure, a PCIe m.2 card and ethernet dongles have all proven to be pretty handy in my experience, for not much $$$.

        Disregard Windows Copy advice, Mr Nix.

        SCP, pfft, “tar cvz laptop:/home/gopro/* | tar xvz /home/MyGloves/unloads/”

    • rhywun

      It’s too much. I can’t tell what’s parody and what’s reality anymore.


  12. R.J.

    Don’t forget the secret link this week, it’s an AI produced sexy Jetsons remake. Mind blowing.

    • Common Tater

      Judy? would.

      • MikeS

        Jane. More would

      • DrOtto

        Why not a sportsman’s double?

      • Common Tater

        “Jane. More would”

        So we’re in agreement?

      • MikeS

        I believe so.

      • MikeS

        The real wildcard is Rosie.

      • slumbrew

        Stupid sexy AI

      • pan fried wylie

        Rosie never gets tired, never has a headache, natively streams HD porn, is an ISO6969 Certified Sandwich Production Device and doesn’t rely on childmurder to prevent crotchfruit.

        Also, a literal heart of gold.

        Also, Jane must be a hundred years old by now, Judy not far behind. Perverts.

      • slumbrew

        Did you click through? If that’s 100, just call me a GILF lover.

      • Common Tater

        “Also, Jane must be a hundred years old by now, Judy not far behind. Perverts.”

        Haven’t seen any flying cars, so they haven’t been born yet.

        Also, if I had a time machine, I wouldn’t kill Hitler, I’d stick Claudette Colbert in the pooper.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Judy obviously shaves. Otherwise we would have been able to tell if the carpet matched the drapes.

  13. pan fried wylie

    Cordellioné has requested surgery that would build her a vagina, as well as providing breast implants, a brow lift and reduction, a tummy tuck, gluteal implants, a uterus transplant,…

    Is it still a ‘trans’plant just because it’s Trans? What’s the correct surgical term for implanting something that was never there? Uteroplasty?

    • R.J.

      I think it’s vaginoplasty. Or not. Where is SugarFree when you need him?

      • UnCivilServant

        a ‘-plasty’ is uaully a resculpting of something that was already there.

        If you’re adding organs not originally part of the body, that’s an implant (not from another living thing) or transplant (from another living thing)

      • pan fried wylie

        A uterus is not a vagina. Also, you cant just remodel one from scrotal tissue, so there’s got to be donor tissue involved…but there’s no way it’s going to be functional, so why take on donor rejection issues for an organ you dont need to survive and wont provide added functionality.

      • pan fried wylie

        If you’re adding organs not originally part of the body, that’s an implant

        Except, breast/gluteal implants…we all got breasts and glutes.

        Clearly the problem is that the medical industry never asked a bunch of autists to standardize their terminology.

      • Common Tater

        Vaginoplasty doesn’t involve a donor. It’s not from scrotal tissue. One way to look at it is “penile inversion”.

        Bottom surgery is generally bad regardless.

      • UnCivilServant

        Silicone was not part of the original design. Ergo, implant.

      • pan fried wylie

        Vaginoplasty doesn’t involve a donor. It’s not from scrotal tissue. One way to look at it is “penile inversion”.

        I think i structured my sentence poorly, that’s the differentiation i was making versus the uterine-transplant, which would involve a donor.

      • pan fried wylie

        I still contend the scrotum is an integral contribution to a fake vagina mutilation procedure. The inverted penis provides the canal, but the scrotum is where the lips come from. It’s how XX/XY differentiation proceeds inuetero, the ovaries move down to become testes, the vaginal exterior stiches up to become a pouch, and the balls drop right out into it.

      • Common Tater

        On a related note, due to puberty blockers, asshole doctors who should be beaten to death with the backside of a machete, didn’t have enough penis to do a vaginoplasty, so they took a part of his colon and he died.

        Reason #1,237 why children shouldn’t be transitioned.

