Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Daily Links, I Am Lame | 173 comments

Just because.

THE GREATEST ESPIONAGE OPERATION, EVER: No link, but serious admiration for Israeli military and intelligence organizations. And utter contempt for the collective and individual failure of Hezbollah to not immediately throw out any Hezbollah-provided electronic device after the first round of explosions. This is going to be a hell of a story when the details come out. I wonder if the purchase order for the pagers had Hezbollah’s name on it?

BREAKING – NYC COVID CZAR HELD SECRET SEX PARTIES DURING PANDEMIC: The hypocrisy and arrogance are off the charts here. And we all know there will be no accountability.

NEW DATABASE TO CROWD-SOURCE ELECTION FRAUD INVESTIGATION: The lede is deceiving as the database does not actually contain information on who people voted for, merely whether they voted, and did so in-person or via absentee ballot. The co-founders of the site envision citizens looking at the map in their own neighborhood and discovering anomalies. Did the person who died 10 years ago request a mail in ballot recently? Has your neighbor moved away but still appears at your neighboring address? Did the pizzeria down the street where no one lives request 10 mail-in ballots?


STUDY CLAIMING MEDICAL INDUSTRY RACISM DEBUNKED…AFTER FOUR YEARS: The research design contained a fatal flaw, overlooking the fact that severely underweight babies, who have very high mortality rates to start with, tend to be treated by white doctors. But it took four years for that flaw to be examined, and the original (bogus) research had already done its damage, even being cited in a SCOTUS opinion. How many other flawed studies are being treated as gospel by the media and the courts?

TALK ABOUT A SAFE BET: The New Tolerance Campaign, has offered to donate one million dollars offer to any US QUILTBAG++ group who hosts a gay pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank. For anyone unaware of the situation, Palestinians are notoriously homophobic, even by the standards of the Islamic world, and useful idiots like Queers for Palestine are in complete denial about that. I’m glad that someone is finally pushing back against QfP, and calling out the greater QUILTBAG++ movement on this.

PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHO OUR ENEMIES SUPPORT: First, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he’d prefer it if Harris won the election. TMITE treated that as words of wisdom from a world leader, not the cynical statement of an enemy expressing a preference for the person he thought he could most easily intimidate and steamroll. Now along comes Iran providing data hacked from the Trump campaign to the Harris campaign for the same reason.

MUSK THREATENS TO SUE FAA FOR REGULATORY OVERREACH: The FAA wants to retroactively fine SpaceX for alleged safety violations on successful launches. Will be interesting to see how this plays out post Loper.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. Rat on a train

    “Did we buy our toaster from the Hezbollah store?”

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “Come on down to Crazy Mohammed’s! Our prices, like our electronics, are the bomb!”

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m not much of a poetry guy, but I absolutely love The Hunting of the Snark. Only Lewis Carrol could make something so malevolently ominous out of such playful nonsense…

  2. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I keep looking at my phone, like “was this a Hezbollah phone that got misplaced?”

    • Nephilium

      Does it weigh 20 grams too much?

      • rhywun


  3. Rat on a train

    It worked for Biden.

    • SDF-7

      When the media are your campaign staff, it certainly doesn’t hurt.

    • B.P.

      I really think Trump should adopt that strategy.

      • rhywun

        Unless he is replaced by a pod person, I don’t see it happening.

    • Urthona

      Also very useful against Trump who loves to run his mouth and make unforced errors.

      Just sit back and wait.

  4. SDF-7


    I really hope that’s missing the word “DETECTION” or “INVESTIGATION” at the end — otherwise, Joe Biden’s best voter fraud scheme has moved to the Agile swarming model…

  5. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)


    It’s ok. They wore masks.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I never get invited to the cool kids cock and tail parties.

      • Nephilium

        The password is… Fidelio (pixelated nekkid bits, so… NSFW).

      • SDF-7

        Heh… get out of my head, Nephilium.

