The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 33

by | Oct 9, 2024 | Hat and Hair | 59 comments

Trump got COVID and kind of sort of started to not be cucked by Fauci, but it was too little to late for Donny Twoscoops. He let that gnome gain too much power, he did that.

More COVID music

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. DEG

    This is going to be a shitshow


    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      This is going to be a shitshow.

      My standard answer to every new project proposed at work.

      I’m batting 1000.

      /I’ve been through at least 60 project managers in my 24 year career in aviation.

  2. pan fried wylie

    Decided it was trans, from what I read. And all the other clones were accepting. And called her Sister.

    To Be Fair, they WERE engineered for limited independent thought and maximum compliance.

  3. pan fried wylie

    I don’t believe Joe is sabotaging her because he’s never been subtle. Whomever’s letting him talk is is the real saboteur.

    I don’t believe Whomever has demonstrated much competence the past four years. Hanlon’s Razor.

  4. groat scotum

    You folks not on X née Twitter don’t get what a delight it is for raising hackles.

    MAGA deadenders? Oh, you tell them their godking is losing. Which he likely will. Trump doubters? Well, Trump’s up in the polls, Nevertrump neolib. Lefties? It’s a shooting gallery. Biden was your guy till two seconds ago. You still insist he’s the best thing since Kennedy (NOT THAT KENNEDY) and Harris has nothing whatsoever to do with him while she’s his biggest backer and obvious successor… and then again back at MAGA whenever DeSantis has any good news. Or Vance performs well. They lose their minds.

    It’s a golden age for trolling dummies.

    • groat scotum

      We should have restricted the vote to landowners.

    • groat scotum

      You get to have such fun with the pro-Palestinians

      Well, not really, they’re all Iranian bot/paid for accounts.

      You get to have fun making fun of them, anyway.

    • Brochettaward

      A lot of sad facts here.

      1. The pettiness of the local politicians who can’t handle public criticism that they are free to ignore.
      2. The cop for his respect my authority or else bullshit.
      3. The entire room is basically empty. No one cares about where there local tax dollars are going.
      4. The fact that so many people in government have no basic understanding or respect for the constitution.

      • Brochettaward

        Also, women, particularly white women, need to get this idea that they are special when dealing with law enforcement.

      • pan fried wylie

        The pettiness of the local politicians who can’t handle public criticism that they are free to ignore.

        But, that pol ignoring it doesn’t prevent others from hearing said criticism. Protecting their ego has to come second to protecting their phonybaloney jobs.

      • Brochettaward

        There were like three people in that audience. No news station was going to cover it. It was completely toothless. Not saying she is wasting her time for trying (though I guess I am), but they’re idiots. Getting her arrested and the resulting lawsuit are far more attention-grabbing than anything she’d say at one of these meetings.

        They’re just thin-skinned petty little tyrants.

  5. DrOtto

    Awesome cover of We Care A Lot. I have to dig up that Faith No More CD, it’s been a minute as the kids say.

  6. pan fried wylie

    Is that a picture of The View or the board of the HOA from the previous post?

    Trick Question: Hell doesn’t have HOAs, it’s all Council Housing.

  7. pan fried wylie

    Fisker now believes there is no way to transfer the information connected to each SUV to a new server not owned by the bankrupt EV startup.

    Malarky. 3k vehicles. Dump the tables to CSV and manually reformat to an acceptable input for the recipient, 1-2manhourdays, tops.

  8. pan fried wylie

    She never said she worked for McDonalds.

    Nailed it: handing out health code violations, or maybe just had somebody arrested at a McD’s?

  9. Brochettaward

    Still Firsting. Where’s Milton? Bitch ran. Go to Tampa – that city of scoundrels and seconders.

    • Brochettaward

      For I am Brochettaward – the Firstest man…in the world.

  10. Gustave Lytton

    He let that gnome gain too much power

    Blame Ronny Ray-gun. Everyone else does.

    • rhywun

      Catchy tune.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean & rhy!

      Why isn’t it Friday yet?

      ::begins to build papier-mache model demonstrating Earth’s rotation:: 😉

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! How are you today?