      • Pope Jimbo


        I still contend the scrotum is an integral contribution to a fake vagina mutilation procedure.

        Sounds like a sack of shit to me

    • Common Tater

      Uterus transplants is a technological impossibility. He’s not trans. He’s just a psychotic asshole trying to work the system.

      • pan fried wylie

        “If you gotta tell someone you’re smart/skilled/in-charge Trans, you’re probably not. just a psychotic asshole trying to game the system.”

      • pan fried wylie

        I thought everybody here was clear that you can’t buyBACK something you never owned.

    • Suthenboy

      A lot of discussion about the minutia of….well, complete mengelesque lunacy and horror right out of one of those Hellraiser movies. We should dispense with all of that and stop treating it like it is some kind of legitimate medical treatement.
      Yes, every doctor, councillor, legal pro, parent, etc facilitating this insanity should be severely punished.

  14. Grumbletarian

    Holy shit New England looks pathetic tonight.

    • slumbrew

      I’m resigned to them wandering the desert for a decade or so. Going with Brissett was a clear “we already give up on this season”.

      A fair trade for past dominance.

    • Spudalicious

      This game is not…entertaining.

  15. Evan from Evansville


    I got to see Blazing Saddles in theater last night, part of Dad’s bday present and the 50th Anniversary of the flick. We made sure to call and ask if it would be original or censored. It IS Carmel (INDIANA!). They were true to their word and even ~75% of the previews were of 70s movies I didn’t recognize.

    I’ve seen it many times but never in theater. it was glorious. Much of my laughter was stifled as my chest was too seized with hilarity to further expel any more before forcing in a breath. Bless Mel Brooks in every way. American treasure of the highest order. When ‘scolded’ by a gent for making fun of World War II and the Holocaust:

    “Your granddad was in WWII?! Funny. *I* didn’t see him there!” Onward to ridiculing Hitler, forward to racism. Boom, Brooks.

    • slumbrew

      Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles came out the same year, which is just bananas

      • Common Tater

        Bananas came out in 1971. Three years before.

      • rhywun

        Weirdly, I’ve seen the former many times, and the latter never. Maybe because I hate westerns and yeah, I know that’s silly.

      • Common Tater

        It’s not a Western.

      • slumbrew

        WTF, rhywun?!

        You _need_ to watch Blazing Saddles.

      • Chafed

        What slumbrew said. It’s not a western. It’s maybe the funniest comedy you will see.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda Rhy-sy, you need to watch Blazing Saddles.

        I have a black friend who will always comment “and they was right” because of that movie any time it worked out.

        Sort of like Michael Scott from The Office with his “that’s what she said”.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        “and the latter never”

        Oh…my…God…Get thee to a streaming service!

  16. Raven Nation

    On the off chance there is a KC-area Glib whose handle I can’t remember lurking tonight – meet up in Olathe Saturday. Time & place in the forums.

    • slumbrew

      Nice try, Fed.

      (j/k, y’all have a great time)

      • Chafed

        It’s pronounced federale.

  17. Suthenboy

    I am convinced the D’s know this is a loser and a perfect opportunity to be rid of Walz and Harris.

    Walz…what a piece of cheese that guy is.
    Go urge strangers to vote Commie while they stand in a grocery store produce aisle looking at $5 apples and $3 head of lettuce. Brilliant!

    • Pope Jimbo

      I agree Suthen. If Biden had stayed on, Harris would have been the front runner in the next Dem primary. “It is her turn!”

      This is a win-win for the Dems. If Kamala pulls this out, the Dems get a Biden 2.0 fake president they can order around for 4 more years. If Trump wins, Kamala loses her place in line and the next primary is wide open.

      Walz was never going anywhere. He’s lost popularity here in Minnesoda ever since the national media exposed his penchant for exaggerating lying.