      • Tonio


    • EvilSheldon

      What percentage of COVID is blocked by black latex and zippers?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        If you want a lover
        I’ll do anything you ask me to
        And if we’re still on COVID lockdown
        I’ll wear a mask for you

        -Leonard Cohen

      • Homple

        Did Canada’s bottom doctor have anything to say?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Homple FTW

      • Rat on a train

        Was it the CDC that said masturbate six feet apart?

  6. SDF-7

    First, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he’d prefer it if Harris won the election.

    Yeah, but 51 intelligence experts(!) and “Microsoft’s threat intelligence team” (whatever the flip that may be) say otherwise!

    Who are you going to believe? Your sense of logic and what Putin says… or inflammatory propaganda, hmmm?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Putin probably doesn’t care much either way. He probably sees them both as a couple dimwits. Trump probably doesn’t want to kill him, but Harris is so incompetent that she can only weaken the US further.

    • rhywun

      TMITE treated that as words of wisdom from a world leader

      I don’t recall them even acknowledging it, though to be fair I tend to avoid them.

    • rhywun

      lol What a steaming pile of horseshit.

      Two of its videos spread conspiracy theories and false claims about her policies.

      Such as? Funny how they never give examples.

      • B.P.

        Well her campaign sure as shit isn’t spreading any information about her policies.

  7. Drake

    Exploding the pagers this week might not have been the plan. Speculation that these explosions were supposed to be coordinated with an Israeli invasion – but some low-level guys in Hezbollah figures it out, so Israelis blew them now even though they’re not ready to invade.

    • R.J.

      “Why are the new pagers branded ‘Nut Cracker 3000?’ That’s an odd name.

      • Tonio

        From the River to the Sea!
        Now you must sit down to pee…

        Blindness, dick loss, loss of right hands (forcing them to eat with their ass-wiping hand)…

      • Drake

        And some dead kids.

      • bacon-magic

        From the Liver to the Knee

    • Tonio

      I had heard something along those lines. I can’t wait for the details to come out, even though that may take quite some time.

    • Sean

      Still, Operation Grim Beeper was a yuge success…

      • Tonio

        [golf clap] for OGB. Did you come up with that?

      • Sean

        Not me. As seen on X.

      • Suthenboy

        Notable that the ordinary American thinks OGB was brilliant and even funny while certain other people are enraged by it even if they aren’t saying it out loud.

      • Ted S.

        Yeah; exploding pagers seems about the most targeted way to go after individual agents you can think of, but some people are still complaining that non-agents got too close.

      • Nephilium

        Ted S.:

        For some reason, when I suggest that Israel should have just launched a bunch of missiles over at Lebanon, people get really pissed.

      • EvilSheldon

        As I said elsewhere, we’re talking about a CEP in the 10cm range. That’s very slightly less selective than shooting a motherfucker in the head.

      • Homple

        We got over Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki so we can get over Operation Grim Beeper.

  8. Suthenboy

    Who our enemies support? Our enemies, of course. See how that works.

  9. rhywun

    useful idiots like Queers for Palestine are in complete denial

    I have a feeling they are no more “queer” (as in homosexual) than the “queers” who are assigned tranny flag-waving duty at American soccer events.

    • R.J.

      I think I mentioned this before: “Queer” was stolen by the marxists and now means communist.

      • rhywun

        I’ve mentioned it many times. I don’t who was first. 😆

        But yeah, it’s impossible to ignore now.

  10. bacon-magic

    THE GREATEST ESPIONAGE OPERATION, EVER: No link, but serious admiration for Israeli military and intelligence organizations. And utter contempt for the collective and individual failure of Hezbollah to not immediately throw out any Hezbollah-provided electronic device after the first round of explosions. This is going to be a hell of a story when the details come out. I wonder if the purchase order for the pagers had Hezbollah’s name on it?

    From the gnashing of teeth from the anti-Israel crowd I believe they know that was a huge demoralizer and could very well have stopped others from joining in the hatin’ on da Jooos crowd.

    • Nephilium

      Someone else also pointed out to me that it immediately outs a large number of Hezbollah members/affiliates/auxiliaries who will need to go in for medical treatment. Which should allow Lebanon to prosecute them as terrorists.

      • Ted S.

        Given Hezbollah’s state-within-a-state nature, prosecutions aren’t happening.

    • grrizzly

      Edward Snowden called it terrorism. Because it is.

      What Israel has just done is, via *any* method, reckless. They blew up countless numbers of people who were driving (meaning cars out of control), shopping (your children are in the stroller standing behind him in the checkout line), et cetera. Indistinguishable from terrorism.

      • Urthona

        Except that terrorism deliberately targets civilians and that’s the key thing that makes it terrorism.

      • Homple

        Well, this is a war and that’s what happens in a war. This operation was much more selective than fire bombing cities. Don’t get me started on the Thirty Years War.

  11. bacon-magic

    No space news? Not even a Hebrew space laser™ attack?

    • SDF-7

      The FAA fining SpaceX didn’t count for you?

      • bacon-magic

        skipped right over that lol

    • R.J.

      That’s tomorrow. You’re a few days ahead on your conspiracies come true calendar.

  12. Sensei

    Guy made one quarter of full support.

    In late June when it reported fiscal fourth quarter results, Nike warned that it was expected sales to drop 10% during its current quarter, citing soft demand in China and “uneven” consumer trends across the globe.

    The outlook was far worse than the 3.2% decline that analysts had expected.

    Following the rough report, Nike had its worst trading day in history and some analysts speculated that Donahoe would soon be pushed out in favor of a new CEO. At the time, Nike co-founder Phil Knight said the company was standing by Donahoe’s side and the executive had his “unwavering confidence and full support.”

    • The Gunslinger

      The last couple times we bought softball cleats for my daughter she chose New Balance. For some reason the kids are turning away from Nike & Under Armour and going with New Balance. It seems Jordans are still a thing but New Balance is not just for middle aged Corvette driving studs anymore.

      • slumbrew

        My nephew was up for a soccer game vs. BC High a few months back and I was surprised how many of the teens in the bleachers were wearing New Balance.

        Old man shoes no more – I’m cool now!

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Also good for wide feet.

      • slumbrew

        *looks down at Barney Rubble feet*

        Yes. Yes they are.

      • rhywun

        New Balance is not just for middle aged Corvette driving studs anymore

        Was not aware of their image – never owned anything by them.

        Long-time Adidas fan for that stuff.

      • Rat on a train

        wife – “Didn’t you wear New Balance years ago?”
        me – “Yes, but they’re cool now so I wear Brooks.”

      • DrOtto

        I started buying them for my wide feet years before my studly self bought a Corvette.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    High dudgeon

    Second gentleman Doug Emhoff blasted remarks made by Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who said Vice President Kamala Harris “doesn’t have anything to keep her humble” because she does not have biological children.

    “We know that all parents, no matter how you become one, make the same sacrifices and revel in the same joys of raising children as any parent anywhere,” Emhoff defended his wife while speaking at a campaign event in Brooklyn, New York, Wednesday evening.

    “As if keeping women humble, whether you have children or not, is something we should strive for. It is not,” the second gentleman said. “Women in this country will never humble themselves before Donald Trump.”

    Sure, Doug. Whatever you say.

    • trshmnstr

      Women in this country will never humble themselves

      The left, in a nutshell

  14. creech

    GOPs internal poll now has Harris only up 2 percent in PA. They are trying to recruit thousands of poll watchers. Hope lots of them are plumbers able to fix all those broken pipes when votes are being counted at midnight.

    • Sensei

      Yes, but from what you’ve said PA Team Red is perfectly fine with OMB losing.

      • creech

        Not if he pulls down the state and local tickets.

      • Gustave Lytton

        “It’s Trumps fault we lost those races”


        TBF, Dr. Oz is kinda on Trump. As is Walker in GA.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I really do not think her internals are anywhere near the Machine’s public facing propaganda polls

    • trshmnstr

      Is “they” the democrats or the republicans?

