I had two possible paths to my next ex-girlfriend. So the voting among my friends and the Zoomers was in, and my choice has been made. I’m heading to NYC today to meet up with the “winner,” which term I use loosely. NOT AN NPR LADY, so worth the ridiculous drive. Maybe. Possibly. She just got back from a pro-Israel rally in DC where she got to see Trump give a speech of sorts. And was thrilled. NOT AN NPR LADY. In any case, I’ll be pulling out of here by the time the Links post, so I’ll be mostly missing from the comments. Feel free to mock me.
Birthdays today include the king of the fortune cookie; a guy who was just one running joke after another; a guy who did a lot of chemistry that I sure the fuck wouldn’t; the guy who had a really big shew; a Nazi-era German who was actually a pretty damn fine guy despite beating up Jethro’s dad; a great peg-leg right winger whose work still holds up well; a cause celebre who actually DID deserve to hang; an actor you know whose name you don’t; a guy who flew a starship into a Bugle; a computer scientist who misleadingly was actually sane; an almost cliched sex symbol; the guy who made Tony Levin what he is today; and a woman who, for being correct, has been hated into near-oblivion.
And let’s get to the hated Links.
So my date tonight is Israeli. I think we’ll pop some Champagne. UN condemnations are inevitable. And here’s a long form analysis which encapsulates my thinking. Very much worth the time to read.
Of course, this is exactly the opposite of the truth. Veep was uncannily accurate. Except that the dummy Selena Meyers was probably smarter than Cackles.
Surviving member of the ’62 Mets are probably also popping Champagne.
Gotta make sure the suitcases of money keep coming.
The smutty jokes write themselves.
Everything they tell you is a lie. Everything.
Look, for me, it’s a shtick. But these people are serious.
What would you get if you plunked Tony Levin into Dream Theater? The Old Man says, “Something like this.”

Heh — thanks for making that easy. You could have referenced his Columbo appearances (Among others, Prescription for Murder, the first pilot) and been much more obscure.
Good luck with the NOT NPR LADY! One point of contention out of the way up front, one would hope.
Although… now that I think about it… he didn’t, actually. Shuttlecraft. Good ole James T flew the actual Starship — he just didn’t hang around thanks to Scotty at the last second and all.
That I didn’t realize this until after hitting “Submit Comment” in the first case fills me with shame. I’ll turn in my ST:TOS geek card now….
TBH, I never actually watched Columbo. The star always seemed glassy-eyed.
Heh… what you did there — was half seen.
Yeah, but he was such a good actor he didn’t need second sight.
He could see through the machinations of the criminal mind.
Yes, well wishes here too. Sometimes….ok, most of the time, some small basic premise of one’s world view can poison everything.
“Everything they tell you is a lie.”
They would rather lie, and lose, than tell the truth, and win.
It sure seems that way sometimes but in fact what is going on is their hidden agenda, the thing they wont say and what you are not allowed to point out.
Ouch… from the “long form analysis” right off the bat:
Can’t say I disagree at all. I don’t want wars — but I think Sherman was right about what stops them and keeps people from starting new ones… and I think the low grade “police actions” and “anti-terrorism” crap over the last 40 years in particular but really post-Korea makes it clear that not really fighting a war just drags it out forever.
And that’s the way the MIC likes it, of course…. like the old saying round these parts of “Why would a government agency formed to fix a problem ever actually fix it so they’d have to go away”… why would they want wars to stop when it is their bread an’ butter, man…
Anyway… just appreciating the initial quote and thinking out loud. The perils of letting me post here.
I have used the Sherman analogy a lot. If Israel drags a war on for a year and kills 1,000 people, there FAR more outrage than if it gets it over in two weeks and kills 100,000. The usual suspects don’t actually care about Palestinian Arab lives, they just want to be moral exhibitionists of the stupidest and amoral sort.
I’m hoping that they’ve finally said, “Fuck you!” to Team Blue and will get the Hezbollah thing wrapped up much faster than Gaza.
The reactions of all the pro-Pali people to all of the other atrocities committed against Muslims, such as the Sudan, the Uyghurs, Syria, et al, show that they really don’t give two shits about this except the Jew hate gets funded by the rest of the Middle East.
I don’t think the Sherman analogy is even fair to the Israelis, since they take substantially more precaution against deliberately targeting innocents than Sherman, who sanctioned some unbelievably sadistic shit as the cost of conducting war.
The lessons of Sherman, Patton, LeMay etc. seems to have been wasted.