      • UnCivilServant

        I slept from 4pm to midnight, and have been awake since. Sure 8 hours is a good amount, but it was at the wrong time… 🙁

      • Gender Traitor

        Well…now your sleep schedule has you prepared to be…in Europe. 😕

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m not going to be in Europe. I’ve got work today and tomorrow.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Morning! I got me some 10 hours of sleep. Wasn’t feeling well and still a bit groggy but planes won’t fly themselves…yet.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, OBE! Hope you’re feeling better when you wake up completely!

  11. Ownbestenemy

    I am guessing a whole lotta “Government again overstated the impact” in the next few days. Not to say people were not affected. Appears the elventybillion storm surge was a bust (good thing), looks like 5′ or less according to NOAA NHS. Everyone was reporting it was going to be Cat 5 when it gets to land (except for a few, that nailed the predictions of Cat 3).

    I wonder if Government will ever be able to find that balance of preparedness and urgency without either completely ignoring or completely going to the extreme

    • Gender Traitor

      They’re always going to err on the side of exaggeration, just like your local TV news’s weather report will exaggerate the threat of snow (in that case, because the weather report is sponsored by Kroger.)

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        No one wants to be left holding the bag for an underestimate of severity, resulting cynicism and all that comes with that for the forecasting system be damned.

      • Ownbestenemy

        What’s with the milk and bread buying when a storm is coming?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I agree that they will err on that side but then don’t come down on folks who probably have more first hand experience in those storms or going through them and made the informed decision to stay. This “You will die if you don’t leave” comments aren’t the best and a bit over the top. Especially when you have things like the zoo sheltering in place and they aren’t told they will die.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Except Helene where they actually seemed to do just that…nevermind I guess.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Helene I think was just one of those ‘we forgot what this area does’ when a hurricane/tropical storm parks itself over the area. Lessons from 1900s were lost and a bunch of people billed the area as ‘safe from extreme weather!’

      • Gender Traitor

        The delusion that you’ll be unable to get out of your house for days as it’s buried in a snowdrift. Gotta have eggs, too – then you’re prepared to have plenty of French toast!

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ah okay. I looked at someone weird earlier in the year when we had that little snow storm and they said “Did you get your milk and bread?”

      • Chipping Pioneer

        French toast 🤮

      • slumbrew

        (it’s been a running joke in the Northeast for quite a while now)

      • Rat on a train

        “I need to get a year’s supply of toilet paper. Who knows how long I will be cut off from the world.”

    • slumbrew

      They’re in a tough position of trying predict something that’s inherently chaotic.

      I think they’re incentivized to go with most dire prediction – think of the outrage they said “it’s just a cat three” and it really was a cat five.

      Unlike many parts of government, I think the meteorologists are trying to get it right, it’s just extremely hard to do so.

      Long-term climate predictions on the other hand…

      • slumbrew

        Or what everyone else just wrote.

  12. Ownbestenemy

    On a cheerful note, I am getting my performance review today. It doesn’t matter and the points are totally made up. Its a PASS/FAIL system and in 20+ years have never seen anyone FAIL, even those under investigation or severely underperforming.

    • Rat on a train

      I’ve given up on performance reviews. I told my boss my goal is to be employed. I don’t want promotions. I realize I’m at the top of my pay potential without one. Let me know if there is anything I need to do otherwise just let me work.

    • Fourscore

      Sounds like the old army rating system. A 96 and below was not good, a 98-99 was necessary for promotion/retention.

      I once got a “Not Observed” for Sociability because I didn’t hang out at the club after work, in a combat zone. That was not a positive assessment. My work load was such I didn’t have time nor any interest in hanging out with those that did.

      Didn’t hurt in the grand scheme of things however.

      • Rat on a train

        During my time the Army NCO ratings were sane compared to the Air Force. Getting a 3 was not a problem. Giving a 1 or 5 better have a lot of documentation to back it up. The Air Force in the office said if you weren’t given top marks it was a career killer.

      • Ownbestenemy

        AF ratings were absolutely atrocious. 1-5 scale, 3 was “did your job, not a dirtbag” but Heaven forbid you didn’t get a firewall 5…so as you said and I can confirm.

        When I was an NCO, I wrote up my most basic Airmen as 3s and 4s and I had to spend the next couple of days/nights re-writting to make them 5s.

    • slumbrew

      “OBE has hit rock-bottom and has started digging”

    • Brochettaward

      Look, The Bro Firsted day and night to ward off destruction. I saved the world of seconders. I am a god damn hero. That’s why Milton fizzled.

  13. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody