Winston’s Mom does the Links

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Daily Links | 281 comments

What the fuck? How am I supposed to do my job and whatever it is you call hanging around here, without InfoWars?

Seriously, where else can I get information on the location of the machine elves?

Do yourself a favor and get the hell out of Florida.

This photo is not helping

This line of argument is as profound as asking what it the roles were reversed.

They have to have serious dirt on this guy. He was smart enough to sell his company a year or so before it went out of business, then won an NBA finals with an all-white team. So he can’t be that retarded.

Wha? Why you say sub seenk?. Sub go under water. You buy. *shreiking in Chinese* Bah, *more shreiking in Chinese*. You talk at husband now.

If Puffy got Carl Winslow to go to a sex party because he needed the prescence of a positive father figure to get the vibe right, I have no way to even begin to compete with that many level of fetish.

and finally!

For once I can’t blame him. Who hasn’t buzzed one out to her?

About The Author

Winston's Mom

Winston's Mom

Biological mother of Winston.


  1. juris imprudent

    Isn’t a hurricane just nature’s enema for Florida? [Hoping Florida Glibs have moved to higher ground]

  2. Ownbestenemy

    Do yourself a favor and get the hell out of Florida.

    This is the timely information we have grown to love! *checks weather…its in Georgia now*

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — I have to call my parents and make sure they haven’t gotten a surprise tornado or anything (I don’t think there’s a flooding risk where their house is, and the rain on the external security cameras on my house near them isn’t too bad yet / no tree limbs perceptibly down so it is probably fine…). I don’t think the core’s coming through NE GA until this afternoon or so, though…

      • Ownbestenemy

        Pretty fast mover and didn’t just stall out so that is good news for Flo-Rida

    • Winston's Mom

      This is the timely information we have grown to love! *checks weather…its in Georgia now*

      Youre welcome, asshole.

      • Bobarian LMD

        It’s blowing pretty hard here in KY right this minute.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Blowing pretty hard in KY describes a Diddy party too.

      • Grummun

        It’s blowing pretty hard here in KY right this minute.

        Winton’s mom … blowing hard … KY

        So many possibilities…

  3. cavalier973

    Roger Stone is going to buy Infowars and hire Alex Jones to run it

    • Suthenboy

      I have no doubt that Jones will have the last laugh. His enemies have room temp IQ’s at best.The guy’s schtick is insane conspiracy theorist but only a food would think he is stupid.

  4. trshmnstr

    If Puffy got Carl Winslow to go to a sex party

    His mouth may be saying no, but his shirt says yes.

    • cavalier973

      That picture of Diddy must be from his “nerd rapper” stage of life

    • Sean


  5. UnCivilServant

    When I read Animal’s article on the sub sinking alongside the pier, the phrasing made me think the pier had sunk too.

    The funny part was that I wasn’t surprised at that (nonexistant) development.

    • SDF-7

      It was part of an automated floating drydock system where they had AI setting the relative depth. But they messed it up with their pier programming.

      • UnCivilServant

        I hear they gave in to pier pressure.

      • SDF-7

        True enough — I think they even migrated to Docker.

      • UnCivilServant

        Turns out they were out of their depth.

      • SDF-7

        Always chasing the new wave — but never staying current?

      • UnCivilServant

        Worse, they keep financing these projects with debt, so they’re all underwater.

  6. juris imprudent

    won an NBA finals with an all-white team

    One tall kraut does not make the entire team white.

    • Nephilium

      Radio on the internet… three commas man!

      • SDF-7

        I’m just not that into REM b-sides to have heard that one, Neph.

      • Ownbestenemy

        This guy fucks!

      • Nephilium


        The best of Russ Hanneman (NSFW)

        You know what ROI stands for?

        Radio On Internet.

      • UnCivilServant

        I thought it was the French King.

    • Winston's Mom

      Right, because Jason Terry made them diverse and inclusive as a women’s soccer team.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Were you trying to name the other white guy on the team Jason Kidd?

  7. SDF-7

    Wha? Why you say sub seenk?

    I swear there was a BB that flooded due to someone leaving a valve open dockside at one point — but searching for it, just found this… regardless, I expect it is something similar – and if it just sank next to the pier, they’ll refloat it easily enough. Crap happens, unfortunately.

    Morning, all — morning, Winston’s Mom. Always appreciated when you grace us with your presence.

    • Pope Jimbo

      they’ll refloat it easily enough

      There is a family legend regarding my father about the floatability of dead salmon.

      The back story is that my father was an incredible fisherman and had a special boat that he would spend two weeks every summer fishing salmon in Lake Michigan. The system was that you’d sign up for a couple days and be the crew. It was always a fantastic time. Even if you weren’t catching fish, the trip was a blast. Since he was a polished naval captain, drinking was an important part of every trip.

      The year in question, was pretty slow. (Mind you, this is all second hand info from those who were there). Due to the slow catching of fish, there was ample time to do more drinking. At the end of one trip, they had caught only 4 salmon, but they were all big. All over 20lb.

      As captain, my father always felt it was his duty to clean the fish when we got back to the marina. Everyone on this trip was an accomplished fisherman and could easily have fileted the fish, but Minnesoda nice drove him to demand that everyone take 5 and he’d clean the fish.

      Since the fish had been in cooler in the front of the boat for hours (with lots of ice) they were pretty slimy and dirty. In a moment of clarity*, Dad decided he’d clean them off a bit before cleaning them. So he tossed a 25 salmon into the water next to where the boat had been tied off in its slip. The salmon immediately sank right to the bottom. Luckily a few of the crew had were able to use a net to recover the salmon so no lasting harm.

      When asked what he was thinking, Dad said, “I thought that it would float because it was dead. Dead fish float, right?”