Part of the problem here is that the Joe Biden administration is 100% on the side of Iran and its terrorist proxies. Contrary to what the little commie shits on college campuses are claiming.
Lot of truth bombs in that piece.
Two things people hate the most: Responsibility and Truth.
Thus when someone does tell the truth is is sometimes referred to as a ‘bomb’.
The anime Ghost in the Shell:SAC 2045 uses the term “sustainable war” as the organizing political principle of its geopolitical world. It was developed as an economic stimulus program. I think it’s precisely on point for our current foreign/defense policy, and has been for decades.
+1 Fake Alien Invasion
We must always be at war with Eurasia and Eastasia. Only way to keep the factories humming.
“…the low grade “police actions” and “anti-terrorism” crap over the last 40 years in particular but really post-Korea makes it clear that not really fighting a war just drags it out forever.”
^Money laundering^
I’d call this progress, but as was pointed out to me recently, that term is a little too…progressive. And with this crowd I don’t dare say you’re making headway.
Advancement? At any rate, I hope you both have a great time…or as well as can be had in NYC.
Hopefully they won’t get mugged by giant rats.
New Yorkers of Unusual Size? I don’t believe they exist…..
Worse, CHUDs.
I think that is spelled CHAD now, Pat.
Feel free to mock me.
Only if you had gone with another NPR Lady – that would’ve been mock worthy, as it fits the definition of insanity.
The sad reality is that the numbers are against me. In the two years since I started dating again, this is the very first woman I’ve met who wasn’t an NPR Lady. That’s unfortunate statistics, but it’s reality- my available pool is pretty homogeneous. And celibacy is not my preferred lifestyle…
We’re going to need a new matrix instead of hot-crazy, NPR and something. I seriously doubt the demographic pool can be that skewed, there is a bias – oh like say, NPR ladies aren’t evangelical Christians, and that is why you keep homing back in on them.
Feel free to doubt it, but I’ve lived it. Absolute zero. Evangelical or otherwise.
I just think you filter out a lot, even if not consciously doing so. Though your comment below, about how YOU present, probably accomplishes some of that.
nay, lad; it’s a man’s world: decent eligible women outnumber decent eligible men 4:1
because most eligible women have been let down by shit men…because most men are shit
but you’re looking for your keys under the streetlamp because the light’s better there
the answers to most questions is spelled S-O-U-T-H
SEC chicks are reasonable, beautiful, and their cooking is an order of magnitude better than the stuff north of the Ohio
for every Bess Myerson we’ve got a Faith Hill and a Sela Ward
get ratio on it: four Miss Americas from Mississippi
So you’re saying Alfred needs to join the SEC?
I dunno, man – do they even have a football program?
That guy with the “ban cars” poster…Fuck him. Fuck his family. Fuck everyone who looks like him.
You do realize he’s probably down with that.
Somehow I missed that.
The personal IC automobile has given more freedom to individuals than anything else in history. The war on cars by lunatic fringe groups highlights them as the worst kinds of slavers.
Yeah Democrats, I am talking about you.
White Sox lose and the Tigers clinch a wild card spot!
Hey now
At least the ‘Sox can’t beat this record:
By ordering the strike on Nasrallah while attending the U.N. General Assembly…
“Do you renounce the works of Satan?”
“I do.”
“Before the US election — we settle all of Israel’s family business….”
Pedestrian bridge leaps to mind.
The article is really, really light on whether the pedestrians were crossing only when they had the signal to as well. Yeah, yeah “pedestrians have right of way” and all — but “He who has the most mass — wins” is Cardinal Rule One when it comes to the road. That the worst it can say is “Some of the drivers are speeding up to try to make the light” makes me wonder if folks are just stepping out when they shouldn’t. Hence, the bridge thought — because obviously making it a highway again for cars (as OMWC alluded to) ain’t happening in CA. More likely, they’ll turn the Golden Gate into nothing but bike lanes and outlaw cars in the SF limits or something crazy.
That part of 101 was never an expressway.
My grandparents lived on that stretch of Lombard when my dad was born. But, the city has always crowed that removing the raised 101 sections after the quake was one of the best things it ever did, and, well, 30 odd years later people are really starting to question it.
“Wow, we are right on a fault line with daily quakes. It’s the perfect place to build raised roadways, skyscrapers and nuclear power plants!”
But… Japan!
The contortions required to shoehorn abortion into a candidate using a fake family for a photo op are admirable.
