Happy Little Bunnies

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 109 comments

Happy Little Bunnies

Well, it’s October, and time to start prepping for Halloween! I am going to start out in a big way with a new movie! Happy Little Bunnies (2021) was written and directed by Patrick McConnell. Who is that? I don’t know. He has a shallow back catalog of things I know nothing about, and I have yet to view all of Happy Little Bunnies.

So what is it about? Since I am watching this blind with you all, here is the summary from IMDB:

A psychotic, bunny-masked serial killer is on the prowl, carving up local perverts. Meanwhile, a disturbed young man’s therapy session takes a dark and violent turn. Is his therapist the bunny-masked killer? 

So we have a whodunit, and a pantheon of sexual perversions. What could go wrong?

Lots could go wrong. But hey! It’s a blind viewing this week. Scary, scary! For me at least. I could be chased out of here with pitchforks. I don’t think so, when I read reviewers indicating “What did I just watch?” and “I still can’t recall the series of fortunate events which led to my viewing of this film, but I am sure glad it did, because I feel like I hit the jackpot.” Perhaps we have a new favorite here.

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary, at least for now! Next week, I am back on schedule and we will all view Cemetery Man, a goth classic!

I Hate Halloween! What Else Are You Doing?

Well, you are in for a tough month. We’ll get back to westerns, spy films, all kinds of things in November. Remember, there are no rules on Thursdays! If you hate the film, you can talk about gardening or economic theory. Or anything else you want.

Bonus content! Remember Cocaine Bear? And Cocaine Shark? Now, we have CRACKOON, the story of a crack-addicted Raccoon! It opens soon! And yes, you are correct if you think we will view it as soon as it is available. BY AVAILABLE MEAN…

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    Cocaine Bear was a bit disappointing. Charlie’s Angels was crap. So maybe she just can’t direct.

    • R.J.

      I just found Meth Gator too.

    • R.J.

      Looks like I am on the road from Halloween until April. My house is on the market, looks like it’s a sure sell in a few weeks.

      • R.J.

        Beautiful and perfect choice, thank you.

  2. Common Tater

    What’s weird is that I put this movie on a USB stick, and playing on my TV the sound and subtitles are out of sync. But the same file plays fine on my computer.

    • cyto

      Probably player specific.

      I use VLC on my phone and stream from there for similar reasons.

      • Common Tater

        First time it happened. It’s a shitty player if it can’t handle H264 mp4.

  3. cyto

    My brother just got back from driving supplies to Asheville. Have not heard full report, but he says “crazy scenes up there. Semi trucks thrown a mile, cars strewn all along highway.”

    Even as stories of bureaucrats getting in the way accumulate, people are not waiting.

    A friend who grew up in Boone and who’s parents are still up there coordinated with a friend from up that way who works for Nascar. She drove a huge Nascar trailer down here to south Florida and we filled it up.

    A nearby church just sent a tractor trailer load up. Even our middle school is in the game, assigning types of supplies by grade. The wife was happy that our daughter got feminine supplies… she recently finished going through menopause and had leftover supplies from costco runs.

    Does my heart good. People are still people, even with all the crap…. and even if my wife is frustrated by all the people posting pictures of their donations on social media. Virtue signalled.

    • Drake

      Guys on Steven Murray’s podcast were speculating about the delays. Other than obvious – die white conservative rednecks and be a shame if you can’t vote – the issue of contracts came up.

      That’s where the money is and probably what the state and Feds are fighting over. The NC Guard is still waiting on order and the 82nd and 2nd Mar Div are sitting in their barracks because nobody makes money if they just go in and start fixing things.

      They clearly don’t give any fucks about the people in trouble.

      • cyto

        I was thinking the same thing.

        Politics really is all about who gets to hand out the big contracts.

        The obvious thing if you are governor is to call in the guard and any helicopters and heavy equipment they have, and order them to include any available civilian craft and pilots

      • Drake

        I’ve been seeing small civilian planes and helicopters going over this week. Today was the first time I saw a military copter a CH-46 or 47 (I could never tell the difference).

      • LCDR_Fish

        I only just thought about it this afternoon…but the fiscal year did just roll over (1 Oct) and Reserve budgets (at least) are a total mess for at least the first week of the new FY as they finalize and zero out all the accounts from the previous year.

        In that context, the timing for the storm was terrible, but the active guys in particular could have been sent up there, and under emergency Federal funding, the guard should have still be able to be activated even if it took a few extra weeks to figure out the billing.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Exactly. Respond first, then figure it out. It’s a fucking disaster, not a training exercise.

        WTF luck these idiots do if we were actually attacked? Is the fiscal year roll over the new stand-to?