      The immediate derision from the crew coupled with his own embarrassment meant that he never fully embraced the humor of the situation. The rest of the crew loved to tell the story and Dad would always try to laugh along. You could tell that intellectually he got the humor, but at a gut level he never thought it was funny at all.

      * Assuming large amounts of rum approaching zero.

      • AlexinCT

        Since he was a polished naval captain, drinking was an important part of every trip.

        Maybe if they bring this old custom back then we would have fewer cases of DEI recruits wrecking it all.

    • Suthenboy

      They cant refloat it until they patch the screen hatch and secure it with the hook latch.

      • AlexinCT

        They should get them some Flex Seal

  8. AlexinCT

    Winston’s mom AND Urkel? What? Is it some special occassion?

    • UnCivilServant

      Yes, the Grand Jury returned your indictment.

      I think the max penalty is $15 though.

  9. juris imprudent

    A little preaching to the choir, but it’s nice to hear it from outside our parish.

    It is an accelerated version of previous campaigns in 2016 and 2020, where ex-officials and military officers on both sides of the aisle vocalizing major opposition to Trump offer to give national security cred to the Democratic candidate — in this case Harris. For their part, the candidate virtually ignores that many of these endorsements are in many cases coming from odious individuals, including architects of wars and interventions that Democrats have openly criticized as stains on recent American history.

    Perhaps the most persuasive argument to me for voting for Trump.

    • rhywun

      But Trump is a dictator who will end democracy and abortions.

      • AlexinCT

        Things politicians with no positive accomplishments and a wrecked country left behind have to run on and claim, to frighten their low information voters, for $2000 Alex!

    • Suthenboy

      Trump should fire every single one of them along with every single person involved in the architecture of the Afghan withdrawal. And shitcan DEI in the military. Kill it with fire.

      • AlexinCT

        Nuke it all from orbit.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s the real fear of all of these people.

        Which is stupid – they never are held accountable. You’d think they would know that.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The fear is real.

        CPL Vance might have some quaint notions of chain of command and military structure that the perfumed princes have long since left behind.

      • juris imprudent

        Doesn’t matter what Vance thinks about chain of command, CS protection is the law and whistle-blower protection will be warped into protecting those opposing Trump and defending the bureaucracy. Nothing will change – not until Congress is on board.

      • The Last American Hero

        If elected, I would have a public ceremony on the south lawn where I would fire them, rip medals off their jackets, and have some MP’s there to take them away and await court martial. Milley would also get the slap in the face. Sorta like this scene. The good part comes in at 5:20.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      I have pointed out to my D friends and acquaintances that Dick. Fucking. Cheney. has endorsed Kamalamadingdong. Not that I think this will change any minds, but sometimes you just need to be that asshole in the conversation.

      The Wife is not amused when I do this with the people she works with.

      • Nephilium

        I’ve been tempted to get some yard signs printed out saying “I Stand with Dick Cheney” to put up next to the Harris ’24 signs.

      • UnCivilServant

        I haven’t seen any Harris signs around these parts.

        I saw scant few driving across the whole country. Admittedly, most of that drive was highway.

      • dbleagle

        Even in ultra-violet blue Hawaii I have seen zero Aldi Obama yard signs and only one bumper sticker. I have seen OMB bumper stickers, not many but a consistent small number during my commute,

  10. AlexinCT

    What the fuck? How am I supposed to do my job and whatever it is you call hanging around here, without InfoWars?

    In that parable of Salomon where the 2 women claimed a baby, Salomon solved the problem by telling the mothers to be he would cut the baby in half and then rationalized the real mother was the one that then told him to just give the other lady the baby. In this war against Alex Jones, the government, representing the supposed victims, have chosen not to keep him around paying them damages into perpetuity, but to kill that baby.

    If you doubt the agenda here was never justice, but to permanently silence Jones, have it no more.

  11. Suthenboy

    What does it say about someone who considers themselves serious people when their most hated enemy is a sensationalist performance artist provocateur? The inability to see humor at all and be especially offended when you are being laughed at is a sign of, shall we say…low cognitive ability? They actually spent a shit-ton of money and effort to shut the guy up. Andy Kauffman had nuthin’ on this guy and that is who they fear? We allowed these fucking clowns to be in charge of….anything? What does that say about us as a society?

    • AlexinCT

      We allowed these fucking clowns to be in charge of….anything?

      Who is this “we ” you speak off Kemosabe?

      As I have pointed out before, the world is rapidly being wrecked because the people in charge of the unelected and unaccountable parts of governments, anywhere and everywhere, with maybe a couple of exceptions, are practically all life’s losers and people that hate any system of merit or accountability. Globalism, and it’s main effort, climate change, are nothing but malthusian efforts to liquidate massive amounts of humans and to return us back to a marxist feudal system where these dregs in government keep hereditary privileges and power. When you are ruled by such idiots, anything that makes these deficiencies and the chaos and destruction they are causing obvious, or that draws attention to the never ending cascade of failures, is existential to this class of morons.

      Jones got way too many people to pay attention to horrible shit these malthusian morons were doing, wrecking all those efforts to convince normal people the evil shit that was obviously going on, were just conspiracy theories. He had to be destroyed.

      Remember, nothing is more feared by evil than the truth and free speech to dissipate that truth against their efforts to hide it.

  12. Grumbletarian

    The number of people on Earth who would pay to see Krugnuts naked cannot possibly be in the double digits.

    • AlexinCT

      I bet any cannibals hoping to make a stew of that wreck would however to make sure he was not just a bag of bones and rotted meat, so maybe there are a few more of them…

    • trshmnstr

      Hey, don’t diss the readership of Keynsians in Cashmere!

    • Common Tater

      But how much would you pay not to see him naked?

      • EvilSheldon

        I’d pay to not see him at all.

    • AlexinCT

      Was that chimp also pounding the wife on the side?

    • Winston's Mom

      Everyone wants RETVRN TO MONKE until its time to do RETVRN TO MONKE shit.