Natalie Portman may be long since too aged for the Old Man, but is still a perfectly cromulent kosher dish direct from Israel as far as Pat’s concerned.
I remember when they went by NAMBLA and the height of their popularity was serving as a punchline in an episode of South Park. I s’pose it’s technically a reversion to the mean, historically speaking, and a century from now we’ll probably all be considered Victorian prudes for our repressive views on pederasty, but Jesus fuck… it’d be nice to have been born into an era of relatively stable public mores.
Fair point. Having your pedophile event canceled because only a moron would want to associate their professional reputation with your pedophile group is not quite the same as facing legal sanctions for speaking freely about your paraphilia, though.
Then again, that’s the exact same argument that’s been used to justify the censorship of anyone with bog standard 1990s Third Way views in [current year].
They’re trying to latch onto homosexuals just like trannies did.
And it will probably succeed.
Tbh, it’s probably not an entirely false statement, in the sense that pedophiles probably don’t have a moment of conscious decision making where they go “You know, after consideration, I think I’d like to be attracted to prepubescent children.” Although, IMO, that’s a stronger argument for things like sex offender registries, chemical castration, and lifetime sentences for sex crimes against children, which is probably not what they were going for.
They may not have chosen it, but it’s very likely the result of either childhood sexual abuse, mental illness or both. Pedophilia is aberrant in the way old school SoCons (incorrectly) accused homosexuality of being. Homosexuality served valid evolutionary purposes of building and maintaining tribal cohesion back on the Savannah. And besides, normie homos are only interested in consenting *adults* just like normie heteros so any comparison is really irrelevant anyway. Pedophilia can only be only destructive to tribal survival and cohesion and, like other kinds of criminals, would have been dealt with swiftly and severely on the Savannah.
TL;DR – these people (assuming they don’t act on their desires) may deserve some measure of compassion, but what they need is intensive therapy not appeasement and indulgence.
I’m opening up a nasty can of worms here, but as I mentioned previously, I wouldn’t be stunned if some day in the distant future someone is making this very point, with you and I as the SoCons who unjustly persecuted perfectly normal “MAPs,” and appeals to evolutionary psychology will undoubtedly be undermined by revisionist/deconstructivist Very Serious Academic Research published in Very Serious Academic Journals, in the same way that the APA was diagnosing homosexuality as a mental condition until the ’60s (and technically into the ’70s, although that’s precisely when the changeover began). Pederasty is I guess technically more like hebephilia than pedophilia, but it was widely practiced for centuries in the cultures that gave us Western “civilization.” It certainly served no evolutionary purpose. Old horn dogs just liked fucking young boys without consequence in an age when birth control and AIDS didn’t exist.
“Pederasty is I guess technically more like hebephilia than pedophilia, but it was widely practiced for centuries in the cultures that gave us Western “civilization.” It certainly served no evolutionary purpose. Old horn dogs just liked fucking young boys without consequence in an age when birth control and AIDS didn’t exist.”
When the women are effectively locked away (as in Classical Age Greece) men deprived of female companionship frequently turn to boys for ‘comfort’.
*Listens to both sides, weighs merits*
Ok. I am glad we can have a respectful discussion on this.
Now, fuck with my children and I will kill you.
I don’t have any children, just extended family. But yeah; this.
Good luck on your unicorn hunt.
This is where OMWC finds out there’s nuts on both sides of the aisle. We’re a different breed, but since there are no Libertarian women, what choice do you have?
Libertarians are more apt to disagree with each other, and more violently besides, than with their actual ideological opponents, so it’s more a matter of which side you lean more toward. If you’re a right leaning libertarian, right-wing nuts are going to seem nuts within acceptable parameters. If you’re a left leaning libertarian, left-wing nuts are going to seem nuts within acceptable parameters.
I have had many a drunken argument with libertarians. Nobody ever got violent. I have been vomited on though but it was not from anger.
Honestly, no conservative woman have crossed my path either. Not one. And if they did, they wouldn’t even give me a look- academic, vegetarian, music and books geek, fine food and wine enthusiast, this is just reeking of Progressivism.
OK, time to hit the road!
Lead with it and you could rope one in with the wine I suspect…
The hard-science academic job is a point in your favor but, yes, all those things point in a certain direction.
Which is why the NPR Ladies end up so confused…
Have you considered buying a pickup truck?
Boost your “survivor prep cred”
Take up Cowboy Action Shooting. Your handle could be “High Holiday”.
Common Tater has the best suggestion.