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s absolutely mind blowing. On the Army side, you’ve got XVIII Airborne Corps in just about the entirety, plus most of 3ID, plus a host of miscellaneous units and soldiers, plus the training brigades, plus the NG of NC and surrounding states. There should not be a vehicle/aviation/equipment or manpower issue.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And the up to 1000 AD deployment is basically a reinforced infantry battalion.

      • dbleagle

        Big and dark green- CH-47. Smaller and gray- CH-46.

        I am not sure if the NC USMC is still flying the 46. In Hawaii they turned them all in for Ospreys.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Seen footage of Helene relief featuring Ospreys. Didn’t catch the tail numbers.


        Why aren’t they asking the president or is she out picking out which drapery to wear?

      • MikeS

        “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”

      • CPRM

        Biden doesn’t care about Black people.

        Vote Kanye/Swift 2024 or something

  4. R.J.

    I just got back, I am probably 30 minutes behind.

  5. Drake

    A man can’t get pregnant?

    • R.J.

      Well, a man can certainly LOOK pregnant. At which point a carbohydrate intervention is called for.

      • Tres Cool


      • rhywun


      • Fourscore

        Hey, I resemble that remark.

        It’s not so much the carbs as it is not burning the calories away. I do very little physical activity that the cals accumulate, making it more difficult to do the physical things that use up the cals. Circular

  6. cavalier973

    I look at how the government is dealing with NC, and think about the snotnoggins who say that libertarianism is “naive”.

    Much better to have these thieving, murderous psychopaths ruling over us.

    “If there was no government, why, there’d be ANARCHY!!”

  7. groat scotum

    Managed to secure some toilet paper ahead of the longshoreman strike. Thank God. Had to fork over ten bucks a roll to that extortionate prick, but what’s money next to bumwad security? Anyway, how’s the strike going?

    • Common Tater

      Isn’t most toilet paper domestic?

      • groat scotum

        Supposedly people were doing covid lockdown TP hoarding, but I didn’t see it at my grocery. But I was dumbfounded when it was happening during the lockdowns and I wouldn’t doubt it happens again.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


      • R.J.

        From Leo:

        Based on the provided search results, most toilet paper is made in the United States. According to the snippets, over 90% of toilet paper is manufactured in US factories (as reported by CNN). Additionally, Scott Brand, a prominent toilet paper producer, has mills located across the country, including Chester, PA, Mobile, AL, Beech Island, SC, and Jenks, OK.

        However, it’s worth noting that the pulp used to make most American toilet paper does not come from domestic sources. Instead, it’s primarily sourced from eucalyptus plantations in Brazil…

      • groat scotum

        Covid lockdown-style TP hoarding

        Points for style.

      • Common Tater

        Part of the covid shortage was due to the difference in packaging between toilet paper used in offices, factories, etc. and toilet paper sold for home use. Since people were home during the lockdowns, they weren’t taking a shit at work.

        It’s also why supermarket coffee was so cheap.

      • rhywun

        Supposedly people were doing covid lockdown TP hoarding

        Yes, the shelves were bare for weeks.

      • UnCivilServant

        Isn’t most toilet paper domestic?

        Because it’s cheap and bulky, it’s more expensive to import toilet paper than to make it locally. The vast majority is produced close to where it us used (cor cetrain values of close).

        But consumers don’t undertand and panic buy.

      • DrOtto

        “but consumers don’t understand…” consumers sound almost as dumb as most voters.

    • R.J.

      Pretty good! I just found my box of butt-wiping rags from lockdown. I can sell them for a mint!

      • groat scotum

        it’s primarily sourced from eucalyptus plantations in Brazil

        Actually kinda wow.

      • groat scotum

        SFd, we used to call this, I think?

        I am SF the white.

      • groat scotum

        Eucalyptus? You can lyp tus DICK MO’ FUCKA EYYYYYYYY

      • groat scotum

        I’m betting there’s two dozen Australian dril rappers with those exact lyrics to their name.

    • trshmnstr

      It’s unfortunate timing for us. Our 6 month supply just ran out. I keep trying to explain to my wife that we need a 12 month supply to start and then replenish every 6 months, but she’s not yet in full out prepper mode. Maybe when she’s wiping with a poison ivy plant in 2 weeks, she’ll come around.

      • R.J.

        I have clean, lightly used butt-wiping rags. $10 a piece.

      • Fourscore

        Just set a TP level and refill it to that level as required. Paper towels, detergent, hand soap, tooth paste. The expendables we use very day.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, we maintain a par level of probably 20 things, at least. For TP and paper towels, it a big shrink wrap (don’t know how many units) unopened, plus the one we are pulling from. When the one on top runs out, I get another one.