      • Not Adahn

        Heroic Mulatto? Is that you?

  13. rhywun

    They have to have serious dirt on this guy.

    There is probably a $impler explanation why he favor$ Harri$.

    • Drake

      No power here in SC. At least 3 trees down and the yard is a raging river. Thanks Florida.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yeah with these I always assume its for access/favors once their favored politicians are in office. Same goes for anyone with f-u money that endorses Trump.

      • Winston's Mom

        Like Musk?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yup. Musk wants streamlined regulations. He isn’t some champion of Trumps. Cuban just doesn’t want to be lined up against the wall first.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Ironic that his last name is Cuban?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I know it is long, but stick to the end.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Is that what you tell Winston’s mom?

      • AlexinCT

        HEY NOW!

    • Tundra

      Oh man. That was incredible.

    • AlexinCT


    • UnCivilServant

      Because it’s normal to hold enemies to a double standard.

    • Winston's Mom

      I don’t see the humor about the sub.

      Most communist spies are more subtle about letting everyone know you’re a communist.

      • AlexinCT

        WOOP WOOP!

      • bacon-magic


  14. Sensei

    College girlfriend had this exact car except in maroon. I put 10ks of miles on it. I loved it and I’d pay crazy money for this example. It was incredibly comfortable and easy to drive. How far we have come…

    1988 Honda Accord LXi (5-Speed Manual)

    The clutch was really light with the friction point being a little tough to find until you got used to it. The shifter was amazing, but the throws a bit wide. However, it wasn’t meant to be a sports sedan. Simply fun to drive basic transportation.

    • PieInTheSky

      how comfortable was the back seat?

      • Sensei

        Never tried that. I had an apartment by that point.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      My college girlfriend had a Mercury Topaz two door with the 5 speed. I am… not sure what that says about anyone.

  15. Drake

    Mark Cuban has been saying full leftist retard stuff on X lately. He must have visited Epstein Island and P Diddy’s house many times.

    • Ted S.

      Hasn’t he been saying such stuff since the first Trump administration?

      • AlexinCT

        Well, he IS owned by the CCP…

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I think he endorsed Trump the first time around?

  16. Ownbestenemy

    Drake on September 27, 2024 at 7:44 am
    No power here in SC. At least 3 trees down and the yard is a raging river. Thanks Florida.

    Stay safe out there. We are supposedly going to be getting some ‘heavy’ rains here in NKY later this afternoon. Time will tell I suppose but we are supposedly in a ‘draught’.

    • Drake

      Thanks – I did a walk around the house inside and out at first light and no apparent damage there. Just a hell of a mess out in the yard. We are supposed to be done with worst by noon and sunny by 4pm.

      Take care when it comes your way, the rain is no joke.

  17. Suthenboy

    My brother and I, lifelong residents of both Louisiana and Florida were chuckling about the hurricane last night. It’s always the worst one ever, the end of the world and we mean it this time!
    Yeah, whatever. I have lived through the end of the world so many times now I lost count. Honestly, it’s getting a bit tiresome.
    We were laughing about how the reporters sensationalize everything weather related and this came up:
    Notice the dildo hosting the dingbat weather lady. Of course it was him.

    I woke up this morning around 1am. I went to make a cup of tea and could overhear the TV something something and I heard some dude exclaim “OH MY GOD” so I went and peeked around the corner to what it was. Weather actor in a full Popeye style slicker desperately clasping his mic gear to his ear with one hand, struggling to hold his mic up to his face and bracing against the wind like a linebacker, stumbling about. The most stereotypical hurricane reporter shot since the beginning of time. I just rolled my eyes and went back to making tea. I sent my brother a text about it, I am sure he will start the day off with a good laugh.
    I hate that these storms tear up so much property and that people get hurt or killed. I do. People should just get out the way. It’s not that hard and there is nothing to be gained by laying down in front of a freight train. I hope everyone is well. For those still in the path of this monster, be sensible….get out of the way.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I expect deaths to start going up as amateur ‘storm chasers’ that are really just kids live feeding get caught where they shouldn’t be.

      • AlexinCT


    • Sensei

      There is always a group that feel that they need to make no preparations and that government of all levels will simply fix it all for them.

      That said, I know people that hunkered down properly and still have had major issues with hurricanes and the aftermath. They ain’t no joke, but the alarmist MSM doesn’t help.

    • PieInTheSky

      we have no hurricanes in Europe but if we did we totes would handle it better than Americans

      • UnCivilServant

        Hang out “Welcome, Hurricanes” signs and drown?

      • Nephilium

        Well, Europe is due to get rebuilt from the ground up again, isn’t it?

      • The Last American Hero

        Easy to talk trash from your ancestral fortress high up in the Carpathians where the hurricanes never come.

    • AlexinCT

      Roh Roh… I once ate Sushi in a restaurant that charged me a small fortune of some nekked chick that was not that good looking…

      Am I also going to be in trouble?

    • PieInTheSky

      look eating sushi off naked chicks is a time honored tradition.

    • Suthenboy

      From the description I knew it had to be the Daily something. Any paper in the UK with Daily in the name should be paying ‘ol Diddy. He has just given them material for years.

    • AlexinCT

      How was she going to accomplish that destruction? She was going to ask everybody to point out their dad?

      • AlexinCT

        He backed off because he saw what the Clintons already had done to it?

    • rhywun

      OFFS! Thank god the FBI was there to… uh… save us.

    • Suthenboy

      That is sad. That poor thing looks like a very pitiful lost soul. She fell in with the wrong company.

    • juris imprudent

      plotting to ‘completely destroy’ Baltimore”

      She joined the Democratic Party?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      She was going to destroy the rich white areas, because Nazi.