Use .38s though. .45 Colt in low speed cowboy loads is crazy expensive.
OT, but over on Quillette there’s a good article on Stoicism y’all might be interested in.
Now that is the kind of hard-hitting, insightful commentary I expect from a preening tool.
the more women we have in government the better government might be led
Citation fucking needed.
the more women we have in government the better government might be led
*eyes Kamala, Maxine Waters, Boebert, AOC, MTJ, Talib, et al.*
Citation fucking needed.
Don’t ask me how I managed that.
A woman would not have done that.
Must’ve just loved the Thatcher govt!
Probably a big fan of Meloni as well.
Nah, your writers’ fictional plots were more true to life.
Man City @ Newcastle is an excellent tilt so far
restart and watch; first goal at 34′
I refuse to watch Man Shitty so it’s Bundesliga for now.
no objections
I follow NEW, so it’s my match of the week
and a much more even game than £85M vs £193M would predict
Ordinarily I would enjoy watching Newcastle. … Huh, nice result.
Hopefully Silicone Saturday is foreshadowing OMWC’s (and all of your) weekend(s).
#4’s matching sage green bikini and phone case are the same color as my bedding. Really gets the old noggin joggin’.
Scanning the links/birthdays etc….another black pilled day for me.
“I told my father I was specifically a P(censored)ile (sic), and he was instantly accepting of me.”
Your father is a failure.
Instead of wasting time censoring words like “pedophile” and “porn” these shitheads would be better off learning Mandarin cause that’s what we’ll all be speaking soon enough.
Can confirm.
The ice cream machine at my local McD’s has been broken for over a year. I don’t know why they even continue to have it on the menu.
Let’s keep this properly libertarian.
Or, instead of piecemeal exemptions for favored groups, maybe void those copyright provisions that have fuck all to do with the right to copy a piece of intellectual property so that people can do what they want with the pieces of code they have purchased or licensed, in the same way they can cut up the pages of a book they bought and put them in different order.
That’s just crazy talk.
@trshmonster (cc: TPTB, if he doesn’t get on today will you forward this to him via your magic, please/thank you)
Hey man, I live in your neck of the woods, and will soon be even closer. I seen you went to a Salatin chicken processing. If you are getting ready to process some chickens yourself I’d be glad to lend a hand (if it is a day I’m not already occupied), I’ve processed my own for the last three years and know how extra help would always be apprectiated. shoot me an email at : lazersrfc07@hotmail.com
Just for the record, this topic (and some equipment) is covered in pretty great detail (along with a lot of other material) in the “Escape the City” books by Travis Corcoran that I’ve been excerpting periodically.
Submitted without comment.
Call me unambitious, but I’m content to disappoint one woman at a time.
There must be some British use of the word ‘Daily’ that I am not familiar with. They all appear to be the same.
No libertarian women? There are plenty at LP conventions and many are easy on the eye and grateful to meet libertarian men.
Tough asd nails
Vice President Harris pledged to sign a new version of the failed bipartisan Senate border deal at a campaign event in Douglas, Ariz., on Friday, touting a law enforcement vision of border management and panning former President Trump for politicizing the issue.
In her first visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in three years, Harris told supporters at Cochise College Douglas Campus that she would further strengthen the asylum restrictions that have played a part in reducing border crossings since May.
If only someone had told her about this sooner.
“It was the strongest border security bill we have seen in decades,” Harris said. “It was endorsed by the Border Patrol union, and it should be in effect today, producing results in real time right now for our country. But Donald Trump tanked it. He picked up the phone and called some friends in Congress and said, stop the bill, because, you see, he prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem, and the American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games and their personal political future.”
The union approved it? That’s good enough for me.
Talking to an acquaintance last night he mentioned Harris’ speech. My response: “A lot of things have passed her lips but truth is not among them.”
I think he was a bit taken aback. Perhaps I should learn to be more diplomatic.
Count the stupid!
I fairly certain I have died and instead of hell I am stuck in an endless marathon of Three Stooges episodes.
I’ll Mrs. Q any day.
I see better looking women at my local Walmart every week. And most of them don’t require a pressure washer to remove their makeup, let alone whatever she wasted that £20,000 on. You only have to fool one person, though. I sometimes wish I had the utterly unwarranted self confidence some people have.
whatever she wasted that £20,000 on
Those shitty bolt-ons and duck lips?
Autophilia? Autogynephilia?
She doesnt have self confidence, exactly the opposite. Poor thing.
academic, vegetarian, music and books geek, fine food and wine enthusiast,
That guy sounds like an insufferable prat.