    • creech

      Hey, I just bought a six month supply of bananas!

  8. DrOtto

    Re EZrag from the ded thread- back in the early 2000’s we went to a friends wedding in Denver. We did not have the local flavor of EZ tag and the other option for the Denver toll roads at the time was to put a bill into an automated machine. I had spent all my small bills tipping at the bar during the wedding and only had $100s in my wallet. The machine stated it did not give change – my solution? I got out of the car and dropped trow in front of the camera that was supposed to catch toll runners’ license plates. I then had the wife pull forward till the camera flashed. I then got in the vehicle and continued on my way. All they got for their trouble was a picture of my starfish.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I drove on the toll road in Denver ten years and never received a bill from the rental company. Usually they’re pretty good about billing those. No mooning involved.

    • cyto

      Whether that actually happened or not, it is hilarious.

      • DrOtto

        I assure you, it happened. My wife would very begrudgingly attest to it.

  9. Gustave Lytton

    1) TFRs for POTUS/VPotus aren’t new. Press secretaries always defend their principals not wading into the middle of disasters because they get in the way of everything and hamper actual work. Of course part of it is the imperial presidency and phalanx of security (that is paper thin in the case of one presidential candidate).

    2) chicken Big Mac is already in Canada. Do better McDonalds. Surprised they didn’t jump straight to the Samurai Mac.

  10. R.J.

    ….And the strike is over?

      • R.J.

        Sixty-two percent wage increase. Meh. It’ll do.

      • cyto

        “after the White House privately and publicly pressed the large shipping lines and cargo terminal operators who employ the longshore workers to make a new offer to the union.”

      • UnCivilServant

        My settlement offer –

        The Union is dissolved but currently employed longshoremen retain protection from termination until 2030.

        Foreign port operators must sell to a US entity, and no strategic infrastructure may be owned or operated by a foreign entity.

        Automation is encouraged.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Just seize the steel mills, President Truman.

      • UnCivilServant

        Folks like you would sell your future for short term gain.

    • Suthenboy

      I couldn’t figure out why the strike now, h ow does it benefit the D’s. They pulled the chaos thing last time so it is no surprise but why this?
      Ah…the numbers. Even their lies about the numbers on unemployment, inflation, etc are looking bad. The strike would throw all of that into chaos and they can dodge responsibility. Muddy the waters so badly that no one can figure out what is going on with the economy.
      They must have figured out they were shooting themselves in the dick AGAIN and are laying off of that strategy. I dont think it is going to make any difference. The hurricane response is looking pretty bad.

  11. creech

    Mets v. Phillies. Wonder what the over/under is on number of fans bludgeoned to death while in the other team’s stadium?

  12. Q Continuum

    Given that it’s Halloween month, I wanted to get people’s take on the Terrifier series. I’m not much of a horror fan, but there’s such an uproar over these movies that I feel like I should go ahead and watch them.

    • R.J.

      I actually did those last year at Bro’s request. You can see everyone’s take on them. I’ll catch you in the new thread.

  13. groat scotum

    Cher’s a dude.

    How’d it take me so long to realize this.

    • groat scotum

      It’s so obvious.

      There’s nothing I can say to quiet the fact that I didn’t realize it before now.

      • CPRM

        That video was after EXTENSIVE plastic surgery, and her and Sonny had a trans kid, so might have influenced menu choices for the revamp.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Even Cher can’t turn back time.

      • dbleagle

        Despite the sailor’s excitement she doesn’t cry “It’s a man baby!” in this video.


        Released shortly before Desert Shield started.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I am still shocked that the USN approved filming of the video.

      • Suthenboy

        Ehhh…dont worry about it. There have been a few whispers over the years always met with the usual naivety – “Nooooo. That can’t be!”

      • R.J.

        And she killed Sonny to keep her secret safe!

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah……even when I was young and naive there was a voice in the back of my head that said ‘somethin’ ain’t right here’.
      The voice…the build….the stereotype behavior and views….
      Whodathunk ‘ol Sonny….well, never mind. Not my business.

  14. groat scotum

    My God he looks like Noel Fielding! Who am I meant to believe, his battleship prow jawline or my own eyes?

      • Sean

        Mornin, UCS.


      • UnCivilServant


        I was actually wondering about a comment I had made earlier that appears to have disappeared into the ether(net)

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, Suthen, and Ted’S.!

      This week at work has been all about trying to fix other people’s screw-ups. My boss and our new CFO had to figure out how to fix the accounting for a perfectly good loan (and a payment for same) that was mistakenly charged off so that we’re not reporting it as such on our quarter-end reports. And yesterday I discovered that the payroll processor tried to submit employer 401(k) contributions for three brand new employees who won’t be eligible for them for more than a year. 🤦‍♀️

      • UnCivilServant

        Do they often extend benefits to ineligable people?