  18. Suthenboy

    It may not be profound but it is sensible and based on reason, a complete waste of time when talking to leftist brainwashed idiots. Besides, they dont give a flea’s fart about women, rights, or any of the things they profess. They are about destroying and enslaving western culture…nothing else. They would turn us into Afghanistan if they could. Complete enslavement of everyone.
    Stop talking to them, it is an exercise in futility. Ignore them and FFS STOP GIVING IN TO THEIR INSANITY.

    • AlexinCT

      People have a hard time turning away from train wrecks…

  19. PieInTheSky

    Italy revives policy of failing badly behaved pupils to ‘bring back respect’

    ‘Grades for conduct’, similar to a law introduced by Mussolini, aims to tackle rising aggression towards teachers

    I have no idea of the status now but when I was in school it was usual practice. You got a grade for behavior each trimester (later semester when the system changed) and if it was a failing grade over the year you had to repeat the year. Googling, it is still a thing for Romania. Back in the day you automatically lost a point for each 20 unexplained absences

    • AlexinCT

      Italy revives policy of failing badly behaved pupils to ‘bring back respect’

      Damn, I would never have gotten out of kindergarten if this was happening back when. I know plenty of people that got held back for bad grades, though. What always saved my ass was that despite my clowning around, my grades were so high, doors kept opening anyway for me. BTW, I clowned because school bored me to tears being so slow. And I feel I need to point out I did all my primary schooling in schools outside of the US, with the locals, and with systems that make the US schools look like you stayed in kindergarten, because that was where my father was sent by the Navy. They had a lot less taste for putting up with annoying kids and I did get my regular whoopings – both from the teachers and then my parents at home – for acting up.

    • Ted S.

      I assume Pie’e report card had the comment “Runs with scissors”.

    • Nephilium

      Grade school had grades for behavior, but there wasn’t anything like that in high school Of course, being a private high school, they would kick you out if your behavior was poor enough (it happened to several of my friends).

    • R C Dean

      “similar to a law introduced by Mussolini”

      Given that the EU in general is broadly fascist now (at least as far as its economic organization goes), this could be a fun game to play.

    • The Last American Hero

      We had citizenship scores all the way through high school. And 7 unexplained absences meant you failed the semester. Full stop.

  20. Suthenboy

    “I plan to make huge sums of money and become a public figure. Before I do that I am gonna go ahead and make sure a video of me with an underage kid, a cheap hooker, dope and a German Shepard are floating around out there. I am gonna cheat on my taxes too.”


    • trshmnstr

      Jack Posobiec made a good point about that. What if, instead of there just happening to be a large concentration of weirdos who have power and fame, there was a barrier to entry that required you to do weird things before you were admitted to the cool kids club?

      • Suthenboy

        I may have suggested that a few times myself over the years. I compare it to a gang initiation.

      • The Other Kevin

        I saw that. You don’t get any real power unless the power brokers have something they can use against you, so they can keep you in line. Makes sense.

      • Drake

        Yes – an initiation that can be used for blackmail. The world of wealth and fame opens up after you’re compromised.

      • The Last American Hero

        Ah, sort of like the Skull and Boners initiation.

    • AlexinCT

      There are a lot of women that also make terrible life and boyfriend decisions that think she is da bomb for singing about that stuff?

    • Homple

      “I thought in the end no real graves/bodies were found”

      Everybody shut up when it became obvious there were none.

      • PieInTheSky

        not everybody it seems. Miss Gazan is still at it

    • Suthenboy

      For people like that zero evidence only reinforces their belief.

      • PieInTheSky

        bit of a kafkatrap

    • Chipping Pioneer

      The Truth doesn’t matter, and they’re not interested in Reconciliation.

  21. PieInTheSky

    France’s vast public debt pile grew in the second quarter, official figures showed Friday, as Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s shaky minority government girds itself for a gruelling budget debate.

    New borrowings of 68.9 billion euros ($77 billion) between April and June increased the country’s debt pile to almost 3.23 trillion euros, or 112 percent of annual output, data from statistics agency INSEE showed.

      • Suthenboy

        So…complete insanity. Real bark-at-the-moon crazy.

  22. Pope Jimbo


    Minneapolis Public Schools are seeking voter approval for a levy that will raise $20 million in annual funding for technology.
    Over the summer, the Board of Education directors approved the tech levy ballot question voters will face at the polls on Nov. 5.
    If approved, the tech levy would not significantly increase MPS’s spending on technology. The additional funds would instead minimize cuts to programs and services. About $35 million of the MPS general fund goes towards technology. The levy would free up about $20 million from the general fund to support other programs.

    I’m always reading stories about judges throwing out ballot initiatives because they are misleading. Surely this has to be a slam dunk right?

    • PieInTheSky

      I say make it 40 don’t be cheap

      • Pope Jimbo

        You of all people should know you can’t get blood from a stone.

  23. Suthenboy

    I think I covered China yesterday. A culture of grifters whose industry and construction sectors are cargo cults. They are a world power on paper. Everything about them is fake. The army of Liechtenstein could probably whip their ass.

    • AlexinCT

      Like the Soviets, they have numbers, and numbers do often make a big difference. That having been said, communism is such an evil system, that it basically serves to maximize any and all bad and destructive things. Eventually the massive amount of money the west has poured into the changing the CCP, and then actually being changed by the CCP to admire and want to treat their citizens as such, will cause all of us heartaches. Especially as the house of cards implodes. The big unknown to me is if America will go down ugly before the CCP’s China does.

      • Suthenboy

        I am betting on China. We still have a few sane people. Whatever is wrong here, china has 10x over.

      • The Last American Hero

        I too am betting on China failing first. The US could still elect a Melei and turn itself around. China has no such precedent for these things.

    • AlexinCT

      Spoils of war?

  24. Suthenboy

    Krugman: Will no one rid of this troublesome court jester?

  25. PieInTheSky

    Japan’s scandal-hit ruling party has elected Shigeru Ishiba as its new leader, positioning the former defence chief as Japan’s next leader.

    Ishiba, 67, said he would clean up his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), revitalise the economy and address security threats after winning Friday’s party election.

    Since the LDP has a parliamentary majority, its party chief will become prime minister and Ishiba is expected to be appointed to the role on Tuesday.

    Shigeru Ishiba is Japan’s ninth Christian prime minister

      • AlexinCT

        I bet this guy’s defense policy will be research into actually making a Godzilla…

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Where does he think he is, Chicago?

    • Sensei

      Ishiba is in favour of allowing female emperors – a hugely controversial issue opposed by many LDP member and successive governments.

      No longer divine and now this. How Japan has fallen.

      • UnCivilServant

        Send him into exile, he does not belong anywhere near Japan.

      • Ted S.

        Technically they’d be empresses.

  26. Pope Jimbo

    Square this circle: The Mall of America is going to get a kick ass new water park.

    The city of Bloomington says they are supporting the project because an influx of money from tourism will keep them from charging local community members for property tax.
    The city is helping the mall by allowing them to use some of their tax money to fund the project via tax increment financing.

    With this story.

    The Mall of America is taking a big step to increase security, and the city of Bloomington is helping pay for it.
    Since gunfire erupted inside on Christmas Eve in 2022, the mall has implemented facial recognition to scan for people of interest and experimented with metal detectors.
    The shot detection sensors are familiarly known as ShotSpotter technology, although it’s unclear if Mall of America will be working with the company that makes ShotSpotter.
    Documents from the city of Bloomington say, “In 2024, [MOA] intends to implement a system to immediately detect and to geolocate a critical incident involving a gunshot.”

    So what is it? Are we spending tax payer dollars to fund a new water park that is literally hundreds of yards from nearby hotels with waterparks? Or are we spending tax payer money to try to figure out where all the bullets are being shot from?

    I know, embrace the power of “AND”.

  27. Rat on a train

    Spotsylvania supervisors upset over $2.8-million path

    “Whether it’s local match or state funding it’s still taxpayer money. … To me it’s just outrageous that (it costs) $3 million for an 1,800-foot sidewalk, no matter where the money’s coming from. It’s a hard pill for me to swallow.”

    Marshall said he reached out to a local contractor who told him it would cost less than $1 million to build the sidewalk.

    “But we can’t pay that” contractor to do the work, Marshall said. “We can’t hire that man” and “save $2.2 million. We can’t legally do that. So we’ve definitely got to change the rules of the game.”

  28. Pope Jimbo

    NEW FIRSTS!!!!!

    felt—nearly two dozen more officers, including new firsts, are on the force following a graduation ceremony.
    “Just as they’re about to take their oaths today, before all of you and before God, I know that I have a sacred obligation to do that all I can for them,” MPD Chief Brian O’Hara said at the ceremony. “I pledge to you tonight that I will do everything within my power to take care of them.”
    Now part of the rank-and-file are 11 recruits and 12 lateral officers who are joining from other agencies, some with more than a decade of experience. Of the recruits is the first-ever Somali woman, Ikran Mohamed, and permanent resident, Lesly Vera, for the department.
    A permanent resident who is a non-citizen can be part of the department now due to a recent law change, Chief O’Hara said. Officer Vera said she moved to Minneapolis from Mexico when she was 4 and has called it home since.

    After our first ever Somali cop, I’m sure the local Aussie gals are moving as far out in the suburbs as possible.

    The journalo didn’t dig as deep as I’d like (surely just a random overlook), but does this mean we just hired an illegal alien from Mexico to be a cop? I know it says she is a permanent resident, but why not wait until she is a citizen?

    And WTF is it with the hijab? Would she stop chasing a perp if her hijab came off?

    • UnCivilServant

      No non-citizen should be allowed to be a police officer.

      Deport them now.

      • Common Tater

        Deport who? People with green cards?

      • PieInTheSky

        deport everyone and God will know the true Americans.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s past time to suspend all visas and legal entry until we’ve gotten the illegals out and the borders secured.

      • Common Tater

        “It’s past time to suspend all visas and legal entry”

        So punish the people following the law?

      • UnCivilServant


        It’s traditional.

        I mean, what are they going to do? Punish Criminals?

      • PieInTheSky

        when UCS says he would be an evil overlord he aint kiddin

      • UnCivilServant

        At least I’m Honest.

        Why vote for the lesser evil?

      • trshmnstr

        So punish the people following the law?

        I’d be all for a moratorium on legal immigration for a few years while we get everything cleaned up. The idea that “legal immigration good, illegal immigration bad” is too simplistic.

      • AlexinCT

        The idea that “legal immigration good, illegal immigration bad” is too simplistic.

        Say what?

        It doesn’t get any simpler – and correct – than that.

        In fact, it would behoove us to have an immigration policy that filtered for the smartest and most pro capitalism people to be the ones we allow to immigrate if we want to change the disastrous path we are on. Especially with the US education system having created so many fucking America hating morons.

      • trshmnstr

        It doesn’t get any simpler – and correct – than that.

        Meh. Culture matters. Importing really smart people from shit cultures across the ocean creates cultural problems, albeit different cultural problems, just as much as importing poors and refugees over the souther border from shit cultures to the south of us.

      • juris imprudent

        We should always be open to taking in those who don’t conform to the shit-hole culture that produced them. What we don’t want is those that DID fit in to those cultures.

      • trshmnstr

        We should always be open to taking in those who don’t conform to the shit-hole culture that produced them.

        To me, its less about the individuals and more about the quantities. When you import so many people that the culture in your cities becomes their culture from back home, you’re not acting in your own citizens’ best interest.

        It wasn’t a great idea back in the early 20th century, and it’s not a great idea now. Flooding cities with H1B workers doesn’t help most of the existing people in the city. The H1B workers become insular and primarily transact economically and culturally within their own race. Meanwhile public resources are increasingly diverted to supporting the H1B workers and their families.

  29. Common Tater

    “A total of 289,902 registrations were removed cause the voter moved within the state, 246,311 were removed due to inactive status, and 130,688 were removed because the voter was deceased.

    An additional 31,242 were removed because the voter moved from the state, 26,939 were duplicates that were either merged or removed, 18,883 were removed because the voter has a felony conviction, 2,329 were removed at the request of the voter, and an additional 980 were removed because of “other,” for a total of 747,274 removals.”

    • UnCivilServant

      “We have, however, already tallied their votes.”

      • Rat on a train

        Count every vote and then some.

  30. Common Tater

    “Additionally, the car manufacturer is heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. The company sponsored a drag queen program for kids who identify as LGBTQ and supported “The Equality Act,” which would allow biological men to use women’s bathrooms and compete in women’s sports. Toyota has actively worked with HRC, a progressive LGBTQ nonprofit, to help oppose laws that would ban sex changes for minors. Furthermore, the company funds not only its employees’ gender transitions but also their children’s sex change procedures if the state they live in allows for it.

    The report revealed that Toyota has donated to the Trevor Project, a “child-friendly” LGBTQ organization that has conducted chat rooms between adults and kids to discuss sexual matters such as kinks, masturbation, and how to transition genders. The Trevor Project has an exit feature that can wipe the internet browser and hide the website from parents.

    The company has also donated to other groups supporting child sex changes including the Dallas Resource Center, Los Angeles LGBT Center, the Workplace Equality Summit, and the HRC.”


    • PieInTheSky

      do they have the same policy in Japan?

    • Suthenboy

      Incredible to me how much progress the left has made in normalizing insanity and evil.

      • AlexinCT

        Batshit crazy women…

        Guys will put up with a lot of stupid/crazy to get them some trim..

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Sounds like they wanted to compete with Subaru.

    • PieInTheSky

      related to this and language, those fucking hipster basques piss me off

      • Suthenboy

        “…hipster Basques…”
        A phenomena I am completely unaware of.

      • PieInTheSky

        Basques speak a non indo-european language isolate and are genetically different from the french and spanish. SO look at us we’re special sooo non mainstream.

  31. AlexinCT

    I had a couple of problems with this piece about Team Biden wondering what went wrong with their middle east policy. The first problem is that there is no Team Biden policy. This was all Obama 2.0 shit. The second, is that these idiots thought that playing nice with Iran, giving it billions of dollars thinking it would not be misused, would suddenly make the death cultists in Teheran give up all the “death to Israel” and “death to America” shit.

    • Suthenboy

      Overall, foreign policy since WWII…I mean, since Washington, Jefferson has been a disaster. Take the advice of older, wiser men. Stay out of overseas adventures, tend your own house and facilitate and protect free trade. Our govt is like the guy that finds the genie bottle and makes a wish that turns to shit, then tries to fix it with another wish etc etc each time making things worse. Our govt has been wrestling pigs for too long.

  32. Beau Knott

    RIP Dame Maggie Smith 😢
    I first saw her in Travels With My Aunt. She impressed in every role I saw her perform.

    • Tundra

      She was great in Downton Abbey. RIP.

      • The Last American Hero

        Pride of Ms Jean Brodie or GTFO.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Ayyy am in mayyy priiiime!”

    • Common Tater

      I’m guessing Fort Lee doesn’t.

    • Suthenboy

      Ugh. Like the peckerhead Karens that move from the NE down to Key West and bitch about the chickens. Guess what? Everything is not about you and your whims about what the world should be like. Dont like chickens crowing at dawn? Get your lazy ass up and leave Key West. Dont like coyotes howling? Get over it.
      Coyotes are excellent at keeping rats down. They dont hurt a thing.

      • UnCivilServant

        Coyotes are excellent at keeping rats down. They dont hurt a thing.

        Except in the cities where they eat more pets than Haitians.

      • creech

        Except when Karen’s purse dog gets loose and barks at Mr. Coyote.

      • Suthenboy

        We have leash laws here. You can be arrested for not following them. I have a shitload of wild canines where I live and have never lost a pet.
        The only chicken death was due to a neighbor not following leash laws. Her dog got the chicken.

        I am guessing the complaints are people’s own dogs howling at night in response to the coyotes howling. The howling around here starters exactly at midnight because that is when the train passes a town a few miles away. The train whistle gets the coyotes going and then everyone’s dogs. We just roll over and put a pillow over our head.

      • Suthenboy

        Actually UnCivil, we should fix that ‘…more pets than Haitians…’ part. How do we get them to eat more Haitians than pets?

      • The Last American Hero

        They nab a dog in our neighborhood about twice a year. I have to keep one eye on the pooch when you send her out at night.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Coyotes kill and maim deer, damage cattle, kill sheep and goats, and so on.

        Coyotes also kill dogs, cats, and other pets when the interface with man.

      • trshmnstr

        We have leash laws here.

        We do not, but Big White Ball of Energy is kept on a lead so she doesn’t open my packages and spread them across the yard. She is a pretty good deterrent to the unleashed dogs and ‘yotes. Around here, the dogs aren’t much of a problem. They’re all farm dogs, and they’re rarely off their own property, but the next door neighbor’s dogs used to like to come over and do some rabbit hunting in my backyard. As long as they left the cats and chickens alone, I didnt mind. That seems to have gone away now that BWBoE is out there.

        Thanks to everybody who gave me some advice on getting her to stop shredding things. I’ve renewed my habit of training her in the evenings and it seems to help. I wish I could be more consistent, but ~4 days per week of training does seem to help. I’ve also stopped kenneling her and have attached her to a trolley line, which gives her the opportunity to move around a bit, interact with the cats and chickens, and dig annoyingly large holes everywhere. It’s not perfect, but it’s improvement.

    • Sensei

      Alex Ray Scott, 28, who began transitioning into a woman in jail, was previously found guilty of the January 2020 killing of Kenneth Savinski, 64, in his Upper East Side apartment with a decorative plate and kitchen knife.

      Leave it to the NYP to tell us exactly what kind of plate.

  33. UnCivilServant

    For decades, the caps on soft drink bottles have had flat tops. Of late, they’ve become domed. I keep thinking there’s a pressure problem on those bottles, but no, they changed the shape of the caps.


    • PieInTheSky

      in corporation there is pressure to innovate.

    • Nephilium

      Easier/cheaper manufacturing would be my guess.

      • Common Tater

        Two guesses.

        EU passed a law that bottle caps have to remain attached, which affected the design of non-attached caps.

        Starting around four years ago, manufacturers started using caps made from recycled plastic.

      • kinnath

        My guess is the dome in the lid allows less material to be used in the top of the cap while maintaining the structural integrity of the cap under pressure.

  34. PieInTheSky

    In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, over 1100 private companies laid out and maintained 22,000 miles of tolled roads (‘turnpikes’), giving Britain the best road network in Europe.

    ROADZ. try building one of those in England these days the planning takes 20 years

    • UnCivilServant

      Just build it and shoot anyone who asks for paperwork.

  35. Common Tater

    “The Federal Communications Commission has fined political consultant Steve Kramer $6 million for his part in trying to dupe New Hampshire primary voters with a so-called robocall in which Artificial Intelligence was used to mimic the voice of President Biden advising them not to cast ballots in the state’s Democratic primary.”

    All robocalls should be in RFK, Jr.’s voice.

  36. Certified Public Asshat

    How realistic is Inside Out 2? Neuroscientists weigh in as movie hits streaming for first time

    Psychologists pored over studies about whether experiences like embarrassment are an emotion and if there’s a physiological process involved.

    Humans experience 20 emotions on a regular basis, but the Inside Out 2 screenwriters were told to focus on just the new ones and five primary emotions from the first film – joy, fear, sadness, anger and disgust.

    Watching Riley go from an adolescent 13-year-old in the first film to a 15-year-old in high school in the sequel is ‘ surprisingly accurate, especially if you look at it from the perspective of what it feels like for the teenager and for the family,’ according to clinical psychologist Lisa Damour.

    ‘So [Riley] goes to bed one night and is a kid, and then the puberty alarm rings on the console,’ she told NPR.

    A team of clinical psychologists were brought on board to determine what each emotion would look like if it was given a form and how each one manifests itself.

    We’re all helpless flesh bags that cannot control the little emotion people in our heads.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      My end tag is inside out. Hey-o.

    • R.J.

      I want a prequel to Toxic Avenger where Melman hate-jacks in Bozo and Slugs’ gym lockers.
      Is that too much to ask?

    • Nephilium

      Yeah. That’s a movie that doesn’t really need a prequel. On the other hand, I really did like Bates Motel.

  37. Sensei

    Boeing takes a page out of Ford’s book. Just move the pedals more firmly!

    The NTSB said Boeing’s guidance to pilots to use maximum force to overcome stuck rudder pedals might lead to a loss of control or a plane careening off a runway. The safety board recommended the plane maker develop different procedures.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    $2950 when I saw it yesterday

    $5000 now. If it were where I could look at it, I’d be tempted. Assuming, of course, it doesn’t go to $12k.

    • Sensei

      Yeah, I’d want somebody to look at it. Also I’d want some education on where they rot.

      • UnCivilServant

        Usually on lawns or in garages.

    • Tundra

      Neat-o! Needs OD though.

  39. PieInTheSky

    Another shoe just dropped in the ongoing Dan Ariely scandal: JMR, a top 4 marketing journal, has issued a formal “Expression of Concern” for Mazar, Amir, & Ariely (2008), the infamous Ten Commandments study

    it seems to me a lot of the building blocks of behavioral economics are slightly shaky

    • AlexinCT

      A link back to this page….

      I see the horror story if you are blond and you just keep clicking…

    • juris imprudent

      I’m pretty sure that Letitia James can’t ever be right.

      • Sensei

        That’s part of why I’m so conflicted.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not torn at all.

    • The Last American Hero

      Fuck them. Let the companies burn and let this idiocy be a lesson taught to future MBA’s in case studies for the next 50 years.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Nice Manx

    Shoulda put a (slightly) bigger motor in it.

    • PieInTheSky

      you have a strange fascination with shitty vehicles.

      • R.J.

        I do! That is definitely not going to sell for only 9K. Maybe $25K.

      • Sensei

        I’d take that too.

      • Tundra

        Love the paint.

  41. PieInTheSky

    ugly childrens
    My ex-boyfriend’s bike that he locked in front of my apartment 2 years ago and never came back for

    Sign of a collapsing city. This would never happen in San Francisco. There’s some city agency idk their name but they come around and collect bicycles like this and are highly effective, sometimes servicing a bike just minutes after it is locked up.

    • AlexinCT

      I know about that San Fran city services that is mentioned and goes around collecting “Other people’s shit”. In this case it is mostly non governmental agents. i.e. private sector thieves.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    I’d want some education on where they rot.

    Pretty much all over. The 998 makes it more interesting, to a small subset of aficionados. There was a 997 and a 998. As I recall, the 998 was the better bore/stroke ratio.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    you have a strange fascination with shitty vehicles.

    I prefer “idiosyncratic”.

    • PieInTheSky

      idiotic and syncretic? interesting

  44. PieInTheSky

    GLP-1 for Addiction: the Medical Evidence for Opioid, Nicotine, and Alcohol Use Disorder
    GLP-1s like Ozempic and Mounjaro have the potential to reach far more patients than existing medications and permanently reduce addiction rates at a society-wide level.

    • Suthenboy

      “May cause your face to rot off or extra limbs to sprout from random locations. Dont take it if you are allergic to it. See your physician.”

      Olympic and AI are going to completely change the world! Yeah, I have heard that sort of thing before.

      • Cunctator

        —“May cause your face to rot off or extra limbs to sprout from random locations”—

        One of my favorites are the ones that “may cause a rare and sometimes fatal infection to the perineum”

        Yeah, I’d have to be really sick to risk dying from cancer of the taint.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of movies, I watched Sullivan’s Travels last night. Excellent. Again, a somewhat more honest view of the socially downtrodden than you’d get today.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    GLP-1s like Ozempic and Mounjaro have the potential to reach far more patients than existing medications and permanently reduce addiction rates at a society-wide level.

    I remember when they talked about LSD as a potential treatment for dipsomania. I wonder what ever happened. Squelched by Big Booze, I reckon.

  47. Gustave Lytton

    Puffy got Carl Winslow to go to a sex party because he needed the prescence of a positive father figure to get the vibe right, I have no way to even begin to compete with that many level of fetish.

    Welcome to the party, pal.

  48. R.J.

    Dearest Groat Scotum:
    There is now a mosquito in my house, and my phone’s touch screen is acting up. The Ukrainian plot is real! I expect a call from Zelenskyyy any minute asking for $100 to make things go back to normal.

      • R.J.

        Both Sam’s Club and BJ’s carry baby lotion.

    • Common Tater

      Seems likely thousands of bottles could be bought from a wholesaler or even the manufacturer.

      • R.J.

        Yes. I feel like a flippant comment about Costco as a generic big box was made, and people are treating him as if a trial is already going on.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      No, it was coconut oil, you fools and liars.

  49. PieInTheSky

    Longshoremen in this country basically have government-granted hereditary fiefs for fake jobs that pay $200k+/year which they pass down to their kids by submitting fraudulent timesheets so the kids get union seniority

  50. The Late P Brooks

    From Sensei’s WSJ Greenhouse link:

    CEOs understandably want to avoid political risk, and many think they can do that by signing up to progressive campaigns. This is naive. Politicians like Ms. James won’t be happy until they loot companies in businesses they don’t like through lawsuits and fines.

    Say hello to President Harris, you dummies.

  51. PieInTheSky

    Bridge Bot can operate horizontally, vertically and upside down, and transition smoothly from one angle to another, just as it would need to do while monitoring a bridge. It is also capable of moving on surprisingly thin edges.

    Video source: Maryland Robotics Center

    • R.J.

      That’s cool!

      • rhywun

        Kill it!

      • Suthenboy

        Yes cool, but also a potential nightmare. Weaponizing that thing would be too easy.

    • AlexinCT

      Da Fuq?

  52. PieInTheSky

    Grocery prices relative to wages are actually lower *right now* than they were under the vast majority of the Trump presidency

    Steve Campbell
    I think you’ll find from looking at these that, sadly, this is unsurprising. It’s been a deliberate campaign to make inflation during the Biden presidency out to be a much bigger deal than it actually is.

      • AlexinCT

        You win.

    • kinnath

      Stupid or Liar or Both

      • AlexinCT


    • Suthenboy

      Socialist’s last defense: Dont believe your bank statement or that lying shit working at the grocery store. Math doesnt work.

  53. The Late P Brooks

    Just the facts

    The justices’ questions echoed one of Trump’s central lines of defense: He has argued that no one was harmed by the inflated valuations.

    And there is the baseless claim Trump wildly overstated the value of hisassets in the process of hoodwinking those poor gullible rubes over at Deutsche Bank. They just can’t help themselves. It’s what they learned in journalisming school.

    • Grumbletarian

      Look, it’s a matter of legal record that Mar A Lago is only worth about $400, not millions like that lying liar Trumpenhitler lies.

  54. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Surely feminists are roundly condemning Krugman’s slut shaming of Melania, right?

    • Common Tater

      They aren’t even condemning October 7 or males in women’s sports.

      • Suthenboy

        I am reminded of Marx’s play where at the end the protagonist is sawing madly away on a fiddle and dancing frantically while the world burns around him.
        They celebrate insanity, destruction and death.

        Are they still calling the Oct.7 horror show a false flag committed by the IDF?

  55. The Late P Brooks

    It’s been a deliberate campaign to make inflation during the Biden presidency out to be a much bigger deal than it actually is.

    Sounds like Biden is being white-knight-ed by a tendentious niggler.

    • Suthenboy

      Not ‘was’ and it IS a big deal.

  56. The Late P Brooks

    Sauer argued that in the deals in question, there were “no victims, no complaints.” But Moulton wondered, “What about deterrence?”

    Even if the transactions at issue in the Trump case “went down fine,” Moulton said, similar fraudulent conduct in the future “might not go down well, and someone would be harmed by that.”

    And if that happens, the people who cause actual harm should be held accountable. Simple, really.

    • Suthenboy

      “What about deterrence?”
      What the fuck is this guy talking about? Deterrence from what? Doing business legally and as usual? Everyone walking away happy?
      I have heard these kinds of legal arguments before. They are always structured the same “No one broke the law but what about…” , “No one is harmed but what about….”. Standard for “Fuck the law.”
      This is the kind of banana republic bullshit that pisses me off.

  57. The Late P Brooks

    Setting the record straight

    If there was an overarching theme to the interview, it was the disconnect between the two parties’ records on the economy, the public’s perception of those records and the irony that some middle-class people — including some union members — believe former President Donald Trump has a greater understanding of their struggles than the vice president.

    She’s a warm and wonderful lady who adores the middle class.

    • kinnath

      I recall my progressive coworkers whining about how those blue collar workers consistently voting against their own interests back when the lightbringer was destroying the economy.

    • Grumbletarian

      Right? After all, Trump never worked at Mickey Ds like Kammy did.