Magick spell
Organizers put the ban in place following a shooting last year that injured three people and sent some fairgoers running and climbing over barriers to flee. By the time thousands of visitors began streaming through the gates in Dallas on Friday — greeted by a roughly five-story tall cowboy statue known as “Big Tex” — the state’s highest court had rejected a last-minute appeal from the the state’s GOP attorney general, who argued the ban violated Texas’ permissive gun rights.
The fair previously allowed attendees with valid handgun licenses to carry their weapon as long as it was concealed, fair officials said. After announcing the ban, the fair noted over 200 uniformed and armed police officers still patrol the fairgrounds each day. Retired law enforcement officers also can still carry firearms.
Finally, they will put an end to the open air shooting gallery which is the Texas State Fair. They don’t say whether last year’s shooter was a licensed carrier, for some reason.
My inner yenta is so pleased!!
If I wasn’t an Elon fangirl before*, I would be now. Almost no cell or fiber optic service in all of western NC, yet Starlink marches on!
*I was
The judge elsewhere in her opinion blasted the “incoherence” of Trump’s litigation position and chided the unsupported nature of the defense’s stance. (The former president has pleaded not guilty in the federal case alleging he tried to criminally subvert the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden.)
The nerve of that guy, disputing the charges against him. He’s a threat to the rule of law.
Meanwhile, down at the union hall
USMX has offered upwards of 40% in wage increases over the six-year contract, a person with knowledge of negotiations said. The ILA is reportedly asking for raises of $5 an hour, per year, which would be an immediate 12.8% pay hike on the current top pay of $39 an hour. Repeating that $5 an hour increase each year would result in raises totaling 77% during the life of the contract.
“My ILA members are not going to accept these insulting offers that are a joke considering the work my ILA longshore workers perform, and the billion dollar profits the companies make off the backs of their labor,” said Harold Daggett, the ILA’s international president and chief negotiator, in a statement.
Shipping rates soared during and immediately after the pandemic, as supply chains snarled and demand surged. Industry profits topped $400 billion from 2020–2023, according to analyst John McCown, which is believed to be more than the industry had previously made in total since containerization started in 1957.
They want their FAIR SHARE. And those shipping rates will never come down after the union contract locks them in.
Your move, “most union friendly administration in history”.
Do you want fully automated ports? Because this is how you get fully automated ports.
RWG claims its terminal is run by no more than ten to 15 people every day.
That’s huge, if it pans out. Which it may.
Self driving might actually work in that sort of environment.
The biggest blow to the longshoreman’s union was the invention of the shipping container.
I didn’t realize astrologers were unionized.
New Belgium’s Asheville brewery must surely have gotten washed away
Anyone here from Cyto? Hope all is well with their family
I’m in love with NOT NPR LADY on behalf of OMWC, so I hope it goes well.
Pedos. I once listened to a podcast (which I can’t cough up) with a 20something self-described pedo who swore he would not act on these urges. He said he was NOT molested, but that he was sexually attracted to girls his age when he hit puberty at about 11 and then … never grew out of being attracted to that age group.
Pedos: I dont care.
You dont blame the wolf for being a wolf. It doesnt matter how the wolf got that way. You still have to shoot him.
“someone from the other party whose name I shall not even utter.”
Faint praise
“This movie is unwatchable,” Magary wrote. “It deserves to live in infamy, with its title acting as shorthand for any multimillion-dollar flop borne out of monstrous ego. I took a bullet watching ‘Megalopolis’ for you. An actual bullet would have been kinder.”
I could be wrong, but I don’t think he liked it very much.
The thing is, Drew Magary is a tremendous douchebag, so it’s hard for me to take anything he says at face value.
Only review I read was the WSJ. It wasn’t good there either, but he didn’t simply trash talk it. However.
As was true of another fall-of-Rome folly, the 1980 trashterpiece “Caligula,” stilted acting naturally follows sludgy and incoherent writing, with nearly every scene losing its grasp of story advancement in favor of pretentious philosophizing, end-of-civilization doomsaying, witless swipes at the media, empty spectacle (such as a wedding reception during which a circus turns into a sex scandal), and backstabbing that suggests a supersized episode of “Dynasty” written with Shakespearean grandeur.
“Caligula” was a hoot! I remember watching the uncut version. It really was an 80s porn film with a real budget. Problem was the plot was pure porn. Funny part is how tame it is to what you can click on today in mere seconds.