      • Suthenboy

        Having cops sweep streets in force shooting paintballs at any person they see outside should have done it. I dunno, maybe that’s just me.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That really happened? I heard about it but never really looked into it…seems like assault but I ain’t no lawyer.

      • Fourscore

        Why do you guys hate Minnesoda? If the blue team loses, MN loses. If they win everyone loses. I’m torn .

        Walz went to DC, at least let him sit in the chair for a few days before he gets fired.

      • Suthenboy

        It is short and there isn’t any context. I haven’t heard any explanations counter to what the video claims so you have to decide.
        The claim is the cops were enforcing the cootiebug lockdowns. The only other thing I can think of would be some dangerous situation was about to occur, raid, shootout, something and the cops were trying to keep people safe from that. But that would make me wonder why the cops had paintball guns in the first place and why the hostility and aggression.
        Given the naked tyranny displayed elsewhere and the dictatorial attitudes of leading Dems the lockdown enforcement seems to be the most likely explanation.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Huh, not a vid from some random person but the New York Post who’d at least vet it I’d assume. If Walz ordered it and the clip’s legit he should be in jail along with those cops.

      • Pope Jimbo


        That was during the St. Floyd riots. It was shortly after the Natl. Guard had been called out. This gave the local cops time to draw back from the dangerous areas and start patrolling the safer parts of the city.

        What you are seeing in that video is the cops “patrolling” safe neighborhoods enforcing the curfew that had been put in place for the riots. But yes, the goons who should have stood tall and saved the 3rd Precinct station house instead ran only to surface a few days later to take pot shots at the tax cattle.

        Like the child welfare goons, they were sure to only pick on people they were pretty sure wouldn’t fight back.

        That isn’t the Covid curfew though. Walz only set up a snitch line (that was only discontinued in 2022) to rat out wrong thinkers.

      • Suthenboy

        Ok, in that version they claim it was about the riots. Somehow that doesnt make sense either. Why go to where the riots were not happening? Why shoot at non-rioters?
        I dont really get it.

      • Pope Jimbo


        Why go to where the riots were not happening? Why shoot at non-rioters?

        Like I said, you go into the riot zone and you might get shot. They weren’t playing back then. The youngest Altar Boy was going to school not far away. I let him know he was not to go anywhere near the riot zone. Even just to see it.

        Instead the bullies decided to pick on the incorrigible progressive citizens who didn’t own guns or have much testosterone.

        They want to be sure they could get home safely.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, ChipP, and Suthen, and good evening, Your Holiness!

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Good morning, GT!

      • Gender Traitor

        How’s everything up nort’?

  18. Chipping Pioneer

    Wife and I went to see Am I Racist? last night. Pretty good. Well-received by the audience, which was probably a function of the part of town we were in.

    We haven’t been to a theatre since the before times. It was confusing. You have to get your own popcorn now. WTF?

    Matt Walsh reminded me of someone but I couldn’t put my finger on it until just now. He’s like Seth Rogen, except funny.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Ah, so he’s like a younger Seth Rogan then who, like Ben Stiller, has disappeared up his own asshole in his middle age.

  19. Fourscore

    Morning, GT, CP, SW and all t’other lurkers/wannabes/feds and Sean

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Good morning, 4x!

    • Pope Jimbo

      Morning Fourscore! Recovered from the HH yet?

  20. Evan from Evansville

    Mornin’ mornin’ y’all. Sigh. Made a big mistake with my taxes. Forgot “I” was a deduction. Checked the wrong box. Whoopsie-doodles.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Grgle. That comment wasn’t finished!

      It’s ‘fairly’ easily rectifiable. I DID work 85.72hrs last pay cycle. I also ‘paid’ $370 in taxes. Would be awful nice, better, *sensible,* if I had that money NOW. Well. Dumb mistake? Like touching a hot stove, they quickly teach you why NOT to make that mistake in the future.

  21. cavalier973

    Soon, everybody will be saying, “Sean Combs didn’t kill himself.”

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