      • Gender Traitor

        This is the first time they’ve tried to do so for brand new hires. Once they submitted a contribution in late December for an employee who wasn’t eligible until January 1. We had to process a “mini-payroll” the last week of the year to undo that one before it showed up on his W-2. 😳

        The gal who handles our 401(k) stuff at the payroll processor said she’s going to talk to IT to try to figure out how this latest goof happened. Typical HR to blame IT, amirite?

      • UnCivilServant

        Users often blame the computer for their own mistakes.

        Most of the time, when given comperable instructions, the computer performs comperable tasks. Someone told the computer either through direct action or failure to act, that it should process contributions for these employees. A complicated enough and customized piece of software could compensate for this tpe of use error (enforcing eligability dates unless explicitly overridden with approvals), but then you get into situations where you have software that is so customized that it gets so expensive to upgrade that it is postponed, and before you know it, the software is old enough to drink.

      • Gender Traitor

        In their (slight) defense, we don’t use the same retirement investment company that the payroll processor uses for most of their other clients, so they wouldn’t be familiar with the specific eligibility rules for our smallish (< 100) group. Still, this hasn't happened before, so what was different this time?

      • UnCivilServant

        If you’re managing payroll deductions and contributions for benefits for multiple groups, I’d expect you to have documentation of all of the eligibility rules for any given client, regardless of size. I suspect whoever entere dor processed the transactions didn’t reference the rules and went on autopilot for a different client.

  15. Suthenboy

    Somewhere around here I have a collection of Sam Clemens essays. After he gained fame and fortune he began to rub elbows with the rich, powerful, artistocratic etc…the hoity toities. His invites to all of the right cocktail partiers fell off sharply after he wrote an essay on his observations.
    In a nutshell: The ‘upper crust’ is composed of the stupidest, vilest kinds of people. They are all grifters and violent thieves who care about nothing but their own enrichment and aggrandizement. They are the lowest of the low.
    It was true 150 years ago and it is true today. When I read history about this one and that one and how bad they were we, as Americans, tend to think of ourselves as somehow better than that. Yet the people running things here today are as bad as anyone you read about in history going back to the beginning of time.

  16. Evan from Evansville

    Hello, all. I got a verbal warning at work yesterday, though I’m not too concerned. I’ve made three documented fuck-ups, not with donors, but with machinery that means their plasma couldn’t be used. Donors still get paid up to $100 for their time. (Legit, good business strat.) We have to be at 98% minimum or Bad Things. I got the plasma and other shit mixed up. They aren’t supposed to mix.
    Two were on the same day, and I think that was a day I was a bit Off. I think it was the first time I was ‘In Charge’ of my own 6-person “pod.” I’m gonna see if I can verify that, as it may help in my favor, though not others. (I don’t throw folk under the bus until the bridge is burned. I can’t really recall ever doing that as an adult, though. In my back pocket just in case. Displays bad training. Yuck, I have less than a 2% of doing that.

    Some phleb co-workers actually told me they were praising me out loud, though I don’t know to whom. (Some) Donors have as well. I actually told a dude yesterday: “I’m a lot less ‘stabby’ than the others, ain’t I?” with appropriate tongue-in-cheek, nothing close to naming names. The other (younger) Trainees who’ve been there are not where I’m at, and most haven’t lasted. There’s a reason we applied and are hired. It’s a crazy gig to get experience and the 21 and 24 yo chicks working my gig are…not me. Onward and upward: Here’s to my 7:30-6:30 shift. I’m quietly confident today will go really well. Fire under my ass tends to motivate me to NOT fuck up.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, EfE! Hope your work day goes well!

    • Ownbestenemy

      Just slow it down, get back to basics and you’ll be alight. Really glad to hear of your tales Evan. Now get out there and make that all-mighty penny!

  17. Ownbestenemy

    Gustave Lytton on October 4, 2024 at 2:41 am
    Seen footage of Helene relief featuring Ospreys. Didn’t catch the tail numbers.

    Look, there is already enough death and destruction in the area…we don’t need those up there too.

  18. Ownbestenemy

    This is not the time for the right-wing media to slip into storm-doom-porn. Hurricane Kirk is predicted to sweep north in mid-Atlantic but articles are writing “ANOTHER ONE!”

    • UnCivilServant

      Just paint some green women on the side of a remote controlled boat and you’ll lure it wherever you want.

      • cavalier973

        *polite chuckle*

  19. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody

      • Tres Cool

        moar caffeine ?

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