      The republicans should be doing that in any state within a mile of being in play.

    • slumbrew

      People are fucking morons, film at 11.

      • Sensei

        There is always somebody who thinks xer dog is exempt from the rules.

        See the last accident there.

      • slumbrew

        I saw it last week – more than one fuckface thought the “no dogs” rule at Zion didn’t apply to them.

        I bow to no man in my love for my dog (look at that punim), but she can’t come with us everywhere.

      • trshmnstr

        Question for you dog people. Our (outdoor) 7 month old Great Pyrenees is in the “ill fucking destroy anything that isn’t bolted down, including that thing the delivery driver just set down” phase.

        I’d love to keep her free roaming, but after she ate a grocery bag she found, barfed twice, and flat out shredded a hard to find book and some dvds, she’s back on the leash.

        Is this something she’ll grow out of, or do I have to train her to stop destroying my stuff?

      • Ted S.

        You read TV Guide? What kind of monster are you?

      • R.J.

        I think Kristi Noem wrote a book on dog training once. She has some relevant advice.

      • trshmnstr

        While i was really tempted to shoot the dog this morning as I was cleaning up the shreds of dvd cases and book covers, I’d like to make her fit for purpose rather than fit for consumption.

        I know your hunger for the marrow of earth creatures never ceases, but puppy isn’t the best tasting fare.

      • R.J.

        In all seriousness, I hope the dog calms down. Professional training os a start. A family member will need to attend.
        Hopefully that makes a difference.

      • slumbrew

        “You read TV Guide? What kind of monster are you?”

        That was taken at my MIL’s place.

        She also unironically watches MSNBC as “the news”. Whaddya gonna do?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Second professional training (even at Petsmart or Petco). Crate training (we’re awful at this), on leash/restricted when out. There’s some good YouTubers (Zak George other than his relentless hawking, Kikopup, etc).

        We’re starting to see some light at the end of a year long tunnel. May be an oncoming train. Pup has chewed my reading glasses, shredded papers, chewed up carpet, storage boxes. Fucking monster.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Also, talk with your vet. We’re using trazadone and some other things after diagnosing as separation anxiety.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And realize you’re not alone with dealing with such a dog. I called to make an appt to Noem our pup after going beyond our limit.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And to answer the specific asked question. Possibly grow out of it, but also want to train out of it. Otherwise, repeated destruction can train themselves into that it’s ok (and provides whatever satisfaction they’re getting: boredom, lack of appropriate outlets, teething pain, etc).

      • DrOtto

        I fucked a moron once.

  15. Ownbestenemy

    I think a smart policy announcement from Trump would to be to press a true innovation centric policy reducing regulations on any company pursuing space.

    • rhywun

      Or just any company period.

  16. The Late P Brooks


    The continuation of the restraining order is the latest setback for the Biden administration’s efforts to cancel people’s federal student loans. President Joe Biden began promising to alleviate people’s education debts during his 2020 campaign bid, but Republican legal challenges have consistently stymied his attempts.

    The development stems from a lawsuit against the president’s aid package brought by seven GOP-led states earlier this month. The states — Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Dakota and Ohio — said the U.S. Department of Education’s new debt cancellation effort, like its previous attempts, is illegal.

    When Trump loses in court it’s because he doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on. When Biden loses it’s Republican legal trickery and loopholes.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      When Trump loses in court he complies with the court. When Biden loses in court he tries to find workarounds and his allies threaten to pack the court. Trump is obviously the authoritarian.

  17. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I had a date with Tonio’s boyfriend! He’s fun and easy to talk to and has excellent facial hair.

  18. Dr. Fronkensteen

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t receiving hacked material from a foreign power (especially a hostile one) constitute collusion and election interference?

    • R.J.

      Yes, wasn’t that one of the charges against Trump? That a Russian agent tried to pass him intelligence on Hillary?

  19. Drake

    Ha! At the gym the TV just had a Trump ad about Bidenomics. One cut had Joe getting lost on stage and Kamala running over to retrieve him.

    • R.J.

      All he really needs to do is post Kamala, making a word salad with subcaptions. Then a slow fade to Trump 2024.

      • B.P.

        Her actual policy pronouncements from days gone by (before the campaign started memory holing/walking them back) are a lot scarier.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Why don’t you want to pay for sex changes for incarcerated illegal immigrants? Are you some kind of bigot?

      • R.J.

        Boy yes. She announced during the vice presidential debate that she was for packing the Supreme Court and taking all the guns. And that was just one speaking engagement.

      • juris imprudent

        And that was just one speaking engagement.

        Amazing that she couldn’t even win one delegate to the ’20 convention. Give her credit, she figured out how to get the nomination without any of that icky winning Democratic votes.

      • Compelled Speechless

        It takes some longer than others, but at some point you realize, she really isn’t ever going to stop nagging.

    • Tundra

      That’s one of yours!

      What the hell did you do to it?!?

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Can’t say what happened. I’m glad the pilot is OK. I’ve known him for ~15 years.

        I don’t envy the guys going to retrieve it – it’s supposed to storm tonight.

      • Tundra

        Totally. Looked like an excellent landing.

        And 53 isn’t that busy.

  20. grrizzly

    Estonians had a reputation of levelheaded people In the Soviet Union. What did the West do to them in the last 30 years?

    Estonia signals readiness to preemptively strike Russia to defend NATO

    During an interview with the Estonian public broadcaster ERR, Estonian General Vahur Karus has stated that Estonia is ready to strike Russian territory if Moscow shows signs of preparing for an attack on NATO.

    • Ted S.

      Far less than Russia did to them over the last 80 years.

      • grrizzly

        Why only 80 years? Estonia was a part of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union since 1710 with a 20-year period of independence between the world wars.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Small country will no natural defenses and a not insignificant Russian minority. Bold strategy.

      • Ted S.

        A minority that was partof a deliberate Russian strategy to ethically cleanse the place.

        Somehow Russia has “valid historical reasons” for all its aggression, but nobody has any valid reasons for hating Russia.

      • R.J.


      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “A minority that was part of a deliberate Russian strategy to ethically cleanse the place.” I mostly agree with that, but the fact is, they are there now. I have no idea if they prefer to stay as part of Estonia or if they are longing to be part of Mother Russia, but either way, there’s a risk that Russia could stir up trouble with them.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah funny thing about Crimea. The ethnic Tatars were driven out post-WWII and replaced with ethnic Russians, not Ukrainians.

      • Gustave Lytton

        See also, Konigsberg.

      • grrizzly

        Crimea was a part of Russia until 1954. It made sense that Russians moved there after WWII.

    • Urthona

      Everyone in that region hates Russia with the fire of a thousand suns for very good reason.

      Some would even die for that hate.

      • grrizzly

        LOL. This is so naïve.

        This is a good take on another prominent Estonian politician who now is in charge of the EU foreign policy. Revel is the former name of Tallinn, the Estonian capital.

        The point of people like Kallas is not that they “hate Russia” but that they simply do what they’re told. Her family was an enthusiastic part of the Soviet ruling class, before that they enthusiastically served the Germans, now they serve Brussels/DC. As is obvious from her husband’s business ties to Russia, there is no actual “ideology” at work here — it is merely the specific mechanism of the parasitical class of social strivers in small countries. Under different circumstances, Kaja Kallas would be head of the United Russia faction in the Revel oblast regional parliament, with just as much enthusiasm.

      • Urthona


        thanks for educating me.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Have that here also. Red politicians would be Democrats in a blue state, and v.v.

      • Tundra

        LOL. This is so naïve.

        So you mean that the more specifics you know about a situation the harder it is to black and white it?

        /mind blown

    • Drake

      They are like our little attack Chihuahua.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Michele Mouton is one of my favorites from the group B era. Talk about beauty and the beast, plus she started with an Alpine Renault A110.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    New Balance is not just for middle aged Corvette driving studs anymore

    There’s a girl tennis player with a million watt smile in a shoe ad- isn’t she pitching New Balance?

    • slumbrew

      Coco Gauff. NB has been stepping up their sponsorship game.

      • slumbrew

        Shohei Ohtani too, which is a good get for them.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Michèle Mouton Pikes climb video this morning. What a woman!

    I was there. Talk about a technological disruption event.

    • Tundra

      Indeed. In that doc they showed the technical dominance of the Quattro – in certain circumstances.

      Pretty jealous you got to see that.

      • Tundra

        Further, the paved road and wondercars make thew hill climb far less interesting to me.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Further, the paved road and wondercars make thew hill climb far less interesting to me.

    I have zero interest in Pikes Peak since they paved it all the way to the top. Pretty much lost interest before that.

    Fun fact: I have never been to the top of Pikes Peak; only to the staging/pit area at the bottom of the top practice section.

    • Tundra

      I keep meaning to get up there. I’ll send you some pics.

      • R.J.

        The cog train has been fully rebuilt and is a nifty technology to take to the top.

    • Tundra

      Were you working for one of the teams?

    • Urthona

      I’ve been up there by train and one time I decided to walk back down to the parking lot at the bottom and holy shit did my legs hurt.

      • Tundra

        Quad buster.

      • R.J.

        Pickle popper!

    • Shpip

      I have zero interest in Pikes Peak since they paved it all the way to the top.

      I’d like to do the Cog Up / Bike Down sometime.

      I had a similar experience on Maui years ago (van hauls you to the summit of Haleakala, watch the sun rise above the clouds, bike 40 miles downhill to the coast) and it was absolutely sublime.

      • Tundra

        I mean the hill climb race. That looks like fun for those who like bikes.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Actually, the year after that, some guys showed up with a Metro 6R4. I spent a bunch of time hanging out with them and picking their brains. That car was fucking cool.

      • Shpip

        No, they were American.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Were you working for one of the teams?

    Yes. That’s where I got my start.

    • Tundra

      Which? If you’re cool with sharing?

  26. R C Dean


    I recall discussing that study when it came out. The obvious question was asked (I don’t recall if it was me): “Did they risk adjust those deliveries?”

    Apparently, they did not. And its so obvious that its fraudulent not to.

    • Urthona

      I think everyone knew it was bullshit at the time anyway for precisely those confounders.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Which? If you’re cool with sharing?

    It was just a no name local team From Colorado Springs, with an open wheel car.

    • Tundra

      I’m glad you are back safe. You guys who take these fun multi state trips make me jealous.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, I will be driving from Oregon to Tennessee on Monday to see family.

      • Tundra

        That counts.

        As long as you stop and see cool things.

      • UnCivilServant

        Do the Ice Boxes at Gas Stations count?

  28. The Late P Brooks


    To the fainting couch!

    • Urthona

      100% of these systemic racism studies wind up being debunked.

      There has to be a ton of money in finding evidence of racism thought based on the number of new studies.

      New business idea.


      Social science’s scientific method:

      1. Determine the desired conclusion (and get grant money)

      2. Gather evidence (and get grant money)

      3. Cherry-pick and p-hack the data into compliance (and get grant money)

      4. Use results to advance your political agenda (and get grant money)

  29. Suthenboy

    Pager poppers: As far as I am concerned the time for diplomacy, talking, deal making etc ended on Oct. 7, 2023.
    When I see a pile of the corpses of 12yo to 30yo women stripped, raped, beaten and machine gunned, bodies tossed in a pile like garbage there is no going back. Everything is on the table. They deliberately did the most vile, horrible, unspeakable acts they could think of to outrage and demoralize their target. That mentality has permeated their culture top to bottom.
    The Jews are being nice. I would exterminate them, fuck what anyone thinks of it. It must be stamped out, uprooted and burned root, branch and leaf. I am not talking just about Hamas or even Hezbollah, I mean the Iran regime and everyone anywhere that had anything to do with it. They should all pay for what they did with their lives.

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